Engadget Japanese |
全61点が最大52%OFF「+Style クリスマスセール 2022」実施中 |
style |
2021-12-20 09:37:49 |
Engadget Japanese |
4K対応になったXiaomi TVStick 4Kの製品ページ、グローバルサイトで公開 |
xiaomi |
2021-12-20 09:30:27 |
Engadget Japanese |
Metaのスマートグラスがソフト更新、Messenger機能や音声コントロールなど |
messenger |
2021-12-20 09:16:21 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] PayPay銀行、PayPay証券と銀証連携 「おいたまま買付」 |
itmedia |
2021-12-20 18:09:00 |
Program |
CodeZine |
「Apache Log4j 2.17.0」がリリース、DOSを引き起こす新たな脆弱性を解消 |
apachelogj |
2021-12-20 18:30:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
OutSystemsでの帳票出力を考える(前編) |
Excelで作成した帳票資産が多い場合には、この方法は有効です。 |
2021-12-20 18:24:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MySQL ログにエラーが表示される。InnoDB: Column table_name in table `mysql`.`innodb_table_stats` is VARCHAR(597) N |
MySQLログにエラーが表示される。 |
2021-12-20 18:58:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
htmlで画像ファイルを複数同時に選択しアップロードする際に、プレビュー表示が出来る、画像1枚ずつに対して削除が出来るようなライブラリを探しています。 |
htmlで画像ファイルを複数同時に選択しアップロードする際に、プレビュー表示が出来る、画像枚ずつに対して削除が出来るようなライブラリを探しています。 |
2021-12-20 18:53:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
cssでリストを固定できない。 |
cssでリストを固定できない。 |
2021-12-20 18:38:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
被ダメージ後のアニメーションが戻らない |
被ダメージ後のアニメーションが戻らない前提・実現したいことUnityでD横スクロールアクションゲームを作っていて、被ダメージ時のアニメーションを作りました。 |
2021-12-20 18:37:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
グループ化された複数チェックボックスの必須確認 |
グループ化された複数チェックボックスの必須確認前提・実現したいこと複数のグループ化されたのチェックボックスがあり、それぞれのグループで最低つのチェックが必須とし、各グループで最低つチェックされたら送信ボタンが押せる様にしたいです。 |
2021-12-20 18:36:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
AndroidTVのリモコンのキーコード(地デジ)をjavascriptで取得したい |
AndroidTVのリモコンのキーコード地デジをjavascriptで取得したい前提・実現したいことAndroidTVにて地デジボタンを押した際にキーコードが取得できるようプログラムを配置しました。 |
2021-12-20 18:34:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
GAS 送付エラーになったメールアドレスをスプレッドシートに出力したい。 |
GAS送付エラーになったメールアドレスをスプレッドシートに出力したい。 |
2021-12-20 18:33:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Treeviewの任意のノードを選択状態にしたい |
発生している問題・エラーメッセージSelectNodeで選択したいノードを選択したつもりなのにAfterSelectのイベントが動かないTreeviewに表示されているノードをクリックすると、コンソールにそのテキストを返すプログラムです。 |
2021-12-20 18:32:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
LinuxMintでSSDを表示させたいです。 |
LinuxMintでSSDを表示させたいです。 |
2021-12-20 18:12:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Oracleアーカイブログ削除方法について |
しかし、CドライブやEドライブには年月からの約件のアーカイブログが累積しています。 |
2021-12-20 18:07:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【C】自作ファイルのincludeがうまくいかない |
sumhが読み込めないとerrorができてしまいます。 |
2021-12-20 18:03:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
expected declaration or statement at end of input の解消法 |
expecteddeclarationorstatementatendofinputの解消法エラー解消したいです。 |
2021-12-20 18:03:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MW WP Formでdatepickerが動作しない |
MWWPFormでdatepickerが動作しない前提・実現したいことWordpressのMWnbspWPnbspFormでdatepickerを動作させたい起こっていることdatepickernbsp動かないで検索して出てくることはあらかた試して以下のように読み込ませることで、開発ツールを用いてもconsoleにエラーが吐き出されず、カレンダーも表示されずテキストでの入力しかできず困っております。 |
2021-12-20 18:03:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHP スクレイピング Foreach文の重複を避ける |
PHPスクレイピングForeach文の重複を避ける前提・実現したいことforeachの重複を避けたい。 |
2021-12-20 18:01:15 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rubyでnull文字を正規表現でひっかけたいとき |
ngmatchgtltmatchdataugt |
2021-12-20 18:50:25 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
RSpecの書き方 |
2021-12-20 18:22:31 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CLIが利用できない初歩的な見落とし |
CLIが利用できない初歩的な見落としエラーAnerroroccurredInvalidClientTokenIdwhencallingtheGetCallerIdentityoperationThesecuritytokenincludedintherequestisinvalid対処rmrawsawsstsgetcalleridentity解説awsconfigureを見てみると過去に手動で入力した一時的なキー情報などが記載されているとそちらのキー情報を読み取るためエラーになることがあります。 |
2021-12-20 18:47:39 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rubyでnull文字を正規表現でひっかけたいとき |
ngmatchgtltmatchdataugt |
2021-12-20 18:50:25 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
M1 Macとビルド時間とそれからメルカリAndroidアプリ |
jhellip |
2021-12-20 10:00:27 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
How To Handle Failure In AWS Lambda Using DLQ (Mechanism And Setup) |
How To Handle Failure In AWS Lambda Using DLQ Mechanism And Setup In this blog i have explained the failure handling mechanism and automatic retries behaviour of lambda functio |
2021-12-20 09:08:10 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
CloudFormation StackSetsを使い、複数のリージョンにスタックをデプロイしてみた |
cloudformation |
2021-12-20 09:02:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Top JavaScript Frameworks 2022 |
Top JavaScript Frameworks There are numerous JS frameworks Which JavaScript framework is great It s not possible for anyone to tell considering the way that each JS framework is great for one pack of challenges and not the best one for another JavaScript is a worldwide multi vision language that upholds opportunity utility and objective based programming styles counting found and model based items JavaScript was at first used exceptionally for the client side However nowadays JavaScript is also used as a server side programming language What is JavaScript A software framework is a deliberation where programming giving nonexclusive usefulness can be specifically changed by extra user composed code JavaScript framework is an application framework written in JavaScript where the developers can control the capacities and use them for their benefit Project progression resembles that and that is the way JavaScript frameworks work You can compose all the code without any preparation for every part of your site Why waste time when individuals have made instant answers for normal elements