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IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、「iMac 24インチ」に同梱される新型「Magic Keyboard」のバッテリー交換費用を公開 https://taisy0.com/2021/04/29/139882.html apple 2021-04-29 05:11:01
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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita OpenVINOのGPU推論でドハマりしたエラー、その解決策 https://qiita.com/moatriver/items/ae383f44df415b2449c9 OpenVINOのGPU推論でドハマりしたエラー、その解決策Intelが提供するOpenVINOツールキットとは、訓練済みの深層学習ネットワークを使用した推論システムのデプロイ用高速化ツールキットです。 2021-04-29 14:03:03
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita create-react-appでTodoアプリを作成 https://qiita.com/anago1030/items/664d5ccdf6984a1eb5aa 最後に未完了エリアのtodoの値と完了エリアのtodoの値をuseStateで更新しています。 2021-04-29 14:41:13
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita rails でJavaScriptを使う https://qiita.com/on97-nakamatsu-mayumi/items/8fc6d8d2021723e344da 取得すべきidセレクタの場所に間違いがないか手順HTMLをJavaScriptで作成し、ブラウザ上に描画できるようにするinnerHTMLを使用して、販売手数料や利益計算結果を表示できるようにしましょう。 2021-04-29 14:28:50
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JS基礎文法~if文~ https://qiita.com/akari_0618/items/0d55caf60d175afc1137 if文とは、入力の値によって処理を変えて適切な結果を表示します。 2021-04-29 14:00:52
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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) unityのvisualstadio挙動 https://teratail.com/questions/335751?rss=all unity 2021-04-29 14:10:05
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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Pythonをコマンドプロンプトで認識できるようにしたいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/335749?rss=all Pythonをコマンドプロンプトで認識できるようにしたいです。 2021-04-29 14:00:45
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Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita rails でJavaScriptを使う https://qiita.com/on97-nakamatsu-mayumi/items/8fc6d8d2021723e344da 取得すべきidセレクタの場所に間違いがないか手順HTMLをJavaScriptで作成し、ブラウザ上に描画できるようにするinnerHTMLを使用して、販売手数料や利益計算結果を表示できるようにしましょう。 2021-04-29 14:28:50
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Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【GithHub】リモートブランチにプッシュしてしまったコミットメッセージを修正する https://qiita.com/mihooo24/items/15ac4768a2942a9a0b01 【GithHub】リモートブランチにプッシュしてしまったコミットメッセージを修正する今回の状況作業ブランチ上でリモートリポジトリへプッシュした後に、コミットメッセージの誤りに気づきました。 2021-04-29 14:35:27
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Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita rails でJavaScriptを使う https://qiita.com/on97-nakamatsu-mayumi/items/8fc6d8d2021723e344da 取得すべきidセレクタの場所に間違いがないか手順HTMLをJavaScriptで作成し、ブラウザ上に描画できるようにするinnerHTMLを使用して、販売手数料や利益計算結果を表示できるようにしましょう。 2021-04-29 14:28:50
海外TECH DEV Community How to Build a React Application with Load More Functionality using React Hooks https://dev.to/myogeshchavan97/how-to-build-a-react-application-with-load-more-functionality-using-react-hooks-5e1j How to Build a React Application with Load More Functionality using React HooksIn this article we will build an application using class components and then later convert it to functional components using React Hooks in a step by step way By building this app you will learn How to make API callsHow to implement load more functionalityHow to debug application issuesHow to use async await How to update the component when something changesHow to fix the infinite loop issue in the useEffect hookHow to refactor class based components into functional components with Hooksand much more So let s get started Want to learn Redux from the absolute beginning and build a food ordering app from scratch Check out the Mastering Redux course Initial Project SetupCreate a new project using create react app npx create react app class to hooks refactoringOnce the project is created delete all files from the src folder and create the index js file and the styles css file inside the src folder Also create components folders inside the src folder Install the axios library by executing the following command from the project folder yarn add axios Open styles css file and add the contents from here inside it How to Create the Initial PagesCreate a new file Header js inside the components folder with the following content import React from react const Header gt return lt h className header gt Random Users lt h gt export default Header Create a new file App js inside the src folder with the following content import React from react import Header from components Header export default class App extends React Component render return lt div className main section gt lt Header gt lt h gt App Component lt h gt lt div gt Now open index js file and add the following contents into it import React from react import ReactDOM from react dom import App from App import styles css ReactDOM render lt App gt document getElementById root Now start the application by running the yarn start command from the terminal You will see the following screen If you access the application at http localhost How to Make an API CallWe will be using Random Users API to get a list of random users So open App js file and add componentDidMount method inside the component componentDidMount axios get results then response gt console log response data catch error gt console log error error Also import axios at the top