IT |
気になる、記になる… |
NTTドコモ、「5G国際ローミング」を7月15日より提供開始 − ahamoユーザーも対象 |
ahamo |
2022-07-12 07:46:58 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
ソフトバンク、980円/24時間の定額料で最大3GBのデータ通信ができる「海外あんしん定額」を明日から提供開始 |
linemo |
2022-07-12 07:37:10 |
IT |
@IT Security&Trustフォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
ポスト量子暗号へ移行する前にやるべきこと、米政府発表の理由は? |
利用可能 |
2022-07-12 16:30:00 |
IT |
@IT 全フォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
ポスト量子暗号へ移行する前にやるべきこと、米政府発表の理由は? |
利用可能 |
2022-07-12 16:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 大阪府北部地震で損傷した「南茨木阪急ビル」の建て替えが完了 8月から飲食店など順次オープン |
itmedia |
2022-07-12 16:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 「鬼滅の刃」ゲーミングチェア、バウヒュッテが発売 座いすにもなる |
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2022-07-12 16:34:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] キングジム、デジタルメモ「ポメラ」新モデルを発表 バッテリー強化&Type-C接続対応 |
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2022-07-12 16:31:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] Canary/Dev版のChromeブラウザで消費電力を減らす新機能のテストを開始 |
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2022-07-12 16:30:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
藤枝市向けの「ごみ収集業務管理システム」。AWS 本格導入1年未満のSBS情報システムが実証に参加 |
情報システム |
2022-07-12 07:50:54 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Docker+Python環境からGoogleドライブへアクセスする |
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2022-07-12 16:33:02 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
defaultとexport defaultの違い |
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2022-07-12 16:37:56 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Docker+Python環境からGoogleドライブへアクセスする |
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2022-07-12 16:33:02 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[会場レポート] イベント連動型スマホアプリを使ってハンバーガーやグッズをGETしてみた #BrazeForge22 |
brazeforge |
2022-07-12 07:49:11 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Windows 10 から Windows Server(EC2) へ OpenSSH で SSH 接続してみた |
openssh |
2022-07-12 07:12:24 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Amazon Prime Day Deal: Improve Your Home WiFi and Save Money With Eero |
prime |
2022-07-12 07:45:14 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Amazon Prime Day: Grab Blink Doorbell and Cameras for a Steal |
blink |
2022-07-12 07:15:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
I can create any Algorithm |
I can create any AlgorithmDid you mess ever with any algorithm that you need in your project Many times we need to implement an Algorithm for our program to fulfil all the business logic So Algorithm is a major part of a software or application that defines all the business logic How I learned Creating AlgorithmI started development in My first project was on Multi Level Marketing binary Structure also called MLM Binary x That was not easy for me to create the Tree logics that will generate dynamically It was hard for me to develop all the logic behind that tree with lots of condition No content on the Internet In there was no content on the Internet on how to build complex logic like MLM Binary x So I deeply did the experiments for almost days Then finally I got a solution I built that web application and provided it to the client The client was so happy because at that time there were very few developers who can do this And the client ran the project for almost years and earned a lot of money I Taught other peopleSo after learning those complex logic I was thinking other developers in the world facing the same issue So I started a YouTube channel and told other developers how I build this Here is the link YouTube Channel Years in developing AlgorithmsSo I did not stop here to create complex logic Then I worked for many Software companies to build complex logic for them I invested my years to just creating logic Still LearningI think the journey in complex algorithm development will never end Every day I learn new things and get more ideas I still enjoy to develop Algorithms Creating Algorithms is an Art |
2022-07-12 07:28:50 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Web Scraping Google Scholar Cite Results with Nodejs |
Web Scraping Google Scholar Cite Results with NodejsWhat will be scrapedPreparationFirst we need to create a Node js project and add npm packages puppeteer puppeteer extra and puppeteer extra plugin stealth to control Chromium or Chrome or Firefox but now we work only with Chromium which is used by default over the DevTools Protocol in headless or non headless mode To do this in the directory with our project open the command line and enter npm init y and then npm i puppeteer puppeteer extra puppeteer extra plugin stealth If you don t have Node js installed you can download it from nodejs org and follow the installation documentation Note also you can use puppeteer without any extensions but I strongly recommended use it with puppeteer extra with puppeteer extra plugin stealth to prevent website detection that you are