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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
TECH Engadget Japanese アップル、Mac用外付けディスプレイを開発中か 廉価で小型との有力情報 https://japanese.engadget.com/apple-may-launch-new-prodisplay-xdr-071545576.html 有力情報 2021-12-20 07:15:45
ROBOT ロボスタ AI初!りんなが『ILLUSTRATION』に選出!GANを応用して生成したりんなの描画が『ILLUSTARION 2022』に掲載 https://robotstart.info/2021/12/20/rinna-illustration.html illustarion 2021-12-20 07:40:41
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] 「新型コロナワクチン接種証明書アプリ」サービス開始 何が必要? どうすれば使える? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2112/20/news128.html itmediamobile 2021-12-20 16:15:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia PC USER] デイトラ、女性の利用にも向く小ぶりなPCリュック https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/2112/20/news130.html itmediapcuser 2021-12-20 16:04:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] 20GB+専用帯域で勝負 NUROモバイルはなぜ“格安”じゃないプランを導入するのか https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2112/20/news127.html itmediamobilegb 2021-12-20 16:01:00
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders IIJ、セキュリティ専門家の育成プログラム「IIJセキュリティ教習所」を開設、教育コースを販売 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/22486 IIJ、セキュリティ専門家の育成プログラム「IIJセキュリティ教習所」を開設、教育コースを販売ITLeadersインターネットイニシアティブIIJは年月日、教育プログラム「IIJセキュリティ教習所」を開設したと発表した。 2021-12-20 16:23:00
AWS AWS Japan Blog サンタは今、どこ? Amazon Connect と Alexaで特定する。 https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/norad-santa-amazon-connect/ AmazonConnectを利用して電話を在宅で参加するボランティアメンバーのもとへと「転送」することで、NORADのスタッフや担当者は自宅やオフィスから電話に出ることができ、「NORADTracksSantaOperationsCenter」の現場にいるスタッフを支援することができます。 2021-12-20 07:31:01
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [py2rb] extend https://qiita.com/superrino130/items/28ae620e4d00ee838a4b concat 2021-12-20 16:48:52
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [py2rb] issubset https://qiita.com/superrino130/items/198327f5ba61f74c67f6 bsetrubyselfsubsetsetself 2021-12-20 16:26:27
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python: Ctrl+c (KeyboardInterrupt)での中断と例外の基本 https://qiita.com/BlueSilverCat/items/f38ba6a13cfdc9f5c56f printstarttryfuncprintsuccessexceptprintfail例外が発生した場合に実行されるelseprintelse例外が発生しなかった場合に実行されるfinallyprintfinish例外が発生してもしなくても最後に実行されるprintend特定の例外を処理するexceptと書いてしまうとKeyboardInterruptを含めた全ての例外を捕らえてしまいます。 2021-12-20 16:01:16
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Node.js デザインパターン Promise 逐次イテレーション https://qiita.com/thehighhigh/items/b410f3da91651bf4022e NodejsデザインパターンPromise逐次イテレーションNodejsで、Promiseを使用したイテレーションのデザインパターンについて学んだので書いていく。 2021-12-20 16:46:35
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Discord.py https://teratail.com/questions/374719?rss=all Discordpy前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 2021-12-20 16:54:16
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【Notion API】【GAS】リレーション属性指定について https://teratail.com/questions/374718?rss=all リレーションをAPIで指定する際には、リレーション先のIDを指定するだけで問題ないようにサイトに書いてあり、それを実行しましたが、予定が作成されません。 2021-12-20 16:53:19
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ダイアログにあるEditTextに入力した文字を、次のダイアログ内で表示したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/374717?rss=all ダイアログにあるEditTextに入力した文字を、次のダイアログ内で表示したい。 2021-12-20 16:41:31
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【python】dataframeの数値を条件別に当てはめ,列を追加したい https://teratail.com/questions/374716?rss=all 2021-12-20 16:35:06
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) unityのmeshcolliderがmesh通りにならない https://teratail.com/questions/374715?rss=all blender 2021-12-20 16:29:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【スプレッドシート】チェックボックスが入った行のデータを別シートに転記する方法 https://teratail.com/questions/374714?rss=all 通り 2021-12-20 16:25:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) vimでPHPファイルの編集をするときにHTMLのタグを補完できるようにしたいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/374713?rss=all vimでPHPファイルの編集をするときにHTMLのタグを補完できるようにしたいです。 2021-12-20 16:24:58
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) laravelとvue.jsでaxiosを使用しデータを取得したい https://teratail.com/questions/374712?rss=all laravelとvuejsでaxiosを使用しデータを取得したい現在、laravelとvuejsのaxiosを使い非同期処理でローカルDBのデータを取得するというのを実装しています。 2021-12-20 16:23:23
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ステレオマイクをLR別々でFFTに掛けたい https://teratail.com/questions/374711?rss=all ステレオマイクをLR別々でFFTに掛けたいPythonで、ステレオマイクの音声を、LR別々にリアルタイムFFTに掛けたいです。 2021-12-20 16:21:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) sql [HY000] error:1364について https://teratail.com/questions/374710?rss=all 2021-12-20 16:18:38
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 壊れたwindowsPCのSSDのデータを別のPCのLinuxMintで取り出したいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/374709?rss=all そのSSDには壊れたPCのwindowsといろんなデータがが入っています。 2021-12-20 16:18:32
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 2次元配列の特定の要素に基づくソートをしたい https://teratail.com/questions/374708?rss=all 2021-12-20 16:16:30
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [py2rb] extend https://qiita.com/superrino130/items/28ae620e4d00ee838a4b concat 2021-12-20 16:48:52
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】フラッシュメッセージの設定(bootstrap) https://qiita.com/mmaumtjgj/items/5ebf4673357dceab9de2 ltbodygtltrendersharedflashmessagegtltbodygtコントローラーにflash内容を記載flashは、デフォルトでalertとnoticeの種類のキーしか用意されていないため、applicationcontrollerrbに設定を追加するとデフォルトのalertとnotice以外で、Bootstrapに用意されているスタイルのフラッシュを定義出来る。 2021-12-20 16:39:41
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [py2rb] issubset https://qiita.com/superrino130/items/198327f5ba61f74c67f6 bsetrubyselfsubsetsetself 2021-12-20 16:26:27
