AWS Database Blog |
Monitor Amazon QLDB query access patterns |
Monitor Amazon QLDB query access patternsAmazon Quantum Ledger Database Amazon QLDB is a purpose built ledger database that provides a complete and cryptographically verifiable history of all changes made to your application data Customers in regulated industries use the cryptographically verifiable history as part of meeting compliance and facilitating audits Similar to when working with traditional databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL … |
2021-11-08 14:14:39 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
lambdaでquerystringが取得されていない場合の解決方法 by cloudfront |
発生したトラブルクエリパラメータURLの後ろにで繋げる文字列を利用してPOSTメソッドでLambda関数を実行したときに、querystringにクエリパラメータの値が入るはずなのに入っていない。 |
2021-11-08 23:15:19 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float32'). に対処する |
ValueErrorInputcontainsNaNinfinityoravaluetoolargefordtypexfloatxに対処するscikitlearnを使うとValueErrorInputcontainsNaNinfinityoravaluetoolargefordtypefloatというエラーに遭遇して、データのどこにエラーがあるか追及するのに苦労すること、ありませんかあるある問題設定pandasで次のようなデータを用いるとします。 |
2021-11-08 23:53:34 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Django】プロジェクト構成を「設定」「ユーザ管理」「アプリケーション」の3つに分ける |
2021-11-08 23:49:24 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonガチの初学者が「LightGBM・TensorFlow」を使って競馬予測のモデルを作ったら単勝回収率100%こえた |
さいごに今回はLightGBMとTensorFlowを用いて予想を行いましたが、単勝は回収率超えましたが複勝は超えることができませんでした。 |
2021-11-08 23:36:17 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
javascript演習 〜18日目/30日 |
msconstarrarrayfromitems |
2021-11-08 23:55:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
glb形式のモデルをテクスチャが反映された状態でthree.js表示したい |
glb形式のモデルをテクスチャが反映された状態でthreejs表示したい前提・実現したいことmodoでつくったモデルをglb形式で書き出したところまではテクスチャがついていたのですが、threejsで表示するとテクスチャが反映されていないのか真っ黒になってしまいます。 |
2021-11-08 23:56:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
processing |
processing前提・実現したいことprocessingを使用してミニゲームをつくろうとしていましたが、どこが間違っているのかわかりませんでした。 |
2021-11-08 23:55:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
railsでWebpacker::Manifest::MissingEntryError in WheightHistories#indexとでてしまった |
railsでWebpackerManifestMissingEntryErrorinWheightHistoriesindexとでてしまったターミナルで以下を実行しURLを開いたところ、その下の様なエラーが出てしまった。 |
2021-11-08 23:50:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
OpenCVでWebカメラの画像をモノクロにする。フレームの更新でエラーがでたので解決したい。 |
OpenCVでWebカメラの画像をモノクロにする。 |
2021-11-08 23:45:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ファイルを分ける基準について |
ファイルを分ける基準についてPHPで、新規作成画面と参照・更新画面を作成しています。 |
2021-11-08 23:45:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Reactでprop drillingのメリットに「テスタブルである」ことが挙げられる意味がわかっていません |
Reactでpropdrillingのメリットに「テスタブルである」ことが挙げられる意味がわかっていません知りたいことpropnbspdrillingのメリットとして「テストがしやすい」ことが挙げられますが、いまいちピンと来ていません。 |
2021-11-08 23:41:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pose Detectionなどで動画を使った検出方法がわからない |
MlkitやTensorFlownbspLiteのどちらでも調べているのですが動画を使ったものが出てこないので質問させていただきました。 |
2021-11-08 23:40:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Dockerでsqlが立ち上がらない |
Dockerでsqlが立ち上がらないこんにちわ。 |
2021-11-08 23:27:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
同じカラムに"にんじん"が含まれるIDに存在する別の商品も含め取得したい。 |
同じカラムにquotにんじんquotが含まれるIDに存在する別の商品も含め取得したい。 |
2021-11-08 23:18:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
HTMLのautocompleteがうまく機能しない |
HTMLのautocompleteがうまく機能しない前提・実現したいことmonacaでスマホアプリを作成しています。 |
2021-11-08 23:16:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rstudio データのプロット |
Rstudio データ の プロット Rstudio の プロット が うまく いき ませ ん 。 |
2021-11-08 23:16:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
windowsでOpenFaceをインストールしたい |
windows は です 。 |
2021-11-08 23:13:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
processing について |
processingについて前提・実現したいことprocessingを使用してミニゲームをつくろうとしていましたが、どこが間違っているのかわかりませんでした。 |
2021-11-08 23:07:10 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Ruby+Sinatra】ゴミの収集日と天気予報がLINEで確認できるポートフォリオを制作しました |
例名古屋市西区数奇屋→数奇屋またはすきや使用技術言語RubyフレームワークSinatraフロントエンドHTMLampCSSBootstrapDBPostgreSQLインフラHerokuステージング環境→本番環境ソースコード管理GitHubProjectsのカンバン方式でタスクを管理その他使用ツール、素材などLINEMessagingAPIngrokローカルでの動作確認JapanWeatherForecast天気情報の取得cronjoborghttpリクエストを定時実行→LINEに通知FontAwesomeVisualStudiodrawiounDrawイラスト素材materialdesignpaletteカラーパレットツールcanvaリッチメニューデザインロゴメーカーSTORESロゴICOOONMONOアイコンSinatraを選んだ理由RubyonRailsを使わず、なるべくRubyのみで作成したいと考えたため学習コストが低く習得しやすいと考えたため小規模なアプリケーションに向いているためER図ポートフォリオのURLサイトトップページLINEの友達追加用のQRコードLINEの画面からQRコードを読み込み、友達追加をすると操作ができます。 |
2021-11-08 23:54:01 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rubyで文字列に絵文字が含まれるかどうかを判定する方法(ruby-jp slackで2021/11/08に行った質問回答まとめ) |
️⃣matchpEmojiampampgtfalseなお、他にもUnicodeには複雑な構成の絵文字が存在しますサンプルコードのSTRINGSWITHEMOJIにまとめて記載していますが、これらについてはEmojiプロパティでmatchできるようでした。 |
2021-11-08 23:19:03 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ATTiny85にUSBaspでプログラムをロードする by Ubuntu |
blinkblinkinoとして、blinkの存在するディレクトリをcwdとしてarduinoclicompilebATTinyCoreavrattinyxblinkコンパイルの結果、つのファイルが出来ます。 |
2021-11-08 23:41:50 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
RailsにおけるHTTPリクエストについて |
delete |
2021-11-08 23:17:56 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
CloudWatch Alarmでアラーム発生時にStep Functionステートマシンを起動する |
cloudwatchalarm |
2021-11-08 14:55:42 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
NexiGo Oculus Quest 2 Charging Dock: Hate Batteries? You’ll Love This |
NexiGo Oculus Quest Charging Dock Hate Batteries You ll Love ThisThe NexiGo Dock is an ideal alternative to the official device It s cheaper better and lets you jump back into VR easier than ever |
2021-11-08 14:55:12 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The 7 Best Microphones for YouTube |
content |
2021-11-08 14:50:41 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The 5 Best Technology-Based Training Methods |
methods |
2021-11-08 14:30:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Best 3 Youtube channel for Learning DevOps |
Best Youtube channel for Learning DevOps TechWorld with Nana Website TechWorld with Nana About TechWorld with Nana youtube channel is focused on Cloud and DevOps founded by techworld with nana You can find beginner friendly crash course in which you will learn concepts of Docker Kubernetes Github Actions AgroCD Terraform etc from scratch DevOps Directive Website DevOps Directive About DevOps Directive youtube channel also focuses on Cloud and DevOps concepts founded by sidpalas You can find beginner friendly tutorial in which you will learn concepts of Docker Github Actions and Cloud platforms like AWS from scratch Sid also shares tips and best practices about how to build small size docker images On DevOps Directive youtube channel you will also find talks and podcast with professionals working in Tech Industry which are hundred percent insightful to watch FreeCodeCamp Website FreeCodeCamp AboutOn Freecodecamp youtube channel you will find numereous Devops and Cloud related tutorials and complete crash course t It doesn t focus only on DevOps and Cloud but reason to add the youtube channel in this blog is for getting started with DevOps you need to have basic knowledge of Web Development for which Freecodecamp have covered you I guess every web languages and framework tutorial are present on FreeCodeCamp Freecodecamp also has amazing blogs written by amazing professional folks which you will find on there official website |
