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AWS AWS AWS 커리어 - 변화를 만드는 방법 | 아마존웹서비스 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9RECL50JRA AWS 커리어 변화를만드는방법 아마존웹서비스진정한혁신은모든목소리를듣는데서비롯돼요 변화는그냥일어나는것이아니에요 누군가변화가일어나게해야하죠 AWS는모든빌더가참여하고다양한목소리를듣는포괄적인문화를지원하고다양성을존중하고있어요 Learn more Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster HereAtAWS AWSCareers AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing 2022-07-11 16:57:47
AWS AWS AWS 커리어 - 변화를 만드는 방법 | 아마존웹서비스 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivt-2qGAkRI AWS 커리어 변화를만드는방법 아마존웹서비스진정한혁신은모든목소리를듣는데서비롯돼요 변화는그냥일어나는것이아니에요 누군가변화가일어나게해야하죠 AWS는모든빌더가참여하고다양한목소리를듣는포괄적인문화를지원하고다양성을존중하고있어요 Learn more Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster HereAtAWS AWSCareers AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing 2022-07-11 16:53:52
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita bokeh: 折れ線の円形マーカーを表示/非表示切り替えられるようにする https://qiita.com/yuji38kwmt/items/19947cce3fff1c0a48e5 bokeh 2022-07-12 01:29:38
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita gulpコマンドだけでDjangoをrunserverしてscssも監視してコンパイルしてホットリロードもしたい。 https://qiita.com/cubicbezier/items/3de92aeff0df34664cb9 django 2022-07-12 01:23:47
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AngularJsを勉強してつまづいたところを振り返る【コントローラー編】 https://qiita.com/ebichan_88/items/1a9199774ed751bdc2d6 angularjs 2022-07-12 01:11:13
海外TECH Ars Technica Microsoft makes major course reversal, allows Office to run untrusted macros (updated) https://arstechnica.com/?p=1865183 microsoft 2022-07-11 16:47:14
海外TECH Ars Technica The Pixel 6 line gets steep discounts for Prime Day: Up to $200 off https://arstechnica.com/?p=1865518 pixel 2022-07-11 16:37:04
海外TECH Ars Technica Twitter gets ready to sue Elon Musk, hires elite merger law firm https://arstechnica.com/?p=1865531 elite 2022-07-11 16:02:42
海外TECH MakeUseOf PLA Not Sticking to the Bed? Fix It With These Tips! https://www.makeuseof.com/pla-not-sticking-bed-fix-tips/ filament 2022-07-11 16:31:14
海外TECH DEV Community What would you do if your encrypted credentials and the key got compromised? https://dev.to/gokul_gk/what-would-you-do-if-your-encrypted-credentials-and-the-key-got-compromised-27oh What would you do if your encrypted credentials and the key got compromised What will you do if your encrypted credentials and key got compromised This is a rhetorical question Securing API using API keys tokens or password is common in any application In the case of basic authentication generally we try to store the credentials after encrypting them Here let s see how we can use one way hash functions like md or SHA to achieve basic authentication The IdeaThe idea is to have the credentials converted to hash strings using hash functions for the first time or during sign up During login convert the user entered credentials to hash string and check for equality Simple as that D Here we aren t storing any encrypted passwords so even if there is an attack on your application and data is compromised your credentials are safe The ImplementationFor a complete implementation of the same using java and spring boot click here let me do a walkthrough so we have a minimal controller interface and implementation RestControllerpublic interface LoginApi GetMapping user login ResponseBody String userLogin Componentpublic class LoginApiImpl implements LoginApi User login string return the string Override public String userLogin return Login Successful Then we have the filter implementation to verify authenticationBasic Authentication Filter ImplementationThe service implementation is where we check the hashed string and given credential for simplicity let s focus on password The type Login service Servicepublic class LoginService The constant USER private static final String USER ADMIN The constant PASSWORD Actual value is password private static final String PASSWORD edadefdcddaabbddaefdd Check authentication boolean param user the user param password the password return the boolean throws NoSuchAlgorithmException the no such algorithm exception public boolean checkAuthentication String user String password throws NoSuchAlgorithmException String generatedHash generateHash password if PASSWORD equals generatedHash amp amp USER equals user return true return false Generate hash string param password the password return the string throws NoSuchAlgorithmException the no such algorithm exception public String generateHash String password throws NoSuchAlgorithmException MessageDigest md MessageDigest getInstance SHA byte hash md digest password getBytes StandardCharsets UTF BigInteger number new BigInteger hash StringBuilder hexString new StringBuilder number toString while hexString length lt hexString insert return hexString toString finally let s run the code and hit the API in this example username is ADMIN and password is password Here is the curl for the above API curl location request GET http localhost service api v user login header Authorization Basic QURNSUcGFzcdvcmQ That s all for now Hope this is useful Share your thoughts in the comment section 2022-07-11 16:50:09
