python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】S&P500の中で最適ポートフォリオを見つけ出す |
2021-04-29 21:49:02 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Cartopy】Python Cartopyを使ったMapping |
目次Cartopyについてグラフの作成アジア日本をマッピング県庁所在地のプロット参考文献Cartopyについて今まではBasemapを使って解析をしていたのですが、今回Cartopyに切り替えることにしました。 |
2021-04-29 21:09:19 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【備忘録】JavaScriptの変数について |
【備忘録】JavaScriptの変数についてletconstとvarについてデータ型について暗黙的な型変換について暗黙的な型変換とは変数がよばれた状況によって変数の方が自動的に変換されること。 |
2021-04-29 21:37:57 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptの基礎 |
そのため変数の中に文字列を入れたい場合は以下の記述をします。 |
2021-04-29 21:33:56 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[baserCMS]公開側をdefer属性に対応させるお手軽な手法 |
一方、管理ツールバーで利用されているjQuery依存のjsにはdefer属性ナシ、また、メールフォームで利用されているjQuery依存のjsはhtml内に記述されていることで、jQueryが未実行でも読込み後に実行されていることで正しく動作しない状態になっていることがうかがえます。 |
2021-04-29 21:14:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
partial呼び出し時にpartialがネストされているとエラーになってしまう |
partial呼び出し時にpartialがネストされているとエラーになってしまうajaxを用いてpartialを非同期で更新したいのですが、更新したいpatialに更にpartialがありエラーとなってしまいます。 |
2021-04-29 21:56:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Mingwの設定項目で何を選べばいいか知りたい。 |
mingw |
2021-04-29 21:52:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
フーリエ変換したデータをExcelに出力したい |
フーリエ変換したデータをExcelに出力したい前提・実現したいこと現在、csvファイルから読み込んだデータをフーリエ変換し、Excelに出力するプログラムを作成しています。 |
2021-04-29 21:45:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【急募】MysqlのSELECT文だけで実現したい |
【急募】MysqlのSELECT文だけで実現したい実現したいことMysqlnbspのnbspSELECTnbsp文で下記のようなnbspusersnbspテーブルからnbsp登録日時registerdatenbspごとでnbsp各クラスclassnbspの人数レコード数を表示したいです。 |
2021-04-29 21:30:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
「mingw-w64-v8.0.0」をダウンロードして来たがその後どうすればいいのかわからない。 |
mingwwv |
2021-04-29 21:14:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rubyでseleniumを使ってremoteで接続する際にNet::ReadTimeoutになる |
Rubyでseleniumを使ってremoteで接続する際にNetReadTimeoutになる現在、DockerCompose上のRubyでseleniumを使って、別サーバにchromeを使いたいのですがうまく動作しません。 |
2021-04-29 21:10:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
自動的に1, 2, 3, ...というIDが付くDB |
自動的にというIDが付くDB保存したデータに自動的にnbspnbspnbspという自然数のIDが付くDBはありますか私はAzurenbspCosmosnbspDBを使っているのですが、これはIDがeebdaみたいなやつです。 |
2021-04-29 21:07:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Knockout.js の使用につきまして |
Knockoutjsの使用につきましてKnockoutjsを使用しまして、ボタンタグに因数を載せたジャバスクリプトをnbspiframenbspで呼び出したのですが、ボタンタグが上手く動きません。 |
2021-04-29 21:04:21 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Laravelでウェブアプリを作ろう |
2021-04-29 21:41:05 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Goの1.16で missing go.sum entry for module ... to add: ...と出るときの対処法 |
Goのでmissinggosumentryformoduletoaddと出るときの対処法起きた事とあるアプリケーションを起動しようと、コンテナをbuildしていたらこんなエラーに遭遇しました。 |
2021-04-29 21:58:53 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【個人開発】新郎新婦へ最高の結婚祝いギフトを選べるサービス『Best Gifter』をリリースしました!(Rails×Vue) |
※注意キットからだと限られたJSONの階層データしか取得できない実装はできたけど、RailsからどうやってVueに渡すのか謎最初からVueで叩けばいいじゃんと気づくVueで楽天商品検索APIを叩く場合の記事は全く見つからなかったので、ググりまくった結果、VueでHTTP通信を行うにはaxiosを使うのが通例らしいと知る。 |
2021-04-29 21:25:34 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Returnal review: Roguelite arcade combat has never felt this epic—or hard |
ambitious |
2021-04-29 12:00:47 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Infinite Scrolling With Footer on DEV |
combination |
2021-04-29 12:45:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Prevent Burnout While Working as a Web Developer |
How to Prevent Burnout While Working as a Web DeveloperMost web developers start coding out of pure passion and later on turn it into a career They usually learn to code on their own and then start working as a freelance web developer or as an employed web developer in a company Whichever route they choose they work hard and pull all nighters or do overtime work to build the career they want Even though they start with drive and motivation to learn more and become better at programming there might come a time where the passion for coding fades and programming becomes overwhelming and stressful If these symptoms persist and affect work life and personal life they may point to burnout Developer or programmer burnout is a widespread phenomenon in the fast paced IT industry The web developer job comes with very high demands so most programmers face it at least once in their career If this sounds familiar to you read our article to discover how to deal with burnout and prevent it What Is Developer Burnout Developer programmer burnout is a state of mental and physical exhaustion caused by extreme work related stress It is characterized by symptoms such as losing motivation and interest in work mental and physical fatigue and a cynical or critical attitude towards work Burnout has become more common and exacerbated since the Coronavirus pandemic started due to the fact that most people are working remotely Even though it is work related burnout can affect various aspects of your life such as your family life your health or your friendships