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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JSON形式を判定するツール(Python) https://qiita.com/neomi/items/f0bfbaabc7598febba2f 面倒 2022-05-31 22:38:34
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【MediaPipe】Hand Trackingで両手を正しく認識させたい https://qiita.com/KO0201/items/4e08e417515eef943785 handtracking 2022-05-31 22:24:17
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GASで重たい処理中にローディング表示する https://qiita.com/yosoyalumno/items/cbf1e91c2ab6510c38ff 呼び出し 2022-05-31 22:34:02
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【TypeScript】オブジェクトの仕様と型について https://qiita.com/penpen22/items/bda7eca02432ca4cbe6c functionshallowcopy 2022-05-31 22:33:52
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita お店探しのWebARを作りました。(フロントサイド編) https://qiita.com/KarT1994/items/bb3224283e6213b2c0d0 webar 2022-05-31 22:23:44
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita webページを自動でスクロールするためのブックマークレット https://qiita.com/Cappuccino8080/items/4ac32a5b320d0b1fc03a 作ってみた 2022-05-31 22:21:21
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【RSpec / Rails】サポートモジュールで結合テストコードの記述を短くする(ログイン動作をまとめる) https://qiita.com/study_matome/items/6965ab99a1a4539f8f06 rails 2022-05-31 22:40:38
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】結合テストコードの書き方(新規登録に関するテストコード) https://qiita.com/study_matome/items/bb396a58d6bf78c5968f rails 2022-05-31 22:28:37
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails/System Spec/Capybara】結合テストコードを書くときによく使う表現 一例 https://qiita.com/study_matome/items/836691b6242dbdd5dcb9 railssystemspeccapybara 2022-05-31 22:14:52
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AZ-305 Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions 認定資格 を取得しました https://qiita.com/ttuser/items/766864aad11b6dcfa2dd microsofta 2022-05-31 22:31:20
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 差分なしcommitをする方法 https://qiita.com/MoriKeigoYUZU/items/c13e8bfcf1e525986959 mitallowemptycommitmess 2022-05-31 22:21:25
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【RSpec / Rails】サポートモジュールで結合テストコードの記述を短くする(ログイン動作をまとめる) https://qiita.com/study_matome/items/6965ab99a1a4539f8f06 rails 2022-05-31 22:40:38
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】結合テストコードの書き方(新規登録に関するテストコード) https://qiita.com/study_matome/items/bb396a58d6bf78c5968f rails 2022-05-31 22:28:37
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails/System Spec/Capybara】結合テストコードを書くときによく使う表現 一例 https://qiita.com/study_matome/items/836691b6242dbdd5dcb9 railssystemspeccapybara 2022-05-31 22:14:52
技術ブログ Developers.IO ParrelSyncを使ってUnityで簡単に複数インスタンス起動できました(マルチプレイヤーテストに便利) https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/trying_out_parrel_sync_for_unity/ parrelsync 2022-05-31 13:44:45
技術ブログ Developers.IO Terraform version 1.2新機能まとめ https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/terraform-version-1-2/ postcondition 2022-05-31 13:33:14
技術ブログ Developers.IO [アップデート]ServiceCatalogがAWS CDKのサポートを開始しました! https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/service-catalog-supports-aws-cdk/ servicecatalo 2022-05-31 13:29:00
技術ブログ Developers.IO [小ネタ] 複数のプラットフォームで terraform initする際の注意点 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/multiplatform-terraform-init-lock/ inomasoinomasosan 2022-05-31 13:19:51
技術ブログ Developers.IO Amazon Connect の同時通話数が上限に達した場合にどういう挙動になるのか検証してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/amazon-connect-service-limits-active-calls/ amazon 2022-05-31 13:13:34
技術ブログ Developers.IO 【レポート】AWS でのゲームエンジン積極活用手法のご紹介(AWS-30) #AWSSummit https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aws-summit-japan-online-2022-aws-30/ awsawssummit 2022-05-31 13:13:06
技術ブログ Developers.IO サーベイから発生した組織課題を可視化する https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/visualize-organization-improvement-from-survey/ 管理ツール 2022-05-31 13:08:44
技術ブログ Developers.IO 大きく機能が変わるReact Router v6.4 Pre-releaseをためしてみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/react-router-v64-preview/ reactrouter 2022-05-31 13:03:11
海外TECH Ars Technica The Internet needs to stop getting excited by vaporware EVs https://arstechnica.com/?p=1857185 evsit 2022-05-31 13:05:41
海外TECH MakeUseOf Is Parler Back Online? https://www.makeuseof.com/is-parler-back-online/ online 2022-05-31 13:45:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf The 10 Best Canva Projects for Kids to Try https://www.makeuseof.com/best-canva-projects-for-kids/ canva 2022-05-31 13:30:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf PowerA Fusion Pro 2 Midnight Shadow: Elite Controls in Your Hands https://www.makeuseof.com/powera-fusion-pro-2-wired-controller-xbox-series-xs-review/ elite 2022-05-31 13:05:13
海外TECH DEV Community Confessing some regretful stuff I did on my programming journey https://dev.to/ironcladdev/confessing-some-regretful-stuff-i-did-on-my-programming-journey-2nh Confessing some regretful stuff I did on my programming journeyI m a site moderator on replit fighting the bad guys and enforcing the rules but it wasn t always so Before that I did some stuff I truly regret that will always make me cringe I kind of feel like I should write them down Some of them aren t related to programming but still are pretty stupid Let s not do these stuff y all Discord NitroIt s not worth it to get discord nitro especially if you re trying to get it for free It s gotten me into so much trouble About a year ago EpicGames was giving away discord nitro for free but you had to enter your card details At that time I didn t have a card with which to make a payment Some people found a youtuber who exposed his credentials so Not knowing any better I used them the card was disabled only to get a bloody pink diamond right next to my profile for a few months Despite some people telling me they wanted to follow the law I still did it only opening the gates to some worse events that should happen BookmarkletOne of my friends that was saying he didn t want to use the exposed credentials to get nitro stood his ground and did the right thing Shortly after that someone gave me a bookmarklet that claimed to give your account discord s nitro plan Not knowing any better I thought I d use it to gift it to the guy who was following the law Little did I know that it would destroy my entire account It hit me really hard the person who gave me the bookmarklet used my account and