IT |
InfoQ |
AWSがAmazon EBS io2 Block Expressボリュームの一般供与開始を発表 |
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2021-08-18 05:36:00 |
IT |
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ブラウザ内でNode.JSを実行するWebContainers |
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2021-08-18 05:34:00 |
IT |
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GraalVM 21.2でネイティブコンポーネントが改善 |
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2021-08-18 05:31:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
GitHub、DMCAに対して開発者をサポートする独立的な法的支援機関を設立 |
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2021-08-18 05:29:00 |
IT |
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分散型DevOpsチーム:ノンストップデリバリーの実現 |
分散型DevOpsチームノンストップデリバリーの実現連絡を取り合い、分散したチームとして団結することは、多くの人が直面する課題だ。 |
2021-08-18 05:24:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
アーティクル: マイクロサービスの内と外を裏返しにする |
アーティクルマイクロサービスの内と外を裏返しにするマイクロサービスを裏返しにするということは、単一の要求応答APIを超えて、クエリとコマンドのインバウンドAPI、イベントを発行するアウトバウンドAPI、およびそれらの両方を記述するメタAPIを備えたマイクロサービスの設計に移行することを意味します。 |
2021-08-18 05:13:00 |
Engadget Japanese |
バージニア大学「本物と同じように泳ぐツナロボット」を開発。尻尾の力加減で速度調整 |
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2021-08-18 05:50:50 |
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YouTube、検索結果に動画のチャプターを表示。「見たい箇所」から視聴可能に |
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2021-08-18 05:50:13 |
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【GREEN FUNDING】先週の支援額ランキング BEST5(2021.8.9-8.15) |
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Amazonタイムセール祭りはプロテインもお買い得。筋トレやダイエットのためにまとめ買いのチャンス! |
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2021-08-18 05:25:07 |
Engadget Japanese |
IKEA、スウェーデンの一般家庭にクリーンエネルギーを販売へ |
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2021-08-18 05:20:41 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] Sonos、Wi-Fi/Bluetooth接続対応のスマートスピーカー「Sonos Roam」 |
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2021-08-18 14:41:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] コロナ禍で、ゲームのプレイ時間や支出に変化は? 遊ぶシーンも調査 |
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2021-08-18 14:21:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] FacebookやYouTube、タリバンとみられるアカウント削除へ BBCなど報道 |
海外メディア |
2021-08-18 14:09:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
無人ロボットによる自動配送サービスの実証実験開始、石狩市の公道にて |
京セラコミュニケーションシステム株式会社 |
2021-08-18 05:30:59 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
福利厚生として提供中のAI縁結び「Aill」、公務員と有資格者団体も対象に |
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2021-08-18 05:00:42 |
AWS Japan Blog |
ライブストリーム・ショッピング:パーソナリティ付きの e コマースをデリバリーするには |
ライブストリーミングへの参加AmazonがTwitchを買収したことで、米国の視聴者はAmazoncomliveでViyaのようにライブストリームを視聴することができます。 |
2021-08-18 05:46:53 |
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[AWS Black Belt Online Seminar] CON201 ECS入門 |
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2021-08-18 05:23:39 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
画像判定による自動車の車種識別を実践してみた |
反省プログラミングもAIも初心者の私ですがAidemyの教材を使用することで簡単なアプリの制作についての知識は身に着けることができたかなと感じています。 |
2021-08-18 14:06:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHP file_get_contents |
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2021-08-18 14:59:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
フォルダ名についている名前をファイル名にする。 |
下記のイメージですと、リンゴフォルダの中のブドウファイルをフォルダ名リンゴ変更したいイメージです。 |
2021-08-18 14:58:09 |
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[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScriptに詳しい方教えてください |
2021-08-18 14:52:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Ruby on railsの環境構築 |
2021-08-18 14:39:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
文字をビットマップにする時、Graphics.Clear(Transparent)で文字色の輪郭が黒ずむ |
下記の画像は、左側が背景を透明にした画像でXの輪郭が黒い。 |
2021-08-18 14:25:05 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】ActiveAdmin エラー#You're trying to register 〜 対処方法 |
【Rails】ActiveAdminエラーYouxretryingtoregister対処方法※備忘録です。 |
2021-08-18 14:59:22 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails form_withの使い方 |
現在はformwithを使うことが推奨されているformwithの使い方formtagのように入力された情報をデータベースに保存しない場合ltformwthurlパスdofgt内容ltendgtデータベースに保存する場合ltformwithmodelモデルクラスのインスタンスgt内容ltendgt上のようなデータベースに保存する場合でもpathの指定は可能でltformwithmodelモデルクラスのインスタンスurlパスgt内容ltendgtのような形で書くことで予期せぬエラーを私は解決することができた。 |
2021-08-18 14:53:15 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
似ているけど違う!? [ 繰り返し処理 ] mapメソッド、eachメソッド |
mapメソッドnumberspnumbersmapnumbernumbergt処理の時だけpnumbersgt元の配列に影響は無いarrayparraymapamptoigt処理の時だけparraygt元の配列に影響は無い配列名map要素名処理配列の各要素に対してブロックで処理を行い結果を配列として返してくれます。 |