of the file import axios from axios Your entire App js file will look like this now import React from react import Header from components Header import axios from axios export default class App extends React Component componentDidMount axios get results then response gt console log response data catch error gt console log error error render return lt div className main section gt lt Header gt lt h gt App Component lt h gt lt div gt Here we re making an API call to get a list of records initially to the URL results Now If you check the application you will see the response from the API in the console Now let s declare a state to store the result and flags related to the loading and error message Replace the contents of App js file with the following code import React from react import Header from components Header import axios from axios export default class App extends React Component state users isLoading false errorMsg componentDidMount this setState isLoading true axios get results then response gt this setState users response data results errorMsg catch error gt this setState errorMsg Error while loading data Try again later finally gt this setState isLoading false render const users isLoading errorMsg this state console log users return lt div className main section gt lt Header gt isLoading amp amp lt p className loading gt Loading lt p gt errorMsg amp amp lt p className errorMsg gt errorMsg lt p gt lt div gt Here we ve declared a state directly inside the class using class properties syntax which is a common way to write state in class based components state users isLoading false errorMsg Then inside the componentDidMount method we re first setting the isLoading state to true before making the API call this setState isLoading true Once we got the API response we re storing the result in the users array which is declared in the state and setting the errorMsg state to empty so If there is any previous error it will be cleared out this setState users response data results errorMsg And in the catch block we re setting the errorMsg If there is any error while making an API call Then we re using the finally block to set the isLoading state to false finally gt this setState isLoading false Using finally helps to avoid code duplication here because we don t need to set isLoading to false in then and in catch block again as finally block will always be executed even If there is success or error And in the render method we re displaying either the error message or loading message along with the users array from the state in the console Now If you check the application you will see users information in the console on success or an error message on the UI for API failure How to Display the Users InformationNow let s display the users information on the screen Create a new file User js inside the components folder with the following content import React from react const User name location email picture gt return lt div className random user gt lt div className user image gt lt img src picture medium alt name first gt lt div gt lt div className user details gt lt div gt lt strong gt Name lt strong gt name first name last lt div gt lt div gt lt strong gt Country lt strong gt location country lt div gt lt div gt lt strong gt Email lt strong gt email lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt export default User Now create a new file UsersList js inside the components folder with the following content import React from react import User from User const UsersList users gt return lt div className user list gt users amp amp users map user gt lt User key user login uuid user gt lt div gt export default UsersList Now open App js file and replace the render method with the following code render const users isLoading errorMsg this state return lt div className main section gt lt Header gt isLoading amp amp lt p className loading gt Loading lt p gt errorMsg amp amp lt p className errorMsg gt errorMsg lt p gt lt UsersList users users gt lt div gt Here we re passing the users array as a prop to the UsersList component and inside the UsersList component we re looping over the array and sending the user information to the User component by spreading out all the properties of the individual user as props which finally displays the data on the screen Also import the UsersList component at the top of the file import UsersList from components UsersList If you check the application now you will see the following screen As you can see on every page refresh a new set of random users are displayed on the screen How to Add the Load More FunctionalityNow let s add load more functionality to load the next set of users on every load more click Change the render method of the App js file to the following code render const users isLoading errorMsg this state return lt div className main section gt lt Header gt lt UsersList users users gt errorMsg amp amp lt p className errorMsg gt errorMsg lt p gt lt div className load more gt lt button onClick this loadMore className btn grad gt isLoading Loading Load More lt button gt lt div gt lt div gt Here we ve added the isLoading check inside the button to display either Loading or Load More text on