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AWS AWS Architecture Blog Let’s Architect! Architecture tools https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/lets-architect-architecture-tools/ Let s Architect Architecture toolsTools such as diagramming software low code applications and frameworks make it possible to experiment quickly They are essential in today s fast paced and technology driven world From improving efficiency and accuracy to enhancing collaboration and creativity a well defined set of tools can make a significant impact on the quality and success of a project in the area … 2023-02-22 17:49:46
AWS AWS Game Tech Blog Why Small Impact Games shifted to cloud-based infrastructure on AWS for ‘Marauders’ https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/gametech/why-small-impact-games-shifted-to-cloud-based-infrastructure-on-aws-for-marauders/ Why Small Impact Games shifted to cloud based infrastructure on AWS for Marauders Learn how the developer improved performance at scale while going fully autonomous As an independent video game developer Small Impact Games SIG is accustomed to making the most of its resources to create player centric experiences Based in Leicester England the studio s person team has contributed to different titles since its founding In gearing … 2023-02-22 17:57:12
AWS AWS Management Tools Blog Centrally track Oracle database licenses in AWS Organizations using AWS License Manager and AWS Systems Manager https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mt/centrally-track-oracle-database-licenses-in-aws-organizations-using-aws-license-manager-and-aws-systems-manager/ Centrally track Oracle database licenses in AWS Organizations using AWS License Manager and AWS Systems ManagerAs you continue to run your business critical workloads in hybrid environments you ll most likely face the challenges of license management of products such as Microsoft SAP Oracle and IBM due to limited visibility and governance You ll most likely eventually over provision licenses to avoid the headache with third party license providers or under provisioning licenses only to face … 2023-02-22 17:46:01
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Reveal the Hidden Windows Administrator Account on the Login Screen https://www.makeuseof.com/hidden-administrator-account-not-showing-login-screen/ bring 2023-02-22 17:15:16
海外TECH MakeUseOf The RØDE NTH-100M Pro Headset Now Offers Exceptional Recording https://www.makeuseof.com/rode-nth-100m/ combo 2023-02-22 17:05:15
海外TECH DEV Community KLYNTAR Basics. Part 1: The idea of multistaking on KLY for the theoretical maximum security & decentralization😼 https://dev.to/vladchernenko/klyntar-basics-part-1-the-idea-of-multistaking-on-kly-for-the-theoretical-maximum-security-decentralization-56ij KLYNTAR Basics Part The idea of multistaking on KLY for the theoretical maximum security amp decentralizationSuper hot article on our Medium blog about multistaking on KLYNTAR Continue our articles marathon Meet the multistaking mechanism on KLYNTAR stake your bitcoins ethers ada NFTs etc to make KLY the most decentralized ecosystem protected by trillions KLYNTAR Basics Part The idea of multistaking on KLY for the theoretical maximum security amp decentralization by KLYNTAR Feb Medium KLYNTAR・Feb ・ klyntar Medium 2023-02-22 17:54:42
海外TECH DEV Community Learn the Basics of RegEx in JavaScript https://dev.to/thedevdrawer/learn-the-basics-of-regex-in-javascript-4kdh Learn the Basics of RegEx in JavaScriptIn JavaScript regular expressions RegEx can be used to match strings or parts of strings To create a regular expression you can use the RegEx constructor or the literal notation pattern flags View This On YouTube Using the RegExp Constructorlet pattern new RegExp hello let input hello world let result pattern test input trueconsole log result Using the Literal Notationlet pattern hello let input hello world let result pattern test input trueconsole log result In addition to the test method you can use other methods such as exec match search and replace to work with regular expressions Using match Methodlet pattern d g let input I have apples and oranges let result input match pattern console log result RegEx FlagsYou can also use flags to modify the behavior of the regular expression Some common flags include g global i case insensitive and m multiline Here is an example of using the i flag let pattern hello i let input Hello World let result pattern test input trueconsole log result In this example the i flag makes the regular expression case insensitive so it matches Hello as well as hello Patterns and What They MeanWhat does pattern d g mean in my third example The regular expression d g is made up of three parts the forward slashes the pattern d and the flag g The forward slashes define the start and end of the regular expression The pattern d is a character set that matches one or more digits The d shorthand character is set for any digit and the quantifier specifies that one or more of the preceding elements must be present So it will match one or more digits together The flag g stands for global which means it will find all matches rather than stopping after the first match Without this flag the regular expression would only return the first match So the regular expression d g matches one or more digits together and returns all occurrences of that match in the input string In the third example code it will match all digits in the input string What About String ReGex Using Expressions In JavaScript you can also use regular expressions with string methods such as match search replace and split These methods allow you to work with strings in a more powerful way using the pattern matching capabilities of regular expressions match Methodlet input Hello World let result input match world i World index input Hello World groups undefined console log result In this example the match method searches the input string for the first occurrence of the pattern world case insensitive It returns an array containing the matched string replace Methodlet input Hello World let result input replace world i javascript Hello javascript console log result In this example the replace method searches the input string for the first occurrence of the pattern world case insensitive and replaces it with javascript search Methodlet input Hello World let result input search world i console log result In this example the search method searches the input string for the first occurrence of the pattern world case insensitive It returns the index of the first character of the matched string split Methodlet input Hello World let result input split s Hello World console log result In this example the split method splits the input string into an array of substrings using the pattern s one or more whitespaces as the separator You can also pass the regular expression object to these methods instead of a string representation of the pattern For example you can reference how it was done in the third example Getting Domain Variables From a StringThis regex is very helpful if you are creating your own single page application router You may have seen it in my other tutorials or even in my other videos