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IT 気になる、記になる… NTTドコモ、「ドコモのプランについてくるAmazonプライム」の提供を11月末で終了へ https://taisy0.com/2021/11/09/148512.html 終了 2021-11-09 12:49:51
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita pythonのchacha20poly1305で暗号化 https://qiita.com/fumumue/items/a9e5a96987025e39b62b pythonのchachapolyで暗号化pipinstallchachapolyとした後、importosfromchachapolyimportChaChaPolykeyosurandomcipChaChaPolykeynonceosurandomciphertextcipencryptnoncebtestprintciphertexthexplaintextcipdecryptnonceciphertextprintplaintext今はやりのAEADってやつですね。 2021-11-09 21:14:26
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Vue.js】キー修飾子 https://qiita.com/Yudai_35_/items/02e6c08f9df43643b6f9 書き方・解説今回はescキーが押されたらテキスト内の文字が空になるプログラムを記述していきます。 2021-11-09 21:49:54
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) プライベートネットワークの不調について https://teratail.com/questions/368517?rss=all プライベートネットワークの不調について前提conohaのVPSにて下記のような構成でWEBサーバを組んでいます役割IPLBWEBWEBLBのnginxにてラウンドロビンさせていますdefaultconfupstreammyappserverserver困っていること半年以上この構成で問題なくサービスが稼働しておりましたが、ある日突然、LBからWEBへ疎通しなくなってしまいました。 2021-11-09 21:42:07
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pya3rtを使ったLINE bot (python)で返答がこない https://teratail.com/questions/368516?rss=all pyartを使ったLINEbotpythonで返答がこない前提・実現したいことpythonとherokuで、pyartを使ったLINEトークを作ろうとしていますが、下記エラーが出てLINEから返答が返ってきません。 2021-11-09 21:36:45
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) python テキストからのスコア計算 https://teratail.com/questions/368515?rss=all pythonテキストからのスコア計算テキストファイルを読み込んで、それからスコアの計算をしたいです。 2021-11-09 21:31:25
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ruby:クラスの概念を整理してみた https://qiita.com/kohei_04/items/df462ac6578c0fb670bc まず設計図に必要な情報は・・・・・どのような情報を持っているのか初期設定・・・・・インスタンス変数・どんなことができるのかメソッド・・・・・・インスタンスメソッドインスタンスとは・インスタンスが付く時は必ずクラス内で定義されている・newアクションで生成された実体である設計図だけでは実体はないまず日本語で記述してみる今回はカップを設計してみますclassカップ有無や容量を全てのメソッドで使えるようにするdef初期設定有無容量取っ手があるかないかカップの容量enddefカップのできること投入量消費量飲み物を保管する飲み物を取り出す→条件分岐投入量が多すぎる時→条件分岐消費量が多すぎる時endendカップカップnew取ってありml初期値の情報を代入してカップを生成カップカップnew取って無しml上記に同じくカップを生成カップカップのできること投入量消費量上記で生成した変数にメッソドを当てるカップカップのできること投入量消費量上記で生成した変数にメッソドを当てる実際に記述してみるclassCapattraccessorhandlecapacitydefinitializehandlecapacityhandlehandlecapacitycapacityenddefchangeinputremoveifinputgtcapacityputsキャパオーバーです。 2021-11-09 21:14:20
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【RSpec】リクエストテストupdateで値が更新されないとき https://qiita.com/kat0/items/f4942a187db7c67307dd 【RSpec】リクエストテストupdateで値が更新されないとき環境RubyRailsemployeeupdatepostparamsでDBの値を更新するとテストが通る。 2021-11-09 21:00:45
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita DatabricksにおけるAWS PrivateLinkのフロントエンド接続の設定(実践編) https://qiita.com/taka_yayoi/items/4f08a48e431c38b8bca5 上で作成したエンドポイントを選択し、アクションからプライベートDNS名の変更を選択します。 2021-11-09 21:59:14
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 実務で使うGitコマンドメモ https://qiita.com/okateru/items/b76dd53c9fdf5ca9d486 コミット対象を追加ローカル上で追加・編集したファイルはgitaddltファイル名gtでコミットの対象にできます。 2021-11-09 21:19:10
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【RSpec】リクエストテストupdateで値が更新されないとき https://qiita.com/kat0/items/f4942a187db7c67307dd 【RSpec】リクエストテストupdateで値が更新されないとき環境RubyRailsemployeeupdatepostparamsでDBの値を更新するとテストが通る。 2021-11-09 21:00:45
技術ブログ Developers.IO [발표자료] AWS 사용 비용 슬랙으로 받아보기 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/ppt-how-to-receive-aws-billing-costs-via-slack/ 발표자료 AWS 사용비용슬랙으로받아보기안녕하세요 클래스메소드MAD사업부임홍기입니다 월일제회Developers IO Korea Online가개최되었습니다 네번째세션인AWS 사용비용슬랙으로받아보기에서발 2021-11-09 12:52:33
海外TECH Ars Technica How to reduce our carbon footprint https://arstechnica.com/?p=1798290 carbon 2021-11-09 12:30:17
海外TECH MakeUseOf What Is FireWire & What Are Some Of Its Uses? https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/firewire-technology-explained/ useful 2021-11-09 12:06:37
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Install Multiple Bootable Operating Systems on a USB Stick https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-install-multiple-bootable-operating-systems-on-one-usb-stick/ install 2021-11-09 12:06:37
海外TECH DEV Community Cassandra & GoLang https://dev.to/bseyhan/cassandra-golang-551a Cassandra amp GoLangHi there Did you read my latest implementation of PostgreSQL with GoLang PostgresWithGo If you said of course go head Do you know have any knowledge about Cassandra Don t worry neither am I ve not I like to share about the subjects I work on So be relax Are you curious about NOSQl and GoLang In this post I ll share my Cassandra Db and GoLang knowledge You ll ask these questions ask yourself What is Cassandra Db then how to install Cassandra DB to your local machine which package should I use for it All of these are in here Step What is Cassandra DBStep How to install itStep Important commands Step Connect to databaseStep ImplementationStep Postman TestsLet s go to work and I hope you ll enjoy it Step What is Cassandra DBNoSQL databases are called “Not Only SQL or “Non relational databases NoSQL databases store and retrieve data other than tabular relations such as relation databases Elastic scalability Cassandra is highly scalable it allows to add more hardware to accommodate more customers and more data as per requirement Always on architecture Cassandra has no single point of failure and it is continuously available for business critical applications that cannot afford a failure Fast linear scale performance Cassandra is linearly scalable i e it increases your throughput as you increase the number of nodes in the cluster Therefore it maintains a quick response time Flexible data storage Cassandra accommodates all possible data formats including structured semi structured and unstructured It can dynamically accommodate changes to your data structures according to your need Easy data distribution Cassandra provides the flexibility to distribute data where you need by replicating data across multiple data centers Transaction support Cassandra supports properties like Atomicity Consistency Isolation and Durability ACID Fast writes Cassandra was designed to run on cheap commodity hardware It performs blazingly fast writes and can store hundreds of terabytes of data without sacrificing the read efficiency Data Types Step How to installI m using mac os I ve already installed Docker application on my machine So may be you want to install only docker container Install Dockerdocker pull cassandradocker run d name cassandra p cassandra In this repository I created docker compose yml file that file contains with required images cassandra image cassandra latest container name cassandra ports restart always environment CASSANDRA BROADCAST ADDRESS host docker internal CASSANDRA SEEDS host docker internal volumes out cassandra data var lib cassandra healthcheck test CMD cqlsh u cassandra p cassandra e describe keyspaces interval s timeout s retries JMX was pre Cassandra xx Internode communication not used if TLS enabled TLS Internode communication used if TLS enabled Thrift client API CQL native transport portStep Important CommandsAfter the installation since I want to create a database I have to run this command What is cqlsh It is the interface cqlsh is a command line interface for interacting with Cassandra using CQL the Cassandra Query Language Documentationdocker exec it cassandra cqlshLet s create a todo table Step Connect to database Install the VSCode extension for Cassandra Step ImplementationProject structure gt cmd gt api main go this file deal with read config yml file gt util config