got me banned from a majority of servers did the unimaginable with it direct messaged all my friends the nitro bookmarklet and had his way Luckily I was able to recover since people knew I wouldn t do stuff like that Just know never to click a bookmarklet no matter what it looks like unless you made it SelfbotsI had just figured out how to use authentication cookies and send requests to be able to control and run an automated account on Khan Academy which obviously is against their terms of service I created a few accounts that impersonated some others some that even wrote ban threats and worse I decided that I needed a few hundred accounts to actually do something That s when the next part comes in Mass Account GenerationI helped the same guy who destroyed my discord account to mass generate accounts on Khan Academy Taking a look back I cannot believe how stupid I was to actually even get into communication with such an evil person again In khan academy an account would be in a locked state until it earned enough energy points Until then it wouldn t be able to comment share projects etc We used replit to create some bypassing tools since we could set up nodeJS and python servers there A few of us worked on building mass generation tools things that could bypass even email verification and do many more things I thought I d take a few accounts to make a few helpful tools but things got sour everyone turned on each other and I was threatened of something worse than having my discord account hacked and later figured out that my friend got doxxed and I almost did as well We generated around accounts It truly is nasty looking back at what an idiot I was back a year ago After this I went offline for about two months and took a break from programming This was too much Here we go againI participated in a codejam hosted by replit the largest competition I d participated in with over participants It was an amazing experience but there was one part that I did in the dark To get one of my posts trending I created a proxy browser and generated two false accounts in there to upvote my post Creating a proxy browser is against the rules on there and generating accounts is in direct violation of their terms of service I was a pretty terrible person back then eh One thing I ll say to all you programmers is follow the Terms of Service of websites and tools you use I used to break and bend them but now I m enforcing them It really isn t fun looking back at the bad stuff you ve done Let s start out and stay good Happy coding y all 2022-05-31 13:52:07
海外TECH DEV Community Memphis.dev and Apache Kafka https://dev.to/saar_memphis/memphisdev-and-apache-kafka-3h67 Memphis dev and Apache Kafka What is Memphis dev what is Apache Kafka and what are the strength and weaknesses of each frameworkLet s start The complete comparison table is at the bottom What is Memphis dev A distributed message broker designed and constructed to make developers lives who work around event driven software incredibly easier with event level observability and troubleshooting tools memphis dev started as a fork of nats io project since written in GoLang and creating its own stream on top Memphis dev uses the same paradigm as Apache Kafka of produce consume Memphis dev Important objectsBrokerFactoriesStationsProducersConsumers Consumer groupsUICLIKubernetesMemphis dev flowMemphis robust version deployed over Kubernetes using helm chart With Memphis deployment also deployed is the UI which provides the user with complete control over the entire Memphis cluster Compared to other terminologies like topics and queues Memphis has stations that are grouped under factories Apps produce write and consume read data to and from stations To scale the performance and redundancy of consumers in a super easy manner several consumers of the same kind can be grouped within the same consumer group Messages remain in the station until they hit the defined retention defined at station creation but will be consumed exactly once by the same consumer group Persistency Where data is being saved Memory ーHigher performance higher cost redundant for up to two failed brokers File ーLower performance lower cost redundant for an entire cluster breakdown Both are replicated across the brokers as defined by the user Redundancy HACluster mode ーMade by multiple brokers min Data is replicated across brokers Redundant across AZs Standalone ーMade by a single broker What is Apache Kafka Apache Kafka is a distributed event store and stream processing platform It is an open source system developed by the Apache Software Foundation written in Java and Scala Well known and nd most popular event store in the world after RabbitMQ Apache Kafka Important playersConsumer Consumer groupsProducerKafka connectTopic and topic partitionKafka streamsBrokerZookeeper Will be moved soon Apache Kafka flowApache Kafka is one of the most mature message brokers in the market Producers send a message record to a topic A topic is a category or feed name to which records are published Consumers subscribe to a topic and pull messages from it In Kafka messages remain in the topic also if they were consumed limit time is defined by retention policy Heavy memory consumer for performance Persistency Where data is being saved MemoryFile log files Redundancy HAKafka does it by using Zookeeper to manage the state of the cluster In version KRaft will be available for production use and remove the need for Zookeeper Bottom lineApache Kafka has a strong maturity and large community as well as battle tested against large workloads and distributed environments but it comprises multiple technical challenges in both ops developer onboarding troubleshooting and cost Memphis dev has a much smaller yet a growing community and less documentation but eliminates almost completely the need for operations and tunings developers can onboard autonomously run on any Kubernetes and comes with observability and troubleshooting features that make it loveable by devs who are starting their way through the forests of event driven and real time Comparison TableThanks for reading 2022-05-31 13:30:40
