投稿時間:2023-02-23 19:17:54 RSSフィード2023-02-23 19:00 分まとめ(19件)

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TECH Techable(テッカブル) UVライトで簡単除菌!調理器具除菌器「Ms.G Kniferest」が新発売 https://techable.jp/archives/197065 gloture 2023-02-23 09:00:39
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita maya python get all keyframe https://qiita.com/aizwellenstan/items/8182c8fa0f7b88ce3de5 curves 2023-02-23 18:51:19
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Fast APIのチュートリアルをやってみた https://qiita.com/kandalog/items/8e5b7b8fe3601d4b832a fastapi 2023-02-23 18:17:28
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python高速化で検討すべきこと https://qiita.com/Tomaka/items/5810a1e77faa8525e626 numpy 2023-02-23 18:16:45
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python で ツイキャスAPI の OAuth認証 をした https://qiita.com/T4phage25nm/items/5195b2ce400bd2f1a9a1 urllib 2023-02-23 18:15:02
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita debug, irb gem は最新の Ruby にしなくても使える https://qiita.com/tomoasleep/items/d259f00d5778f28d7435 debugirbgem 2023-02-23 18:01:47
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 自宅サーバー構築譚:オレオレ認証局 https://qiita.com/katz_engineer/items/ada7b08e7c0254e39126 ubuntults 2023-02-23 18:17:29
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita EC2キーペアに登録されているキーのフィンガープリントについて確認してみる https://qiita.com/SAITO_Keita/items/eb962ee9401393433d2a 選択 2023-02-23 18:31:39
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita S3のGetObjectでAccess Deniedがでる https://qiita.com/okaponta_/items/abc2064b259b12544332 accessdenied 2023-02-23 18:14:57
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita WindowsからGitにSSHで繋がるときに躓いたポイントのメモ https://qiita.com/Gracesta/items/b6dc21a506c57424364a hostgithubhostna 2023-02-23 18:38:09
海外TECH DEV Community A Beginner Developer's Guide to APIs (with Example Project) https://dev.to/ionos/a-beginner-developers-guide-to-apis-with-example-project-2088 A Beginner Developer x s Guide to APIs with Example Project If you re a beginner developer you may have heard of APIs but you may want some clarification on what they are and how to use them This article explains what an API is and why APIs are helpful There s even a fun example to show you how to use APIs in your programming projects What is an API An API Application Programming Interface allows your program to communicate and retrieve information from other software An API interprets your request engages the other application and delivers a response back to your code You can use an API to retrieve data or even implement features in your project without having to code them yourself For example if you re developing a stock trading app you can use an API to retrieve the latest stock prices Or if your project plays a video you can use a Media Player API to control your video s display and provide all the controls such as Pause Fast Forward Rewind etc Rather than coding all of this functionality you can let the API handle it and move on to more critical parts of your project An API allows you to use tools in your software project without understanding exactly how those tools work Instead you only need to know how to request data from the API and what data you ll receive in return Examples of APIsYou can use APIs in many different ways For example you can use an API to Retrieve status updates from social media apps like Facebook and Twitter Logging into a service with your Google account information Provide directions using Google Maps Displaying the weather at a specific location Sending texts to customers Processing credit card payments Checking flight information The Benefits of Using an APIThere are several benefits of using an API in your code Access to remote data For example a SportScore API can bring in the latest football scores Increased Functionality You can offer Apple Pay to your customers with the Apple Pay API Time Saving Using the Twilio API you can use APIs to send text messages to your customers without additional coding Abstraction Using an API allows you to take advantage of powerful functions without needing to know precisely how they work For example if you want to offer payment options within your app you can use the PayPal API to handle payments instead of coding your own solution That way you can focus on your project s functional requirements How to Find APIsThere are hundreds of APIs available for you to use in your projects API List is a comprehensive list of publicly available APIs and links to the documentation and other important information for each API Many APIs require Authentication of some sort either by using a key or login information The API documentation will let you know what you ll need to use the API Remote APIsAn API can be local to your machine such as functions within your coding language However as you can see from the previous examples we generally think of an API as a web based tool used to communicate with a remote server Remote APIs provide several benefits for your project No need to store data locally Instead you can use an API to search cloud databases for the information you need Increased computational power Instead of using your local machine s processing power your code can leverage the processing power of a remote device Remote APIs frequently follow a standard called Representational State Transfer REST An API that follows the REST style is called a RESTful API Most of the APIs you ll use in your