IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 緊急事態宣言1週間 家電・家具は休業すべきか |
itmedia |
2021-05-02 19:10:00 |
IT |
Improve YouTube! - YouTubeのUI/UXを改善するブラウザ機能拡張 |
ImproveYouTubeYouTubeのUIUXを改善するブラウザ機能拡張YouTubeには毎日たくさんの動画がアップロードされています。 |
2021-05-02 21:00:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
LeetCode 1000000本ノック【20. Valid Parentheses】 |
LeetCode本ノック【ValidParentheses】目次概要問題解法メイキング概要発端・競プロ初心者、コーディング面接でズタボロにされ、・最低限のアルゴリズム学習とコーディング力強化を習慣化するため記事化環境・LeetCodeブラウザ上で実装vscodeに拡張機能にするかもシレナイ・言語はpythonその他ルール・google検索は自由に直接的なLeetCodeの問題解説ページはNG分実装して実装出来なければ解説ページ参照・コーディング面接対策のために解きたいLeetCode問から問題選出・「」は任意の進数とする問題ValidParenthesesGivenastringscontainingjustthecharactersanddetermineiftheinputstringisvalidAninputstringisvalidifOpenbracketsmustbeclosedbythesametypeofbracketsOpenbracketsmustbeclosedinthecorrectorder⇨英語が全く読めなくても何となく雰囲気で分かりそうだが「渡されたString引数の括弧が、開いた順に閉じられているか確認しろ」と書いてます。 |
2021-05-02 19:42:18 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
メーカー営業xPython(エクセルvsPython) |
lluforuinuullxをxに変換llnpravellllllistllll格データーを入れ込み完成forcomlinzipcombinedllsscomlssQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ所要おまけの逆バージョン今度は四半期ベースから年単位に変換を行う。 |
2021-05-02 19:35:04 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
nuxtにcomposition-apiを導入する |
uxtjscompositionapimodule |
2021-05-02 19:38:35 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Javascript 比較演算子 私初心者なので 復習 |
consolelognameqiikofalse |
2021-05-02 19:17:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
unityで、アタッチされているオブジェクトごとにスクリプト内で分岐したい |
unityで、アタッチされているオブジェクトごとにスクリプト内で分岐したいunityでゲームを作っていて敵キャラを増やしています。 |
2021-05-02 19:50:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PhpSpreadsheetで、xls形式を読み込み、CSV出力を行うとSUM関数が実行されない。 |
掲題の件ですが、現在、PhpSpreadsheetで、xls形式のExcelファイルを読み込み、その内容をCSV出力しようとしておりますが、CSVの出力結果に、シート上に埋め込まれたSUM関数が実行されず、で出力されるという現象が発生しております。 |
2021-05-02 19:49:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
DeployGate Android アップロードできない |
2021-05-02 19:45:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
repeatするローカル通知の内容を毎回変えたい。 |
通知を発火させるたびに、通知内容を変えたい。 |
2021-05-02 19:28:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ajax: サーバーでpartialを取得して更新するとjsが効かなくなる |
ajaxサーバーでpartialを取得して更新するとjsが効かなくなる初回ロード時にはjsファイルが正常に動作するのですが、ajaxで非同期更新にてpartialを更新するとそのpartialのjsが効かなくなってしまいます。 |
2021-05-02 19:20:15 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Ruby】lengthメソッドについて |
tccclassgtarrayclengthgt |
2021-05-02 19:07:10 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JMSでAzure Service Busにメッセージを送信する |
springjmsservicebusconnectionstringltxxxxxgtspringjmsservicebusidletimeoutここには接続文字列を入れるようです。 |
2021-05-02 19:26:13 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
RailsのJSで.envファイルに書いた環境変数を呼び出す方法 |
RailsのJSでenvファイルに書いた環境変数を呼び出す方法手順①gemdotenvをDL②configwebpackenvironmentsjsにdotenv呼び出すロジックを追記③envファイルに呼び出したい環境変数を設置④JSで環境変数を呼び出す大前提・Railsに限らず、envファイルで設定した環境変数をJSで呼び出すには、webpackとの連携が必要になるみたいです。 |
2021-05-02 19:34:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Change Background color on Click | Javascript Beginner Project |
Change Background color on Click Javascript Beginner ProjectChange Background color on Click Javascript Beginner ProjectDemo gt |
2021-05-02 10:58:26 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Solution: Course Schedule III |
Solution Course Schedule IIIThis is part of a series of Leetcode solution explanations index If you liked this solution or found it useful please like this post and or upvote my solution post on Leetcode s forums Leetcode Problem Hard Course Schedule III Description Jump to Solution Idea Code JavaScript Python Java C There are n different online courses numbered from to n You are given an array courses where courses i duration lt i gt lastDay lt i gt indicate that the i th course should be taken continuously for duration lt i gt days and must be finished before or on lastDay lt i gt You will start on the st day and you cannot take two or more courses simultaneously Return the maximum number of courses that you can take Examples Example Input courses Output Explanation There are totally courses but you can take courses at most First take the st course it costs days so you will finish it on the th day and ready to take the next course on the st day Second take the rd course it costs days so you will finish it on the th day and ready to take the next course on the st day Third take the nd course it costs days so you will finish it on the th day The th course cannot be taken now since you will finish it on the th day which exceeds the closed date Example Input courses Output Example Input courses Output Constraints lt courses length lt lt durationi lastDayi lt Idea Jump to Problem Description Code JavaScript Python Java C If we think of this problem in a larger sense we can envision a slightly more simplistic situation without the issues of the last day cutoff for each course In that scenario we could quite easily add up all the course durations then selectively remove the courses with the longest remaining duration until we ve