海外TECH DEV Community Enable Autocomplete for boto3 in VSCode https://dev.to/aws-builders/enable-autocomplete-for-boto3-in-vscode-3jb4 Enable Autocomplete for boto in VSCodeOne of the less pleasant aspects of working with AWS using Python is the fact that most IDEs aren t able to natively support Autocomplete or IntelliSense for the AWS SDK for Python boto because of the way boto is implemented Today I m going to show you how easy it has become to enable Autocomplete for boto in VSCode Before we come to the solution let s talk about why native Autocomplete doesn t work with boto Usually the Autocomplete functionality relies on performing static code analysis on the existing code and the installed dependencies This means it analyzes the code without executing it Here is the problem If you look at the Python code installed when you run pip install boto you ll have trouble finding all the API methods you can use The reason is that the API methods and data structures are only shipped as JSON documents Not all of them ship with boto You can find the majority in the underlying botocore library The data directory in the boto package only contains the definitions for the resource API Here s an example from the DynamoDB API in the botocore module These documents are only parsed when boto or botocore are used i e imported and instantiated somewhere The SDK then constructs the methods and classes based on the JSON definition From a technical perspective this is pretty cool because you can update the SDK by changing the definition files But it also has a few drawbacks When you first instantiate the clients or resources there is a performance penalty because the parsing needs to happen and the data structures must be created That s usually a one time penalty because they re cached in memory The more significant drawback is that Autocomplete can t discover these structures because they only exist in a running program not something static code analysis can help with So what are we going to do about this Fortunately some clever and dedicated people have created a solution that is now easy to use The boto stubs module Github can be used to enable Autocomplete The relatively new VSCode extension for boto makes using the library simpler than ever Let s dive in First we ll create a working directory with a new virtual environment mkdir boto autocomplete amp amp cd boto autocompletepython m venv venv Activate the newly created environmentsource venv bin activatepip install boto Create an empty python scripttouch aws script py Open the directory using vscodecode Now you should see VSCode in front of you and we re going to start by adding some boilerplate code to the aws script py import botodef dynamodb fun table boto resource dynamodb Table demotable response table get item Key PK abc SK def def main dynamodb fun if name main main Next it s time to install the boto VSCode Plugin which you can do by navigating here and hitting the Install button It should take a few seconds and the extension is installed We need to open the command palette Cmd Shift P and start the Quickstart menu to complete the setup A menu pops up and in the bottom right corner we ll want to click the Install button which does all the necessary preparations After a few seconds a menu shows up to select which services we ll use I ve been a bit excessive and selected all of them which means the setup takes a little bit longer You ll see another menu with the progress bar and will have to wait a little bit for the tool to do its magic In the background it will install many packages one for every service you selected These packages contain stubs for the API methods This means they install modules with all the classes that a classic implementation would have just without the business logic Here is an example again from DynamoDB As you can see here the methods are empty but have the correct parameters and type hints to help with static code analysis This is all we need to do Now we can use the Autocomplete functionality as we re used to It should usually pop out automatically if that doesn t work try Ctrl Space and you should see something like this It provides data types and a link to the documentation as well What I like even more is that it also supports Autocompletion for the responses from the API That s useful and I don t need to refer to the docs quite as often This fails where custom payloads are involved such as in the Item property of the response Under the hood it uses typed dictionaries for this These were added to Python in version a handy feature that I had overlooked Let s see which dependencies the extension installed for us by running pip freeze gt requirements txt Here s an excerpt boto boto stubs botocore botocore stubs jmespath mypy boto accessanalyzer postmypy boto account postmypy boto acm post My requirements txt now has more than lines which seems a bit excessive mainly because we don t need all these mypy packages in production If we just focus on Autocompletion we can safely omit them Filter out mypy boto and stubs packagespip freeze grep v mypy boto grep v stubs gt requirements txtThese Mypy packages can do a lot more though we can also create type hints for our data structures with them but that makes potentially bundling our packages for use in Lambda a bit more complex and I haven t found a good solution for that yet so we ll omit it for now Maybe a tale for another time To summarize I ve shown you how you can enable Autocompletion for boto in VSCode using the correct extension and packages I also explained why boto and botocore don t lend themselves to static code analysis out of the box and which steps the stubs library takes to mitigate this shortcoming during development Hopefully you ve learned something For any questions feedback or concerns feel free to reach out to me via the social media channels listed in my bio ーMaurice 2022-05-31 13:16:39