using headless Chromium or that you are using web driver You can check it on Chrome headless tests website The screenshot below shows you a difference ProcessSelectorGadget Chrome extension was used to grab CSS selectors by clicking on the desired element in the browser If you have any struggles understanding this we have a dedicated Web Scraping with CSS Selectors blog post at SerpApi The Gif below illustrates the approach of selecting different parts of the results Full codeconst puppeteer require puppeteer extra const StealthPlugin require puppeteer extra plugin stealth puppeteer use StealthPlugin const requestParams q astronomy what we want to search hl en parameter defines the language to use for the Google search const domain const pagesLimit Infinity limit of pages for getting infolet currentPage async function getCitesId page const citesId while true await page waitForSelector gs r gs scl const citesIdFromPage await page evaluate async gt return Array from document querySelectorAll gs r gs scl map el gt el getAttribute data cid citesId push citesIdFromPage const isNextPage await page gs n td last child a if isNextPage currentPage gt pagesLimit break await page evaluate async gt document querySelector gs n td last child a click await page waitForTimeout currentPage return citesId async function fillCiteData page const citeData await page evaluate async gt const citations Array from document querySelectorAll gs citt tr map el gt return title el querySelector th textContent trim snippet el querySelector td textContent trim const links Array from document querySelectorAll gs citi a map el gt return name el textContent trim link el getAttribute href return citations links return citeData async function getScholarCitesInfo const browser await puppeteer launch headless false args no sandbox disable setuid sandbox const page await browser newPage const URL domain scholar hl requestParams hl amp q requestParams q await page setDefaultNavigationTimeout await page goto URL await page waitForSelector gs r gs scl await page waitForTimeout const citesId await getCitesId page const allCites for id of citesId const URL domain scholar q info id scholar google com amp output cite amp hl requestParams hl try await page goto URL await page waitForTimeout allCites push await fillCiteData page catch console log Something was wrong with getting info from ID id await browser close return allCites getScholarCitesInfo then result gt console dir result depth null Code explanationDeclare constants from required libraries const puppeteer require puppeteer extra const StealthPlugin require puppeteer extra plugin stealth CodeExplanationpuppeteerChromium control libraryStealthPluginlibrary for prevent website detection that you are using web driverNext we say to puppeteer use StealthPlugin puppeteer use StealthPlugin Next we write what we want to search and the necessary parameters for making a request const requestParams q astronomy hl en const domain const pagesLimit Infinity let currentPage CodeExplanationqsearch queryhlparameter defines the language to use for the Google Scholar searchpagesLimitlimit of pages for getting info If you want to limit the number of pages for getting info you need to define the last page number in thisNext we write down a function for getting citations ID from all pages async function getCitesId page const citesId while true await page waitForSelector gs r gs scl const citesIdFromPage await page evaluate async gt return Array from document querySelectorAll gs r gs scl map el gt el getAttribute data cid citesId push citesIdFromPage const isNextPage await page gs n td last child a if isNextPage currentPage gt pagesLimit break await page evaluate async gt document querySelector gs n td last child a click await page waitForTimeout currentPage return citesId CodeExplanationcitesIdan array with cite ID from the all pagespage waitForSelector gs r gs scl stops the script and waits for the html element with the gs r gs scl selector to loadpage evaluate async gt is the Puppeteer method for injecting function in the page context and allows to return data directly from the browserdocument querySelectorAll gs r gs scl returns a static NodeList representing a list of the document s elements that match the css selectors with class name gs r gs scl getAttribute data cid gets the data cid attribute value of the html elementcitesId push citesIdFromPage in this code we use spread syntax to split the citesIdFromPage array into elements and add them in the end of citesId arraypage gs n td last child a this methods finds the html element with the gs n td last child a selector and return itdocument querySelector gsc a at returns the first html element with selector gs n td last child a which is any child of the document html element click triggers a click event on html elementpage waitForTimeout waiting ms before continueNext we write down a function for getting citations data from page async function fillCiteData page const