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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita FastAPIでOpenCV Streaming https://qiita.com/Gyutan/items/d3dbdc675ce7cb5cf077 stackoverflowにすでにこの書き換えの記事が投稿されていますが、前回投稿したものに合わせて少し書き換えたものを覚えとして記載します。 2021-05-02 22:46:19
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita kivydで、日本語フォントがnot foundになってしまう件について https://qiita.com/az_pinoharu/items/1d02731f38eafc8e0380 kivydで、日本語フォントがnotfoundになってしまう件について日本語フォントを使おうとした際に出るエラーに関してresourceaddpathCUsersinfoAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsFontsLabelBaseregisterDEFAULTFONT日本語フォントotf※otfは拡張子のため、フォントによっては色んな拡張子があります。 2021-05-02 22:40:02
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pythonからインターネットショートカット(拡張子.url)を開く https://qiita.com/progrommer/items/c2818f7fca16d60a2a48 中身がini形式のファイルなのでconfigparserで読み込み、webbrowserでブラウザーを開くことで実現した。 2021-05-02 22:19:32
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Selenium inputかbuttonか分からないボタンをクリック https://qiita.com/mayo00/items/47436b1d5895857279cd Seleniuminputかbuttonか分からないボタンをクリック画面のマニュアルしか持っていなくてHTMLソースをまだ見れないうちに、ボタンクリック動作を書く方法です。 2021-05-02 22:16:29
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita FactorMIDAS(uMIDAS)を用いた我が国GDPのナウキャスティング https://qiita.com/sugiyama404/items/68882c70b5d66c33705e FactorMIDASuMIDASを用いた我が国GDPのナウキャスティング目的前回の続きの再現背景知識因子分析多変量解析の手法として、因子分析と主成分分析が広く知られている。 2021-05-02 22:06:10
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Node.js基本編 Express+SQLiteで超定番のTo Doメモアプリを作る https://qiita.com/hisashi_matsui/items/79cc7b4b95a195b51535 インストールの仕方はこちらを参考StepNodejsアプリ基盤構築入門編でも紹介したアプリケーションのひな形を生成してくれる便利なツールのExpressGeneratorをインストールしましょう。 2021-05-02 22:55:53
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Webスクレイピングで必要個所の一部分しか抜き出せない https://teratail.com/questions/336305?rss=all Webスクレイピングで必要個所の一部分しか抜き出せない前提・実現したいこと下記サイトの各店舗の店名、住所、取り扱い商品をスクレイピングしたい。 2021-05-02 22:53:34
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 全て小数点以下1桁で表示されてしまう https://teratail.com/questions/336304?rss=all 全て小数点以下桁で表示されてしまう先ほと、同じ質問を投稿しましたが、間違えて、解決済にしてしまったため、再度投稿します。 2021-05-02 22:50:56
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 同じIDを複数保存してしまう https://teratail.com/questions/336303?rss=all 同じIDを複数保存してしまうRealmでIDを保存したいです。 2021-05-02 22:49:07
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) PHP ImageMagick拡張機能imagickがうまく反映されない https://teratail.com/questions/336302?rss=all PHPImageMagick拡張機能imagickがうまく反映されない前提・実現したいこと環境macnbspOSnbspBigSurPEARnbspVersionnbspPHPnbspVersionnbspZendnbspEnginenbspVersionnbspLaravelImageMagicknbspLaravelで「simplesoftwareio」を使いQRコードの画像生成しダウンロードをできるようにしたいと思っています。 2021-05-02 22:48:25
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) http://localhost:3001だと期待通りアクセスできるがhttp://だとcorsエラーがでるのはなぜ https://teratail.com/questions/336301?rss=all httplocalhostだと期待通りアクセスできるのですがでアクセスするとcorsエラーが出てしまいます。 2021-05-02 22:33:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Pytubeで取得できる画質が低い https://teratail.com/questions/336300?rss=all Pytubeで取得できる画質が低いPythonのライブラリであるPytubeについてですgethighestresolutionで取得できるうちの最高画質をダウンロードするプログラムを作ったのですがpのやつとpのやつがあります。 2021-05-02 22:29:46
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ページが更新されません! https://teratail.com/questions/336299?rss=all ページが更新されませんdjangoでお料理日記のアプリ開発をしている中で、画像投稿欄を作成したのですがファイルを選択し投稿ボタンを押してもページは変わらず投稿することができません。 2021-05-02 22:27:46
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 整数値と小数点以下1桁を出力したいのですが全て、小数点以下1桁になってしまいます。 https://teratail.com/questions/336298?rss=all 現状ですと、全て小数点以下桁表示になってしまいます。 2021-05-02 22:24:18
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) グローバル変数を使うべき時 https://teratail.com/questions/336297?rss=all 開発 2021-05-02 22:14:27
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) PHPで送信フォームを作成したがメールがこない https://teratail.com/questions/336296?rss=all PHPで送信フォームを作成したがメールがこないPHPで送信フォームを作成しましたが、メールが届きません。 2021-05-02 22:11:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 力任せ法による文字列探索 https://teratail.com/questions/336295?rss=all 力任せ法による文字列探索前提・実現したいことC言語初心者です。 2021-05-02 22:06:01
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) GoogleDrive上でxlsxデータをスプレッドシートに変換し、変換後のファイルのURLを取得したい https://teratail.com/questions/336294?rss=all GoogleDrive上でxlsxデータをスプレッドシートに変換し、変換後のファイルのURLを取得したい前提・実現したいことGooglenbspDrive上にアップロード済のxlsxファイルを既存のスプレッドシートにコピーするため、いったんそのxlsxファイルをスプレッドシートに変換した上で、GASで操作しようとしています。 2021-05-02 22:03:48
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) teratailで質問しようとするとエラーが出ます https://teratail.com/questions/336293?rss=all teratailで質問しようとするとエラーが出ます実現したいことteratailで質問しようとしたところ「本文は文字以内で入力してください」というエラーが出て質問ができませんでした。 2021-05-02 22:03:31