2021-11-08 14:49:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Cannot import name 'TextField' from 'wtforms' |
Cannot import name x TextField x from x wtforms x Hello Coders This short article explains how to fix Cannot import name TextField from wtforms error that recently bumped after WTForms library update to version x For newcomers WTForms is a flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python Flask web development It can work with whatever web framework and template engine you choose It supports data validation CSRF protection internationalization IN Thanks for reading Content provided by App Generator Error TextIn case your legacy app uses WTForms without an explicit version in requirements txt file like me the next compilation might lead to a runtime error in case TextField type provided by the concerned library occurs somewhere in the codebase from wtforms import TextField gt gt ImportError cannot import name TextField from wtforms The above error occurs when the TextField property is used with WTForms version or above because the wtforms TextField deprecated in favor of wtforms StringField How to fix itSolution Replace TextField type with StringFieldNote This solution works with WTForms x and x versionsfrom wtforms import StringField replace all TextField usages with StringField type Solution Use the latest stable x version of WTForms Use x versionpip install WTForms Using an older version provides a quick fix for your codebase but is not recommended in the long run Free SampleFor this open source sample I ve used the nd solution where the Cannot import name TextField from wtforms error is solved by freezing the WTForms version in requirements txt file without a codebase update Datta Able Flask Source Code Datta Able Flask LIVE deploymentThanks for reading For more resources please access WTForms official documentationFlask library documentationJoin the AppSeed community on Discord and connect to other fellow developers |
2021-11-08 14:38:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The top 10 Linux Commands that Every Data Engineer Should Know |
The top Linux Commands that Every Data Engineer Should Know IntroductionNo matter if you are a data analyst or a system administrator when working with unstructured files in Linux there are a set of commands that would help you a lot in your daily tasks In this tutorial you will learn the basics of the following commands and how to combine them using a pipe and analyze some raw data files The list of the commands that we will go over are cathead and tailpipe wcgrepawksortuniqsedtr PrerequisitesHere is a very simple example file that I will be using to go over each of the commands Username ID Name Ordersrachel Rachel laura Laura craig Craig mary Mary jamie Jamie bobby Bobby tony Tony devdojo DevDojo tom Tom rachel Rachel laura Laura craig Craig mary Mary jamie Jamie bobby Bobby tony Tony devdojo DevDojo tom Tom First install nano apt install nanoCopy the text above and by using your favorite text editor create a new file nano demo txtThen paste the text and save the file With the demo data in place let s go ahead and learn some of the most important commands that you should know in order to analyze the data The cat commandThe cat command is used to print out the content of the file directly on your screen The syntax is the following cat file name hereIn our case as the file name is demo txt we would run the following command cat demo txtThis is very useful when you do not know what s in the file and want to quickly take a quick glance The head and tail commandThe cat command is great as you can get the content of a file without opening it with an actual editor However in some cases if the file is huge it might take a while to print out the whole content on your screen So let s see how we could limit that headYou would use the head command to get the first lines of a particular file Syntax head demo txtThis would only print the first lines of the file and would be very handy if you were working with a huge file and did not need to see the whole content on your screen You can also add the n flag followed by the number of lines that you wanted to get in order to override the default behavior of only printing out lines Example head n demo txtThe above would only print out the first lines of the file You could actually exclude the n flag altogether and use a dash followed by the number of lines directly for example tail demo txtThe above is going to be the same as tail n demo txt tailThe tail command has the exact same syntax as the head command and is also used to limit the number of lines that you get on the screen however rather than getting the first lines of the file using the tail command you would get the last lines instead For example if you wanted to get the last lines of a specific file you would use the following command tail demo txtJust as with head if you don t specify a number tail would default to Another very useful flag for the tail command is the f flag It is useful very handy as it will print out the last lines of the file and then wait for new content to be added to the file and print it out on your screen in real time This is very useful when monitoring your server logs tail f var log nginx access log The pipe commandThe pipe is probably one of the most powerful commands out there The pipe lets you redirect the output of one command to another command This allows you to chain multiple commands together and manipulate analyze so that you could get the exact output that you need For example both head and tail can be combined with the cat command using a pipe cat demo txt head In the example above we would redirect the output of the cat command and pass it to the head command We are going to use the pipe command later on to combine most of the commands that we are going to review in this tutorial The wc commandThe wc command stands for Word Count and it does exactly that it counts the lines words and characters in a text file Syntax wc demo txtOutput demo txtHere is a quick rundown of the output this indicates that there are lines in the file this is the total number of words in the file and finally this is the total count of charactersThere are some handy flags that you could use in order to get one of those feeds l print only the number of lines w print only the number of words c print only the number of characters The grep commandThe grep command is probably my favorite one you can use it to search for a specific string in a file The syntax is the following grep some string demo txtLet s say that you wanted to get all of the lines that include the string bobby in them To do so you would use the following command grep bobby demo txtOutput bobby Bobby bobby Bobby By default the grep command is case sensitive so if you were to search for the string bOBbY you would not get any results back grep bOBbY demo txtHowever there is a handy flag that you could use in order to make the grep command case insensitive grep i bOBbY demo txtOutput By default grep would match all string references grep i to demo txtOutput As you can see we are getting a match in all words This might be a problem if you are looking for a specific word and not just a substring in the word For example in