You should identify burnout as soon as possible and take all necessary measures to recover from it How Can You Identify Developer Burnout These are the most common symptoms associated with developer programmer burnout Keep in mind that you can get all of them some of them or none at all The burnout phenomenon manifests itself differently for each person To qualify as burnout symptoms these things need to happen for a longer period of time like weeks months or even years not just for a few days Loss of motivation and passion for coding This symptom is very common and most times it is the first sign of developer burnout If you notice that you don t have the same motivation and passion you did when you first started coding you could be on the verge of burning out Mental and physical fatigue You feel constantly drained and have no energy to code or even do other everyday activities Physical and emotional exhaustion might be a sign of burnout rearing its ugly head Feelings of isolation Because you feel overwhelmed and exhausted by your job you start distancing yourself from other people Social isolation translates into loneliness which can aggravate burnout Feelings of depression and anxiety These feelings are usually related to coding and your job but you can notice them around other aspects of your life as well If you want to find out more about how developers can deal with anxiety read our dedicated article on this Reduced work performance Burnout causes difficulty in concentrating which can notably affect work performance This can in turn lead to a lack of accomplishment and feelings of ineffectiveness Cynicism and Alienation from work This translates into indifference to work related activities and emotionally distancing yourself from your job Physical symptoms Some developers may manifest physical burnout symptoms such as headaches or stomachaches They are usually caused by the massive amount of stress they are dealing with What Are the Burnout Causes for Developers These are the unhealthy habits and circumstances that can lead to developer burnout If you catch yourself experiencing these things regularly you might burnout soon Try to keep an eye out for these causes and counter their effects on your mind and body Spending hours per day in front of the computerThis is a very unhealthy habit and it is a decisive factor in burning out You could do this willingly to impress your superiors and advance in your career or take up as many freelancing development projects as possible to earn more money No matter the reason beware that overloading yourself with tasks and spending most of the day coding can eventually lead to burnout Having a mundane coding jobIf your job requires you to write the same code every day use the same software and do the same activities you ll soon start feeling stuck Your mind needs constant challenges so it can preserve its motivation and drive Feeling like you re never going to progress in your career is also directly linked to developer burnout Being isolated from other peopleThis is both a cause and a symptom Being a web developer is a lonely career even more so in the context of the coronavirus pandemic As a developer you usually have meetings to decide the course of action but you do all the work by yourself in front of the computer Coding together with someone at the same computer also known as pair programming can happen from time to time but it s not a technique used often Pushing your mind every dayWeb development is a mentally demanding job because it requires you to solve complex problems daily Straining your mind for extended periods will drain your mind and lead to mental fatigue which is a burnout symptom Lack of exercise and sleepIt s as the Romans used to say “mens sana in corpore sano which translates as “a healthy mind in a healthy body If you don t get enough sleep and exercise regularly you will not be in your best form physically or mentally Having an unhealthy body makes it much easier for burnout to appear How Can You Prevent Developer Burnout and Recover From It You must be aware that burnout is a common phenomenon in the web development field However there are simple things you can do to manage stress Keep in mind there isn t a one size fits all recipe on how to avoid burnout or recover from it but there are some guidelines that you can follow Take breaks throughout the dayDon t sit in the same position for to hours straight Make sure you take a minutes break every hour to stretch and look away from the computer Take an hour long lunch break or even go for a quick If your job does not allow this it could be an indicator they don t care about their programmers well being and you should consider looking for a different one Keep things fresh at workThis way you can hold on to your motivation and drive Don t despair if you have a monotonous coding job that keeps you using the same technologies repeatedly There are several things you can do You could try talking to your