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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] フリーランスになったエンジニアの86%が「正社員に戻りたくない」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2212/02/news129.html itmedia 2022-12-02 15:50:00
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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 書店「有隣堂」ヨドバシAKIBA店、閉店へ 利用者「ショック」「残念」「ありがとう」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2212/02/news134.html 大型書店 2022-12-02 15:35:00
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders SCSK、社内外のデータを統合するデータ活用基盤「Add-Valuefor Insight」 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/24133 SCSK、社内外のデータを統合するデータ活用基盤「AddValueforInsight」ITLeadersSCSKは年月日、データ活用基盤「AddValueforInsight」を同年月から提供すると発表した。 2022-12-02 15:37:00
AWS AWS Japan Blog AWS Verified Access プレビュー – 企業アプリケーションへの VPN レスの安全なネットワークアクセス https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/aws-verified-access-preview-vpn-less-secure-network-access-to-corporate-applications/ awsverifie 2022-12-02 06:58:07
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海外TECH DEV Community Create Velocity Scroll Animation in React with Framer Motion https://dev.to/leduc1901/create-velocity-scroll-animation-in-react-with-framer-motion-ko7 Create Velocity Scroll Animation in React with Framer Motion IntroductionScrolling in a web page is very common and we do that everyday But have you ever tried to create an animation based on scrolling As a gaming enthusiast I love animations effects so I tried to add some animation with Framer MotionFramer Motion is a production ready motion library for React It is simple yet powerful allowing you to express complex user interactions with robust semantic markup Set upWell first things we need are…React and Framer Motion of course so let s create a simple React app and install Framer Motion withyarn add framer motionThen we will create a simple layout like this In the code we create a body that has a lot of height so we can scroll And a text I recommend using span so many span tags still appear inline Create the animationThere are animations I want to create in this example When scrolling up and down the text will scroll horizontal left and rightWhen scrolling up and down the text will tilt left and rightAll based on scroll velocity let s go to the first animationFor the first animation to work we need to have a motion value that I will name it baseX for transformX in CSS with default value is Then we use the useScroll hook to get the scrollY for vertical scroll Next is the useVelocity hook that we are going to pass the scrollY to it So it can keep track of the scrollX to calculate the velocity Finally we use useSpring for some spring animation if you used react spring before this should be very similar Next thing we want to do is transform the velocity we have above to the value we need within the range with useTransform hook Then we calculate the transformX with useTransform using the baseX value we have don t mind the wrap function you can check it out in my source code below it simply wrap the range of values The most important part is useAnimationFrame hook that triggers every frame So every frame in our app we calculate the velocityFactor to see if we are scrolling up or down to set the transformX value to left or right above is my formula Finally we put the x variable to the style attribute in a motion variable like this And we will have this animation You can see the faster you scroll the faster the text transforms if the gif s quality is bad my demo is at the end of the article The tilting textThe second animation that I mentioned above is the tilting animation similar to the transformX above we are going to use the skew attribute This animation is simpler we have the scrollVelocity before we will create spring values for it And transform it to the and range so our text won t be tilted more than degree Then we pass the skewVelocityFactor to skew prop this time we wrap the span with motion So you will have this animation The text will be tilted based on the scroll velocity Sorry for the GIF quality but it couldn t reach fps You should try the demo And if the article didn t show you enough details check out my source codeThanks for reading 2022-12-02 06:44:00
海外TECH DEV Community How to Confidently Write Unit Tests using React Testing Library https://dev.to/myogeshchavan97/how-to-confidently-write-unit-tests-using-react-testing-library-42de How to Confidently Write Unit Tests using React Testing LibraryIn this tutorial we will learn how to confidently write unit tests using Testing Library which is a very popular React testing library for writing unit tests So let s get started If you want to learn React Testing Library from scratch and want to learn how to confidently test an entire application with functional components including hooks mock API calls and set up test coverage then do enroll in my MERN stack course Why Do You Need to Write Unit Tests You might think that there is no need of writing so many unit test cases and wasting time instead we can manually test the application You re right you can certainly do that But as the application grows it might be difficult to test all the scenarios in the application and you might miss something and even a smaller change can break the application If all the functionality is not tested properly That s the reason it s recommended to write unit test cases covering all those scenarios which you re manually doing as a user So by executing just a single command you will be able to know If something is broken in your application If some test is failing What is the React Testing Library The React Testing Library has a set of packages that helps you test UI components in a user centric way which means