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita URL直打ち対策(ログアウト/ログイン別まとめ) https://qiita.com/greencha/items/b0da3d73021ecb7591f7 これはすごくシンプルで、以下のコードを対策したいコントローラー内に設定していれば対策できていますbeforeactionauthenticateuserexceptindexshow実際にコントローラー内に記述したらこんな感じ。 2021-05-02 22:29:04
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails] deviseによるユーザー管理機能の導入手順とメソッドまとめ https://qiita.com/kei-kun38/items/eb96ab0a96a959dc001e メソッド説明deviseforユーザー機能に必要なルーティングを一度に生成するdeviseparametersanitizerログインや新規登録などのリクエストからパラメーターを取得するusersignedinユーザーがログイン状態かどうかを判定するcurrentuser現在ログインしているユーザーの情報を取得するauthenticateuserユーザーがログインしていなければ、ログイン画面に遷移させる①deviseforユーザー機能に必要なルーティングをまとめて生成する。 2021-05-02 22:19:23
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita dockerランタイム非推奨時代のkubeadmによるcluster作成 https://qiita.com/makotaka/items/3283c3254a593db97ca1 kubectlapplyfkubectlapplyflt数分待つgtkubectlgetnodeNAMESTATUSROLESAGEVERSIONmasterNotReadycontrolplanemastermsvworkerインストールworkerノードへログイン。 2021-05-02 22:51:54
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amazon Web Services 基礎からのネットワーク&サーバー構築 8-4(173p) http error 500 解決メモ https://qiita.com/se1k3/items/53941f0e3836694024a0 何が原因だったのか、結論から言うとPHPのバージョンが足りていませんでした。 2021-05-02 22:25:44
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS】ELBについてまとめてみた https://qiita.com/Ryo9597/items/b565755667b423765ff4 構成図よく使われる構成図①ELBのみパブリックサブネットに配置する②FrontendとAPIを分けて層で構築するPrivateサブネット内にELBを配置します内部ロードバランサーと言いますでは実際に作ってみましょうAWSへログイン東京リージョンになっていることを確認VPCを作成IPルートコンソールで「VPC」と検索→左ペイン内の「VPC」を選択→「VPCを作成」を選択サブネットを作成IPルートコンソールで「VPC」と検索→左ペイン内の「サブネット」を選択→「サブネットを作成」を選択PublicSubnetを作成WordPressに使うサブネットを作成します。 2021-05-02 22:21:52
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Docker で Puppeteer を動かす https://qiita.com/athagi/items/305f55bc140683d3dca7 ただし、nosandboxオプションを利用する必要がある利用バージョンDockerNodegooglechromePuppeteer流れPuppeteerのDockerimageの作成作成したイメージを利用してPuppeteerを実行するドキュメントの方法pptruserで実行する場合Dockerimageの作成RunningPuppeteerinDockerに従って、Dockerfileを作成します。 2021-05-02 22:12:31
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita URL直打ち対策(ログアウト/ログイン別まとめ) https://qiita.com/greencha/items/b0da3d73021ecb7591f7 これはすごくシンプルで、以下のコードを対策したいコントローラー内に設定していれば対策できていますbeforeactionauthenticateuserexceptindexshow実際にコントローラー内に記述したらこんな感じ。 2021-05-02 22:29:04
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails] deviseによるユーザー管理機能の導入手順とメソッドまとめ https://qiita.com/kei-kun38/items/eb96ab0a96a959dc001e メソッド説明deviseforユーザー機能に必要なルーティングを一度に生成するdeviseparametersanitizerログインや新規登録などのリクエストからパラメーターを取得するusersignedinユーザーがログイン状態かどうかを判定するcurrentuser現在ログインしているユーザーの情報を取得するauthenticateuserユーザーがログインしていなければ、ログイン画面に遷移させる①deviseforユーザー機能に必要なルーティングをまとめて生成する。 2021-05-02 22:19:23
技術ブログ Developers.IO Galaxyを利用したゲノム解析へ入門 環境構築と基本操作編 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/introduction-to-genome/ galaxy 2021-05-02 13:44:04
海外TECH Ars Technica Will Virgin Galactic ever be successful? A new book provides insights https://arstechnica.com/?p=1761463 galactic 2021-05-02 13:30:42
海外TECH DEV Community Javascript — Lexical and Dynamic Scoping? https://dev.to/oakar/javascript-lexical-and-dynamic-scoping-32el Javascript ーLexical and Dynamic Scoping What is Scope Scoping itself is how you search for a variable with a given name A variable has a scope which is the whole area in which that variable can be accessed by name In Javascript we can call Scope as the set of rules that govern how the Engine can look up a variable by its identifier name and find it There are two types of Scope models that are widely used By far the most commonly used Scope model by vast majority of programming languages is Lexical Scope also Javascript uses this Lexical Scope model The other model which is still used by some languages like Bash scripting is called Dynamic Scope Now we will discuss what are these Scope models Then we will understand the differences between them Dynamic ScopeIn dynamic scoping you search in the local function first then you search in the function that called the local function then you search in the function that called that function and so on up the call stack What is call stack Call stack is a mechanism for an interpreter to keep track of its place in a script that calls multiple functions ーwhat function is currently being run and what functions are called from within that function etc Stack data structure is LIFO that means last in first out Let s understand with an example from MDN function greeting Some codes here sayHi Some codes here function sayHi return Hi Invoke the greeting functiongreeting Some codes hereIgnore all functions until it reaches the greeting function invocation Add