the output above we are getting a match for Tom and Tony as we are looking for the to string To only match whole words you can use the w flag grep w to demo txtThe above would not match the tony and tom words The awk commandAWK is actually not just a command but a while scripting language It is used for text processing For the scope of this post we are only going to scratch the surface of awk The awk command lets you print out specific columns By default the delimiter that awk uses is a space or a tab In our case each column would be considered as Username ID Name Orders Each column would be represented as and So if we wanted to print out only the name column we would use the following cat demo txt awk print Output NameRachelLauraCraigMaryYou could print multiple columns as well cat demo txt awk print You could also specify a different delimiter based on your data file by using the F flag The sort commandThe sort command lets you sort your file in a particular order By default sort would expect ASCII content and would sort the content alphabetically To sort the users alphabetically you could just use the following cat demo txt sortLet s combine this with awk and sort the users by orders First let s get the th and the th columns which are the orders and the name of each user cat demo txt awk print Then with an extra pipe let s sort them cat demo txt awk print sortTo sort the items in reverse order you could add the r flag cat demo txt awk print sort rA very handy flag is the h flag which lets you sort by human readable numbers which includes comparing numbers in GB KB and etc The uniq commandAs the name suggests the uniq command lets you filter out and only show the uniq line records In most cases you would use the uniq command together with the sort command as uniq only filters out identical lines that are right after each other I intentionally created the file so that there are some duplicate lines Let s filter them out by using the uniq command cat demo txt awk print sort uniq Output UsernamebobbycraigdevdojojamielauramaryracheltomtonyBy adding the c flag you would also get a count of how many times each line repeats in the file cat demo txt awk print sort uniq cOutput Username bobby craig devdojo jamie laura mary rachel tom tony The sed commandThe sed command let s you do a search and replace for a specific string in a text or a file SED stands for stream editor Let s go ahead and use the grep command to find all of the references for devdojo in the file cat demo txt grep devdojoOutput devdojo DevDojo devdojo DevDojo Then let s go and use sed to change the devdojo username to something else like thedevdojo for example cat demo txt grep devdojo sed s devdojo thedevdojo g Output thedevdojo DevDojo thedevdojo DevDojo Let s have another example and change all of the references of the small latter b to a capital case B cat demo txt sed s b B g Let s have a quick rundown of the sed command s this stands for search and searches for a specific string this is the delimiter and could be changed in case that you are searching for the character search string the string that you are searching for replace string the string that you want to replace the matches withg stands for global and indicates that all matches on a specific line should be replaced You could also the sed command to implement the changes directly to the file by using the i flag sed i s devdojo thedevdojo g demo txt This would change the file and update all of the references for devdojo to thedevdojo You would not get any output back Note that this process is irreversible so if you are changing an important file make sure to take a backup first The tr commandThe tr command is used to change or delete characters For example you could use tr to change all lower case characters to upper case cat demo txt tr lower upper Output USERNAME ID NAME ORDERSRACHEL RACHEL LAURA LAURA CRAIG CRAIG MARY MARY JAMIE JAMIE BOBBY BOBBY Let s also change the tab character to a command cat demo txt tr t This is quite handy when you want to change the formatting of a specific file MaterializeThe above shell commands are very handy to ad hoc analyze a specific file However if you want to take this to the next level and be able to use SQL to actually analyze a dynamically changing file source I would recommend taking a look at Materialize Materialize is a streaming database for real time analytics It is not a substitution for your transaction database instead it accepts input data from a variety of sources like Messages from streaming sources like KafkaArchived data from object stores like SChange feeds from databases like PostgreSQLDate in Files CSV JSON and even unstructured files like logs what we ll be using today And it lets you write standard SQL queries called materialized views that are kept up to date instead of returning a static set of results from one point in time To see the full power of Materialize make sure to check out this demo from their official documentation here Materialize Log Parsing Demo ConclusionAs a next step I would recommend testing out the commands that you ve just learned with different data files that you have in place I would also recommend taking a look at this script there that I ve created to parse Nginx Apache access logs which includes the majority of the commands that we ve used in this tutorial BASH Script to Summarize Your NGINX and Apache Access LogsIf you want to learn more about Bash scripting make sure to check out this free ebook here Open Source Introduction to Bash Scripting Ebook GuideIf you have tried out Materialize make sure to star the project on GitHub Materialize GitHub RepositoryI hope that you ve found this tutorial helpful |
2021-11-08 14:38:19 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to upload a file to Azure Blob using Spring Boot? |
How to upload a file to Azure Blob using Spring Boot Hello Its Rohan KadamToday cloud is becoming come standard for the development of any software We used the cloud in every aspect of the programming cycle be it uploading our code to Github or Gitlab or be it using Google Drive or Dropbox or uploading our personal files In the article we are going to understand how we can implement file upload to Azure Blob Using Spring Boot What Does Blob Storage Mean Blob storage is a feature in Microsoft Azure that lets developers store unstructured data in Microsoft s cloud platform This data can be accessed from anywhere in the world and can include audio video and text Blobs are grouped into “containers that are tied to user accounts Blobs can be manipulated by using any programming language Blobs are widely used by streaming companies with high volumes of audio and video data Why used Blob Storage Blob storage is ideal for Accessing images or documents directly to devices Storing files for distributed access Streaming video and audio Storing data for backup and restore disaster recovery and archiving Storing data for analysis by an on premises or Azure hosted service How to implement blob Storage Blob Storage is widely been used by the industry today for developing great user friendly apps Its best known for storing files images and binary data Today we are going to implement the Azure Blob using the spring boot and the programming language Java In this