just like how the user interacts with the various elements displayed on the page It means what happens when the user clicks any button or types in any of the input textboxes that interaction is tested using this testing library So instead of the user doing this testing manually which takes a lot of time and he she might miss testing some scenarios when the application size grows the testing is done by writing unit test cases and executing them by just a single command What Not to Test with the Testing LibraryTesting Library encourages you to avoid testing implementation details like the internals of a component you re testing The guiding principles of this library emphasize a focus on tests that closely resemble how your web pages are interacted by the users You may want to avoid testing the following implementation details Internal state of a componentInternal methods of a componentLifecycle methods of a componentChild componentsSo If you have experience with enzyme testing where you might be checking the value of state once you click any button or you might be checking the prop value If something changes These types of checks are not necessary for testing with react testing library Instead in react testing library you check the behavior of DOM when the user clicks on a button or submits a form and so on How to Setup a React Project with ViteWe will be using Vite which is the most popular and a faster alternative to create react app The reason for using vite is that create react app becomes slow when the application grows and takes a lot of time to refresh the page when we make any change in the application code and by default it also adds a lot of extra unnecessary packages which we rarely need Vite just rebuilds the things we changed instead of rebuilding the entire application which saves a lot of time during development Vite requires Node js version so make sure to install node version greater than or equal to The easiest and simplest way to install and switch Node js versions is to use nvm Even If you re using create react app all the tests you will learn in this tutorial will run exactly the same without any errors To create a new Vite project with React execute the npm init vite command from the terminal It will ask you the project name framework and variant For project name you can enter testing library demo or any name of your choice For framework select React from the list of optionsFor variant select JavaScript from the list of optionsOnce the project is created you can open that project in your favorite IDE The project folder structure will look like this Now execute the yarn or npm install command to install all the packages from the package json file Once all the packages are installed you can execute the yarn run dev or npm run dev command to start the created React application Now If you access the displayed URL you will be able to see the default React application created using Vite So let s see how we can set up Testing Library in our Vite project How to Set Up the Testing Library and Jest in a React ProjectWe cannot only use the testing library alone but we also need to install Jest which exposes extensively used global expect function and other things which help to make assertions in our test cases To set up Testing library and Jest we need to install jest and testing library packages as dev dependencies So execute the following command from the testing library demo folder yarn add testing library jest dom testing library react testing library user event jest jest environment jsdom vitest devORnpm install testing library jest dom testing library react testing library user event jest jest environment jsdom vitest save devWe re mentioning versions here for each package which are the latest versions at the time of writing this tutorial so even if there is a newer breaking version release that happens for any of the packages in the future your code will not break Here we re installing the jest environment jsdom library because we will be running tests in the node environment but we re testing browser interaction through DOM so to inform jest about that we need to add this library The testing library jest dom library is required because it contains assertions like toBeInTheDocument toHaveBeenCalled etc which makes it easy to test for DOM elements which you will see later in this tutorial We have also added vitest package which is only required when you re using vite for the application You don t need it If you re using create react app or your own webpack configuration Now we have installed the required packages let s add a script in the package json file to run the tests Open the package json file and add the test script inside it like this test vitest Your package json file will look like this now If you re not using vite for creating the React app then you will be using the following test script test jest watch Now create a new file in the root of your project testing library demo with the name setupTests js and add the following code inside it import testing library jest dom Now open the vite config js file and add a new test object as shown in the below screenshot How to Create the UI for TestingBefore writing tests we need to have some components to test So let s create a simple registration page with some checkboxes input fields select dropdown and buttons so we can write test cases for it We will use react bootstrap to create the UI elements so we don t have to write all CSS from scratch Install bootstrap and react bootstrap by executing the following command from the terminal yarn add bootstrap react bootstrap react select ORnpm install bootstrap react bootstrap react select bootstrap provides a base CSS which we need for the UI to look nice so we re also