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2022-08-07 07:25:45 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
12 Best Practices to Simplify Flutter App Development in 2022 |
Best Practices to Simplify Flutter App Development in Flutter is one of the most popular cross platform mobile frameworks by Google The developers have widely adopted the framework across the world hence there is a loop of updated versions of Flutter and the latest is Flutter Today we are going to talk about what are the best practices for Flutter app development referring to this blog will simplify your process of developing an app with Flutter Best Practises for Flutter App DevelopmentHere you will learn the best practices for Flutter developers to improve code quality readability maintainability and productivity Let s get cracking Make the build function pureThe build method is developed in such a way that it has to be pure without any unwanted stuff This is because there are certain external factors that can trigger a new widget build below are some examples Route pop pushScreen resize usually because of keyboard appearance or orientation changeThe parent widget recreated its childAn Inherited Widget the widget depends on Class of context pattern changeAvoid overrideWidget build BuildContext context return FutureBuilder future httpCall builder context snapshot create some layout here Should be like this class Example extends StatefulWidget override ExampleState createState gt ExampleState class ExampleState extends State Future future override void initState future repository httpCall super initState override Widget build BuildContext context return FutureBuilder future future builder context snapshot create some layout here Understanding the concept of constraints in FlutterThere is a thumb rule of a Flutter layout that every Flutter app developer needs to know constraints go down sizes go up and the parent sets the position Let s understand more about the same A widget has its own constraints from its parent A constraint is known to be a set of four doubles a minimum and maximum width and a minimum and maximum height Next up the widget goes through its own list of children One after another the widget commands its children what their constraints are which can be different for each child and then asks each child what size it wants to be Next the widget positions its children horizontally in the x axis and vertically in the y axis one after the other And then the widget notifies its parent about its own size within the original constraints of course In Flutter all widgets give themselves on the basis of their parent or their box constraints But this has some limitations attached For instance if you have got a child widget inside a parent widget and you would want to decide on its size The widget cannot have any size on its own The size of the widget must be within the constraints set by its parent Smart use of operators to reduce the number of lines for executionUse Cascades OperatorIf we are supposed to perform a sequence of operations on the same object then we should opt for Cascades operator Dovar path Path lineTo size height lineTo size width size height lineTo size width close Do notvar path Path path lineTo size height path lineTo size width size height path lineTo size width path close Use spread collectionsYou can use spread collections when existing items are already stored in another collection spread collection syntax leads to simpler and easier code Dovar y var x y Do notvar y var x x addAll y Use Null safe and Null aware operatorsAlways go for if null and null aware operators instead of null checks in conditional expressions Dov a b Do notv a null b a Dov a b Do notv a null null a b Avoid using “as operator instead of that use “is operatorGenerally the as cast operator throws an exception if the cast is not possible To prevent an exception being thrown one can use is Doif item is Animal item name Lion Do not item as Animal name Lion Use streams only when neededWhile Streams are pretty powerful if we are using them it lands a big responsibility on our shoulders in order to make effective use of this resource Using Streams with inferior implementation can lead to more memory and CPU usage Not just that if you forget to close the streams you will lead to memory leaks So in such cases rather than using Streams you can use something more that consumes lesser memory such as ChangeNotifier for reactive UI For more advanced functionalities we can use Bloc library which puts more effort on using the resources in an efficient manner and offer a simple interface to build the reactive UI Streams will effectively be cleaned as long as they aren t used anymore Here the thing is if you simply remove the variable that is not sufficient to make sure it s not used It could still run in the background You need to call Sink close so that it stops the associated StreamController to make sure resources can later be freed by the GC To do that you have to use StatefulWidget dispose of method abstract class MyBloc Sink foo Sink bar class MyWiget extends StatefulWidget override MyWigetState createState gt MyWigetState class MyWigetState extends State MyBloc bloc override void dispose bloc bar close bloc foo close super dispose override Widget build BuildContext context Write tests for critical functionalityThe contingencies of relying on manual testing will always be there having an automated set of tests can help you save a notable amount of time and effort As Flutter mainly targets multiple platforms testing each and every functionality after every change would be time consuming and call for a lot of repeated effort