part of we going to cover the Read Write and Upload operations for the same Step How to generate Spring Boot Project Spring Initializr Step Which dependencies should I include Step What will the configuration be for my Azure When we talk of configuration is we required three main partsBlob Container NameAccount Key ーSecret KeyBlob Container EndpointNote Need to get the above from the Azure website Step Need to Create a Controller endpoint for Upload amp Read file →How to upload files to Azure Blob Storage →How to read files from Azure Blob Storage →How to write files to Azure Blob Storage Step Postman Endpoint Upload File Step Postman Endpoint for reading File Conclusion In the article we tried to answers many questions related to Azure Blob and how to implement the same using Spring boot Blob storage has widely been used to store unstructured data such as text images or binary etc are used by many fortune companies to provide service to their users Please do share and likeif you find the article useful Follow me on medium Rohan Ravindra Kadam and on Twitter at rohankadam Bibliography How to use the Spring Boot Starter for Azure Storage |
2021-11-08 14:34:32 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Automate deployment in simplest way by SilvenLEAF |
Automate deployment in simplest way by SilvenLEAFAhoy there Let s automate deploying our Web App We ll be using React for this Don t worry because react or angular or vue that s not important The core concept is same for all Also we ll be going from level So even if you don t know React or any of these just hop on It is a part of my future DevOps and automation blogs So stay tuned for more amazing stuff Step Let s create a React AppTo deploy an app we need an app right So let s create one But if you don t like React go with Angular Vue or whatever you like First create a github repo assuming you have a github account if not create one and then create a github repo and then clone it onto your computer Open it in your favorite text editor mine VS Code Then type the following command to create a react app npx create react app client template typescript It ll create a React App named client in TypeScript Replace client with your own app name I prefer client but you can name it anything Now type the following command to go inside itcd clientAnd then type this to start your react appnpm startVoila Wait a while and it ll start the development server and open the React App in your browser It should look something like this Now let s get into the fun stuff Let s deploy the app Step Deploy AppType this commandcd client amp amp npm i D gh pagesIt ll go inside client folder and then install that gh pages package npm i D X is the shorthand for npm install save dev X Now open the package json file of client folder and add the homepage property and also add the following deploy and predeploy scripts something like this your other package json stuff homepage http YOUR GITHUB USERNAME github io YOUR APP NAME HERE scripts start react scripts start predeploy npm run build deploy gh pages d build build react scripts build test react scripts test eject react scripts eject your other package json stuff Now open your terminal and type this cd client amp amp npm run deployIt ll start deploying your app Wait for it to complete Once done go to the homepage URL that you specified and you ll see your app live Your URL http YOUR GITHUB USERNAME github io YOUR APP NAME HERE Step Automate DeploymentYes we deployed our app but that s not what we want right We want to make it all automated So let s do this Open a new terminal and type the following command on the root level of your repo NOT inside client folder mkdir p github workflowsIt ll create a github folder in the root level and create another folder inside it named workflows I mean create workflows folder inside github folder which is on the root level of our project at the same level as client react app folder NOTE mkdir bash command create a directory folder The p flag creates them recursively In other words if you pass this flag you can create nested folders even if they did not exist Otherwise it would ve thrown an Directory does not exist error Now create yaml file inside that workflows folder named Deploy yml by typing the following command touch github workflows Deploy yml NOTE touch bash command creates a file Fill this Deploy yml file with these following content Also PRO TIP Read the comments to understand what each word and each line does By SilvenLEAF Let s create a basic automated deployment It ll work something like this Whenever push our code to main branch We ll check if it s deployable I mean the app works and does not break If so we ll deploy it And everything will be done automaticallyname DevOps Deploy This is the name of our Action you can name anything I just casually gave this name Controls when the workflow will runon We ll be triggering the workflow on push event but only for the main branch push branches main You can have any branch or multiple branches if you want to add more branches add them in this array A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in paralleljobs This workflow contains a single job called testAndDeploy testAndDeploy The type of OS that this job will run on I chose ubuntu you can choose anything windows mac anything at all runs on ubuntu latest Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job steps Checks out your repository under GITHUB WORKSPACE so your job can access it uses actions checkout v Runs a single command using the runners shell name Install packages run cd client amp amp npm install Runs a set of commands using the runners shell Notice I gave CI false command It s because normally when we build react app there s always a lot of warnings And Github action by default has CI true and because of that it treats warnings as errors So it ll fail the job because if there is any error the job fails That s why we set CI false so that it can ignore the warnings name Build run echo started Building cd client amp amp CI false amp amp npm run build if there are errors or bugs in our app then the build will fail which will also cause the Deployment to fail as well because in order to deploy it has to pass all steps successfully name Deploy uses JamesIves github pages deploy action with branch gh pages The branch the action should deploy to You can choose any branch folder client build The folder the action should deploy Here the build folder is inside client with respect to the rootNow commit all your changes and push Voila You just automated your deployment Now let s test it Step Testing DeploymentNow go inside client src App tsx and replace everything with this By SilvenLEAFimport React from react function App return lt div className App gt lt h style textAlign center color d gt SilvenLEAF lt h gt lt div gt export default App Now commit you changes and push it with this commandgit commit am Testing Deployment amp amp git push origin main git commit am lorem ipsum is the shorthand for git add amp amp git commit m lorem ipsum Also X amp amp Y in bash runs X and Y command one after the other So after pushing your updated codes go to your repo in your github And go to the actions tab Then you ll see your action DevOps Deploy and the running