installing bootstrap along with react bootstrap Once installed open src main jsx and add an import for the bootstrap CSS file before any of your other CSS files as shown below import bootstrap dist css bootstrap min css Your src main jsx file will look like this now We don t need index css and App css files so you can delete those files Now create a components folder inside the src folder and create a register folder inside the components folder and inside the register folder create Register jsx and register css files So your Register js file path will be src components register Register js Add the content from this link in the Register jsx file and inside register css file add contents from this link Now open the App jsx file and add the following contents inside it import Register from components Register function App return lt Register gt export default App Now If you run the application by executing the yarn run dev or npm run dev command you will see the following screen This tutorial is for teaching testing library so I m not going to explain the code from the Register js file as it s basic React code But If you re not familiar with React hooks you can check out my this article to understand it better Also instead of managing the state and onChange handler yourself you can use a very popular react hook form library It also allows you to add validations to your code without writing much code Check out my this article If you want to learn it in detail Now we re all set to write unit test cases so let s get started How to Write Unit Test CasesBefore writing test cases you should be aware of different queries which you can make to access elements on the page The testing library provides a set of queries which you can see in the below screenshot To summarise To select a single DOM element you can use getBy findBy or queryBy queryTo select multiple DOM elements you can use getAllBy findAllBy or queryAllBy querygetBy and findBy returns an error If there is no match or more than one matchqueryBy returns null If there is no match and returns an error If there is more than one matchfindBy works well with asynchronous code but not with getBy and queryBygetAllBy returns an error If there is no match and returns an array of matches for one or more than one matchfindAllBy returns an error If there is no match and returns an array of matches for one or more than one matchqueryAllBy returns an empty array for no match and returns an array of matches for one or more than one matchSo If you don t want your test to fail If the element is not displayed on the UI then always use queryBy or queryAllBy In other words only use the queryBy or queryAllBy queries for asserting that an element cannot be found or is hidden Now we re familiar with query methods let s start writing test cases for the Register component Create a new register test jsx file in the src components register folder with the following content inside it import render screen from testing library react import Register from Register describe Register component gt it should render Register component correctly gt render lt Register gt const element screen getByRole heading expect element toBeInTheDocument Note that we re using vite so the filename has to end with jsxextension even for test files If you re not using vite then you can end the filename with js extension Now If you execute the npm run test or yarn run test command you will see that the test passes In the above code we re first rendering the Register component using render method provided by the testing library As we have an h element with Register text in the Register component we re using the screen getByRole method to get the DOM element of the role heading If you don t know what role to use in the getByRole method then you can use some random name and the testing library will show you all the available roles for each DOM element for that component as shown below Once we get that element using the getByRole method then we re making an assertion to check If that element exists in the DOM using expect element toBeInTheDocument You can see a list of all available getBy findBy or queryBy methods by adding a dot after screen like this Now we have added one test to check If the Register component is getting rendered correctly or not Let s write some more tests If you run the application by running the yarn dev command you will see that once you click on the Register button without filling out all the details you re getting an error message as shown below So now we need to test the same by writing a test case For that we can use userEvent from the testing library user event package which we already installed previously Now add a new test in your register test jsx file as shown below it should show error message when all the fields are not entered gt render lt Register gt const buttonElement screen getByRole button userEvent click buttonElement Your register test jsx file will look like this So we re triggering the click event for the Register button in the above code Now we need to find the element with the error message so we can add assertions for it in the test The error message is actually an Alert component from react bootstrap which is not visible initially and is only displayed when we submit the form without filling in all the data In such a case we can call the screen debug method to see the structure of the DOM at that moment when we trigger the click event So change the test case as shown below it should show error message when all the fields are not entered async gt render lt Register gt const buttonElement screen getByRole button userEvent click buttonElement screen debug Note that we have added screen debug at the end of the test Now If you run the yarn run test or npm run