To get the domain from a string using a regular expression you can use the match method along with a regular expression pattern that captures the domain part of a URL Here s an example of how you can do this let input hashtag let pattern https n www n im let result input match pattern console log result console log result thedevdrawer comIn this example the regular expression pattern is as follows matches the start of the string https matches the optional http or https protocol the quantifier makes this group optional n matches the optional username and symbol which typically comes before the domain in a URL The quantifier makes this group optional www matches the optional www subdomain the quantifier makes this group optional n matches one or more characters that are not or a newline and captures the domain name im are the flags i for case insensitive and m for multilineThe match method searches for the first match of the regular expression pattern in the input string and returns an array containing the matched string and any captured groups In this case the domain is captured in the first group result of the returned array In this example the input is hashtag and the output will be at index and thedevdrawer com at index Get The Query and HashTo get the query and hash from a URL using a regular expression you can use the match method along with separate regular expression patterns for each part Here s an example of how you can do this let queryPattern let hasOnlyPattern let query input match queryPattern let hash input match hasOnlyPattern console log query console log hash In this example we use two regular expression patterns uses to match any character except the symbol and captures everything after the question mark up until the symbol if any matches the hash symbol followed by zero or more characters and captures everything after the hash The parentheses around create a capturing group that allows us to extract just the hash fragment The match method searches for the first match of the regular expression pattern in the input string and returns an array containing the matched string and any captured groups In this case we extract the captured group at index the second item in the array to get just the query string and hash fragment In this example the input is hashtag and the output will be query query value hash hashtag Get The Query ValueTo just get the value from the query string using a regular expression you can modify the regular expression pattern to capture only the value part of the key value pair Here s an example of how you can do this let queryOnlyPattern amp query amp let match input match queryOnlyPattern console log match In this example the regular expression pattern is as follows amp matches either the question mark or ampersand character that starts a key value pair but doesn t capture it query captures the key query in a group amp matches the equal sign and captures everything after it up until the next ampersand or hash symbol The parentheses around amp create a capturing group that allows us to extract just the value part of the key value pair The match method searches for the first match of the regular expression pattern in the input string and returns an array containing the matched string and any captured groups In this case we extract the captured group at index the third item in the array to get just the value of the query key In this example the input is hashtag and the output will be value value NOTE Keep in mind that this regex pattern is designed to match a specific format of URL and may not work for all types of URLs or query hash strings It may require tweaking or additional patterns to match other formats Hopefully this helped you understand regular expressions in JavaScript in case you had any questions about some of my previous videos that used them If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below 2023-02-22 17:32:50
海外TECH DEV Community A importância da cultura de testes no front-end https://dev.to/scafeli/a-importancia-da-cultura-de-testes-no-front-end-dlf A importância da cultura de testes no front endTestes são uma parte crítica do processo de desenvolvimento de todo software e isso inclui a programação front end Na verdade os testes são ainda mais importantes no desenvolvimento front end onde a experiência do usuário éuma prioridade e os erros podem ser imediatamente visíveis Aqui estão algumas razões pelas quais os testes são importantes na programação front end Garantir a qualidade do produto final Testes front end são importantes para garantir que o produto final seja livre de erros e de alta qualidade Isso éespecialmente importante em aplicações web que precisam funcionar em diferentes navegadores e dispositivos Economizar tempo e dinheiro A realização de testes regulares no front end ajuda a identificar problemas antecipadamente antes que eles se tornem grandes problemas Isso pode economizar tempo e dinheiro a longo prazo uma vez que corrigir problemas no final do processo pode ser caro e demorado Melhorar a experiência do usuário Testes front end podem ajudar a garantir que a experiência do usuário seja a melhor possível A realização de testes de interface do usuário UI pode ajudar a identificar problemas com a navegação usabilidade e fluxo de usuário Facilitar a manutenção Testes regulares no front end podem ajudar a facilitar a manutenção e evolução do código ao longo do tempo Ao detectar problemas cedo émais fácil corrigi los e garantir que o código esteja sempre atualizado Promover uma cultura de qualidade A realização de testes regulares no front end ajuda a promover uma cultura de qualidade dentro da equipe de desenvolvimento Isso ajuda a garantir que todos estejam focados na qualidade do produto final e trabalhando juntos para alcançar esse objetivo Evitar erros e falhas Testes front end podem ajudar a evitar erros e falhas que podem ocorrer durante o processo de desenvolvimento A execução de testes de unidade integração e aceitação pode ajudar a identificar e corrigir erros antes que eles afetem o usuário final Garantir a compatibilidade Como o front end precisa ser compatível com diferentes navegadores e dispositivos a execução de testes pode ajudar a garantir que o site ou aplicativo esteja funcionando corretamente em todas as plataformas Isso éespecialmente importante em um mundo onde as pessoas acessam a web por meio de diferentes dispositivos e sistemas operacionais Reforçar a segurança Testes front end também podem ajudar a reforçar a segurança do site ou aplicativo Isso inclui a execução de testes de segurança para identificar vulnerabilidades e a realização de testes de desempenho para garantir que o site ou aplicativo possa lidar com grandes volumes de tráfego sem comprometer a segurança Permitir a implementação de novos recursos Com testes regulares no front end a equipe de desenvolvimento pode ter mais confiança para implementar novos recursos Isso ocorre porque eles sabem que ao realizar testes rigorosos podem garantir que esses recursos funcionem corretamente e não afetem a funcionalidade existente Melhorar a eficiência do desenvolvimento Finalmente testes front end podem ajudar a melhorar a eficiência do desenvolvimento Ao identificar e corrigir problemas rapidamente a equipe pode passar mais tempo adicionando novos recursos e melhorando a experiência do usuário em vez de tentar corrigir erros de última hora Em resumo testes são essenciais para garantir que o produto final seja de alta qualidade e agradável para os usuários finais Eles também ajudam a economizar tempo e dinheiro facilitar a manutenção do código e promover uma cultura de qualidade dentro da equipe de desenvolvimento Portanto éimportante incluir testes em sua estratégia de desenvolvimento para garantir o sucesso de seus projetos 2023-02-22 17:31:56
