投稿時間:2021-11-09 23:39:08 RSSフィード2021-11-09 23:00 分まとめ(51件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… Google、今年のベストゲーム&アプリを決める「Google Play Best Of 2021」のユーザー投票を受付中 https://taisy0.com/2021/11/09/148514.html googleplaybestof 2021-11-09 13:05:41
AWS AWS Japan Blog AWS SAM Accelerateによるサーバーレス開発の加速 https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/aws-sam-accelerate/ 以前は、開発者はローカルで完全なインフラストラクチャをエミュレートし、テストの準備ができたコードのみをコミットしていました。 2021-11-09 13:48:20
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Seleniumでajax(xhr)のデータをとる https://qiita.com/hatobeam75/items/dbe45324c368eedd4460 SeleniumでajaxxhrのデータをとるSeleniumでajaxでリクエストしてるJSONとか取りたいいろいろ調べるとgithubで公開してくれているページがヒット。 2021-11-09 22:34:30
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【保存版】Python Dash パーフェクトガイド https://qiita.com/Yusuke_Pipipi/items/b74f269d112f180d2131 DashHelloWorld不便な点大規模アプリには向かないかもDjangoやFlaskの利用を検討Flaskrendertemplateが使用できないFlaskとレンダリングの仕組みが異なるためコードが少し冗長となり、メンテナンス性はあまり良くないtemplateが使えないからドキュメントのほとんどが英語関連ライブラリimportplotlyexpressaspximportdashimportdashbootstrapcomponentsasdbcimportdashcorecomponentsasdccimportdashhtmlcomponentsashtmlimportdashauthimportdashdaqasdaqimportplotlyexpressPlotlyのグラフを利用するために使用PlotlyGraphGalleryimportdashDashの基本となるライブラリimportdashbootstrapcomponentsDashでBootstrapに対応したコントロールを配置する際に必要正直ボタンなどの各要素は、こっちで作成する方が見栄えが良いDashbootstrapcomponentsimportdashcorecomponentsグラフ要素やタイマーを配置するときに使用DashCoreComponents公式ページimportdashhtmlcomponentsDiv要素、A要素などを配置するときに使用DashHTMLComponents公式ページimportdashauthdashで基本認証を利用するWebページにアクセスした際、ユーザー名・パスワードを入力するポップアップ画面を表示importdashdaqトグルスイッチやスライダーを配置可能DashDAQ公式ページアプリ基本設定編全てのユーザーのアクセスを許可起動時hostパラメータをにするimportdashappdashDashnameapprunserverhostbindingをにすることで全てのユーザーからのアクセスを許可apprunserverhostこれだとからのアクセスのみ許可右下の青いデバッグマークを非表示にする起動時debugパラメータをFalseにするimportdashappdashDashnameapprunserverhostdebugFalseFavicon変更assetsフォルダにfaviconicoを配置するRootDirapppyassetsfaviconicocssファイル配置反映assetsフォルダにcssファイルを配置する宣言は不要で配置するだけで反映されるRootDirapppyassetsmaincsssubcssタイトルバーの「Updating」消すamp表示を任意の文字に変更importdashappdashDashnameupdatetitleNoneapptitleHelloTitleレイアウト関連画面のデザインを一括でBootStrap風に変更するdashbootstrapcomponentsのThemeを利用するimportdashimportdashbootstrapcomponentsasdbcappdashDashnameexternalstylesheetsdbcthemesSIMPLEX使用可能なテーマパラメータ上記コードの「SIMPLEX」の部分をお気に入りのテーマに変えてみてください。 2021-11-09 22:28:23
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita pandas 辞書にバリュー(値)を追加する https://qiita.com/peter_0309/items/14d7dc9c9acd3fa92887 pandas辞書にバリュー値を追加するやりたいこと決まったキーを持つデータをfor文で回してつのデータにしたい。 2021-11-09 22:15:03
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita React&Electronでソフト開発の環境構築をする https://qiita.com/Sosupe1123/items/e1f425b6f24c4d16b80c Reactの構築はめんどくさそうだったのでそもそもreact初心者createreactappを使用して構築することにする。 2021-11-09 22:12:58
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) fortran-language-severの実行パスが知りたい https://teratail.com/questions/368531?rss=all fortranlanguageseverの実行パスが知りたいvscodeでfortranをデバックしようとしています。 2021-11-09 22:58:14
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pygame:shiftが押されているときのキー同時押し https://teratail.com/questions/368530?rss=all pygameshiftが押されているときのキー同時押し質問させていただきます。 2021-11-09 22:53:46
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Unityでステージをループさせたい https://teratail.com/questions/368529?rss=all unity 2021-11-09 22:43:12
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ArduinoとProcessingのシリアル通信 https://teratail.com/questions/368528?rss=all 2021-11-09 22:43:12
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 在庫テーブルから最も大きなidに対する値を取得したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/368527?rss=all したいこと在庫テーブルstockに同じ商品番号valnumberがある場合、どうすれば最も大きなidに対するstocknumberが取得できるのでしょうか商品の在庫テーブルstockに、商品の色やサイズを格納したテーブルvalを結合。 2021-11-09 22:40:02
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) セマンティックセグメンテーションにおけるk-分割交差検証の方法 https://teratail.com/questions/368526?rss=all 2021-11-09 22:39:38
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) データベースのテーブル設計で、使用しないことが多いカラムを別テーブルとするべきか https://teratail.com/questions/368525?rss=all データベースのテーブル設計で、使用しないことが多いカラムを別テーブルとするべきか前提II全体の初学者です。 2021-11-09 22:35:18
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) PowerBIで手動で日付の階層を作成する https://teratail.com/questions/368524?rss=all 2021-11-09 22:34:30