海外TECH DEV Community How to display cart details on Stripe Terminal https://dev.to/stripe/how-to-display-cart-details-on-stripe-terminal-jg1 How to display cart details on Stripe TerminalRecently my colleague Charles Watkins wrote a part intro series to Stripe Terminal our in person payment solution Charles articles will teach you how to set up and register a Terminal device and build an app to accept or cancel payments Let s take it a step further and look into an additional feature displaying the cart items on the Terminal device so your customers can verify what they are purchasing and make any changes if needed Listing itemsIf you haven t built an application for Terminal yet check out the previous series or the integration builder in our docs You should have a terminal variable created with StripeTerminal create on the client side that you can call the setReaderDisplay method on This method takes a DisplayInfo object as input like shown below terminal setReaderDisplay type cart cart line items description Soy Cappuccino amount quantity description Avocado on toast amount quantity tax total currency usd In the line items array you can add details about the products including a description amount and quantity You can also specify the currency tax amount and total amount Below is an example of what the cart display looks like on the BBPOS WisePOS E reader Clearing the displayAfter updating the device s screen using setReaderDisplay you can clear it using clearReaderDisplay This will bring the screen back to its original state For example here s what the code would look like to clear the display by clicking on a button document getElementById clear button onclick gt terminal clearReaderDisplay And here s what would happen on the Terminal device Now you should be able to display cart items on the Terminal device update them and clear the screen If you d like to learn more feel free to check out the Terminal API reference or the Get paid IRL blog post series Follow StripeDev and our team on TwitterSubscribe to our Youtube channelJoin the official Discord serverSign up for the Dev Digest About the authorCharlie Gerard is a Developer Advocate at Stripe a creative technologist and Google Developer Expert She loves researching and experimenting with technologies When she s not coding she enjoys spending time outdoors trying new beers and reading 2022-07-11 16:21:45
海外TECH DEV Community Basic Docker Commands for Beginners. https://dev.to/roselinebassey/docker-for-beginners-basic-docker-commands-2n89 Basic Docker Commands for Beginners The first part of this article introduces you to Docker monolithic and microservice architecture virtual environment and containers With this general knowledge of Docker and containers it s time to jump right into running applications in containers If you re just getting started with Docker you ll learn some practical Docker commands in this post that will let you pull and run a Docker image locally start and stop a container list all currently running containers and debug containers This blog post also provides some background information that will clarify the precise difference between a container and a Docker image To get the most out of this post ensure to practice each step to get a feel for working with applications in Docker PrerequisitesInstall DockerBefore you begin you should have Docker installed and running If you haven t please see Docker s official documentation on how to install Docker and make sure to install the stable version Docker can be installed on Linux Windows and macOS TerminalLaunch your preferred terminal which could be Terminal on Mac a Bash shell on Linux or PowerShell on Windows Create a DockerHub AccountDockerHub is a public registry where applications are published DockerHub is like GitHub but for Docker images Internet connectionYou ll need an internet connection for some commands to execute The Difference Between Docker image and ContainerDocker image is simply a file that represents a container For example when you package an application with all its dependencies and push it to DockerHub or your private registry the file in the registry is an image that represents your container A container can be viewed as a box In this box is an application that is packaged with its dependencies needed to run the application This application has its distinct virtual environment the hostname disk and IP address which is managed by Docker The application inside the box cannot have any interaction with the outside environment The box is called the container because it contains the application with its dependencies Containers share the host operating system OS CPU and memory A container is an instance of a Docker image and a running environment of an image To understand exactly the difference between container and image let s practice some commands This tutorial uses redis for illustration You could choose to use a different image or container and it ll still work the same docker pullUsage docker pull IMAGE NAMEdocker pull is used to download or pull an image from the repository to your local machine To access an image locally you must pull it first let s pull a redis image from DockerHub to our local machine Search for Redis in the search bar and click on the image In your terminal run the following command docker pull redisThe image is pulled downloaded and extracted by Docker when you run the command The application