citeData await page evaluate async gt const citations Array from document querySelectorAll gs citt tr map el gt return title el querySelector th textContent trim snippet el querySelector td textContent trim const links Array from document querySelectorAll gs citi a map el gt return name el textContent trim link el getAttribute href return citations links return citeData CodeExplanation text gets the raw text of html element trim removes whitespace from both ends of a stringAnd finally a function to control the browser and get main information about the author async function getScholarCitesInfo const browser await puppeteer launch headless false args no sandbox disable setuid sandbox const page await browser newPage const URL domain scholar hl requestParams hl amp q requestParams q await page setDefaultNavigationTimeout await page goto URL await page waitForSelector gs r gs scl await page waitForTimeout const citesId await getCitesId page const allCites for id of citesId const URL domain scholar q info id scholar google com amp output cite amp hl requestParams hl try await page goto URL await page waitForTimeout allCites push await fillCiteData page catch console log Something was wrong with getting info from ID id await browser close return allCites getScholarCitesInfo then result gt console dir result depth null CodeExplanationpuppeteer launch options this method launches a new instance of the Chromium browser with current optionsheadlessdefines which mode to use headless by default or non headlessargsan array with arguments which is used with Chromium no sandbox disable setuid sandbox these arguments we use to allow the launch of the browser process in the online IDEbrowser newPage this method launches a new pagepage setDefaultNavigationTimeout changing default sec time for waiting for selectors to ms min for slow internet connectionpage goto URL navigation to URL which is defined abovebrowser close after all we close the browser instanceconsole dir result depth null console method dir allows you to use an object with the necessary parameters to change default output options Watch Node js documentation for more infoNow we can launch our parser To do this enter node YOUR FILE NAME in your command line Where YOUR FILE NAME is the name of your js file OutputNote if you see something like Object in your console you can use console dir result depth null instead console log Watch Node js documentation for more info citations title MLA snippet Feigelson Eric D and G Jogesh Babu Modern statistical methods for astronomy with R applications Cambridge University Press title APA snippet Feigelson E D amp Babu G J Modern statistical methods for astronomy with R applications Cambridge University Press title Chicago snippet Feigelson Eric D and G Jogesh Babu Modern statistical methods for astronomy with R applications Cambridge University Press title Harvard snippet Feigelson E D and Babu G J Modern statistical methods for astronomy with R applications Cambridge University Press title Vancouver snippet Feigelson ED Babu GJ Modern statistical methods for astronomy with R applications Cambridge University Press Jul links name BibTeX link ecTPNOfBkJ scholar google com amp output citation amp scisdr CgXMIygEIvc VDgb AAGBfmAAAAAYsbwmbDmKveBMsbqmAhKzEwZ amp scisig AAGBfmAAAAAYsbwmQ qHPPtGUXxQKyTubTzdZxkNs amp scisf amp ct citation amp cd amp hl en name EndNote link ecTPNOfBkJ scholar google com amp output citation amp scisdr CgXMIygEIvc VDgb AAGBfmAAAAAYsbwmbDmKveBMsbqmAhKzEwZ amp scisig AAGBfmAAAAAYsbwmQ qHPPtGUXxQKyTubTzdZxkNs amp scisf amp ct citation amp cd amp hl en name RefMan link ecTPNOfBkJ scholar google com amp output citation amp scisdr CgXMIygEIvc VDgb AAGBfmAAAAAYsbwmbDmKveBMsbqmAhKzEwZ amp scisig AAGBfmAAAAAYsbwmQ qHPPtGUXxQKyTubTzdZxkNs amp scisf amp ct citation amp cd amp hl en name RefWorks link ecTPNOfBkJ scholar google com amp output citation amp scisdr CgXMIygEIvc VDgb AAGBfmAAAAAYsbwmbDmKveBMsbqmAhKzEwZ amp scisig AAGBfmAAAAAYsbwmQ qHPPtGUXxQKyTubTzdZxkNs amp scisf amp ct citation amp cd amp hl en and other results Google Scholar Author APIAlternatively you can use the Google Scholar Cite API from SerpApi SerpApi is a free API with searches per month If you need more searches there are paid plans The difference is that you won t have to write code from scratch and maintain it You may also experience blocking from Google and changing selectors which will break the parser Instead you just need to iterate the structured JSON and get the data you want Check out the playground First we need to install google search results nodejs To do this you need to enter in your console npm i google search results nodejsconst SerpApi require google search results nodejs const search new SerpApi GoogleSearch process env API KEY your API key from serpapi comconst searchString astronomy what we want to searchconst pagesLimit Infinity limit of pages for getting infolet currentPage current page of the searchconst params engine