go amp errors go config go is related with application configurations errors go is a custom response implementation gt pkg gt api api go this file integrated to initializefunc Initialize config utils Configuration Creates a gin router with default middleware router gin Default fmt Printf v n config register database repositories and handlers session cassandra ConnectDatabase config Database Url config Database Keyspace repository db NewTodoRepository session orderHandler handler NewTodoHandler amp repository router GET ping orderHandler HealthCheck router POST orderHandler CreateTodo router GET api v todo id orderHandler GetTodoById run the server router Run gt client cassandra The ConnectDatabase function take parameters from api go file After creation that function response session This sessionfunc ConnectDatabase url string keyspace string gocql Session cluster gocql NewCluster url cluster Keyspace keyspace cluster Consistency gocql Quorum session cluster CreateSession return session Click fn CreateSession CreateSession initializes the cluster based on this config and returns a session object that can be used to interact with the database func cfg ClusterConfig CreateSession Session error return NewSession cfg gt handlerTodoHandler related with request database and response JSON data also error handling is done for that level All function take c gin Context parameter also these functions has receiver function t todoHandler which means that you can access the repository with t Save or t GetById func t todoHandler CreateTodo c gin Context var todo model Todo c BindJSON amp todo todo Id uuid New String log Info Data is todo data err t repo Save todo if err nil c JSON http StatusBadRequest utils BadRequestError insert operation failed err c JSON http StatusCreated gin H todo data func t todoHandler GetTodoById c gin Context id c Param id todo err t repo GetById id if err nil c JSON http StatusBadRequest utils BadRequestError todo not found err c JSON http StatusOK gin H todo todo GIN c JSON http StatusOK gin H todo todo Echo return c JSON http StatusOK data JSON serializes the given struct as JSON into the response body It also sets the Content Type as application json func c Context JSON code int obj interface c Render code render JSON Data obj Binding JSON data in GIN BindJSON is a shortcut for c MustBindWith obj binding JSON func c Context BindJSON obj interface error return c MustBindWith obj binding JSON In repository layer has github com gocql gocql package that s is related the queries and executions Cassandra DB queries similar to PostgreSQL MsSQL or MySQL queries func t todoRepository Save todo model Todo model Todo error var query string INSERT INTO todo id title content VALUES if err t session Query query todo Id todo Title todo Content Exec err nil return nil err return amp todo nil func t todoRepository GetById id string model Todo error var todo model Todo var query string SELECT id title content FROM todo where id if err t session Query query id Scan amp todo Id amp todo Title amp todo Content err nil if err gocql ErrNotFound return nil err return nil err return amp todo nil Now Let s run the docker compose file Cassandra DB has own health check configuration docker compose up healthcheck test CMD cqlsh u cassandra p cassandra e describe keyspaces interval s timeout s retries When database is running you can see the status is healthStep Postman Testrun the program ReferencesTutorialPointGuruGithub RepoThank you 2021-11-09 12:43:40
海外TECH DEV Community How to make up to $600 writing an article -- from zero to genius. https://dev.to/codingnninja/how-to-make-up-to-600-writing-an-article-from-zero-to-genius-3cdf How to make up to writing an article from zero to genius Have you ever dreamed of making money writing technical articles How would you feel if I were to tell you that certain publications will pay you up to to write an article for them But wait a minute this is not a quick money making scheme Rather I will show you how to start making money from writing technical articles from zero to genius So if you are good at writing and programming already this is your chance to support your programming career with a stipend you can make from writing Even if you don t want to write technical articles you can still use the same process in this article you ll just have to work with non technical platforms instead About years ago I dreamed of earning money by writing technical articles to help make ends meet after learning to code for more than a year So I hurriedly dove in and started doing research on Google Clatter clatter clatter those were my fingers dancing across the keys typing How to get paid for writing technical articles Boom The contents of the articles I read made me think What I don t want yet another list Just Get Me In But wait a minute I still want to appreciate those first articles I found it took their authors a lot of time and effort to put them together And as a writer I appreciated the information they shared because they provided a list of companies I could write for Just like them to help you avoid stress and stop wasting time I have compiled a list of companies you can write for After the list we ll dive into how you can make the most of writing technical articles for money Publications that Pay You For Technical ArticlesBefore I show you how to get yourself into the game it is important that you know the platforms you can write for So I have curated some of the most popular platforms that will pay you money to write technical articles for them Twilio up to Twilio pays up to per article and you re not required to use any of Twilio s packages They take articles about general development Apply here Clubhouse io Clubhouse io pays per article They take articles about team collaboration software development and general how tos Apply here TestDriven io up to TestDriven io pays up to per article They publish articles that teach testing scaling and application optimization with web technologies Honey Badger up to Honey Badger pays per article Apply here Hasura up to Hasura pays up to per article They take articles about Hasura and GraphQL Apply here Digital Ocean up to Digital Ocean pays up to per article They take articles about Open Source Software OSS cloud hosting Linux infrastructure and so on Apply here Log Rocket up to LogRocket pays up to per article They publish tutorials about web technologies Apply here Auth up to Auth pays up to per article You pick from specified topics on the platform Apply here Soshace up to Sohace pays up to per article They provide topics you can choose from Apply here CSS Tricks up to CSS Tricks pays up to per article They provide a list of possible topics to choose from You can also submit a topic Apply here Real Python up to Real Python pays up to per article unofficial Apply here WPHub up to WPHub pays up to per article They publish tutorials about WordPress Apply here Tutorialspoint up to Tutorialspoint pays up to per article You can choose from specified topics or write about any technical topic Apply here Fauna up to Fauna pays up to per article They provide topics to write about Apply here Smashing Magazine up to Smashing Magazine takes tutorials guides and case studies Apply here GitLab up to Gitlab pays up to per article They take articles that help you get better at development Apply here Linode up to Linode pays a minimum of per article and also pays for an existing article