superior and maybe switch projects or take on different responsibilities If this is not an option you can do coding projects that feed your motivation in your free time e g try a new programming language learn new tools build an open source project and so on Ultimately you should consider changing jobs if this is something you can do Take a long break from time to timeIdeally it would help if you went on a week long vacation every few months This way you can relax and disconnect from coding Start slow when you come back to coding Don t jump back into an to hours programming schedule If you can t go on vacation find something else that you enjoy like a hobby that takes up a considerable amount of time and helps you unwind Whatever it is that interests you will help you If you are trying to recover from burnout maybe you should try stress reducing activities such as yoga or meditation Be around other peopleIf you are married and have children spend time with your significant other and your kids Hang out with friends and other acquaintances This way you can balance the feelings of isolation you have at work with quality time spent with people you care about in your free time Your life outside of work is important and you should never neglect it The support of your loved ones is precious especially in dealing with burnout Exercise and get enough sleepRegular physical activity can help you better deal with stress It is also a great way to keep your mind busy and off work Getting enough sleep restores well being is directly linked to productivity A healthy mind and body won t get burned out as easily Practical advice from our teamNow that we ve covered all the theoretical guidelines on dealing with burnout it s time for some practical advice We talked with our team to get insights on how they prevent and manage burnout Here s what we found out Alexandru Creative Tim Co FounderI ve experienced burnout for multiple months in a row after having worked long periods Now I usually stop working at PM and move my attention to reading and listening to calm Tibetan music on apps like Headspace or Youtube I also take days of vacation every months Once a week I smoke a cigar which decreases my anxiety level for the next days Beni Full Stack Developer at Creative TimWhat works for me is taking breaks throughout the day and listening to music I also take short periods off work once in a while During my days off I enjoy traveling and discovering new places Hiking is also a relaxing activity that I try to do as often as I can Dragoș Front End Developer at Creative TimGoing to the gym is what helps me avoid developer burnout I go daily and have been doing this for quite some time Sometimes I go in the morning so I am ready for a new day of coding and sometimes I go in the evening to unwind after a full day at the office Either way sport relaxes me and keeps my mind off work It also helps me focus and be present in the moment Rareș Front End Developer at Creative TimWhat helps me keep burnout at bay is working on my personal web development projects I always have side projects and coding experiments because they are fun and a great way to gain new coding skills that I can also use at work Manu React Developer at Creative Tim“One of the small things I do to prevent burnout is to take a minute break every hour in which I do some physical exercises abs pushups or squats I also enjoy reading self development books so often after work I pick up a book and dive into it for half an hour to an hour Ștefan Front End Developer at Creative TimI m trying to find a balance between the work hours and my personal life I usually spend time in nature as a proactive person or practicing swimming cycling or other activities like reading to avoid burnout “Mens sana in corpore sano Alexandra Marketing Manager at Creative Tim“Cooking is what gets my stress away The launch break is my “Zen time because I get to try new recipes almost daily which makes me relaxed I ve forgotten about food delivery especially since the pandemic started and I m working from home Ana Growth Marketer at Creative TimI use a Pomodoro timer to take short breaks throughout the day After hours I like to relax by practicing yoga or meditating I also try to take days off once in a while to unwind maybe go on a city break or visit nearby sights Final ThoughtsWe hope now that you know more about developer burnout you will be more mindful about your well being at work and keep an eye out for potential burnout symptoms Since it s better to prevent than to “treat make sure you follow our guidelines from the last part of the article to achieve a healthy work life balance |
2021-04-29 12:25:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Why you should create a developer Instagram account |