google scholar search engine q searchString search query hl en Parameter defines the language to use for the Google search const getJson gt return new Promise resolve gt search json params resolve const getResults async gt const allCites const citesId while true if currentPage gt pagesLimit break const json await getJson json organic results forEach el gt citesId push el result id if json pagination next params start params start params start else break currentPage delete params hl params engine google scholar cite for id of citesId params q id const citations links await getJson allCites push id citations links return allCites getResults then result gt console dir result depth null Code explanationDeclare constants from required libraries const SerpApi require google search results nodejs const search new SerpApi GoogleSearch API KEY CodeExplanationSerpApiSerpApi Node js librarysearchnew instance of GoogleSearch classAPI KEYyour API key from SerpApiNext we write down what we want to search and the necessary parameters for making a request const searchString astronomy const pagesLimit Infinity let currentPage const params engine google scholar q searchString hl en CodeExplanationsearchStringwhat we want to searchpagesLimitlimit of pages for getting info If you want to limit the number of pages for getting info you need to define the last page number in thisenginesearch engineqsearch queryhlparameter defines the language to use for the Google Scholar searchNext we wrap the search method from the SerpApi library in a promise to further work with the search results const getJson gt return new Promise resolve gt search json params resolve And finally we declare and run the function getResult that gets all citations ID from all pages gets all citations info and return it const getResults async gt const allCites const citesId while true if currentPage gt pagesLimit break const json await getJson json organic results forEach el gt citesId push el result id if json pagination next params start params start params start else break currentPage delete params hl params engine google scholar cite for id of citesId params q id const citations links await getJson allCites push id citations links return allCites getResults then result gt console dir result depth null CodeExplanationallCitesan array with all citations info from all pagescitesIdan array with cite ID from all pagescitations linksdata that we destructured from the responseconsole dir result depth null console method dir allows you to use an object with the necessary parameters to change default output options Watch Node js documentation for more infoOutput id PkuLyccmJJ citations title MLA snippet Zwicky Fritz Morphological astronomy Springer Science amp Business Media title APA snippet Zwicky F Morphological astronomy Springer Science amp Business Media title Chicago snippet Zwicky Fritz Morphological astronomy Springer Science amp Business Media title Harvard snippet Zwicky F Morphological astronomy Springer Science amp Business Media title Vancouver snippet Zwicky F Morphological astronomy Springer Science amp Business Media Dec links name BibTeX link PkuLyccmJJ scholar google com amp output citation amp scisdr CgUuYGAA AAGBfmAAAAAYsb vknFCUdWVMWHGcBPQVwxmR amp scisig AAGBfmAAAAAYsb vjrBsxBEzph DPHmLXeLseRhs amp scisf amp ct citation amp cd amp hl en name EndNote link PkuLyccmJJ scholar google com amp output citation amp scisdr CgUuYGAA AAGBfmAAAAAYsb vknFCUdWVMWHGcBPQVwxmR amp scisig AAGBfmAAAAAYsb vjrBsxBEzph DPHmLXeLseRhs amp scisf amp ct citation amp cd amp hl en name RefMan link PkuLyccmJJ scholar google com amp output citation amp scisdr CgUuYGAA AAGBfmAAAAAYsb vknFCUdWVMWHGcBPQVwxmR amp scisig AAGBfmAAAAAYsb vjrBsxBEzph DPHmLXeLseRhs amp scisf amp ct citation amp cd amp hl en name RefWorks link PkuLyccmJJ scholar google com amp output citation amp scisdr CgUuYGAA AAGBfmAAAAAYsb vknFCUdWVMWHGcBPQVwxmR amp scisig AAGBfmAAAAAYsb vjrBsxBEzph DPHmLXeLseRhs amp scisf amp ct citation amp cd amp hl en and other results LinksCode in the online IDE Google Scholar Cite APIIf you want to see some projects made with SerpApi please write me a message Join us on Twitter YouTubeAdd a Feature Requestor a Bug |
2022-07-12 07:28:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
History of APIs |