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】マイグレーションのGeneratorから学ぶ命名規則 https://qiita.com/evitch/items/8a745f0b20e57dc596e8 railsgmigrationaddtokentouserauthtokentoken↓classAddTokenToUserltActiveRecordMigrationdefchangeaddcolumnusersauthtokenstringaddindexusersauthtokenuniquetrueendendremoveXfromYカラムやインデックスなどを削除するマイグレーションファイルを生成します。 2021-12-20 16:25:50
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita kind + Knativeでローカルにサーバーレス環境をつくる https://qiita.com/miekoma/items/e559c065ccbeb2ba1572 次にこの設定ファイルを使って、クラスターを作成します。 2021-12-20 16:53:18
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Linux環境でKubernetesクラスターを動かす https://qiita.com/miekoma/items/cb1dd4528f19ff8eb37a 今回構築した環境はこちらUbuntuDockerversionkubectlversionkindversionインストール手順まずはインストール作業に必要となるパッケージをインストールしておきます。 2021-12-20 16:45:40
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Linux環境でKubernetesクラスターを動かす https://qiita.com/miekoma/items/cb1dd4528f19ff8eb37a 今回構築した環境はこちらUbuntuDockerversionkubectlversionkindversionインストール手順まずはインストール作業に必要となるパッケージをインストールしておきます。 2021-12-20 16:45:40
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】フラッシュメッセージの設定(bootstrap) https://qiita.com/mmaumtjgj/items/5ebf4673357dceab9de2 ltbodygtltrendersharedflashmessagegtltbodygtコントローラーにflash内容を記載flashは、デフォルトでalertとnoticeの種類のキーしか用意されていないため、applicationcontrollerrbに設定を追加するとデフォルトのalertとnotice以外で、Bootstrapに用意されているスタイルのフラッシュを定義出来る。 2021-12-20 16:39:41
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】マイグレーションのGeneratorから学ぶ命名規則 https://qiita.com/evitch/items/8a745f0b20e57dc596e8 railsgmigrationaddtokentouserauthtokentoken↓classAddTokenToUserltActiveRecordMigrationdefchangeaddcolumnusersauthtokenstringaddindexusersauthtokenuniquetrueendendremoveXfromYカラムやインデックスなどを削除するマイグレーションファイルを生成します。 2021-12-20 16:25:50
技術ブログ Developers.IO 【登壇レポート】NITKハッカソンでクラウド入門の研修を行います https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/nitkhack-cloud-introduction/ 高専 2021-12-20 07:32:55
海外TECH DEV Community Understanding Built In Angular Directives - Part 1 https://dev.to/anubhab5/understanding-built-in-angular-directives-part-1-oln Understanding Built In Angular Directives Part Today we will learn the built in directives Angular provides Before diving in we need to understand what is a directive As per Angular s definition Directives are classes that add additional behavior to elements in your Angular applicationsSo now lets break it into simpler words to understand A normal HTML element tag like ul li is used to show some text in bullet form Eg lt ul gt lt li gt lt li gt lt li gt lt li gt lt li gt lt li gt lt ul gt will only display the text like below It don t have any extra ability like adding CSS class or styles on the basis of a condition show hide items on the basis of certain condition etc To give the normal HTML element an extra power the Angular introduced the concept of Directive It is a class that does all the trick magic internally behind the scene So lets dive in to understand the various directives available in Angular There are broadly three different types of directives Component Directive Will talk about it at the very end Attribute DirectivengClassngStylengModelStructural DirectivengIfngForngSwitchAttribute DirectivesDirectives that changes the behavior of HTML element s attributes on which it has been used Behavior includes CSS style CSS class etc ngClassThis directive adds or removes CSS class on the element it has been added to on the basis of a condition Lets see in practice Lets create a project and create a component attributeDirectiveDemo If you are not familiar about angular component or how to create one I would suggest you to go through the below link Creating Angular ComponentThere are different syntax of using ngClass directivea Directly passing class name to the ngClass directive ngClass lt class name gt Step Add CSS classes to the css fileIn the file showed with arrow in the above image lets put the below CSS code success color green error color red These are two simple CSS classes named successand error When success class is used it will color the text green While the error class will color the text with red Step Use the directive in the template HTML fileNow lets open the html file and paste the below code lt div ngClass success gt Server One lt div gt lt div ngClass error gt Server Two lt div gt Run the application and once you navigate to localhost you will see the below output Now lets understand the code we wrote in html file All the attribute directives are written inside a Square Bracket The directive name is placed inside the square bracket Then the equal operator comes followed by the class name The class name success erroris enclosed in double quotes and single quote Here the order of quotes is not important You can also use lt div ngClass success gt Server One lt div gt But you should not be writing like below code If you just use a pair of double quotes and write the class name inside it like below lt div ngClass success gt Server One lt div gt Then Angular will think success as a variable property present in the component ts file and will throw error and not work as expected b Applying a CSS class on the basis of a condition ngClass lt class name gt lt condition gt StepNow lets open the component typescript file and add a variableserverOneStatus and initialize it with the value up StepNow lets open the component html file and type in the below code lt div ngClass success serverOneStatus up gt Server One lt div gt Now once you open the application in browser you will see the below output The text is becoming green so the success class is getting correctly applied So here in the above code we are checking if the variable serverOneStatus has a value of up Remember we initialized the variable serverOneStatus in the TS file with the value up i e the condition evaluates to true then the corresponding CSS class success will be applied else the CSS class wont be applied c