投稿時間:2022-05-31 20:20:42 RSSフィード2022-05-31 20:00 分まとめ(28件)

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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] JR東、割引サービスの実証実験を実施へ 列車の運行状況に応じたクーポン配布 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2205/31/news203.html axonvibe 2022-05-31 19:16:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「満足度の高いウオーターサーバー」ランキング 3位「富士の湧水」、2位「サントリー天然水」、1位は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2205/31/news195.html itmedia 2022-05-31 19:16:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita PleasanterのAPIをPythonから呼ぶ https://qiita.com/okotani/items/511173389f522d7abbac pleasanter 2022-05-31 19:09:16
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Railsのcredential.yml.encについて(自分の理解のための整理) https://qiita.com/tanabota12/items/1945a549c08c914ac10f credentialymlenc 2022-05-31 19:46:44
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Railsのcredential.yml.encについて(自分の理解のための整理) https://qiita.com/tanabota12/items/1945a549c08c914ac10f credentialymlenc 2022-05-31 19:46:44
技術ブログ Developers.IO Lambda Layer版の動画情報取得ツールMediaInfoを使ってみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/mediainfo-lambda-layer-version/ lambda 2022-05-31 10:55:14
技術ブログ Developers.IO [小ネタ]Cloudformationで置換した文字列値と文字列を組み合わせる方法 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/cloudformation-replace-string/ cloudformation 2022-05-31 10:32:52
技術ブログ Developers.IO Amazon Lightsailで非アクティブな設計図を使ってみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/lightsail-old-blueprint/ awscli 2022-05-31 10:24:59
技術ブログ Developers.IO Amplify CLI version 8.3.1 を使って Amplify 入門ハンズオンやってみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/amplify-hands-on-with-amplify-cli-8-3-1/ amplify 2022-05-31 10:21:28
海外TECH MakeUseOf What Is GeForce Experience? Key Features and Benefits Explained https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/geforce-experience-use-si/ panel 2022-05-31 10:05:14
海外TECH DEV Community Do You Have a Forever Project? https://dev.to/solidi/do-you-have-a-forever-project-kpk Do You Have a Forever Project My interests tend to have a long tail re blooming decades later Their revival is shaped by a life altering catalyst sparking a renewed interest in good feelings Lately I ve dug deeper into these curiosities nurturing a set of passions Retro gaming is one of them and short form writing is another but most important is reviving my exhaustion in software development So when the global pandemic unrolled with my family sheltered away I inventoried my life for meaning taking stock in what I had That time of unease reminded me of my early years behind the monitor locked away tinkering with a project with others on the Internet Uncovering these feelings opened a long standing desire to continue something I started so long ago Some call it a passion project but I d like to call it a forever project Deeper Than a Passion ProjectMy forever project involves developing video game modifications Modding is an enveloping environment exercising skills of artistry and software engineering Important in this writing is to label what I am experiencing Do others resonate with a similar stimulus in their immersive projects Labeling an effort like a forever project gets me thinking deeply in meta In my own experience a forever project is a unique designation Its revival is a miracle and its timescale lasts decades I found my forever project by pursuing a hobby which had become my software career But then I burned out and when world events affected daily life I rediscovered where it started What Makes a Forever Project My forever project is a continuous stream of effort in the background Deeper than a side project side quest or a passion project my forever project has challenged me and its feedback comes in waves of interest This project is a sidecar making life enjoyable I describe it as a pedantic feeling of excitement a rush of good emotions while creating something meaningfully valuable So what defines the attributes of a forever project Surrounded by others old and new a forever project will have a support community Different groups of people over time tend to come and go within the project It may even become increasingly popular It goes on for decades as in its name a forever project tends to go on forever The project will depend on a community supporting its revival It will go through periods of contributions and other times enter dormancy However it will come back with roaring nostalgia into something modern A feedback loop that never gets old the forever project resists staleness continuously demanding solutions to problems During the day the answers to issues will naturally come There is a tendency to a cycle but it s not formal the rules are casual Not attached to a company or job forever projects aren t connected to an entity that optimizes revenue or pursues an industry However it will attract those who see the concept as profitable For the creator an introduction to a new career In my case a rejuvenation of creativity Bubbles with excitement challenging at all levels a forever project provides a feedback loop touching different