Engadget Japanese |
Amazon、Alexaのより自然な会話モードをEcho Show 10向けに提供開始 |
alexa |
2021-11-19 07:30:27 |
ロボスタ |
ソードアート・オンラインの世界をVRで再現 スマホ・PC、VRデバイスで入場可能 「ソードアート・オンライン –エクスクロニクル– Online Edition」 |
onlineedition |
2021-11-19 07:53:12 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] iPhoneのTouch IDはなぜ復活しないのか メーカー事情から考える |
iphone |
2021-11-19 16:30:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
ケンブリッジ大、ブロックチェーン上にカーボンクレジットの取引市場構築へ |
naturebasedsolutionsnbs |
2021-11-19 07:00:10 |
AWS Japan Blog |
re:Invent 2021 消費財業界向け参加者ガイド |
現地参加で登録された方はオンラインでの参加も可能です。 |
2021-11-19 07:19:44 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
機械学習入門 vol.3 Pythonの基礎3 関数・クラス・モジュール |
以下はmymathファイルに記述されているadd関数を実行する場合の記述ですmypackagemylibaddxfrom句を使って、プログラム中で目的のクラスや関数だけ書けば利用できるように読み込むことができます。 |
2021-11-19 16:49:33 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
自然言語処理の技術をAPI化し、レスポンス結果として受け取るとき、タイムアウトなどしてしまうときの対処 |
自然言語処理の技術をAPI化し、レスポンス結果として受け取るとき、タイムアウトなどしてしまうときの対処・自然言語処理の技術をAPI化し、レスポンス結果で受け取るとき、ベクトル化の部分などで時間が掛かりタイムアウトエラーになることがある。 |
2021-11-19 16:30:20 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptでひらなが⇄漢字へ変換するAPIを叩くスクリプトforサジェスト機能の辞書データ |
このAPIも配列を渡したりしてまとめて漢字→ひらがな変換はできなかったので。 |
2021-11-19 16:58:21 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【javascript】プロパティーとディスクリプター |
その設定を変更するのがディスクリプターディスクリプターの種類ディスクリプターvalueバリュー値の設定configurableコンフィグラブル設定変更可能性enumerableエニュメレイタブル列挙可能性ループなどの時にプロパティが参照されるかどうかwritableライタブル値の変更可能性caseディスクリプターを確認する。 |
2021-11-19 16:46:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JSのみで画像ダウンロードするやつ |
2021-11-19 16:05:30 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【javascript】Symbol |
例えば、Stringに新しいメソッドを追加したい場合にSymbolを使用して一意のメソッドを追加することができる。 |
2021-11-19 16:03:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
deviseでのomniauthの自作ストラテジーを作成したが読み込まれない |
②自作ストラテジー自体はどこのファイルパスに置くべきですか③deviseを用いているので自動でomniauthのstrategyを読み込まれてしまいます。 |
2021-11-19 16:57:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
開発中のアプリでスクリーンショットを可能にし、撮影した写真をスマホ内のカメラロールに保存できるようにしたいです |
開発中のアプリでスクリーンショットを可能にし、撮影した写真をスマホ内のカメラロールに保存できるようにしたいです前提・実現したいこと現在こちらのサイトを参考に、開発しているアプリで写真の撮影をしたいと考えています。 |
2021-11-19 16:57:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unityで外部プロジェクトのみを更新する方法 |
Unityで外部プロジェクトのみを更新する方法前提・実現したいことUnityで外部プロジェクトをgitnbspcloneして、コードの一部を書き換えてアプリ開発をしています。 |
2021-11-19 16:55:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Wear OS アプリにてログを残したい |
アプリを実際のスマートウォッチにインストールして、正常に動くことを確認しました。 |
2021-11-19 16:53:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Googleサイトの更新を通知したい |
Googleサイトの更新を通知したい今年リニューアルした新しいGoogleサイトでお知らせ機能が実装されていません。 |
2021-11-19 16:53:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C言語 プログラムが途中で止まる |
C言語プログラムが途中で止まるvscodeを使用しています。 |
2021-11-19 16:41:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
vue.jsでcheckboxの値を定義したい |
vuejsでcheckboxの値を定義したい前提・実現したいことVuejsを利用して、蔵書管理アプリを作成しています。 |
2021-11-19 16:39:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python Socketでrecv()で設定したサイズ以上のデータ受信について |
PythonSocketでrecvで設定したサイズ以上のデータ受信について前提・実現したいことPythonでsocketを使い、チャットファイル送受信ソフトを作りたいですチャット機能自体は作れたのですが、ファイル受信の機能がうまく作れません受信側のrecvで設定したサイズ以上のデータを送ると全て送れず、下記のコードで受信をループさせると今度は終わらせることができません。 |
2021-11-19 16:36:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
セレクトボックスで選択したものをDBで文字で受け取りたい |
trainingモデルであらかじめ筋トレの種目を登録しておいて、articleモデルで、trainingモデルで登録した種目を選択して投稿します。 |
2021-11-19 16:32:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
unityゲーム実行時、エラーが生じると落ちる時と落ちない場合があるのはなぜか |
unity |
2021-11-19 16:27:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
yum install で失敗、依存関係のライブラリを削除できない |
yuminstallで失敗、依存関係のライブラリを削除できないお世話になっております。 |
2021-11-19 16:26:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
preg_replace で 特定のクラス名のついたのHTMLタグ一式を取り除く |
pregreplaceで特定のクラス名のついたのHTMLタグ一式を取り除くpregreplaceを勉強中です。 |
2021-11-19 16:26:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
(Python)文字の結合について(※'.'の付与) |
Python文字の結合について※xxの付与前提・実現したいことPythonにて文字の結合を行いたいと考えています。 |
2021-11-19 16:24:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
シェルスクリプト(bash)関数の引数や戻り値について |
bparamsubechoresultparam |
2021-11-19 16:17:49 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ある条件下での任意の空白セルへの他セルのコピー&ペースト |
ある条件下での任意の空白セルへの他セルのコピーampペースト前提・実現したいこと毎朝件程度回答があるGoogleformの回答スプレッドシートに対し、任意の列の空白セルを下方向に検索する。 |
2021-11-19 16:05:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MYSQL PHP(HTML) 画像表示について |
2021-11-19 16:03:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【replace関数】文字列を半分にする置換方法について正規表現で簡潔に表したいです。 |