the button Add a new page property to the state and initialize it to state users page isLoading false errorMsg And add the loadMore handler function before the render method to increment the page state value by on every button click loadMore gt this setState prevState gt page prevState page Here we re using previous state to calculate the next state value of page so the above code is the same as below code loadMore gt this setState prevState gt return page prevState page We re just using ES shorthand syntax for returning an object from the function Now Inside the componentDidMount method change the API URL from the below code results to this code page amp results Here we re using the ES template literal syntax to use the dynamic value of the page state to load the next set of users on every button click Destructure the page from state inside the componentDidMount method like this componentDidMount const page this state Want to explore all the ES features in detail Check out my Mastering Modern JavaScript book Now let s check the application functionality As you can see when we click on the Load More button the page state is changing in the react dev tools but we re not getting the new list of users displayed on the screen This is because even though we re changing the page state we re not making API call again to get the next set of users with the changed page value So let s fix this Create a new loadUsers function above the loadMore function and move all the code from componentDidMount to inside the loadUsers function and call the the loadUsers function from the componentDidMount method Also add a componentDidUpdate method inside the App component like this componentDidUpdate prevProps prevState if prevState page this state page this loadUsers As we re updating the value of the page state in loadMore function once the state is updated the componentDidUpdate method will be called so we re checking If the previous state value of page is not equal to the current state value and then make the API call again by calling the loadUsers function Check out my previous article to learn more about why and when we need to use the componentDidUpdate method Your complete App js file will look like this now import React from react import Header from components Header import axios from axios import UsersList from components UsersList export default class App extends React Component state users page isLoading false errorMsg componentDidMount this loadUsers componentDidUpdate prevProps prevState if prevState page this state page this loadUsers loadUsers gt const page this state this setState isLoading true axios get page amp results then response gt this setState users response data results errorMsg catch error gt this setState errorMsg Error while loading data Try again later finally gt this setState isLoading false loadMore gt this setState prevState gt page prevState page render const users isLoading errorMsg this state return lt div className main section gt lt Header gt lt UsersList users users gt errorMsg amp amp lt p className errorMsg gt errorMsg lt p gt lt div className load more gt lt button onClick this loadMore className btn grad gt isLoading Loading Load More lt button gt lt div gt lt div gt Now If you check the application again by running the yarn start command you will see the following screen As you can see we re getting a new list of users displayed on every load more button click But the issue is that we re able to see only users at a time So let s make changes to add new users to the already displayed list of users For this we need to make changes in the way we re setting the users state Our current setState call inside the loadUsers function looks like this this setState users response data results errorMsg Here we re always replacing the users array with the new set of users So change the above setState call to the following code this setState prevState gt users prevState users response data results errorMsg Here we re using updater syntax of setState where we re creating a new array by spreading out the already added users by using prevState users and then adding a new set of users by using response data results So this way we ll not lose the previous loaded users data and also able to append a new set of users Now If you check the application again you will see the correct behavior of data loading How to Improve the Code using Async awaitIf you check the loadUsers function you will see that the code looks complex and difficult to read at once loadUsers gt const page this state this setState isLoading true axios get page amp results then response gt this setState prevState gt users prevState users response data results errorMsg catch error gt this setState errorMsg Error while loading data Try again later finally gt this setState isLoading false We can fix this using async await syntax First we need to mark the loadUsers function as async loadUsers async gt Because we can use the await keyword only inside the function which is declared as async Now replace the loadUsers function with the following code loadUsers async gt try const page this state this setState isLoading true const response await axios get page amp