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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 2021年4月 jupyterlab に jupyterlab-vim をインストールしたときのメモ https://qiita.com/tommarute/items/10489e04ecc8656265e3 やったことを簡潔に書くと、condaでインストールしたパッケージが動かなくて、jupyterlabのWebUIからインストールしたら動いた、というだけなのですが、せっかくなので他のパッケージや別の方法も試して結果をまとめてみました。 2021-05-02 01:53:36
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pandas で SQLite の Upsert(車輪の再開発) https://qiita.com/cartooh/items/92118a2841e45b3dec0b PandasでSQLiteのUpsert車輪の再開発PandasでUpsertが待ちきれず、自作してみたPandasのSqlUpsertを試してみたを見て、Upsertなる言い方を知ったSQLiteのINSERTORREPLACEは大昔使っていたけどこれこれ、と思ったけど、まだリリースされていないいし年月現在、なんとPandasのtosqlだと、primarykeyやuniquekeyが作れない。 2021-05-02 01:29:33
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JS~オブジェクト~ https://qiita.com/akari_0618/items/5a9e9d565b47c5de2e4d indexjsmenunameパンケーキprice円set円オブジェクトリテラルkey名プロパティ名データプロパティ値プロパティオブジェクトリテラルとはオブジェクトをプログラムに書く方法です。 2021-05-02 01:02:35
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 関数のreturnをhtmlで出力 https://teratail.com/questions/336160?rss=all 関数のreturnをhtmlで出力前提・実現したいことクリックされるたびにtableのtdに、、と数字がずつ増加して表示されるようにしたいです。 2021-05-02 01:44:47
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Swift Timerをループさせたい https://teratail.com/questions/336159?rss=all トレーニング時間と休憩時間のタイマーを実装するところまではできたのですが、それをXセット数ループさせる処理を実装させることができず、困っています。 2021-05-02 01:44:05
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Anaconda3におけるJupyter notebookのエラーについて https://teratail.com/questions/336158?rss=all AnacondaにおけるJupyternotebookのエラーについてjupyternbspnotebookにcontentsを表示させたいと思いネットのやり方通りに行ったところjupyternbspnotebookにcontentsも表示できず、起動するたびに以下のようなエラーメッセージが出るようになってしまいました。 2021-05-02 01:43:42
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) AtCoder Library Practice Contest 'A - Disjoint Set Union'時間超過 https://teratail.com/questions/336157?rss=all AtCoderLibraryPracticeContestxADisjointSetUnionx時間超過sampleは通るのですが、提出するとTLEになります。 2021-05-02 01:43:35
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Safariでサイトを見ると、HTML要素が遅れて再表示されます。 https://teratail.com/questions/336156?rss=all Safariでサイトを見ると、HTML要素が遅れて再表示されます。 2021-05-02 01:23:29
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Safariでサイトを見ると、HTML要素が遅れて再表示されます。 https://teratail.com/questions/336155?rss=all 発生している問題・エラーメッセージエラーメッセージ該当のソースコードソースコード試したことここに問題に対して試したことを記載してください。 2021-05-02 01:19:25
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【Java】List型を複数の変数に入れ直す方法 https://teratail.com/questions/336154?rss=all 【Java】List型を複数の変数に入れ直す方法JavaのListを、複数の変数に入れる方法がわかりません。 2021-05-02 01:15:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Rust のクロージャについて https://teratail.com/questions/336153?rss=all Rustのクロージャについて以下にあるnbsp例nbspは実行可能なのですが、例nbspがコンパイルエラーになる理由が分かりません。 2021-05-02 01:15:28
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) systemctlにてtomcatが起動しない https://teratail.com/questions/336152?rss=all systemctlにてtomcatが起動しないCentOSのSystemctlで、Tomcatが起動せず困っています。 2021-05-02 01:11:51
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita golangのdeferでのエラー処理方法 https://qiita.com/optimisuke/items/b4b03576113442321aae deferのあとでエラーがあると、上書きしちゃうから、ほんとはappend的なことをしたほうがいいんやろうけど、サボった。 2021-05-02 01:08:28
海外TECH DEV Community How to Build a Blog in NextJS and Get a Perfect Lighthouse Score https://dev.to/torbet/how-to-build-a-blog-in-nextjs-and-get-a-perfect-lighthouse-score-mi1 How to Build a Blog in NextJS and Get a Perfect Lighthouse ScoreI think that everyone should have a personal site even if you re not in the development scene and it doesn t always have to be a massive expensive headache to set up While this post is aimed at developers it can still show you have to make site from the ground up and completely for free I also just made a Twitter Give it a follow If you like this post feel free to subscribe or check out my other posts hereWhile at present it may not have much traffic it is optimised as fuck lighthouse scores quick load times almost instantaneous indexing by Google the whole shebang Tech stack used React with NextJSHosting on VercelCustom CSS stylingPosts exported from Notion using gray matter for metadataImplementation of the GitHub APII was torn between create react app and NextJS but as a general rule of thumb CRA is great for purely single page apps whereas next is more appropriate for full on websites A perk of using this is the fantastic hosting on Vercel which automatically redeploys on a new git commit This means that as soon as I push a post to the sites repository Vercel updates the live site no fuss NextJS also offers server side rendering which at surface level seems ideal for blogs but the content on my site was simply not dynamically changing enough to warrant the slightly longer load time associated with SSR so static seems like the best option for now I m not a designer far from it but in my opinion the site