History of APIsThe term Application Program Interface first appeared in a paper called Data structures and techniques for remote computer graphics presented at an AFIPS American Federation of Information Processing Societies conference in It was used to describe the interaction of an application with the rest of the computer system In API was introduced in a paper called The Relational and Network Approaches Comparison of the Application Programming Interface APIs then became part of the ANSI SPARC framework It s an abstract design standard for DBMS Database Management Systems proposed in By the API was defined simply as a set of services available to a programmer for performing certain tasks As Computer Networks became common in the s and s programmers wanted to call libraries located not only on their local computers but on computers located elsewhere In the s E Commerce and information sharing were new and booming This was when Salesforce eBay and Amazon launched their own APIs to expand their impact by making their information more shareable and accessible for the developers Salesforce in introduced an enterprise class web based automation tool which was the beginning of the SaaS Software as a Service revolution eBay s APIs in benefited how goods are sold on the web Amazon in introduced AWS Amazon Web Services which allowed developers to incorporate Amazon s content and features into their own websites For the first time e commerce and data sharing were openly accessible to a wide range of developers During this time the concept of REST Representational State a software architectural style was introduced The concept was meant to standardize software architecture across the web and help applications easily communicate with each other As time passed APIs helped more and more people connect with each other Between and four major developments happened that changed the way we use the internet In Delicious introduced a service for storing sharing and discovering web bookmarks In Flickr launched a place to store organize and share digital photos online from where developers could easily embed their photos on web pages and social media These two quickly became popular choices for the emerging social media movement In Facebook launched its API which gave users an unpredictable amount of data from photos and profiles information to friend lists and events It helped Facebook become the most popular social media platform of that time Twitter in the same year introduced its own API as developers were increasingly scraping data from its site Facebook and Twitter dominated social media overtaking the population of which APIs were the backbone At the same time Google launched its Google Maps APIs to share the massive amount of geographical data they had collected By this time the world was shifting towards smartphones people were engaging more and more with their phones and with the online world These APIs changed the way how people interacted with the internet In Twilio was formed and it was the first company to make API their entire product They had introduced an API that could communicate via phone to make and receive calls or send texts In Instagram launched its photo sharing app which became popular within a month as social media was booming Later as users complained about the lack of Instagram APIs they introduced their private API By this time developers had also started to think of IoT Internet of Things a way to connect our day to day devices with the internet APIs started to reach our cameras speakers microphones watches and many more day to day devices In Amazon launched Alexa as a smart speaker which could play songs talk to you make a to do list set alarms stream podcasts play audiobooks and provide weather traffic sports and other real time updates as you command In Fitbit was established which delivered a wide range of wearable devices that could measure our steps count heart rate quality of sleep and various other fitness metrics It connected our health with the cloud As we began connecting increasingly with the internet privacy and security concerns started to show up The year was the year of privacy concerns People started to think about their data being shared among large organizations without their permission and it could be misused An example of users data being misused could be Facebook s API when one developer discovered that they could use their API to create a quiz that collected personal data from Facebook users and their friend networks and then sold that data to a political consulting firm This scandal exposed the Dark side of APIs This made users realize that these APIs aren t free these large organizations are earning by selling their data with other organizations In the year people started to see Web as a solution to all the privacy concerns as it is based on Blockchain As the world is progressing we are becoming more and more dependent on these APIs to make our lives comfortable There is still a lot that we are yet to know about the limits of APIs The future definitely has endless possibilities |
2022-07-12 07:15:13 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Best Prime Day 2022 deals: $89 AirPods, $279 Apple Watch 7, $299 iPad, iPhone accessory savings & more |
Best Prime Day deals AirPods Apple Watch iPad iPhone accessory savings amp moreAmazon Prime Day is officially here with day one deals packing in s in savings on Apple products Samsung TVs third party iPhone accessories and more Amazon Prime Day deals on Apple devices have officially landed We highlighted numerous Apple deals in Monday s early Prime Day coverage and our Deals Team is working around the clock to bring you the best official Prime Day bargains from Amazon along with must have markdowns from Best Buy Target B amp H Photo Video and more Read more |