Why you should create a developer Instagram accountInstagram needs no introduction everyone knows how big it is It is one of the most popular and active social media platforms in the world In fact it is even bigger than Twitter which is why it is so good for building your brand and growing followers However many developers avoid it completely because Instagram is predominantly an image based social network whereas Twitter is text based which is more ideal for talking and sharing code I think its a missed opportunity though because if you are working on building your network and growing your audience then obviously you should be on Instagram it is just too huge to ignore For some people Instagram can feel a bit weird because lets face it the platform is mostly all visuals and you would go on there expecting to see pictures of people locations food etc Having pictures of code is just not quite the same is it But if you step back and take a look at the big picture you will realise that there are multiple ways for you to engage with people on Instagram First let s break it down This is my own opinion here but I think there are at least types of developer related Instagram accounts Programming snippetsImage links to blog articlesPersonal selfies and computer setupsJoke Meme IllustrationsWeb designPersonal motivationCSS ArtSo as you can see there are actually a lot of opportunities for growth there Ideally you would want to create a new business account for your developer work so that you do not contaminate your main personal instagram with too much developer focused work that your friends and family might not understand It is just easier to have a branded channel for that content I recently created a tech focused Instagram account for myself this month and it seems to be doing well at the moment I still need to work on being more active but I have plenty of ideas based on the type of developer related accounts out there If you were to post even some of that content then you will grow an audience So far I have had quite good engagements even though I have put little effort in so far I have even gained more than followers already at this rate it will surpass my personal Instagram which I should really be more active on Coronavirus has not really helped much with so much indoor time due to having years of lockdowns Many developers and communities are already using Instagram DEV Hashnode and CodeNewbie already have a presence on there among others Each of them have thousands of followers already so use that as motivation you are also capable of building an audience on Instagram This is my developer Instagram account andrewbaisden tech I hope to see more of you on there Final ThoughtsI really hope that you enjoyed reading this article and learned something from it As a content creator and technical writer I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping other people reach their goals Let s connect across social media you can find all of my social media profiles and blogs on linktree Peace ️ |
2021-04-29 12:24:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Let's talk about impostor syndrome 😧 |
Let x s talk about impostor syndrome Photo by arash payam on UnsplashHello folks Welcome back I trust you are doing well As you probably figured from the title today I d like to talk about impostor syndrome I know what you re thinking Ah another one of these posts Bye Just hear me out before you leave I promise I won t make it too long at least not minutes long DISCLAIMER Be warned this one sounds like a rant Not suitable for the faint at heart Proceed at your own risk or hit the back button before you regret it Brief intro I ve been wanting to write about this topic for a while now but I just couldn t find the words to approach this topic After a conversation with theowlsden I finally got the clarity I need it and here I am finally writing about it Let s settle this topic once and for all shall we What is impostor syndrome So sorry to reiterate this point here but I need a baseline For those unfamiliar with the term here s a definition I found on Wikipedia Impostor syndrome is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills talents or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud Despite external evidence of their competence those experiencing this phenomenon remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve all they have achieved As you can see from the definition above impostor syndrome is entirely mental and often fictitious I personally believe that those experiencing it or those who have experienced it are to blame for feeling this way this includes me too What I mean by this is that we effectively engage in self sabotaging activities therefore increasing the likelihood of falling victim to impostor syndrome We literally bring this upon ourselves with our actions Now let me be very clear about one thing impostor syndrome self doubt I ve heard and seen some folks say that impostor syndrome is not real and that it is just a fancy term used to refer to self doubt I don t agree in the least with such statement In fact I am under the impression that the folks making such statement have not experienced