the greeting function to the call stack list Execute all lines of code inside greeting function Get to the sayHi function invocation Add the sayHi function to the call stack list Execute all lines of code inside the sayHi function until reaches its end Return execution to the line that invoked sayHi and continue executing the rest of the greeting function Delete the sayHi function from our call stack list When everything inside the greeting function has been executed return to its invoking line to continue executing the rest of the Javascript code Delete the greeting function from call stack list That s all summary of how the call stack behaves and what it does I should mention that dynamic scope actually is a near cousin to another mechanism called this in Javascript We can understand by the name of the dynamic scope is that scope can be determined dynamically at run time rather than statically at author time What is author time This is the time that when developer writes the code This can be taken to mean perception of program as you see it before compilation Dynamic scope does not concern itself with how and where functions and scopes are declared but rather where they are called from That means that the scope chain is based on call stack not the nesting of scopes in code Let s understand dynamic scope by an example from Kyle Simpson s book ーYou don t know JS Scope amp Closure Assume that if Javascript had dynamic scope when foo is executed theoretically the code below would result as the output but how function foo console log a not function bar var a foo var a bar When foo cannot resolve the variable reference for a instead of stepping up the nested lexical scope ーwe will mention soon scope chain it walks up the call stack to find where foo was called from Since foo was called from bar it checks the variables in scope for bar and finds an a there with value To be clear Javascript does not have dynamic scope It has lexical scope But note that this mechanism is kind of like dynamic scope Let s dive into lexical scope Lexical ScopeLexical scope is a scope that is defined at lexing time In other words lexical scope is based on where variables and blocks of scope are authored by you at write time and thus is set in stone by the time the lexer processes your code It is also called as Static Scope In a lexically scoped language the scope of an identifier is fixed to some region in the source code containing the identifier s declaration This means that an identifier is only accessible within that region PS There is a couple of ways to cheat lexical scope like with with and eval But these are not suggested and should not be used in your code anymore This part will be skipped here and will not be mentioned You can find more information about this with Kyle Simpson s book ーYou don t know JS Scope amp Closures Let s explain how the lexical scope works with an example from Kyle Simpson s book function foo a var b a function bar c console log a b c bar b foo There are three nested scopes inherent in this code example It may be helpful to think about these scopes as bubbles inside of each other img alt Kyle Simpson s book ーYou don t know JS Scope amp Closures lt br gt src miro medium com max AloTvDSiEgcpvFvJIVcQ png Bubble encompasses the global scope and has just one identifier in it foo Bubble encompasses the scope of foo which includes the three identifiers a bar b Bubble encompasses the scope of bar and it includes just one identifier c Scope bubbles are defined by where the blocks of scope are written which one is nested inside of the other etc Notice that these nested bubbles are strictly nested How the Engine Look ups In the above code snippet the Engine executes the console log … statement and goes looking for the three referenced variables a b and c It starts with innermost scope bubble Bubble It won t find a there so it goes up one level out to the next nearest scope bubble Bubble It finds a there and so it uses that a Same thing for b But c it does find inside of bar … Bubble The variable c is inside of bar … and inside of foo … the console log … statement would have found and used the one in bar … never getting to the one in foo … Scope look up stops once it finds the first match The same identifier name can be specified at multiple layers of nested scope which is called shadowing the inner identifier shadows the outer identifier Scope look up always start at the innermost scope being executed at the time and works its way outward upward until first match and stops No matter where a function is invoked from or even how it is invoked its lexical scope is only defined by where the function was declared The Key Contrast Between Lexical and Dynamic Scoping Lexical scope is write time whereas dynamic scope is run time Lexical scope care where a function was declared but dynamic scope cares where a function was called from ReferencesDynamic scoping and Lexical scoping Call stack You don t know JS Scope amp Closures by Kyle Simpson Javascript ーLexical and Dynamic Scoping by Osman Akar Medium Osman Akar・Feb ・ Medium 2021-05-02 13:33:15