package consists of six layers coupled together to run the application Note The latest tag is automatically pulled when you pull an image without specifying a tag A tag is the same as a version docker imagesTo ensure that the image has been downloaded run the following command in your terminal docker images This will list all existing images In the above there s just one image with the REPOSITORY redis TAG latest image ID when it was CREATED and SIZE of the application Note You could specify a version or tag if you don t want Docker to download the default tag TagYou could specify the image tag by running the command docker pull redis is the version specified Remember the version is always followed after a semicolon Now you need to get redis running to make it reachable by your application docker runUsage docker run IMAGE NAMEThe run command is used to create a container of an image The first time you use the run command Docker informs you that the image doesn t exist locally so it ll search for it on DockerHub pulls and starts the image If the image already exists locally docker goes ahead to run a container of the image But if the image doesn t exist in DockerHub or your local machine you ll get no error message from Docker At the point at which the image is running the image is no more regarded as an image but as a container To run the just downloaded image use docker run redis It ll run a container called redis In the above image the docker run command starts the redis image in a container docker run dUsage docker run OPTIONS IMAGE NAMEThe d is one of several docker run options It is used to run a container in a detached mood docker psThe docker ps command lists all running containers This command allows you to track your container s progress If you ever get an empty list from running the command ensure that your container is running Note You could use a separate terminal window to run the container and another for the docker ps command docker ps aUsage docker ps OPTIONS Several options could be used with the docker ps command such as a f s etc For instance the a option lists all the exited and running containers This allows you to track the status of a container Run the command docker ps a to view all your containers This image shows all containers in their current status docker stopUsage docker stop CONTAINER IDContainers can be terminated by using the stop command There are several reasons why you may want to stop a container An error or a crash might require you to stop a container You ll need the ID of the container that you want to stop In your terminal run docker stop Container ID docker startUsage docker start CONTAINER IDUsing this command you can restart a stopped container You can do this by running the docker start container ID command The container specified will be started with this command Working With ContainersThe next part of this blog post will walk you through the steps and basic commands of working with a running container For your application to connect to the container the container must be reachable To connect the container to your application you ll need to bind the host port to the container s port The diagram below illustrates how host binding works A host port is a port on your computer that your container binds to Whereas a container s port is a port on which the container runs and is used to access the services or dependencies inside the container For instance the port of the container below is tcpYou must first specify the host port before binding the port of the container to itExecute the following command in your terminal docker run p redisThe p flag in the command means port Note Before executing the command make sure the container has been stopped To check that the host and the container s port have been connected let s run the docker ps command In the image above the host s port has been connected to the container s port tcp docker logsUsage docker logs OPTIONS CONTAINER IDYou can look through a container s logs using this command It is utilized to debug or troubleshoot containers Note This command is only functional for containers that are started with the json file or journald logging driver Docker docker execUsage docker exec OPTIONS CONTAINER ID bin bashThis command is used to access a container s terminal In the container s terminal you could navigate directories and issue commands just like on your command line Run docker exec it container ID bin bash for instance to access the redis container terminal The it flag means interactive and indicates that you would like to assess the terminal inside the container In the first line we executed the command and got access to the root directory In the second line the pwd command lists our working directory We navigate to the directory in line and use the ls command in line to list all the directories inside the root directory data docker rmUsage docker rm OPTIONS CONTAINER IDIf you want to clean up or remove containers or application packages after following the exercises you can run this command docker rm f CONTAINER ID SummaryIn this blog post you ve practiced working with basic Docker commands such as pull run which pulls and launches an image stop start logs exec rm etc You learned how to bind a host and container ports as well as the difference between container and Docker image In addition to the Docker commands that were covered in this article there are many others that you might want to look into If you d like to learn more about the Docker command line please use the link in the resource section Resources Introducing Docker Concepts Containers and More How to Use the Docker command line 2022-07-11 16:18:18