found the ideal number of courses that will fit into our desired timeframe The trouble here of course is that we do have cutoffs for each course which means we can no longer fill the entire time before removing courses Instead we ll have to selectively backtrack and remove courses as we iterate through the input array C As is often the case in a scheduling type problem this leads to a particular issue we ll want to sort the data in two distinctly different ways Since we ll be progressing through C as if we re progressing through time we ll want to sort C based on the courses cutoffs end but when we backtrack to potentially remove a course we ll want to sort the courses we ve accepted by their duration dur The need for a data structure that will maintain its sort through insertions and max value removals means that we re looking for a max priority queue or max heap Once we ve sorted C and set up our max priority queue or heap pq heap it s simply a matter of iterating through C adding the courses to pq heap and then removing the max duration course as necessary to stay underneath the current end value with our accumulated duration total In order to minimize unnecessary insertions removals we can perform a few basic conditional checks to tell if they re necessary If the current course will already fit we can just add it or if the current course is a better fit than our longest course then we can swap them Then once we reach the end of C pq heap should contain all the non discarded courses so we can return its size as our answer Time Complexity O N log N where N is the length of C due to both the sort and the priority queue heap implementationSpace Complexity O N due to the priority queue heap data Implementation In this instance the MaxPriorityQueue npm for Javascript was actually competitively performant compared to a custom max heap structure To avoid having to use a custom comparator for Python which defaults to a min heap we can just switch the sign before insertion and after extraction to mimic a max heap Javascript Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea var scheduleCourse function C C sort a b gt a b let total pq new MaxPriorityQueue priority x gt x for let dur end of C if dur total lt end total dur pq enqueue dur else if pq front amp amp pq front element gt dur total dur pq dequeue element pq enqueue dur return pq size Python Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class Solution def scheduleCourse self C List List int gt int heap total for dur end in sorted C key lambda el el if dur total lt end total dur heappush heap dur elif heap and heap gt dur total dur heappop heap heappush heap dur return len heap Java Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class Solution public int scheduleCourse int C Arrays sort C a b gt a b PriorityQueue lt Integer gt pq new PriorityQueue lt gt a b gt b a int total for int course C int dur course end course if dur total lt end total dur pq add dur else if pq size gt amp amp pq peek gt dur total dur pq poll pq add dur return pq size C Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class Solution public int scheduleCourse vector lt vector lt int gt gt amp C sort C begin C end auto amp a auto amp b return a lt b priority queue lt int gt pq int total for auto amp course C int dur course end course if dur total lt end total dur pq push dur else if pq size amp amp pq top gt dur total dur pq top pq pop pq push dur return pq size |
2021-05-02 10:42:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
5 simple ways to improve your website UI (for developers) 🎨🖥️ |
simple ways to improve your website UI for developers ️I have noticed that a lot of developers are pretty good at the coding part of a project but struggle with design They tend to think they don t have a natural talent for design and aesthetics A lot of search engine results and articles that I have come across either give a vague idea or they re detailed and would require a lot of time and practice to understand and implement So I ve created a small list of tips that will help developers who want to make their interfaces look great without spending too much time worrying about complex design principles Before we get started it s imperative that we get one thing clear the methods and practices that I have mentioned below are not just for websites they can be used with any other sort of interfaces and technologies ConsistencyStick to a similar aesthetic throughout your interface to make it look uniform Most people use CSS frameworks like Bootstrap to combat this issue which is not a bad idea if you are just learning to code However using frameworks like bootstrap will only make your projects look like all the other projects out there You can use CSS Variables very effectively to create a set of rules constraints for a particular project For example root primary color b accent color fbea image ratio box shadow px px rgba px px rgba If you are using a CSS pre processor like Sass Less which I strongly recommend you do then you can create Mixins