looks pretty clean and minimal It s done with simple CSS with some quirky features copied from some CodePens that I found notably the animated underlines I didn t have any relevant images which makes design surprisingly hard so I decided to focus more on typography The whole goal of the site was to be concise and to the point so the design should reflect this As for the posts I write them in Notion which has a handy feature that allows you to export pages as markdown ReactMarkdown handles the rendering on the page from there I then use an NPM package called gray matter to assign each post with metadata title date description for easy formatting in React This also allows me to effectively and automatically update the RSS feed and is overall the biggest time saver I ve found for managing posts I m about to jump into how I handled some of the main features of the site if you re not interested in the nerd shit then you can skip to the end to see how to optimise your site for Google This is how I get all of the posts it s designed for use in React so the syntax might seem a bit weird export async function getPosts const posts const context require context posts false md for const key of context keys const post key slice const content await import posts post const meta matter content default posts push slug post replace md title meta data title date meta data date description meta data description return posts You can see that it returns a list of objects each with all the required data to display the posts information and route to it I can then display them in a simple list like this function Posts allPosts const router useRouter return lt div id styles container gt lt ul gt allPosts map function post key return lt li onClick gt router push posts post slug key key className styles tableRow gt lt div className styles titleContainer gt lt h className styles title gt post title lt h gt lt div gt lt h className styles date gt formatDate post date lt h gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt div gt Implementing a RSS feed required the same getPosts function but in pure nodeJS here s what that looks like it s a bit easier to understand what s happening function getPosts var posts let filenames fs readdirSync posts filenames forEach file gt const str fs readFileSync posts file utf const meta matter str posts push slug file replace md title meta data title date meta data date description meta data description return posts I can then fetch specific posts based on the URL this object also contains the content of the post which is rendered to the screen as well as the other meta data to be passed as props to the post element The description is only used for the meta tags for improved SEO export async function getPostBySlug slug const fileContent await import posts slug md const meta matter fileContent default const post meta data const content meta content return title post title date post date description post description content content It s pretty simple stuff which is why I love working with React so much NextJS handles dynamic routing amazingly this is my slug jsx The post data gets passed to a very simple post layout using React s getStaticProps method like so function Post props return lt PostLayout title props title date formatDate props date description props description gt lt div id styles post gt lt ReactMarkdown source props content renderers code CodeBlock image Image gt lt div gt lt PostLayout gt export async function getStaticProps context return props await getPostBySlug context params slug export async function getStaticPaths let paths await getPosts paths paths map post gt params slug post slug return paths paths fallback false With the post layout component working like so export default function PostLayout props return lt main gt lt Head gt lt title gt props title Guy Torbet lt title gt lt meta name description content props description gt lt meta property og title content props title Guy Torbet gt lt meta property og description content props description gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt meta charSet utf gt lt Head gt lt div id styles main gt lt Header title props title gt lt article id styles content gt lt div id styles date gt props date lt div gt lt div id styles post gt props children lt Mail gt lt div gt lt article gt lt div gt lt main gt Projects IntegrationGitHub have a nice web API to allow for you to access all of a users public repository information you can see what mine returns here This is pretty much everything for my projects section I still need to tidy up some of the variable names function createData Title Description Language url return Title Description Language url export default function Repos props const arrayItems setArrayItems useState useEffect async gt await fetch then response gt response json