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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] Apple決算、収益54%増の新記録 iPhone、iPad、Mac売上大幅増 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2104/29/news028.html iphone 2021-04-29 07:42:00
AWS AWS Management Tools Blog Cost optimization with SQL BYOL using license included Windows instance on Amazon EC2 Dedicated Hosts https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mt/cost-optimization-sql-byol-license-included-windows-instance-amazon-ec2-dedicated-hosts/ Cost optimization with SQL BYOL using license included Windows instance on Amazon EC Dedicated HostsDo you want to bring your eligible SQL Server licenses to use on AWS Do you have SQL Server licenses but not accompanying Windows Server licenses Are you worried that you do not have Software Assurance for SQL Server You can now run license included Windows Server instances on Amazon EC Dedicated Hosts which makes … 2021-04-28 22:43:03
AWS AWS Management Tools Blog Diagnose and remediate AWS Security Hub findings with AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter and Explorer https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mt/diagnose-and-remediate-aws-security-hub-findings-with-aws-systems-manager-opscenter-and-explorer/ Diagnose and remediate AWS Security Hub findings with AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter and ExplorerIn this post we will show you how to configure AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter to aggregate security findings from AWS Security Hub into OpsCenter as operational issues OpsCenter helps operations engineers and IT professionals reduce issue resolution time by providing a central place to view investigate and resolve security issues nbsp AWS Systems Manager Explorer provides … 2021-04-28 22:36:01
AWS AWS Startups Blog Galen Data on Building on the Shoulders of Giants https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/startups/galen-data-on-building-on-the-shoulders-of-giants/ Galen Data on Building on the Shoulders of GiantsGalen Data s mission is to connect all of the world s medical devices It s a bold one but they believe connectivity is key to innovation in healthcare From remote monitoring telehealth and early diagnosis to personalized medicine ーthese all require data obtained by connecting medical devices and other repositories to a centralized system 2021-04-28 22:20:46
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Web制作のコーディングについて https://teratail.com/questions/335713?rss=all 画像 2021-04-29 07:27:12
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails6】devise_auth_tokenを用いたOmniauthのSNS認証でパスワードのバリデーションを突破する方法 https://qiita.com/togo_mentor/items/c28807081628bd48827a 【Rails】deviseauthtokenを用いたOmniauthのSNS認証でパスワードのバリデーションを突破する方法Omniauthを用いたSNS認証を実装している際にパスワードがバリデーションに引っかかる事象が発生。 2021-04-29 07:44:00
海外TECH Ars Technica Office default Calibri will join Clippy, Internet Explorer in Windows retirement https://arstechnica.com/?p=1760924 serif 2021-04-28 22:25:36
海外TECH DEV Community Array Methods https://dev.to/jamesncox/array-methods-33ii Array Methods IntroductionLet s discuss a few common JavaScript array methods seen regularly in React But first who is this post for If you are new to JavaScript and or React and maybe unsure what you need to know to get started This post is Part II in a series called Essential JavaScript Building Blocks for React and we will take a look at several array methods what they do and how we use them in React JavaScript has A LOT of array methods This handy article by Mandeep Kaur briefly describes different array methods This post however covers four array methods in more detail map filter find reduce And will reference a CodeSandbox that I created specifically for this series with working examples of each array method map Others may disagree but I use the map array method more frequently than any other What does map do According to the MDN Web Docs The map method creates a new array populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array Ugh If you are anything like me doc language isn t the easiest to understand especially when you re a newbie According to me map takes an existing array does something to each item in that array and returns an entirely new array of the EXACT SAME LENGTH a key attribute of map Let s perform a map on this coolArray const coolArray const newerCoolerArray coolArray map number gt number console log newerCoolerArray gt console log coolArray gt Notice that when you console log coolArray it still holds the original values It s important to reiterate that map always returns a new array of the exact same length as the original coolArray length newerCoolerArray length gt true map in ReactSo how does map pertain to React A common pattern you will see with React is mapping data to various HTML elements in order to display information to the user Let s check out that CodeSandbox In App js I created an array called fruits const fruits red apple green apple orange strawberry kiwi banana pineapple peach watermelon mango pear grapes cherries lemon melon coconut Which I pass down to my array