海外TECH DEV Community Top 7 React Development Companies in 2022 https://dev.to/pankajdas0909/top-7-react-development-companies-in-2022-m1m Top React Development Companies in For the correct reasons React development has become a popular topic in the world of web and mobile app development React is a popular framework among both corporations and programmers React is now being used by Dropbox for their development activities as well The company s developers understood the advantages of this dynamic framework such as Virtual DOM and community assistance among others This is just another indicator for the React platform and it indicates that the framework s potential extends beyond simple mobile and web application development As of the year the majority of software engineers throughout the globe are using React rather than jQuery as their primary web framework according to Statista There are several React development firms throughout the globe which makes it even more difficult to pick the best one for your next React project since there are so many options Here is a list of the best React development firms so that you can make an informed choice Bosc Tech labsWhen you bring your concept to Bosc Tech labs they ll turn it into reality Their highly skilled team has been designing complicated web apps using React for more than a decade At a very reasonable cost they ll assist you to nurture your concept Bosc Tech s UI UX engineers do thorough market research before creating precise wireframes They believe in long term relationships with the clients Their team never compromise with the code quality and always delivers the required results within time frame You have can smoothly hire React developers from Bosc Tech who will dedicatedly work on development of your project Bosc Tech labs assists their clients in getting access to of IT talent from independent software professionals Different businesses hire them for static dynamic blogging website development CMS development web application and software development Website Core Services Web Development Mobile App Development React Development Android amp iOS App Development Flutter App Development Enterprise Mobility Ecommerce App Development Location USA India Company Strength Hourly Rate ー USD Project Size Groovy Web LLPTheir mobile app and web development services are among the best in the industry Every product is created with the highest attention to detail and enthusiasm and they make sure that it meets its intended purpose All that matters to them is completing the task at hand and doing it on schedule In a few months they ve worked with more than pleased customers on more than projects and their client retention rate continues to rise year after year With cutting edge technology skills engaging designs and unmatched quality they think they can help organizations across a wide range of industries establish unique business solutions Entrepreneurs of all sizes from startups to established corporations who approach them with their needs can expect assistance in reaching new heights broadening their audience increasing the scope of their offerings as well as building a large customer base through the use of their high quality and affordable services Website Core Services Web Development Mobile app Development Location India USA Australia Company Strength Hourly Rate gt Project Size NeoITOThey have a long history of assisting founders reach multi million dollar valuations and delivering turnkey enterprise grade solutions to their clients something they take great pride in continuing Some of the world s largest corporations including Facebook LinkedIn IKEA and Ubisoft have embraced their lightning fast products They have an advantage over the competition because of their ability to deliver a unique combination of enterprise level experience and startup style product creation This helps them obtain a better grasp of the client s culture and company so they can offer goods that connect with their target customers For entrepreneurs it is a technological partner that can help them realize the full potential of their ideas and help build the future Website Core Services Web development Mobile app development IOT Cloud Services Location UK India Norway Utah Company Strength Hourly Rate ー USD Project Size Magneto IT SolutionsCustomers benefit from the world class services provided by Magneto IT Solutions They are a pioneering react development solutions supplier for a variety of organizations located all over the country and they have locations all over the country They assist their clients to achieve their company goals in an effective and efficient manner by providing completely tailored solutions to meet those objectives The specialists provide solutions that are both efficient in terms of cost and high in terms of quality therefore providing the consumers with the highest possible degree of satisfaction Website Core Services Web development Mobile app development Enterprise App Development Location USA UK India Australia Saudi Arabia Bahrain Company Strength Hourly Rate ー USD Project Size Zealous SystemA leading software and online development company Zealous System has extensive experience developing mobile apps for both iOS and Android as well as the newest technologies including Swift Kotlin Java Flutter Xamarin Ionic and the React Native framework They are firm believers in teamwork and mutual growth They are committed to coding your success which is why they use agile approaches in all of their customers projects Website Core Services Web development Mobile app development Software Development Ecommerce Development Location India USA Australia Canada New Zealand Namibia Company Strength Hourly Rate lt USD Project Size SPEC INDIASPEC INDIA has been in business for more than three decades They specialize in custom software development web and mobile app development BI amp analytics solutions automation amp security testing legacy software migration product engineering and IoT solutions among other areas of expertise They have a staff of more than consultants that are dedicated to providing their customers with high quality solutions It has been a year journey that has allowed them to gain expertise in a wide range of industries from retail and FMCG to sales and distribution to healthcare shipping and logistics to energy and utilities Customers are always at the top of their priority list thanks to SPEC s Vibrant workforce and Customer First Approach Website Core Services Custom software development Mobile app development Web development Enterprise Mobility Location India USA Company Strength Hourly Rate ー USD Project Size ClearSummitIn addition to front end mobile app and online platform development ClearSummit also offers customers back end development and user experience user interface design services They specialize in rapid prototype creation as well as a full scale app web server and platform development From alpha to beta to complete and scalable public releases they ensure that their customers are set up with the best quality design and engineering from beginning to end For established goods they provide consultation and development services as well Website Core Services Software development Web Development Mobile Software Development Location USA Company Strength Hourly Rate ー USD Project Size Conclusion In today s era there are a great number of companies that offer to give the services yet it is quite difficult to trust them To put things into perspective and bring some light to the issue the companies mentioned above possess the talent and are known for the quality of their work 2022-05-31 13:14:18