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Alogic Iris webcam review: Good picture but needs more control https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/07/11/alogic-iris-webcam-review-good-picture-but-needs-more-control?utm_medium=rss Alogic Iris webcam review Good picture but needs more controlThe Alogic Iris webcam provides a decent p video feed and noise cancellation microphones for meetings but in its simplicity it could do with offering more control to its users The global pandemic has fostered a need for computer users to get a webcam Be it for work Zoom calls or FaceTime with relatives a webcam has become an indispensable bit of kit However not all webcams are built the same While you could get away with a p webcam in older MacBook Pro models or even lower resolutions in some notebooks you want something that can produce a high resolution Read more 2022-07-11 16:46:04
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to publish ebooks on Amazon Kindle and Apple's Books using a Mac https://appleinsider.com/inside/mac/tips/how-to-publish-ebooks-on-amazon-kindle-and-apples-books-using-a-mac?utm_medium=rss How to publish ebooks on Amazon Kindle and Apple x s Books using a MacYou have all the tools to create books on a Mac and get them on sale on both Amazon Kindle and Apple Books Here s what you need to do Kindles and iPads are great for reading anything on even if that anything is just a report you ve written for work If you simply need to step away from your desk to concentrate on reading something you can AirDrop a PDF or any document to your iPad or you can email the same to your Kindle If you want to do more than that though if you want to make a more formatted ebook and sell it you need to concentrate on three areas Read more 2022-07-11 16:51:13
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Early Prime Day deals: AirPods Pro dip to $169, Apple TV 4K $119, M1 Pro MacBook Pro $1,799 https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/07/11/early-prime-day-deals-airpods-pro-dip-to-169-apple-tv-4k-119-m1-pro-macbook-pro-1799?utm_medium=rss Early Prime Day deals AirPods Pro dip to Apple TV K M Pro MacBook Pro Prime Day officially starts July but that isn t stopping Amazon and Best Buy from issuing aggressive discounts on Apple products leading up to the mega shopping event Amazon and Best Buy are engaged in price wars on Apple products ahead of Prime Day Early Prime Day Apple price drops Read more 2022-07-11 16:22:54
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple tied with fifth-place Asus in Q2 global PC market https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/07/11/apple-slips-to-fifth-place-ties-with-asus-in-global-pc-market-in-q2-2022?utm_medium=rss Apple tied with fifth place Asus in Q global PC marketApple slipped to fifth place in total PC shipments during the second quarter of amid a broader decline in the entire market MacBook ProShipments of Apple s Mac fell by year over year in Q That s higher than the hit that the entire PC market took during the same period according to new data from research firm IDC Read more 2022-07-11 16:43:04
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Early Prime Day deal: Apple Watch Series 7 dips to $284, lowest price ever https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/07/09/early-prime-day-deal-apple-watch-series-7-dips-to-284-lowest-price-ever?utm_medium=rss Early Prime Day deal Apple Watch Series dips to lowest price everAmazon is home to some of the best Apple Watch deals available ahead of Prime Day with the Series now up to off Amazon has slashed the Apple Watch Series to lowest price ever ahead of Prime Day Pre Prime Day Apple Watch discounts Read more 2022-07-11 16:28:42
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Get ready for Prime Day 2022 with these tips & exclusive deals on Apple products https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/07/07/get-ready-for-prime-day-2022-with-these-tips-exclusive-deals-on-apple-products?utm_medium=rss Get ready for Prime Day with these tips amp exclusive deals on Apple productsPrime Day has evolved to rival the Q holiday shopping season with billions in sales and deals that aren t just limited to Amazon We re rounding up the best ways to save leading up to the July shopping event Apple resellers often engage in price wars during the Amazon Prime Day event Make sure you re a Prime member beforehand Read more 2022-07-11 16:53:30
金融 金融庁ホームページ 金融庁職員の新型コロナウイルス感染について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r4/sonota/20220711.html 新型コロナウイルス 2022-07-11 18:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 職員を募集しています。(金融モニタリング業務に従事する職員) https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/recruit/r4/souri-01/souri-01.html Detail Nothing 2022-07-11 17:45:00