method components including Map js export default function Map props return lt gt lt p className method header gt The FRUITS array has been mapped to paragraph tags below lt p gt lt p className method description gt The map method iterates over each item in the fruits array and applies the same function logic to each item Here we are creating a new paragraph with the p tag for each fruit in our array lt p gt lt div className list card gt props fruits map fruit gt lt p key fruit gt fruit lt p gt lt div gt lt gt The key part of this component is lt div className list card gt props fruits map fruit gt return lt p key fruit gt fruit lt p gt lt div gt Let s break it down inside a lt div gt we grab the fruits array passed down as props from App js and perform our map to iterate over each fruit in the array creating a new lt p gt for each item Remember that map accepts a function that it applies to each item in the array In this case the function is simply us returning a lt p gt tag If you navigate to the CodeSandbox link and select the map button you will see our lt div className list card gt populated with a new line for each fruit Cool huh With map you can easily render similarly grouped data to your user If the array updates somewhere else it will update in your component Mapping gives you a handy way to display information without having to manually add a new HTML element for each entry filter What if you want to display specific items in your array and not the whole kit and caboodle Enter the filter method a very powerful JavaScript function that you will see quite a lot From the MDN Web Docs yayyyy The filter method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function And my definition filter operates on an existing array evaluates each item in the array and whichever items meet the criteria that you define adds those items to a new array Welcome back coolArray const coolArray const filteredCoolArray coolArray filter number gt number gt console log filteredCoolArray gt console log coolArray gt So what is happening here filter takes a function number gt number gt and uses that function to check against each item number in the array Our function asks is the current item in the array greater than If you were to console log inside the filter you would see that each item is being evaluated to true or false Any item that evaluates to true is added to the new array coolArray filter number gt console log number gt gt false is not greater than gt false is not greater than gt false is not greater than gt true is greater than gt true is greater than And it s pretty obvious here but we still want to highlight that the main difference between map and filter is that almost always filter returns a new SHORTER array than the orginal coolArray length gt filteredCoolArray length gt coolArray length filteredCoolArray length gt false filter in ReactTake a look at Filter js There is a lot going on here especially if you re new to React But let s focus on line const filteredByLength props fruits filter fruit gt fruit length gt Inside props fruits filter we pass the function fruit gt fruit length gt which asks Is the current fruit greater than characters long console log filteredByLength gt red apple green apple strawberry pineapple watermelon cherries filteredByLength length gt six fruits evaluate to true and make it into the new arrayFrom there we can use our favorite map method on the filteredByLength array to render only the fruits that are longer than characters lt div className list card gt filteredByLength map fruit gt return lt p key fruit gt fruit lt p gt lt div gt Next I demonstrate how to combine filter and includes const appleFilter props fruits filter fruit gt fruit includes apple Which gives us three fruits red apple green apple pineapple And similarly mapped to lt p gt tags like the filteredByLength array lt div className list card gt appleFilter map fruit gt return lt p key fruit gt fruit lt p gt lt div gt Lastly I wired up a simple form that stores a user s input into local state named query and calls a function findFruit on submit which contains a call to setFilteredFruits that holds a filter with query dynamically updating the includes method const findFruit e gt e preventDefault if query setFilteredFruits else setFilteredFruits props fruits filter fruit gt fruit includes query Now you can see in real time that when you select the filter tab there is an input at the bottom Type in a character or two and hit submit This is essentially how a search function works find Sometimes when you are working with an array you want only one matching item From MDN Web DocsThe find method returns the value of the first element in the provided array that satisfies the provided testing function If no values satisfy the testing function undefined is returned And my defintion find searches through an existing array checking each item in the array against a function that you provide and the FIRST item that returns true is returned At this point find stops checking for any more matches Let s view an example with coolArray const coolArray const greaterThanTwo coolArray find number gt