projects can be considered RESTful How RESTful APIs WorkRESTful APIs provide the ability to work with objects over the Internet An object is simply a data structure with a specified set of attributes Almost any piece of information can be considered an object such as Customer InformationProduct DescriptionsImagesVideosDocumentsWeather ForecastsRESTful APIs provide access to data via a series of endpoints An endpoint is a URL the API developer provides where your program can access the information it needs When you need to retrieve data from a server via an API you send a request to the API via the endpoint In turn the API retrieves the requested information from the server and returns it to your program as a response You can use a RESTful API to retrieve object information such as retrieving a customer s address or to manipulate an object like updating a customer s data with their new address Communicating with an APIRESTful APIs communicate between your program and the server using HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol just like your browser does when it requests a specific URL For instance here s what happens when you enter a URL into your browser s address bar Your browser requests the specified URL from a server by creating an HTTP request This request asks to GET the page from the server The GET command indicates that the browser only receives data from the server It won t be making any changes The server receives the request from the client generates the requested webpage and sends back a response to the client containing the HTML code for the requested page The browser then renders the page from the HTML code Remote APIs work in much the same way Your program sends a request to the API on a Server via an HTTP request The API on the server responds with the requested data Depending on the functionality of the API an API can support any HTTP request such as GET POST PUT PATCH and DELETE How API Data is StructuredAPI response data is typically structured using JSON JavaScript Object Notation JSON is a straightforward lightweight data exchange format that can be easily understood Most programming languages support taking a JSON string and turning it into a data object you can use Here s an example JSON response from the Cat API which returns a random photo of a cat from Tumblr id ebv url width height breeds favourite How to Use an API Example with Chuck Norris Facts API Once you ve found an API you want to use the API documentation tells you the requirements for using the API such as authentication needs etc how to format requests and what response you ll receive Let s look at a fun example Here s a simple web page that displays a random fact about the martial artist Chuck Norris whenever the user clicks a button There s an API for that The Chuck Norris Facts API can present random Chuck Norris facts The documentation doesn t mention any authentication requirements so we can assume we don t need any authentication to use the API You can use this API at any time just by issuing a request to the endpoint To request a random fact about Chuck Norris GET Here s an example of the JSON format response icon url id NhalBjqFSCOQsskeoWhOQ url value Chuck Norris can create a rock so heavy that he couldn t lift it and then lift it To display a random Chuck Norris joke in our project we need to Issue a call to the Chuck Norris Facts APIWait for the JSON responseExtract the joke text from the responseDisplay the joke on the pageThis Javascript function does just that lt table gt lt tr gt lt td gt amp lt script gt define function as async const getJoke async gt fetch a random joke from the API and assign it to the constant res const res await fetch lt a href gt a gt once we get a response extract the json from the response and assign it to random joke const random joke await res json display the joke on the screen document querySelector p joke text innerText random joke value hide the placeholder value document querySelector small style display none amp lt script gt lt td gt lt tr gt lt tr gt lt td gt lt td gt lt tr gt lt table gt Here s the HTML code for the webpage that displays the joke lt head gt lt This will show up on the tab in your browser gt lt title gt Chuck Norris Joke of the Day lt title gt lt Import bootstrap framework for styling gt lt link href alpha dist css bootstrap min css rel stylesheet integrity sha GLhlTQiRABdZLlOoVMWSktQOpbInZl JrbEGGoIaFkwcmDAjgD crossorigin anonymous gt lt style gt body display flex align items center justify content center min height vh background color efefef jokes container padding px box shadow px px rgba background color fff color border radius px lt style gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div class container text center gt lt h gt Here s a joke for you from Chuck Norris lt h gt lt div class jokes container mb gt lt Result from the API goes in this paragraph gt lt p id joke text gt lt p gt lt Placeholder text gt lt small class text muted gt The joke is going to go here lt small gt lt div gt lt button type button class btn btn primary onclick getJoke gt Give Me One lt button gt lt div gt lt script gt const getJoke async gt const res await fetch const random joke await res json document querySelector p joke text innerText random joke value document querySelector small style display none lt script gt lt body gt Check out to see this example in action Automatically Deploy Your Project with Deploy NowWhile you re mastering integrating APIs into your code you ll want an easy and convenient way to deploy your projects Deploy Now offers a convenient toolset to automate builds and deployments for static websites and dynamic PHP applications from GitHub Deploy Now can automatically create a deployment workflow with GitHub actions and easily deploy your project to IONOS secure infrastructure Find out how to get started with Deploy Now or get started using a sample project 2023-02-23 09:24:16