海外TECH DEV Community The what and why of CI https://dev.to/aneshodza/ci-crash-course-2eo4 The what and why of CIThis tutorial only talks about what and why There is no implementation That will follow in another tutorial What is continuous integration CI Continuous integration CI is the practice of automating the integration of code changes from multiple contributors into a single software project says Atlassian But what does that even mean Continous integration is a lot of people and resources working together to automate code release as much as possible That includes the programmer writing his code and pushing it into a branch which is named after the git conventions Those are feature description kebap cased for featuresbugfix description kebap cased for bugfixeshotfix description kebap cased for hotfixesThose then have to run trough a QA quality assurance phase where another programmer reviews the code and shows what can be changed Important is that the branch includes new tests for whatever feature was added If it was a bugfix there should be regression tests which test if the bug is still happening or not At the same time a CI Tool is running in the background which executes the tests and returns if they passed or not That can look as follows If you are interested in seeing this in action check out Ananke I ll write an article about it so stay tuned Why to set up a proper CISetting up a proper CI is probably the most important step of a project that is meant to last and be expanded for years to come It makes the code Maintainable er Readable er Bug free er Secure er Notice the er at the end That s because it s not a catch all solution that makes code automatically perfect But having a good QA quality assurance having tests having automatic linters having tools like brakeman to check for obvious security risks makes you less prone to those issues This is what a tech stack may look for my projects and other Rails projects like Ananke Everything highlighted is only used to make the code long term maintainable MaintainabilityFirst and foremost The code is better maintainable Good and readable tests can act as a sort of Handbook for the code Real life exampleLet s say I am new in a project and I need to extend the timer units controller rb but I have no idea how it works or what it does I can just go into the time units controller spec rb and read the tests They explain in hopefully English what every function is supposed to do InsuranceNext tests act as insurance that everything you did still works Often times when a programmer implements a new feature it can cause other stuff to break By writing good tests that make sure everything does what it should we can prevent that kind of stuff from happening ReadabilityStyle checks such as eslint stylelint etc should de a part of your CI They make sure that the code comforts to a certain style so a project doesn t mix a hundred different styles by the hundred different developers that worked on it Keep in mind You can never completely get rid of code written in a certain style but you should try to Fastcheck filesWhat I like to do is make a bin fastcheck file which executes all fast running tests such as linters A fastcheck file may look as follows bin shset epassing truecheck if ne then passing false fi echo Running quick checks if fix then echo Autocorrecting bundle exec rubocop A c rubocop yml check npx stylelint fix scss else echo Note to autocorrect run with fix check bundle exec rubocop D c rubocop yml fail fast check check npx stylelint scss ficheckbundle exec brakeman q z no summary no pagercheckif passing true then echo All checks passed else echo Some checks failed exit fi Manual quality assuranceBesides that a good and harsh QA quality assurance process makes sure that the code has been seen by at least four eyes and upholds certain standards Bug preventionEveryone wants to prevent bugs in their application but sadly it almost never works Creating a bug free application Sadly it s almost impossible to achieve No matter how good you think your application is there will always be bugs That doesn t mean that we just give up and let bugs run rampant in our application we give it our best to prevent them How to prevent bugs with CIAnd that s where a good CI in combination with good versioning comes in Having tests which also try to cover edge cases makes finding bugs really easy Let s run trough a scenario Someone implements a new feature where the user can also pick a background color for his profile page To do that they get a color picker but also an input field Now that input field takes hex codes in this format FFFFFF What the other developer didn t think about was that FFF is also a valid hex code He pushed his code opened a PR and requested a review by us We look trough the code and see that there is no test to check if FFF properly works We write that into our code review and request changes After his push we see The new test fails because the short format is not supported That s how testing should work You write the tests for your new feature and try to simulate very single edge case Then you write the code that makes the tests pass That is called the red green amp refactor process I wont go into that in this article but its definitely a topic you should look up Another useful took which needs good versioning git bisect It binary searches trough your commit history to find new bugs This is not exactly the topic of this article but still important to be mentioned as it shows the importance of a clean git history Regression testsSomething really important are regression tests You write those in the same PR in which you fix a bug The goal of regression tests is to simulate what you did to make the code bug but expect it to not have that bug anymore That s how we can prevent a bug from re appearing In practice that can look as follows SecurityThis pro is actually closely tied to the one before It s the same concept of let s write specs that try to exploit the code That doesn t only prevent a security flaw from appearing but also from reappearing Automatic security checksA lot of frameworks have libraries plugins that can automatically check for obvious security flaws For example Rails has Brakeman You may have already noticed it in my fastcheck file bundle exec brakeman q z no summary no pagerStuff like SQL injections can quickly be caught by brakeman That is really useful and may or may not it definitely has already catch developers implementing places where SQL injections are possible With all that said It shouldn t give you a false sense of security You do probably still have exploits in your application Automatic software