number gt console log greaterThanTwo gt is the first item in the array that satisfies the logic number gt number gt And confirming that find returns the first item that satisfies truecoolArray find number gt console log number gt gt false is not greater than gt false is not greater than gt true is greater than lt RETURNED gt true is greater than gt true is greater than find in ReactWhen working with React you often render specific data based on specific needs requirements Like we saw with filter we rendered lt p gt tags of fruits that met a certain requirement Similarly you may want to show only the first matching item from an array In the Codesandbox under the find tab I copy paste the input form and functions from Filter js into Find js and change the filter method to find Now when a user types in a single character a few or the entire matching phrase only one fruit will ever be returned The first match will always be whatever comes first in the array const fruits red apple green apple orange strawberry kiwi banana pineapple peach watermelon mango pear grapes cherries lemon melon coconut const findAFruit fruits find fruit gt fruit apple console log findAFruit gt red apple Even though three of our fruits contain the characters apple red apple is the first matching item in our fruits array mental break timeLet s take a moment to enjoy this relaxing gif of a sunset over an ocean pier We re about to take a look at our final array method reduce and it s a doozy Take as long as you need When you are feeling thoroughly relaxed we ll dive in reduce The reduce method is incredibly powerful but can be intimidating to beginners I am STILL intimidated sometimes The most important thing to remember about reduce is it operates on every single item in an array and returns a single value In other words it takes all the items in your array and REDUCES them down to one single item reduce gives you a lot of control on how you can do achieve the desired end result From the MDN Web Docs The reduce method executes a reducer function that you provide on each element of the array resulting in a single output value Check out this example with coolArray to reduce all the numbers to a single value const coolArray const reduceCoolArray coolArray reduce accumulator currentValue gt return accumulator currentValue console log reduceCoolArray gt Each argument s current value as it steps through the array Pass accumulator currentValue return value Pass accumulator currentValue return value Pass accumulator currentValue return value Pass accumulator currentValue return value Pass accumulator currentValue final return value Whew A lot to unpack here According to the MDN docs The reducer function takes four argumentsAccumulatorCurrent ValueCurrent IndexSource ArrayYour reducer function s returned value is assigned to the accumulator whose value is remembered across each iteration throughout the array and ultimately becomes the final single resulting value For now we will just focus on the Accumulator and Current Value arguments Let s break down the above code snippet The at the end of the provided function is the initial value at which the accumulator begins If we change the initialValue to something else the accumulator begins at that value and we will receive a different final output value If there is no initialValue the accumulator initializes as the first item in the array const coolArray const startAt coolArray reduce accumulator currentValue gt return accumulator currentValue console log startAt gt The value of each argument during the iteration process Pass accumulator currentValue return value Pass accumulator currentValue return value Pass accumulator currentValue return value Pass accumulator currentValue return value Pass accumulator currentValue final return value Notice that the return value from the previous iteration call becomes the new accumulator value reduce in ReactOkay time to be honest with y all I had a difficult time thinking of a good use case for the reduce method on our fruits array Thankfully my friend Katherine Peterson gave me the idea to transform the array of fruits into a single object with the fruit name as the key and its corresponding emoji as the value Kind of like this cuteAnimals object cuteAnimals hedgehog chipmunk ️ hamster Navigate to the Reduce js file and look at lines const fruitsObj props fruits reduce accumulator currentValue gt const fruitName currentValue slice const fruitEmoji currentValue slice const obj accumulator obj fruitName fruitEmoji return obj Notice the initialValue is set to an object If you recall reduce returns a single value While an object can contain an infinite amount of information it is still considered a single object value Let s break it down remove the emoji keeping only the fruit nameconst fruitName currentValue slice similarly remove the fruit name keeping only the emojiconst fruitEmoji currentValue slice create an object that updates with each pass of the accumulatorconst obj accumulator set the object s key to fruitName and value to fruitEmojiobj fruitName fruitEmoji finally return the objreturn obj Now we can console log our