2021-08-18 14:17:16 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby on Railsの@(アットマーク)の意味 |
クラス変数とはそのクラスの全てのインスタンスで共有される変数です。 |
2021-08-18 14:11:51 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails4.2.6からRails6.0.0にバージョンアップした話 |
重要箇所のテストの記述各Controllerの最小限のテストの記述各Modelの最小限のテスト記述gemrails以外のgemのバージョンアップgemrailsのマイナーampパッチバージョンアップgemrailsのメジャーバージョンアップrailsappupdateの実行手動での動作確認と自動テストの実行警告の対応Rubyのバージョンアップgemrailsのメジャーバージョンアップstagin環境の構築と動作か国にCapistranoでのリリース対応本番リリース重要な箇所のテストの記述年ほど運用していましたが、テストコードがない状態本当に何もないでした。 |
2021-08-18 14:02:54 |
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M1でdwave-ocean-sdkを使いたい~Docker編~ |
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Rails6 + ruby3.0 + mysql8.0 + webpacker + puma + docker による開発環境の構築 |
dockerによる開発環境を整えるのは初めてのため間違っていたり、より良い方法などがあればコメントにてアドバイスを頂けると幸いです。 |
2021-08-18 14:32:18 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】ActiveAdmin エラー#You're trying to register 〜 対処方法 |
【Rails】ActiveAdminエラーYouxretryingtoregister対処方法※備忘録です。 |
2021-08-18 14:59:22 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails form_withの使い方 |
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2021-08-18 14:53:15 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
似ているけど違う!? [ 繰り返し処理 ] mapメソッド、eachメソッド |
mapメソッドnumberspnumbersmapnumbernumbergt処理の時だけpnumbersgt元の配列に影響は無いarrayparraymapamptoigt処理の時だけparraygt元の配列に影響は無い配列名map要素名処理配列の各要素に対してブロックで処理を行い結果を配列として返してくれます。 |
2021-08-18 14:17:16 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby on Railsの@(アットマーク)の意味 |
クラス変数とはそのクラスの全てのインスタンスで共有される変数です。 |
2021-08-18 14:11:51 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails4.2.6からRails6.0.0にバージョンアップした話 |
重要箇所のテストの記述各Controllerの最小限のテストの記述各Modelの最小限のテスト記述gemrails以外のgemのバージョンアップgemrailsのマイナーampパッチバージョンアップgemrailsのメジャーバージョンアップrailsappupdateの実行手動での動作確認と自動テストの実行警告の対応Rubyのバージョンアップgemrailsのメジャーバージョンアップstagin環境の構築と動作か国にCapistranoでのリリース対応本番リリース重要な箇所のテストの記述年ほど運用していましたが、テストコードがない状態本当に何もないでした。 |
2021-08-18 14:02:54 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[Apache Hudi] Datadogと連携してメトリクスを表示する |
apachehudi |
2021-08-18 05:32:37 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
No Fuss Dark-Mode Toggle with React & Styled-Components! 🌞↔️🌖 |
No Fuss Dark Mode Toggle with React amp Styled Components ️Have you noticed dark mode is pretty standard lately Well that s because it s badass Let s achieve this new standard of awesome by utilizing styled components and React It s super easy to implement so let s get straight to it Resources Demo Repo Some things I m expecting you to knowDevelopment EnvironmentBasics in ReactBasic S C ass Fresh React projectLet s clean up the file structure if you want I deleted all unnecessary files for this project Removing App css and all testing related files Be sure to remove necessary lines of code in index js I also cleaned up the boilerplate between the header tags Install and Import styled componentsWith a fresh project let s now install and import styled components yarn add styled components ornpm install save styled componentsLet s now import styled components like so import styled from styled components Let s create a simple landing page with styled componentsIn our App let s return a Page Container Heading H P Toggle and ThemeImage component respectively It should look like so Now that we have our layout let s create each of our componentsPage and ContainerHeading and HP and ToggleThemeImage is the component that will contain our toggle state images Let s create state for our toggle componentIn order for us to to toggle between light and dark mode we need to hold state Let s begin by importing the useState hook import useState from react Then add it to your App component like so const isDarkMode setDarkMode useState false Next let s add the logic that will toggle between light and dark mode for our button Toggle component const handleToggle gt setDarkMode isDarkMode console log isDarkMode This functions only responsibility is to toggle the opposite of what the current state is In other words if the state is currently true toggling it will become false If false it becomes true Update our Toggle componentNow that we have a function that can toggle our light dark state let s update our Toggle component like so lt Toggle onClick handleToggle gt lt Toggle gt Import images to display the active themeIf we want to show our users the current and next theme we can do so visually with the use of a Moon and Sun image Let s import