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AWS AWS Meet Ai-San, Training Coordinator at AWS Japan | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31rvPBjm5IY Meet Ai San Training Coordinator at AWS Japan Amazon Web ServicesWhat does Ai san s day look like as a Training Coordinator HereAtAWS Learn more about how she is empowered with ownership at work and why she loves her role ️Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing 2023-02-22 20:14:16
海外TECH Ars Technica Universe’s first galaxies unexpectedly large https://arstechnica.com/?p=1919416 universe 2023-02-22 20:24:43
海外TECH Ars Technica ChatGPT-style search represents a 10x cost increase for Google, Microsoft https://arstechnica.com/?p=1919322 chatbot 2023-02-22 20:09:43
海外TECH Ars Technica Starlink to charge users in “limited-capacity” areas $30 more than others https://arstechnica.com/?p=1919393 places 2023-02-22 20:03:53
海外TECH DEV Community Say Goodbye to Your CDK Stacks: A Guide to Self-Destruction https://dev.to/aws-builders/say-goodbye-to-your-cdk-stacks-a-guide-to-self-destruction-31ni Say Goodbye to Your CDK Stacks A Guide to Self DestructionAre you tired of constantly managing your CDK Stacks and dealing with the associated costs If so self destructing CDK Stacks might be the solution you ve been looking for With the ability to automatically delete themselves after a set time these stacks can help free up resources and streamline your development process In this guide we ll show you how to set up self destructing CDK Stacks and integrate them into your CI CD pipeline By doing so you can reduce costs and improve the efficiency of your development process We ll also share some best practices and tips to help you make the most out of this feature So if you re ready to optimize your development process read on to learn how to implement self destructing CDK Stacks Code What Will We Make We ll create a Step Function that will be executed during the deployment of a Stack and will wait for a specified period of time Since Step Functions are charged based on state transitions and not the duration of the run this will not result in additional costs Additionally Standard Step Functions can run for up to a year providing us with plenty of flexibility Once the Wait period is over the Step Function will use the AWS SDK to automatically delete the Stack ️ Creating a SelfDestruct ConstructWe re going to get started by creating a new CDK Construct that can be used in any project The only thing this Construct will need as a property input will be the Duration that we want the stack to destroy itself after export interface SelfDestructProps duration Duration export class SelfDestruct extends Construct constructor scope Construct id string props SelfDestructProps super scope id const duration props From here we re going to want the Step Function to handle a few things It should Re execute the Step Function on every Stack deploymentClose out old executions on new deployments only have one execution running at any given time Wait for a pre defined durationDelete the Stack after the Wait period List Already Running Step FunctionsFirst we need to get the list of running executions of this Step Function We can do that with the states ListExecutions SDK Command const listExecutions new CallAwsService this ListExecutions action listExecutions iamAction states ListExecutions iamResources parameters StateMachineArn StateMachine Id StatusFilter RUNNING service sfn ‍ ️We pass in the StatusFilter RUNNING to make sure we only get back executions that are still in the RUNNING state Typically there should only be one of these from the last deployment Stop Other ExecutionsNext we ll want to Map over the returned Executions Maps are Step Function for loops effectively const executionsMap new Map this ExecutionsMap inputPath Executions In this loop we re going to want to make sure that the execution isn t going to kill itself not yet at least We do this by checking the map item s Execution Id versus the current running execution s Arn const stopExecution new CallAwsService this StopExecution action stopExecution iamAction states StopExecution iamResources parameters Cause Superceded ExecutionArn ExecutionArn service sfn executionsMap iterator new Choice this NotSelf when Condition not Condition stringEqualsJsonPath ExecutionArn Execution Id stopExecution otherwise new Pass this self ExecutionArn refers to the mapped execution s item and Execution Id refers to the Step Function itself that is is an escape to top level Check and Wait to DeleteNext we can check the State Machine to make sure this resource isn t invoking because of a Stack that is already destroying itself If it is we can exit This is actually very nice because since we just killed the other executions we re tying up loose ends from previous deployments by making sure that there won t be any executions running const wait new Wait this Wait time WaitTime duration duration const wasDelete new Choice this WasDelete when Condition stringEquals Execution Input Action Delete new Succeed this DeleteSuccess otherwise wait As part of this we end up Waiting the duration we set This could be anywhere from seconds to days up to year After the Wait is over we need to delete the stack const deleteStack new CallAwsService this DeleteStack action deleteStack iamAction cloudformation DeleteStack iamResources parameters StackName Execution Input StackName service cloudformation This is done by an