Applying Multiple ConditionWe can also pass multiple condition to ngClass directive ngClass lt Class gt lt Condition gt lt Class gt lt Condition gt So here we are adding one more class along with the condition separated by a Depending on which condition evaluates to true the corresponding class will be applied If both the condition results to true then both the class will be applied Lets see how it can be implemented in our code lt div ngClass success serverOneStatus up error serverOneStatus down gt Server One lt div gt So here we added an extra class and an extra condition error serverOneStatus down Now lets understand the whole stuff if the variable serverOneStatus has a value up then the success class will be appended and if the variable holds a value down then the error class will be appended to the element on which ngClass is used here in this case div d Passing Ternary operator to ngClassWe can also pass condition by using ternary operator ngClass lt codition gt lt Class Name gt lt Class Name gt So now lets open the component html file and add the below code lt div ngClass serverOneStatus up success error gt Server One lt div gt Here we are passing a ternary operator We are checking a condition if the condition serverOneStatus up evaluates to true then the success class will be appended else error Now if you see in browser you will see the text is colored green That s all in this part In this section we learnt the basic concept of directives different built in directives available in Angular and ngClass in detail Will cover the remaining directives in the upcoming posts Stay Tuned If you liked the post do like and comment Cheers Happy Coding 2021-12-20 07:51:45
海外TECH DEV Community Tailwind CSS buttons collection including gradients and colored shadows https://dev.to/zolidev/tailwind-css-buttons-collection-including-gradients-and-colored-shadows-kb5 Tailwind CSS buttons collection including gradients and colored shadowsI d like to show you a couple of Tailwind CSS buttons that I ve built together with my friends for the Flowbite library These examples are extracted from the official documentation and you ll find many variaties of buttons with styles including gradients colored shadows payment buttons social login buttons and more Default buttonUse these default button styles with multiple colors to indicate an action or link within your website lt button type button class text white bg blue hover bg blue focus ring focus ring blue font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb dark bg blue dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt Default lt button gt lt button type button class py px mr mb text sm font medium text gray bg white rounded lg border border gray hover bg gray hover text blue focus z focus ring focus ring blue focus text blue dark bg gray dark text gray dark border gray dark hover text white dark hover bg gray gt Alternative lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gray hover bg gray focus ring focus ring gray font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb dark bg gray dark hover bg gray dark focus ring gray dark border gray gt Dark lt button gt lt button type button class text gray bg white border border gray hover bg gray focus ring focus ring blue font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb dark bg gray dark text white dark border gray dark hover bg gray dark hover border gray dark focus ring gray gt Light lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg green hover bg green focus ring focus ring green font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb dark bg green dark hover bg green dark focus ring green gt Green lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg red hover bg red focus ring focus ring red font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb dark bg red dark hover bg red dark focus ring red gt Red lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg yellow hover bg yellow focus ring focus ring yellow font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb dark focus ring yellow gt Yellow lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg purple hover bg purple focus ring focus ring purple font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mb dark bg purple dark hover bg purple dark focus ring purple gt Purple lt button gt Button pillsThe button pills can be used as an alternative style by using fully rounded edges lt button type button class text white bg blue hover bg blue focus ring focus ring blue font medium rounded full text sm px py text center mr mb dark bg blue dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt Default lt button gt lt button type button class py px mr mb text sm font medium text gray bg white rounded full border border gray hover bg gray hover text blue focus z focus ring focus ring blue focus text blue dark bg gray dark text gray dark border gray dark hover text white dark hover bg gray gt Alternative lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gray hover bg gray focus ring focus ring gray font medium rounded full text sm px py text center mr mb dark bg gray dark hover bg gray dark focus ring gray dark border gray gt Dark lt button gt lt button type button class text gray bg white border border gray hover bg gray focus ring focus ring blue font medium rounded full text sm px py text center mr mb dark bg gray dark text white dark border gray dark hover bg gray dark hover border gray dark focus ring gray gt Light lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg green hover bg green focus ring focus ring green font medium rounded full text sm px py text center mr mb dark bg green dark hover bg green dark focus ring green gt Green lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg red hover bg red focus ring focus ring red font medium rounded full text sm px py text center mr mb dark bg red dark hover bg red dark focus ring red gt Red lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg yellow hover bg yellow focus ring focus ring yellow font medium rounded full text sm px py text center mr mb dark focus ring yellow gt Yellow lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg purple hover bg purple focus ring focus ring purple font medium rounded full text sm px py text center mb dark bg purple dark hover bg purple dark focus ring purple gt Purple lt button gt Gradient monochromeThese beautifully colored buttons built with the gradient color stops utility classes from Tailwind CSS can be used as a creative alternative to the default button styles lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from blue via blue to blue hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring blue dark focus ring blue font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Blue lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from green via green to green hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring green dark focus ring green font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Green lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from cyan via cyan to cyan hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring cyan dark focus ring cyan font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Cyan lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from teal via teal to teal hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring teal dark focus ring teal font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Teal lt button gt lt button type button class text gray bg gradient to r from lime via lime to lime hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring lime dark focus ring lime font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Lime lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from red via red to red hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring red dark focus ring red font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Red lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from pink via pink to pink hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring pink dark focus ring pink font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Pink lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from purple via purple to purple hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring purple dark focus ring purple font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Purple lt button gt Gradient duotoneThese buttons use a style that includes two contrasted colors creating an impressive mesh gradient effect lt button type button class text white bg gradient to br from purple to blue hover bg gradient to bl focus ring focus ring blue dark focus ring blue font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Purple to Blue lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from cyan to blue hover bg gradient to bl focus ring focus ring cyan dark focus ring cyan font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Cyan to Blue lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to br from green to blue hover bg gradient to bl focus ring focus ring green dark focus ring green font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Green to Blue lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from purple to pink hover bg gradient to l focus ring focus ring purple dark focus ring purple font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Purple to Pink lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to br from pink to orange hover bg gradient to bl focus ring focus ring pink dark focus ring pink font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Pink to Orange lt button gt lt button type button class text gray bg gradient to r from teal to lime hover bg gradient to l hover from teal hover to lime focus ring focus ring lime dark focus ring teal font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Teal to Lime lt button gt lt button type button class text gray bg gradient to r from red via red to yellow hover bg gradient to bl focus ring focus ring red dark focus ring red font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Red to Yellow lt button gt Gradient outlineThis is a special button style that incorporates a gradient color for the outline that can be used as a secondary style to the fully colored gradient buttons lt button class relative inline flex items center justify center p mb mr overflow hidden text sm font medium text gray rounded lg group bg gradient to br from purple to blue group hover from purple group hover to blue hover text white dark text white focus ring focus ring blue dark focus ring blue gt lt span class relative px py transition all ease in duration bg white dark bg gray rounded md group hover bg opacity gt Purple to blue lt span gt lt button gt lt button class relative inline flex items center justify center p mb mr overflow hidden text sm font medium text gray rounded lg group bg gradient to br from cyan to blue group hover from cyan group hover to blue hover text white dark text white focus ring focus ring cyan dark focus ring cyan gt lt span class relative px py transition all ease in duration bg white dark bg gray rounded md group hover bg opacity gt Cyan to blue lt span gt lt button gt lt button class relative inline flex items center justify center p mb mr overflow hidden text sm font medium text gray rounded lg group bg gradient to br from green to blue group hover from green group hover to blue hover text white dark text white focus ring focus ring green dark focus