skillsets of interest A forever project delivers to a community adding value to it At most a handful in a lifetime since the timescale is exceptionally long its efforts compound altering the path of one s life forever projects occur only a handful of times Without a concrete plan but has a form a forever project will tap into skillsets by growing them for example shipping things over perfecting them Participating will exercise the skills picked up over the years with control and finesse without all the rules Its actualization is learning with an impactful result Promotes progeny and resists fading away forever projects continue even after their original authors stepped away Or if the contributors are forcibly removed from their creative chairs The project is open for anyone to contribute preferring to share it now over the risk of losing it soon No matter how personal a forever project may feel it attracts contributors because of its inevitable community impact Creating Without Many ConstraintsAfter rediscovering my forever project I ve been engaging with the effort for over a year Its attributes are invisible and why I write to memorialize my experience in pursuit of the medium Perhaps having numerous interests increases the chance of discovering the next forever project But more so having just one has made me happy I m creating again without all the rules formalities or politics Do you have a forever project 2022-05-31 10:36:31
海外TECH DEV Community VS Code or VS Codium - which should I use? https://dev.to/robole/vs-code-or-vs-codium-which-should-i-use-53oj VS Code or VS Codium which should I use VS Code is a mostly open source code editor with proprietary sprinkles on top and a proprietary extension marketplace It is a bit of a mongrel breed of software really VS Codium is a fully open source alternative based on the same codebase There is more to it than that It requires some unpacking Before we dive into the specifics it is probably worthwhile to understand why is a huge for profit company giving away a high quality product for free Why is VS Code free It is not a simple question to answer really and I am speculating here but It is good for the reputation of Microsoft to be seen as a player in open source In the olden days Microsoft was a strong antagonist to open source In Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer famously branded Linux “a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches In Brad Smith a Microsoft president admitted Microsoft was on the wrong side of history when open source exploded at the beginning of the century and I can say that about me personally Now that their operating system is not the cash cow it once was they have had to pivot Their cloud computing business and dev related offerings are making up a growing portion of their balance sheet Now devs are probably more influential in purchasing their digital products and services than before And more generally since good will is an actual line item on a company s balance sheet it is good for the value of the business to be more highly regarded VS Code is built as a lightweight editor the core functionality is aimed at front end development They get voluntary contributions from the community to maintain and extend those features More importantly the community is building the majority of the the functionality for other languages and non core features through extensions Free ish labour Yes please Recently VS Code has been released as a new online product vscode dev a code editor in the browser As a VS Code blog post said Bringing VS Code to the browser is the realization of the original vision for the product It is also the start of a completely new one An ephemeral editor that is available to anyone with a browser and an internet connection is the foundation for a future where we can truly edit anything from anywhere GitHub owned by Microsoft has started a paid product called Codespaces which uses VS Code in virtual machines VMs It was rolled out in August and is only available to GitHub Teams and GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers currently Full details on pricing is available in their documentation The pricing looks modest enough but I m sure they are starting to make some money from it by now Because some of the software related to VS Code is proprietary there are commercial avenues Microsoft can explore in the future It certainly hasn t killed Visual Studio off as a paid product Visual Studio is available in different editions and is part of a subscriptions offering This is probably why the C and C extensions for VS Code have restrictive licenses I guess if there is close integration of VS Code with other Microsoft products it can be touted as a feature to hook people in You can see this integration with GitHub now if you press on any page of a repository it will open the web based VS Code editor Prior to being acquired by Microsoft GitHub made their own open source code editor too Atom Atom is still actively maintained It just goes to show how they purused similar stratgies in the long run I guess that the philosophy is to make tools for devs