2022-07-12 07:32:21 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
SpaceX's latest Starship booster test ends with an explosion |
SpaceX x s latest Starship booster test ends with an explosionSpaceX has long been gearing up for the Starship s first orbital test flight but that significant milestone may be delayed yet again A Super Heavy booster designed for its massive launch vehicle has exploded at the company s Boca Chica Texas facility According to NASA Spaceflight which uploaded a video of the incident the booster caught fire while the company was testing its Raptor engines As Gizmodo notes Super Heavy s current prototype the Booster is equipped with version Raptor engines In response to NASA Spaceflight s tweet about the explosion Musk said it s quot actually not good quot and that his team is assessing the damage He also revealed that this issue was specific to the engine spin start test SpaceX had conducted ー quot Raptor has a complex start sequence quot he said as an aside ーand that going forward the company quot won t do a spin start test with all engines at once quot Yeah actually not good Team is assessing damage ーElon Musk elonmusk July Several Starship rocket prototypes had exploded in the past due to various reasons before the company finally managed its first successful launch and landing sequence in May Some of the boosters exploded during ground testing while others caught fire after Starship had already landed following test flights It s not just exploding Starships that had contributed to the heavy lift space vehicle s orbital test flight delay ーthe company s plans also got held up by regulatory approvals The FAA for instance kept extending its environmental review of SpaceX s Boca Chica launch site Without that approval the company can t launch the Starship from the facility The agency finally approved a final environmental assessment of the Starship launch proposal from Boca Chica in June nbsp Last month Musk said that Starship will be quot ready to fly quot in July but this incident will likely affect the company s timeline In a tweet Musk said the quot b ase of the vehicle seems ok by flashlight quot when they checked it out but it remains to be seen how bad the damage was and how much it will affect the company s plans for the vehicle s first orbital flight |
2022-07-12 07:45:22 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple's AirPods Pro drop to $170 for Prime Day |
Apple x s AirPods Pro drop to for Prime DayThe AirPods Pro remain Apple s best sounding wireless earbuds but they re also the priciest too Amazon Prime Day deals have knocked the earbuds down to a more manageable which is off their normal price and close to their all time low If you re on a tighter budget you can pick up the nd gen AirPods instead while they re on sale for Buy AirPods Pro at Amazon Buy AirPods nd gen at Amazon Even though the AirPods Pro are nearly three years old at this point we still recommend them for Apple diehards who want the best sound quality possible along with conveniences offered by the H chipset audio quality is stellar and it s only enhanced by the buds strong ANC which does a good job of blocking out surrounding noises We also like that you can hop in and out of Transparency Mode when necessary so you never miss an important conversation happening around you The AirPods Pro have a more comfortable design than regular AirPods too thanks to their interchangeable ear tips They re also IPX water resistant so they ll withstand your toughest sweatiest workouts Inside is Apple s H chipset which enables things like hands free Siri access and quick pairing and switching between Apple devices The H chip is one of the biggest selling points for any pair of AirPods because it helps them work seamlessly with things like iPhones MacBooks and other Apple gadgets Another big perk to the AirPods Pro is that they now come with a MagSafe charging case so you can wirelessly power them up using any compatible magnetic power accessory If you re willing to pass on features like ANC you can save some money and opt for the nd generation AirPods They re just about the cheapest they ve ever been at and those who liked the fit of Apple s old school EarPods will enjoy the design of these buds Sound quality is decent and we liked their improved wireless performance and good battery life Get the latest Amazon Prime Day offers by following EngadgetDeals on Twitter and subscribing to the Engadget Deals newsletter |
2022-07-12 07:35:16 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The best Prime Day deals for Amazon devices that you can get |