海外TECH DEV Community Full React Course - Learn Fundamentals, Hooks, Context API, React Router, Custom Hooks https://dev.to/wenura/full-react-course-learn-fundamentals-hooks-context-api-react-router-custom-hooks-30m4 hooks 2022-05-31 13:04:02
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Gamevice reveals new cloud-focused gamepads for iPhone, iPad https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/31/gamevice-reveals-new-cloud-focused-gamepads-for-iphone-ipad?utm_medium=rss Gamevice reveals new cloud focused gamepads for iPhone iPadGamevice has released an updated controller lineup for iPhone and Lightning based iPads The Gamevice controller wraps around your deviceThe original Gamevice controller system introduced the concept of wrapping a controller around an iPhone or iPad and now the company has returned with updated products The first devices in its cloud gaming focused lineup include controllers for iPad iPhone and Android phones Read more 2022-05-31 13:56:50
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Compared: Safari vs. Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Edge on macOS in 2022 https://appleinsider.com/inside/safari/vs/compared-safari-vs-chrome-vs-firefox-vs-edge-on-macos-in-2022?utm_medium=rss Compared Safari vs Chrome vs Firefox vs Edge on macOS in The most popular browsers on macOS are Safari Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge and each have their specialties Here s how the four stack up on macOS Safari vs Chrome vs Firefox vs Edge on macOS compared The truth is the perfect browser doesn t exist Each of the four most popular macOS browsers has its own set of strengths and weaknesses just based on the engine that s used for web rendering and what the developers of the big four have prioritized Read more 2022-05-31 13:13:42
海外TECH Engadget What we bought: My first tube amp… about 20 years late https://www.engadget.com/fender-blues-jr-tube-amp-irl-133040915.html?src=rss What we bought My first tube amp…about years lateI got my first guitar in the seventh grade Had a couple of bands in high school and college And I still play regularly But I m somewhat embarrassed to admit that I only just bought my first tube amp in April of last year That s right I played guitar somewhat seriously for around years before I went and bought what is considered by many mostly obnoxious purists the only kind of amp worth playing Eventually I set my sights on a Fender Blues Jr a simple watt x amp Specifically I managed to snag a gorgeous Tweed model used for It was too good of a deal to pass up even if I did have to drive into New Jersey to pick it up Now before you all freak out it s not that I ve never played a tube amp before My bands often rented a rehearsal space where I was usually playing through Marshall half stack A JCM if I remember correctly but I d be lying if I said I cared about anything other than the fact that it was a Marshall half stack at the age of In addition to sounding great glowing vacuum tubes look great Terrence O Brien EngadgetWhen it was time for me to go out and upgrade from my tiny Yamaha practice amp I just got the loudest thing I could afford at the time a x watt Crate solid state amp I needed something that could be heard over a drummer in my basement or in a small club It did exactly what I expected it to It was delightfully crisp and clean took pedals well and it was loud That was my only amp for many years But being w it didn t really do “quiet Even with the volume at one it was enough to piss off the neighbors So when I had my first child I knew I needed to get something else Again budget and volume were important turns out kids are expensive But instead of being loud this time I needed something that would sound good at levels that wouldn t disturb a sleeping baby So I snagged a Yamaha THR on sale But over the last few years I d started getting serious about music again And in particular over the last two years I d rekindled my love of guitar Between that and what I m going to chalk up to pandemic restlessness I started looking to upgrade to an actual tube amp I ended up settling on the Blues Jr in part because I still needed something that didn t get too loud But I also didn t need anything terribly fancy I wanted tube warmth and crunch at a reasonable price and without too many bells and whistles While it took me a while to find the amp s sweet spots I m a convert I now primarily use my THR late at night or if I need to be mobile say shooting a review in my dining room But otherwise I m firing up the Blues Jr everytime It can do the jangly clean tones often associated with Fender at lower volumes and get an almost Vox ish crunch when cranked I rarely use the “Fat switch which boosts the mids but I could see it being handy if you re relying entirely on the internal drive and need to take a solo Terrence O Brien EngadgetThe only real amenity you get is a spring reverb which sounds pretty great Cranking it introduces a decent amount of noise to your signal but it really nails those drippy surf tones Importantly for me it has a master volume knob which not all amps do That allows you to push the preamp until you start to get some delicious breakup while keeping things at a level that won t get the cops involved But it gets loud enough for gigging too in case I ever decide to play music in front of other humans again highly unlikely The biggest selling point though was that it s also a pretty solid pedal platform As a guitarist with more effects than talent I needed something that wasn t going to get too muddy or noisy as I started stacking multiple delays and reverbs with fuzz The Fender Blues Jr has been around since about And while it has undergone multiple revisions in that time its core character remains largely unchanged Honestly I wish I had discovered it earlier Because while I ve fallen in love with plenty of instruments and effects over the years this is the first amp that I ve been truly enamored with 2022-05-31 13:30:40