results this setState prevState gt users prevState users response data results errorMsg catch error this setState errorMsg Error while loading data Try again later finally this setState isLoading false Here we ve used the await keyword before the axios get call so the next line of code which is the setState call will not be executed until we get the response from the API If there is any error while getting the response from API the catch block will be executed and finally block will set the isLoading state to false Your changed App js file will look like this now import React from react import Header from components Header import axios from axios import UsersList from components UsersList export default class App extends React Component state users page isLoading false errorMsg componentDidMount this loadUsers componentDidUpdate prevProps prevState if prevState page this state page this loadUsers loadUsers async gt try const page this state this setState isLoading true const response await axios get page amp results this setState prevState gt users prevState users response data results errorMsg catch error this setState errorMsg Error while loading data Try again later finally this setState isLoading false loadMore gt this setState prevState gt page prevState page render const users isLoading errorMsg this state return lt div className main section gt lt Header gt lt UsersList users users gt errorMsg amp amp lt p className errorMsg gt errorMsg lt p gt lt div className load more gt lt button onClick this loadMore className btn grad gt isLoading Loading Load More lt button gt lt div gt lt div gt Now the loadUsers function code looks much cleaner and easy to understand than the previous one and If you check the application you will see that the application is also working correctly How to Refactor Class Component Code to Functional Component CodeNow we re done with the complete functionality of the app let s refactor the code to Functional components with Hooks If you re new to React Hooks check out my this article for an introduction to React Hooks Create a new file AppFunctional js inside the src folder with the following content import React from react const AppFunctional gt return lt div gt lt h gt Functional Component lt h gt lt div gt export default AppFunctional We ve created a new file for the functional component so you will be able to compare both the code and keep it for your reference Now open index js file and replace the contents of the file with the following code import React from react import ReactDOM from react dom import AppFunctional from AppFunctional import styles css ReactDOM render lt AppFunctional gt document getElementById root Here we ve used the AppFunctional component inside the render method and also added the import for the same at the top of the file Now If you restart your application using the yarn start command you will see the following screen So we re correctly displaying the AppFunctional component code on the screen Now replace the contents of theAppFunctional component with the following code import React useState useEffect from react import axios from axios import Header from components Header import UsersList from components UsersList const AppFunctional gt const users setUsers useState const page setPage useState const isLoading setIsLoading useState false const errorMsg setErrorMsg useState useEffect gt const loadUsers async gt try setIsLoading true const response await axios get page amp results setUsers users response data results setErrorMsg catch error setErrorMsg Error while loading data Try again later finally setIsLoading false loadUsers const loadMore gt setPage page gt page return lt div className main section gt lt Header gt lt UsersList users users gt errorMsg amp amp lt p className errorMsg gt errorMsg lt p gt lt div className load more gt lt button onClick loadMore className btn grad gt isLoading Loading Load More lt button gt lt div gt lt div gt export default AppFunctional Here we ve initially declared the required states using the useState hook const users setUsers useState const page setPage useState const isLoading setIsLoading useState false const errorMsg setErrorMsg useState Then we ve added a useEffect hook and passed an empty array as the second argument to it so the code inside the useEffect hook will be executed only once when the component is mounted useEffect gt your code We ve moved the entire loadUsers function inside the useEffect hook and then called it inside the hook like this useEffect gt const loadUsers async gt your code loadUsers We ve also removed all the references to this state as functional components don t need this context Before making the API call we re setting the isLoading state to true using setIsLoading true As we already have access to the users array inside the component we re directly setting as new array for the setUsers function like this setUsers users response data results If you want to know why we can t use the async keyword directly for the useEffect hook function check out my this article Then we ve changed the loadMore function from the below code loadMore gt this setState prevState gt page prevState page to this code const