ring green gt lt span class relative px py transition all ease in duration bg white dark bg gray rounded md group hover bg opacity gt Green to blue lt span gt lt button gt lt button class relative inline flex items center justify center p mb mr overflow hidden text sm font medium text gray rounded lg group bg gradient to br from purple to pink group hover from purple group hover to pink hover text white dark text white focus ring focus ring purple dark focus ring purple gt lt span class relative px py transition all ease in duration bg white dark bg gray rounded md group hover bg opacity gt Purple to pink lt span gt lt button gt lt button class relative inline flex items center justify center p mb mr overflow hidden text sm font medium text gray rounded lg group bg gradient to br from pink to orange group hover from pink group hover to orange hover text white dark text white focus ring focus ring pink dark focus ring pink gt lt span class relative px py transition all ease in duration bg white dark bg gray rounded md group hover bg opacity gt Pink to orange lt span gt lt button gt lt button class relative inline flex items center justify center p mb mr overflow hidden text sm font medium text gray rounded lg group bg gradient to br from teal to lime group hover from teal group hover to lime dark text white dark hover text gray focus ring focus ring lime dark focus ring lime gt lt span class relative px py transition all ease in duration bg white dark bg gray rounded md group hover bg opacity gt Teal to Lime lt span gt lt button gt lt button class relative inline flex items center justify center p mb mr overflow hidden text sm font medium text gray rounded lg group bg gradient to br from red via red to yellow group hover from red group hover via red group hover to yellow dark text white dark hover text gray focus ring focus ring red dark focus ring red gt lt span class relative px py transition all ease in duration bg white dark bg gray rounded md group hover bg opacity gt Red to Yellow lt span gt lt button gt Colored shadowsThese beautiful button elements with color shadows can be used since the release of Tailwind v lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from blue via blue to blue hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring blue dark focus ring blue shadow lg shadow blue dark shadow lg dark shadow blue font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Blue lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from green via green to green hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring green dark focus ring green shadow lg shadow green dark shadow lg dark shadow green font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Green lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from cyan via cyan to cyan hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring cyan dark focus ring cyan shadow lg shadow cyan dark shadow lg dark shadow cyan font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Cyan lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from teal via teal to teal hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring teal dark focus ring teal shadow lg shadow teal dark shadow lg dark shadow teal font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Teal lt button gt lt button type button class text gray bg gradient to r from lime via lime to lime hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring lime dark focus ring lime shadow lg shadow lime dark shadow lg dark shadow lime font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Lime lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from red via red to red hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring red dark focus ring red shadow lg shadow red dark shadow lg dark shadow red font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Red lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from pink via pink to pink hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring pink dark focus ring pink shadow lg shadow pink dark shadow lg dark shadow pink font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Pink lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg gradient to r from purple via purple to purple hover bg gradient to br focus ring focus ring purple dark focus ring purple shadow lg shadow purple dark shadow lg dark shadow purple font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb gt Purple lt button gt Social buttonsUse these button styles when building social media login forms using Facebook Twitter GitHub Google and Apple These buttons use the new bg hex utility classses from Tailwind CSS v lt button type button class text white bg b hover bg b focus ring focus ring b font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center dark focus ring b mr mb gt lt svg class mr ml w h aria hidden true focusable false data prefix fab data icon facebook f role img xmlns viewBox gt lt path fill currentColor d M l h v c hVS c vHVhvhVz gt lt path gt lt svg gt Sign in with Facebook lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg daf hover bg daf focus ring focus ring daf font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center dark focus ring daf mr mb gt lt svg class mr ml w h aria hidden true focusable false data prefix fab data icon twitter role img xmlns viewBox gt lt path fill currentColor d M c v c z gt lt path gt lt svg gt Sign in with Twitter lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg F hover bg F focus ring focus ring F font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center dark focus ring gray dark hover bg mr mb gt lt svg class mr ml w h aria hidden true focusable false data prefix fab data icon github role img xmlns viewBox gt lt path fill currentColor