then data gt const items data map arraySingleItem gt return createData arraySingleItem name arraySingleItem description arraySingleItem language arraySingleItem html url setArrayItems items const router useRouter return lt div id styles container gt lt ul gt arrayItems map row gt lt li className styles tableRow onClick gt router push row url key row Title gt lt h className styles title gt row Title lt h gt lt h className styles subTitle gt row Description lt h gt lt h className styles subTitle gt row Language lt h gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt div gt useEffect ensures that the api is only called once every time the page is loaded this maintains speed whilst ensuring that the page is always up to date I love this feature it means that as soon as I start a new project it instantly shows up on my site formatted with the rest of them Optimising Google LighthouseIt s hard to know when you re done working on project so I gave myself the target of a perfect lighthouse score I wouldn t recommend this as you may have to change some fundamental parts of your site to comply with the standards but in my case it was simply a case of removing unused javascript adding a few aria labels and changing some colours for better contrast Maybe I m a web developing prodigy just a natural talent more likely my site was just simple and I had to jump through the loopholes of SEO but if Google tells me that this is what I have to do what choice did I have plus you get those nice fireworks Google Lighthouse is an open source automated tool for measuring the quality of web pages Lighthouse ranks in  main categories Performance This how fast the page is it measures the global performance With the important metrics being the First Meaningful amp Contentful Paints the Time To Interactive and the Speed Index Accessibility This measures how accessible your page is It performs various checks on the page s elements like the  colour contrast a nd aria label attributes The audit has to pass a list defined in here Best Practices This is the reliability of your page it measure how much the best practices defined by the WC or Google s standards are used and respected For example it will check if your page is served via HTTPS and if errors are present in the console SEO This measures how optimised and standardised your page is for search engines It checks for example if the document contains meta tags and semantic titles Progressive Web App PWA This measures if your website is able to be installable It has to pass the audit based on the Baseline PWA Checklist This isn t normally required for most sites if you want to start making PWAs search how to make a manifest json You need a low Time To First Byte This means that the server needs to respond fast I use CloudFlare and Vercel for my website and static site generation for my pages which is essentially the same as using full server side caching These provide adequate response times while still allowing me full control over proxies analytics and version control You need to optimise your images Use SVG and compressed JPG s whenever possible You can use loading lazy on all image tags to reduce the first contentful paint The total page size to aim for is under a kb and images often contribute to a large part of this Check your bundle size the less data you send to clients the better within reason NPM packages often have hidden dependancies driving up total size of your site There are many tools to track down which modules are taking up the most space so go through them and make sure you only have ones that you need Improving the accessibility of a webpage is often simpler than one might expect While there are bigger changes you can make to improve the accessibility of a website most things require less than a few minutes to address Here is a list of some simple improvements that you can make to boost your accessibility rating Use an appropriate viewport meta tag Ensure all images have an appropriate alt attribute Prefer semantic HTML but fall back to ARIA to help identify elements Ensure links have a minimum clickable area of x Mobile users will love youUse colours with enough contrast to help the readability of text  Most browser dev tools can help you to find the right combination Optimising for lighthouse might take a while but it helps to be methodical Work in iterations where you Target an area Optimise Measure the results GOTO Websites need constant maintenance to stay relevant and up to date As techniques evolve and the web progresses we need to adapt what we have to best serve our visitors Hopefully this article serves as a checklist for your website and it can help you achieve a better score which ultimately not only gives you a chance at a better placement in search engines but it also serves your visitors with a better experience 2021-05-01 16:43:26
