Engadget Japanese |
「フォートナイト」、まるで「Among Us」のような期間限定モード「インポスターズ」を追加 |
amongus |
2021-08-18 09:45:18 |
ロボスタ |
SONOS「日本の音楽サブスク市場は3年で67%増」持ち運べる小型スマートスピーカー「Sonos Roam」発売 Miyuが華麗なダンス披露 |
sonosr |
2021-08-18 09:07:56 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Databricksにてローカル環境での開発を考慮した自作モジュールを取り込む方法 |
Databricksでは自作モジュールを取り込む際に、runを利用する必要があり、importを利用するとエラーとなるという課題があります。 |
2021-08-18 18:37:44 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS:Rekognitionとpythonで顔の分析を行ってみる |
AWSRekognitionとpythonで顔の分析を行ってみるAWSのサービスを色々使って、理解を深める。 |
2021-08-18 18:18:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
phpでおそらく構文ミスだと思うのですが、どこで間違ってるか全くわかりません。 |
phpでおそらく構文ミスだと思うのですが、どこで間違ってるか全くわかりません。 |
2021-08-18 18:51:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Google Apps Scriptでpdfを一括ダウンロード |
drive |
2021-08-18 18:49:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
楽天ひかりでルーター2つ使用してDS-LiteとPPPoEを併用する設定をしたがアクセスできたりできなかったりする |
楽天ひかりでルーターつ使用してDSLiteとPPPoEを併用する設定をしたがアクセスできたりできなかったりするRaspberrynbspPiをファイルサーバーとして使用しようと設定を頑張っております。 |
2021-08-18 18:48:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Ubuntuのネット接続設定において、HTTPに問題がないか確認したい |
Ubuntuのネット接続設定において、HTTPに問題がないか確認したい質問以下状況において、HTTP接続に問題があるのか、その確認切り分け方法はありますでしょうかcurlでアクセスできるのに、なぜ、同じサイトにブラウザで表示されないのでしょうかHTTPSSSLの詳細な問題点の確認方法はありますでしょうか状況以下のとおり、SSLのサーバ証明書認証に問題があると想定しているが、HTTP接続には問題がないことを確認したいと思い、その方法として、FireFoxでHTTPページを表示することで確認したいと考えた。 |
2021-08-18 18:47:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C言語 ASCIIコードや二項演算子について |
C言語ASCIIコードや二項演算子についてC言語入門者です。 |
2021-08-18 18:34:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
stringをオブジェクトの名前に変換したいです |
stringをオブジェクトの名前に変換したいです引数の中からランダムな値を求め、その値に沿ったオブジェクトを生成するメソッドを作っているのですが、下記の行目の文章がうまくいきません。 |
2021-08-18 18:26:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Vueのプロジェクト内の参照関係がわからない |
Vueのプロジェクト内の参照関係がわからないVueのプロジェクトを引き継がれたのですが呼び出されるメソッドやjsの定数等の資料が全くなく各画面のコードから推測して、部品のフォルダを確認していって呼ばれているものを自力で探さないといけない状況になっています。 |
2021-08-18 18:19:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
no match function for call to Edge::Edge()というエラーがでる。 |
n o m a t c h functionforcalltoEdgeEdge という エラー が でる 。 |
2021-08-18 18:19:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
基本情報の疑似言語に詳しい方いてますか!?????? |
基本情報 |
2021-08-18 18:17:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
レスポンスで返されたjsonでyyyy-MM-dd形式のdateをうまくdecodeできない |
レスポンスで返されたjsonでyyyyMMdd形式のdateをうまくdecodeできないいつもお世話になっております。 |
2021-08-18 18:12:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
バックスラッシュが¥マークになってしまう |
発生している問題・エラーメッセージブラウザー上にはプログラムのlistが記述してあって、htmlページにはなっていない。 |
2021-08-18 18:12:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WPF フォルダを選択したら、画像選択画面を表示したい |
WPFフォルダを選択したら、画像選択画面を表示したい前提・実現したいことフォルダの選択画面を表示し、フォルダを選択したら、そのフォルダ内にある画像をギャラリーみたいに一覧表示したいと思っています。 |
2021-08-18 18:04:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ディストリビューションとしてPCLをインストールした上でのEigenの利用方法 |
2021-08-18 18:02:38 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【個人開発】Slack社公認アプリ!プロフ帳モチーフの社内プロフィール共有サービス「プロフちゃん」をリリースしました! |
Slackログインを実装する上で下記Gemを使用しました。 |
2021-08-18 18:44:18 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS(VPC/EC2/RDS/Routes53)デプロイ時のエラー |
この記事では、上記記事を参考にデプロイした際のエラーについて解決方法を記載します。 |
2021-08-18 18:43:21 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
MySQL × Rails でサーバのデータベースをダンプし、ローカルにリストアする |
ShellcdpathtoremoteapprmdbltYYYYMMDDgtdump注意点この手順を試すときは、開発用サーバのデータベース内に個人情報や秘匿情報が含まれていないことを確認すること。 |
2021-08-18 18:15:12 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
簡単airflow立ち上げ方法 #memo |
簡単airflow立ち上げ方法memoメモ記事です。 |
2021-08-18 18:58:24 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
wordpressサイトをterraformで構築する |
2021-08-18 18:58:09 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS(VPC/EC2/RDS/Routes53)デプロイ時のエラー |
この記事では、上記記事を参考にデプロイした際のエラーについて解決方法を記載します。 |
2021-08-18 18:43:21 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS:Rekognitionとpythonで顔の分析を行ってみる |
AWSRekognitionとpythonで顔の分析を行ってみるAWSのサービスを色々使って、理解を深める。 |
2021-08-18 18:18:07 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
S3へクロスアカウントでファイルアップロードしたときの権限エラーについて |
Sへクロスアカウントでファイルアップロードしたときの権限エラーについてはじめにSへクロスアカウントアクセスの設定をした際に、アップロードしたファイルがダウンロードできないAccessDeniedになってしまったのでそのときの対応について書いておこうと思います。 |