to achieve this For example A mixin to have the same card styling through out the page mixin card box shadow rgba px px px px padding px margin px div include card A mixin to reset list styling mixin list reset margin padding list style none ul include list reset Alternatively you can also use one of these Design Systems UI libraries Material design by Google Polaris by Shopify Base Web by Uber Fluent by Microsoft HierarchyVisual hierarchy is one of the most important things to look out for when building an interface because it could either make or break your whole user experience By using visual hierarchy you ll be able to draw and focus the user s eye on the most important elements of the page When used effectively it can drastically reduce the amount of effort required to use your interface You can achieve a good visual hierarchy by simply highlighting the element you want the user to focus on by manipulating these characteristicsSize and scale Size is a very basic characteristic of an element that can help give an element more importance than others Increasing the size of an element is the easiest way to focus the user s attention on a particular element Similarly the size of the less important elements can be reduced Color and contrast Contrast is basically how far away colors are on the color wheel from each other More the contrast between the two elements the more distinct they will look So to use this effectively for most common interfaces the contrast between the background and the element that you want the user to focus on should be higher than all the other elements around For example have a look at this Call to action button Since the contract is high it stands out and grabs the user s attention easily There are many other characteristics of an element that can be manipulated to create a very effective visual hierarchy I found the ones mentioned above are the simplest to understand and use ColorsColors are the first thing that people notice when they visit your site Every website project needs a specific set of colors that will be used throughout the interface This is called a color scheme Without a color scheme your interfaces will lack consistency and hence people would not want to stay longer on your page Color schemes are a key component in any interface because they help define a brand s identity for example look at brands like Facebook Snapchat Instagram They have a distinct color scheme that triggers certain emotions and associations in the user s eye Now the simplest way to get some good color palettes is taking the help of one of these amazing tools with thousands of free to use color palettes created by the community coolorscolorhuntcolormindBut if you have the time and you want to make your own color palette then you can use one of these types of color schemes that are simplest to create and look great for all kinds of interfaces there are others Monochrome A monochromatic color scheme is based on a single color hue and all the other colors in the palette are just different shades obtained by changing saturation and lightness Complementary colors present on the opposite side of the color wheel to each other form a complementary color scheme Triadic A triadic color scheme consists of three colors that are equally distant from each other in the color wheel If you want to know more about colors and different types of color schemes I d suggest watching this amazing video on Color Theory by a YouTube channel called Flow Studio Personal Tip Try not to use the default colors like black red blue green yellow etc because these colors are harsh on the eyes Prefer to use lighter shades that are comforting to the eyes If you are using VS Code then you can simply hover the cursor over a color and then the color picker will appear You can then drag the selector to easily select a lighter shade FontWhen it comes to fonts less is more A golden rule is to use not more than fonts in one project We can get deeper into the subject of fonts also called typography but for the sake of simplicity let s stick to the basics These are outdated and overused fonts so avoid them Comic Sans Papyrus Times New Roman Arial Courier New Kristen ITC Impact Jokerman Copperplate Gothic Calibri Courier Brush Script Souvenir Curlz Lobster yeah that s font name Instead use these fonts which look modern and minimal and are not overusedInstead use these fonts which look modern and minimal and are not overused Playfair DisplayBell gothicHelveticaAvant GardeMontserratJosefin SansFuturaRockwellBemboBodoniSabonAkzidenz GroteskGaramondRecoletaArgestaYou can use this piece of code to use a downloaded font in your website font face font family fontName src url font file woff h font family fontName Bonus typography tipUse text stroke on heading and important text that you want to highlight What is text stroke Text stroke is the border around each letter in a text It gives the interface a sleek and modern look And it can be achieved using a single line of code h webkit text stroke px red SpacingLast