updatesFor everyone that has read my article about the demonstration of security flaws already knows how bad things can turn out because a library has issues If I would need to summarize this topic into one word LogShell The problem with rd party software is When they mess up security wise your software can be affected Luckily often times libraries give their best to fix those exploits as quickly as possible That doesn t matter to you tho because you still have the exploitable version How can we automatically prevent those issues What I like to do is also use tools such as depfu which creates pull requests in a set schedule which contain updates to your projects dependencies Disadvantages to having a CIEven tho I m a big fan of having a CI and having version updates and having tests there are obvious disadvantages and this slightly opinionated tutorial wouldn t be complete without listing those In my opinion there are a few of them MoneyMoneyMoneyOkay now jokes aside The disadvantages are mainly money If you want a more serious list Money I m serious Short term Development time which is basically money The money problemThe issue with having a good CI is that both upkeep cost and development time go up Upkeep costWith upkeep cost I mean stuff like running the tests on a CI tool such as semaphoreCI and paying for other tools such as depfu If you don t work on big projects the costs still stay very low From personal expirience I pay about two dollars monthly for my personal projects for semaphoreCI I m still using the free tier of depfu Development speedIn the short term development speed can seriously be impacted by a CI The QA process alone can sometime take up to weeks if everyone that can review doesn t have time On the other hand you also have the writing and maintaining of a good test environment It s really important to go all in when writing tests because having them not test everything can cause the devs to have a false sense of security and check less if stuff actually still works Important In the long term tho I believe that a good CI improves development speed as you don t need to worry as much about a lot of stuff such as Keeping the codebase clean keeping it bug free keeping the versions up to date keeping the software relatively secure etc ConclusionCI s play a very important in dev ops environments today which is why upcoming devs need to learn how to handle CI I hope this article gave you a bit of an insight into how CI works and why we do it If you are more interested in setting this up by yourself in projects I currently have an article about that in the drafts And as always Happy hacking 2023-02-22 17:31:39
海外TECH DEV Community Database Design 101: An Introduction https://dev.to/dayanandgarg/database-design-101-an-introduction-129o Database Design An IntroductionIf you re new to the field of database design you might be wondering what it is and why it s important In this post we ll provide a basic overview of database design explain why it matters and walk you through the basic steps involved in the database design process What is database design At its core database design is the process of creating a logical and physical model of a database system This involves defining the structure of the data the relationships between different data elements and the rules for storing and retrieving the data A well designed database can improve data accuracy reduce data redundancy and provide faster access to the data Why is database design important Database design is critical because it can impact the performance and usability of a database system Poorly designed databases can lead to data inconsistencies slower performance and difficulties in retrieving and analyzing data On the other hand well designed databases can provide numerous benefits including improved data accuracy increased data security and faster access to the data Steps in the database design processThe database design process typically involves several distinct steps including requirements gathering conceptual design logical design normalization physical design implementation and maintenance Requirements gathering This involves understanding user requirements defining data elements and creating use cases and scenarios Conceptual design This step involves creating an Entity Relationship ER model identifying entities and attributes and defining relationships between entities Logical design Here you create a relational schema define tables and columns and create primary and foreign keys Normalization This step involves organizing the data into tables and eliminating redundancy in the data Physical design In this step you choose a database management system DBMS define storage structures and create indexes and views Implementation This involves creating the database schema populating the database with data and ensuring data integrity and security Maintenance Finally you ll monitor the database performance back up and restore the database and modify the database schema as needed ConclusionDatabase design is a complex and important field that can have a significant impact on the performance and usability of a database system By understanding the basic steps involved in the database design process you can begin to create databases that are well designed secure and efficient In the coming chapters of this book we ll dive deeper into each step of the database design process providing practical advice and best practices along the way We hope you found this introduction to database design helpful If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below 2023-02-22 17:30:50
海外TECH DEV Community 4 Common CSS hover effects https://dev.to/lensco825/4-common-css-hover-effects-ah0 Common CSS hover effects Color change inverseMostly used for links buttons and navigation elements a color change color effect is when the color of an element changes when hovered For buttons and div s however their color inverses That means the color of their text and the color of their background switch This is the easiest hover effect to make out of all of these examples h font family Poppins transition s Changing the color when hovered h hover color adf button border radius px width px height px font family Poppins color adf background color white border color adf Notice how the color and background color switch button hover background color adf color white transition s Box ShadowAnother simple hover effect is with a box shadow You can also add extra CSS elements to the effect like raising the HTML element up or making it pop out If you don t know a box shadow s property goes box shadow right down blur color meaning the first value is how much to the right it goes the second is how far down and the third is the color or amount of blur box secondBox border radius px width px height px background size cover background image url ixid MnwxMjAfDBMHxwaGbywYWdlfHxfGVufDBfHx amp auto format amp fit crop amp w amp q transition s The bottom margin will make it go up box hover margin bottom px box shadow px px ffe secondBox background image url ixid MnwxMjAfDBMHxwaGbywYWdlfHxfGVufDBfHx amp auto format amp fit crop amp w amp q Remember the third vlue can be how much of it is blurred secondBox hover box