The best Prime Day deals for Amazon devices that you can getThere s arguably no better time than Prime Day to buy a piece of tech made by Amazon Echo speakers Kindle e readers Fire TV devices and everything in between drop to record low prices for the company s annual shopping event and this year s no different You ll find most of Amazon s gadgets are on sale for Prime Day including the latest models of things like the Kindle Paperwhite and the Echo Show Also Amazon owned devices like Eero routers and Blink security cameras are cheaper than ever too Here are the best deals on Amazon devices you can get for Prime Day EchoNathan Ingraham EngadgetAmazon s Echo smart speaker has dropped to It earned a score of from us for its solid audio quality attractive design and its inclusion of a mm audio jack Buy Echo at Amazon Echo DotEngadgetThe Echo Dot is on sale for while the Echo Dot with Clock is down to We like these tiny smart speakers for their good audio quality compact design and tap to snooze feature Buy Echo Dot at Amazon Buy Echo Dot with Clock at Amazon Echo Show Nicole Lee EngadgetThe Echo Show has dropped to or off its usual price If you want a smart alarm clock this is the smart display to get We like its sharp inch display ambient light sensor smart home controls and tap to snooze feature Buy Echo Show at Amazon Echo Show AmazonThe Echo Show smart display is on sale for a record low price of It earned a score of from us for its attractive design stellar audio quality and improved camera for video calls The first generation Show is also on sale and you can get a bundle with it and a Blink Mini camera for only Buy Echo Show at Amazon Echo Show EngadgetAmazon s swiveling Echo Show has been discounted to We gave it a score of for its automatic panning and zooming during video calls excellent audio quality and its ability to double as a security camera Buy Echo Show at Amazon Echo Show EngadgetThe Echo Show has been discounted to or off its usual price Instead of propping this display up on a table or countertop it can go on your wall and act as an interactive information board providing access to things like calendar events shopping lists and more Buy Echo Show at Amazon Echo FramesAmazonThe Echo Frames are on sale for right now We gave them a score of for their lightweight design hands free Alexa capabilities and compatibility with prescription lenses Buy Echo Frames at Amazon Echo Buds nd gen Billy Steele EngadgetThe second generation Echo Buds are down to right now while the model with a wireless charging case is on sale for Amazon massively improved these wireless earbuds from the original versions and we gave them a score of for their better sound quality good ANC and smaller design Buy Echo Buds at Amazon Fire EngadgetThe Fire tablet is on sale for or half off its normal price If you re looking for a cheap tablet to bring with you everywhere or to give your kid without worry this is a good option While it doesn t have the Google Play Store you can still use it to check email watch videos play music and more Buy Fire at Amazon Fire HD Valentina Palladino EngadgetThe Fire HD tablet is half off and down to We gave it a score of for its decent performance good battery life wireless charging capabilities and USB C port Buy Fire HD at Amazon Fire HD The Fire HD has dropped to only for Prime Day It s the Fire tablet to get if you want the best performance possible We like its p display hour battery life and its Show Mode feature Buy Fire HD at Amazon Fire Kids ProAmazonAmazon s Fire Kids Pro tablet is down to or percent off its usual rate It s the smallest of the company s affordable tablets and the kids version comes with a protective case a two year warranty and one year of access to Amazon Kids Buy Fire Kids Pro at Amazon Fire HD Kids ProAmazonThe inch version of Amazon s kids tablet is on sale for This also comes with a protective case a two year warranty and a one year subscription to Amazon Kids Buy Fire HD Kids Pro at Amazon Fire HD Kids ProAmazonThe Fire HD Kids is also on sale for right now You re getting the same thing in this bundle ーa protective case a two year warranty and a one year subscription to Amazon Kids ーalong with a larger tablet Buy Fire HD Kids Pro at Amazon Fire TV CubeNicole Lee EngadgetAmazon s Fire TV Cube has dropped to or half off its regular price It supports K streaming Dolby Vision and Atmos plus hands free Alexa controls Buy Fire TV Cube at Amazon Fire TV Stick LiteAmazonYou can pick up Amazon s most affordable streamer the Fire TV Stick Lite for only right now It supports p streaming and gives you access to some of the most popular services like Netlfix and Disney Buy Fire TV Stick Lite at Amazon Fire TV StickAmazonThe standard Fire TV Stick is on sale for It supports p streaming with Dolby Atmos and it comes with an Alexa Voice Remote that has power and volume buttons on it Buy Fire TV Stick at Amazon Fire TV Stick KAmazonThe Fire TV Stick K is on sale for for Prime Day This one supports K streaming with Dolby Vision along with Dolby Atmos audio and Amazon s Fire TV OS Buy Fire TV Stick K at Amazon Fire TV Stick K MaxAmazonThe higher end Fire TV Stick K Max has dropped