Testing Deployment commit workflow Click on that ongoing Testing Deployment workflow and you ll see all it s jobs that s running We had only one so you ll see only testAndDeploy job To see all its details and steps click itOnce all of the steps are done and it successfully finished Go to your website and see it updated live Now every time you make changes and push to main branch it ll automatically test if it s good and doesn t have any errors if so will deploy it You have to do nothing Amazing right But that s just the beginning of the story my friend Because we ll learn some more amazing DevOps and Automations stuffs and advanced github actions too So stay tuned NEXT blog is coming November th What s NEXT How to deploy in the Cloud Azure VMs Learning DevOps with Github Actions Improved AI BOT that can do anything Insane stuff with JavaScript TypeScript Debugging TypeScript with VS Code Debugger Sequelize Hooks How to create an Android APP with NO XP including apk generating Got any doubt Drop a comment or Feel free to reach out to me SilveLEAF on Twitter or LinkedinWanna know more about me Come here SilvenLEAF github io |
2021-11-08 14:22:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
10+The Best PHP Projects GitHub 2022 |
The Best PHP Projects GitHub Starting your journey as a PHP developer Then here are some of the best PHP Projects that will inspire you Before we start the collection Let s get to know PHP in short What Is PHP Well PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is generally known as a general purpose scripting language that can be used to develop dynamic and interactive websites Besides it was one of the first server side languages that could be embedded into HTML making it easier to add functionality to web pages without any need to call external files for data It has been around for more than years tends to evoke some strong opinions among developers today There is always a debate over whether or not PHP is dead Whenever there is a new programming language or tool emerges you ll probably find a discussion over it Yes it is true that PHP has gone down the rankings of the most popular programming languages between th in to th in as per the Stack Overflow annual developer survey Yet PHP is one of the most used by nearly of all websites including some major platforms like Facebook and WordPress What makes PHP unique Following are some of the factors that makes PHP desirable Simplicity Efficiency Security Flexibility Familiarity Applications of PHPPHP can handle forms i e gather data from files save data to a file through email you can send data return data to the user Using PHP you can restrict users to access some pages of your website PHP performs system functions i e from files on a system it can create open read write and close them You can add modify delete elements within your database through PHP Also access cookies variables and set cookies It can encrypt data Advantages Of Using PHP Many available specialistsA large base of reference and educational materialsBetter loading speed of websitesMore options for database connectivityA large collection of open source addonsInexpensive website hostingGreat synergy with HTMLExcellent flexibility and combinability Features Simple Faster Interpreted Open Source Case Sensitive Simplicity Efficiency Platform Independent Security FlexibilityNow let s start the list GuzzleGuzzle is a simple HTTP client for PHP projects It is meant to facilitate sending HTTP requests in quick time Besides it also has a simple interface from where you can build query strings send POST requests upload JSON data and other similar services Moreover you can also send both synchronous and asynchronous requests via Guzzle Simple interface for building query strings POST requests streaming large uploads streaming large downloads using HTTP cookies uploading JSON data etc Can send both synchronous and asynchronous requests using the same interface Uses PSR interfaces for requests responses and streams This allows you to utilize other PSR compatible libraries with Guzzle Supports PSR allowing interoperability between other PSR HTTP Clients Abstracts away the underlying HTTP transport allowing you to write environment and transport agnostic code i e no hard dependency on curl PHP streams sockets or non blocking event loops Middleware system allows you to augment and compose client behavior MonologMonolog sends your logs to files sockets inboxes databases and various web services See the complete list of handlers below Special handlers allow you to build advanced logging strategies This library implements the PSR interface that you can type hint against in your own libraries to keep a maximum of interoperability You can also use it in your applications to make sure you can always use another compatible logger at a later time As of Monolog public APIs will also accept PSR log levels Internally Monolog still uses its own level scheme since it predates PSR PHPMailerThis is a full featured email sending class for PHP projects This class is a great replacement for the mail function provided by PHP Features Probably the world s most popular code for sending email from PHP Used by many open source projects WordPress Drupal CRM SugarCRM Yii Joomla and many more Integrated SMTP support send without a local mail server Send emails with multiple To CC BCC and Reply to addresses Multipart alternative emails for mail clients that do not read HTML email Add attachments including inline Nextcloud ServerNextcloud promises a reliable and safe place for all your web data Using Nextcloud you can easily sync your files databases contacts and other services on the go The platform also offers optimum security with its two factor authentication feature thereby helping you to safeguard your data completely Features Access your Data You can store your files contacts calendars and more on a server of your choosing Sync your Data You keep your files contacts calendars and more synchronized amongst your devices Share your Data By giving others access to the stuff you want them to see or to collaborate with Expandable with hundreds of Apps like Calendar Contacts Mail Video Chat and all those you can discover in our App Store Security With our encryption mechanisms HackerOne bounty program and two factor authentication Materio Free Vuetify VueJS Laravel Admin Template It is a developer friendly and highly customizable Laravel admin template Furthermore you can use this one of the best free laravel admin templates to create eye catching high quality and high performing single page applications Materio is also equipped with invaluable features designed to help you create premium quality apps exactly as you imagine them In addition incredibly versatile the Materio Vuetify Vuejs Laravel admin template also allows you to build any type of web applications such as CRM Analytic apps Education apps Fitness Apps Analytics apps etc Features Pure VueJS Laravel Utilizes Vuex Vue Router Webpack Dashboard Material Icons Basic cards Fully Responsive Layout Organized Folder Structure Clean amp Commented Code MonicaMonica is an open source web application to organize and record your interactions with your loved ones We call it a PRM or Personal Relationship Management Think