Apply here CircleCI up to CircleCI pays up to per article Apply here TypingDNA up to TypingDNA pays up to per article You re expected to write articles related to TypingDNA Apply here Draft up to Draft pays up to per article They provide topics to choose from Apply here SitePoint up to SitePoint pays or more Apply here Arctype up to Arctype pays up to per article and takes articles about SQL Databases and Daya analysis Publications Where You Can Write Articles to Share with the Community Not Paid FreeCodeCampfreeCodeCamp publishes articles about web development data science DevOps Machine Learning and AI math learning to code job searching and more You can apply to become an author and if you re a good fit you ll be able to set up an account Here s how to apply Dev toDev to is like your personal blog and you can post any article you want as long as it abides by the community rules and regulations HashnodeHashnode is a personal blog with a touch of community How do you feel after checking out this list Well if you re just like me I wanted some more guidance I wanted to know how to get in and start making money If you feel the same don t worry I will show you how to get yourself in even if you re a total novice Just keep on reading Publications that Pay You For Non Technical Articles If you don t belong to tech there are a lot of other publications that pay you to write articles about fashion food health and others Get Paid to Write Articles Magazines That Pay or More Click to download publications to write articles for by writerhelpwanted com What to Do Before You Start WritingYou just need to say Open Sesame to get in Are you in after saying that Oh never mind It might be intimidating having to apply to these platforms in order to write paid articles They care a lot about quality of course and only want to publish articles that are suitable for their audiences So you have to position yourself as someone who can deliver value to their audience And let s be real Why should they pay you hundreds of dollars when they can get someone to write similar articles for less than on Fiverr You must be able to provide value tailored to their audience Doing the job before getting the job I assume you have never written paid articles before but that you re good at writing and programming Fine So you have to make sure you write clearly and well like someone a publication would want as a writer The reality is that they don t really care about you Why should they They mostly care about their businesses and audience Then what would you do You need to write at least three articles The articles must be good enough to get the attention of the platforms that pay for articles The question now is how will you write such amazing articles Yeah this is the magic Learn from the best copy from the best and apply your own style This is how to do it Identify six platformsYou need to first identify six platforms you want to write for I call this technique The Rule of Six Let s use the platforms below as a case study www freecodecamp org news www smashingmagazine com www logrocket com blogs www auth com www clubhouse io www twilio comWhy do I need six platforms again You need to study what is considered acceptable by some of the platforms you want to write for Checking these six platforms will expose you to the best writers in the industry What are we checking on the platforms You want to check six authors six writing styles and six topics To make it easy pick a topic from an author from each of the six platforms above For example you can pick an article from FreeCodeCamp،one from SmashingMagazine and one from each of the rest Make sure the articles selected are about the topics you re good at because it is easy to discover the gap in your style skills and knowledge by dealing with what you re also good at Choosing your styleHonestly I didn t choose my style with this process consciously but when I paid attention to why I write or talk the way I do I discovered the process I have been explaining to you So you might have had a certain writing style already By that I mean it is not necessary to choose another writing style once you have a style already For example I don t try to adopt anybody s style but I adapt different writing styles from amazing authors and always allow my inner thought process to reflect to add a touch of humanity You too can improve your writing styles with everything you have learned from others and that is fine We are all learning from one another If you re yet to have an amazing writing style you love you can take your time like a week less than a week or more to read the articles you have gathered and develop your writing style with whatever you learn from the writing styles of the authors you have selected Honestly it is best to adopt the general technical writing style because it will help you avoid unnecessary rejections But for me I do what makes me happy Then what next What do you have to offer Nobody knows whether you re an amazing writer or not until they see your write up So you have to write some amazing articles to showcase your skills So Pick three topics out of the six topics you have identified earlier Make sure the three topics you pick are the ones you know about the most among the selected topics Then you need to write an article for each of the topics Don t try to be in a hurry to finish all the articles but make sure you take your time to write each of the articles with the best of your writing skills As far as I am concerned I don t think it is bad if it takes you to months or to days to write the three articles What matters most is the quality of the articles Hey How can I write the articles It is not rocket science You just have to be willing to put in the work You can use the approach I called PROT These are the steps to follow Pick three topics out of the six topics then pick a topic from the three topics you have selected This is what I mean You need to identify six topics you can write about narrow it down to three topics and pick a final topic to write about from the three selected topics Doing this helps you choose interesting topics It could be very useful to identify a great topic Research the topic further and make sure you check all of the best articles on the topic Create an outline for your writing Map out all its parts to aids writing flow Try to write an article that beats all the best articles you have seen on the topic That is the basic way to go about it but it is easier said than done Then what next You can share the first three articles on your personal blog or platforms with no entry barrier like dev to and hashnode comBy doing this you position yourself as an experienced technical writer that any platform would want as a writer Hurrayyyyy You re now an experienced technical writer What next How to get inIt is time to get in Below is the step by step approach to follow Step Research the interests of each of the platforms you want to write for For instance if you want to know about what it takes to write for FreeCodeCamp The best place to know that is through Freecodecamp So you have to research and know what they expect You could google write for us freecodecamp For Smashing Magazine you could google write for us smashing magazine In short you could find necessary information about any publication you want by googling write for us companyName Don t assume you can approach all of them the same way You have