【replace関数】文字列を半分にする置換方法について正規表現で簡潔に表したいです。 |
2021-11-19 16:02:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Accuracyとマシューズ相関係数について |
Accuracyとマシューズ相関係数についてAccuracyの代わりに、マシューズ相関係数を用いてもよろしいのでしょうかマシューズ相関係数は、値分類問題の評価指標として用いられておりますが、これを、に近づいているから正しく学習できているという判断材料にしても良いのでしょうか。 |
2021-11-19 16:01:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHPで一時データを保持する方法 |
PHPで一時データを保持する方法前提・実現したいことAccessだと、ファイル内にローカルテーブルを作成でき、データをファイルごとに保持可能かと思いますが、PHPなどのWebシステムではDBサーバーの一時テーブルを使うしかないでしょうか。 |
2021-11-19 16:00:55 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【初心者】AWS Wavelengthを使ってみる #4 (Janus によるWebRTC ビデオ通信) |
ビデオ会議のように、相互に映像や音が伝送されることを確認できる。 |
2021-11-19 16:51:39 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
EC2 に DataSync エージェントを構築する場合のインスタンスタイプ要件はありますか? |
datasync |
2021-11-19 07:56:48 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS環境でAquaを導入するハンズオンをやってみた |
modernizationwithaqua |
2021-11-19 07:10:31 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[アップデート] AWS Control Tower で入れ子構造の OU を利用できる様になりました |
awscontroltower |
2021-11-19 07:07:10 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Singleton Pattern | Design Patterns in Java |
Singleton Pattern Design Patterns in JavaCreational design pattern Watch a Java implementation of the Singleton Pattern where we use double checked locking DCL for thread safety |
2021-11-19 07:47:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Contributing to a Class Repo |
Contributing to a Class Repo IntroOne of the courses I previously took at Seneca IPC is getting a major overhaul to their website and through my open source class I had the opportunity to contribute to this project There was a huge meta issue with all the pages that needed to be updated and I decided to take on the task of auditing and fixing the arrays md page because I like arrays Approaching the TaskIf you take a look at the issue there was quite a significant list of things to be completed I first forked and cloned the issue created a new branch for my issue called issue and started up the website to see how it looked After this I tackled the list one by one checking off tasks as I completed them and creating commits for each one Some of the changes I made included fixing typosadding intra site links and adding descriptive text to linksadding Frontmatter id arraystitle Arrays sidebar position slug data structures arraysdescription An array is a data structure consisting of an ordered set of elements of common type that are stored contiguously in memory adding syntax highlightingfixing some HTML that was causing console errorsFor example in the HTML tables there were no lt thead gt or lt tbody gt tags which caused the lt tr gt cannot appear as a child of lt table gt error and the columns were using colspan instead of colSpan I pushed all these changes to the issue branch and created a pull request in the main repository Receiving ReviewsI received so many helpful reviews to my pull request For example the image on the page was difficult to see in dark mode and I had forgotten to add alt text Two of my classmates Tengzhen and Minsu pointed these out to me and Tengzhen suggested that I could save the image and add a white background so that the black text would still be visible on a black background This is what the image looked like before As you can see the circled text is barely visible in dark mode After the fix it s clearer Jerry suggested that I could convert the tables to images since the tables didn t look great on all screen sizes and in his case he needed to scroll to see the full table This is how a table looked for Jerry After the fix all the tables are images and resize according to the page size Finally Kien pointed out a typo as well as a broken link on the page Although I had checked over my work before creating the pull request I guess the great thing about open source is even if you miss something you can get a lot of great input from the community and suggestions on how to make things even better It was a bit overwhelming working on such a large meta issue because everyone had different ways of approaching the tasks but it was a great learning experience and made me very appreciative of working with a open source community |
2021-11-19 07:42:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
HTML tags | bdo |