test you will see the following DOM structure As you can see from the screenshot you directly see the name input label inside the form tag after the Register heading So we re not able to see the error message even If we have triggered the click event for the button This is because it takes some time to execute the validation code from the handleFormSubmit method and before that only we re using the screen debug method so we don t see the error message So to fix this we can wait using async await So declare the test function as async and before the userEvent click buttonElement add an await keyword like this Now If you check the console you will be able to see the text All the fields are required inside a div with the role alert so we can use it in our assertion like this const alertElement screen getByRole alert expect alertElement toBeInTheDocument And now you can see that the second test is also successful Some points to note Always remember to remove the screen debug statement once you re done with your assertions and never keep it in your codeAlways add an await keyword before triggering any event using userEvent as you may not know when the action will be completed Let s Write Some More TestsNow we re done with adding two tests we can add one more test to check If there is no error when the page is loaded like this it should not show any error message when the component is loaded gt render lt Register gt const alertElement screen getByRole alert expect alertElement not toBeInTheDocument Here instead of usingexpect alertElement toBeInTheDocument we re usingexpect alertElement not toBeInTheDocument Because we want the alert element to be not present on the component load But If you check the console you will see that the test is failing So the test is not failing because of our assertion but it s failing because it can t find an element with role alert on page load which is expected as there will not be any error on page load But how we can make the test pass If you remember from the list of queries screenshot shown before The getBy method throws an error If it does not find the matching element so instead of using getBy we need to use queryBy which does the same thing but it does not throw an error when there is no matching element So let s modify our test case to the below code it should not show any error message when the component is loaded async gt render lt Register gt const alertElement screen queryByRole alert expect alertElement not toBeInTheDocument Now If check the console you will see that the test passes successfully Now let s write a test for successful registration when we fill out all the required fields it should show success message when the registration is successful async gt render lt Register gt const buttonElement screen getByRole button await userEvent click buttonElement const alertElement screen getByRole alert expect alertElement toBeInTheDocument Now If you see the console you will see that the test passes successfully Now let s add a subheading to the registration page and see what happens when we run the tests again Add the following heading inside the Form tag in the Register jsx file lt h className subtitle gt Please enter your details below to register yourself lt h gt so your code will look like this Now If you run the tests again you will see that one test fails The test failed because in the first test we re finding the Register heading text as shown below screen getByRole heading And as you know getBy returns an error when you have more than one match Here we ve two headings on the Register component so the test failed So how can we fix it To fix it we need to identify how to accurately select elements while writing tests I have seen many developers changing the HTML structure by adding some testid so they can get the test passed like this it should render Register component correctly gt render lt Register gt const element screen getByTestId title expect element toBeInTheDocument Assuming you added an extra data testid attribute to your JSX like this lt h className title data testid title gt Register lt h gt This will work and make your all tests pass But this is not the correct way Just to make your test pass you should not change your JSX by adding some extra testid or class Instead you should always try to use methods provided by screen to make an accurate selection of DOM elements So now the question is how to make an accurate selection The getByRole method accepts optional options which you can use like this const element screen getByRole heading level As our main Register heading is a h heading we specifically said to select level heading Now If you update the first test case you will see that all the tests are passing Now let s add another test for testing the subheading As the subheading is of level you can query it like this const element screen getByRole heading level This will work but there is another way we can target that element For that you can install the testing playground chrome browser extension Once it s installed follow the below steps open your chrome dev tools using Ctrl Alt I or Cmd Option I Mac select the Testing Playground tabClick the cursor pointer and select the subheading of the Register component as shown below As you can see you will get the accurate DOM element query which you can use in your test like this screen getByRole heading name please enter your details below to register yourself i so you can write your test like this it should test for presence of subheading in the component gt render lt Register gt const element screen getByRole heading name please enter your details below to register yourself i expect element toBeInTheDocument Writing a test case for subheading is not necessary because it does not