to approach them based on their stated requirements or interests Wait Can I send you some stones from Nigeria for breakfast Oh Do you say I am not interested in eating stone You see We all have preferences So give them what they want too Research the interests of the publication you want to write for It is very important because it determines whether you will be accepted or not Step It is time to apply After checking most of the publications listed in this article I realized the publications approach this application in two major ways Some ask you to give them your name social media username email and bio for example FreeCodeCamp You can use below as a template to craft your own bio In your bio indicate your core interest first as in I am Ayobami Ogundiran a software developer who loves helping those who are struggling to understand and build projects with JavaScript Then add your work experience if any as in I have worked with company name as a job title company name as a job title and company name as a job title There are some other platforms such as Smashing Magazine that want you to send the outline of the article you want to write to them your name email and bio That means you have to also write an outline But how do you write such an outline Listen this article is not meant to teach how to write an outline but I will give you an example you can learn from Here is the outline of Image To Text Conversion With React And Tesseract js OCR I wrote for Smashing Magazine Headline Image To Text Conversion With React And Tesseract js OCR A Introductiona Data as the backbone of any software application b Inability to extract texts from an image as a limition to data processing c OCR as a solution B What is OCR a What does OCR stand for Optical Character Recognitionb Meaning of Optical Character Recognition C Evolution of OCR Optical Character Recognition can be traced to several inventions but below are the ones that have great impacts on OCR a Optophone was developed to convert a printed page to produce tones that are corresponded to specific letters or character on the page b Gismo was developed to recognise all letters of the Latin alphabet as produce by a standard type writerc CCD flatbed scanner introduced the first omni present optical character recognition system that could recognise any fonts d Newton MessagePad was designed to recognise handwritten characters e Tesseract intruduces neural networks to OCR to recognise patterns for themselves D Why use OCR a Regulations It makes it possible to regulate media content E g Hiding sensitive media contents like on Twitterand regulation of amount of texts on Facebook ads images b Searchability It makes images or printed documents searchable c Accessibility It can provide useful information from an image to a screen reader d Data processing automation Pin on a card or QR code can be extracted and processed e Digitalization of printed materials It makes it easy to convert printed documents to digital ones to store or edit them E Dos and Donts of OCR Do pre process images for accurate results Do think about securityHandle exceptionsDon t take all file formats as Tesseract cannot handle all file formats F What is Tesseract js Tesseract js is a JavaScript libray that compiles the original Tesseract from C to JavaScript WebAssembly thereby making OCR accessible in the browser G What we will build an amazon giftcard pin extractor We will build a simple application that extracts the pin code of a scanned amazon giftcard a Image Pre processingBinarization Converting the pixels of an image to either black and white Noise Removal Removing small dots patches of high intensity in an image by blurring it Thinning and Skeletonization It is used to create a uniform width of strokes in hand written documents because handwritten texts have different strokes as different writers write differently Skew Correction A scanned document maybe be skewed a bit and it is corrected by re aligning the skewed content b Converting a pre processed image to textsc Extracting a certain string of number pin from the textd Matching the pin for confirmatione Desplaying a confirmation messageH Conclusiona Limition of OCRb Optimizing OCR for a specific purpose c Further reading Hey it doesn t have to belong as this It has to be suitable for what you re writing about Even some of the platforms will help you refine your outline So don t be scared of getting an outline wrong After preparing the outline of the first article you want to write then apply for the Guest Writer position That is it Hey wait how can I be writing articles consistently to keep making the money Ah That is a tough question to answer Well I will try my best to tell you some tips Keep on reading How to stay inIf you want to stay in you have to write articles consistently Some publications determine the topic you write about They mostly send out such topics to writers Some of them don t choose topics for writers In that case you have to determine the topics to write about The question now is how can you know the topic to write about Fill in the blanksJust like we have done before you have to check six websites to see which topic is on one platform but is missing on another Then you can write a better version of such a topic for another publication if it is part of the topics they re interested in Most technical writers do that consciously or unconsciously When you do the work you will understand what I mean Cover the unknownMost publications like topics that have potentials but are not widely covered So whenever you discover a useful concept approach or package that is gaining momentum pitch it to any publication you write for Anyway be sure it is something they are interested in before investing much of your time in it Bottom line Don t go against the platform you write for or don t do anything that tarnishes their image If you have to go against them be ready to leave them That is it How to improve your earningsFor someone like me this part is not that important because I write to solve problems and gain more exposure If you write solely to earn more money you need to improve your earnings This is how to do it It is really very hard to earn consistently with technical writing if you write for some publications that delay everything Even if you are capable to write three articles per month you won t be able to do so if the publication you re writing for usually takes a month or more to release your articles That means you have to look out for platforms that don t delay anything whatsoever Then you can easily improve your earnings So you have to write for technical content marketing agencies to be able to write consistently and improve your earnings through technical writing Here are some platforms you can write for www devspotlight comwww contentLab comwww writefordev comwww hitsubscribe comwww draft devSee it is not compulsory to write for others to increase your earnings you can start your own blog and monetize it or join a company as a Developer Advocate but it requires more than just writing articles writing an article is just a great start Trade offsThere is no solution everything is a compromise So whichever path you choose to take be sure of the trade offs you have to deal with I prefer platforms like FreeCodeCamp LogRocket Smashing Magazine etc because my articles are still tied to me and they somehow promote me That is more important to me than the money I