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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita LINE Verda プログラミングコンテスト(ABC263) A~D問題 ものすごく丁寧でわかりやすい解説 python 灰色~茶色コーダー向け #AtCoder https://qiita.com/sano192/items/ba71a912c3dd5bdd5e38 atcoderbeginnercontestad 2022-08-07 15:46:01
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita クリーンコード本で腑に落ちた条件分岐の3つの簡単なTips https://qiita.com/tkdayo/items/ceb0f1bb8c6530cddb0e 記事 2022-08-07 15:34:48
海外TECH DEV Community Why and How Git ? https://dev.to/abbhiishek/why-and-how-git--25cl Why and How Git Git is a software that tracks changes in any initialised repository or directory It s helps for coordinating with your fellow programmers to collaborate and for tracking changes in any set of files Git was created by Linus Torvalds in for development of the Linux kernel and it s now a fundamental developing tool that s used by almost all professional developers Git mainly help us in these two following terms CollaborationHaving A record of changes and previous state of code Many new developers and students have an confusion between Git and Github Let s understand how they are different Git is a version control system that keeps track and maintains a log of all the changes that are committed by the changer Whereas Github ia a company that provide hosting services for the code and repository and let people collaborate which internally uses git for operation Git InstallationTo get started with git and explore version control system we firstly have to install git locally in the system for that head over to Git Download and have a installation for your desired operating system The process is straight forward and with couple of next click and you are ready to head over to Git BASH The above picture shows the git bash screen which is the terminal which uses bash language for scripting Before using some git commands and exploring the git features let s first walk through some command cli commands which would help one getting use to terminal pwd command The shell command pwddisplays the file path from the root directory to the current working directory mkdir Make Directory The shell command mkdir is used to make a new directory in the filesystem according to its argument If a file path is given the new directory will be placed at the end Otherwise it creates a new directory in the current working directory The Directory is added to home path to view the folder one can use GUI Application but we are developers so ls List The shell command ls is used to list the contents of a directory If no arguments are given it will list the contents of the current working directory The above folder that We created is present in the folder can be found in the picture shown below cd Change Directory The shell command cd is used to move throughout the filesystem of a computer cd accepts a variety of arguments Full file paths leading to some directory Name of children Directory To move to parent directory of the file You can learn More of these basic cli commands here ️Click me Git InitialisingBefore initialising lets check what version git is being installed in our system through this basic command git versionTo work with git we need some config for the user details as it manage the log associated with the changer maintaining the changes To set those we simply set git configs like username and email for the user To do so follow these commands git config global user name YOUR USER NAME git config global user email YOUR EMAIL After setting up you can check if they are configured well or not through these commands git config global user namegit config global user emailThese would return your given values or string Now we are actually ready for the project so head over and create a folder and add any project you want to push over to github and keep a track of changes in git As we are done with creating a git repository its time to add some files and commit the changes to log For this article am using a simple fronted site Now lets add these files to commit and then commit with a message First dev commit We can check all the logs for confirmation Now lets Push this local repository to Github To push the code or your work to Github we first have to make a connection between the local repository and remote one for both fetching and pushing operation For that lets first create a repository an blank one over github To establish the connection we would be needing the url These url can be found over your repository or else you just add git in the last of your repository url from browser To make the connection we do git remote add origin url here Also to view the connection that are established we can use git remote v Now as the connection is established we would be pushing to github all the committed stuffs from local to remote repository To do so we do we have the command git push origin lt branch name gt We can see Github is updated with the pushed code Hurray Though this article was not intended to give you whole idea how to work with git I tried my best to make things understandable If Found helpful let me know in comment section In the next article would share how to push it to Github Pages or other services like vercel or netlify kudos 2022-08-07 06:36:16
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Integer Factorization: Dreaded List of Primes https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5290250/Integer-Factorization-Dreaded-List-of-Primes algorithm 2022-08-07 06:36:00
海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment Macro photography: The hidden world of garden insects https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-west-wales-62425367?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA funny 2022-08-07 06:10:37
ニュース BBC News - Home Macro photography: The hidden world of garden insects https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-west-wales-62425367?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA funny 2022-08-07 06:10:37
ニュース BBC News - Home Daniil Medvedev beats Cameron Norrie to win Los Cabos title https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/62454663?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA mexico 2022-08-07 06:04:46
北海道 北海道新聞 後志管内257人感染、小樽は160人 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715229/ 新型コロナウイルス 2022-08-07 15:25:00
北海道 北海道新聞 上川管内447人感染、旭川は330人 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715228/ 上川管内 2022-08-07 15:20:00
北海道 北海道新聞 御巣鷹の尾根、登山道開通 台風被害の村道、ほぼ復旧 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715227/ 御巣鷹の尾根 2022-08-07 15:24:00
北海道 北海道新聞 エンゼルス大谷、2試合で1打点 マリナーズに1勝1敗 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715224/ 試合 2022-08-07 15:02:47
北海道 北海道新聞 愛工大名電14―2星稜 15安打で着実に得点 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715226/ 愛工大名電 2022-08-07 15:14:00
北海道 北海道新聞 トランプ氏、保守層で人気拡大 「バイデンはクビ」と気勢 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715225/ 米大統領 2022-08-07 15:14:00



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