the images at the top of our code like so images are available in the repoimport Moon from images moon png import Sun from images sun png Then lets update our ThemeImage component like so lt Toggle onClick handleToggle gt lt ThemeImage src isDarkMode Sun Moon gt lt Toggle gt Here we are updating the ThemeImage components src attribute as it is an instance of img We are also conditionally setting the image with a simple ternary operator while also utilizing template literals I ll explain with some pseudocode You can read this like if stateIsNotDarkMode render Moon else render Sun Let s update some style properties in our componentsWe re almost done Let s update the background and color properties in a few of our components First Let s change the Page components background style to background props gt props light eee Secondly let s change the H components color style to color props gt props light papayawhip Lastly let s change the P components color styles to color props gt props light eee Here we are conditionally styling our background or color properties based on the prop that we pass into our components If the component contains the light prop render this color else render this color Pass in our default Theme to our components with the light propAll we have to do now is update our components in the layout with the default light prop Like so return lt Page light isDarkMode true false gt lt Container gt lt Heading gt lt H light isDarkMode true false gt Dynamic Styling with Styled Components lt H gt lt P light isDarkMode true false gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit Dicta error natus at vitae sint qui sapiente impedit rerum commodi fugit ullam repudiandae itaque saepe fuga facere temporibus excepturi dolore officia lt P gt lt Toggle light isDarkMode true false onClick handleToggle gt lt ThemeImage src isDarkMode Moon Sun gt lt Toggle gt lt Heading gt lt Container gt lt Page gt Here I am also conditionally rendering the light prop to either be true or false depending on on our state Conclusion Congrats That s a wrap on No Fuss Dark Mode Toggle with React amp Styled Components Hopefully if everything went right you were able to implement a badass dark mode into your project in simple steps Please don t hesitate to hit me up on Twitter in regards to any questions concerns or if you just wanna say hello Are you a beginner web developer How to stay focused as a self taught Frontend Web Developer Chris Hansen・Jul ・ min read beginners webdev productivity devjournal How to build a Responsive React Navigation Menu with Styled Components Chris Hansen・Aug ・ min read webdev beginners javascript react Easiest Way To Add Icons To Your React Apps Chris Hansen・Aug ・ min read webdev beginners javascript react |
2021-08-18 05:32:36 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Creating View Components in ASP.NET Core 3.1 |
Creating View Components in ASP NET Core ASP NET Core is a cross platform high performance open source framework for building modern web cloud and internet based applications We can also develop Web APIs mobile apps and client site single page applications using our favorite development tools on Windows macOS and Linux Microsoft introduced many new features in ASP NET Core to releases such as Razor Pages Blazor etc In this article I will teach you about one of the newly introduced feature of ASP NET Core called View Components I will explain the difference between View Components and Partial Views I will also explain how can we implement reusable view components which can also be parameterized to customized to generate different response in different parts of the web application We will be creating a weather widget view component which will display the current weather information of the city we will pass as a parameter to the view component What are View ComponentsView Component are powerful self contained reusable UI components which can consistently generate reusable HTML from a razor view They can generate both static and dynamic contents which can be customized further using parameters View Components can also be used to connect backend databases or services to fetch data Here are the important points to remember when implementing View ComponentsView Components are suitable for rendering a chunk rather than a whole response This makes them ideal for rending UI elements widgets dynamic menus shopping cart login page sidebars etc View Components don t support features like View Data or Data Binding and