Techable(テッカブル) |
2台のロボットが協調して食器を自動で仕分ける「finibo」の実証実験 |
finibo |
2021-05-02 00:00:22 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
nodenvでインストールしたバージョンがなかったときの対応 |
適用したいディレクトリに移動してからコマンド実行。 |
2021-05-02 09:45:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Raspberry Pi での12V リレーモジュールの使用について |
Vの水中ポンプをVのリレーモジュールと接続してラズパイからの起動を試みています。 |
2021-05-02 09:51:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
css でテーブルのセルの行数指定をしたい |
cssでテーブルのセルの行数指定をしたいこちらのリンクの様にドラッグで幅が変えられるテーブルがあります。 |
2021-05-02 09:35:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
HTML/CSS box内の下側に日付を表示させたい |
HTMLCSSbox内の下側に日付を表示させたいこんにちは、現在独学でHTMLCSSを者です。 |
2021-05-02 09:28:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
要素を横並びにしたい |
2021-05-02 09:25:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
swift ViewController呼び出し後、App delegateから再起動する方法 |
swiftViewController呼び出し後、Appdelegateから再起動する方法iOSアプリを作っています。 |
2021-05-02 09:01:24 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Ruby on Rails】お気に入り済みを一覧表示する |
【RubyonRails】お気に入り済みを一覧表示する目的お気に入り済みの商品を一覧表示する機能を実装する前提条件既にお気に入り機能を実装済みであることitemsテーブル商品情報、usersテーブルユーザー情報、bookmarksテーブルお気に入り情報が存在すること。 |
2021-05-02 09:03:49 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
オブジェクト指向とは |
役割ごとにオブジェクトを分けることで、あとからコードを改変するときも、他のオブジェクトに影響しなくなるコードの改変がしやすくなるオブジェクトとは、Rubyにおけるクラスやインスタンス、その他の値のことを意味します。 |
2021-05-02 09:07:40 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Ruby on Rails】お気に入り済みを一覧表示する |
【RubyonRails】お気に入り済みを一覧表示する目的お気に入り済みの商品を一覧表示する機能を実装する前提条件既にお気に入り機能を実装済みであることitemsテーブル商品情報、usersテーブルユーザー情報、bookmarksテーブルお気に入り情報が存在すること。 |
2021-05-02 09:03:49 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
クラスの作りかたからオブジェクト指向へ |
rubyapplicationtrainingapplicationrbアプリケーション実装用意すべきクラスを考えるアプリケーションを実装する前に、どのようなクラスを用意すべきなのかこのアプリケーションにおいて、どのような処理が存在するのかNo処理クラス名商品のデータを作成Drinkユーザーに販売している商品一覧表示VendingMachine購入したい商品決定Userお金を投入User投入金額からお釣りの計算をする購入処理Purchaseクラス意味何をするのかDrink販売する飲み物飲み物を実態のあるデータインスタンスにVendingMachine自販機ユーザーに販売している商品を見せて、投入金額からお釣り計算User購入する人購入したい商品を決めて、お金を投入するこのアプリケーションには、このように少なくともつのクラスが必要ということになります。 |
2021-05-02 09:02:09 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
npm package `visual-ts` |
npm package visual ts Visual Ts Game Engine Package LinkLive New example repo It is the strarter for visual ts Example class AppConfig extends V ClientConfig constructor gameList any super gameList console info Make changes on Application Config description You can use prop from exstended ClientConfig class name getDrawRefference returns string public getDrawRefference string Do something console log Setup draw type return diametric fullscreen return this drawReference return frame class Demo implements V Interface IGamePlayModelNoPlayer public gameName string Demo Add new element public version number public playerCategory x public staticCategory x public starter V Starter public myFirstGamePlayObject V Matter Body any undefined constructor starter V Starter this starter starter public attachAppEvents const root this root createMyElements true root addGround console info App event test public addGround const newStaticElement V Type worldElement V Matter Bodies rectangle isStatic true isSleeping false label ground collisionFilter group this staticCategory as any render visualComponent new TextureComponent imgGround require imgs backgrounds wall png sprite olala true as any Matter IBodyRenderOptions newStaticElement render as any visualComponent setVerticalTiles setHorizontalTiles this starter AddNewBodies newStaticElement as V Type worldElement public createMyElements addToScene boolean const playerRadius this myFirstGamePlayObject V Matter Bodies circle playerRadius label MYFIRSTOBJECT density friction frictionAir restitution ground true jumpCD portal collisionFilter category this playerCategory as any render fillStyle blue sprite xScale yScale as any as Matter IBodyDefinition this myFirstGamePlayObject collisionFilter group hardcode for now this myFirstGamePlayObject render sprite xScale this myFirstGamePlayObject render sprite yScale if addToScene this myFirstGamePlayObject id this starter AddNewBodies this myFirstGamePlayObject as V Type worldElement console info myFirstGamePlayObject body created from protected destroyGamePlayPlatformer this starter destroyGamePlay this starter deattachMatterEvents Make instance Run appconst gameInfo name Demo h title Create game with module visual ts const gamesList any gameInfo let injectedConfig V Interface IClientConfig new AppConfig gamesList const master new V IocSinglePlayerMode null injectedConfig master singlton Demo master get Starter master get Demo attachAppEvents |
2021-05-02 00:24:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
8 C#.NET Projects |