make from the write ups The trade off is that I may not be able to share my articles with many publications at the same time If you want to increase your earnings you may need to let go of personal promotions and other opportunities connected to them because technical content marketing agencies may not tie all your articles to you In short you have to know what is more important to you money or promotion Everything is a trade off ConclusionTechnical writing is a very important skill that helps writers learners and the tech industry in general It can help you earn some side income solve problems and still give you more exposure as a software developer Listen technical writing is not just for experts It is for everyone who is willing to help others promote themselves and still make some money The question now is if it doesn t have to be cool what can you start writing in the next six minutes Start now to change the world with technical writing and earn some MONEY One more thingThis article is the sample of my eBook “The Rule of Six How to monetize your skills and I am going to launch it by th December The eBook is priced at but if you pre order it right now you will get it at off Click to pre order it now source 2021-11-09 12:22:56
海外TECH DEV Community Infrastructure as Code on AWS using Go and Pulumi https://dev.to/aws-builders/infrastructure-as-code-on-aws-using-go-and-pulumi-gn5 Infrastructure as Code on AWS using Go and PulumiWhen we talk about Infrastructure as Code or IaC the first tool that comes to mind is Terraform Terraform created by HashiCorp has become the standard for documentation and infrastructure management but its declarative language HCL HashiCorp Configuration Language has some limitations The main limitation is not being a programming language but a configuration one Some alternatives have been emerging to fulfill these needs such as AWS Cloud Development Kit Amazon s solution that allows us to use TypeScript Python and Java to program the infrastructure using the cloud provider s solutions Pulumi which allows us to use TypeScript JavaScript Python Go and C to program infrastructures using solutions from AWS Microsoft Azure Google Cloud and Kubernetes installations I will introduce Pulumi using the Go language to create some infrastructure examples on AWS InstallationTo make use of Pulumi we first need to install its command line application Following the documentation I installed it on my macOS using the command brew install pulumiOn the website you can see how to install it on Windows and Linux Configure AWS Account AccessSince I will use AWS in this example the next necessary step is to configure the credentials For that I got my access key and secret from the AWS dashboard and set the required environment variables export AWS ACCESS KEY ID lt YOUR ACCESS KEY ID gt export AWS SECRET ACCESS KEY lt YOUR SECRET ACCESS KEY gt Creating the projectWith the initial dependencies configured we can now create the project mkdir post pulumicd post pulumipulumi new aws goOne of the creation steps requires setting up an account on the Pulumi website For that the command line application opens the browser for this step to be completed So I logged in with my Github account completed the registration returned to the terminal and continued the project creation without any problems You can see the result of running the command can at this link In addition at the end of the process it installs all the necessary dependencies for creating the project in Go Files createdLooking at the directory contents we can see that some configuration files and a main go were created Pulumi yamlname post pulumiruntime godescription A minimal AWS Go Pulumi programPulumi dev yamlconfig aws region us east main gopackage mainimport github com pulumi pulumi aws sdk v go aws s github com pulumi pulumi sdk v go pulumi func main pulumi Run func ctx pulumi Context error Create an AWS resource S Bucket bucket err s NewBucket ctx my bucket nil if err nil return err Export the name of the bucket ctx Export bucketName bucket ID return nil When runningpulumi upThe bucket was created in S as the code indicates And the command pulumi destroyDestroy all the resources in this case the S bucket First example creating a static page in SNow let s do some more complex examples The first step is to create a static page which we are going to deploy mkdir staticInside this directory I created the file static index html lt html gt lt body gt lt h gt Hello Pulumi lt h gt lt body gt lt html gt I changed main go to reflect the new structure package mainimport github com pulumi pulumi aws sdk v go aws s github com pulumi pulumi sdk v go pulumi func main pulumi Run func ctx pulumi Context error Create an AWS resource S Bucket bucket err s NewBucket ctx my bucket amp s BucketArgs Website s BucketWebsiteArgs IndexDocument pulumi String index html if err nil return err Export the name of the bucket ctx Export bucketName bucket ID err s NewBucketObject ctx index html amp s BucketObjectArgs Acl pulumi String public read ContentType pulumi String text html Bucket bucket ID Source pulumi NewFileAsset static index html if err nil return err ctx Export bucketEndpoint pulumi Sprintf http s bucket WebsiteEndpoint return nil To update run pulumi upAnd confirm the change The code snippet ctx Export bucketEndpoint pulumi Sprintf http s bucket WebsiteEndpoint Generate as output the address to access index html Outputs bucketEndpoint The case above is a straightforward example but it already demonstrates the power of the tool So let s make things a little more complex and fun now Second example a site inside a containerLet s create a Dockerfile with a web server to host our static content static DockerfileFROM golangADD go src fooWORKDIR go src fooRUN go build o go bin mainENTRYPOINT go bin mainEXPOSE Let s now create the static main go file which will be our web server package mainimport log net http func main r http NewServeMux fileServer http FileServer http Dir r Handle http StripPrefix fileServer s amp http Server Addr Handler r log Fatal s ListenAndServe Let s change main go to include the infrastructure of an ECS cluster and everything else needed to run our container package mainimport encoding base fmt strings github com pulumi pulumi aws sdk v go aws ec github com pulumi pulumi aws sdk v go aws ecr github com pulumi pulumi aws sdk v go aws ecs elb github com pulumi pulumi aws sdk v go aws elasticloadbalancingv github com pulumi pulumi aws sdk v go aws iam github com pulumi pulumi docker sdk v go docker github com pulumi pulumi sdk v go pulumi func main pulumi Run func ctx pulumi Context error Read back the default VPC and public subnets which we will use t true vpc err ec LookupVpc ctx amp ec LookupVpcArgs Default amp t if err nil return err subnet err ec GetSubnetIds ctx amp ec GetSubnetIdsArgs VpcId vpc Id if err nil return err Create a SecurityGroup that permits HTTP ingress and unrestricted egress webSg err ec NewSecurityGroup ctx web sg amp ec SecurityGroupArgs VpcId pulumi String vpc Id Egress ec SecurityGroupEgressArray ec SecurityGroupEgressArgs Protocol pulumi String FromPort pulumi Int ToPort pulumi Int CidrBlocks pulumi StringArray pulumi String Ingress ec SecurityGroupIngressArray ec SecurityGroupIngressArgs Protocol pulumi String tcp FromPort pulumi Int ToPort pulumi Int CidrBlocks pulumi StringArray pulumi String if err nil return err Create an ECS cluster to run a container