海外TECH DEV Community You Can Build a Crud Api in Javascript with the Help of Node.js, Express, Postgres, and Docker https://dev.to/devbambhaniya/you-can-build-a-crud-api-in-javascript-with-the-help-of-nodejs-express-postgres-and-docker-f57 You Can Build a Crud Api in Javascript with the Help of Node js Express Postgres and DockerTo make websites you must be familiar with application programming interfaces APIs which facilitate communication between software systems Here you will learn how to create a CRUD REST API in Node js with the help of the Express js server and the PostgreSQL database This article will discuss the node postgres package and how it may link an Express js server to PostgreSQL The API will be compatible with HTTP request methods that are standard in the PostgreSQL database The installation of PostgreSQLand its command line interface will also be covered This article aims to allow CRUD activities GET POST PUT and DELETE on the API so that you may run queries on the database To get the data we must build a route to each endpoint and a query function What is a CRUD Create Read Update and Delete CRUD is an abbreviation for the four operations It s a collection of procedures for working with data in a database and it s widely used in DBA tools and web apps Moreover to know how the CURD benefits and why use angular in you should hire Angular development services Create Making new database entries is what this process is all about For instance when a user opens an account on a website that person s details are recorded in a database Read Data is fetched or read from a database in this process For instance a website verifies a user s identification by retrieving their details from a database each time they log in Update Changing or altering preexisting information in a database constitutes this activity For example when a person edits their profile information on a website that information is updated in the backend database Delete Doing this action means wiping out information from a database If a person deletes their account that individual s data will also be removed from the website s database What is REST API Representational State Transfer or REST for short is an architectural style that defines a set of restrictions that web services may use to interact A RESTful API Application Programming Interface adheres to these guidelines and uses the HTTP protocol so that clients may access and modify resources on a server A REST API is a set of guidelines for developing web services that facilitate online communication between programs It enables adaptable scalable and standard interoperability across disparate systems Often employed in today s online development REST APIs are the backbone upon which several successful websites apps and services have been constructed What is Express js Express js is a well liked Node js web framework Although it offers a bare bones feature set for creating Node js web apps and APIs its middleware framework allows developers to add more advanced capabilities A professional javascript development company can help you leverage the potential of Express js Express js is a web application framework that is both lightweight and adaptable allowing for individualized development It has inbuilt support for dealing with data formats like JSON and XML and managing HTTP requests and answers Hire Angular Developers who use Express js all around the globe because it allows them to create websites and APIs that are quick to load scalable and reliable What is PostgreSQL PostgreSQL is a free and open source RDBMS emphasizing these qualities and being resilient and compliant with the SQL standard Originating at UC Berkeley it is today supported by programmers worldwide Tables containing rows and columns are used to organize data in PostgreSQL which is stored in databases It s capable of handling a variety of data formats and has sophisticated features including transactions foreign keys triggers and stored procedures PostgreSQL s reputation for dependability and durability has led to its widespread adoption in enterprise level applications requiring high throughput and constant accessibility It s open source supports several platforms and has a generous license Step by step guideThe procedure is outlined below Create a new file foldermkdir node crud apiGet into it cd node crud apiLaunch a brand new npm project npminit yinstall the dependenciesnpm i express pgsequelizeThe express framework for Node jsThe pg driver establishes a connection to a Postgres database Instead of manually entering SQL queries we may use sequelize an object relational mapper Make Separate Filesmkdir controllers routes util modelsLaunch the integrated development environment you like and open the folder To use Visual Studio Code in the terminal enter the following code You should now have a file with the following structure