海外TECH Engadget Watch NASA's Mars helicopter complete a record-setting flight https://www.engadget.com/nasa-mars-helicopter-ingenuity-flight-video-131524301.html?src=rss Watch NASA x s Mars helicopter complete a record setting flightNASA s Ingenuity helicopter is still pushing boundaries long after its first Mars liftoff As CNETnotes the space agency has shared video of Ingenuity s milestone th flight on April th when it broke duration and speed records The robotic helicopter flew at MPH for just over two minutes and seconds providing footage of the Red Planet s rippling sands and rock fields as part of the foot journey The footage you see below was sped up to cut the viewing time to seconds The video doesn t include the very start and end of the trip but for good reason The navigation camera switches off whenever Ingenuity is within three feet of the Martian surface to prevent dust from interfering with the navigation system The autonomous flier receives flight plans from JPL but it uses a combination of the camera a laser rangefinder and an inertial measurement unit to adapt to real life conditions Ingenuity has flown three times since It s currently preparing for a th flight following a brief scare in early May when the mission team lost communication after the helicopter switched to a low power state NASA isn t easily deterred then ーexpect the aircraft to keep flying for a while to come 2022-05-31 13:15:24
海外TECH Engadget West Pest is an affordable and experimental semimodular synth https://www.engadget.com/cre8audio-west-pest-west-coast-semimodular-synth-130059730.html?src=rss West Pest is an affordable and experimental semimodular synthIt s only been a couple of weeks since CreAudio unveiled its first self contained synth But the company is back already with a companion to the East Beast called the West Pest As the name implies this is a West Coast style synth made to complement the Beast s east coast flavor nbsp Just like the Beast this is an analog semi modular synth built in collaboration with Pittsburg Modular It has a point patch bay a one octave keyboard a step sequencer an arpeggiator and a quot digital multi function tool quot that can be an extra envelope LFO or a random generator nbsp In fact the two have more in common than not Physically they re nearly identical but with slightly different control layouts and graphics And they re both just which is stunningly affordable for an analog modular synth nbsp Of course what separates the West Pest from its sibling is its core sound and design features Its main oscillator is described as quot buzzy quot and instead of a filter to shave off harmonics it has a wave folder to add more Rather than a traditional envelope and filter combo the Pest has a Dynamics Controller module that combines the functions of an envelope generator VCA and a low pass filter which sounds more or less like a low pass gate And there s a generative sequencing function for getting truly unpredictable with your bleeps and bloops nbsp West Coast style synthesis has enjoyed something of a resurgence these last few years Small companies like Erica Synths and big players like Korg have dabbled recently And the OG of the form Buchla came roaring back in with an updated take on the iconic Music Easel So it would make sense for a company like CreAudio looking to make a splash with it s first couple of synths to give it a try too The West Pest is available to preorder now for and should be shipping quot imminently quot nbsp 2022-05-31 13:00:59
海外TECH Engadget The Monument Valley games are coming to PC on July 12th https://www.engadget.com/monument-valley-pc-steam-widescreen-ustwo-games-130054491.html?src=rss The Monument Valley games are coming to PC on July thClassic mobile games Monument Valley nbsp and Monument Valley nbsp are getting a new lease of life They re coming to PC on July th meaning they ll be playable outside of the iOS Android and Windows Phone remember that ecosystems for the first time A vertical phone style format wouldn t quite cut the mustard for PC players though As such Ustwo Games has upgraded the already gorgeous visuals with an ultra wide aspect ratio The expanded view could help you solve the mind bending puzzles and find the right paths With that in mind the developer is calling these the quot panoramic editions quot The games are coming to Steam and they ll each cost Scoop up a bundle of both titles which includes all of the expansions and you ll get a percent discount As part of the announcement Ustwo Games released a behind the scenes video in which developers talk about porting the games to PC 2022-05-31 13:00:54
海外TECH Engadget Sonos Ray review: A soundbar that nails the basics https://www.engadget.com/sonos-ray-soundbar-review-130050814.html?src=rss Sonos Ray review A soundbar that nails the basicsWith the Ray soundbar Sonos is going after a new market The company s previous home theater products have all been or more and have primarily been geared toward people intent on getting the best sound possible The Ray meanwhile is more accessible for people who want better sound than their TV speakers can provide but don t necessarily care about things like Dolby Atmos support or room shaking bass The Ray isn t exactly a budget speaker though so I set out to discover if Sonos made the right compromises here in its effort to make a more mainstream soundbar Hardware and setupPhysically the Ray is smaller than the already compact Beam with a tapered design that s wider in the front than it is in the back Unlike other Sonos soundbars though the Ray s speakers are all forward facing in this way it reminds me a bit of a wider and flatter version of the Sonos Five speaker This design means you can tuck the Ray into a media stand and not have to worry about the sound bouncing off of nearby surfaces Since the Ray doesn t have a mic for voice assistants you don t need to worry about whether it can hear you if you place it in a media stand either As with just about every other Sonos product the Ray has touch sensitive buttons on top to start and pause music and adjust the volume There