2021-08-18 18:13:08 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【個人開発】Slack社公認アプリ!プロフ帳モチーフの社内プロフィール共有サービス「プロフちゃん」をリリースしました! |
Slackログインを実装する上で下記Gemを使用しました。 |
2021-08-18 18:44:18 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
MySQL × Rails でサーバのデータベースをダンプし、ローカルにリストアする |
ShellcdpathtoremoteapprmdbltYYYYMMDDgtdump注意点この手順を試すときは、開発用サーバのデータベース内に個人情報や秘匿情報が含まれていないことを確認すること。 |
2021-08-18 18:15:12 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
メルカリShops での monorepo 開発体験記 |
hellip |
2021-08-18 10:00:58 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
CodeDeploy ECSへBlue/Green DeploymentするときのELBターゲットグループ設定ミスによるエラーと対応 |
bluegreendeployment |
2021-08-18 09:18:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Writing as a developer is like going on a journey |
Writing as a developer is like going on a journeyDo you often feel the urge to write an excellent blog article or do you not care about it at all Your choice doesn t matter here and it is neither good nor bad As a developer you need to handle a lot of reading writing technical documentation and explain to non technical people how you would approach specific technical solutions Maybe you can already read it between the line the keyword I m looking for is communication Communication is critical in the developer s life So how can you relate this to writing a blog article Writing itself can be a joyful experience where you can express your emotions and creativity in a completely new way With writing you can reflect on yourself and experience situations from the perspective of a different person Do you want an example Think of the last README file you have written Have you adequately tested it and tried it out like a person grabbing your GitHub repository If not do it Sooner or later you will experience that maybe some critical pieces of information would be helpful or even required to know for your repository and you forgot to mention them within your README Another example Here we go A new junior developer joins your team and you need to explain how insert your fancy framework here works To make it easier to memorize it you should also write it down Have you ever tried to explain your beloved framework to starters or non technical people in an easy way or even write it down for them Okay so writing is an essential skill to learn as a developer but how can I overcome myself by doing it more often If you ask most developers why they don t write more often the most common answers are I have no time for that I don t like it I don t even know what I should write about I have no time for thatI can emphasize myself with that statement Most of my days are fully packed with work stuff and if I can finally spare some hours minutes they are most often blocked by other topics that I wanted to explore Unfortunately there is no easy answer to loose this situation At least I can share some tips tasks for better handling Reprioritize your calendar and check if it is vital that you attend every meetingCreate a blocker for minutes dedicated to writing Ask your colleagues for help for example they could participate in a meeting instead take over a particular task I don t like itWriting like every other activity isn t for everyone which is completely fine but can you say that you tried it out long enough To get a grasp on your emotions and motivation towards writing set yourself a challenge Make a week dedicated to writing The goal should be a small article about a topic you like Every day try to write at least for thirty minutes it doesn t matter if you write some words or can even phrase sentences within the minutes You have a ready to publish blog article at the end of the week and you should post it It isn t good or do you think it isn t perfect Try not to be too hard on yourself Small steps are the key to success and feedback is more than welcome If you don t want to publish your article give it to a friend or colleague and talk about it So how do you feel after the completion of this task Happy excited stressed bored Sort your emotions and try to retake this exercise after weeks If your emotions and feelings haven t changed you either found a new hobby or writing isn t your correct fit it should be something