impostor syndrome Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but I personally believe that self doubt is merely a part of what makes up impostor syndrome as a whole In the next sections I ll be sharing with you what I believe are key contributors to impostor syndrome DISCLAIMER The opinions and thoughts expressed below are my own If you are struggling with mental health issues please consider seeking help from a professional This blog is not intended to serve as medical advice Proceed at your own discretion ️⃣Unrealistic expectations Expectations we all have them yet they are not inherently bad in nature Having expectations is good to some extent so long they are realistic Unrealistic expectations are the key ingredient for disappointment and do far more harm than good Say you just landed a great job and things are going great However on one good day your inner impostor rises and takes control Suddenly you expect yourself to know everything to not have to ask anyone for help to seem and be competent at all times All you do is create expectations for yourself You think and want to believe that these expectations are being forced on you by others when in reality it s all your doing You played yourself You set such unattainable expectations for yourself and consequently ended up getting disappointed the moment you couldn t meet them Here s my two cents accept that you will never know it all Accept that it is okay to ask for help to not have the answer to all questions Be okay with admitting that you don t know with saying I m stuck I need help There is nothing wrong with acknowledging your knowledge and or skill gaps You are here to learn What you don t know today you ll know someday not too far in the future So go easy on the expectations and set them straight for good ️⃣Comparing yourself to others You know the drill you hop on your social media of choice and scroll through your feed until you are almost brain dead Awesome While scrolling through your feed you see all these awesome folks you look up to You can t help but think one or all of the following Oh X is so cool I wish I could be like them Man how I wish I had that many followers Damn I d love to work for Y that s my dream company X is so lucky to be working there I hope I can make it to Y one day GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER WILL YOU Nothing infuriates me more than to see and hear people lament about how unsuccessful they are when COMPARED to others Gee focus on your damn self Stop looking left and right for people to measure yourself up to Nothing wrong with admiring someone but never EVER compare yourself to them You are two different people with different qualities strengths weaknesses skills etc and different life circumstances Feeling sorry for yourself will get you NO WHERE Let that sink in for a bit okay And don t blame social media for how YOU feel when using it Sure social media is pretty evilly engineered but YOU choose how much time you spend on it and doing what If it makes you feel so bad about yourself why are you spending so much time on it Are you a masochist by any chance Focus on your journey and your journey alone Notice how I say journey here It s not a race by any means It s not about how fast you go and how famous you get Slow but steady is fine Progress is progress Stop getting distracted by other people s success and focus on YOURSELF Fun fact most people don t share their failure stories on the net They typically feed their audience the feel good and badass content You choose if you want to keep indulging and getting deluded by these one sided fables ️ ️⃣Not accepting that you are a beginner This one is closely related to setting unrealistic expectations I see many skip the beginner phase They never state a role they held with the word junior on their resume they typically omit the word junior altogether Why would they right Everyone s a senior dev straight out of college uni bootcamp RIGHT Obviously not By ignoring your humble beginnings you don t help yourself You just corner yourself further and make the encounter with your inner impostor more inevitable just like Thanos At this point you are already falling in the vicious circle that is setting unrealistic expectations By not acknowledging where you are currently standing in your career you ll wind up expecting yourself to be at a level much higher than the one you are currently on To top it all you ll get in the way of your growth both personal and professional To all the newbies or otherwise out there come to terms with the fact that you are just getting started Stop trying to be a freaking senior dev since day one Embrace the journey welcome the struggle Failing to accept where you are currently standing in your career will only get in your way You have been warned ️⃣You don t give yourself enough credit You accomplish something You don t acknowledge it You hit a milestone You don t celebrate that win People compliment your work You