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Googleスプレッドシートのシートごとに記載したGoogleアカウントのカレンダーへ予定を反映させる https://teratail.com/questions/368523?rss=all Googleスプレッドシートのシートごとに記載したGoogleアカウントのカレンダーへ予定を反映させる前提・実現したいこと一つのGoogleスプレッドシートに、シート別に複数名の予定を入力。 2021-11-09 22:25:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) なぜこの時にifの条件分岐に対してエラーがでるのかがわからない https://teratail.com/questions/368522?rss=all なぜこの時にifの条件分岐に対してエラーがでるのかがわからないわからないこと単体で確認するとquotfalsequotやquottruequotが返って来るのに条件分岐でアルゴリズムの中に組み込むとエラーが出る。 2021-11-09 22:24:03
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) C# .Net Coreでボタン押下時に処理をする方法について https://teratail.com/questions/368521?rss=all CNetCoreでボタン押下時に処理をする方法についてCでNetnbspCoreの学習をしています。 2021-11-09 22:24:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) barba.jsで、遷移後にjsが動かない https://teratail.com/questions/368520?rss=all barbajsで、遷移後にjsが動かない前提・実現したいことBarbajsを使用しているサイトWordPressを修正しております。 2021-11-09 22:23:24
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) JavaScriptにて、複数削除と自動計算がしたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/368519?rss=all JavaScriptにて、複数削除と自動計算がしたい。 2021-11-09 22:07:30
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【AndroidStudio】Viewをドラッグして動かす https://teratail.com/questions/368518?rss=all 2021-11-09 22:03:38
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 投稿アプリで1日1投稿の制限を実装する(メモ) https://qiita.com/teeKn/items/4178d2cdfa262ff524ee ①バリデーションを使った制限方法すでに投稿した投稿の作成日時と今日nowの日付を比較する。 2021-11-09 22:19:32
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 起動時ボリュームアタッチできない https://qiita.com/j-dai/items/82d688e5761476c53e0d 起動時ボリュームアタッチできない現象AWS上Windowsのあるボリュームをオフラインにした後にデタッチし、再起動したら、他のボリュームがオフラインにしてしまった。 2021-11-09 22:52:55
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita pandas 辞書にバリュー(値)を追加する https://qiita.com/peter_0309/items/14d7dc9c9acd3fa92887 pandas辞書にバリュー値を追加するやりたいこと決まったキーを持つデータをfor文で回してつのデータにしたい。 2021-11-09 22:15:03
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 投稿アプリで1日1投稿の制限を実装する(メモ) https://qiita.com/teeKn/items/4178d2cdfa262ff524ee ①バリデーションを使った制限方法すでに投稿した投稿の作成日時と今日nowの日付を比較する。 2021-11-09 22:19:32
海外TECH MakeUseOf 10 Free Microsoft Word Alternatives Worth Trying https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/microsoft-word-alternatives/ microsoft 2021-11-09 13:46:35
海外TECH MakeUseOf The 7 Best 3D Pens for Model and Design https://www.makeuseof.com/best-3d-pens-for-model-and-design/ artistic 2021-11-09 13:40:12
海外TECH DEV Community Twitter Polling https://dev.to/prakhardoneria/twitter-polling-3ae9 polling 2021-11-09 13:21:52
海外TECH DEV Community Building a list group component with Tailwind CSS https://dev.to/themesberg/building-a-list-group-component-with-tailwind-css-3kjf Building a list group component with Tailwind CSSI ve been using Tailwind CSS for quite a while now and although I love working with the utility classes directly in my HTML one disadvantage that I ve encountered is the lack of components such as buttons dropdowns and more This is why I have started a series of articles here on the DEV community showing you how you can build some of the most commonly used web components using the utility classes from Tailwind CSS Last time I showed you how to build a Tailwind CSS toggle component and today I d like to teach you how to build a list group element Let s get started Tailwind CSS list groupAs always the first step is to build up the HTML semantic code We should build a ul element with list items inside lt ul gt lt li gt Profile lt li gt lt li gt Settings lt li gt lt li gt Messages lt li gt lt li gt Download lt li gt lt ul gt This is pretty basic but it s a good starting point Let s style the main ul element now lt ul class bg white rounded lg border border gray w text gray text sm font medium gt lt li gt Profile lt li gt lt li gt Settings lt li gt lt li gt Messages lt li gt lt li gt Download lt li gt lt ul gt Looking a little better Now let s add some styles to each li element lt ul class bg white rounded lg border border gray w text gray text sm font medium gt lt li class px py border b border gray w full rounded t lg gt Profile lt li gt lt li class px py border b border gray w full gt Settings lt li gt lt li class px py border b border gray w full gt Messages lt li gt lt li class px py w full rounded b lg gt Download lt li gt lt ul gt Awesome The result should look something like this Tailwind CSS list group with linksPerhaps you would like to add links for the items I recommend you use the following markup to do that lt div class bg white rounded lg border border gray