only depend on the data provided to them at runtime as parametersView Components support separation of concern and testability benefits in a sense that they always generate consistent output no matter where they are used View components can be parameterized to customize the output and they can also have their own business logic View Components vs Partial ViewsThey are designed to do everything that a Partial View was doing in previous versions of ASP NET and more When we use partial view we still have dependency on controller and we can access View Data and controller contents while in View Component we don t even need a controller View Components have their own separate class which can run some business logic and generate response using razor view We can think View Components as mini controllers with less overhead than a full MVC Controller Creating a View ComponentA View Component consists of following two partsA class typically derived from a Microsoft AspNetCore Mvc ViewComponent objectA view to render the response generated by the View ComponentThere are many ways you can create your own View Component class You can derive your class from ViewComponent as mentioned abovepublic class Navbar ViewComponent You can decorate your class with a ViewComponent attribute ViewComponent public class Navbar You can also follow the naming conventions and simply create a class with the suffix ViewComponentpublic class NavbarViewComponent Let me walk you through a simple ASP NET Core demo application in which we can learn how to create and use our own View Components For this tutorial I am going to use Microsoft Visual Studio but you can also create ASP NET Core web application using command line tools e g dotnet if you want First let s create a new ASP NET Core Web Application project in Visual Studio For this tutorial I have chosen ViewComponentsDemoApp as the project name Once your project is open in Visual Studio press F to make sure your project is building and running without any error If everything is fine you should be able to see the following output in your browser Before we create our custom view component or its associated view file please note that the runtime searches for the view in the following paths Views Controller Name Components View Component Name View Name Views Shared Components View Component Name View Name Pages Shared Components View Component Name View Name Off course just like everything else in ASP NET Core we can customize the view search path and guide the runtime to look for the views somewhere else but for simplicity I have decided to use one of the default view path Create a Components folder in Shared folder and inside Components folder create a folder called WeatherWidget This folder will contain both the class and the view file of our custom view component Inside WeatherWidget folder create a class named WeatherWidgetViewComponent and a view named Default cshtml The reason I created the view with the name Default cshtml is because in ASP NET Core default view name for a view component is Default We can give our view a different name but then we have to specify the new name in order to use it I will recommend that you name your views Default cshtml so that runtime can find them automatically at Views Shared Components View Component Name View Name path without any special configuration To keep things simple in the start I implemented a simple view component below that simply passes a single parameter cityName when invoked public class WeatherWidgetViewComponent ViewComponent public IViewComponentResult Invoke string cityName return View Default cityName Keep following points in mind when you are implementing view components methodsYou can define your logic in synchronous Invoke method that returns IViewComponentResult as shown in above example or you can define your logic in InvokeAsync method that returns Task We will see the example of this method in action later in this tutorial Most of the time you will initialize your model in Invoke or InvokeAsync methods and will pass the model to a view by calling ViewComponent View method Inside Invoke or InvokeAsync methods there is no model binding and you don t handle HTTP request You should use the parameters passed to the method instead of any data available in HTTP context Inside our Default cshtml view file I added just two lines The first line says that the model type passed in is just a string and the second line renders that string wrapped in an h model string