HTML tags bdoThe lt bdo gt element Bi Directional Override overrides the current directionality of text so that the text within is rendered in a different direction The text s characters are drawn from the starting point in the given direction the individual characters orientation is not affected so characters don t get drawn backward for example It has a dir attribute to specify the direction in which text should be rendered in this element s contents Possible values are ltr Indicates that the text should go in a left to right direction rtl Indicates that the text should go in a right to left direction Most browsers will display the lt bdo gt element with the following default CSS value bdo unicode bidi bidi override Type inlineSelf closing NoSemantic value NoDefinition Example Support |
2021-11-19 07:22:52 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Git Tip: Keeping an eye on the source repository |
Git Tip Keeping an eye on the source repository Why do I need to check out a source repository alongside my forked repository It helps you to compare the source code of the forked repository with the source code of the source repository It also helps you to see the changes made in the source repository Checking out the source repositoryStep Open a Git Bash terminal Step Change directory to the directory where you have cloned the repository Step Check out the source branch Command syntax git remote add repo name url of source repositoryRunnning the command will add a remote repository named repo name to the local repository Step Fetch the source branch Command syntax git fetch repo name master Runnning the command will fetch the master branch from the remote repository Comparing the two repositoriesTo compare the two repositories you can use the following command git diff stat origin master repo name masterThe option stat shows the number of added deleted and modified lines and not the actual content of the files Don t use stat if you want to see the actual content of the files Checking latest commits in the source repositoryTo see the latest commits in the source repository you can use the following command git log oneline graph after date before date author author repo name masterThe option oneline shows the commit message The option graph is used to show the commit graph The option after date shows the commits after the date The option before date shows the commits before the date The option author author shows the commits made by the author There can be many more options to filter the commits Check the Git log documentation for more information Thank you for reading If you want to connect with me you can find me on Twitter abhnavv |
2021-11-19 07:20:52 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The Open Source Story - Open Sourcing RudderStack Blog and Docs |
The Open Source Story Open Sourcing RudderStack Blog and Docs It s all About Open SourceOpen source is a component of almost all software development that takes place today If you look back the influence has been potent For example the main reason Python became the language most suited for machine learning is the open source contributors In fact because of the enormous size of the open source community that is tirelessly developing Python Google open sourced TensorFlow Joe Worrall Director of Open Source and Developer Advocacy at New Relic describes the dynamics behind the power of building contributor centric systems Contributors don t give to the cause They are a part of it RudderStack is an open source customer data pipeline tool for developers Being open source is a tag we wear with pride so much so that we recently partnered with GitHub for GitHub Sponsors for Companies We value the developer community that works hard to build and support open source projects In a recent blog we explained why RudderStack directly compensates developers for their contributions to our project This post discusses why and how we open sourced our content and took the next step in our open source journey Why we Open Sourced our Blog and DocsSaid simply bringing more voices to the table increases our content s quality and value both in thought leadership and our technical documentation We want developers to share their ideas thoughts and findings while working with RudderStack customer data and data in general We want to learn about the data stacks you are building problems you are solving and solutions you are creating Blogs tutorials and even case studies are great ways to share that knowledge In short we want you to contribute Our Previous Blog InfrastructureWe used WordPress for our blog before we decided to open source it WordPress itself is open source and is fantastic