Let s face the facts having code coverage for testing will always be the best option however it might not always be possible on the basis of available time and budget Nonetheless it s still essential to have at least tests to cover the critical functionality of the app Unit and widget tests are the topmost options to go with from the very beginning and it s not at all tedious as compared to integration tests Use raw stringA raw string can be used to not come across escaping only backslashes and dollars Dovar s This is demo string and Do notvar s This is demo string and Use relative imports instead of absolute importsWhen using relative and absolute imports together then It is possible to create confusion when the same class gets imported from two different ways To avoid this case we should use a relative path in the lib folder Doimport themes style dart Do notimport package myapp themes style dart Using SizedBox instead of Container in FlutterThere are multiple use cases where you will require to use a placeholder Here is the ideal example below return isNotLoaded Container YourAppropriateWidget The Container is a great widget that you will be using extensively in Flutter Container brodens up to fit the constraints given by the parent and is not a const constructor On the contrary the SizedBox is a const constructor and builds a fixed size box The width and height parameters can be null to specify that the size of the box should not be constrained in the corresponding dimension Thus when we have to implement the placeholder SizedBox should be used rather than using a container return isNotLoaded SizedBox YourAppropriateWidget Use log instead printprint and debugPrint both are always applied for logging in to the console If you are using print and you get output which is too much at once then Android discards some log lines at times To not face this again use debugPrint If your log data has more than enough data then use dart developer log This enables you to add a bit more granularity and information in the logging output Dolog data data Do notprint data data Use ternary operator for single line cases String alert isReturningCustomer Welcome back to our site Welcome please sign up Use if condition instead of ternary operator for the case like below Widget getText BuildContext context return Row children Text Hello if Platform isAndroid Text Android here if you use ternary then that is wrong Always try to use const widgets The widget will not change when setState call we should define it as constant It will impede the widget from being rebuilt so it revamps performance Doconst SizedBox height Dimens space normal Do notSizedBox height Dimens space normal Don t explicitly initialize variables nullIn Dart the variable is intuitively initialized to null when its value is not specified so adding null is redundant and unrequired Doint item Do notint item null Always highlight the type of member when its value type is known Do not use var when it is not required As var is a dynamic type takes more space and time to resolve Doint item final Car bar Car String name john const int timeOut Do notvar item final car Car const timeOut Use the const keyword whenever possibleUsing a const constructor for widgets can lessen down the work required for garbage collectors This will probably seem like a small performance in the beginning but it actually adds up and makes a difference when the app is big enough or there is a view that gets often rebuilt Const declarations are also more hot reload friendly Moreover we should ignore the unnecessary const keyword Have a look at the following code const Container width child const Text Hello World We don t require to use const for the Text widget since const is already applied to the parent widget Dart offers following Linter rules for const prefer const constructorsprefer const declarationsprefer const literals to create immutablesUnnecessary constSome cosmetic points to keep in mindNever fail to wrap your root widgets in a safe area You can declare multiple variables with shortcut int mark total amount Ensure to use final const class variables whenever there is a possibility Try not to use unrequired commented codes Create private variables and methods whenever possible Build different classes for colors text styles dimensions constant strings duration and so on Develop API constants for API keys Try not to use of await keywords inside the blocTry not to use global variables and functions They have to be tied up with the class Check dart analysis and follow its recommendationsCheck underline which suggests Typo or optimization tipsUse underscore if the value is not used inside the block of code DosomeFuture then gt someFunc Do notsomeFuture then DATA TYPE VARIABLE gt someFunc Magical numbers always have proper naming for human readability Dofinal frameIconSize SvgPicture asset Images frameWhite height frameIconSize width frameIconSize Do notSvgPicture asset Images frameWhite height width Alright here we areSo this was about the best practices for Flutter development that relatively ease down the work of every Flutter developer If you re having difficulty developing a Flutter app or want to hire dedicated Flutter developers for your project consult with us We have a proficient team of Flutter developers to assist you with your project |
2022-08-07 07:46:46 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
5 Good practices to scale your React projects easily |