that don t contrast that much from one site to another What do JavaScript frameworks do is give these structure blocks as pre composed code How about we view the Top JavaScript Frameworks let s have a look ReactReact JS is an open source and best JavaScript Framework generally used to make responsive and dynamic UIs UI It is gotten to be SEO obliging and from this time forward is leaned toward by developers who manufacture online business sites React JS development is most ideal when a superior performing adventure application is required then be passed on to its customer base Key highlights Virtual DOM guarantees fast UI refreshes Single direction information restricting as it wereUpholds Component based development Cross platform execution ProsExceptionally easy to learn and utilizeIt accompanies a bunch of proficient apparatusesAssists with execution upgradeSmaller in sizeCapacity to test and debug rapidly ConsCustomary overhauls need developers to support ongoing learning changesIt s anything but an exhaustive technology It should be made use with other fms AngularAngular is the most amazing and best JS Framework in It enables transmission of the huge number of substances right from the server to the specific program and helps in coordinating every one of the made pages at the same time Key features AngularJS s two way data restricting handles synchronization between the DOM and the model just as the other way around Some implicit administrations are accessible in AngularJS Formats in AngularJS are the delivered sees that contain information from the controller and model AngularJS has understood dependence implantation simplifying it for originators to make grasp and review applications ProsImmaculate synchronization in the midst of view and modelChanges are quickly exhibited squarely in the viewAbility to seclude out the view and informational indexes ConsMore perplexing F M to learnThe developer needs to learn MVCHeavier framework Vue JSVue is a free and open source JavaScript structure for planning UIs Vue is intended to be adaptable and it is not difficult to incorporate it into applications that utilization other JavaScript libraries Vue is by and by utilized more than sites Key featuresPractical virtual DOM view choiceIt accompanies an implicit part that assists with CSS transitions and animationsExact two way data binding inclinationsStraightforward and easy to learn ProsEasy to incorporateLittle in sizeOffers two way correspondenceAdaptable framework ConsAbsence of fundamental pluginsNot appropriate for broad scalingHas language hindrancesToo flexible for good SvelteSvelte JS was released in the year and is a no cost Front end JS Framework It is possible to create components using Svelte JS using the languages you re content using JavaScript HTML or CSS There s a primary distinction between these two structures Smooth doesn t utilize Virtual DOM like React and Vue Key featuresLess CodeNo virtual DOMTruly Reactive ProsLightweight and simple to implementLesser standardExceptionally simple to learnIt accompanies an underlying receptive store ConsNot a very recognized frameworkThere is constant necessity to explore and updateVery few such apparatuses on the lookoutSmaller sized community and ecosystem Express JSExpress JS is an application structure used to create Node JS It s a pre designed to use purpose for creating web pages and applications quickly One of the major advantages of this Express JS framework is fast server side programming Engineers can complete complicated assignments in a matter of minutes It can also handle dynamic URLs using its control instrument that is dynamic Key featuresSupports JavaScript and offers simple client routing requestsWorks as a middleware ProsIt diminishes web application building time significantlyIndeed even beginners can utilize itExceptionally simple to learn and executeLightweight ConsUnfit to oversee heavyweight computational positionsIt has an uneven APICreates the necessity for a considerable length of time adjustments ConclusionYou probably have a great analysis of all the Top JavaScript Frameworks and trying them out right now As we ve seen above there isn t a single universal structure to be observing You must examine the strengths and needs of your team and then select the most suitable one for your needs |
2021-12-20 09:32:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Open Source Software Product Development, Building DDTJ - Day 1 |
Open Source Software Product Development Building DDTJ Day I m on a two week vacation from Lightrun and I have this urge to build something new I also have a great product idea DDT In the past I built many projects both commercial and open source I never documented the complete process This is something I d like to change So in this blog I ll go over that process from concept development to product prototype Notice that this process is identical for proprietary software too it s a remarkably similar approach You the reader have a crucial part in this You re my “daily I don t have project and product managers who can keep me in check so I need you Procrastination is the biggest point of failure in any project It s where projects rise or fall In normal company settings we have daily meetings to combat that You know you ll have to stand in front of the entire team tomorrow to talk about what you did So you ve got to “do something so you ll be covered in the daily meeting With a single person open source project you re all alone There s no product team to report to no product roadmap and you can t get fired Procrastination