d M c zm c s c zm c zM C c s c C zM c zm c zm c zm c z gt lt path gt lt svg gt Sign in with Github lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg F hover bg F focus ring focus ring F font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center dark focus ring F mr mb gt lt svg class mr ml w h aria hidden true focusable false data prefix fab data icon google role img xmlns viewBox gt lt path fill currentColor d M C S c l C c Hv hc z gt lt path gt lt svg gt Sign in with Google lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg hover bg focus ring focus ring font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center dark focus ring dark hover bg mr mb gt lt svg class mr ml w h aria hidden true focusable false data prefix fab data icon apple role img xmlns viewBox gt lt path fill currentColor d M c C q c zm c z gt lt path gt lt svg gt Sign in with Apple lt button gt Payment buttonsUse these payment buttons for your product checkout or NFT minting landing page including MetaMask Bitcoin Ethereum Paypal Visa Mastercard and American Express lt button type button class text gray bg white hover bg gray border border gray focus ring focus ring gray font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center dark focus ring gray dark bg gray dark border gray dark text white dark hover bg gray mr mb gt lt svg class mr ml w h viewBox fill none xmlns gt lt g clip path url clip gt lt path d M L L L Z fill EB stroke EB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill EB stroke EB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L Z fill FB stroke FB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L ZM L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill EB stroke EB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill FB stroke FB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill EB stroke EB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill FB stroke FB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill EB stroke EB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill EB stroke EB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill CADE stroke CADE stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill CD stroke CD stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill EB stroke EB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L Z fill FB stroke FB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill EF stroke EF stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill CD stroke CD stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill FB stroke FB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L Z fill EB stroke EB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill CD stroke CD stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill stroke stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill FB stroke FB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L ZM L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L Z fill EB stroke EB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L Z fill FB stroke FB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill CD stroke CD stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill EB stroke EB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill CD stroke CD stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L ZM L L L ZM L L L ZM L L L Z fill FB stroke FB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill CADE stroke CADE stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill DCB stroke DCB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill EB stroke EB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill DCB stroke DCB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill CD stroke CD stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill CD stroke CD stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill FB stroke FB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill CD stroke CD stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill EF stroke EF stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill stroke stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill D stroke D stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill CADE stroke CADE stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill FB stroke FB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill EF stroke EF stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L Z fill FB stroke FB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill EF stroke EF stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill FB stroke FB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L Z fill FB stroke FB stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L Z fill CADE stroke CADE stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L Z fill CADE stroke CADE stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill stroke stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L Z fill stroke stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L ZM L L L ZM L L L Z fill stroke stroke width gt lt path d M L L L ZM L L L Z fill stroke stroke width gt lt path d M L L L Z fill stroke stroke width gt lt g gt lt defs gt lt clipPath id clip gt lt rect width height fill white transform translate gt lt clipPath gt lt defs gt lt svg gt Connect with MetaMask lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg FF hover bg FF focus ring focus ring FF font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center dark hover bg FF dark focus ring FF mr mb gt lt svg class mr ml w h aria hidden true focusable false data prefix fab data icon bitcoin role img xmlns viewBox gt lt path fill currentColor d M c S s zm c l c l c l s c l c l c l c l a l c zm c l c zm c l c z gt lt path gt lt svg gt Pay