to which is less than usual On top of all of the features in the standard Fire TV Stick K the Max version also supports WiFi and live picture in picture viewing Buy Fire TV Stick K Max at Amazon KindleEngadgetAmazon s standard Kindle has dropped to which is half off its normal price We gave this e reader a score of for its improved contrast display extra front lights and sleeker design Buy Kindle at Amazon Kindle PaperwhiteEngadgetThe Kindle Paperwhite is on sale for which is a new record low for the e reader The updated model has front lights a sleeker design an adjustable warm light weeks of battery life and Audible support Buy Kindle Paperwhite at Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Signature EditionNathan Ingraham EngadgetThe Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition has dropped to for Prime Day This is the best e reader Amazon makes right now and we gave it a score of for its larger screen USB C charging automatic brightness adjustment and wireless charging support Buy Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition at Amazon Kindle OasisThe Kindle Oasis is on sale for right now or off its usual price We gave this device a score of for its thin and light design and improved backlighting system Buy Kindle Oasis at Amazon Kindle KidsAmazonThe Kindle Kids edition has been discounted to This is essentially a standard Kindle with a few extra perks including a protective case and one year of Amazon Kids Buy Kindle Kids at Amazon Eero AmazonThe Eero dual band mesh WiFi system has dropped to One node can cover up to square feet and it supports WiFi and has a built in Zigbee home hub inside Buy Eero at Amazon starting at Eero Pro eero LLCThe Eero Pro tri band system starts at a discounted price of for Prime Day This system can cover up to square feet with just one router and it supports WiFi and has a built in Zigbee home hub inside Buy Eero Pro at Amazon starting at Eero Pro EAmazonYou can pick up the new Eero Pro E WiFi system for as low as on Prime Day Amazon recently launched this system and its the most capable WiFi setup in the Eero family It covers up to square feed and supports speeds up to Gbps Buy Eero Pro E at Amazon starting at Eero AmazonThe Eero system is down to right now This is Amazon s most budget friendly WiFi router set and the dual band system supports speeds up to Gbps and a coverage area of up to square feet Buy Eero at Amazon starting at Amazon Smart PlugAmazonAmazon s smart plug is off and down to You can plug almost any dumb appliance into this accessory to make it a smart one that can be controlled via a companion app and with Alexa voice commands Buy smart plug at Amazon Amazon smart thermostatAmazonAmazon s smart thermostat is on sale for right now This affordable IoT gadget lets you control your home s temperature from anywhere and it can be adjusted via Alexa commands Buy smart thermostat at Amazon Blink IndoorAmazonThe Blink Indoor camera is on sale for or off its normal rate This accessory is totally wireless so you can place it almost anywhere It supports p recording motion alerts two way audio and temperature monitoring Buy Blink Indoor at Amazon Blink OutdoorAmazonBlink s Outdoor camera is off and on sale for It has all of the features of the Indoor model along with a weather resistant design so you can use it to monitor the outside of your home Buy Blink Outdoor at Amazon Blink MiniAmazon BlinkThe Blink Mini has been discounted to only for Prime Day and you can get two of them for the price of one as well This camera needs to be plugged in but we like its compact design p recording motion alerts and two way audio Buy Blink Mini at Amazon Ring Video DoorbellRingAmazon s Ring Video Doorbell is percent off and down to It records p video and lets you see what s going on outside your front door It also has two way audio so you can speak to visitors and a rechargeable battery Buy Ring Video Doorbell at Amazon Get the latest Amazon Prime Day offers by following EngadgetDeals on Twitter and subscribing to the Engadget Deals newsletter |
2022-07-12 07:10:53 |
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Sir Mo Farah reveals he was trafficked to the UK as a child |
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Speed limit to be lowered to 20mph in Wales |
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Euro 2022: Why England fans are right to get excited - but players must stay grounded after 8-0 win |
Euro Why England fans are right to get excited but players must stay grounded after winEngland s stunning performance against Norway rightly made fans excited but the players must remain focused as they prepare for the quarter finals of the Euros |
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はぁ~、くった~「MARUCHAN QTTA」から猛烈激辛チーズ味! |
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クボタが「未来に向けた事業活動」を紹介するWebコンテンツ「KUBOTA FUTURE CUBE」を公開 |
クボタが「未来に向けた事業活動」を紹介するWebコンテンツ「KUBOTAFUTURECUBE」を公開本コンテンツの舞台は、地球。 |
2022-07-12 07:53:00 |