w text gray text sm font medium gt lt a href aria current true class block px py border b border gray w full rounded t lg bg blue text white cursor pointer gt Profile lt a gt lt a href class block px py border b border gray w full hover bg gray hover text blue focus outline none focus ring focus ring blue focus text blue cursor pointer gt Settings lt a gt lt a href class block px py border b border gray w full hover bg gray hover text blue focus outline none focus ring focus ring blue focus text blue cursor pointer gt Messages lt a gt lt a href class block px py border b border gray w full rounded b lg hover bg gray hover text blue focus outline none focus ring focus ring blue focus text blue cursor pointer gt Download lt a gt lt div gt As you can see the first element for this component also has an active style I hope that this short tutorial has further helped you with your journey with Tailwind CSS Flowbite Tailwind CSS component libraryThis Tailwind CSS list group element is part of a larger open source component library built with the utility classes from Tailwind CSS called Flowbite You can quickly get started by downloading it via NPM and requiring it as a plugin in your existing Tailwind CSS project and be able to start using interactive elements such as dropdowns modals datepickers and more 2021-11-09 13:17:18
海外TECH DEV Community Logistics Cost Components https://dev.to/nandinisinghal2323/logistics-cost-components-ch Logistics Cost ComponentsUnderstanding Logistics CostsThe logistics industry has been the backbone of economies for a long time The industry is not only critical to the administration of countries but also to ensure that business is able to thrive However the industry is complicated involving a myriad of stages and players making it difficult to identify what it is composed of There are several components of a logistics operation and all of them play an important part in ensuring that consumers and producers are connected through a network of vehicles and facilities In this article we discuss what are the different components of logistics and how they contribute to logistics expenses Components of Logistics Costs ShippingShipping can be considered one of the most basic activities of the logistics industry The process is simply the movement of goods from one location to another however can include a variety of methods to do the same depending on the distance time frame and type Shipping costs include moving the product from the first mile to the last mile typically involving air sea and surface transportation and last mile delivery It can be used to get products to a retail outlet or in the hands of a customer WarehousingStorage of products is another important role that the logistics industry plays It is necessary to maintain a facility where businesses can store their products till such time as they are required by the customer or perhaps another location The cost of warehousing may include expenses associated with construction and maintenance of a self owned facility or the expense of rent should a business lease storage space from a third party provider InventoryManaging inventory is critical to ensure the smooth flow of products and information within a business The process ensures that the right products are being moved to the right locations within the stipulated time The practice of inventory management also helps businesses keep track of their stock levels Inventory management is done through software and staff that operate a storage facility These costs usually include software licensing fees staff operating costs and other maintenance costs PackagingPackaging is often overlooked as an expense however is a very important part of the logistics finances If a business ignores the expenses associated with the packaging of products it is likely that the costs will mount up quickly Packaging includes the price of packaging materials wages for labour involved in packaging and moving the packaging material itself Managing Logistics CostsSince logistics is so important for the business economy it is important that companies assess their costs and manage them accordingly to maintain profitability Here are some ways businesses can manage their logistics costs in the eCommerce industry Find a source closer to the base of operationsFinding a source for the materials required to conduct business is a