海外TECH DEV Community Introduction to Flipper for React Native Developers https://dev.to/chakrihacker/introduction-to-flipper-for-react-native-developers-4pjp Introduction to Flipper for React Native Developers What is flipper It s a tool from Facebook to debug mobile applications Flipper is like vs code where you can add plugins to improve extend debugging capabilitiesNote This is a practical guide so please keep flipper open on one side and explore through different options as you read What can you do with flipper Start DevicesWith flipper you can start both Android emulators and iOS simulators In order to start the emulator or simulator you can use the Rocket icon on the left bottom It gives a list of available created Emulators and Simulators ScreenShots and VideosDid you know that you can get a screenshot of the device or record a video using flipper Start the emulator of your choice and click the camera button to get a screenshot similarly try the video recorder too React Dev ToolsFlipper comes with React Dev Tools which can be used to quickly search and debug your UI and see changes instantly as you apply them With the settings you can hide unnecessary components based on filters Whenever you select a component it shows all the props it takes and the component rendered by hierarchy till the root and the sourceThere are shortcuts to open the source of the component copy the contents of the component and with suspense you can even suspend the component React ProfilerWith Profiler you can find the bottlenecks of the app and debug where react spends more time FlameGraph shows the component tree and highlights the components rendered for a commitThe Ranked tab shows the list of components that takes lot of time to renderInteractions tab helps you to log the time taken for rendering mounting etcYou can export the profile and share it across with fellow devs Layout InspectorThe layout inspector helps you to see the layout bounds and modify tweak few available values like numbers colors ReactotronReactotron is yet another debugger that helps you with logging mst observing changes and sending actions Network InspectorThis can help you to lookup network requests made through the app You can inspect query parameters form data and response of the API Logs Device LogsFlipper streams device logs with respect to android or ios and there is an option to pause these logs if necessary or overloaded React Native logsAny console log statements on React Native side can be seen here Crash ReporterFlipper remembers the crash and provides necessary insights to debug about the crash 2021-05-01 16:22:29
海外TECH DEV Community Data Structure Complete Roadmap https://dev.to/expoashish/data-structure-complete-roadmap-282i Data Structure Complete RoadmapDo you want to learn Data Structure but don t know where to start Then you are on right track In this tutorial we will see complete roadmap for Data Structure You can choose one programming language like python or C to learn data structure Let s start Table Of Contents Step Introduction of Data Structure Step Basics of Algorithm Step Array in Data Structure Step Linked List in Data Structure Step Stack in Data Structure Step Queue in Data Structure Step Tree in Data Structure Step Graph in Data Structure Step Searching Algorithm Step Sorting Algorithm AND Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel bestcodecreator AND Support Our Blogging site myblogs Conclusion Thank you for reading this blog I wish you the best in your journey in learning and mastering in Data Structure 2021-05-01 16:16:23
海外TECH DEV Community Solution: Prefix and Suffix Search https://dev.to/seanpgallivan/solution-prefix-and-suffix-search-11m5 Solution Prefix and Suffix SearchThis is part of a series of Leetcode solution explanations index If you liked this solution or found it useful please like this post and or upvote my solution post on Leetcode s forums Leetcode Problem Hard Prefix and Suffix Search Description Jump to Solution Idea Code JavaScript Python Java C Design a special dictionary which has some words and allows you to search the words in it by a prefix and a suffix Implement the WordFilter class WordFilter string words Initializes the object with the words in the dictionary f string prefix string suffix Returns the index of the word in the dictionary which has the prefix prefix and the suffix suffix If there is more than one valid index return the largest of them If there is no such word in the dictionary return Examples Example Input WordFilter f apple a e Output null Explanation WordFilter wordFilter new WordFilter apple wordFilter f a e return because the word at index has prefix a and suffix e Constraints lt words length lt lt words i length lt lt prefix length suffix length lt words i prefix and suffix consist of