based service cluster err ecs NewCluster ctx app cluster nil if err nil return err Create an IAM role that can be used by our service s task taskExecRole err iam NewRole ctx task exec role amp iam RoleArgs AssumeRolePolicy pulumi String Version Statement Sid Effect Allow Principal Service ecs tasks amazonaws com Action sts AssumeRole if err nil return err err iam NewRolePolicyAttachment ctx task exec policy amp iam RolePolicyAttachmentArgs Role taskExecRole Name PolicyArn pulumi String arn aws iam aws policy service role AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy if err nil return err Create a load balancer to listen for HTTP traffic on port webLb err elb NewLoadBalancer ctx web lb amp elb LoadBalancerArgs Subnets toPulumiStringArray subnet Ids SecurityGroups pulumi StringArray webSg ID ToStringOutput if err nil return err webTg err elb NewTargetGroup ctx web tg amp elb TargetGroupArgs Port pulumi Int Protocol pulumi String HTTP TargetType pulumi String ip VpcId pulumi String vpc Id if err nil return err webListener err elb NewListener ctx web listener amp elb ListenerArgs LoadBalancerArn webLb Arn Port pulumi Int DefaultActions elb ListenerDefaultActionArray elb ListenerDefaultActionArgs Type pulumi String forward TargetGroupArn webTg Arn if err nil return err create a new ECR repository repo err ecr NewRepository ctx foo amp ecr RepositoryArgs if err nil return err repoCreds repo RegistryId ApplyT func rid string string error creds err ecr GetCredentials ctx amp ecr GetCredentialsArgs RegistryId rid if err nil return nil err data err base StdEncoding DecodeString creds AuthorizationToken if err nil fmt Println error err return nil err return strings Split string data nil pulumi StringArrayOutput repoUser repoCreds Index pulumi Int repoPass repoCreds Index pulumi Int build the image image err docker NewImage ctx my image amp docker ImageArgs Build docker DockerBuildArgs Context pulumi String static ImageName repo RepositoryUrl Registry docker ImageRegistryArgs Server repo RepositoryUrl Username repoUser Password repoPass if err nil return err containerDef image ImageName ApplyT func name string string error fmtstr name my app image q portMappings containerPort hostPort protocol tcp return fmt Sprintf fmtstr name nil pulumi StringOutput Spin up a load balanced service running NGINX appTask err ecs NewTaskDefinition ctx app task amp ecs TaskDefinitionArgs Family pulumi String fargate task definition Cpu pulumi String Memory pulumi String NetworkMode pulumi String awsvpc RequiresCompatibilities pulumi StringArray pulumi String FARGATE ExecutionRoleArn taskExecRole Arn ContainerDefinitions containerDef if err nil return err err ecs NewService ctx app svc amp ecs ServiceArgs Cluster cluster Arn DesiredCount pulumi Int LaunchType pulumi String FARGATE TaskDefinition appTask Arn NetworkConfiguration amp ecs ServiceNetworkConfigurationArgs AssignPublicIp pulumi Bool true Subnets toPulumiStringArray subnet Ids SecurityGroups pulumi StringArray webSg ID ToStringOutput LoadBalancers ecs ServiceLoadBalancerArray ecs ServiceLoadBalancerArgs TargetGroupArn webTg Arn ContainerName pulumi String my app ContainerPort pulumi Int pulumi DependsOn pulumi Resource webListener if err nil return err Export the resulting web address ctx Export url webLb DnsName return nil func toPulumiStringArray a string pulumi StringArrayInput var res pulumi StringInput for s range a res append res pulumi String s return pulumi StringArray res Complex Yes but this complexity is inherent to AWS features and not Pulumi We would have similar complexity if we were using Terraform or CDK Before running our code we need to download the new dependencies go get github com pulumi pulumi dockergo get github com pulumi pulumi docker sdk v go dockerNow just run the command pulumi upThe execution output will generate the URL of the load balancer which we will use to access the contents of our container in execution Reorganizing the codeNow we can start making use of the advantages of a complete programming language like Go For example we could use language features like functions concurrency conditionals etc In this example we are going to organize our code better For this I created the iac directory and the iac fargate go file After that I moved most of the logic from main go to the new file package iacimport encoding base fmt strings github com pulumi pulumi aws sdk v go aws ec github com pulumi pulumi aws sdk v go aws ecr github com pulumi pulumi aws sdk v go aws ecs elb github com pulumi pulumi aws sdk v go aws elasticloadbalancingv github com pulumi pulumi aws sdk v go aws iam github com pulumi pulumi docker sdk v go docker github com pulumi pulumi sdk v go pulumi func FargateRun ctx pulumi Context error Read back the default VPC and public subnets which we will use t true vpc err ec LookupVpc ctx amp ec LookupVpcArgs Default amp t if err nil return err subnet err ec GetSubnetIds ctx amp ec GetSubnetIdsArgs VpcId vpc Id if err nil return err Create a SecurityGroup that permits HTTP ingress and unrestricted egress webSg err ec NewSecurityGroup ctx web sg amp ec SecurityGroupArgs VpcId pulumi String vpc Id Egress ec SecurityGroupEgressArray ec SecurityGroupEgressArgs Protocol pulumi String FromPort pulumi Int ToPort pulumi Int CidrBlocks pulumi StringArray pulumi String Ingress ec SecurityGroupIngressArray ec SecurityGroupIngressArgs Protocol pulumi String tcp FromPort pulumi Int ToPort pulumi Int CidrBlocks pulumi StringArray pulumi String if err nil return err Create an ECS cluster to run a container based service cluster err ecs NewCluster ctx app cluster nil if err nil return err Create an IAM role that can be used by our service s task taskExecRole err iam NewRole ctx task exec role amp iam RoleArgs AssumeRolePolicy pulumi String Version Statement Sid Effect Allow Principal Service ecs tasks amazonaws com Action sts AssumeRole if err nil return err err iam NewRolePolicyAttachment ctx task exec policy amp iam RolePolicyAttachmentArgs Role taskExecRole Name PolicyArn pulumi String arn aws iam aws policy service role AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy if err nil return err Create a load balancer to listen for HTTP traffic on port webLb err elb NewLoadBalancer ctx web lb amp elb LoadBalancerArgs Subnets toPulumiStringArray subnet Ids SecurityGroups pulumi StringArray webSg ID ToStringOutput if err nil return err webTg err elb NewTargetGroup ctx web tg amp elb TargetGroupArgs Port pulumi Int Protocol pulumi String HTTP TargetType pulumi String ip VpcId pulumi String vpc Id if err nil return err webListener err elb NewListener ctx web listener amp elb ListenerArgs LoadBalancerArn webLb Arn Port pulumi Int DefaultActions elb ListenerDefaultActionArray elb ListenerDefaultActionArgs Type pulumi String forward TargetGroupArn webTg Arn if err nil return err repo err ecr NewRepository ctx foo amp ecr RepositoryArgs if err nil return err repoCreds repo RegistryId ApplyT func rid string string error creds err ecr GetCredentials ctx amp ecr GetCredentialsArgs RegistryId rid if err nil return nil err data err base StdEncoding DecodeString creds AuthorizationToken if err nil fmt Println error err return nil err return strings Split string data nil pulumi StringArrayOutput repoUser repoCreds Index pulumi Int repoPass repoCreds Index pulumi Int image err docker NewImage ctx my image amp docker ImageArgs Build docker DockerBuildArgs Context pulumi String static ImageName