great way to save on logistics costs Since the distance travelled by products will be reduced the costs associated with it will automatically go down Distribute inventory based on analyticsWhen businesses decentralize their inventory they can move their products closer to their customers depending on where the demand is This not only allows faster dispatch and delivery but also saves costs in terms of long hauls of single items for every order placed Purchase packaging material in bulkPackaging material cannot be eliminated from the logistics process therefore it makes financial sense to buy products from enterprises in bulk This allows businesses to save on upfront costs while also getting a lasting supply Choose the right logistics partnersChoosing the right logistics partner is extremely important for a business The ideal partner would price its services reasonably while also enabling businesses to scale faster and reach more customers The right partner can help businesses become more efficient and profitable ConclusionLogistics costs are important to understand before starting a business Even for already existing businesses understanding the dynamics of logistics and how the costs affect a business is critical to the success and expansion of the enterprise Since the industry and the processes involved are so complicated only a deep understanding and study of the sector can help businesses tackle unnecessary expenses 2021-11-09 13:15:22
海外TECH DEV Community 🤯 Private S3 HTTP Server https://dev.to/rowlinsonmike/private-s3-http-server-egh Private S HTTP Server What are we solving here In my AWS adventures I ve come across use cases where it d be awesome to have easy access internally to some files in AWS without making something public or creating an S bucket behind a Cloudfront behind a WAF with a whitelist rule Anyway http server is an awesome package that does this exact thing for file shares So I figured I d fork the code base and replace all the file server bits with S calls Opening the hood of http server I realized for my specific use case most of the code has features I didn t need So I opted to create s http server from scratch with http server as inspiration What follows is an explanation of the interesting bits A look at the codeFirstly the stack used for this solution nodejs javascript runtimeexpress http serverpug template engineThe most important features are listing downloading and uploading objects Listing ObjectsThe code snippet for this is straight forward but ensuring you are only returning objects AND prefixes at a given level is a little obscure Below is the excerpt of code from the express route s async function handler const AWS require aws sdk const s new AWS S const Bucket MyBucket const Prefix const sRes await s listObjectsV Bucket Prefix Delimiter MaxKeys promise const data sRes CommonPrefixes map Prefix gt Key Prefix isDir true sRes Contents filter c gt c Key Prefix map Key gt Key isDir false The first part returns a list of s objects at a given prefix Note that in a large bucket you would want to handle pagination of the objects as well The shenanigans creating the data variable is the good part If for example you call listObjectsV with a Prefix of the root of the bucket you only get objects in the return object s Content property To get the prefixes at the root or anywhere else you ll need to look at the CommonPrefixes property Downloading ObjectsThe downloading of an object in S is a fun implementation as well Here is an abstracted excerpt of that code const readStream new stream PassThrough const fileName res set Content disposition attachment filename fileName s getObject Bucket bucket Key decodeURI req originalUrl substring on error err gt console log err on httpData chunk gt readStream push chunk on httpDone gt readStream end send readStream pipe res This works by creating a pass through stream We then call getObject and configure a listener for httpData Each time the listener function fires the stream gets the current chunk pushed into it Finally we pipe the stream to the express response stream Uploading ObjectsThe client website also allows uploading objects into the current S prefix const form new formidable IncomingForm form parse req async function err fields files const originalFilename filepath files filetoupload const rawData fs readFileSync filepath await s upload Bucket bucket