shadow px px px Underlined textMostly used in nav s another common hover effect is a text being underlined It can be another option other than the color change hover effect that ll interest your user I ll be honest with you i don t know the best way to do this but i do it by using the after psuedo element as the underline I position it below the word by making it display block then i give it a width of When its hovered it ll have full width and a border which will be our line h after content width px transition s display block h hover after width border solid px DescriptionsA hover effect you must ve seen before is description hover effects It s when something hovers a description comes up either in front of or next to it Unsplash for example gives a small description of who made the picture and if they re available for hire while also showing that you can download it Description hover effects can come in different shapes and sizes but here s an example i made The first one was made by a div in the french toast div that appeared when its hovered The second one was made with a before psuedo element thats shown when the word is hovered hoverDiv width px height px border radius px background image url ixid MnwxMjAfDBMHxwaGbywYWdlfHxfGVufDBfHx amp auto format amp fit crop amp w amp q background size cover overflow hidden desc opacity backdrop filter brightness background image red color white height transform translateY transition s hoverDiv hover gt desc opacity word before content To enjoy pleasuere of display block background color gray color white font size px margin left px padding px border radius px filter opacity transition s word hover before filter opacity All of these hover effects are commonly used around web devloping which is why its important for begginers to learn these If you have any other hover effects i should add please comment them other than that have a great day night 2023-02-22 17:26:07
海外TECH DEV Community Brief introduction to testing in python. https://dev.to/kabakiantony/brief-introduction-to-testing-in-python-3bfn Brief introduction to testing in python IntroductionTesting is an essential part of software development and it involves verifying that a piece of software meets its requirements and functions as expected In other words it is the act of checking whether a software product does what it is supposed to do While it is possible to test software manually by using the product and checking if it functions correctly this approach is often time consuming laborious and prone to human error especially in the case of complex systems Automated testing is a more efficient and reliable way of testing software and Python offers a powerful testing framework for this purpose ーunittest PrerequisitesBefore you can write tests in Python you need to have Python installed on your computer and a basic understanding of the language Once you have these prerequisites you can start using unittest by importing it into your code and utilizing the various classes and methods it provides Unittest frameworkTo illustrate how unittest works let s consider a simple example Suppose we have a function that adds two numbers together and we want to test whether it works as expected We can write a test case that checks whether the function returns the correct result for a given input Here is an example that demonstrates this import unittestdef sum a b return a bclass TestSum unittest TestCase def test sum of positive numbers self self assertEqual sum if name main unittest main In this code we import the unittest module and define a function called sum that takes in two arguments and returns their sum We also create a TestSum class that subclasses unittest TestCase In this class we define a test case test sum of positive numbers that checks whether the sum function returns the expected result when given two positive numbers To run the test we simply execute the unittest main function which runs all the tests in the current module When we run this code we should get an output that tells us whether the test passed or failed In this case the test should fail because we expect the function to return but it actually returns Testing conceptsThat simple example demonstrates some of the basic concepts of testing including test cases and assertions A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which we determine whether a piece of software is meeting its requirements In our example the test case is test sum of positive numbers Assertions are statements that check whether a condition is true or false In our example we use the assertEqual method to check whether the sum function returns the expected result In addition to test cases and assertions there are other important concepts in testing including test suites fixtures and mocking A test suite is a collection of test cases that are run together Fixtures are objects that provide a fixed baseline for testing such as a database or a file system Mocking is a technique for simulating the behavior of a function or object to test its interactions with other components ConclusionIn conclusion automated testing is an essential part of software development and Python s unittest framework provides a powerful tool for writing and running tests By using this framework developers can ensure that their code meets its requirements functions as expected and does not introduce bugs or regressions 2023-02-22 17:25:26
海外TECH DEV Community What's New With Lerna 6.5? https://dev.to/nx/whats-new-with-lerna-65-1ihb What x s New With Lerna In case you missed it Lerna version recently launched We ll catch you up on the latest Lerna news and newest features Table of ContentsLerna Brought to You by NxStill On Lerna Idempotency Added to the lerna publish from git CommandNew include private Option Added To lerna publishlerna run Can Run Multiple Scripts In a Single CommandMassive RefactorGetting Started With Lerna From The Lerna TeamThe Future of Lerna Lerna Brought to You by Nx In case you missed it Lerna the OG JavaScript monorepo tool went largely unmaintained for a while starting around Then it officially declared itself to be unmaintained in April of only for Nx to step in to take over maintenance of the project in May of You can find a more detailed account of Lerna s Maintainance Odyssey in this article Since Nx took over in Lerna we ve added a brand new site to refresh the Lerna Docs The top of our priorities for Lerna was to resolve all vulnerabilities and outdated dependencies facing Lerna We went on to make Lerna faster by allowing users to opt into Nx s task caching inside of Lerna with the new lerna add caching command and add support for distributed caching to share task results amongst your organization in Lerna with Nx Cloud We were proud to go on to launch Lerna last October where we began focusing on further improving Lerna s feature set focusing specifically on its unique strengths versioning and publishing Still on Lerna Here s how to upgrade to the latest and greatest We ve also started an initiative to assist Open Source projects in getting the most out of Lerna Projects that use Lerna can now request free consulting to learn how to take advantage of Lerna s newest features We ve just started this initiative