fruitsObj object gt red apple green apple orange strawberry kiwi … red apple green apple orange strawberry kiwi banana pineapple peach watermelon mango pear grapes cherries lemon melon coconut Woohoo A single object with fruit names as the properties keys and their corresponding emojis as the value In React you can t just render an object or you get ErrorObjects are not valid as a React child So you have to get fancy with Object entries and map fruitsObj Object entries fruitsObj map key val gt lt p key key gt key val lt p gt Giving us Cool But not very useful on its own What if we used fruitsObj to create a search for emoji feature We can search by name and if there are any matches we get the corresponding emoji I use the same form from both the filter and find sections to grab the user s input query I decided to show the keys and values separated by columns in a table Check it out lt table className table card gt lt tbody gt lt tr gt lt th gt FRUIT lt th gt lt th gt EMOJI lt th gt lt tr gt query amp amp atLeastOneTrueQuery Object entries fruitsObj map key val gt return key includes query lt tr key key val gt lt td key key gt key lt td gt lt td key val gt val lt td gt lt tr gt null lt tr gt lt td gt No lt td gt lt td gt Matches lt td gt lt tr gt lt tbody gt lt table gt I know I know Nested ternaries Not the prettiest or easiest to read If you have a better idea how to refactor this let me know But it does the job for now Essentially if the user has typed in the search bar query updates with the user s input If atLeastOneTrueQuery holds at least one matching fruit then map and render the fruit s and its emoji in the table Otherwise render a table section that tells the user No Matches Hopefully this contrived example shows you how useful reduce can be There are probably a million better use cases for it Let me know in the comments below if you ve ever worked with reduce and if you ve done anything interesting with it Wrapping UpIf you ve made it this far GREAT JOB And thank you My hope is you now better understand the array methods we covered and how you can use them in React I learned so much creating these examples and writing this post The reduce method was the hardest for me to wrap my brain around but I feel as though I have a much better understanding when and why to use it and how it works If you enjoyed this article please like it save it share it Whatever you want to do with it Also follow me on Twitter where I talk about my development journey share anything I am working on highlight other developers and their projects and sometimes tweet silly memes When Part III in the Essential JavaScript Building Blocks for React series is released come back and check that out I welcome your feedback insight criticism ideas etc Let me know in the comments what you think Thank you again and BE GOOD 2021-04-28 22:08:56
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple's gross margin is highest its been in 9 years https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/28/apples-gross-margin-is-highest-its-been-in-9-years?utm_medium=rss Apple x s gross margin is highest its been in yearsApple s gross margin for Q was achieved in large part through a strong iPhone sales mix Apple gross margin highest its been in yearsThe gross margin has remained at around for years but strong sales across each product line boosted the profits to a new second quarter high A combination of several factors affected the gross margin with popular high end iPhones being a major contributor Read more 2021-04-28 22:55:37
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple warns of iPad and Mac supply issues in second half of 2021 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/28/apple-warns-of-ipad-and-mac-supply-issues-in-second-half-of-2021?utm_medium=rss Apple warns of iPad and Mac supply issues in second half of Apple CEO Tim Cook said Wednesday that iPad and Mac products could be affected by supply issues in the second half of Credit AppleDuring the Apple Q earnings call on Wednesday Cook said he would not provide product level details about the Mac or iPad lineups but said supply shortages and constraints would likely affect both later in Read more 2021-04-28 22:51:24
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Facebook warns investors of ad headwinds due to App Tracking Transparency https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/28/facebook-warns-investors-of-ad-headwinds-due-to-app-tracking-transparency?utm_medium=rss Facebook warns investors of ad headwinds due to App Tracking TransparencyFacebook warned investors about ad targeting headwinds because of Apple s App Tracking Transparency despite changing its tune on the matter earlier in April Credit FacebookThe social media giant was one of the most vocal critics of the new feature claiming that it could devastate ad revenues and hurt small and medium sized businesses Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that App Tracking Transparency could start having an effect on the company in the second half of Read more 2021-04-28 22:40:00