affect the component behavior even if you don t test that But just to show you how your tests will break for multiple elements I have added that element on the UI along with its test case The Testing Playground chrome extension is really useful to find out the exact matching query for any of the UI elements So instead of using the screen debug method to see the DOM structure you can use this chrome extension to find out the role and other information for all the displayed elements as can be seen below So as you can see you can get any element by role by placeholder text or by label text with the methods provided by screen Now that we re aware of the more specific query selectors let s update other test cases to use the specific selectors Wherever we re using just screen getByRole button replace it with the following screen getByRole button name register i So now If later someone adds another button in the same component your test will not fail Your final register test jsx file will look like this import render screen from testing library react import userEvent from testing library user event import Register from Register describe Register component gt it should render Register component correctly gt render lt Register gt const element screen getByRole heading level expect element toBeInTheDocument it should test for presence of subheading in the component gt render lt Register gt const element screen getByRole heading name please enter your details below to register yourself i expect element toBeInTheDocument it should show error message when all the fields are not entered async gt render lt Register gt const buttonElement screen getByRole button name register i await userEvent click buttonElement const alertElement screen getByRole alert expect alertElement toBeInTheDocument it should not show any error message when the component is loaded gt render lt Register gt const alertElement screen queryByRole alert expect alertElement not toBeInTheDocument it should show success message when the registration is successful async gt render lt Register gt const buttonElement screen getByRole button name register i await userEvent click buttonElement const alertElement screen getByRole alert expect alertElement toBeInTheDocument ConclusionReact Testing library is amazing and very popular to test React applications Unlike enzyme testing library you should not test for state changes when using React Testing Library So we have not written test cases to check If the state correctly changes after the user types some text in the name email or password fields In React Testing Library you check the behavior of DOM when the user clicks on a button or submits a form and so on instead of testing the internal state of the component Thanks for Reading You can find the complete source code for this tutorial in this repository If you want to become THE BEST MERN stack developer full stack developer then do check out my this course This is a pre recorded video course that will be constantly updated for any future changes In this course you will learn how to create React and Node js applications from scratch and build an amazing online learning platform After learning through this course you will be able to build any MERN stack application confidently and easily There is a separate section in this course where you will learn how to test your entire React application using React testing library and jest You will also get my popular Mastering Modern JavaScript ebook and Mastering Redux course for FREE during this sale Today is the last day of the extended sale with a discount So don t miss this last opportunity and enroll in the course now Want to stay up to date with regular content regarding JavaScript React Node js Follow me on LinkedIn 2022-12-02 06:11:26
海外TECH DEV Community 10 games to learn JavaScript https://dev.to/dailydevtips1/10-games-to-learn-javascript-155j games to learn JavaScriptWe looked at amazing games to learn CSS And in this article we ll do the same for JavaScript Learning a language by playing games is super fun and for some people it s a great way to understand the impact of the language visually Without further ado here are ten fantastic games where you can learn JavaScript CodinGameCodinGame is a multi language platform where you can learn several languages including JavaScript by playing games The cool thing about it is that you can use it as a multiplayer game which is excellent as you can compete against your friends or coworkers Play CodinGame CodeCombatCodeCombat is an RPG role playing game set up that teaches you web fundamentals and more It s extensive in the number of challenges and supports five languages including JavaScript It offers a free option for all core levels and can upgrade to unlock more Play Code Combat UntrustedThis is a fantastic concept of a console like environment turned into an escape room You ll need to type JavaScript code to exit each level It s easy to start and they provide some hints Play Untrusted CodewarsCodewars is a cool concept where you have to solve puzzles by filling out the blanks It s cool to discuss and see other people s solutions This makes it the perfect place to learn and grow your skills Play Codewars JSRobotJSRobot is a super cool game setup with a lot of background information You have to type JavaScript to control the robot and clear the level I enjoyed how well this game is executed Play JSRobot JSDaresJSDares is a super cool open source game platform so you get community provided dares you have to solve They are small so you can quickly do some in between or before starting your day Worth checking out this fantastic game platform to learn JavaScript Play JSDares ScreepsScreeps is a sandboxed game where you can control a colony by providing