and have already been able to help Sentry get optimized with task caching and task pipeline optimizations for their workspace This initiative complements our free tier of unlimited Nx Cloud for any Open Source project If you re interested in optimizing your Open Source project to take advantage of the latest Lerna features reach out to us on Twitter Now let s jump into the newest Lerna features Idempotency Added to the lerna publish from git Command Idempotent is a word used to describe an operation you can perform any number of times and the resulting state is the same as if you had only run the operation once The lerna publish command is a beneficial tool for quickly publishing multiple packages from your workspace Running lerna publish by itself will version and publish all packages in the workspace since your latest releaseRunning lerna publish from git will publish all projects tagged in the latest commitRunning lerna publish from package will publish all projects whose version does not yet exist in the target registry based on the version listed in their package json file As we can see lerna publish from package is already idempotent since it only publishes packages whose version doesn t exist any run past the first will not adjust the state of the registry With we ve added the same idempotency to lerna publish from git This update is handy for recovering from a situation where some of your packages failed to publish initially maybe due to a networking issue For more information check out the PR New include private Option Added To lerna publish Npm supports a private true configuration as a way of preventing the publication of a library that is private gt lerna publish from git include private my private packageRunning lerna publish with this new include private option as above will strip this private true configuration from the package json of the packages listed in the command This new option is beneficial for the use case where you d like to run ee for a package that will eventually be public but is currently private to prevent getting published too soon You can find more information on this change here lerna run Can Run Multiple Scripts In a Single Command For we ve added the ability to run multiple scripts in a single lerna run command Checkout this quick video demonstrating this below Learn more here Massive Refactor Unlike the other updates mentioned for this update does not affect Lerna s public API but as you can see from the numbers this was quite an undertaking The result is a significant improvement to the Typescript support for Lerna s internals and a substantial simplification of the codebase This investment will make Lerna significantly more approachable to other would be contributors Find more on this change here Getting Started With Lerna From The Lerna Team We recently ran a live stream with James Henry and Austin Fahsl from our Lerna team to show how to get started with Lerna all the way through to versioning and publishing our packages to npm Check out the recap of this session above and check out the repo from our session on GitHub The Future of Lerna Looking to the future we are targeting Q of for Lerna v including a dry run option for both lerna version and lerna publish commands you can catch a sneak peak of this in James talk from Nx Conf below You can find a roadmap for all the features we plan to add in Lerna on Github Lerna More Lerna Docs‍Lerna GitHubNrwl Community Slack join the lerna channel Nrwl Youtube ChannelNeed help with Angular React Monorepos Lerna or Nx Talk to us If you liked this click the and make sure to follow Lerna and Zack on Twitter for more 2023-02-22 17:01:23
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Bluetooth filing hints at new MacBook Air coming soon https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/02/22/bluetooth-filing-hints-at-new-macbook-air-coming-soon?utm_medium=rss Bluetooth filing hints at new MacBook Air coming soonA new Apple entry in a Bluetooth organizational database looks certain to be a Mac and may be the as yet unannounced inch MacBook Air A rumored inch MacBook AirRecent reports claim that a inch ーor inch ーMacBook Air has now entered mass production Separately a database held by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group which counts Apple as a promoter member has added a new Mac listing Read more 2023-02-22 17:28:41
海外TECH Engadget Microsoft brings its Bing AI chatbot to mobile apps and Skype https://www.engadget.com/microsoft-brings-its-bing-ai-chatbot-to-mobile-apps-and-skype-173839923.html?src=rss Microsoft brings its Bing AI chatbot to mobile apps and SkypeSince it started opening up its generative AI powered chatbot in Bing earlier this month Microsoft has granted more than a million people access to a preview of the tool while millions more are on the waitlist Until now the only way to access the chatbot has been through the Edge desktop browser But Microsoft is already bringing it to more products services and devices Starting today those with access to the chatbot through their Microsoft account can use it on the Edge and Bing mobile apps for Android and iOS Tapping the Bing button at the bottom of the namesake mobile app will start a chat session In the Edge mobile app you can fire up the chatbot from the homepage On top of that you can start using the chatbot in Skype Users can converse with it one on one or add it to a group chat You might use the chatbot to help plan a trip and let everyone else see the suggestions at the same time or settle a debate by asking it to clarify which movies an actor has appeared in over the last decade It can translate information between more than languages too nbsp nbsp There s also another way to use the chatbot Microsoft has added voice control on both mobile and desktop While it s early days for the chatbot it could finally spell the end for Cortana after years of the voice assistant gradually fading into the background Microsoft notes that it could and probably will bring the chatbot to other apps such as Teams However it said that it s still fine tuning the chatbot which has run into a number of speed bumps after more people got their hands on it 2023-02-22 17:38:39