for its simplicity SEO settings advertising and flexible themes In fact WordPress is the numero uno choice of bloggers for hosting their own websites as per Tech Radar From a site performance and version control standpoint though it s less straightforward than more modern tooling Also to allow contribution you have to use some sort of plugin like User Submitted Posts a less than ideal experience for developers and opens up your dashboard to outside users All in all building an open source version controlled blog that enables developers to create content and submit it via pull requests easily is a cumbersome and tricky process on WordPress Open Source Frameworks Options for our BlogWhen we decided to open source our blog and docs we were spoilt for choices Today there are multiple well supported and fully featured frameworks for open source content creation Some of the options that we considered were Ghost Jekyll Hugo Nanoc and Gatsby There are even more frameworks beyond these and each tool has its pros and cons Which one do we recommend Well we don t The best tool for you is the one that fulfills your requirements Why we Picked GatsbyWe picked Gatsby js as the framework for open sourcing our content While making the decision Jekyll was a strong contender but the final choice for us was Gatsby Here s why we chose it Writing content in Gatsby is simple and developer friendly It uses Markdown for formatting It just takes two plugins to set it up gatsby source filesystem and gatsby transformer remark Integration with GitHub Pages is simple which was a priority for us Gatsby has a rich library of plugins which you can use for extending and introducing additional functionalities in fact through GitHub Sponsors we had a RudderStack plugin made Implementing Gatsby is relatively straightforward in most cases You can check their docs to see how to get started with Gatsby js Gatsby is super high performance meaning speedy page load times Gatsby allows creating an interactive experience for the readers A vast modern web development community contributes to it Wait What About the Docs Our docs still run on Gitbook but are now open sourced so that others can contribute We are currently exploring other open source frameworks like Slate that will give us more flexibility and better telemetry We will write another post when we make a decision and complete the migration We are Open Source now So the RudderStack Blog and Docs are now open source We re excited about contributions from the RudderStack community and beyond In fact developers have already started contributing to our documentation Recently Benedikt from the Userlist team created the docs for the Userlist destination for RudderStack see the pull request here They also built the Userlist integration submitted a pull request and it is now live on our platform This is the beauty of open source How to ContributeContributing to RudderStack is simple Visit RudderStack Blog to contribute to blogs or RudderStack Docs for docs If you wish to add a new blog doc click on Create new file or Upload files as shown in the following diagram Also to suggest changes to an existing file go to the file and select Edit this file Once you make the changes Click on Propose changes Once your Pull Request is created we will review the changes you ve made If everything looks okay our team will accept it or edit to make it reader friendly and Voilà Your changes will reflect on the pages Sign up for Free and Start Sending DataTest out our event stream ELT and reverse ETL pipelines Use our HTTP source to send data in less than minutes or install one of our SDKs in your website or app Get started |
2021-11-19 07:05:37 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Hating windows won't make you cool |
Hating windows won x t make you coolIt s five years of introducing myself as a Debian user in the OS world But I have full respect for Windows as well Well my dad uses Windows but that s not the reason you should hate Windows OS Microsoft Windows is with us from the start of OS development from But this is also not the reason you shouldn t hate Windows Reasons to not hate WindowsThe only reason I am stuck on Linux Debian OS is that it is good enough to fulfil my requirements Similarly many people are stuck in Windows because it is good enough to fulfil their requirements Well one of my college friends tried Linux he search for a piece of software to do some writing stuff he got LibreOffice and tried it FOR HIM LibreOffice wasn t good enough I told him to use Google Docs as well but at the end of the day it didn t match with him Also he was a Valorant player friend He search how to install Valorant in Linux And guess what he got disappointed Valorant isn t playable in Linux aka BANNEDSo we need to keep in mind that if something fulfils our requirement why one should change he her workflow In a nutshell we all want our tasks to be accomplished as soon as possible If something we currently own and does the task we want without any issue we re good to go with it peace linux amen |