lt h gt Model lt h gt Invoking a View ComponentIt is now time to invoke our simple view component from a razor view or layout page To use the view component we need to call InvokeAsync method of Component class inside a view and we can also pass parameters as shown below await Component InvokeAsync WeatherWidget new cityName London Press F to run the project and you will see the parameter value displayed on the page as h heading If you are using ASP NET Core and higher you can also invoke a view component as a Tag Helper The syntax to invoke view components as Tag Helpers is following lt vc view component name parameter parameter value parameter parameter value gt lt vc view component name gt so if we want to invoke our WeatherWidget component we can use following code lt vc weather widget city name London gt lt vc weather widget gt Please note that to use a view component as a Tag Helper you need to register the assembly containing the view component using the addTagHelper directive to the ViewImports cshtml file For the purpose of this tutorial I added following line in ViewImports cshtml file addTagHelper ViewComponentsDemoAppSo far our view component hasn t provided us any special value as it is only rendering h element which we could easily render without even using view components Let s add some logic and data into our view component to make it more reusable and useful component For a variation replace the Invoke method with InvokeAsync method and call a method GetWeatherInfo that returns hard coded weather information for London New York and Paris based on the cityName parameter passed to it In real world application you can call a weather web service here to fetch the real data for your applications public class WeatherWidgetViewComponent ViewComponent public async Task lt IViewComponentResult gt InvokeAsync string cityName var response await GetWeatherInfo cityName return View Default response private async Task lt WeatherInfo gt GetWeatherInfo string cityName var obj new WeatherInfo obj City cityName obj Date DateTime Now ToString dddd h mm tt if cityName London obj Icon cloudy png obj Condition Cloudy obj Precipitation obj Humidity obj Wind km h else if cityName New York obj Icon partly cloudy png obj Condition Partly Cloudy obj Precipitation obj Humidity obj Wind km h else if cityName Paris obj Icon rain png obj Condition Rain obj Precipitation obj Humidity obj Wind km h return obj I have used following WeatherInfo model class in above example so you can also create this class inside Models folder created at your project root levelnamespace ViewComponentsDemoApp Models public class WeatherInfo public string City get set public string Date get set public string Icon get set public string Condition get set public string Precipitation get set public string Humidity get set public string Wind get set o render more professional UI element instead of a simple h element I added bootstrap card markup inside our Default cshtml view as follows Note that the WeatherInfo object is now used as a model lt div class card gt lt div class card body style width px gt lt h class card title gt Model City lt h gt lt p class card text gt lt span class text muted gt Model Date lt span gt lt p gt lt img src images Model Icon class card img top style margin auto width px gt lt h class text muted gt Model Condition lt h gt lt br gt lt div gt Precipitation lt span gt Model Precipitation lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt Humidity lt span gt Model Humidity lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt Wind lt span gt Model Wind lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt Finally I invoked WeatherWidget view component three times and passed different city name as a parameter lt div class text center gt lt h gt World Weather lt h gt lt br gt lt center gt lt div class container gt lt div class row gt lt div class card group style margin auto gt lt vc weather widget city name London gt lt vc weather widget gt lt vc weather widget city name New York gt lt vc weather widget gt lt vc weather widget city name Paris gt lt vc weather widget gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt center gt lt div gt Press F to run the example and you will see that our WeatherWidget view component has generated the weather information of all three cities passed as parameter SummaryIn this tutorial I talked about one of the cool feature of ASP NET Core view components and how they can help you in extending your views and provide more reusable functionality for the users Keep visiting my website to read more articles on other areas of ASP NET Core and related technologies |