C NET ProjectsI ve recently been busy upgrading and creating a number of projects written in C using NET Framework The projects range in difficulty from intermediate to advanced and cover a broad range of topics including using C with database tech like Postgres and MongoDBAPI examples for REST GraphQL and gRPCAWS examples covering services like DynamoDb Cognito S SNS and SQSworking with message brokers like Rabbit MQsetting up your development stack using Docker and Docker ComposeASP NET and ASP NET Identity NET Entity Framework Coreworking with Redgate Flyway to manage database versioning and migrationsarchitecture examples like modular monolith onion architecture clean architecture etcThere are projects in total and can be summarised as follows NoteWorx ASP NETIdentity ExampleAlgorithms and Data StructuresRabbitMQ for NET DevelopersAWS for NET DevelopersMFlix NETChinook NETRanker NET REST API Guide NoteWorx ASP NETNoteWorx ASP NET is a basic note management web application that has been built using ASP NET Core ASP NET Core Identity Entity Framework Core and Postgresql Highlights NETASP NET application using IdentityShows how to use Gulp as an asset manager for javascript css and fonts etcUses docker docker compose to manage stack Postgres etc Project Page Find the project with detailed README here Identity ExampleIdentity Example is a project that shows how to use customise and configure Identity on Asp Net Core with different backend stores postgresql mssql sqlite If you ve ever wondered about how to take complete control over the way the Identity database is generated then this is a good project to use as a guide Highlights NETFocus on ASP NET Identity customizationIncludes sample API project that demonstrates how to use ASP NET Identity and Jwt Bearer Authentication The API project also demonstrates how to implement refresh tokens Uses docker docker compose to manage stack for Postgres MSSQLUses powershel and bash scripts to automate spinning up and down of various stacksProject Page Find the project with detailed README here Algorithms and Data StructuresAlgorithms and Data Structures is a compilation of various algorithms and data structures that have been implemented using C and Javascript Highlights NET and JavascriptCovers Bubble Sort Shell Sort Selection Sort Insertion Sort Merge Sort Quick Sort Singly Linked List Doubly Linked ListAccompanied by detailed README explaining various algorithms and data structuresProject Page Find the project with detailed README here RabbitMQ for NET DevelopersRabbitMQ for NET Developers is a composition of RabbitMQ examples for C NET developers This project has a specific focus on demonstrating how to use RabbitMQ with C NET This is achieved by providing a collection of practical examples written in C NET that highlight a number of messaging patterns Highlights NETDemonstrates the following message patterns One Way MessagingCompeting Consumers Worker Queues Publish SubscribeRoutingTopicsHeadersAccompanied by detailed README files for each example demonstrating message pattern Accompanied by a getting started guide that will help you learn a little more about RabbitMQManage entire RabbitMQ stack using Docker and Docker ComposeProject Page Find the project with detailed README here AWS for NET DevelopersAWS for NET Developers is a collection of independent NET projects written in C NET that demonstrate how to integrate with various AWS services using the AWS SDK for dotnet Highlights NETDemonstrates the following AWS services Cognito with ASP NET APICognito with ASP NET MVC WebDynamoDb with Console AppSQS with Console AppSNS with Console AppS with Console AppAccompanied by detailed README files for each AWS service example demonstrating how to use the NET AWS SDK Demonstrates how to use NET Secret Manager by storing AWS config as secrets Project Page Find the project with detailed README here MFlix NETMFlix NET is a showcase of how to build API s REST gRPC GraphQL using C NET I have created a contrived use case that allows me to demonstrate how to build different API s for different needs The high level requirements cater to types of developers as illustrated below Furthermore the project is based on the following high level architectural diagram that highlightsthe type of API s being builtthe way in which different API s will be accessed by different types of applicationsthe scope of API s public or private Highlights NETError handlingLoggingCachingSecurityDependency InjectionConfigurationHow to do paging filtering and sorting via the APIDeveloping with MongoDB and C Demonstrates how to seed a MongoDB database as part of docker compose stackPreparing a local development environment using Docker and Docker