with Bitcoin lt button gt lt button type button class text gray bg FBE hover bg FBE focus ring focus ring FBE font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center dark focus ring FBE mr mb gt lt svg class mr ml w h aria hidden true focusable false data prefix fab data icon paypal role img xmlns viewBox gt lt path fill currentColor d M c Hc L c zM c hc z gt lt path gt lt svg gt Check out with PayPal lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg hover bg focus ring focus ring font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center dark hover bg dark focus ring gray mr mb gt Check out with Apple Pay lt svg class ml mr w h aria hidden true focusable false data prefix fab data icon apple role img xmlns viewBox gt lt path fill currentColor d M c C q c zm c z gt lt path gt lt svg gt lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg D hover bg D focus ring focus ring D font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center dark focus ring D mr mb gt lt svg class mr ml w h viewBox fill none xmlns gt lt path d M L HL HL HVL HL VHL L L L L HL L HL L HVL C ZM HL VHL L HVHL L HL VHL HL HC ZM HL L HL L HL L HVZM L HL ZM VHVHVHL L HVZ fill white gt lt svg gt Pay with American Express lt button gt lt button type button class text gray bg white hover bg gray border border gray focus ring focus ring gray font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center dark focus ring gray dark bg white dark border gray dark text gray dark hover bg gray mr mb gt lt svg class mr ml w h viewBox fill none xmlns gt lt path d M L HL HVZM C C C C C C L L C C C C C C L L VZM HC L HC C C HL VZM C C L C HVVZM L L C L L L L fill E gt lt path d M HL C L C fill FAE gt lt svg gt Pay with Visa lt button gt lt button type button class text gray bg white hover bg gray border border gray focus ring focus ring gray font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center dark focus ring gray dark bg gray dark border gray dark text white dark hover bg gray mr mb gt lt svg class mr ml w h viewBox fill none xmlns gt lt path d M C C C C Z fill DA gt lt path d M C C HC HC HC HC HC C HC HC HC HC C C C fill EEFD gt lt path d M C C C C ZM C C HC VC C VZM HVHC C C L HL HL VZM HC C C C HVZM C C C C VZM HL C C C C C C C C C C C C VZM HL L HL L HL HL L HL ZM C C C C VZM HL C C C C C C C C C C C C VZM C C C C HL HL HC C C L VZM C C C C C HC C L VZM C C HVZM C C C C C C C C C C C L C C VZM C L C C C L C HC L HC L C C C C L C C C fill black gt lt path d M HL L HL L HL HL L HL Z fill white gt lt path d M L C C C L C HC L HC C C C C L HL L VZM C C C C VZ fill black gt lt path d M C C C C VZM HL C C C C C C C C C C C C VZM L C C C C L C C C C VZM C C C C VZM HL C C C C C C C C C C C C ZM C C C C HL HL HC C C L VZM C C C C C HC C L VZM C C HZM C C C C C C C C C C C L C C VZM HL C C C C L HL VZM C C C C ZM C L HC C C C L VZM C L HC C C C L VZM C HC VC C VZM C VC HC C ZM HVHC C C L HL HL ZM HC C C C HL VZ fill white gt lt svg gt Pay with MasterCard lt button gt lt button type button class text gray bg gray hover bg gray focus ring focus ring gray font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center dark focus ring gray mr mb gt lt svg class w h mr ml text aria hidden true focusable false data prefix fab data icon ethereum role img xmlns viewBox gt lt path fill currentColor d M L l zM L l z gt lt path gt lt svg gt Pay with Ethereum lt button gt Outline buttonsUse the following button styles to show the colors only for the border of the element lt button type button class text blue hover text white border border blue hover bg blue focus ring focus ring blue font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb dark border blue dark text blue dark hover text white dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt Default lt button gt lt button type button class text gray hover text white border border gray hover bg gray focus ring focus ring gray font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb dark border gray dark text gray dark hover text white dark hover bg gray dark focus ring gray gt Dark lt button gt lt button type button class text green hover text white border border green hover bg green focus ring focus ring green font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb dark border green dark text green dark hover text white dark hover bg green dark focus ring green gt Green lt button gt lt button type button class text red hover text white border border red hover bg red focus ring focus ring red font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb dark border red dark text red dark hover text white dark hover bg red dark focus ring red gt Red lt button gt lt button type button class text yellow hover text white border border yellow hover bg yellow focus ring focus ring yellow font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb dark border yellow dark text yellow dark hover text white dark hover bg yellow dark focus ring yellow gt Yellow lt button gt lt button type button class text purple hover text white border border purple hover bg purple focus ring focus ring purple font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center mr mb dark border purple dark text purple dark hover text white dark hover bg purple dark focus ring purple gt Purple lt button gt Button sizesUse these examples if you want to use smaller or larger buttons lt button type button class py px text xs font medium text center text white bg blue rounded lg hover bg blue focus ring focus ring blue dark bg blue dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt Extra small lt button gt lt button type button class py px text sm font medium text center text white bg blue rounded lg hover bg blue focus ring focus ring blue dark bg blue dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt Small lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg blue hover bg blue focus ring focus ring blue font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center dark bg blue dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt Base lt button gt lt button type button class py px text base font medium text center text white bg blue rounded lg hover bg blue focus ring focus ring blue dark bg blue dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt Large lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg blue hover bg blue focus ring focus ring blue font medium rounded lg text base px py text center dark bg blue dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt Extra large lt button gt Buttons with iconUse the following examples to add a SVG icon inside the button either on the left or right side lt button type button class text white bg blue hover bg blue focus ring focus ring blue font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center mr dark bg blue dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt lt svg class mr ml w h fill currentColor viewBox xmlns gt lt path d M a hl a l C Ha Hl Ha l A Hl A HzM a zM a z gt lt path gt lt svg gt Buy now lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg blue hover bg blue focus ring focus ring blue font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center dark bg blue dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt Choose plan lt svg class ml mr w h fill currentColor viewBox xmlns gt lt path fill rule evenodd d M a l a l a L Ha hl a z clip rule evenodd gt lt path gt lt svg gt lt button gt Button with labelThis example can be used to show a notification count or helper text inside a button using the badge element lt button type button class inline flex items center px py text sm font medium text center text white bg blue rounded lg hover bg blue focus ring focus ring blue dark bg blue dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt Messages lt span class inline flex justify center items center ml w h text xs font semibold text blue bg blue rounded full gt lt span gt lt button gt Icon buttonsSometimes you need a button to indicate an action using only an icon lt button type button class text white bg blue hover bg blue focus ring focus ring blue font medium rounded lg text sm p text center inline flex items center mr dark bg blue dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt lt svg class w h fill currentColor viewBox xmlns gt lt path fill rule evenodd d M a l a l a L Ha hl a z clip rule evenodd gt lt path gt lt svg gt lt button gt lt button type button class text white bg blue hover bg blue focus ring focus ring blue font medium rounded full text sm p text center inline flex items center mr dark bg blue dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt lt svg class w h fill currentColor viewBox xmlns gt lt path fill rule evenodd d M a l a l a L Ha hl a z clip rule evenodd gt lt path gt lt svg gt lt button gt lt button type button class text blue border border blue hover bg blue hover text white focus ring focus ring blue font medium rounded lg text sm p text center inline flex items center mr dark border blue dark text blue dark hover text white dark focus ring blue gt lt svg class w h fill currentColor viewBox xmlns gt lt path fill rule evenodd d M a l a l a L Ha hl a z clip rule evenodd gt lt path gt lt svg gt lt button gt lt button type button class text blue border border blue hover bg blue hover text white focus ring focus ring blue font medium rounded full text sm p text center inline flex items center dark border blue dark text blue dark hover text white dark focus ring blue gt lt svg class w h fill currentColor viewBox xmlns gt lt path fill rule evenodd d M a l a l a L Ha hl a z clip rule evenodd gt lt path gt lt svg gt lt button gt DisabledUse the following styles to indicate a disabled button This can be often used inside form elements to disable the submit button before all the form elements have been completed and validated lt button type button class text white bg blue dark bg blue cursor not allowed font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center disabled gt Disabled button lt button gt Check out the full list of Tailwind CSS components from Flowbite 2021-12-20 07:25:41
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 在宅でワクチン接種、充填シリンジ「揺らさない」-厚労省健康局長がコロナ予防接種手引き改訂を通知 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20211220160751 予防接種 2021-12-20 16:15:00
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金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 英国金融政策(12月MPC)-感染拡大でも利上げ、金融引き締めへ https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=69711?site=nli 月の報告書見通しと比較して、コア財は相当に上振れしており、より程度は小さいがサービス価格も上昇した中銀スタッフは冬の大部分において程度のインフレ率が続き、年月には、主にガス卸売価格が遅れて公共料金に影響を及ぼすことになり、程度のピークを付けると予想している最近の物価上昇圧力は引き続き歴史的な高水準にあり、中銀取引先の関係者は来年も賃金上昇とエネルギー価格の上昇が物価上昇をけん引すると見ているnbspMPCの責務は、英国の金融政策枠踏みにおける物価安定の優位primacyを反映して、常にインフレ目標の達成であるこの枠組みでは、ショックや混乱の結果、物価が目標から乖離する場合があることを認識する最近の前例のない状況下で、経済は大きなショックを繰り返し経験してきた金融政策の変更がインフレ率に影響するまでに時間を要することも考慮し、適切な金融政策スタンスを判断するにあたっては、MPCは一時的な要因ではなく、常に中期的なインフレ期待を含む、中期的なインフレ見通しに焦点をあてるnbsp月の会合では、委員会は得られたデータ、特に労働市場のデータを基に、月の報告書の中央見通しが広く整合的であると判断し、中期的なインフレ目標に戻し維持するために、今後数か月における若干の利上げが必要としたその後の進展はこの状況に合致する労働市場は引き締まり、厳しさが続いており、国内のコスト・価格上昇圧力がより持続する兆しがあるオミクロン株は短期的な経済活動の重しになる見込みだが、中期的なインフレ圧力への影響は、現段階では、不透明であるnbsp委員会は今回の会合で、の利上げが適当だと判断したnbsp委員会は、年月の報告書での見通し作成の一部として、オミクロン株の経済への影響を含む最近の進展を評価した引き続き、いつものように委員会は中期のインフレ見通しに焦点をあてる委員会は中期的な経済を取り巻く状況には、上下双方のリスクがあると判断しているが、緩やかな引き締めがの目標達成を維持するために必要であると見ている委員会は、今後に明らかになる関連データに照らして、中期的なインフレ率にかかるリスクのバランスを評価するnbspnbsp今回の反対票はテンレイロ委員でどちらも政策金利のの維持を主張した。 2021-12-20 16:50:23
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