of it as a CRM a popular tool used by sales teams in the corporate world for your friends or family Monica allows people to keep track of everything that s important about their friends and family Like the activities with them When you last called someone and what you talked about It will help you remember the name and the age of their kids It can also remind you to call someone you haven t talked to in a while Features Add and manage contacts Define relationships between contacts Reminders Automatic reminders for birthdays Stay in touch with a contact by sending reminders at a given interval Management of debts FlysystemFlysystem is a filesystem abstraction Use this library to replace the local file system with a remote file system Flysystem is a file storage library for PHP It provides one interface to interact with many types of filesystems When you use Flysystem you re not only protected from vendor lock in you ll also have a consistent experience for which ever storage is right for you PsyshPsySH offers a dev console and interactive debugger for PHP projects In effect this repo creates a REPL platform for PHP developers PsySH is a runtime developer console interactive debugger and REPL for PHP Learn more at psysh org and in the manual Headless wp starterPostlight s Headless WordPress React Starter Kit is an automated toolset that will spin up three things A WordPress backend that serves its data via the WP REST API and GraphQL A sample React frontend powered by the WP GraphQL API which supports posts pages categories menus search and user sign in Another sample server side rendered React frontend using Next js powered by the WP REST API You can read all about it in this handy introduction Features An automated installer which bootstraps a core WordPress installation that provides an established stable REST API A plugin which exposes a newer in progress GraphQL API for WordPress The WordPress plugins you need to set up custom post types and custom fields Advanced Custom Fields and Custom Post Type UI Plugins which expose those custom fields and WordPress menus in the WP REST API ACF to WP API and WP REST API V Menus JWT authentication plugins JWT WP REST and JWT WP GraphQL PasetoPaseto is everything you love about JOSE JWT JWE JWS without any of the many design deficits that plague the JOSE standards This library is a reference implementation of PASETO in the PHP language Craft CMSCraft is a flexible user friendly CMS for creating custom digital experiences on the web and beyond Craft is a self hosted PHP application built on Yii that emphasizes custom development plugins When using Craft CMS developers have the basic structure in place that could be customized to fit a broad range of project specifications Features An intuitive user friendly control panel for content creation and administrative tasks A clean slate approach to content modeling that doesn t make any assumptions about the content you need to manage An auto generated GraphQL API that can be consumed for building headless applications A fast and flexible templating system based on Twig for building traditional websites A powerful ecommerce platform for building bespoke ecommerce experiences A built in Plugin Store with hundreds of free and commercial plugins A robust framework for module and plugin development An active vibrant community PantherPanther is a convenient standalone library to scrape websites and to run end to end tests using real browsers Panther is super powerful It leverages the WC s WebDriver protocol to drive native web browsers such as Google Chrome and Firefox Panther is very easy to use because it implements Symfony s popular BrowserKit and DomCrawler APIs and contains all the features you need to test your apps It will sound familiar if you have ever created a functional test for a Symfony app as the API is exactly the same Keep in mind that Panther can be used in every PHP project as it is a standalone library Features Executes the JavaScript code contained in webpages Supports everything that Chrome or Firefox implements Allows taking screenshots Can wait for asynchronously loaded elements to show up Lets you run your own JS code or XPath queries in the context of the loaded page Supports custom Selenium server installations Supports remote browser testing services including SauceLabs and BrowserStack Laravel totemManage your Laravel Schedule from a pretty dashboard Schedule your Laravel Console Commands to your liking Enable Disable scheduled tasks on the fly without going back to your code again Rubix MLA high level machine learning and deep learning library for the PHP language Features Developer friendly API is delightful to use supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms Support for ETL preprocessing and cross validation Open source and free to use commercially VotenVoten co is an open source beautiful highly customizable yet deadly simple and warm community Churn phpChurn PHP is a package that helps you identify PHP files in your project that could be good candidates for refactoring It examines each PHP file in the path it is provided Features Checks how many commits it has Calculates the cyclometric complexity Creates a score based on these two values Conclusion So here was the collection of the best PHP Projects GitHub Many believes that PHP is drained or dead But the reality is different As mentioned above there are still more than sites which uses PHP Besides regardless of the trends you should choose the language as per your project need and requirements If it needs to use PHP then go with it without any hesitation We have gathered some of the best PHP projects for you so that you don t need to look for them here and there Do share your feedbacks and suggestions in the comment section below |
2021-11-08 14:22:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Our Experience at Web Summit 2021 |
Our Experience at Web Summit Written by Dan Parry Every year Lisbon plays host to the world famous Web Summit tech conference and this year along with over other attendees for countries the Codesphere team was there to introduce the next generation of cloud services to the community The conference has always been about the people The technologies on show are simply the tools that bring us all together After days of connecting with brilliant and insightful industry leaders we are ready to get to work on the next steps in our plan to deliver the first truly holistic solution for startup cloud development What did we learn We learned that you re probably using the cloud service provider you are because they gave you free credits right Or better yet you switched to your current provider because the last one ran out We can t argue with that and we are already hard at work on a better option for our users Unmanageable UIs the inability to debug and ineffective monitoring are all part of the current reality for the CTOs and founders we spoke to and we re happy to provide the long awaited solution to these problems with Codesphere so our users can get back to coding Devs are a resourceful group and for every pain point we discover there is a workaround in place whether it s using different tools on top of one another or straight up switching to different providers from project to project devs have been finding a way But there has to be a better way a simple all in one solution to the entire development process and that s our goal for the future of Codesphere After speaking with countless other attendees and exhibitors at Web Summit we are ready to get back to work building the future of cloud services The more you know about your customers the more you can provide them information that is increasingly useful relevant and persuasive A big thank you to all the fantastic and innovative people we connected with in Lisbon Web Summit for us was about pitching to and learning from our audience and after a long week we have a lot of feedback and inspiration to work with We look forward to seeing you all next year In the meantime let us know what you want to see in Codesphere to solve your dev ops issues We want to get to know you so you can get to know Codesphere Monday also saw the launch of our brand new website that we were happy to share with the Web Summit community check it out here |