海外TECH DEV Community Qu'est-ce que vous aimeriez lire en français sur dev.to ? https://dev.to/ericcodeur/qu-est-ce-que-vous-aimeriez-lire-en-francais-sur-dev-to-5b13 Qu x est ce que vous aimeriez lire en français sur dev to Bonjour J aimerais ajouter du contenu francophone sur dev toJe me demande donc qu est ce que vous aimeriez le plus lire Tuto Javascript Tuto PHP Tuto Python Tuto Ruby on Rails Aussi que niveau Des tuto de base Des tuto intermédiaire Des tuto avancé Voter svp en laissant un commentaire J attend votre feedback Au plaisir Eric Le CodeurPS N oubliez pas de cliquer follow si vous ne voulez rien manquéde mes futures post 2021-05-02 13:27:35
海外TECH DEV Community Setting Up a Fresh Ubuntu 21.04 Desktop as Personal Computer https://dev.to/erikaheidi/setting-up-a-fresh-ubuntu-21-04-desktop-as-personal-computer-41i3 Setting Up a Fresh Ubuntu Desktop as Personal ComputerI recently got a brand new personal laptop hooray bonus and got a suggestion for a blog post about setting up my Ubuntu for personal use It s been a while since I shared these types of posts so I thought it would be fun to write about my new setup I ve been an Ubuntu user for a long time it is a system where I feel very comfortable so that means it also makes me more productive I decided to try the newest release the brand new a k a Hirsute Hippo In this post I share all my setup process Getting StartedWell the first step is to get the system all installed and set up As I mentioned previously I chose the newest release of Ubuntu also known as Hirsute Hippo You might want to go with the LTS version if you don t plan on upgrading reinstalling your system before is out the next LTS The advantage of the version is because it s already one year newer than the LTS so the software that it comes with and the default apt packages for the distro are already bleeding edge so you can install most things via apt without worrying that it s all outdated Installation RemarksBecause this is a new laptop I didn t need to do any backup but if you are going to do this on your existing system please don t forget about it I always choose full disk encryption when installing Ubuntu this is an option that will show up when choosing installation type and partitions This adds extra security to your system just be sure you keep your decryption key safe otherwise you will lose access to your entire system Priority InstallsDepending on which Ubuntu version you re installing you may need to update the system right after installation to make sure you have the most updated version of the software you re going to use You will get a notification from Ubuntu if updates are available for your system as soon as you log in Now it s time open the terminal to install a few basic packages right away sudo apt updatesudo apt install vim git unzip curl ffmpegThen onto more interesting things Terminator and Oh My ZshNext I like to set up my terminal and shell I ve been using Terminator for years I really like to be able to split the screen in multiple ways and Terminator is a lot easier to use than tmux for me I m also a big fan of oh my zsh and have been using it for many years So the first thing is to install zsh and terminator sudo apt install zsh terminatorThen you can run the Oh my Zsh installation script which will also set zsh as your default shell sh c curl fsSL The theme I like is called agnoster and to use that theme you ll need to install Powerline fonts To install these you ll need to clone their repo and run the install script cd tmpgit clone cd fonts install shThen you can edit your zshrc to change to the agnoster theme vim zshrc Set name of the theme to load if set to random it will load a random theme each time oh my zsh is loaded in which case to know which specific one was loaded run echo RANDOM THEME See ZSH THEME agnoster Don t forget to save the file with vim type ESC then wq to save You can now close the old terminal and open terminator You ll need to change the font to one of the Powerline patched fonts you just installed otherwise the prompt won t show up correctly To