invalidate their compliment See I was right All you do is self sabotage You get in your own way over and over and over again Yet somehow you hope you ll feel better about yourself by engaging in these destructive behaviors Truly delusional If all you do is keep yourself small how do you expect to grow Take pride in what you do and have accomplished and continue building on top of it Change your mindset especially how you see yourself and think about yourself and notice how everything around you starts changing too My message here is clear GIVE YOURSELF MORE CREDIT Take that compliment Celebrate that win Know that what you have done up until now has value no matter how small an achievement it is The end Hooray you made it this far down Thanks for tuning in for this one Smash that or if you believe this should have been a TEDx speech Just kidding I truly hope that you could take away something from this rant if not you may want to read this again I d love to hear your thoughts on this topic so don t hesitate to drop them below Let s keep it civil and constructive shall we Now say your goodbyes to your inner impostor Take care and see you next time SourcesGood ol WikipediaA superb infographic on Impostor SyndromeThe source of the infographicTips on how to cope with Impostor SyndromeAnother good resourceStill here Catch me on Twitter or find me elsewhere If you like my blogs and are feeling generous kindly consider to |
2021-04-29 12:15:11 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Global shipments grow 27%, as Apple stays in second place |
Global shipments grow as Apple stays in second placeWorldwide smartphone shipments grew year over year in the first quarter with Apple s iPhone shipments growing year over year Apple stayed in second place in global smartphone shipments according to CanalysGlobal smartphone shipments totaled million units in Q according to analysis firm Canalys Apple shipped million for of the total In the same quarter last year Apple had shipped iPhones for a share Read more |
2021-04-29 12:56:14 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Ford, BMW and Honda cut production due to global chip crisis |
Ford BMW and Honda cut production due to global chip crisisCar makers Ford Honda and BMW have reportedly joined tech companies Apple and Samsung in flagging production cuts caused by the global chip shortage |
2021-04-29 12:43:50 |
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Engadget |
Gadgets that make great Mother's Day gifts |
engadget |
2021-04-29 12:30:10 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
The Cisco Surprise of a Lifetime |
arrival |
2021-04-29 12:00:49 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Global chip shortage hits Apple, BMW and Ford as crisis worsens |
Global chip shortage hits Apple BMW and Ford as crisis worsensThe shortfall of critically needed parts has forced the auto industry to cut output leaving thin inventories at dealerships just as consumers emerge from COVID |
2021-04-29 22:06:33 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Pitching duel between Buffaloes, Eagles ends in scoreless tie |
Pitching duel between Buffaloes Eagles ends in scoreless tieOrix Buffaloes ace Yoshinobu Yamamoto and Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles starter Takahiro Norimoto went toe to toe Wednesday in a Pacific League pitching duel |
2021-04-29 21:32:58 |
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BBC News - Home |
Nothing to see here, says Boris Johnson over flat costs investigation |
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2021-04-29 12:53:11 |
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BBC News - Home |
Killed community police officer last seen walking dog |
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2021-04-29 12:55:03 |
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BBC News - Home |
Foreign aid: UK cuts its pledge to UN family planning by 85% |
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2021-04-29 12:42:16 |
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BBC News - Home |
The midnight league blending faith and sport |
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2021-04-29 12:29:43 |
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BBC News - Home |
How do you become one of the world's best keepers? |
balague |
2021-04-29 12:08:52 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
メーデー「コロナ禍寄り添おう」 連合、オンラインで中央大会 |
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2021-04-29 21:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
国内で5918人感染、78人死亡 2回目の宣言解除後最多 |
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2021-04-29 21:09:15 |
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キリンの赤ちゃんデビュー 旭山動物園で夏季営業スタート |
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2021-04-29 21:08:03 |
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おびひろ市民芸術祭開幕 感染対策徹底し2年ぶり |
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2021-04-29 21:04:00 |