becomes a major temptation That s where blogging can help by leveraging the power of the open source community I hope you will keep me “honest I need you to read and follow this so stopping would be embarrassing But I also need you to ask questions and help keep me focused on the product strategy It s easy to get carried away and try to create an overly complex product If it looks like I m straying from MVP please call me out on that I plan to write blog posts until we have a working first version of the project I ll skip working weekends because my family would murder me if I do that I hope I ll be able to keep the pace and document this process well I also hope it will be entertaining The ProcessI already went through the first major part which is the product idea I think a lot has been written about idea generation so I won t bother writing about that As I said the idea I m working on is DDT or DDTJ to be exact I ll get to that soon enough This is the plan for the next days I don t know if I ll be able to stick to it or exceed it but that s my general direction It isn t really product management but in the early stage a hacker mentality is more useful than an organized process Initial Developer Guide and Basic DesignScaffold the project and implement CIConnect to server with initial server unit testsImplement the first version of CLIImplement mocking abstraction logicCreate tests for mocking well known libraries Performance and Integration testsThis is a flexible guideline and not as a product roadmap As I move forward I m leaving room for mistakes omissions and delays Target MarketThere s one thing that s missing from this list which I already did You need to validate the concept of the project you re working on a product to market fit There s a famous “quote of Henry Ford “If I had asked people what they wanted they would have said faster horses But the thing is he didn t say that It s also a bullshit concept People wanted cars and asked for them Ford built what people asked for faster cheaper cars So did every innovator A Successful product or successful open source project starts with a need by real people When I explain this to people I often get the response that this is closed source thinking related to proprietary software That s just wrong open source software needs a proper product development process just like any proprietary software tool We want people to use our tools But we want them to spend time with our tools and time is money We need to offer a sublime product concept regardless of our source license Developer Guide is FirstI sorted the list in mostly chronological order I m a big believer in very “light design I really can t stand these huge documents that end up as a legacy of all our mistakes You can t debug design There are some cases where it s very warranted but they are usually the exception not the rule I usually start by creating a simple developer guide for the final physical products This has the following advantages It forces us to think first about the finished product How it will look and feelWe maintain it since it s the guide it won t go too stale A living document is importantIt lets us focus our product strategy on specific goals E g this block in the guide relates to that module in the systemIt explains the product to other people Testing product to market fit is important and having a clear guide is crucialI finished the first draft of the developer guide for DDTJ today You can check it out here Scaffolding amp CII m a believer in creating mocks for all the big pieces first Deciding on the big set pieces and flushing them out together The logic behind this is to see the first full stack process running as soon as possible to find any conceptual problems we might have It also helps the development teams move faster when we have more than one developer We can find our respective sandboxes In our specific architecture we have three tiers and a common library among them We can always refactor after the MVP so we shouldn t get too hung up on decisions A major part of the scaffolding is the choice of technologies Mostly this isn t a big deal However we need to limit our scope and be wary of RDD Resume Driven Design which is a silent but deadly project killer Having a CI build in place with some code quality verification is just good common sense Especially with security static analysis etc This is important even when there s just one person working on the project So What s DDT or DDTJ I ll discuss the other points as we move forward but let s talk a bit about the project It would be great if you can follow it here DDT stands for Development Driven Testing DDTJ is the implementation of the DDT idea The idea is simple When we have a bug at pretty much any company there s a requirement to add a test that fails for the bug This is often harder to do than the fix itself DDT is about fixing the bug and running your server Then generating the unit test for the case that failed Unit tests are normally easy to write but the mocks aren t trivial That s where DDT will try to shine There are many other uses for the basic technology e g we can detect when code that isn t covered by tests is reached and generate unit tests for that code automatically But that s not part of the MVP The Product Management RoadmapI said there s no roadmap but I planned the MVP which is a bit of a roadmap There s a minimum we need to prove DDT is useful A CLI that generates the testsSupport for Java with Spring Boot applicationsI ve set these goals since they will provide something useful for a large enough community and