s also an LED status light on the front rather than on the top as it is on most Sonos speakers Again this is in case you put it on a shelf that would otherwise hide the light if it was on the top On the back there s a power jack setup button ethernet port and optical audio jack Sonos left out HDMI support to cut costs and since the Ray doesn t support more advanced audio formats like Dolby Atmos the additional bandwidth HDMI allows wasn t needed here The Sonos Beam in black pictured in front of the new Sonos Ray in white Nathan Ingraham Engadget The setup process was simple I just plugged the Ray into the wall and connected it to my TV with the included optical audio cable From there I finished setting it up in the Sonos app on my phone The process will take a bit longer if you ve never set up a Sonos speaker in your home before because you ll need to do things like authorize the various streaming music services you want to use But I simply needed to wait for the app to recognize there was a new speaker to set up tell it which room the Ray was in and then wait for it to get connected to my wireless network Once that s done you have the option of tuning the Ray using what Sonos calls Trueplay This uses the microphone on an iPhone or iPad to balance the speaker s audio based on how your room sounds It s a bit of a weird process walking around your space slowly raising and lowering your phone but I ve found it always makes my Sonos speakers sound better so it s worth the five minutes it takes to set it up if you have a compatible device on hand How do movies sound Nathan Ingraham Engadget I ve spent the last week or so watching movies and shows with the Ray and it s an obvious improvement over my TV s built in speakers Sonos said it focused on dialogue quality bass response and a wide soundstage and it definitely succeeded on two of those fronts Dialogue sounds extremely clear whether I was watching a drama like HBO s The Staircase or enjoying Galadriel s narration at the beginning of Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring The latter also provided a great chance to hear how the Ray performed in more intense action filled sequences As the prologue of Fellowship continued to its massive battle against the forces of Sauron swordplay and arrows flying filled the space around the narration in a well balanced mix And the rumbling explosion and massive thud of Sauron s helmet hitting the ground after his defeat were a good opportunity to hear the Ray flex its bass muscles Another favorite of mine for testing soundbars is the minute intro of Pacific Rim The beginning of this over the top movie has it all huge battles between giant robots and monsters cities being destroyed as panicked citizens flee and a solid heroic narration all of which the Ray faithfully reproduced in a well balanced mix The Ray pulls this off despite having much simpler acoustics than the Beam it includes two center midwoofers two tweeters with split waveguides to broaden the speaker s soundstage a bass reflex system that provides a surprising amount of low end performance and four Class D amplifiers It s an effective system but my main complaint is that the waveguides and computational audio can only do so much to widen the soundstage While the Ray clearly has a solid stereo presence it s not nearly as immersive as the first generation Sonos Beam that I usually use Even though my older Beam doesn t support Dolby Atmos its larger size and more complex speaker array give it a big advantage over the Ray The Ray is also not the loudest speaker out there Again this isn t a huge surprise as Sonos is marketing this device for use in relatively smaller space That doesn t mean it was too quiet for me but I did usually have its volume up over percent for it to be loud enough If I really wanted to kick things up while watching a big movie I might get closer to percent If you re the kind of person who really wants theater style audio you ll be better off with a more powerful device The good news is that as with all other Sonos home theater devices you can pair the Ray with the Sonos Sub to improve bass performance You can also use two Sonos One speakers as rear surrounds to make for a much more immersive experience The Ray might be an ideal choice for a first soundbar to upgrade your TV s audio and then use it to build out a more complex setup down the line That said the Sonos Sub costs a whopping it s hard to imagine someone buying a Ray and then spending three times as much on a subwoofer Nathan Ingraham Engadget What about music While the Ray is meant to be hooked up to your TV it s also a capable music speaker Sonos says that when it builds its home theater products music quality is just as important as how it works with movies and shows In my testing the Ray sounds great songs like Dua Lipa s “Future Nostalgia and Carly Rae Jepsen s “Cut to the Feeling have plenty of low end and super clear vocals Meanwhile the hard left and right panned guitars in Metallica s “Wherever I May Roam were quite distinct While it s still not the loudest speaker the Ray is more than capable of filling a medium sized room with clear and lively music Naturally the Ray has all the same multi room audio features as other Sonos speakers This means you can simultaneously stream the same music to multiple speakers on your WiFi network or play something different on each one You can set up custom speaker groups just the speakers on your first floor for example and stream audio directly to the Ray using AirPlay The only real feature it s missing compared to most other Sonos speakers is voice control There s no mic which means you can t control the speaker directly with Alexa Google Assistant or the upcoming Sonos Voice Control feature That said if you have other smart speakers including any other Sonos speaker with a mic you can use them to control the Ray Nathan Ingraham Engadget Wrap upThere s no question in my mind that the Ray is a serious upgrade over a TV s built in speakers What s less clear is how much better it is compared to other small soundbars like Roku s Streambar Pro Sonos has a long history of delivering excellent sound and the Ray continues that tradition And just as the portable Sonos Roam is a good gateway drug into the Sonos ecosystem the Ray is a good first Sonos for someone who wants to improve their TV audio Yes you can find cheaper soundbars but Sonos is betting its reputation for excellent sound quality will make the Ray a success After spending some time with it I d have no problem recommending the Ray to anyone who wants an easy way to upgrade their TV s audio but doesn t care about having the best speaker that supports the most formats For a lot of people particularly those with smaller living rooms the Ray will be just the right soundbar for their space 2022-05-31 13:00:50