JavaScript code It s quite a cool concept as you learn quite a few different aspects of JavaScript The cool part is that it s massive and has infinite levels to play Try out Screeps CrunchzillaCrunchzilla is an excellent way for visual learners among us It provides multiple levels of complexity where you can learn step by step I d highly suggest this game to anyone wanting to visually understand the impact of specific code Check out Crunchzilla Elevator SagaAnother excellent game is the elevator saga where you learn how to transport people in a lift by writing JavaScript code It has many levels and exceptional documentation and solutions described in detail You can keep improving this great challenge to make it more efficient Try out Elevator saga CheckIOCheckIO is an excellent text based game with some fantastic graphics for the level indicators It has a cool feature where you can see all solutions moving from the most efficient to the most creative This helps you to learn about the solution and what you could do to optimize it Try out CheckIO Thank you for reading and let s connect Thank you for reading my blog Feel free to subscribe to my email newsletter and connect on Facebook or Twitter 2022-12-02 06:06:18
海外TECH Engadget 'The Mandalorian' season 3 arrives on March 1st https://www.engadget.com/the-mandalorian-season-3-arrives-on-march-1st-063057873.html?src=rss x The Mandalorian x season arrives on March stMandalorian fans you can now fire up your calendars and add a very important reminder for March st The third season of The Mandalorian will premiere that day and will be available for streaming on Disney the show s official Twitter account has revealed Disney was originally aiming for a February release date as Ars Technica notes but a short delay isn t too bad nbsp The company released its first teaser trailer for the show at this year s D Expo in September showing Grogu formerly known as baby Yoda on the internet and Mando or Din Djarin reunited If you ll recall the Grogu left with Luke Skywalker by the end of season to finish his Force training at the latter s Jedi Temple The trailer also gives us a glimpse of Mando dealing with the consequences of removing his helmet and showing his face to other people which is a huge no no for members of his religious sect nbsp The Mandalorian and Grogu return March only on DisneyPlus pic twitter com hNrVMITVーThe Mandalorian themandalorian December By the time season comes out it would ve been over two years after the release of the show s second season That said Mando and Grogu were featured in The Book of Boba Fett which was a spin off of The Mandalorian released last year Grogu also got the Hayao Miyazaki treatment for the Lucasfilm Studio Ghibli animated short Zen Grogu and Dust Bunnies nbsp that was released for streaming in November nbsp 2022-12-02 06:30:57
医療系 内科開業医のお勉強日記 COVID−19肺疾患の粘液蓄積の頻度とメカニズム:MUC5B産生増加、粘液による気道閉塞、肺胞実質小のう胞形成 https://kaigyoi.blogspot.com/2022/12/covidmuc5b.html 彼らは、剖検標本において、分泌型気道ムチンであるMUCBの高度の産生と、中程度の量のMUCACの産生小気道の約が粘液で閉塞している損傷を受けた肺胞実質の微小嚢胞内でMUCBが広範囲にわたって異常発現これらの知見は、特にCOVIDおよび一般的なウイルス性肺炎の病態生理と治療の理解に重要である。 2022-12-02 06:35:00
金融 JPX マーケットニュース [東証]改善状況報告書の公衆の縦覧:(株)サカイホールディングス https://www.jpx.co.jp/news/1023/20221202-11.html 縦覧 2022-12-02 15:30:00
金融 JPX マーケットニュース [OSE]特別清算数値(2022年12月第1週限):日経225 https://www.jpx.co.jp/markets/derivatives/special-quotation/ 特別清算 2022-12-02 15:15:00
金融 JPX マーケットニュース [OSE]最終清算数値(2022年12月限):CME原油 https://www.jpx.co.jp/markets/derivatives/special-quotation/ 清算 2022-12-02 15:15:00
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 ブラジルGDP(2022年7-9月期)-けん引役の消費・投資がいずれも減速 https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=73141?site=nli 月期に続き内需消費や投資が成長のけん引役となったが、伸び率はいずれも減速した。 2022-12-02 15:54:26
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 「トリプル安」後の英国-日本が真に学ぶべきことは?- https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=73140?site=nli 目次ーはじめにー「トリプル安」から速やかに脱却した英国、回避している日本ー日本と英国の違い物価・賃金動向金融政策と国債保有構造経常収支と外貨準備高FRBの利上げに関する市場観測の変化財政への信頼を確保するためのルールと制度ー「トリプル安」後の英国ートラス政権の「ミニ予算」からスナク政権の「中期財政計画」へミニ予算の修正スナク政権の「中期財政計画」専門家による評価国民の受け止めーおわりにー日本が真に学ぶべきことは今年月下旬から月半ばにかけて、英国が通貨ポンド、国債、株価の「トリプル安」に見舞われた図。 2022-12-02 15:29:44
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Brace for bombs, fix and repeat: Ukraine’s grim efforts to restore power https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/12/02/world/ukraine-grim-efforts-power-restoration/ Brace for bombs fix and repeat Ukraine s grim efforts to restore powerEven as Ukrainian workers race to restore basic services like electricity heat and water new Russian airstrikes send them back to the starting line 2022-12-02 15:21:48
ニュース BBC News - Home Chester by-election: Labour hold seat in Rishi Sunak's first electoral test https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-63825130?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA labour 2022-12-02 06:20:55
ニュース BBC News - Home '5G makes my phone pretty worthless' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-63798292?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA internet 2022-12-02 06:04:17
ニュース BBC News - Home World Cup 2022: Ghana aim for revenge against Uruguay for 2010 exit https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/63618590?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA finals 2022-12-02 06:21:14
IT 週刊アスキー 地上273mのスカイガーデンから特別な年始を迎えよう! ランドマークタワー、初日の出特別観覧セットを数量限定で事前販売 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/115/4115835/ 初日の出 2022-12-02 15:40:00
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IT 週刊アスキー 「救世少女 メシアガール おかわり」、12月5日にリニューアルサービス開始。カウントダウンキャンペーンがスタート https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/115/4115837/ 記念 2022-12-02 15:20:00
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