ComposeWorking with MongoDB databaseWorking with SEQ as a log serverAccompanied by detailed README that explains the project in more detail and also how to get started Project Page Find the project with detailed README here Chinook NETChinook NET is project designed to illustrate how to build a Modular Monolith using the Onion Architecture as a guide The motivation behind this project is to demonstrate an alternative to starting off with Microservices straight away The high level architecture for this Modular Monolith is illustrated as follows There are primary modules where each module has it s own API Each module should be constrained though not a hard constraint for practical reasons to a single schema within a shared database Each module is based on the Onion Architecture with influences from Clean Architecture Therefore each module can be viewed in terms of the following illustration Highlights NETWorking example of Modular MonolithWorking example of Onion ArchitectureDemonstrates how to use MediatRDemonstrates how to use Redgate Flyway to manage database versioning and migrationsDemonstrates how to setup a local development stack using Docker and Docker ComposeAccompanied by detailed README that goes into more detail about the project and how to get startedProject Page Find the project with detailed README here Ranker NET REST API Guide Ranker NET REST API Guide is a guide with the goal of laying down foundational knowledge that is required when speaking about building REST API s I decided to backup the theory with a practical example written in C NET Highlights REST ConstraintsHATEOAS Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State Richardson Maturity ModelREST in Practice Some practical guidelines Example project Written in C NET called RankerDemonstrates how to setup a local development stack using Docker and Docker ComposeAccompanied by detailed README that goes into more detail about the project and how to get started The README also forms the basis for the REST API GuideProject Page Find the project with detailed README here ConclusionThese projects are very much a labour of love I create these projects so that I have something to point people to when I am explaining topics I will continue to build on these projects and improve as I find more time to commit But I would also like to share knowlege about my other love namely javascript typescript Therefore I will most likely be building some React frontends for some of these API projects in the future I m also keen on demonstrating how to build a Microservices project by implementing services in both Typescript and C Also people have been asking me if I d consider producing some online videos about content relating to the aforementioned projects I m considering the idea although my biggest concern is being able to make the time ️ |
2021-05-02 00:09:26 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
How to Watch SpaceX Splashdown With 4 Astronauts |
resilience |
2021-05-02 00:45:15 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Don't trust caller ID on phones, says Ofcom |
ofcom |
2021-05-02 00:18:31 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Surgery in the womb: 'I've done the best for her' |
bifida |
2021-05-02 00:20:54 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Line of Duty: Five unanswered questions for the series six finale |
questions |
2021-05-02 00:00:59 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
1691: らーめん 司@亀戸 |
盛りだくさん |
2021-05-02 01:41:17 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
1692: らぁ麺 吉井@勝どき |
勝どき駅 |
2021-05-02 01:41:17 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
1693: 博多らあめん うりんぼ@浅草 |
博多ラーメン |
2021-05-02 01:41:17 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
1694: らぁ麺や 嶋@西新宿五丁目 |
黒三兵 |
2021-05-02 01:41:17 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
1695: 雷 東京本丸店@東京 |
一本勝負 |
2021-05-02 01:41:17 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
1696: 中華そば 糸@秋葉原 |
中華そば |
2021-05-02 01:41:17 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
1697: 豚そば 月や@広尾 |
風味 |
2021-05-02 01:41:17 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
1698: 人類みな麺類 Red@赤坂 |
麺類 |
2021-05-02 01:41:17 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
1699: 油そば君@本郷三丁目 |
配信 |
2021-05-02 01:41:17 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
1700: にぼしらーめん88@名古屋 |
名古屋メシ |
2021-05-02 01:41:17 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ズウォレ中山はフル出場 オランダ1部リーグ |
共同 |
2021-05-02 09:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
松島はフル出場、先制トライ ラグビー、仏クレルモン |
松島 |
2021-05-02 09:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
サンタクララの守田はフル出場 サッカー、ポルトガル1部 |
守田英正 |
2021-05-02 09:09:00 |