Key req originalUrl substring originalFilename Body rawData promise We leverage the formidable package to simplify the file upload Simply call the IncomingForm function and follow that up with the parse function on the return object The callback passed to the parse function is where the magic happens We get a local file path of the file that has been uploaded and the file name We then read the uploaded file into memory and create a key using the current prefix and supplied file name which is all passed to the s upload function Using the npm packageHere s the s http server repo if you d like to look at the code base in full Install the package with npmnpm install s http server globalMake sure you have AWS keys available in the environmentRun the following to fire up the servers http server my bucket nameNavigate to http localhost and start browsing your bucket Wrap upThanks for reading There are a few libraries in the wild that serve a similar purpose This was my take on it I ll add features like deletion of objects and website serving in the future Let me know if you have any suggestions Peace ️ 2021-11-09 13:12:04
海外TECH DEV Community Responsive Personal Portfolio Website with HTML CSS JS - Part 4 https://dev.to/codewithsadee/responsive-personal-portfolio-website-with-html-css-js-part-4-3dpp Responsive Personal Portfolio Website with HTML CSS JS Part Responsive personal portfolio website with html css jsIn this video series I will show you how to build a Complete Responsive Personal Portfolio Website using HTML CSS JavaScript Website features pagesFully Responsive and mobile friendlyAwesome Page NavigationFilterable item showcaseHI I m Sadee webdev In this channel I make videos about Complete Responsive website You can checkout my channel My Channel codewithsadeeSubscribe subscribe nowNew videos Every Friday amp Tuesday Recommended VideosPart Part Part Essential linksImages image zipFont PoppinsIonicon How to use ionicon Source Code ️Timestamp Demo Blog section Media queries Like Follow amp Subscribe MeTwitter Github YouTube codewithsadeeBuy Me A Coffee Patreon 2021-11-09 13:01:34
海外TECH DEV Community 27 open-source tools that can make your Kubernetes workflow easier 🚀🥳 https://dev.to/signoz/27-open-source-tools-that-can-make-your-kubernetes-workflow-easier-5ai2 open source tools that can make your Kubernetes workflow easier Kubernetes is complex as accepted by Google itself If you need more proof here is an interesting collection of Kubernetes failure stories But Kubernetes is also a powerful container orchestration engine for automating deployment scaling and management of containerized application So the way forward is to make Kubernetes easier And fortunately there are some amazing tools available that can help you with your Kubernetes workflow Here s a list of open source tools that can make your Kubernetes workflow easier MinikubeMinikube helps you to quickly set up a local Kubernetes cluster on macOS Linux and Windows It is primarily focused to support local Kubernetes app development and help new Kubernetes users learn KubeboxKubebox is a terminal and web console for Kubernetes It can be a great tool for Kubernetes admins Some of its key features include Configuration from kubeconfig filesSwitch contexts interactivelyNamespace selection and pods list watchingContainer resources usage memory CPU network file system charts KopskOps is a popular Kubernetes operations tool kOps is like a kubectl for clusters It can help you create destroy upgrade and maintain production grade highly available Kubernetes cluster Kube burnerKube burner is a tool aimed at stressing kubernetes clusters Its functionalities can be summarized in these three steps Create delete the objects declared in the jobs Collect desired on cluster prometheus metrics Write and or index them to the configured TSDB Kube hunterKube hunter is used to hunt for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters The tool was developed to increase awareness and visibility for security issues in Kubernetes environments It is available as a container or you can also run its code yourself ksks provide a terminal UI that can be used to interact with Kubernetes clusters It watches Kubernetes clusters continuously for changes and offers subsequent commands to interact with observed resources Some of its key features include Tracks in real time activities