2021-11-19 07:02:10 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What's the programming language to learn first? |
What x s the programming language to learn first First of all there is no BEST programming language to learn first It always depend on what you want to do with that language still whether you want to choose programming as a hobby as a career you have to first choose which programming language you have to learn In this blog I will give you some options so you can decide which programming language you could learn as your first programming language Following me on twitter helps me a lot Follow Now JavaScriptBeing one of the most popular language out there It is used in a variety of websites including Gmail Spotify Facebook and Instagram and many more It can communicate with HTML and CSS It is a must have when adding interactivity to websites Why choose JavaScript If you want to try out frontend development or even backend you can choose JavaScript PythonThis is also incredibly famous Python reads like English and is easy to understand for someone who is just starting to code Python is ideal to do web development graphic user interfaces GUIs and software development Python is often thought of as a slow language that requires more testing and is not as practical for developing mobile apps as other languages Why choose Python If you re looking for something easy python can be a choice for you CWhile C is one of the more difficult languages to learn it s still an excellent first language pick up because almost all programming languages are implemented in it This means that once you learn C it ll be simple to learn more languages like C and C Why choose c If you want a solid foundation to make you a master developer C is a solid choice for you Here was of the most famous and preferred language to use While Python and JavaScript are for beginners and C is kinda hard to learn Thanks for reading till here Cheers |
2021-11-19 07:01:37 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
India PM Narendra Modi repeals controversial farm laws |
controversial |
2021-11-19 07:09:18 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tim Paine: Australia Test captain steps down over historical investigation into texts sent to colleague |
Tim Paine Australia Test captain steps down over historical investigation into texts sent to colleagueTim Paine steps down as Australia Test captain just before the Ashes over a historical investigation into texts sent to a female colleague |
2021-11-19 07:19:42 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【オピニオン】東芝分割、悪しき日本的経営との決別か - WSJ発 |
日本的経営 |
2021-11-19 16:11:00 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
神栄がタイの食品販売事業から撤退、子会社解散し債権放棄 - 不景気.com |
shinyeithaila |
2021-11-19 07:53:28 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
22年卒大学生の10月内定率は71.2%、コロナ影響続く - 不景気.com |
厚生労働省 |
2021-11-19 07:13:22 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
【楽天ブラックフライデー】ダイソンのコードレス掃除機やルンバが31%オフ! 人気の家電がお買い得 |
楽天市場 |
2021-11-19 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
PS Storeで最大80%オフの「BLACK FRIDAY」セールが開催!『テイルズ オブ アライズ』が早くも30%オフに |
black |
2021-11-19 16:50:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
セブンにこだわりの「宇治抹茶シフォンケーキ」抹茶の香りを最大限にいかした |
久右衛門 |
2021-11-19 16:45:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『機動戦士ガンダムUCE』の制作舞台裏に迫る「【U.C. ENGAGE】新規アニメ化「ソロモンの悪夢」とは...」を配信決定! |
engage |
2021-11-19 16:45:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ニンニク祭りだ! 食欲そそるガリバタチキンが「からやま」に登場 |
食欲 |
2021-11-19 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
異文化交流を楽しもう! 第32回「ほどがや国際フェスタ」、岩間市民プラザ&特設サイトで開催 11月30日まで |
保土ケ谷 |
2021-11-19 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
人気タイトルが最大50%オフ!コーエーテクモゲームスがPS Storeやニンテンドーeショップで「Black Friday SALE」を開催 |
blackfridaysale |
2021-11-19 16:10:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
「どうみても事案」「冗談ですよね」 埼玉にいきなり出現した「あの足」に震撼する皆さん |
震撼 |
2021-11-19 08:00:29 |