2021-11-08 14:18:36 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The simplest mount/unmount animation with material UI and emotion |
The simplest mount unmount animation with material UI and emotionSurely you want sometimes in react to animate an entrance and or exit of unmounting component Instead of using a library there is a nice way to do it by yourself just with material ui For this we will make use of the emotion css prop and the keyframes helper As of material ui we can just take the Box componentOur goal is to create an Animated component that can receive following props show if the component is mounted or notmountData describing the entrance animationmountData keyframes Standard css animation keyframesmountData time Animation duration in seconds mountData type Css animation type e g linear ease out unmountData describing the exit animationunmountData keyframes Standard css animation keyframesunmountData time Animation duration in seconds unmountData type Css animation type e g linear ease out unmountTimeout optional to provide a possibility for auto unmount the component after a timeoutsetShow optional function to unmount the component provided by the parentIf you don t provide the last two the parent component will control the whole mount unmount process And here is the solution import Box from mui material import useEffect useState from react import css keyframes from emotion react const defaultMountData const Animated children show setShow mountData defaultMountData unmountData defaultMountData unmountTimeout rest gt const animationData setAnimationData useState null const time type linear animationData const animationCss animationData keyframes css animation keyframes animationData keyframes time s type useEffect gt let mounted true let handler null let unmountHandler null if show setAnimationData mountData if unmountTimeout amp amp setShow unmountHandler setTimeout gt mounted amp amp setShow false unmountTimeout else if animationData const time unmountTime unmountData handler setTimeout gt mounted amp amp setAnimationData null unmountTime setAnimationData unmountData return gt handler amp amp clearTimeout handler unmountHandler amp amp clearTimeout unmountHandler mounted false eslint disable next line react hooks exhaustive deps mountData unmountData show if animationData return null return lt Box css animationCss component div rest gt children lt Box gt export default Animated We can not use default props for our default mount data because it will cause all the time re rendering Now in our component we place the mountData with the settings for entrance animation the unmountData with settings for exit animation As soon the show param become true that will activate our Animated component entrance animation After seconds the exit animation will be played and will set the shouldBeMounted variable to false which will unmount the component const shouldBeMounted setShouldBeMounted useState false lt Animated show shouldBeMounted mountData keyframes opacity opacity time unmountData keyframes opacity opacity time unmountTimeout setShow setShouldBeMounted gt Text to hide with animation lt Animated gt If we don t want automated unmounting we can just ignore the unmountTimeout and the setShow params If we don t want entrance or exit animation we can also just ignore the mountData unmountData const shouldBeMounted setShouldBeMounted useState false lt Animated show shouldBeMounted unmountData keyframes opacity opacity time gt Text to hide with animation lt Animated gt Here we control totally our Animated component from the parent and we don t use any animation for the mount we use animation only for unmount Well that s it This is a simple fast and lightweight way to create mount animations just using css Best RegardsAnton TonchevJUST SELL online |
2021-11-08 14:17:26 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Don't duplicate logic in Asserts: The most common mistake on unit testing |
Don x t duplicate logic in Asserts The most common mistake on unit testingI originally posted this post on my blog a couple of weeks ago It s part of a series I ve been publishing called Unit Testing We have covered some common mistakes when writing unit tets Some of them may seem obvious But we all have made this one mistake when we started to write unit tests This is the most common mistake when writing unit tests and how to fix it Don t repeat the logic under test when verifying the expected result of a test Instead use known hard coded pre calculated values Let s write some tests for Stringie a fictional library to manipulate strings with a fluent interface Stringie has a Remove method to remove substrings from the end of a string We can use Stringie Remove method like this var hello Hello world string removed hello Remove world From The End Hello Don t Copy and Paste the tested logicWhen writing unit tests don t copy the tested logic and paste it into private methods to use them inside assertions If we bring the tested logic to private methods in our tests we will have code and bugs in two places Duplication is the root of all evil Even inside our tests Please don t write assertions like the one in this test TestMethod public void Remove ASubstring RemovesThatSubstringFromTheEnd string str Hello world string transformed str Remove world From The End Assert AreEqual RemoveFromEnd str world transformed private string RemoveFromEnd string str string substring var index str IndexOf substring return index gt str Remove index substring Length str That s a lot of duplication Photo by Joshua Chai on Unsplash Don t make internals publicAlso by mistake we expose internals of the tested logic to use them in assertions We make private methods public and static Even to test those private methods directly From our Unit Testing we learned to write unit tests through public methods We should test the observable behavior of our tested code A returned value a thrown exception or an external invocation made Again don t write assertions like the one in this test TestMethod public void Remove ASubstring RemovesThatSubstringFromTheEnd string str Hello world string transformed str Remove world From The End Assert AreEqual Stringie PrivateMethodMadePublicAndStatic str transformed Use known