customize your Terminator appearance right click and go to Preferences gt Profiles and unmark the checkbox that says Use the system fixed width font Then choose the font tip search for powerline to show only the powerline compatible fonts While you re at it you can also adjust background I like to set up transparency to This is the final result SSH SetupIt is a good idea to set up a new SSH key if you are setting up a fresh new system This GitHub Doc Page contains detailed instructions on how to set a new SSH key with the Ed algorithm and add it to the SSH agent If you are using GitHub it s also a good moment to add the new key to your account go to Settings gt SSH and GPG Keys Git SetupTo use Git from the command line you ll need to configure your Git name and email address in order to do commits and pushes git config global user name Your Name git config global user email email example com Development SetupNowadays I typically have only a basic php cli installed on my system and I use Docker Docker Compose to run my full development environments This tutorial from my friend Brian explains in detail how to get Docker installed on Ubuntu With Docker installed you can follow my tutorial on How to Install Docker Compose to get Docker Compose also set up If you d like a basic PHP env for the command line as well you can install php cli and a few basic extensions from your terminal sudo apt install php cli php mbstring php gd php curl Setting Up Jetbrains PhpStorm IDE I ve been using Jetbrains PhpStorm for many years it is my favorite IDE all from Jetbrains actually since I ve used RubyMine in the past too Downloads are available in AppImage format which is really helpful You can download PhpStorm as a trial too if you d like to try it out before buying a license Once you ve downloaded the package just unpack it to somewhere in your home dir and run it with PhpStorm bin phpstorm shYou can now install a desktop entry to PhpStorm by going to Tools gt Create Desktop Entry Now the fun starts with theme choosing etc The editor font size is always too small for me so I like to adjust it to a bigger size I ve been using JetBrains mono size and I also like to enable ligatures I think it gives a nice look to some portions of code Other Software InstallsBecause this is a personal laptop and I am a person of many hobbies I will have a great mix of software here including video editing graphics design D design and development IDEs software Nowadays most desktop applications for Ubuntu Debian are being distributed as AppImage files which are quite easy to work with I usually create an Apps folder in my home dir to save these applications mkdir AppsSome of them still use more traditional distribution methods like Gimp which can be installed via apt So here is a list of other applications that I got installed right away organized by category Graphic DesignInkscape Vector Graphics Available as AppImage MyPaint Drawing and Painting Available as AppImage Gimp Graphic Design photo manipulation Installed via apt Video and StreamingPeek Simple screen recording records in gif or mp Installed via apt OBS Studio Screen recording and streaming Installed via aptOpenShot Video Edition Available as AppImage AudioAudacity Audio recording Installed via apt Spotify On demand music installed via snap LMMS Music making loops midi etc Available as AppImage D Design amp PrintingFreeCAD D Design Available as AppImage OpenScad Programatic D Design Installed via apt Blender D Design and modeling Available as tar file that you just need to unpack to your home folder Prusa Slicer D Printing Software for Slicing Models Available as AppImage You can download all the AppImages and then do the following mv Downloads AppImage Appschmod x Apps AppImageSetting up a new system is a neverending task but I am pretty happy now with the current state of my new laptop Can t wait to try out some of this software with this machine since it s a big upgrade from my previous one Anything important I missed Tell me in the comments 2021-05-02 13:11:17
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News New iPad Pro, M1 iMac, and AirTag at last - April 2021 in review https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/02/new-ipad-pro-new-imac-and-at-last-an-airtag----april-2021-in-review?utm_medium=rss New iPad Pro M iMac and AirTag at last April in reviewYou wait ages for a new Apple device to be launched and then a mass of them come at once April saw new iMacs new Apple TV K new iPad Pro and finally the launch of the AirTag AirTag and Purple iPhones In a hundred years time archeologists are going to be digging up millions of little circular white and silver devices They might conclude that they re coins or if their research is only a little better they might think they re called Tiles Read more 2021-05-02 13:39:10