2021-08-18 05:25:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Top Chrome Extensions That You Wish You Knew It Earlier |
Top Chrome Extensions That You Wish You Knew It EarlierChrome is a fantastic browser ーit s quick well designed and jam packed with useful features but that s only the beginning Chrome s true strength lies in its vast library of add ons which provide it with a never ending supply of new features and capabilities In this article I am going to introduce you top extensions that you might not know about them Fake FillerFake Filler is a form filler that fills all inputs on a page with scam dummy data ColorPick EyedropperA zoomed eyedropper amp color chooser tool that allows you to select color values from web pages and more Site PaletteA must have tool for designers and front end developers to grab colors for any website WhatFontThe easiest way to identify fonts on web pages Responsive ViewerShow multiple screens once Responsive design tester PerfectPixelAdds a semi transparent image overlay over the top of the developed HTML to easily perform pixel perfect comparisons between them useful for replicating UI designs ImageyeFind and download all images on a web page With Imageye you can find browse and download all the images present on a web page StylebotChange the appearance of the web instantly Page Ruler ReduxA Web Developer Designer ruler to get perfect pixel dimensions and positioning to measure elements on any web page Web DeveloperAdds a toolbar button with various web developer tools Conclusion I hope you found this short list helpful If you need any help please let me know in the comment section Let s connect on Twitter and LinkedIn Thanks for reading See you next time |
2021-08-18 05:08:24 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
大学病院4団体が次期診療報酬改定で重点要望事項-新型感染症に対応できる報酬体系・医師の負担軽減など |
厚生労働省 |
2021-08-18 14:55:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
コロナ重症者の移送、3時間以上は高リスク-事前の説明・同意取得を要請、厚労省 |
厚生労働省 |
2021-08-18 14:50:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan’s exports rose 37% in July on year, as virus rebound continues |
Japan s exports rose in July on year as virus rebound continuesRising for the fifth month in a row exports totaled trillion billion lifted by robust shipments of cars auto parts semiconductors and chip making |
2021-08-18 14:31:23 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan election may be delayed to November as COVID-19 crisis dents Suga’s popularity |
Japan election may be delayed to November as COVID crisis dents Suga s popularityThe leader had hoped a successful vaccine rollout and Olympics would boost his support easing his route to victory in a party leadership contest and |
2021-08-18 14:04:13 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Venezia FC: The club built on water rising to the top of Italian football |
Venezia FC The club built on water rising to the top of Italian footballThe stunning Italian city of Venice is not normally associated with its football club but that could be set to change as a year wait for a return to Serie A comes to an end |
2021-08-18 05:26:47 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「ブレークスルー感染」は0.1%、ワクチン効果鮮明=WSJ調査 - WSJ発 |
鮮明 |
2021-08-18 14:04:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
治験結果踏まえ迅速審査、厚労省 抗寄生虫薬イベルメクチン |
内閣委員会 |
2021-08-18 14:15:00 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
南米発・ラムダ株はどれだけ怖いのか、豪ウイルス学者が解説 |
要するに、ラムダ株は、最初に中国の武漢で流行した従来株や既存のアルファ株、ガンマ株などよりも感染しやすいと言えそうだ。 |
2021-08-18 14:20:00 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
日本は学校中退者の7割以上が「希望」を持てない社会 |
大学を中退し、不安定な職を転々としていたとのことだが、日本では学校を中退、すなわち標準コースを外れた者への風当たりは強い。 |
2021-08-18 14:20:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『真・女神転生V』の公式ミニ番組「NEWS 真・女神転生V Vol.2」が明日12時に公開! |
女神転生 |
2021-08-18 14:55:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
3人の主人公を切り替えて進むアクションADV『グリーク: アズールの記憶』が配信開始 |
nintendo |
2021-08-18 14:35:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
“重厚な人間ドラマ”を成立させている“婉曲的な芝居”がもたらしているもの |
人間ドラマ |
2021-08-18 14:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ミッキーのスペシャルアイテム! 小田急百貨店新宿店で「MICKEY NEXT JAPAN MARKET」を8月18日から9月6日まで開催 |
mickeynextjapanmarket |
2021-08-18 14:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
災害に備えよう! 京王百貨店新宿店で防災のセレクトショップ「セイショップ」がポップアップストアを開催 |
京王百貨店 |
2021-08-18 14:20:00 |