and create an ecosystem to sell something extra The telemetry from VS Code gives Microsoft insights on trends and helps with product development It is kind of a marketing tool for them to gather field research Telemetry follows an opt out model so it is important enough for them to nag you with a notification when you install the application As I discuss in a previous article about telemetry in VS Code the product is licensed and designed in a way that you cannot avoid all data collection These are my guesses anyway Since ostensibly this is largely aligned with what devs want a great mostly open source code editor at a price of zero cent many people are happy with VS Code Overview and comparison of projectsThe majority of the code behind the Visual Studio Code editor is available in a GitHub repo microsoft vscode under a MIT license It is referred to as the Code OSS repo by Microsoft There is a build process that takes the code in this repo and creates a customized product that is the actual software that you install and use VS CodeVS CodiumOrganisationMicrosoftVSCodiumRepository licenseMITMITProduct licenseMicrosoft product licenseMITBuild processMicrosoft has a custom build that clones the Code OSS repo and adds some Microsoft customizations to create the final product with a different license VSCodium clone Microsoft s Code OSS repo and add some community based customisations to create the final product Marketplace registry Microsoft Visual Studio Code Marketplace The marketplace code is proprietary The Terms of Use state that extensions in the marketplace are only to be used with Microsoft products Open VSX Registry The marketplace code is open source Eclipse Public License There are no restrictions on the use of extensions Proprietary extensionsYou can use all Microsoft extensions A few of Microsoft s extensions are restricted Some are blocked from running outside of VS Code Telemetry data sharing Enabled by default Disabled by default Let s look at these aspects one by one OrganisationMicrosoft is a big ol software company Don t be misled by the name VSCodium is some open source folks I guess LicensingBoth the source code of VS Code and VS Codium are under a MIT license The built application of VS Code is under Microsoft product license whereas VS Codium is under a MIT license Build processAccording to this comment from a Visual Studio Code maintainer When we Microsoft build Visual Studio Code we do exactly this We clone the vscode repository we lay down a customized product json that has Microsoft specific functionality telemetry gallery logo etc and then produce a build that we release under our license When you clone and build from the vscode repo none of these endpoints are configured in the default product json Therefore you generate a clean build without the Microsoft customizations which is by default licensed under the MIT licenseMicrosoft s build process also downloads additional files This was brought up in Microsoft vscode and Microsoft vscode These are the packages downloaded during build Extensions from the Microsoft Marketplace ms vscode references viewms vscode js debug companionms vscode js debugms vscode vscode js profile tableFrom Electron releases electronffmpegVS Codium was created to save you from downloading and building from source yourself and adds some community customization The resulting binaries are added to the releases section of the vscodium repo Marketplace registry VS Code is configured to use the Microsoft VS Code Marketplace Its Terms of Use restricts access to Microsoft and GitHub products only A number of key Microsoft extensions are only allowed to be used with Microsoft products the legalese wording of this is the following from section b Marketplace Offerings are intended for use only with In Scope Products and Services and you may install and use Marketplace Offerings only with In Scope Products and ServicesThe code to the marketplace is proprietary As a result the source code cannot be reused to create an internal extension registry for developers or to contribute new features and enhancements to the marketplace The naming irks me why call it a marketplace when you can t sell anything While there is no indication that it will happen there is nothing stopping Microsoft from changing the terms and conditions in the future It leaves the door open for them to pivot if they wish to do something commercial To publish an extension to the marketplace it requires some hoop jumping You must have a Microsoft Azure account and follow some odd steps VS Codium is configured to use its Open VSX Registry This registry is developed and maintained under the Eclipse Open VSX project It is vendor neutral so it can be used with any technology or tool Examples are VSCodium Eclipse Theia Eclipse Che Gitpod Coder and SAP Business Application Studio The code is completely open source So it is possible for anyone to create their own registry and use it privately As a result you can maintain precise control over your extension s availability This is very similar to common practice found in other ecosystems such as npm Cargo and Maven Since the