but not least spacing A good user interface should be clean and uncluttered making it easy for users to understand and focus their attention on the important parts of the page Spacing lets the users know that the elements closer to each other are related and vice versa But this is something that most people get wrong because of which their interfaces are too cluttered and unorganized which makes users leave the page soon Therefore make sure you give your layouts enough breathing room to make them look clean and easy to navigate There are tons of examples of user interfaces with bad spacing Have a look at them to get a clear understanding of how to use spacing effectively Keep in mind that all the points mentioned above are only guidelines and suggestions crafted for beginners and it does not mean that your design won t turn out well if you go against these tips A truly talented designer would let no rules and constraints limit their creativity and imagination Contact Me LinktreeMy BlogMy PortfolioTwitterGitHubLinkedIn |
2021-05-02 10:26:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Top 5 Operations for Python Lists |
Top Operations for Python ListsA list is an ordered collection of Python objects As a mutable data type lists are often used to store data that are subject to change at the runtime Another advantageous feature of lists is that the allowance of having duplicate elements Because of these features lists are probably the most used data structure in any Python project In this article I will share the top operations for the use of Python lists with you ConstructionThe first apparent operation is how we create lists I The easiest way will be just listing composing elements inside a pair of square brackets We use commas to separate these items Optionally we can use this declaration with the operator if we want to repeat a particular list for specific times Code gt gt gt Create an empty list gt gt gt empty list gt gt gt A list of numbers gt gt gt numbers gt gt gt Use operator gt gt gt triples gt gt gt triples II We can also create lists by slicing existing lists Some examples are shown below One quick note these slicing operations return lists as their return values but just to make code snippets of the present article look clear I don t typically assign these lists to variables such that the Python interpreter will print them automatically Code gt gt gt Suppose we have the following list to begin with gt gt gt list gt gt gt Create a list of the same elements gt gt gt list This is equivalent to list copy gt gt gt Specify the start end and step gt gt gt list gt gt gt Create a list of the reverse order gt gt gt list III More generally we can use the list function that creates lists from any iterable such as tuples and dictionaries When nothing is set the list function will create an empty list Code gt gt gt from range gt gt gt list range gt gt gt from tuple gt gt gt list gt gt gt from dictionary gt gt gt list zero one two zero one two gt gt gt from map object gt gt gt list map len one hello world IV Another convenient way is to use the list comprehension The general format is expression for ele in iterable if condition Code gt gt gt Create a list of squares gt gt gt x x for x in range gt gt gt Create a list of even numbers gt gt gt x for x in range if x Access ElementsWhen we work with lists we need to access individual elements or elements within a range I We can access individual elements using indexing Typically we use zero based indexing that counts from the left Alternatively we can use reverse indexing which counts from the right and begins with Code gt gt gt numbers gt gt gt Forward Indexing gt gt gt numbers gt gt gt Reverse Indexing gt gt gt numbers II We can access individual and a range of elements by unpacking It s pretty much like unpacking a tuple i e a b code and we can use and to have a more powerful unpackingCode gt gt gt pets Dog Cat Turtle Snake Hamster gt gt gt when we re only interested in the first and last element gt gt gt a b pets gt gt gt elements as a list and two last elements gt gt gt c d e pets gt gt gt print f a a b b c c d d e e a Dog b Hamster c Dog Cat Turtle d Snake e HamsterIII We can access multiple elements using slicing It s discussed in the above section when we use slicing to create new listsCode gt gt gt numbers list range gt gt gt Get even numbers gt gt gt numbers gt gt gt Get odd numbers gt gt gt numbers gt gt gt Get some numbers in the middle gt gt gt numbers IV We can access a random element in the list It can be done using random choice function Please note that this function is available in the random module Code gt gt gt import random gt gt gt lottery tickets A A A A A gt gt gt draw the winning ticket gt gt gt random choice lottery tickets A V We can find the index of a particular object To do that we can use the index method Please note that we ll encounter an error if the object isn t on the list Code gt gt gt students John Mike Jennifer Joe gt gt gt when an object exist gt gt gt students index Mike gt gt gt when