you enjoy not something you feel like you need to do I don t even know what I should write aboutThere are several creative methods for brainstorming topics you can write about but for starters take your current technology stack and start with the simple things How to set up a server with technology xyzCreating a blog with abc This is covered all over the internetMaybe it is but does it cover your perspective I bet not There is at least one or two things that you would do differently than the other blog post It is crucial and significant to share that with the whole world Another great way to explore topics is to ask your colleagues or friends Maybe there are some particular questions nobody has answered before tl drI have mentioned several times how vital writing is for me as a developer and like every other activity it can be a challenging journey If you don t like it try not to force writing on you it should be something you enjoy doing If you like it or haven t tried it out try it Don t be picky or too hard on yourself with your first result Mistakes are allowed and there is no perfect article documentation To make it easier to start or to get into writing Set yourself a goal to write something in a certain amount of time For example write a small article by the end of the week Pick a topic covered by your daily work Which framework are you using in your current tech stack Try to explain how it works under the hood or set up a project with it Reserve minutes a day in writing something It can be a sentence or even some words Present your work by publishing it or sharing it with your family friend or colleague by the end of the week Ask them for some feedback Did you feel stressed happy excited while doing this Reflect on your emotionsRedo this exercise in weeks and compare the results Try to get as much enjoyment out of it as possible and make mistakes There is no perfect article and there will never be one In mastering writing you can reflect your technical perspective from different angles improving your communication skill on several levels Share your storyDo you have some tips on motivating yourself for writing or what difficulties do you occur on your journey Share your thoughts in the comments |
2021-08-18 09:56:09 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
5 FREE Colour picker website |
FREE Colour picker websiteI discover one new website it contains lot of resources for developers Link Please explore and get your free resources website today and share with your friends also Thank you lot |
2021-08-18 09:53:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Tooltip using TailwindCss and AlpineJs |
Tooltip using TailwindCss and AlpineJsIn this Tutorial we will build Tooltip using TailwindCss and AlpineJs and then encapsulate the logic into Laravel Component At the end of the Tutorial we will have a Tooltip like below Before you begin further please make sure that you have a Laravel Project installed along with AlpineJs and TailwindCss I would suggest installing Breeze in a Laravel Project as that automatically install both these dependencies Our objective is to create a Help Icon and when user moves the mouse over the icon it would display the help text as tooltip So first of all we would need a Help Icon TailwindCss suggests using HeroIcons so we would pick up an Icon a question mark with Circle which has the following SVG lt svg xmlns class h w fill none viewBox stroke currentColor gt lt path stroke linecap round stroke linejoin round stroke width d M c m h M a z gt lt svg gt We would encapsulate it within a span tag like below lt span class ml h w cursor pointer gt lt SVG Goes Here gt lt span gt Here we have used the following Classes from TailwindCss ml Margin Left of remh w Height amp Width of remcursor pointer Changing the Cursor Style to Pointer on Mouseover You can modify these classes as per you requirement Now let us also include the div which would display the Tooltip inside this span lt span class ml h w cursor pointer gt lt SVG Goes Here gt lt div gt This is the Tooltip lt div gt lt span gt We need to hide this div initially and only display it when User moves the mouse over the SVG We will use AlpineJs to achieve this First