I know Java Spring Boot well enough I want the architecture to be generic since the concept is translatable to most languages and frameworks So if the MVP is successful DDT will add support to additional platforms languages Technical ChallengesTo be clear I m not sure if DDT is technically workable So I ll try to prove it with a product prototype as soon as possible I think that even if the product development fails there s still a lot to learn so this will still be a valuable experience I need to be prepared though so I ve given a lot of thought to the challenges that lie ahead and organized them in this ordered list It isn t possible Essentially I would need to monitor every method in a running application Initially I thought I would use the debugger API to walk through the app But I m not sure that would scale I m considering bytecode manipulation but that has its own problems The main issue is one of scale The debugger approach will work for a small application but might fail for larger apps Performance it might be impractical because it has such a significant impact on performance making the application unusable It might consume too much RAM in real world applications Generating mocks might be difficult the generation phase would be pretty difficult since we need to understand the classes involved We need to generate mocking code that compiles for classes we ve never seen Supporting other languages platforms might be challenging They don t all have the same capabilities I ll address these concerns in my following posts as I explain my architectural choices TomorrowTomorrow I plan to talk about why I made some of my architectural choices and how you should choose the right tools for building your MVP I will also plan to talk about the scaffolding process and how I got started with the project If you want to get updates on what I ve been up to Please follow me on twitter |
2021-12-20 09:23:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Learn how to use the forEach method in JS! |
Learn how to use the forEach method in JS Hey fellow creators The forEach method is really handy when you re working with arrays or nodelists It allows you to run a callback function for each element in those containers Let s learn how to use it in less than a minute If you prefer to watch the video version it s right here How to use it To use it you need to feed it with a callback function which can take up to three parameters Those parameters are The current valueThe indexAnd the array nodelist that you re working with const array array forEach current index arr gt console log current index arr Take a look in your console terminal and you ll see Let s create three buttons to have a real example In an HTML file create three buttons lt button data action modify gt Modify lt button gt lt button data action delete gt Delete lt button gt lt button data action update gt Update lt button gt In your JS file select the buttons const buttons document querySelectorAll button The queryAll method returns a nodelist and the nodelists also have access to the forEach method in their prototype Thus we can use it to attach an event listener to each button buttons forEach btn gt btn addEventListener click e gt alert e target getAttribute data action This is a basic example but you now know how useful this method is You can easily avoid code repetition Come and take a look at my Youtube channel See you soon Enzo |
2021-12-20 09:23:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How does a Browser render a Webpage? |
How does a Browser render a Webpage In this article we ll look into actions performed by a browser to render a webpage Steps involved in HTML page rendering Construction of DOMConstruction of CSSOMConstruction of Render treeLayout PhasePainting Phase Construction of DOMBrowser receives an HTML document from the server in thebinary stream format which is basically a text file with a response header Content Type text html charset UTF When the browser reads the HTML document whenever it encounters an HTML element it creates a JS object called a Node Eventually all html elements will be converted to a Node After the browser has created nodes from the HTML document it has to create a tree like structure of these node objects Document Object Model is a high level Web API provided by the browser to efficiently render a webpage amp expose it publically for the developers to dynamically manipulate DOM elements for various purposes Construction of CSSOMAfter constructing the DOM the browser reads CSS from all the sources amp constructs a CSSOM CSS Object Model a tree like structure Each node in this tree contains CSS style information that will be copied to the DOM element it targets Most of the browser comes with their own stylesheet which is called user agent stylesheets Construction of Render TreeDOM amp CSSOM are combined together to form a Render tree that contains the nodes which have to be displayed on the page From the root of the DOM tree each visible node is traversed and a respective CSSOM rule is applied Finally it gives the render tree containing visible nodes with content and styling It is a low level representation of what will eventually get printed on the screen it won t contain nodes that do not hold any area in the pixel matrix Layout PhaseThis phase can be said as a geometry phase where we calculate the geometry of the nodes In the layout phase the exact position of the nodes and their size respective to the view port of the browser is computed In this way a box model is generated which knows the exact positions and size This process is also known as layout or reflow Painting PhaseAs we know the visible nodes their styling amp their geometry now all this information is used to render the nodes from the render tree to actual pixels on the screen This process is referred to as Painting It uses the UI backend layer Wrap Up That s all for this article Thank you for your time Let s connect to learn and grow together LinkedIn Twitter Instagram |