Microsoft VS Code Marketplace is more established and has more users you are likely to miss some extensions that are available there You have the following options to obtain the missing extensions Ask the extension maintainers to publish to open vsx org in addition to the VS Code Marketplace The publishing process is documented in the Open VSX Wiki Create a pull request to this repository to have the open vsx service account publish the extensions for you It appears that they run a batch job to keep them up to date Download and install the vsix files yourself To publish to the Open VSX marketplace has less requirements and steps than Microsoft s set up Both marketplaces offer a CLI tools to publish and manage your extensions vsce for VS Code and ovsx for Open VSX They are quite similar I have written a number of extensions and I use the publish vscode extension GitHub action to publish my extensions to both marketplaces Proprietary extensionsSome VS Code extensions have licenses that restrict their use to the official Visual Studio Code builds If you ignore the licenses and try to run them in VS Codium some extension won t work because there is an internal check that prohibits them from running outside of VS Code Here is a list of some of the extensions with restricted licenses usage C language powered by OmniSharp Official C language support The extension is subject to this restrictive license because it uses Microsoft s proprietary debugger The source code is available under a MIT license See this comment in the C extension repo for some discussion on this There is an alternative version of the C extension in the Open VSX Registry that uses Samsung s MIT licensed Debugger C language Official C language support The extension is subject to this restrictive license You can see this comment in the extension repo for clarification of this Live Share Collaboratively edit and debug with others in real time in your editor The extension is subject to this restrictive product license use solely with Microsoft Visual Studio family of products Remote Development Extensions Allows you to open any folder in a container on a remote machine or in the Windows Subsystem for Linux WSL The Remote Development extension pack follows this restrictive license and contains the following extensions Remote SSH Work with source code in any location by opening folders on a remote machine VM using SSH Remote Containers Work with a separate toolchain or container based application by opening any folder mounted into or inside a container Remote WSL Get a Linux powered development experience from the comfort of Windows by opening any folder in the Windows Subsystem for Linux There are more too here is a list of Microsoft extensions with their licenses Telemetry data sharing As Microsoft states in their docs on telemetry Visual Studio Code collects telemetry data which is used to help understand how to improve the product For example this usage data helps to debug issues such as slow start up times and to prioritize new features While we appreciate the insights this data provides we also know that not everyone wants to send usage data and you can disable telemetry as described in disable telemetry reporting There are telemetry settings telemetry telemetryLevel and telemetry enableCrashReporter which are enabled in VS Code by default These settings do not turn off telemetry as stated in section a of the license When you first install VS Code you are presented with a dialog giving you the option to opt out of telemetry VS Codium turns these telemetry settings off by default and the organization looks to restrict all telemetry Extensions do not follow the global settings Some of Microsoft s extensions send telemetry data such as the C language extension and the extensions in the Remote Development extension pack To quote Microsoft VS Code lets you add features to the product by installing Microsoft and third party extensions These extensions may be collecting their own usage data and are not controlled by the telemetry telemetryLevel setting Consult the specific extension s documentation to learn about its telemetry reporting and whether it can be disabled So if you want to opt out of all telemetry then you need to look at your extensions also I discuss this topic in more depth in the following article VS Code What s the deal with the telemetry Should you switch from VS Code to VS Codium The answer is Yes if you want to Use open source software If you want to run a private extension registry If you want to support a product that minimises telemetry reporting data sharing by default Or you are paranoid about some kind of mischief being afoot with Microsoft Otherwise the answer is No I suppose The editors are very very similar in what they do I have been using them side by side for a while and for me it is the same now Switching was a smooth experience for me but I have seen some people have some issues The only limitation with VS Codium is the absence of the proprietary extensions in the Open VSX marketplace however there are some alternatives for them C appears to be covered It is up to the community to make their own versions of these extensions to make things exactly the same 2022-05-31 10:20:25