AWS SDK Call cloudformation DeleteStack Creating the State MachineWith all the steps created we can tie them together to create the actual Step Function const finished new Succeed this Finished listExecutions next executionsMap executionsMap next wasDelete wait next deleteStack deleteStack next finished const sm new StateMachine this SelfDestructMachine definition listExecutions Running the Step Function with Every DeploymentThis construct is only useful if it is consistently run with Stack Deployments So let s add a Custom Resource that executes the Step Function as part of the Deployment We can do this with an AwsCustomResource construct new AwsCustomResource this SelfDestructCR onCreate action startExecution parameters input JSON stringify Action Create StackArn Stack of this stackId StackName Stack of this stackName stateMachineArn sm stateMachineArn physicalResourceId PhysicalResourceId of SelfDestructCR service StepFunctions onDelete action startExecution parameters input JSON stringify Action Delete StackArn Stack of this stackId StackName Stack of this stackName stateMachineArn sm stateMachineArn physicalResourceId PhysicalResourceId of SelfDestructCR service StepFunctions onUpdate action startExecution parameters input JSON stringify Action Update Version new Date getTime toString StackArn Stack of this stackId StackName Stack of this stackName stateMachineArn sm stateMachineArn physicalResourceId PhysicalResourceId of SelfDestructCR service StepFunctions policy AwsCustomResourcePolicy fromSdkCalls resources sm stateMachineArn When the Stack deploys it makes a different SDK call based on the type of Stack operation Create Update Delete Custom Resources only execute when input parameters change onCreate and onDelete are considered new since the stack is being created or destroyed but in order to make sure the onUpdate call happens we have to touch an input parameter within it That s why we set the Version to the current time Tips for Self DestructionDid you notice that the code above didn t explicitly set any IAM permissions CDK Step Functions handle all of that for you By defining the action and iamActions services as part of the Step and AwsCustomResource constructs CDK automatically infers IAM permissions and make sure those are attached to the Resources so that they have access to perform their functions Creating a DeveloperStackFor a better DevEx you could create a standardized Stack template that includes the self destruct Construct by default For example you could publish BlogCdkSelfDestructStack as your common stack in an npm library export class BlogCdkSelfDestructStack extends cdk Stack constructor scope Construct id string props cdk StackProps super scope id props new SelfDestruct this SelfDestruct duration Duration minutes When teams create new projects instead of creating a stack and basing it off of cdk Stack they would base it off of BlogCdkSelfDestructStack which has self destruction built in Automatically Detecting Temporary StacksClearly you don t want your production stacks to delete themselves Another tip would be to introduce a property into your Base stack that indicates whether it should self destruct or not You could do this by stack naming conventions or have a developer or CI CD property For example export interface BlogCdkSelfDestructStackProps extends cdk StackProps cicd boolean developer boolean production boolean export class BlogCdkSelfDestructStack extends cdk Stack constructor scope Construct id string props BlogCdkSelfDestructStackProps super scope id props const cicd developer production props if developer amp amp production throw new Error Don t use developer stacks in production if production amp amp developer cicd new SelfDestruct this SelfDestruct duration Duration minutes And then in your bin file you would pass in the appropriate properties which could come from node config environment variables etc CDK Best Practices recommend Configure with properties and methods not environment variables which is why you would place these properties into your bin file Many CI CD systems have pre defined system environment variables and those could be used to automatically detect the CI CD for self destruction For example you could create a namespaced Stack that gets deployed as part of an automated PR integration check Then succeed or fail the stack would automatiaclly clean up after itself without CI CD having to do it Can I Extend the Wait Without Re Deploying Absolutely Simply re execute the Step Function This will reset the timer giving you more time if you need it ConclusionAnd just like that you re a self destructing CDK Stack pro You can now confidently say adios to stacks that are taking up too much space and draining your resources With this newfound knowledge you can save on infrastructure costs and keep your AWS account looking fresh and tidy Plus you ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you re incorporating a little excitement and danger into your development process Just remember with great power comes great responsibility Be sure to set a reasonable Wait period and test your code thoroughly before deploying And don t worry we won t tell anyone if you shed a tear or two as your stacks go boom 2023-02-22 20:29:48