Good practices to scale your React projects easilyFor most React developers it s easy to just get our hands on writting new lines of code However we sometimes missed keeping them organized and planned for future use as the project scales Having a plan for scaling can help you Reuse and reduce development timeOrganize project and prevent project reconstructionsShow you are good developer by taking consideration of the project and other devs Here are lessons I learned from scaling my React projects They help me to plan ahead for my projects while writting pretty React code Always start with state managementWhen a project was small I jumped right into writing state for individual components However it got messy when I wanted to sync up states for several components and tried to to use props and callback functions Always start with a state mangement tool whether it s Redux Recoil or context and hooks Even if a project is small you ll need Authenticaiton and Alert to be managed globally Besides state management seperates logic from components When handling backend calls it serves like a controller service layer between UI and database State and actions in this layer can be reused across many components A tip here is always track waiting status for backend calls for conditional component rendering It saves you from unnecessary errors and a nice loading spinner shown to the user Make your own component libraryI found that even when I m using a UI library like Material UI I still need customization on props logics and styles for my project Create a custom components library allowed me to reuse them across pages and even exported to other projects Include styles tests types and Storybook templates recommended for each custom component A good practice is to organize the library in atomic design like the following custom components├ーatoms│└ーCustomButton│├ーCustomButton tsx│├ーCustomButton types tsx│├ーCustomButton styles tsx │├ーCustomButton test tsx│├ーCustomButton stories tsx│└ーindex tsx├ーmolecules│└ーCustomDialog└ーorganizations └ーCustomTable Define typesAs we know JavaScript is dynamic typed language When a project scales props passed across components and functions increases If there is no type checking many unnecessary errors involving edge cases like null and undefined could happen Define types also increase readibility of code It s better to start with or migrate to TypeScript if possible but define PropTypes also works Use global AND specific stylesStyling is always a big headache for frontend devs We have to handle both unified styles and individual styles If a project has UI design provided like Figma try to define styles in global theme first It s better to define them in the theme provider of a UI library to easily make customization on defined palettes The theme provider also handles light amp dark themes for you For styles of individual components try to include them in custom components library mentioned above If they are specific to one component include them in a styles file under that component The rule of thumb is to include styles at the top level needed for reuse Sync pages folder with routesPreviously I made pages and components folders quite a mess keeping two in only either one folder Then I learned that it s better to organize the pages folder in sync with the routes This increases readability for other devs to understand the website structure like the following pages├ーevents│├ーindex tsx│└ーevent│├ーindex tsx└ーuser └ーindex tsxevents correspondes to events and event correspondes to events id I m having the same structure for the components folder to correspond components to a page where they are used But you can also have a components folder under each page and make the components folder for other use These are my good practices on planning a React project for scale and everyone has their own way The two rules of thumb to conclude these good practices are Seperate amp Reuse Organize for readabilityHappy coding |
2022-08-07 07:29:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
SQL Injections Explained |
SQL Injections ExplainedA SQL injection is a security attack that is as dangerous as it is ingenious By abusing the data input mechanisms of an application an attacker can manipulate the generated SQL query to their advantage which can cause catastrophic events What are organizations supposed to do to avoid this problem then Education is the key And that s what this post is about educating people about not only what SQL injections are and how they work but most importantly how to avoid them Let s dig in The what why and how of SQL injectionsBefore learning how to protect your code against SQL injections effectively you must understand how they work and the threat they pose Let s take a look at that now What is a SQL injection A SQL injection is a security threat that allows an attacker to manipulate the SQL queries that the application sends to the database That way the attacker might access data that they aren t authorized to see such as other users data Worse yet is the scenario in which the attacker can get write privileges to the database They can then update or delete data causing serious and lasting damages Why are SQL injections so dangerous Some might think that a SQL injection is only really damaging when the attacker gets write privileges to the database That couldn t be further from the truth An attacker who reads unauthorized information alone can give you a lot of headaches The attacker could access and expose sensitive data like financial data and personal information Besides tarnishing your organization s reputation such a leak would cause consequences to your users customers as the data is shared and sold It could also put you in trouble with privacy regulations such as Europe s GDPR or California s CCPA which could lead to severe legal and financial consequences How do SQL injection