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Standard iPhone 12 was Apple's most popular in Q2, 'Pro' models see strong demand https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/28/standard-iphone-12-was-apples-most-popular-in-q2-pro-models-see-strong-demand?utm_medium=rss Standard iPhone was Apple x s most popular in Q x Pro x models see strong demandApple CEO Tim Cook confirms iPhone was the most popular model during the second fiscal quarter of He failed to mention the iPhone mini The iPhone Pro has strong sales despite standard iPhone being most popularThe standard iPhone has been in high demand since it went on sale in late Though Apple does not break out exact sales metrics it did give a hint at how customer demand was distributed across each model during Wednesday s second quarter earnings call Read more 2021-04-28 22:20:30
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple says user feedback to App Tracking Transparency has been 'tremendous' https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/28/apple-says-user-feedback-to-app-tracking-transparency-has-been-tremendous?utm_medium=rss Apple says user feedback to App Tracking Transparency has been x tremendous x Apple says the user response to its App Tracking Transparency feature has been tremendous and reiterated that the feature is meant to put a user in control of their own privacy Credit AppleThe feature which debuted in iOS this week requires developers to ask permission from users before tracking them across other apps and services Although praised by privacy organizations some large companies reliant on user data have been critical of the feature Read more 2021-04-28 22:10:30
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Tim Cook says work from home will remain 'very critical' after pandemic ends https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/28/tim-cook-says-work-from-home-will-remain-very-critical-after-pandemic-ends?utm_medium=rss Tim Cook says work from home will remain x very critical x after pandemic endsTim Cook believes that many companies will continue to employ workers remotely even after coronavirus numbers decrease While some believe that working from home is merely a temporary side effect of the pandemic Apple is betting that remote work will likely outlast the coronavirus Where this pandemic will end many companies will continue to operate in hybrid mode Cook said in Wednesday s quarterly earnings call Work from home will remain very critical Read more 2021-04-28 22:01:43
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple says Services performed above its own expectations in Q2 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/28/apple-says-services-performed-above-its-own-expectations-in-q2?utm_medium=rss Apple says Services performed above its own expectations in QApple s Services rose year on year during the second fiscal quarter of beating the company s predictions chiefly because of the impact of the coronavirus and work from home trends Apple ServicesDuring its latest earnings call Apple reported that its overall rise in revenues from Services which hit billion had been boosted by the COVID pandemic Certain services such as AppleCare and advertising were affected by the lack of retail stores but others all gained Read more 2021-04-28 23:00:04
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple's paid subscriptions hits 660 million in Q2 2021 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/28/apples-paid-subscriptions-hits-660-million-in-q2-2021?utm_medium=rss Apple x s paid subscriptions hits million in Q Following the release of Apple s record second quarter numbers the company revealed its services segment has grown to million paid subscriptions Apple services now have million paid subscriptions Apple added million paid subscriptions in the recent quarter bringing the company s total to million subscriptions from its paid services That s up from the same quarter last year Read more 2021-04-28 22:05:34
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple wearables grew the least year-over-year in Q2 2021 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/28/apple-wearables-grew-the-least-year-over-year-in-q2-2021?utm_medium=rss Apple wearables grew the least year over year in Q Apple s Wearables Home and Accessories momentum appears to be slowing down with the company reporting growth in the segment during its second quarter of Credit AppleInsiderThe Cupertino tech giant reported billion in revenue for the Wearables Home and Accessories category up from billion in the year ago quarter The category is composed of AirPods and the Apple Watch as well as HomePod mini and other accessory devices Read more 2021-04-28 22:57:18
海外TECH Engadget Google Assistant will let you teach it how to pronounce tricky names https://www.engadget.com/google-assistant-bert-update-223832135.html Google Assistant will let you teach it how to pronounce tricky namesGoogle is introducing a handful new updates that will make Assistant better at pronouncing tricky names and understanding the context of conversations you share with it 2021-04-28 22:38:32