of resources running in your Kubernetes clusterTracks real time metrics associates with resources such as pods containers and nodesDrill down directly to what s wrong with your cluster s resourcesSupports for viewing RBAC rules such as cluster roles ksKs is a lightweight version of Kubernetes in a single binary less than MB It is designed for production workloads in unattended resource constrained remote locations or inside IoT appliances Its single binary executable reduces dependencies and steps needed to install run and auto update a production Kubernetes cluster HelmHelm is a popular open source package manager for Kubernetes It is used to create reproducible build of your Kubernetes applications Using Helm you can Use popular software packaged as Helm chartsShare your own applications as helm chartsIntelligently manage Kubernetes manifest filesManage releases of Helm packages NacosNacos is a platform tool used for dynamic service discovery service configuration and traffic management It supports discovering configuring and managing almost all types of services Some key features of Nacos includes Service discovery and service health checkDynamic configuration manegementDynamic DNS serviceService governance and metadata management KanikoKaniko is a tool created by Google not officially supported by Google that is used to build container images from a Dockerfile inside a container or Kubernetes cluster It makes container building easier on Kubernetes Kaniko doesn t depend on a Docker daemon and executes each command within a Dockerfile completely in userspace This enables building container images in environments that can t easily or securely run a Docker daemon such as a standard Kubernetes cluster Kube monkeyKube monkey is an implementation of Netflix s chaos monkey for Kubernetes clusters Chaos Monkey is a resiliency tool that randomly terminates virtual machine instances and containers prompting engineers to build resilient services Kube monkey randomly deletes ks pods in the cluster to encourage the development of failure resistant services TeleportTeleport is available as a single binary that can be used to enable secure access to SSH nodes kubernetes clusters web apps PostgreSQL and MySQL databases Some of the key features of Teleport includes Provides certificate based authentication for SSH and KubernetesLogs all activity across your infrastructureRecording of user s screen during their SSH session for real time or later playback KubesprayKubespray can be used to deploy a production ready Kubernetes cluster Some of the key features of Kubespray includes Can be deployed on all cloud vendors like AWS GCE Azure OpenStack vSphere Equinix metal bare metal Oracle cloud infrastructure etc Highly available clustersSupports popular Linux distributionsContinuous integration tests Kube benchKube bench can be used to check whether Kubernetes is deployed securely by running the checks documented in the CIS Kubernetes benchmark CIS benchmarks are best practices for the secure configuration of a target system Kube bench implements CIS benchmarks as closely as possible Tests can be configured with YAML files making it easy to update as test specifications evolve Project QuayQuay can be used to build store and distribute your applications and containers Its container image registries let you store container images in a central location Regular users of Project Quay can create repositories to organize their images and add read and write access to the repositories that users control Admin users can perform a broader set of tasks such as the ability to add users and control default settings Kube applierKube applier enables continuous deployment of Kubernetes objects by applying declarative configuration files from a Git repository to a Kubernetes cluster It runs as a Pod in a Kubernetes cluster and watches the Git repo to ensure that the cluster objects are up to date with their associated spec files JSON or YAML in the repo KubetailKubetail enables you to aggregate logs from multiple pods into one stream It is same as running kubectl logs f but for multiple pods Getting logs from multiple pods is often required and that s where Kubetail helps developers Kubetail is a simple bash script that allows you to tail multiple pods simultaneously in an easy manner Kube state metricsKube state metrics enables you to get metrics based on