loadMore gt setPage page gt page Note that to declare a function in functional components you need to add const or let before the declaration As the function is not going to change it s recommended to use const such as const loadMore gt Then we ve copied the render method content as it is inside the AppFunctional component for returning the JSX and changed onClick this loadMore to onClick loadMore return lt div className main section gt lt Header gt lt UsersList users users gt errorMsg amp amp lt p className errorMsg gt errorMsg lt p gt lt div className load more gt lt button onClick loadMore className btn grad gt isLoading Loading Load More lt button gt lt div gt lt div gt Now If you check the application you will see the following screen As you can see the users are correctly getting loaded but the load more functionality does not work This is because we re only making the API call once when the component is mounted as we re passing the empty dependency array as the second argument to the useEffect hook To make the API call again when the page state changes we need to add the page as a dependency for the useEffect hook like this useEffect gt execute the code to load users page The above useEffect is the same as writing the below code componentDidUpdate prevProps prevState if prevState page this state page execute the code to load users The useEffect makes it really easy to write less code that is easy to understand So now with this change the code inside the useEffect hook will be executed when the component mounts as well as when the page state is changed Now If you check the application you will see that the load more functionality is working again as expected But If you check the terminal command prompt you might see a warning as shown below If you ve ESLint installed on your machine The warnings help us to avoid issues in our application that might occur later so it s always good to fix those warnings If possible As we re referencing the users state inside the loadUsers function we need to include that also in the dependency array So let s do that Include the users as dependency along with the page like this useEffect gt your code page users Let s check the application functionality now As you can see we re continuously getting a new set of users as we scroll the page and the application is going in an infinite loop This is because when the component is mounted the code inside the useEffect hook will be executed to make an API call and once we get the result we re setting the users array and as users is mentioned in the dependencies list once the users array is changed the useEffect will run again and it will happen again and again creating an infinite loop So to fix this we need to avoid referencing the external users array somehow So let s use the updater syntax of set state to set the users state Therefore change the below code setUsers users response data results to this code setUsers users gt users response data results Here we re using the previous value of users to create a new users array Now we can remove the users from the useEffect dependencies array as we re not referencing the external users variable Your changed useEffect hook will look like this now useEffect gt const loadUsers async gt try setIsLoading true const response await axios get page amp results setUsers users gt users response data results setErrorMsg catch error setErrorMsg Error while loading data Try again later finally setIsLoading false loadUsers page If you check the application now you will see that the application is working as expected without any issue and we re also not getting any error in the terminal now Thanks for reading You can find the complete source code for this application in this repository and a live demo of the deployed application here Starting with ES there are many useful additions to JavaScript like ES DestructuringImport and Export SyntaxArrow functionsPromisesAsync awaitOptional chaining operatorand a lot more You can learn everything about all the ES features in detail in my Mastering Modern JavaScript book Check out free preview contents of the book here Also you can check out my free Introduction to React Router course to learn React Router from scratch Want to stay up to date with regular content regarding JavaScript React Node js Follow me on LinkedIn 2021-04-29 05:36:16
海外TECH DEV Community Oracle Cloud vs AWS -Comparision https://dev.to/priyanshi_sharma/oracle-cloud-vs-aws-492i Oracle Cloud vs AWS ComparisionThe development of technology storage and processing strength has caused the embodiment of cloud computing and its increasing recognition throughout diverse industries for vital enterprise assist functions Over the last decade the cloud computing market has grown at an exponential rate with that some cloud computing providers have also acquired power while others are emerging under these circumstances Although it is a challenge to compare virtual machines offerings from two different vendors We are about to reach a decision on Oracle Cloud vs AWS comparison Here we will have a look at their features and resources relevant to the needs of your organization or software What do we mean by Oracle Cloud