海外TECH Engadget ‘No Man’s Sky’ Fractal update overhauls VR gameplay in time for its PS VR2 release https://www.engadget.com/no-mans-sky-fractal-update-overhauls-vr-gameplay-in-time-for-its-ps-vr2-release-173009994.html?src=rss No Man s Sky Fractal update overhauls VR gameplay in time for its PS VR releaseIn No Man s Sky reinvented itself for virtual reality Now nearly four years later it s doing so again With the release of PlayStation VR Hello Games has announced Fractal a free update for No Man s Sky that overhauls the game s virtual reality experience on all platforms In a blog post published Wednesday the studio said it redesigned the HUD and user interface in No Man s Sky to make every interaction within the game feel natural and purpose built In practice that means Hello Games has devised some clever ways for you to interact with your tools while playing No Man s Sky in VR For instance you can access all of your Multi Tool s capabilities through a menu embedded into the device Similarly you can browse your character s inventory through a wrist mounted display they wear on their spacesuit PlayStation VR users can look forward to a handful of platform specific enhancements Thanks to the power of the PlayStation the PS VR version of the game features enhanced reflections denser foliage higher quality textures and better draw distances among other technical improvements The PS VR release also takes advantage of the headset s signature features including D audio technology and intelligent tracking Best of all you can seamlessly switch between VR and standard gameplay whenever you feel you need a break from the headset If you don t own a VR headset Hello Games hasn t forgotten about you The Fractal update includes new content and features for all No Man s Sky players to experience To start there s the new “Utopia Speeder spacecraft for players to add their stable Hello Games says this ship is perfect for flying across the surface of a planet at high speed Additionally there s a new expedition that tasks players with rebuilding a solar system Taking part will allow you to earn a new drone companion for your character among other items On the technical front Hello Games has redesigned the game s options menu to add new accessibility features It has also added support for gyro controls on PlayStation Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck All told Fractal looks like yet another meaningful update for a game that has evolved so much since its rough launch in You can download version of No Man s Sky today 2023-02-22 17:30:09
海外TECH Engadget Cruise’s robotaxis have driven 1 million miles with nobody behind the wheel https://www.engadget.com/cruise-robotaxi-1-million-driverless-miles-170051724.html?src=rss Cruise s robotaxis have driven million miles with nobody behind the wheelFor autonomous vehicle developers every mile driven serves as proof that their technology works and as an opportunity to gather data for further improvement Which is why Cruise which has just announced that it has completed million fully driverless miles calls the achievement one of its biggest milestones yet A spokesperson told us that those were miles driven with no safety driver behind the wheel and that most of them were collected in San Francisco If you ll recall the GM subsidiary started testing fully driverless rides in the city back in November It was also the first company to ever receive a driverless deployment permit from the California Public Utilities Commission allowing it to charge passengers for robotaxi rides by June last year Based on the disengagement reports it submitted to the California DMV it only had around cars or so operating at the beginning of CNN said it was maintaining a fleet of vehicles by September last year and was seeking to add more nbsp Mo Elshenawy Cruise s SVP of engineering said each one of those miles has been packed with complex scenarios that have set Cruise up for rapid scale Since San Francisco streets are often chaotic and packed with people the company was able to gather tons of useful data it can use to better its technology For example Elshenawy wrote in a blog post stop sign blow throughs are x times more frequent in San Francisco than in suburban areas Cruise has been feeding data from each drive into a continuous learning machine that creates millions of permutations of real world scenarios on the road That allows the technology to learn from simulated drives and then apply what it learns in real life When you consider our safety record the gravity of our team s achievement comes into sharper focus Elshenawy continued To date riders have taken tens of thousands of rides in Cruise AVs In the coming years millions of people will experience this fully driverless future for themselves Cruise s announcement comes almost a month after San Francisco officials sent a letter to California regulators asking them to slow Cruise s and Waymo s expansion plans They reportedly wanted a better understanding of autonomous vehicles first and were worried about the hazards and network impacts caused by planned and unplanned AV stops that obstruct traffic As The New York Times said in a recent report stalled Cruise and Waymo vehicles have caused traffic jams in San Francisco several times in the past Officials believe these companies have to significantly improve their technologies before expanding or else they could quickly exhaust emergency response resources and could undermine public confidence in all automated driving technology 2023-02-22 17:00:51
Cisco Cisco Blog Cisco IoT enables the global acceleration of offshore wind energy https://feedpress.me/link/23532/15987700/cisco-iot-enables-the-global-acceleration-of-offshore-wind-energy overall 2023-02-22 17:47:22
海外科学 NYT > Science With Ohio Visit, Trump Seeks to Draw Contrast With Biden Over Train Derailment https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/22/us/politics/trump-east-palestine-ohio-visit.html With Ohio Visit Trump Seeks to Draw Contrast With Biden Over Train DerailmentThe former president has attacked President Biden over his administration s handling of the train derailment disaster even as his own environmental policies while in office have been criticized 2023-02-22 17:59:37
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 会長記者会見−2023年− https://www.jsda.or.jp/about/kaiken/kaiken_2023.html 記者会見 2023-02-22 18:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Shamima Begum bid to regain UK citizenship rejected https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64731007?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA begum 2023-02-22 17:19:24
ニュース BBC News - Home Police handling of Nicola Bulley search to be reviewed https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-64733004?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA details 2023-02-22 17:57:42
ニュース BBC News - Home Six Nations 2023: Wales will play match against England despite player unrest https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/64718572?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA players 2023-02-22 17:50:05
ニュース BBC News - Home JK Rowling dismisses backlash over trans comments: 'I don't care about my legacy' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-64729304?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA backlash 2023-02-22 17:10:35
ニュース BBC News - Home Women's T20 World Cup: India unfazed by semi-final against 'unstoppable train' Australia https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/64697201?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Women x s T World Cup India unfazed by semi final against x unstoppable train x AustraliaIndia are looking to upset defending champions Australia in the semi final of the T World Cup in South Africa 2023-02-22 17:27:15
ニュース BBC News - Home European Indoor Championships: Keely Hodgkinson and Laura Muir in Great Britain team https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/athletics/64737308?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA European Indoor Championships Keely Hodgkinson and Laura Muir in Great Britain teamKeely Hodgkinson and Laura Muir are named in Great Britain and Northern Ireland s team for the European Indoor Championships 2023-02-22 17:44:26