the current state of Kubernetes native resources It is a simple service that listens to the Kubernetes API server and generates metrics about the state of the objects A few example metrics captured by kube state metrics are kube pod container status restarts totalkube deployment status replicaskube pod container resource requestskube pod container resource limits KubevalKubeval is used to validate Kubernetes configuration files It can be used locally as part of the development workflow as well as in CI pipelines Kubeval validates configuration files using schemas generated from the Kubernetes OpenAPI specification Kube psThis is a handy tool that lets you add the current Kubernetes context and namespace configured on kubectl to your Bash Zsh prompt strings i e the  PS It can be installed using Homebrew package manager KubectxKubectx provides an easier and a faster way to switch between clusters back and forth KubecostKubecost can be used to gain visibility into current and historical Kubernetes spend and resource allocation The models prepared by Kubecost provide cost transparency in Kubernetes environments that support multiple applications teams departments etc KubeDBKubeDB is used to run production grade databases on Kubernetes It simplifies and automates routine database tasks such as provisioning patching backup recovery failure detection and repair for various popular databases on private and public clouds SkaffoldSkaffold is a tool by Google that facilitates continuous development for kubernetes applications You can iterate on your application source code locally then deploy to local or remote Kubernetes clusters Skaffold then handles the workflow for building pushing and deploying the application It also provides building blocks and describe customizations for a CI CD pipeline TiltTilt is a tool focused on microservice development Using Tilt you can configure a dev environment for your team Some of key features of Tilt includes Runs automated rebuilds as you edit in your IDEDeploys code to running containersHandles repetitive and tediuos parts of your workflowShare dev environment for collaborating on issues Kubernetes dashboardKubernetes Dashboard is a general purpose web based UI for Kubernetes clusters Provided by Kubernetes it allows users to manage applications running in the cluster and troubleshoot them as well as manage the cluster itself The dashboard can be used to get an overview of applications running on your cluster It can also create or modify individual Kubernetes resources such as deployments dobs and daemonsets KongKong API gateway is a cloud native platform agnostic scalable API Gateway It provides functionalities for authentication security traffic control analytics monitoring and logging for Kubernetes Hope you enjoyed the list We are currently building SigNoz an open source full stack APM By full stack we mean it can be used for metrics logs and distributed tracing in a single pane of glass SigNoz uses OpenTelemetry for code instrumentation which is quietly becoming the world standard for generating telemetry data If this sounds interesting to you check out our GitHub repo SigNoz signoz SigNoz helps developers monitor their applications amp troubleshoot problems an open source alternative to DataDog NewRelic etc Open source Application Performance Monitoring APM amp Observability tool Monitor your applications and troubleshoot problems in your deployed applications an open source alternative to DataDog New Relic etc Documentation • ReadMe in Chinese • ReadMe in German • ReadMe in Portuguese • Slack Community • TwitterSigNoz helps developers monitor applications and troubleshoot problems in their deployed applications SigNoz uses distributed tracing to gain visibility into your software stack You can see metrics like p latency error rates for your services external API calls and individual end points You can find the root cause of the problem by going to the exact traces which are causing the problem and see detailed flamegraphs of individual request traces Run aggregates on trace data to get business relevant metricsJoin our Slack communityCome say Hi to us on Slack Features Application overview metrics like RPS th th th Percentile latencies and Error RateSlowest endpoints in your applicationSee exact… View on GitHub 2021-11-09 13:00:59
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