an object doesn t exist gt gt gt students index Mary Traceback most recent call last File lt stdin gt line in lt module gt ValueError Mary is not in list ConditionalsCertain operations rely on whether a particular condition is met or not There are multiple possible conditions that pertain to lists in Python I We can check if a list is empty When a list isn t empty it is evaluated as True When it s empty using the not keyword will make the evaluation True In other words an empty list is evaluated as False Code gt gt gt some list gt gt gt empty list gt gt gt if some list print This is not an empty list This is not an empty list gt gt gt if not empty list print This is to negate an empty list This is to negate an empty listII We can check if an element is in the list To do that we can use the item in the list expression To negate it we can use not in Code gt gt gt activities soccer tennis swim karate gt gt gt check if something is in the list gt gt gt tennis in activitiesTrue gt gt gt check if something is not in the list gt gt gt swim not in activitiesFalseIII We can check if the list contains all the elements of another list We can take advantage of some built in functionalities of the set datatype Code gt gt gt larger list gt gt gt smaller list gt gt gt use the issuperset function gt gt gt set larger list issuperset set smaller list True gt gt gt use the issubset function gt gt gt set smaller list issubset set larger list TrueIV We can check if the list contains any elements of another list Similarly as above the set data type has built in functionalities for this operation Code gt gt gt large list gt gt gt small list gt gt gt small list gt gt gt use the intersection function gt gt gt bool set large list intersection set small list True gt gt gt bool set large list intersection set small list False Modify ElementsOne major feature of lists is their mutability which means we can modify their elements such as adding and removing items I We can append an element at the end or insert one at a particular index using the append and insert methods respectivelyCode gt gt gt existing numbers gt gt gt append an element at the end gt gt gt existing numbers append gt gt gt existing numbers gt gt gt insert an element at an index gt gt gt existing numbers insert gt gt gt existing numbers II We can extend the list by appending multiple elements using the extend method which takes in an iterable Code gt gt gt numbers to extend gt gt gt extend the list with another list gt gt gt numbers to extend extend gt gt gt numbers to extend gt gt gt extend the list with a tuple gt gt gt numbers to extend extend gt gt gt numbers to extend III We can replace certain elements directly It can be achieved by assignment to the element at an index or elements within a range Code gt gt gt numbers to replace gt gt gt replace an element gt gt gt numbers to replace gt gt gt numbers to replace gt gt gt replace a range of elements gt gt gt numbers to replace gt gt gt numbers to replace IV We can remove an element using the remove pop and del methods The remove method removes the matching element at its first occurrence the pop method removes the element at the optionally specified index and the default index is i e the last one and the del statement removes an element with its index specified Another thing to note is that the pop method returns the value while the other two return None Code gt gt gt numbers to remove gt gt gt using the remove gt gt gt numbers to remove remove gt gt gt numbers to remove gt gt gt using the pop gt gt gt numbers to remove pop gt gt gt numbers to remove gt gt gt using the del statement gt gt gt del numbers to remove gt gt gt numbers to remove V We can remove multiple elements using the clear and del methods The clear method removes all the elements of the list and the del statement removes multiple elements with the range specified Another handy way to remove all elements in the list is to assign the variable with an empty list Code gt gt gt using clear gt gt gt numbers to clear gt gt gt numbers to clear clear gt gt gt numbers to clear gt gt gt using del gt gt gt numbers to del gt gt gt del numbers to del gt gt gt numbers to del gt gt gt using the re assignment note that this doesn t actually clear the old list gt gt gt numbers to reassign gt gt gt numbers to reassign gt gt gt numbers to reassign VI We can change the order of the list Some common ways include sorting the list reversing the list and shuffling the list Code gt gt gt numbers to order gt gt gt sort the list gt gt gt numbers to order sort gt gt gt numbers to order gt gt gt numbers to order sort key lambda x abs x gt gt gt numbers to order gt gt gt shuffle the list gt gt gt import random gt gt gt random shuffle numbers to order gt gt gt numbers to order gt gt gt reverse the list gt gt gt numbers to order IterationIt s a prevalent task that we need to perform certain operations by going through the list s elements which is termed iteration I We can iterate a list directly Lists are iterables in Python and thus we can iterate