repo RepositoryUrl Registry docker ImageRegistryArgs Server repo RepositoryUrl Username repoUser Password repoPass if err nil return err containerDef image ImageName ApplyT func name string string error fmtstr name my app image q portMappings containerPort hostPort protocol tcp return fmt Sprintf fmtstr name nil pulumi StringOutput Spin up a load balanced service running NGINX appTask err ecs NewTaskDefinition ctx app task amp ecs TaskDefinitionArgs Family pulumi String fargate task definition Cpu pulumi String Memory pulumi String NetworkMode pulumi String awsvpc RequiresCompatibilities pulumi StringArray pulumi String FARGATE ExecutionRoleArn taskExecRole Arn ContainerDefinitions containerDef if err nil return err err ecs NewService ctx app svc amp ecs ServiceArgs Cluster cluster Arn DesiredCount pulumi Int LaunchType pulumi String FARGATE TaskDefinition appTask Arn NetworkConfiguration amp ecs ServiceNetworkConfigurationArgs AssignPublicIp pulumi Bool true Subnets toPulumiStringArray subnet Ids SecurityGroups pulumi StringArray webSg ID ToStringOutput LoadBalancers ecs ServiceLoadBalancerArray ecs ServiceLoadBalancerArgs TargetGroupArn webTg Arn ContainerName pulumi String my app ContainerPort pulumi Int pulumi DependsOn pulumi Resource webListener if err nil return err Export the resulting web address ctx Export url webLb DnsName return nil func toPulumiStringArray a string pulumi StringArrayInput var res pulumi StringInput for s range a res append res pulumi String s return pulumi StringArray res The next step was to configure the iac directory to be a Go language module cd iacgo mod init github com eminetto post pulumi iaccd go mod edit replace github com eminetto post pulumi iac iacgo mod tidyOur main go can now be simplified package mainimport github com eminetto post pulumi iac github com pulumi pulumi sdk v go pulumi func main pulumi Run func ctx pulumi Context error return iac FargateRun ctx That way we can better manage the structure of the code that will handle AWS resources We can reuse this code in other projects use environment variables write tests or whatever else our imagination allows ConclusionUsing a tool like Pulumi significantly increases the range of options that we can use in building a project s infrastructure while maintaining readability code reuse and organization 2021-11-09 12:06:47
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News iPhone survives landing after pilot takes Airplane mode way too seriously https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/11/09/iphone-survives-landing-after-pilot-takes-airplane-mode-way-too-seriously?utm_medium=rss iPhone survives landing after pilot takes Airplane mode way too seriouslyA pilot in Orlando dropped his iPhone on takeoff but Find My lead searchers right back to it ーand there wasn t even a scratch on the phone iPhoneOrlando Executive Airport in central Florida is chiefly used for smaller aircraft like business jets rather than commercial airlines This pilot was flying a twin engine light aircraft when he dropped his iPhone onto the runway during takeoff Read more 2021-11-09 12:29:53
海外TECH Engadget Amazon will accept Venmo payments starting in 2022 https://www.engadget.com/amazon-venmo-payments-2022-124555703.html?src=rss Amazon will accept Venmo payments starting in Starting next year you ll be able to use the money anybody Venmos you to buy products directly from Amazon ーso long as you live in the US PayPal has announced that it has struck a deal with the e commerce giant to allow US customers to pay with Venmo at checkout It doesn t have an exact date for the feature launch but when it does become available you ll be able to pay either with your Venmo balance or your linked bank account nbsp Amazon typically only accepts credit debit cards and gift cards for payment and you can t even purchase from the website using PayPal itself But when Venmo payments arrive next year you ll be able to check out using the option not just on the Amazon website itself but also on the mobile app Ben Volk Director of Global Payment Acceptance at Amazon said in a statement quot We understand our customers want options and flexibility in how they make purchases on Amazon We re excited to team up with Venmo and give our customers the ability to pay by using their Venmo accounts providing new ways to pay on Amazon quot We ll likely hear more about the payment option the closer we get to its availability PayPal made its announcement alongside the release of its third quarter earnings results for wherein it reported a billion net revenue that s percent higher than the same period last year The company said it s off to a solid start in the fourth quarter but that growth rates still remain slightly below its expectations 2021-11-09 12:45:55
海外TECH Engadget The Morning After: Engadget’s 2021 holiday gift guide https://www.engadget.com/the-morning-after-engadget-holiday-gift-guide-121542631.html?src=rss The Morning After Engadget s holiday gift guideIt s only a payday or possibly two away from the holiday season and with supply difficulties for retailers manufacturers and everyone in between it might pay to get ahead of the crowd for some of the most desirable gifts While we can t promise to source you a PS or OLED Switch we ve got ideas for the game streamer the creative the pet parent and more Naturally we ve got camera laptop and smartphone buying guidance too We re Engadget after all We also have the return of our popular sub gift selections along with ideas for stocking stuffers that come in under My pick would be Anker s tiny Nano II charger It s USB C and ready for high speed device charging If you ve picked up a new phone in the last year and a half you might have missed the in box charger This is probably faster at charging than your years old Apple charging brick ーMat SmithZhiyun s three axis camera gimbal has pretty much everythingIncluding an LED light small display and Bluetooth camera control EngadgetYou ve probably heard or seen DJI s gimbals but rival Zhiyun actually carries more models ーparticularly those designed for mirrorless DSLR and cinema cameras Its three axis Crane M designed for mirrorless cameras is about the size of a water bottle and offers tilt roll and pan axes with locks for each It works with smartphones and Zhiyun claims percent of mirrorless cameras It also has a quarter inch adapter so you can connect a professional microphone to an expansion base and run a second cable to the camera It s now available to order starting at £ for the standard package Continue reading Sponsored by CISCO Security Outcomes Study for Small BusinessesWind and solar could meet percent of current US electricity needsRenewable sources may meet most power demands in advanced industrialized nations Wind and solar power could meet around percent of US electricity needs according to a paper published in Nature Communications Batteries capacity overbuilding and other storage options could increase that figure The report found that most reliable systems in which wind power is prevalent can meet energy needs between and percent of the time in the countries they studied and that s before any storage considerations Add the capacity to store up to hours of energy and these renewable energy sources can meet between and percent of hourly energy needs There is a caveat though The researchers noted even when wind and solar sources can power over percent of a region s energy