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ニュース BBC News - Home Train drivers vote for rail strikes over pay https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62121258?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA companies 2022-07-11 16:36:15
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ニュース BBC News - Home Ava White: Boy who killed girl, 12, in Snapchat row gets life https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-62119537?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA media 2022-07-11 16:45:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Archie Battersbee has no prospect of recovery, court told https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-62119015?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA hearing 2022-07-11 16:07:37
ニュース BBC News - Home Jamie Wallis: MP found guilty of driving offences https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-62118964?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA conservative 2022-07-11 16:32:08
ニュース BBC News - Home Euro 2022: Katharina Schiechtl puts Austria ahead against Northern Ireland https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/62127430?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Euro Katharina Schiechtl puts Austria ahead against Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland go a goal down to Austria as Katharina Schiechtl guides home a deflected free kick in their Euro match at St Mary s Stadium 2022-07-11 16:43:52
北海道 北海道新聞 世界ランク上位が出場権 パリ五輪卓球シングルス https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/704523/ 世界ランク 2022-07-12 01:08:00
北海道 北海道新聞 首脳ら各地で弔問 台湾や豪、安倍氏死去 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/704522/ 世界各地 2022-07-12 01:05:00
IT 週刊アスキー ファーウェイのE Inkタブレットがプライムセールで20%オフ https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/097/4097593/ 対象製品 2022-07-12 01:30:00
GCP Cloud Blog Prepare for Google Cloud certification with top tips and no-cost learning https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/training-certifications/preparing-for-google-cloud-certification/ Prepare for Google Cloud certification with top tips and no cost learningBecoming Google Cloud certified has proven to improve individuals visibility within the job market and demonstrate ability to drive meaningful change and transformation within organizations    in Google Cloud certified individuals take on more responsibility or leadership roles at work and  of Google Cloud certified users feel more confident in their cloud skills of IT decision makers are in need of technologically skilled personnel to meet their organizational goals and close skill gaps of those decision makers agree that certified employees provide added value above and beyond the cost of certification Prepare for certification with a no cost learning opportunityThat s powerful stuff right  That s why we ve teamed up with Coursera to support your journey to becoming Google Cloud certified As a new learner get one month of no cost access to your selected Google Cloud Professional Certificate on Coursera to help you prepare for the relevant Google Cloud certification exam Choose from Professional Certificates in data engineering cloud engineering cloud architecture security networking machine learning DevOps and for business professionals the Cloud Digital Leader Become Google Cloud certifiedTo help you on your way to becoming Google Cloud certified you can earn a discount voucher on the cost of the Google Cloud certification exam by completing the Professional Certificate on Coursera by August  Simply visit our page on Coursera and start your one month no cost learning journey today  Top tips to prepare for your Google Cloud certification examGet hands on with Google CloudFor those of you in a technical job role we recommend leveraging the Google Cloud projects to build your hands on experience with the Google Cloud console With Google Cloud projectsnow available on Coursera you can gain hands on experience working in the real Google Cloud console with no download or configuration required Review the exam guideExam guides provide the blueprint for developing exam questions and offer guidance to candidates studying for the exam We´d encourage you to be prepared to answer questions on any topic in the exam guide but it s not guaranteed that every topic within an exam guide will be assessed Explore the sample questionsTaking a look at the sample questions on each certification page will help to familiarize you with the format of exam questions and example content that may be covered  Start your certification preparation journey today with a one month no cost learning opportunity on Coursera  Want to know more about the value of Google Cloud Certification Find out why IT leaders choose Google Cloud Certification for their teams Google Cloud Google Cloud certification impact report Skillsoft Global Knowledge IT skills and Salary report Skillsoft Global Knowledge IT skills and Salary report Related ArticleWhy IT leaders choose Google Cloud certification for their teamsWhy IT leaders should choose Google Cloud training and certification to increase staff tenure improve productivity for their teams sati Read Article 2022-07-11 16:30:00



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