lower case English letters only At most calls will be made to the function f Idea Jump to Problem Description Code JavaScript Python Java C Whenever we have to deal with searching for data using a prefix or a suffix this naturally points to a trie solution A trie is a type of data structure that uses a branching tree format where the nodes represent segments of data usually characters to make searching by prefix faster and easier The difficulty in this case is that we re searching by both prefix and suffix so we can create two trie structures one for prefixes and one for suffixes pTrie sTrie Then we can iterate through words and insert each word into the two tries To do so we ll iterate through the characters of the word forwards for pTrie and backwards for sTrie and move from node to node as the word moves from character to character At each node we ll update the vals array with the current index The vals array represents the indices of all the words that run through the current node Since we re iterating through words in index order each node s vals array will be sorted in index order as well For our find method f we ll be doing the same in reverse We ll navigate separately through pTrie with pre and sTrie with suf to find the vals arrays containing the indices of each word that matches those prefixes and suffixes If at any point a particular trie does not have the next character we can return Once we ve successfully obtained the two vals arrays pVals sVals we can cross reference their contents starting at the end and look for the largest index that occurs in both If we find one we can return it otherwise we can return Javascript Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class WordFilter constructor words this pTrie new Array this sTrie new Array for let index index lt words length index let word words index wlen word length this insert word index this pTrie wlen this insert word index this sTrie wlen insert word index trie start end step for let i start i end i step let c word charCodeAt i if trie c trie c new Array trie trie c if trie trie trie push index retrieve word trie start end step for let i start i end i step let c word charCodeAt i if trie c return trie trie c return trie f pre suf let pVals this retrieve pre this pTrie pre length sVals this retrieve suf this sTrie suf length svix sVals length pvix pVals length while svix amp amp pvix let sVal sVals svix pVal pVals pvix if sVal pVal return sVal sVal gt pVal svix pvix return Python Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class WordFilter def init self words List str self pTrie None self sTrie None for index in range len words self insert words index index self pTrie self insert words index index self sTrie def insert self word str index int trie dict for c in word cval ord c if not trie cval trie cval None trie trie cval if not trie trie trie append index def retrieve self word str trie dict gt list for c in word cval ord c trie trie cval if not trie return return trie def f self pre str suf str gt int pVals self retrieve pre self pTrie sVals self retrieve suf self sTrie svix pvix len sVals len pVals while svix and pvix sVal pVal sVals svix pVals pvix if sVal pVal return sVal if sVal gt pVal svix else pvix return Java Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class TrieNode public TrieNode children new TrieNode public List lt Integer gt vals new ArrayList lt gt class WordFilter private TrieNode pTrie new TrieNode private TrieNode sTrie new TrieNode public WordFilter String words for int index index lt words length index char word words index toCharArray int wlen word length insert word index pTrie wlen insert word index sTrie wlen private void insert char word int index TrieNode trie int start int end int step for int i start i end i step int c word i a if trie children c null trie children c new TrieNode trie trie children c trie vals add index private List lt Integer gt retrieve char word TrieNode trie int start int end int step for int i start i end i step trie trie children word i a if trie null return new ArrayList lt gt return trie vals public int f String pre String suf List lt Integer gt pVals retrieve pre toCharArray pTrie pre length List lt Integer gt sVals retrieve suf toCharArray sTrie suf length int svix sVals size pvix pVals size while svix gt amp amp pvix gt int sVal sVals get svix pVal pVals get pvix if sVal pVal return sVal if sVal gt pVal svix else pvix return C Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class TrieNode public TrieNode children nullptr vector lt int gt vals class WordFilter private TrieNode pTrie sTrie public WordFilter vector lt string gt amp words pTrie new TrieNode sTrie new TrieNode for int index index lt words size index string word words index insert word index pTrie reverse word begin word end insert word index sTrie void insert string word int index TrieNode trie for auto c word int cval c a if trie gt children cval trie gt children cval new TrieNode trie trie gt children cval trie gt vals push back index vector lt int gt retrieve string str TrieNode trie for auto c str trie trie gt children c a if trie return nullptr return amp trie gt vals int f string pre string suf vector lt int gt pVals retrieve pre pTrie reverse suf begin suf end vector lt int gt sVals retrieve suf sTrie int svix sVals gt size pvix pVals gt size while svix amp amp pvix int sVal sVals svix pVal pVals pvix if sVal pVal return sVal if sVal gt pVal svix else pvix return 2021-05-01 16:13:45