a list in a for loop directly Code gt gt gt pets Dog Cat Bird gt gt gt for pet in pets print pet DogCatBirdII We can iterate a list using the enumerate function This function allows us to track the count of the iteration Optionally we can set the start argument to specify the start number for the counting Code gt gt gt activities soccer karate basketball gt gt gt for i activity in enumerate activities start print f Day i activity Day soccerDay karateDay basketballIII We can iterate a list using the reversed function This function allows us to iterate the list using the reverse order Code gt gt gt arrivals John Mike Jennifer gt gt gt for student in reversed arrivals print student JenniferMikeJohnConclusions for the topicsThis article summarizes the most common operations for Python lists Here are some quick takeaways so that you can understand the topic in these sentencesHope you like it We can construct lists by listing the items using the list function and working with existing ones We can access individual and multiple items using indexing and ranges We can check whether the list has a particular item and its emptiness and relationship with other lists We can append insert and remove one or more elements Besides we can change the order of lists We can iterate lists using themselves and in combination with the enumerate and reversed functions |
2021-05-02 10:11:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
I need some ideas about the new era of technology as a new developer in the world of programing |
I need some ideas about the new era of technology as a new developer in the world of programingall that I need is the cooperation of members from different people that will make a global village that can have and generate same and useful ideas that are developmental in the future Am RUHANGABAHO DICKSON and I would like to get some group of people that have a knowledge about either html java python or c programming and if you have knowledge try to share with others so that you can also gain some skills from them you should know that it is all about practice that will improve your skills mostly in the computing world that is prevailing now nothing is impossible on the side of a programmer looking forward to hear from you Thanks |
2021-05-02 10:01:17 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
SpaceX Makes First Nighttime Splashdown With Astronauts Since 1968 |
resilience |
2021-05-02 10:55:24 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Up to 300 people per day breaking self-quarantine pledge in Japan |
Up to people per day breaking self quarantine pledge in JapanAround to people every day could not be confirmed to be in their pledged quarantine locations with of those people found to |
2021-05-02 20:48:24 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
North Korea vows response after saying Biden policy shows hostile U.S. intent |
North Korea vows response after saying Biden policy shows hostile U S intentIn one statement a Foreign Ministry spokesman accused Washington of insulting the dignity of the country s supreme leadership by criticizing North Korea s human rights situation |
2021-05-02 20:47:37 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Tokyo welcomes foreign divers to test event under close supervision |
Tokyo welcomes foreign divers to test event under close supervisionThe diving World Cup began Saturday with some athletes already chafing under COVID countermeasures that will see wider use at the upcoming Summer Olympics |
2021-05-02 20:23:27 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Navigating Japan Post: Mail during the time of COVID-19 |
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2021-05-02 19:03:10 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
‘Crying in H Mart’: When her mother died, she found solace at a Korean grocery |
Crying in H Mart When her mother died she found solace at a Korean groceryMichelle Zauner a musician who performs under the name Japanese Breakfast is makes her book debut with a memoir about family food and grief |
2021-05-02 19:10:03 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Quarantine for Covid contacts could be scrapped |
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2021-05-02 10:27:46 |
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BBC News - Home |
India coronavirus: New record deaths as virus engulfs India |
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2021-05-02 10:53:47 |
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福岡で4人死亡、417人感染 陽性は過去2番目の多さ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-05-02 19:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
埼玉で290人感染 2度目の宣言解除後最多 |
緊急事態 |
2021-05-02 19:07:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道南13人感染判明 函館は10人 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-05-02 19:03:11 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
ドラゴン桜が推薦「青春の意味を考える」3冊 スポーツ漫画やバックパッカーの「バイブル」も | 学校・受験 | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2021-05-02 19:30:00 |