attacks work Most applications allow their users to input data somehow and web applications are no different Malicious individuals can abuse those data entering mechanisms in ways that interfere with the generation of SQL queries The things I call “data entering mechanisms are the ways by which users input data into the application Most of the time these would be form fields and URL parameters By tinkering with those elements in just the right way attackers can injectーhence the nameーadditional SQL commands which get executed A SQL injection exampleImagine a real estate agency website After accessing the site you can search for different kinds of properties and further filter by “renting or “buying Typical stuff After selecting your search parameters and clicking on the Search button the selected parameters get added as URL parameters So let s say you re searching for apartments Your URL would look something like this And the resulting SQL query that gets sent to the database would be something like this SELECT FROM properties WHERE category Apartments The query above is pretty straightforward We want to retrieve the rows from the properties table in which the value of the category column is equal to Apartments For the sake of the argument let s say this site is vulnerable to SQL injections Let s see what would happen if someone changed the URL to this OR That would effectively result in the following query SELECT FROM properties WHERE category Apartments OR Since one always equals one the query above successfully asks the database for properties from all categories This is a harmless example but the general modus operandi is the same The attacker wants to conclude the legitimate query and inject more commands after it in order to gain access to something they re not supposed to be able to access such as a list of all users and passwords Protecting your code against SQL injectionsThe most important aspect of blocking SQL injections can be summed up in a single sentence Always assume user input to be insecure And by user input what I really mean is any information that comes from the outside of your application that the application itself didn t put there So don t trust data from third party systems your app imports Also any type of data provided by the user such as form fields URL parameters or user provided files should be automatically distrusted Data from APIs your app consumes also go on that list These examples are far from exhaustive but the same rule applies Consider user input unsafe by default Verify it first and only when you deem it safe should you proceed This tip might seem like general security advice that is applicable to a lot of different scenarios How do you apply it specifically to the SQL injection issue That s what we ll look at now Employ ORMsOne way to avoid writing SQL queries that are vulnerable to exploits is to not write SQL queries at all Most languages nowadays count with powerful and flexible ORM Object Relational Mapping frameworks that do all of the database related heavy lifting for you However like we mentioned earlier ORMs are far from being the silver bullet against SQL injection As you ll remember most Rails security exploits are SQL injections despite Active Record And they also introduce their own security problems in the form of bugs large API surfaces that might confuse users or other problems Use parameterized queriesWhen you do have to craft SQL queries that incorporate data entered by users you must do it safely Luckily most programming languages offer ways to create parameterized queries Parameterized queries as the name suggests are queries you prepare using a template This prepared query contains parameters which you can then bind with the values informed by the user That way you avoid string concatenations and the “gimmick of providing a single quote to close a statement won t work resulting only in invalid SQL Code analysisCode analysis tools also called linters are tools that analyze your source code and provide guidance related to best practices adherence to coding standards and formatting rules among other things They can also identify anti patterns and possible security problems Fortunately most major programming languages count with linters In Ruby you have tools like Rubocop and Brakeman among many others Python developers can count on Pylint which despite not being explicitly a security tool can detect code problems that might lead to security issues Execute with the least privilege possibleThis tip is different from the previous ones Here we ll leave the realm of programming languages for a bit Instead we ll venture into the database This tip is less about avoiding SQL injections and more about mitigating their effects should they happen The idea itself is straightforward In areas where you re just reading data don t use connection strings in which the user has writing privileges That way even if an attacker manages to inject a malicious query they won t be able to insert change or delete any data In a nutshell always execute things with the least privilege you can get away with Security is hard don t make it harderGetting security right is hard Getting it wrong has dire consequences In this post we ve talked about SQL injection an old security threat that refuses to die Throughout this introduction to the topic we ve explained what SQL injections are told you why they re so dangerous and outlined simple steps you can take to avoid them Thank You for reading till here Meanwhile you can check out my other blog posts and visit my Github I am currently working on Stone CSS Github as well |
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