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple values acquihire targets by the number of engineers https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/01/apple-values-acquihire-targets-by-the-number-of-engineers?utm_medium=rss Apple values acquihire targets by the number of engineersApple s approach to acquisitions is focused on smaller companies rather than big name deals an exploration into the iPhone maker s activities insists with Apple valuing acquihire targets by how many engineers it can secure Apple and many other companies with considerable resources often enter negotiations to acquire smaller firms While the high value transactions get the headlines in most cases Apple differs from its tech giant rivals in that it prefers to go for smaller acquisitions People who joined Apple via an acquisition or had taken part in the acquisition process said to CNBC that Apple s focus was on attaining technical staff from startups and other small entities Apple is also thought to value companies based on the number of engineers at the firm and how quickly it can integrate those employees into its own teams Read more 2021-05-01 16:21:12
海外TECH Engadget Google will freeze auto-renewing Play Store subscriptions in India https://www.engadget.com/google-play-store-india-halts-auto-renewing-subscriptions-162021215.html rules 2021-05-01 16:20:21
海外科学 NYT > Science India Blames Covid-19 Variant for its Pandemic Crisis https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/28/world/asia/india-covid19-variant.html India Blames Covid Variant for its Pandemic CrisisDoctors the public and the media point to anecdotal evidence of infections even among the vaccinated Scientists say the data is too thin and cite other reasons behind the country s second wave 2021-05-01 16:02:53
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles A new virus variant is infecting millions in India. What could its spread mean for Japan? https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/01/national/indian-variant-japan/ A new virus variant is infecting millions in India What could its spread mean for Japan The Japanese government announced on Monday that it has so far detected a total cases of the Indian variant including cases confirmed via 2021-05-02 02:51:31
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Osaka posts record 1,262 new COVID-19 infections as Tokyo cases top 1,000 https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/01/national/japan-coronavirus-may-1/ cases 2021-05-02 02:33:53
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Few people traveling as Japan’s Golden Week kicks off amid virus spike https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/01/national/japan-golden-week-coronavirus/ Few people traveling as Japan s Golden Week kicks off amid virus spikeWith Tokyo now under a third state of emergency large shopping facilities remain closed and there were fewer people on the move for the annual 2021-05-02 01:03:27
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海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Ado Onaiwu scores hat trick as Marinos thrash Tokyo https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/01/soccer/j-league/fmarinos-tokyo-ado-onaiwu/ straight 2021-05-02 01:46:22
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid-19: Scientist urges patience before 17 May lockdown relaxation https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56955105 adviser 2021-05-01 16:32:10
ニュース BBC News - Home Noel Clarke: Report made to police after allegations against actor https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-56956429 investigation 2021-05-01 16:31:23
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ビジネス 不景気.com ANAの21年3月期は4046億円の最終赤字、過去最大 - 不景気.com https://www.fukeiki.com/2021/05/ana-2021-loss2.html 最終赤字 2021-05-01 16:24:28
ビジネス 不景気.com スターフライヤーの21年3月期は100億円の最終赤字、需要減で - 不景気.com https://www.fukeiki.com/2021/05/starflyer-2021-loss.html 北九州空港 2021-05-01 16:08:57
北海道 北海道新聞 日ハム、コロナ陽性10人に 2日札幌ドームの西武戦中止 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/539754/ 北海道日本ハム 2021-05-02 01:09:38



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