amp Amazon Web Services AWS Oracle Cloud is the cloud computing platform provided by Oracle Corporation It offers storage networks servers services and applications via a global network of data centres managed by Oracle Corporation Oracle Cloud provides Platform as a Service PaaS Infrastructure as a Service IaaS Software as a Service SaaS and Data as a Service DaaS These services are used to develop deploy implement and elongate applications in the cloud Whereas Amazon Web Services or AWS is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to companies individuals or the government on a pay as you go basis It offers services like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud EC Amazon Simple Storage Service S Amazon Lambda and Amazon Connect that we will discuss later in the upcoming articles The AWS technology is integrated at server farms all around the world and is managed by the Amazon subsidiary Oracle Cloud vs AWS Resources amp FeaturesOracle Cloud Infrastructure OCI vs AWS Amazon Web Services To understand which one among AWS and Oracle Cloud would be beneficial for your business it s important to look at the main aspects of them that is IaaS resources and features both offers The IaaS LayerBoth Oracle Cloud and AWS depend on storage compute and networking resources to provide scale workloads and virtual instances Storage The cost of Oracle Cloud Storage is usually lower than that of AWS except for object storage services Oracle offers data transfer from the cloud at a notable cost advantage over other cloud service providers Although the data transfer into Amazon S and Oracle are free of cost you will have to pay to transfer the data out of the cloud Where data transfer export from AWS S starts at GB after GB of data Oracle Cloud data export is free of cost for the first GB month and after that charges GB Moreover Oracle s DenselO instances have native NVMe non volatile memory express storage for better database application performance On the other hand AWS has an EBS Elastic Block Store service for provisioned input output operations per second IOPS that can be bought as an EBS add on Core Computing As Oracle Cloud and AWS computing architectures and chip types are different they also have their own measures of cost for vCPUs Oracle has standardized Oracle Compute Units OCPUs for all instance sizes AWS compares according to EC Compute Units which is relevant to a standard measure of machine performance by Amazon Oracle bundles its VM services into instances sizes called VM shapes These VM shapes contain a specific amount of OCPUs and memory The users of Oracle have to buy storage individually through the Block Volumes service up to petabyte However if the user has large databases and requires high performance local storage they can go for DenselO VMs The DenselO variant can add to TB of storage through SSDs connected to NVMe buses On the other hand AWS combines its different VM services into multiple EC instance sizes The sizes here defines the specific number of vCPUs along with the size of RAM It adds storage to most instances through Amazon EBS or Amazon S where each of them can store up to TB individual sizes Some instances can also be configured to be indulged into local storage via high performance SSDs or low cost hard drives Apart from that both AWS and Oracle Cloud have bare metal instances to enhance security and give the user the ability to customize the infrastructure of the app in the cloud AWS calls its bare metal instances I instances while Oracle has multiple classes of bare metal instances starting with BM The cost of the I instance family starts from hour for vCPUs GB NVMe storage and GB memory and goes up to hour for its largest I instance that includes vCPUs TB of NVMe storage and GB memory While the cost of Oracle BM Standard E with OCPUs Gbps networking throughput and GB RAM at hour And BM DenselO includes OCPUs TB of NVMe SSD Storage and GB memory at hour Networking When it comes to networking Oracle VM Standard E offers Mbps speed which grows with the number of cores up to Gbps And AWS with its raw networking capacity offers its M instance with Gbps bandwidth and Gbps EBS bandwidth Its larger instance that is m large provide Gbps bandwidth and Gbps EBS bandwidth With the knowledge of the resources of AWS and Oracle Cloud it s time to have a look at their features that will help in deciding which one would be a better choice Features of Oracle Cloud vs AWSComparing the resources is not enough when we talk about these two best cloud services vendors It s a must to know the availability scalability and security of the two Availability amp Scalability AWS being an early public cloud IaaS market reflects the reliability stability scalability and availability of its services AWS clearly leads when it comes to these vital features On the contrary Oracle Cloud is relatively new in the public cloud market and like other providers it needs to mature its support delivery and offering over time However there is one benefit of Oracle that needs to be noticed end to end service level agreements SLAs which are known to cover manageability performance and availability of its services AWS too