of all we will define AlpineJS data which will have a property that we will initially set to false x data tooltip false Then we will x on directive to set this property to true on mouseover as well as set this property to false on mouseleave x on mouseover tooltip true x on mouseleave tooltip false Finally we will use this property to show and hide the div using x show directive x show tooltip Our Code at this stage looks like below lt span x data tooltip false x on mouseover tooltip true x on mouseleave tooltip false class ml h w cursor pointer gt lt SVG Goes Here gt lt div x show tooltip gt This is the Tooltip lt div gt lt span gt Our Tooltip should now be working However we can further improve it by applying below TailwindCss Classes to the div lt div x show tooltip class text sm text white absolute bg blue rounded lg p transform translate y translate x gt This is the Tooltip lt div gt We have applied the following TailwindCss Classestext sm Make the Tooltip text smallertext white Apply white Color to tooltip textabsolute To give it an absolute position so that it does not disturb the surrounding elementsbg blue Background Color of Blue Shaderounded lg Apply Border Radius p Padding of remtransform So that we can apply following translate classes translate y translate x To shift the text on x axis and y axisAt this stage you should have the same output as shown in the image at the start of the Tutorial And we can also include multiple tooltips in a Blade File However let us move all our logic into a Component We will create the file at resources views components tooltip blade php and move all our code into this file lt span x data tooltip false x on mouseover tooltip true x on mouseleave tooltip false class ml h w cursor pointer gt lt SVG Goes Here gt lt div x show tooltip class text sm text white absolute bg blue rounded lg p transform translate y translate x gt slot lt div gt lt span gt Notice how we have replaced the Tooltip Text with slot So now within the Blade File we can call this Component and also pass the Tooltip Text like below lt x tooltip gt This is the Tooltip Text lt x tooltip gt The above code shows how easy it is to use the Tooltip in our Blade File And if we want to change the behavior of the Tooltip we only need to do so in the Component File Hope you have enjoyed this Article For similar articles you can follow me on Twitter |
2021-08-18 09:18:20 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
COVID delays Apple moving production away from China |
COVID delays Apple moving production away from ChinaApple Google and others are having to delay or reduce plans to move manufacturing away from China as the impact of the coronavirus makes governments increase border controls Plans to move away from over reliance on China have been affected by COVIDPartly because of US China trade tensions and partly to avoid over reliance on one source Apple and other firms have been steadily moving away from China Now however new COVID outbreaks have affected international trade as governments attempt to contain new variants of the virus Read more |
2021-08-18 09:32:13 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Website mapping DC’s tunnel network warned FBI of suspicious traffic ahead of Capitol riot |
Website mapping DC s tunnel network warned FBI of suspicious traffic ahead of Capitol riotThe FBI received a tip off about suspicious activity ahead of the Capitol Riot on January th from a surprising source Elliot Carter a recreational mapmaker contacted law enforcement after his site about Washington D C s underground infrastructure witnessed a spike in activity from suspicious websites His warning eventually made it to the highest ranks of the Capitol Police according to a new investigation by News I Normally a mecca for local history buffs the Washington Tunnels website Carter oversees was flooded with nationwide visitors in the days before the insurrection A deeper review of the traffic analytics revealed that many of the clicks were coming from hyperlinks shared on anonymous message boards sites and forums named after militias or firearms or using Donald Trump s name Though the initial interest originated from the deepest and darkest recesses