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Warren Buffett calls Tim Cook a 'fantastic manager' of Apple https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/01/warren-buffett-calls-tim-cook-a-fantastic-manager-of-apple?utm_medium=rss Warren Buffett calls Tim Cook a x fantastic manager x of AppleWarren Buffet has hailed Tim Cook as a fantastic manager of Apple declaring him one of the best managers in the world during the annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting Streamed on Saturday Warren Buffett answered questions from shareholders about Berkshire Hathaway and its investments In one question asking why the investment firm sold some common stock in Apple despite being considered the company s fourth jewel Buffett moved to compliment Apple as a company and Cook as its leader It s an extraordinary Apple it s got a fantastic manager starts Buffett in a video feed aired by Yahoo Finance Tim Cook was underappreciated for a while He s one of the best managers in the world And I ve seen a lot of managers And he s got a product that people absolutely love And there s an installed base of people and they get satisfaction rates of Read more 2021-05-02 13:44:24
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles VRCalc++ Object Oriented Scripting Language :: Vincent Radio {Adrix.NT} https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1272020/VRCalcplusplus-Object-Oriented-Scripting-Language dynamic 2021-05-02 13:54:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Japan bolsters defense of Nansei islands as China puts pressure on Taiwan https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/02/national/nansei-islands-defense/ Japan bolsters defense of Nansei islands as China puts pressure on TaiwanThe moves are part of Tokyo s efforts to brace for a contingency surrounding Taiwan near the remote islands that are part of Kagoshima and Okinawa 2021-05-02 23:47:56
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Shohei Ohtani has run, RBI and steal as Angels beat Mariners https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/02/baseball/mlb/ohtani-run-rbi-steal-angels-mariners/ seattle 2021-05-02 23:58:07
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Zelous Wheeler bringing flair and fun to normally reserved Giants https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/02/baseball/japanese-baseball/yomiuri-zelous-wheeler/ fresh 2021-05-02 22:20:05
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid-19: Some Covid safeguards needed after June, says Raab https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56964296 position 2021-05-02 13:19:29
ニュース BBC News - Home Trespass arrests at Prince Andrew's Windsor home https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56963548 grounds 2021-05-02 13:23:08
ニュース BBC News - Home Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: Iran treatment 'amounts to torture', says Dominic Raab https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56963590 iranian 2021-05-02 13:38:22
ニュース BBC News - Home Israel crush: Day of mourning after dozens killed at Jewish festival https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-56961945 festival 2021-05-02 13:43:15
ニュース BBC News - Home Man Utd: Fans protest on pitch against owners https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/56960091 glazer 2021-05-02 13:49:14
ニュース BBC News - Home Chelsea reach first Women's Champions League final with breathless win over Bayern https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/56935257 Chelsea reach first Women x s Champions League final with breathless win over BayernLate goals by Pernille Harder and Fran Kirby send Chelsea through to their first Women s Champions League final with a captivating win over Bayern Munich 2021-05-02 13:41:05
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 身近な人を追い込む「心理的虐待」のメカニズムとその対処法 https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/05/what-to-say-when-someone-is-gaslighting-you.html 心理的虐待 2021-05-02 22:05:00
北海道 北海道新聞 バレー男子、中国に連勝 東京五輪テスト大会 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/539981/ 国際親善試合 2021-05-02 22:14:00
北海道 北海道新聞 道内で新たなクラスター4件 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/539980/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-05-02 22:11:00



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