needs there would still be hundreds of hours per year when demand isn t met Continue reading Walmart is using driverless trucks to complete a seven mile delivery loopIt s between a fulfillment center and store in Arkansas WalmartWalmart working with startup Gatik has started its fully driverless box truck deliveries between its own locations on a fixed seven mile loop in Bentonville Arkansas The route involves negotiating quot intersections traffic lights and merging on dense urban roads quot the companies said The new service is part of Walmart s transition to a hub and spoke model with warehouses or fulfilment centers closer to customers This means smaller warehouses so quot there is a growing need for doing repeated trips from the fulfilment centers to the pickup points quot Gatik CEO Gautam Narang told CNBC Continue reading Disney will let you watch Shang Chi and Marvel films in a large IMAX formatYou ll see smaller black bars on your TV during IMAX sequences You can expect to see Shang Chi and an array of Marvel movies in movie theater style large IMAX proportions later this week The IMAX aspect ratio will look up to percent taller than the typical widescreen format in Marvel films so those annoying black bars will almost disappear while you re watching scenes shot in IMAX It s not properly IMAX which is so square it has enormous black bars on the sides of your TV ーsee Zack Snyder s Justice League for how that goes Shang Chi will come to the service on November th along with other IMAX enhanced Marvel movies Continue reading AMD s first Zen CPUs include a core chip built for the cloudRyzen chips for we mere commoners will have to wait AMD has unveiled its first processors based on its new Zen architecture and they promise a lot of brawn at least for some users AnandTech notes AMD has outlined its early Zen roadmap during a virtual data center event and the first two CPU families are Epyc chips aimed at servers and other heavy duty computing tasks The star of the show may be Bergamo It s designed for cloud computing and emphasizes core density ーAMD is promising up to cores in a single CPU This beastly chip won t appear until the first half of Continue reading The biggest news stories you might have missedAnova s Sous Vide Precision Cooker Pro is half price at AmazonKonami pulls some Metal Gear Solid games from digital storesThe best digital gifts to send your friends and familyThese are the headphones speakers and audio gadgets to gift this season 2021-11-09 12:15:42
海外TECH Engadget Yelp's new iOS home feed makes it easier to discover local restaurants https://www.engadget.com/yelps-new-home-page-makes-it-easier-to-discover-local-restaurants-120042081.html?src=rss Yelp x s new iOS home feed makes it easier to discover local restaurantsYelp seems like it s been on the internet forever but it still helps millions of people figure out where to eat Now for the first time the company is introducing a vertical home feed featuring images of dishes and more designed to help people discover local restaurants nbsp The feed will first and foremost feature quot popular dishes and other trending photos from consumers including food photos or interior and exterior shots of the restaurants quot Yelp said Much like Google and other types of news feeds the content shown is based on your proximity to the business the freshness of content and a dish s popularity nbsp When you click on a restaurant s dish you ll be directed to see more photos and reviews of that dish Yelp uses machine learning to pick out those dishes based on reviews then pairs them with photos and reviews of the dish Clicking on other images like the interior or exterior of a restaurant will take you to the business page and show you more photos and info The other feature Yelp Connect is a paid feature for restaurant owners It allows businesses to share updates with new and existing customers directly to home feed helping their posts gain visibility and Yelp more ad revenue no doubt Yelp said that it s initial testing showed it may lift a restaurant s consumer engagement up to percent nbsp The new experience is arriving today on iOS exclusively in cities in US states Yelp said There s no word yet on an Android release but the company said to quot stay tuned for additional updates quot nbsp 2021-11-09 12:00:42
海外科学 NYT > Science Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in Glasgow, Says She Will ‘Push’ on Climate Change https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/09/climate/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-cop26.html Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in Glasgow Says She Will Push on Climate ChangeThe New York Democrat arrived Tuesday in Glasgow with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other lawmakers to appear at the COP climate talks 2021-11-09 12:49:22
海外科学 NYT > Science SpaceX's Broken Toilet Meant Diapers or Hold It for NASA Crew https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/08/science/spacex-diapers-toilet.html spacex 2021-11-09 12:08:18
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 看護・介護職、民間に先駆け賃上げへ-公的価格検討委が初会合、年末に中間整理 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20211109205249 検討委員会 2021-11-09 21:50:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid-19: Vaccines to be compulsory for frontline NHS staff in England https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-59215282?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA frontline 2021-11-09 12:29:15
ニュース BBC News - Home Caerphilly dog attack: Mum's tribute to 'sweet' boy who died https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-59219695?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA sweet 2021-11-09 12:58:03
ニュース BBC News - Home Chinese takeaway trial: Man found guilty of murdering girl https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-59217750?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA wenjing 2021-11-09 12:39:40
ニュース BBC News - Home Cladding: Why is it unsafe and what money has the government promised? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-56015129?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA cladding 2021-11-09 12:09:28
ニュース BBC News - Home US Open champion Raducanu set to name Beltz as new coach https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/59220748?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA slams 2021-11-09 12:24:36
ニュース BBC News - Home England prop Marler to miss Australia Test after positive Covid-19 test https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/59222114?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA covid 2021-11-09 12:46:35
北海道 北海道新聞 道内荒天、10日も続く見通し 強風で転倒し2人けが https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/609802/ 寒冷前線 2021-11-09 21:16:00
北海道 北海道新聞 還付金名目で100万円だまし取られる 北斗の60代女性 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/609799/ 介護保険 2021-11-09 21:11:00
北海道 北海道新聞 NLD幹部に汚職罪で禁錮75年 ミャンマー国軍、裁判も統制下に https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/609798/ 裁判 2021-11-09 21:09:00
北海道 北海道新聞 札幌―枝幸のトラック、名寄で荷台交換 長時間労働の解消へ実証実験 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/609797/ 実証実験 2021-11-09 21:02:00
海外TECH reddit 『Dr.STONE』コラボラーメンが「写真と全然ちがう!」 →店員「ラーメン売り切れたからコンビニで買ってきたの出してます」 https://www.reddit.com/r/newsokunomoral/comments/qq27om/drstoneコラボラーメンが写真と全然ちがう/ ewsokunomorallinkcomments 2021-11-09 12:03:35



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