海外TECH DEV Community CodeNewbie Podcast, S23:E2 — Having a Growth Mindset https://dev.to/codenewbieteam/codenewbie-podcast-s23e2-having-a-growth-mindset-mf5 CodeNewbie Podcast S E ーHaving a Growth MindsetHey y all If you didn t knowーwe at DEV run an incredible and supportive organization called CodeNewbie run by our wonderful codenewbiestaff We also run a killer podcast In Season Episode of the CodeNewbie Podcast saronyitbarek talks about challenging ourselves to learn with Tanya Reilly Senior Principal Engineer at Squarespace Listen to the episode hereTanya Reilly is a Senior Principal Engineer at Squarespace Before Squarespace she spent years in Site Reliability Engineering at Google She is originally from Ireland but is now an enthusiastic New Yorker Tanya likes raspberry pi coding on trains and figuring out how systems will break Listen on Apple PodcastsListen on SpotifyOr listen wherever you normally get your podcasts Make sure to subscribe to the CodeNewbie podcast if you haven t yet Happy coding We hope you enjoy this season of the CodeNewbie Podcast 2023-02-22 20:18:27
海外TECH DEV Community 4 different ways I've worked remotely https://dev.to/sandordargo/4-different-ways-ive-worked-remotely-4mc2 different ways I x ve worked remotelyLike so many of us I ve been working remotely since the beginning of the pandemic I was basically sent home from the office on th March I remember that there were probably of us left in the office two of us didn t want to work from home and the floor manager The vast majority had been working from home for weeks The night before President Macron told on TV that from then on it s strongly recommended to work from home I m a software engineer Supposed to be a logical creature I interpreted strongly recommended as not mandatory I still think I was right Nevertheless we disagreed with the floor manager and I was kicked out of the office Since then my remote journey hasn t stopped and I can split it into distinct parts Working remotely for the remote team I already knewWorking remotely for the hybrid team I already knewWorking remotely for a new hybrid team in the company I knewWorking remotely for a mostly distributed team in a completely different company Working remotely for the remote team I already knewAs I already explained in the beginning we were all sent home so we can say we were a fully remote team There were no new hires and everyone who was not let go in the coming months was happy to have a job There were no new faces we knew each other Working together was easy despite that due to the network bandwidth we were even asked to only rarely turn on our cameras Because a big chunk of the team was based in Bangalore and later in Ukraine working remotely was not completely new to us For non strictly work related interactions we used chatrooms and direct messages and when we had calls with participants we often talked for a few minutes about life about each other As we already knew each other it was completely natural Probably the only thing I missed was the whiteboard from the office We tried different tools but none of them was really good Overall while it was difficult on a personal level to stuck in our flats outdoor exercise was limited to an hour per day especially for those living alone workwise it was relatively easy No interruptions at our desks which felt like heaven Also not having hybrid meetings was great I often felt that the few who sometimes worked from home were disconnected from our meetings not their fault I was also happy that I was not asked to turn on my camera during bigger meetings Due to the lack of cookies brought to the office by everyone I even started to lose weight Working for the same hybrid teamBy the time people started to go back to the office slowly Not me I enjoyed the lack of commuting and also the lack of interruptions at my desk Returning to the office became mandatory in and I applied for participating in a full remote pilot program I had logical reasons to support my application One is the French public worker s inherent love of and desire for strikes which is quite problematic for parents I understand that parents including us somehow managed this before but it s still a reason And the other reason was that I already had quite a transversal role and often I met people remotely even from the office Manage somehow is relative We saw a single mom crying because she had to leave her job because she simply couldn t continue working with strikes every random Thursday My employer used to own and rent various offices a few kilometers from each other Once I remember that person who I reported to in my side role was surprised saying that oh we thought you d come physically Why on Earth would I have done that Obviously I wouldn t have taken my own car for a work meeting and also lose the scarce parking spot If I took the company shuttle back and forth then my one hour meeting would have become more like hour and minutes The way I work clearly does not give me so much time to waste So no Working remotely from my home was a better choice and I didn t lose so many interactions My reasons were accepted at least I could continue working from the corner of our living room which I occupied not always to the satisfaction of my wife But the extra help I could provide with the kids and the extra time we could spend together was worth it most of the time On the professional side I felt no challenges Meetings were very rarely hybrid anymore Even if people were at the office in the vast majority of cases they called in from their desks respecting the others who were not there We continued discussing personal matters too at the beginning of calls not involving