海外TECH Engadget Orba 2 adds a sampler and more to an excellent musical fidget toy https://www.engadget.com/artiphon-orba-2-sampler-fidget-toy-130049387.html?src=rss Orba adds a sampler and more to an excellent musical fidget toyThe Orba is mostly a musical curiosity but a compelling one especially at the reasonable price of But for its next version Artiphon is hoping to go beyond fidget toy and turn its little MPE grapefruit into a legit groovebox nbsp Physically almost nothing has change about the Orba It s till the same black half orb with eight touchpads across the top It still has a builtin speaker and synth engine the latter of which was recently opened up for anyone to design their own patches It s still a capable MIDI controller with support for multiple gestures including shake tilt and spin nbsp What makes the new version immediately more impressive is that it now supports sample playback You can even record your own samples using the Orba app on your phone and then turn that into a preset that can be played So you could record a bird call a car horn or just another instrument and play that melodically nbsp But that s not all Orba can also quantize your playing which is extremely helpful if your rhythm is lacking Lastly where the original was limited to an eight bar loop the sequel can handle up a bar loop ーor about five minutes of music nbsp All of that additional power comes at a bit of a premium But even at the new price of it s still one of the most affordable MPE controllers out there and no doubt still a great fidget toy But perhaps it will also now be a great groovebox too nbsp 2022-05-31 13:00:49
海外科学 NYT > Science Trump Policies Sent U.S. Tumbling in a Climate Ranking https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/31/climate/united-states-climate-ranking-trump.html Trump Policies Sent U S Tumbling in a Climate RankingThe Environmental Performance Index published every two years by researchers at Yale and Columbia found only Denmark and Britain on sustainable paths to net zero emissions by 2022-05-31 13:46:03
海外科学 NYT > Science Can I Stop Isolating If I’m Still Testing Positive for the Virus? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/29/health/coronavirus-testing-positive.html Can I Stop Isolating If I m Still Testing Positive for the Virus Some people may test positive for the coronavirus for days or longer but interpreting those results remains difficult experts said 2022-05-31 13:19:29
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Why China is miles ahead in a Pacific race for influence https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/05/31/asia-pacific/china-race-for-pacific/ Why China is miles ahead in a Pacific race for influenceTo many observers the South Pacific today reveals what American decline looks like Even as U S officials have tried to step up their game they 2022-05-31 22:25:35
ニュース BBC News - Home More flights cancelled ahead of Jubilee break https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-61638567?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA holiday 2022-05-31 13:17:37
ニュース BBC News - Home Rape victim: It felt like I was being investigated when I reported my assault https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61640054?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA report 2022-05-31 13:36:11
ニュース BBC News - Home Russian oil: EU agrees compromise deal on banning imports https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-61638860?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA total 2022-05-31 13:50:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Kevin Spacey says he will voluntarily appear in UK court on sexual assault charges https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-61649107?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA oscar 2022-05-31 13:24:36
ニュース BBC News - Home Pressure grows on Boris Johnson after Partygate report https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-61645661?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA failures 2022-05-31 13:22:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Give more pupils free school meals, teachers in England say https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-61637684?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA educational 2022-05-31 13:51:06
ニュース BBC News - Home Binley Mega Chippy becomes a surprise TikTok star https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-61635101?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA popular 2022-05-31 13:15:41
ニュース BBC News - Home Sergio Perez: Red Bull driver extends contract until 2024 https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/61646036?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA contract 2022-05-31 13:10:36
ニュース BBC News - Home Stuart Broad says England must attract supporters through their playing style https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/61650076?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA england 2022-05-31 13:49:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Manchester Airport: Co-pilot loads bags to help delayed flight https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-61646001?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA heroics 2022-05-31 13:32:16
北海道 北海道新聞 新鮮野菜を車内で品定め 室蘭の青果店、スーパー火災受け移動販売 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/687905/ 室蘭市八丁平 2022-05-31 22:03:00
北海道 北海道新聞 NY円、128円前半 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/687904/ 外国為替市場 2022-05-31 22:02:00
北海道 北海道新聞 胆振管内63人コロナ感染 室蘭の病院でクラスター https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/687903/ 新型コロナウイルス 2022-05-31 22:02:00
仮想通貨 BITPRESS(ビットプレス) DMM Bitcoin・coinbook・オーバース、IEOに関する3社間の基本合意書締結のお知らせ https://bitpress.jp/count2/3_79_13226 coinbook 2022-05-31 22:49:49



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