It s time to begin writing code Database connectionCreate a database js document in the util folder The file s contents will provide the settings necessary for the Node js application to communicate with the currently active Postgres server Fill up the database file at util database js constSequelize require sequelize constsequelize new Sequelize process env PG DB process env PG USER process env PG PASSWORD host process env PG HOST dialect postgres module exports sequelize User modelCreate a brand new file called user js under the models folder Here you ll find the model in this example a user profile complete with auto incremented id name and email address It becomes easy to create this user model by hiring an expert Nodejs development company Make entries in models user js constSequelize require sequelize constdb require util database const User db define user id type Sequelize INTEGER autoIncrement true allowNull false primaryKey true name Sequelize STRING email Sequelize STRING module exports User ControllersMake a brand new file called user js and place it within the models folder Here you ll find the model in this example a user profile complete with auto incremented id name and email address Make entries in models user js const User require models user CRUD Controllers get all usersexports getUsers req res next gt User findAll then users gt res status json users users catch err gt console log err get user by idexports getUser req res next gt constuserId req params userId User findByPk userId then user gt if user returnres status json message User not found res status json user user catch err gt console log err create userexports createUser req res next gt const name req body name const email req body email User create name name email email then result gt console log Created User res status json message User created successfully user result catch err gt console log err update user exports updateUser req res next gt constuserId req params userId constupdatedName req body name constupdatedEmail req body email User findByPk userId then user gt if user returnres status json message User not found user name updatedName user email updatedEmail returnuser save then result gt res status json message User updated user result catch err gt console log err delete userexports deleteUser req res next gt constuserId req params userId User findByPk userId then user gt if user returnres status json message User not found returnUser destroy where id userId then result gt res status json message User deleted catch err gt console log err RoutesThe users js file should be in the routes folder Add users to the routes users js file const controller require controllers users const router require express Router CRUD Routes usersrouter get controller getUsers usersrouter get userId controller getUser users userIdrouter post controller createUser usersrouter put userId controller updateUser users userIdrouter delete userId controller deleteUser users userIdmodule exports router Index fileOur program requires an additional file to be created in the root directory The contents of this file will be run within the docker container Create a new file named index js in the primary folder Indicate in the index js file const express require express constbodyparser require body parser constsequelize require util database const User require models user const app express app use bodyparser json app use bodyparser urlencoded extended false app use req res next gt res setHeader Access Control Allow Origin res setHeader Access Control Allow Methods GET POST PUT DELETE next test routeapp get req res next gt res send Hello World CRUD routesapp use users require routes users error handlingapp use error req res next gt console log error const status error statusCode const message error message res status status json message message sync databasesequelize sync then result gt console log Database connected app listen catch err gt console log err Docker PartLet s make three additional primary folder files docker ignore it starts with a dot Dockerfile capital D docker compose ymlThis is how the framework has to be set up There will be a solitary line in the Docker ignores the file which reads node modulesThe DockerfileAn easy to use but potent file is required for creating a Docker image Dockerfile is the term for it capital D Let s keep things essential for now even if we re considering a name change FROM node Create app directoryWORKDIR appCOPY package json RUN npm install Bundle app sourceCOPY EXPOSE CMD node index js Docker compose fileA simple method to maintain multiple active services is to create a file named docker compose yml The file called docker compose yml version services node app container name node appbuild image francescoxx node live appports environment PG DB node live db PG USER francesco PG PASSWORD PG HOST node dbdepends on node dbnode db container name node dbimage postgres ports environment POSTGRES DB node live db POSTGRES USER francesco POSTGRES PASSWORD volumes node db data var lib postgresql datavolumes node db data Create a Docker image then launch the containers within it Use a container to manage PostgreSQL Launching the Postgres container comes first docker compose up d node dbType to access the logs docker compose logsIdeally you d see a result like this We can proceed if the message database system is ready to accept connections appears Use