many people And while some changes happened to the team people came and went most of us knew each other and it was not that difficult getting to know a few new people In addition as the office was close to my place and that was the deal I went in about once a month Being among the longer tenured people in the department I had no difficulties with finding my place in this new situation Working for a new hybrid team at the same companyAt the beginning of I changed teams The company was the same so tools and company culture company wide know how were not a problem for me But I got to know different people and fit into another team To fit into a team who already knew each other My reputation within the company helped me there were some people who actively looked for contact and even mentorship from the beginning In the new team I changed a bit my attitude and I also tried to join at least a part of the virtual coffees Only a part of them because I felt that they were holding me back timewise But I already felt that more one on ones with teammates and being active in meetings were more necessary than before I had to make myself part of an already functioning team I mentioned that I was held back by these activities time wise Why did I say so Because I joined as an experimented developer I had a lot to do I was already expected to deliver and rightly so But I also brought my own baggage as a principal engineer I didn t start with a clean sheet I had some stuff to continue doing and to start new things not related to my new team but to my new department or higher organization At the same time I had the slightest intention to work a single minute of overtime So time management became even more important than before The team itself was very international in two different senses We had people from nationalities and we were based in different countries our Australian colleague left us soon after I joined Some people used to call in from a meeting room regularly but as they were not the majority we didn t feel left out I soon left and that didn t have anything to do with me not fitting in I had a good time there Being a remote part of a distributed teamIf you are a regular reader of this blog you probably know that after Amadeus I joined Spotify It was a completely new situation for me First of all this is a totally remote position without any expectation to go to the office every once a month every once in a while But even if I wanted to it would not be possible as the closest office is kilometres away and the only office within my country is about kilometers away And by the way I don t work with anyone from these offices The folks I worked with are based in the UK far from the London office and in Stockholm It means that I joined an organization whose culture and values I didn t know more than it s possible from some external HR pages and where I couldn t count on occasional office trips to learn more about each other The first thing I noticed is that dailies are relatively long and there are a lot of unofficial group calls mostly about work I was always trying to avoid long dailies in my life Such a time wasters In this case I had the feeling that it makes sense to sacrifice that half an hour and include such parts as word of the day and a stress check In other words we don t only talk about the three eternal questions of a daily standup but we also have some fun or show that we care about each other The eternal questionsWhat did you achieve yesterday that helps us to meet our Sprint Commitment What will you do today to help us meet the Sprint Commitment Do you have any impediment blocking point that is preventing us from meeting our Sprint Commitment The reason behind my change of heart is that I saw it as a good way to fit in to sync up with people to learn a bit more about them It s still a time boxed way of socializing Unscheduled group calls huddling in Slack terms is a different case It s often about group work collective code reviews mob programming That was something I was advocating for in my previous teams even before going remote So for me the concept is not related to remote work It s only the implementation of this technique that is remote What I do find important is that people understand what these often ad hoc group calls are about so that they can decide whether they want to join or not Without that understanding people will be either reluctant to join or they will be afraid to drop out and they waste their time in sessions where they don t contribute I always sympathized with the idea of eXtremely Distributed Software Development But I also admit that if you join a company where XDSD is not the main idea behind organizing development tasks you must pay attention to become part of the team You don t only have to deliver your tasks but you also have to make sure that you help others achieve their own goals you have to make that you re available and contribute to team decisions First by asking good questions and expressing your opinion later by proposing solutions This might be uncomfortable especially if you are an introvert But I still think it s essential in order to succeed This is probably easier in person remotely you have to be more proactive ConclusionIn this post I shared with you the four different stages of my remote working journey It started like for most of us everyone in my whole team suddenly found themselves at home then little by little everything changed around me and I found myself in a new company where you can work from almost anywhere While in this setting I have to be a bit more mindful about spending enough time socializing with my remote teammates I still think it s totally worth it Today s technologies make online collaboration easy almost as if we were in the same place At the same time the money I gain by not having to commute to the office is not negligible and the time I gain makes it possible to have a better work life balance Connect deeperIf you liked this article please hit on the like button subscribe to my newsletter and let s connect on Twitter 2023-02-22 20:17:08