海外TECH DEV Community What makes DevOps engineers so much more money than software developers? Are their daily responsibilities really so complicated? https://dev.to/taniazhydkova/what-makes-devops-engineers-so-much-more-money-than-software-developers-are-their-daily-responsibilities-really-so-complicated-mn9 What makes DevOps engineers so much more money than software developers Are their daily responsibilities really so complicated Most DevOps people I know are basically always on call If something breaks they have to fix it FAST because whole teams or customers rely on the infrastructure that they maintain There is huge value in someone who can diagnose and fix a problem quickly Let s talk about the role of DevOps in our projects and daily work routine It would be great to hear your stories 2022-05-31 10:06:30
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Maps tests updates in France, Monaco, New Zealand https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/31/apple-maps-tests-updates-in-france-monaco-new-zealand?utm_medium=rss Apple Maps tests updates in France Monaco New ZealandApple has started to expand its updated Apple Maps experience into more countries with testing of more detailed maps now available in France Monaco and New Zealand Apple said in WWDC it intended to bring its improved Apple Maps into more countries a task it has periodically undertaken in various areas of the world In updates spotted on Sunday the app is providing users in France and Monaco a better experience Users in the territories can see more detail and better renders of D objects in Apple Maps spotted Justin O Beirne Elements such as the Eiffel Tower Notre Dame Cathedral and Mont Saint Michel have been spotted with improved renders as well as speed limit updates Read more 2022-05-31 10:46:31
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News BTS sets new Apple Music 1 record for biggest show https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/31/bts-sets-new-apple-music-1-record-for-biggest-show?utm_medium=rss BTS sets new Apple Music record for biggest showNot even including after air streams K Pop band BTS has established a new record for Apple Music for its first episode of the band s origin story In a Tweet on May the Apple Music account announced that the BTS Army broke the previous record BTSARMY you did it BTS twt broke the record for biggest show of the year with their debut episode of BTSRadio on Apple Music bts bighit BTS Proof BTS pic twitter com mWddgG mdash Apple Music AppleMusic May Read more 2022-05-31 10:43:50
ニュース BBC News - Home England's Fran Kirby will train 'in a safe way' for Euros https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61646156?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA england 2022-05-31 10:25:37
ニュース BBC News - Home Jeff Gladney: Arizona Cardinals cornerback dies in car accident aged 25 https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/american-football/61643032?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA accident 2022-05-31 10:11:57
ニュース BBC News - Home Oil price rises as EU cuts Russian imports https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-61643613?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA prices 2022-05-31 10:40:22
北海道 北海道新聞 岸田政権初の「骨太方針」案発表 100万人の学び直し支援 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/687835/ 骨太 2022-05-31 19:22:00
北海道 北海道新聞 シイタケの写真作品、購入で生産者応援を 森でふた夏かけ栽培 新得の正脇さん https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/687821/ 購入 2022-05-31 19:31:28
北海道 北海道新聞 中村俊輔、創立50年の母校訪問 横浜FCの元日本代表MF https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/687774/ 中村俊輔 2022-05-31 19:15:41
北海道 北海道新聞 「桜」夕食会にサントリーが酒類を無償提供 違法献金の可能性も https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/687803/ 安倍晋三 2022-05-31 19:29:08
北海道 北海道新聞 陽光たっぷり コマイふっくら 根室市内で天日干し https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/687817/ 根室市内 2022-05-31 19:28:08
北海道 北海道新聞 ウクライナ代表が大使館表敬訪問 大分と愛媛で相撲合宿へ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/687820/ 東京都港区 2022-05-31 19:10:54
北海道 北海道新聞 日本、6月2日パラグアイ戦 サッカーW杯へ向け4試合 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/687819/ 日本代表 2022-05-31 19:02:47
北海道 北海道新聞 道内民放5社増収 CM、事業の収入伸びる https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/687826/ 単独決算 2022-05-31 19:03:00
IT 週刊アスキー ダイドー、東京都豊島区と共同で「としま子ども若者応援プロジェクト」の一環として寄附型自動販売機を設置 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/093/4093179/ 東京都豊島区 2022-05-31 19:30:00
海外TECH reddit Japanese girlfriend wants to be a deadbeat https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/v1mzvt/japanese_girlfriend_wants_to_be_a_deadbeat/ Japanese girlfriend wants to be a deadbeatMy Japanese girlfriend doesn t want to work like a normal person she says she wants sit and do nothing What should I do in this situation She moved in a few months ago got fired from her job last month and hasn t really bothered to try and find a new job submitted by u Atog to r japanlife link comments 2022-05-31 10:16:39



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