TablePlus to see whether it works A new link may be made by selecting the plus sign Just copy the settings from the docker compose yml file If you ve kept the default settings the password is Create a Docker environment and launch the service The second step is to create our Docker image docker compose buildWe may now begin the service docker compose up node appThe terminal should show this as the output Put Postman to the app s test Let me use Postman to test the app Ping localhost with a GET request Ping localhost users with a GET request We expect an empty array as a reply We ll be making three users aaa bbb and ccc Let s double check all of the users again Ping localhost users with a GET request There should be three visitors Start with one person say user Try sending a GET request to localhost users Here we will modify an existing user say user Try sending a PUT request to localhost users with a new body Now that we re done let s eliminate user Start by sending a DELETE request to localhost users In addition we may useTablePlus to verify the results ConclusionDevelopers may follow this project s detailed instructions to set up a CRUD REST API in Docker utilizing tools like Node js Express Postgres and why use angular in This guide will help developers understand how to implement CRUD APIs and related technologies into their own software development efforts 2023-02-23 09:06:22
海外TECH Engadget Samsung is readying its own smartphone-to-satellite communication platform https://www.engadget.com/samsung-is-readying-its-own-smartphone-to-satellite-communication-platform-092522234.html?src=rss Samsung is readying its own smartphone to satellite communication platformThere was speculation that Samsung could use smartphone to satellite technology in its Galaxy S much like Apple has for the iPhone but that didn t happen in the end Now the company has unveiled a new standardized G NTN non terrestrial network modem that will enable two way communication between smartphones and satellites The technology will allow users to send and receive calls text messages and data without the need for a cellular network and will be integrated into Samsung s future Exynos chips The aim is to allow people in mountains deserts or other remote areas to communication with others in critical situations G NTN conforms to rd Generation Partnership Project GPP Release standards meaning it works with traditional communication services from chip manufacturers smartphone makers and telecoms SamsungHowever Samsung indicated that the tech could eventually be used to transmit high definition photos and even video on top of texts and calls It simulated the tech using its Exynos Modem platform quot to accurately predict satellite locations and minimize frequency offsets caused by Doppler shift quot the company said That will help pave the way for hybrid terrestrial NTN networks quot in preparation for the arrival of G quot said Samsung VP Min Goo Kim nbsp At CES Qualcomm unveiled Snapdragon Satellite technology that would allow smartphones to send messages when no cellular signal is available It ll work in smartphones that have both the Snapdragon Gen chipset and X modem system plus some additional radios Since Samsung s Galaxy S has both chips it was thought the device may offer satellite communication technology to match Apple s iPhone nbsp However Samsung mobile experience VP TM Roh said it wasn t the best moment as satellite functionality is still fairly limited quot When there is the right timing infrastructure and the technology is ready then of course for Samsung Galaxy for our mobile division we would also actively consider adopting this feature as well quot he told CNET in an interview 2023-02-23 09:25:22
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Moguls title contender Anri Kawamura to miss worlds due to injury https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2023/02/23/more-sports/winter-sports-more-sports/kawamura-injured-miss-world/ Moguls title contender Anri Kawamura to miss worlds due to injuryJapanese women s moguls title hopeful Anri Kawamura will miss the ongoing freestyle ski world championships in Georgia due to injury the Ski Association of Japan 2023-02-23 18:05:20
ニュース BBC News - Home John Motson: Legendary commentator dies aged 77 https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/64742833?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA career 2023-02-23 09:49:24
ニュース BBC News - Home Keir Starmer unveils Labour's five missions for the country https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-64739371?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA labour 2023-02-23 09:07:50
ニュース BBC News - Home Young Nigerians pin hopes on presidential outsider https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-64719408?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA voters 2023-02-23 09:19:53
ニュース BBC News - Home Why is there a shortage of tomatoes and other fruit and veg? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-64718826?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA limit 2023-02-23 09:55:45
ニュース BBC News - Home John Motson: Five great moments from iconic BBC Sport commentator https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/41163874?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA motson 2023-02-23 09:50:56



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