of the web it eventually transitioned onto popular social media sites including Twitter The Washington Tunnels website itself was a labor of love Back in Carter set to work building his online resource of the District s subway and freight rail tunnels pedestrian passageways underground steam tunnels and sewage and water pipelines But even then he was rebuffed by some government agencies concerned by the security and terrorism risks that could arise from publishing such information online Carter s quot online tip quot to the FBI was mentioned in the US Senate Rules and Homeland Security committees June review of the US Capitol insurrection In a statement to News I the US Capitol Police said its leadership had been alerted quot to the spike in website traffic regarding maps quot ahead of the insurrection But added that its wider intelligence gathering quot didn t reveal that the expected large scale demonstration would become a large scale attack on the Capitol Building quot |
2021-08-18 09:29:45 |
ラズパイ |
Raspberry Pi |
IoT gets a machine learning boost, from edge to cloud |
IoT gets a machine learning boost from edge to cloudToday it s easy to run Edge Impulse machine learning on any operating system like Raspberry Pi OS and on every cloud like Microsoft s Azure IoT Evan Rust Technology Ambassador for Edge Impulse walks us through it Building enterprise grade IoT solutions takes a lot of practical effort and a healthy dose of imagination As a foundation you The post IoT gets a machine learning boost from edge to cloud appeared first on Raspberry Pi |
2021-08-18 09:30:18 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
Why Use State Management in Front End Code? |
front |
2021-08-18 09:20:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
妊婦のコロナワクチン接種、「時期を問わず勧める」-関係学会・医会 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-08-18 18:50:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
濃厚接触者の就労要件、全ての医療・介護従事者対象に-全老健など7団体が要望書 |
全国老人保健施設協会 |
2021-08-18 18:25:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan’s hospitals still under strain — even after hospitalization policy shift |
Japan s hospitals still under strain ーeven after hospitalization policy shiftBeds for severely ill COVID patients are almost constantly occupied and hospitals say a better system is needed for discharging patients |
2021-08-18 18:27:23 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
COVID-19 tracker: Osaka tops 2,000 daily cases for first time as other areas see record highs |
COVID tracker Osaka tops daily cases for first time as other areas see record highsOsaka Prefecture reported COVID cases on Wednesday as the daily tally topped for the first time and a raft of prefectures across the |
2021-08-18 18:03:46 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghan core mission has been a success, says Boris Johnson |
afghan |
2021-08-18 09:54:37 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Resettling Afghans in UK will take time, Priti Patel says |
afghans |
2021-08-18 09:38:07 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan: How many asylum seekers has the UK taken in? |
afghan |
2021-08-18 09:08:22 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
'It was very emotional on the plane out of Afghanistan' |
british |
2021-08-18 09:49:01 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
タリバン、政権準備が本格化 共同創設者帰国、アフガン |
準備 |
2021-08-18 18:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
香港名門大の学生4人逮捕 国安法違反、テロ称賛疑い |
香港 |
2021-08-18 18:03:04 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
お盆のJR利用 コロナ禍で低迷続く 新幹線は22%増 |
期間 |
2021-08-18 18:15:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
90年代スポーツカーがやたら高価な理由【動画】 懐かしのネオクラシックに乗る最後のチャンス | 中古車 | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2021-08-18 18:45:00 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
シヤチハタ、ケンタウロスワークス・早稲田リーガルコモンズ法律事務所とブロックチェーンを利用した電子印鑑システム「NFT印鑑」を共同開発 |
共同開発 |
2021-08-18 18:31:22 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
SmartNews、台風の進路予報や勢力などを通知する「台風レーダー」をトップカードに追加 |
smartnews |
2021-08-18 18:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
PC『機動戦士ガンダムオンライン』で「DXガシャコン PLAYBACK TypeA、TypeB」を配信! |
playbacktypea |
2021-08-18 18:25:00 |