海外TECH Network World 802.1X: What you need to know about this LAN-authentication standard https://www.networkworld.com/article/2216499/wireless-what-is-802-1x.html#tk.rss_all X What you need to know about this LAN authentication standard When devics on enterprise LANs need to connect to other devices they need a standard method for identifying each other to ensure they are communicating with the device they want to and that s what x does This article tells where it came from and how it works x definedIEEE X is a standard that defines how to provide authentication for devices that connect with other devices on local area networks LANs How to deploy x for Wi Fi using WPA enterpriseIt provides a mechanism by which network switches and access points can hand off authentication duties to a specialized authentication server like a RADIUS server so that device authentication on a network can be managed and updated centrally rather than distributed across multiple pieces of networking hardware To read this article in full please click here 2021-04-28 22:02:00
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金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 短期投資家のバフェット氏 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/453467/?rss 資本市場 2021-04-29 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 【注目検索キーワード】社会的孤立 http://search.keizaireport.com/search.php/-/keyword=社会的孤立/?rss 社会的孤立 2021-04-29 00:00:00
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ニュース BBC News - Home Rudy Giuliani: US investigators raid former Trump lawyer's home https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-56921179 ukraine 2021-04-28 22:02:49
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ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 四電工(1939)、2期連続となる「増配」を発表し、 配当利回り4.0%に! 年間配当は2年で1.5倍に急増、 2022年3月期は前期比20円増の「1株あたり120円」に - 配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース! https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270010 四電工、期連続となる「増配」を発表し、配当利回りに年間配当は年で倍に急増、年月期は前期比円増の「株あたり円」に配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース四電工が期連続の「増配」を発表し、配当利回りがに四電工は年月期の配当予想を「株あたり円」と発表し、前期比「円」の増配で「期連続増配」の見通しとなった。 2021-04-29 07:35:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 アスクル、株主優待を変更!「LOHACO」の割引クーポ ンをもらうために必要な最低株数が「1株⇒100株」にな るかわりに、割引額は「年2000円⇒年4000円」に増額 - 株主優待【新設・変更・廃止】最新ニュース https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270006 2021-04-29 07:05:00
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ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 日産GT-R、誕生から14年の全歴史に見た超進化 最新2022年モデル「GT-R NISMO」は何がスゴいか | 山本シンヤが迫るクルマ開発者の本音 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/424231?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back gtrnismo 2021-04-29 07:30:00
GCP Cloud Blog Go from Database to Dashboard with BigQuery and Looker https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/developers-practitioners/go-database-dashboard-bigquery-and-looker/ Go from Database to Dashboard with BigQuery and LookerCreating an effective and scalable dashboard can be a time consuming process But with Looker analysts are no longer stuck re writing tedious SQL queries In our upcoming webinar we ll show you how to go from tables in BigQuery to a real time operational dashboard in Looker in less than minutes  Why use Looker BigQuery BigQuery is Google Cloud s fully managed enterprise data warehouse BigQuery has a slew of features that make it a powerful tool for creating meaningful analyses  Support for nested records partitioning clustering and an in memory execution engine make it simple to store and query huge amounts of dataBuilt in machine learning BQML opens up endless possibilities to create powerful AI workflowsRobust integrations with the Google ecosystem allow for easy data ingestion including streaming inserts in real timeLooker is a modern business intelligence and analytics platform Its in database architecture means that you can take full advantage of all BigQuery has to offer Looker s single source of truth data model LookML allows analysts to create metric definitions using SQL meaning they can easily incorporate GIS BQML and any other BigQuery functions Queries surfaced in Looker leverage partitions clusters materialized views and BI Engine wherever possible meaning dashboards are always fast and fresh Ready to learn more In the webinar we ll cover how to  Connect your BigQuery project to LookerAutomatically generate a new data model based on your table schemasCreate custom calculations that leverage key BigQuery functionsExplore your findings and uncover actionable insightsJoinme on May for a demo on how to model analyze and visualize your BigQuery data in Looker Make sure to also follow me on Linkedin and Twitter to stay up to date on BigQuery and Looker news For details on Looker BigQuery best practices follow along with this whitepaper Related ArticleHow our customers modernize business intelligence with BigQuery and LookerBigQuery and Looker customers use modern business intelligence BI to find data insights and allow self service discovery for all teams Read Article 2021-04-28 22:30:00



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