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 企業行動のミステリーに挑むために - 新解釈 コーポレートファイナンス理論 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/318156 企業価値 2023-02-23 02:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【神様】は見ている。金運が下がる飲食店でのNG行動ベスト1 - 旬のカレンダー https://diamond.jp/articles/-/317837 【神様】は見ている。 2023-02-23 02:45:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「あなたの先祖はサルですか?」ダーウィンの進化論をめぐる「大論争」の意外な事実 - 若い読者に贈る美しい生物学講義 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/318094 「あなたの先祖はサルですか」ダーウィンの進化論をめぐる「大論争」の意外な事実若い読者に贈る美しい生物学講義万部突破のロングセラー養老孟司氏「面白くてためになる。 2023-02-23 02:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「いろいろ通ってるのに痛みやコリをぶりかえす人」を救う、整体プロの技とは? - すごい自力整体 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/318046 「いろいろ通ってるのに痛みやコリをぶりかえす人」を救う、整体プロの技とはすごい自力整体今、脚光を浴びている「自力整体」。 2023-02-23 02:35:00
Azure Azure の更新情報 General availability: Azure Sphere OS version 23.02 https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/updates/general-availability-azure-sphere-os-version-2302/ azure 2023-02-22 18:00:23
GCP Cloud Blog No cash to tip? No problem. How TackPay built its digital tipping platform on Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/startups/tackpay-builds-digital-tipping-platform-on-google-cloud/ No cash to tip No problem How TackPay built its digital tipping platform on Google CloudSociety is going cashless While convenient for consumers that s caused a drastic decrease in income for tipped workers and this is the problem TackPay addresses TackPay is a mobile platform that allows users to send receive and manage tips in a completely digital way providing tipped workers with a virtual tip jar that makes it easy for them to receive cashless tips directly Digitizing the tipping process not only allows individuals to receive tips without cash but also streamlines a process that has frequently been unfair inefficient and opaque especially in restaurants and hotels Through TackPay s algorithm venues can define the rules of distribution and automate the tip management process saving them time And because tips no longer go through a company s books but through Tackpay it simplifies companies tax accounting too With a simple fast and web based experience accessible by QR code customers can leave a cashless tip with total flexibility and transparency Technology in TackPayWithout question our main competitor is cash From the very beginning TackPay has worked to make the tipping experience as easy and as fast as giving a cash tip For this reason the underlying technology has to deliver the highest level of performance to ensure customer satisfaction and increase their tipping potential For example we need to be able to calibrate the loading of requests in countries at peak times to avoid congesting requests Offering the page in a few thousandths of a second allows us to avoid a high dropout rate and user frustration Transactions can also take place in remote locations with little signal so it is crucial for the business to offer a powerful and accessible service for offline availability options These are a few of the reasons TackPay chose Google Cloud Functional componentsTackPay interfaces include a website web application and a mobile app The website is mostly informational containing sign up login and forms for mailing list subscription and partnerships The web app is the application s functional interface itself It has four different user experiences based on the user s persona partner tipper tipped and group The partner persona has a customized web dashboard The tipper sees the tipping page the application s core functionality It is designed to provide a light weight and low latency transaction to encourage the tipper to tip more efficiently and frequently The tipped i e the receiver can use the application to onboard into the system their tip fund and track their transactions via a dashboard The group persona allows the user to combine tips for multiple tip receivers across several services as an entity  The mobile interface also has similar experience to that of the web for the tipped and group personas A user dashboard that spans across a few personas covers the feedback wallet transactions network profile settings bank details withdrawal docs features for the Tipped persona In addition to those features the dashboard also covers the venue details for the Group persona Technical architecture to enable cashless tippingBelow is the technical architecture diagram at a high level IngestionData comes in from the web application mobile app third party finance application APIs and Google Analytics The web application and mobile app perform the core business functionality The website and Google Analytics serve as the entry point for business analytics and marketing data  ApplicationThe web application and mobile app provide the platform s core functionality and share the same database ーCloud Firestore The tipper persona typically is not required to install the mobile app they interact with the web application that can be scanned via a QR code and tip for the service Mobile app is mainly for the tipped and the group categories  Some important functional triggers are also enabled between the database and application using Google Cloud Functions Gen The application also uses Firebase Authentication Cloud IAM and Logging Database and storageFirestore collections are used to hold functional data The collections include payments data for businesses teams the tipped tippers and data for users partners feedback social etc BigQuery stores and processes all Google Analytics and website data while Cloud Storage for Firebase stores and serves user data generated from the app  Analytics and MLWe use BigQuery data for analytics and Vertex AI AutoML for Machine Learning At this stage we re using Data Studio for on demand self serve reporting analysis and data mashups across the data sets The goal is to eventually integrate it with Google Cloud s Looker in order to bring in the semantic layer and standardize on a single point of data access layer for all analytics in TackPay  Building towards a future of digital tippingTackPay product has been online for a few months and is actively processing tips in many countries including Italy Hungary UK Spain Canada The solution has been recently installed in leading companies in the hospitality industry in Europe becoming a reliable partner for them There is an ambitious plan to expand into the Middle East market in the coming months  To enable this expansion we ll need to validate product engagement in specific target countries and scale up by growing the team and the product Our technical collaboration with Google Cloud will help to make that scaling process effortless If you are interested about tech considerations for startups fundamentals of database design with Google Cloud and other developer startup topics check out my blog If you want to learn more about how Google Cloud can help your startup visit our pagehere to get more information about our program and sign up for our communications to get a look at our community activities digital events special offers and more 2023-02-22 17:30:00



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