values to AssertInstead of duplicating the tested logic by exposing internals or copy pasting code into assertions use a known expected value If we end up using the same expected values we can create constants for them Like const string Hello Hello or const string HelloAndComma Hello for our example For our sample test simply use the expected substring Hello Like this TestMethod public void Remove ASubstring RemovesThatSubstringFromTheEnd string str Hello world string transformed str Remove world From The End Let s use a known value in our assertions Assert AreEqual Hello transformed Voilà That s the most common mistake when writing unit tests It seems silly But often we duplicate Math operations and string concatenations and it passes unnoticed Remember don t put too much logic in your tests Tests should be only assignments and method calls If you re new to unit testing read my post on how to write your first unit tests in C with MSTest and check the common mistakes when writing your first tests Also grab your free copy of my eBook Unit Testing Hey I m Cesar a software engineer and lifelong learner I help teams to grow high quality code Visit my blog to learn more about my work Happy testing |
2021-11-08 14:15:48 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Build a curtain menu with React! |
Build a curtain menu with React Hey fellow creators You want to build a curtain menu for your app You re in the right place If you prefer to watch the video version it s right here Check out the source code to see which folders and files you need to recreate a curtain menu here This will have a pretty simple design but you can change it up however you like Create your component Create a simple React app and add a components folder in which you ll create your component CurtainMenu in which you ll create two buttons and your links import React useState useEffect from react import CurtainMenu css import Menu from menu svg export default function CurtainMenu return lt gt lt button className floating btn gt lt img src Menu gt lt button gt lt nav gt lt button className close curtain gt X lt button gt lt a href gt HOME lt a gt lt a href gt SERVICES lt a gt lt a href gt CONTACT lt a gt lt nav gt lt gt Create some state Now let s create some state It ll start with false since we want to see the nav only if we click on the button Then let s create another state that ll check the width of the window when you open the app and whenever you resize it const toggleNav setToggleNav useState false const checkWidth setCheckWidth useState window innerWidth Use the useEffect hook Create a function that ll check the width of your window which you ll use in your event listener const checkFunc gt console log checkWidth setCheckWidth window innerWidth useEffect gt window addEventListener resize checkFunc return gt window removeEventListener resize checkFunc The return function in the useEffect is necessary if for some reason your component is destroyed it ll clean things up Hide the button if the window is large Add a condition so that the buttons only show if the window is under px return lt gt checkWidth lt amp amp lt button className floating btn gt lt img src Menu gt lt button gt lt nav className toggleNav active gt checkWidth lt amp amp lt button className close curtain gt X lt button gt lt a href gt HOME lt a gt lt a href gt SERVICES lt a gt lt a href gt CONTACT lt a gt lt nav gt lt gt But the button doesn t work so let s add an onClick function Start by creating the function const toggleNavFunc gt setToggleNav toggleNav And then add it to your buttons lt button onClick toggleNavFunc className floating btn gt lt img src Menu gt lt button gt and lt button onClick toggleNavFunc className close curtain gt X lt button gt It s still not working That s because you need to change the classname of the name conditionally lt nav className toggleNav active gt So if it s true it ll show the nav otherwise it won t show You re done That s it Here s the full code of your component import React useState useEffect from react import CurtainMenu css import Menu from menu svg export default function CurtainMenu const toggleNav setToggleNav useState false const checkWidth setCheckWidth useState window innerWidth const checkFunc gt console log checkWidth setCheckWidth window innerWidth useEffect gt window addEventListener resize checkFunc return gt window removeEventListener resize checkFunc const toggleNavFunc gt setToggleNav toggleNav return lt gt checkWidth lt amp amp lt button onClick toggleNavFunc className floating btn gt lt img src Menu gt lt button gt lt nav className toggleNav active gt checkWidth lt amp amp lt button onClick toggleNavFunc className close curtain gt X lt button gt lt a href gt HOME lt a gt lt a href gt SERVICES lt a gt lt a href gt CONTACT lt a gt lt nav gt lt gt You now have a nice curtain menu that you can customise however you want Come and take a look at my Youtube channel See you soon Enzo |
2021-11-08 14:05:09 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Flic Twist, Arlo Go 2, and lots of Matter support on the HomeKit Insider podcast |
Flic Twist Arlo Go and lots of Matter support on the HomeKit Insider podcastNew devices from Arlo Netatmo and Aqara Flic Twist device will support Matter devices to make your car smart and more on this week s episode of the HomeKit Insider podcast In the past week Flic announced the Flic Twist which is its latest smart home controller This small dial can be rotated as well as depressed to control a number of smart home devices from light to shades It is set to launch in with full support for Matter which means it should theoretiacally control HomeKit devices as well Last week s episode we discussed how Eero had pledged support for Matter and now it seems Eero s parent company Amazon is making things official Eero as well as Echo devices will be supporting Matter when it launches in Read more |
2021-11-08 14:13:01 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Barack Obama Returns to COP26 With a Call for Activism |
Barack Obama Returns to COP With a Call for ActivismThe American leader who helped seal the Paris climate accord arrived at COP in Glasgow to cheers from delegates and pushback from some activists |
2021-11-08 14:53:42 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Small scale nuclear to get green light this week |
nuclear |
2021-11-08 14:10:36 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
iriss |
2021-11-08 15:34:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
審判期日の予定を更新しました。 |
期日 |
2021-11-08 16:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
三信建設工業(株)株式に係る仮装売買及び公開買付者との契約締結交渉者による三信建設工業(株)株式に係る内部者取引審判事件の第1回審判期日開催について公表しました。 |
三信建設工業 |
2021-11-08 16:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
We will make every effort to get MP rules right, says Boris Johnson |
paterson |
2021-11-08 14:33:08 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Roberts Buncis murder: Marcel Grzeszcz, 15, sentenced for killing |
murder |
2021-11-08 14:17:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Anti-vax protests outside schools |
campaigners |
2021-11-08 14:09:50 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Brexit: DUP leader calls for 'decisive action' from Lord Frost |
frost |
2021-11-08 14:09:58 |