海外TECH Engadget Apple is reportedly closer to bringing no-prick glucose monitoring to the Watch https://www.engadget.com/apple-watch-no-prick-blood-glucose-monitor-200137031.html?src=rss Apple is reportedly closer to bringing no prick glucose monitoring to the WatchApple s long running quest to bring blood glucose monitoring to the Apple Watch appears to be moving forward Bloombergsources claim the company s no prick monitoring is now at a quot proof of concept stage quot and good enough that it could come to market once it s smaller The technology which uses lasers to gauge glucose concentration under the skin was previously tabletop sized but has reportedly advanced to the point where an iPhone sized wearable prototype is in the works The system would not only help people with diabetes monitor their conditions but would ideally alert people who are prediabetic the insiders say They could then make changes that prevent Type adult onset diabetes Apple declined to comment The project has supposedly been in development for a long time It began in when an ailing Steve Jobs had his company buy blood glucose monitoring startup RareLight Apple is said to have kept the effort secret by operating it as a seemingly isolated firm Avolonte Health but folded it into a previously unknown Exploratory Design Group XDG CEO Tim Cook Apple Watch hardware lead Eugene Kim and other top leaders have been involved Any real world product is likely years away according to Bloomberg The industry also doesn t have a great track record of bringing no prick monitors to market In Alphabet s health subsidiary Verily scrapped plans for a smart contact lens that would have tracked glucose using tears Even major brands with vast resources aren t guaranteed success in other words and it s not clear how accurate Apple s solution would be There are strong incentives to bring this tech to wearables The Apple Watch is frequently marketed as a health device and can spot signs of atrial fibrillation low blood oxygen levels and as of Series ovulation cycles Non intrusive glucose monitoring could make it an indispensable tool for those with diabetes ーyou wouldn t need a dedicated device that invades your skin such as a continuous glucose sensor that sends info from an electrode equipped thin needle to an external receiver That painless approach could give the Apple Watch an edge over competing smartwatches 2023-02-22 20:01:37
Cisco Cisco Blog Fascinating laser research projects you wish you thought of (Part 2 of 9): Cisco Optics Podcast Ep 36 https://feedpress.me/link/23532/15987978/fascinating-laser-research-projects-you-wish-you-thought-of-part-2-of-9-cisco-optics-podcast-ep-36 Fascinating laser research projects you wish you thought of Part of Cisco Optics Podcast Ep Join us for Episode of the Cisco Optics Podcast where we continue our conversation with Juliet Gopinath Professor of Electrical Computer and Energy Engineering and Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder 2023-02-22 20:54:29
ニュース BBC News - Home Shamima Begum bid to regain UK citizenship rejected https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64731007?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA begum 2023-02-22 20:07:10
ニュース BBC News - Home Rapper Nipsey Hussle's killer Eric R Holder Jr gets 60 years in prison https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-64726726?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA hussle 2023-02-22 20:39:15
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 発達障害のADHDで処方患者数の多い「人気薬」ランキング!3位インチュニブ、1位は? - 選ばれるクスリ https://diamond.jp/articles/-/317891 注意欠如多動性障害 2023-02-23 05:25:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「悪いことを悪いと言うのが金融庁の仕事」仕組み債問題に目を光らせる金融庁審議官が断言 - 銀行・信金・信組 最後の審判 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/317506 「悪いことを悪いと言うのが金融庁の仕事」仕組み債問題に目を光らせる金融庁審議官が断言銀行・信金・信組最後の審判「金融処分庁」から「金融育成庁」への転換を掲げてきた金融庁。 2023-02-23 05:20:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 半導体復活「10兆円投資でもまだ足りない!」自民半導体議連の参謀が血税投下の根拠を激白 - 半導体 最後の賭け https://diamond.jp/articles/-/318240 衆議院議員 2023-02-23 05:15:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 コンサルでリファラル採用が爆増中、「紹介報酬100万円」の国内ファームの実名とは - コンサル大解剖 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/318228 過熱 2023-02-23 05:10:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 吉野家、すき家、松屋…3社そろって増収の裏にある「業績格差」の実態 - コロナで明暗!【月次版】業界天気図 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/317620 吉野家、すき家、松屋…社そろって増収の裏にある「業績格差」の実態コロナで明暗【月次版】業界天気図コロナ禍の収束を待たずに、今度は資源・資材の高騰や円安急進が企業を揺さぶっている。 2023-02-23 05:05:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 22年続けた政治塾も休止「小沢一郎」壊し屋の落日 衆院在職53年も、ますます失われていく存在感 | 国内政治 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/654538?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 衆院議員 2023-02-23 05:20:00



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