have SLAs but with a long list of exclusions Security The infrastructure of AWS has been developed as a response to startup success like Airbnb and Netflix but Oracle has spent years managing the infrastructure of organizations Where AWS made it easy for startups to swiftly build a new application with the ecosystem of services its downside is that this method also creates security holes like exposing sensitive information on unsecured S buckets But it has done great work by implementing a robust security service for identity and access management While the oracle cloud approach paid attention to numerous security holes left by different organizations and arose its security approach with strong governance It makes it efficient to separate application controls from data Now that you have the basic knowledge of both Oracle Cloud and Amazon Web Services it will become a bit easier to make up your mind Whether you should choose Oracle Cloud or AWS can only be decided after analyzing your requirements So if you need a quote or have a query regarding either of them then contact us now Source Decipher 2021-04-29 05:14:29
海外TECH DEV Community Host Flutter Web App On Firebase Hosting https://dev.to/gihan667/host-flutter-web-app-on-firebase-hosting-5c8b Host Flutter Web App On Firebase HostingHello guys in this post I will show you how to deploy your Flutter Web App on Firebase In this tutorial I m assuming you have installed firebase tools and you have created firebase project on firebase console Click here to learn How to Install firebase toolsBefore diving into the process Let s talk about some topics in flutter web deployment MinificationMinification is handled for you when you create a release build A debug build of a web app is not minified and tree shaking has not been performed A profile build is not minified and tree shaking has been performed A release build is both minified and tree shaking has been performed Web RenderersBy default the flutter build and flutter run commands use the auto choice for the web renderer This means that your app runs with the HTML renderer on mobile browsers and CanvasKit on desktop browsers This is Flutter recommended combination to optimize for the characteristics of each platform You can also define the renderer when building by using web renderer option with flutter build web command See more about Web Renderers Building Flutter Project for ReleaseOpen your terminal and cd to your root of flutter projectThen run flutter build web command This generates the app including the assets and places the files into build web directoryThe release build of a simple app has the following structure build web assets AssetManifest json FontManifest json NOTICES fonts MaterialIcons Regular ttf lt other font files gt lt image files gt index html main dart js main dart js map Initializing FirebaseRun firebase init command in root of the projectChoose Hosting Configure and deploy Firebase Hosting sites option press space bar to choose and press EnterNow I m using Use an existing project option you can use Create a new project option if you haven t created the firebase project yet Now select your newly created projectNow enter build web as public directoryFor next question enter YThen it will ask to setup automatic builds and deploys using git in this tutorial we skip that option by saying NIt will ask another question to override the build web index html say no to it by entering NNow firebase has initialized on our project directory you will see two new files as firebase json amp firebaserc it means firebase has initialised let s move onNow run firebase deploy this command will deploy our app to firebase after successful deploy you will see like below Visit your newly hosted web app by going to Hosting URLWatch the short video tutorial on YouTube Want to develop this simple landing page using Flutter Watch my tutorial on YouTube 2021-04-29 05:05:58
海外TECH Engadget NASA wants to go farther and faster for fourth Mars helicopter flight https://www.engadget.com/nasa-fourth-mars-helicopter-flight-050621209.html eastern 2021-04-29 05:06:21
ニュース BBC News - Home The Papers: 'Boris painted into corner' and how to get 'fancy wallpaper' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-56923517 boris 2021-04-29 05:16:59
ニュース BBC News - Home Springboard for Arteta or redemption for Emery - are things about to get worse for Arsenal? https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/56836757 Springboard for Arteta or redemption for Emery are things about to get worse for Arsenal A springboard for Mikel Arteta Or the opportunity of redemption for Villarreal boss Unai Emery And just how do the records of Arsenal s current and former boss compare 2021-04-29 05:12:59
ニュース BBC News - Home President Biden's first 100 days as president fact-checked https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/56901183 president 2021-04-29 05:45:11
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 1日10分で首・肩スッキリ。セルフボディケアアイテムが登場 https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/04/233980-machi-ya-c-restshoulder-end.html crestshoulder 2021-04-29 15:00:00



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