2021-12-20 09:21:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
👨💻 DynamoDB for every developer |
DynamoDB for every developer Understanding the databases is important for every developer and the arising cloud services bring the best in class tools and technologies for every developer to build applications in hours Database is a critical component for any application NoSQL database has become a widely popular choice for various solutions from web to machine learning applications Let s understand one of the most popular cloud database services called DynamoDB What is DynamoDB DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database from Amazon Web Services AWS It is a document database which means the data is stored in key value pairs The DynamoDB stores the data across different availability zones in a region Since it is a fully managed service DynamoDB is well suited for various workloads with any amount of data that require auto scaling from small to large and anywhere in between Key Benefits of using DynamoDBElasticity and Performance Generally scaling databases is hard and risky but DynamoDB gives you the ability to auto scale based on the usage which allows your system to adjust according to the traffic and other needs Security Access control policies and encryptions are available for your tables so it makes the database more secure and accessible to the appropriate users without any bottlenecks Real time event streaming DynamoDB streams enable developers to access the data when it happens which makes the DynamoDB suitable for many complex solutions Database ManagementDynamoDB creates and keeps the backup of your data safely on the cloud so in the event of any occurrence you can safely retrieve the data ️Time to LiveTTL allows you to define when to expire the items in a table so they get deleted automatically from the database ConsiderationsSome of the important guidelines to assess your suitability of using DynamoDB are as follows DynamoDB is well suitable for any business critical applications which require higher scalability and is predominantly used for transactions processing OLTP DynamoDB is not suitable for data warehousing and OLAP purposes Read and Write ConsistencyDynamoDB supports two types of reading such as Eventually Consistent Read and Strongly Consistent Read By default it is set to Eventually Consistent Read In the Eventually consistent read data may not be consistent as the copies of data will generally be available in second Whereas a Strongly consistent read will always be up to date since it fetches the straight from the leader node DynamoDB does not support strongly consistent reads across AWS regions Throughputs and Capacity ManagementDynamoDB offers two capacity modes Provisioned and On Demand In the Provisioned mode the developer would need to define the read and write capacity of the database On demand mode is a flexible way to provision your DynamoDB tables to serve thousands of requests without doing any capacity planning Switching between provisioned and on demand modes can be done once every hours Calculating Read and Write Capacity Units Read Capacity Units RCU Read capacity units represents one strongly consistent read per second or two eventually consistent reads per second for an item of up to KB Let s see how we calculate RCU for strongly consistent read read RCU strongly consistent read of up to kb So let s take an example of reads at KB X RCUs For eventually consistent reads it s two reads of up to KB As an example of the same reads at KB X RCUs Write Capacity Units WCU One write capacity unit represents one write of KB per second so for example if we need writes of KB per item X WCUs PartitionsThe partitions in DynamoDB slice the table as multiple chunks of data for faster reads It automatically creates partitions on every GB of data or when your application exceeds RCUs or WCUs in a single partition Generally DynamoDB will try to evenly distribute the RCU and WCU capacities across the partitions Primary Key HASH and Sort Key RANGE The primary key determines the partition to store the data so it is important to get the primary key correct to be able to distribute the data across the partitions for better performance DynamoDB can have two keys Primary KeySort Key Primary Key can either be simple or composite keys Composite keys consist of both a partition and a sort key Sort Key helps to organize the data in DynamoDB So sort keys logically group the data in one place for efficient querying purposes Secondary IndexesDynamoDB allows your application to query the table using an alternate key in addition to queries against the primary key The two types of indexes are as follows Global Secondary Index GSI An index with a partition key and sort key that can be different It only supports eventually consistent reads and it can be created or modified at any time Local Secondary Index LSI An index that has the same partition key as the table but a different sort key It supports strongly or eventual consistent reads and it can be created only during the initial table creation DAXDynamoDB Accelerator DAX is a fully managed highly available in memory cache for DynamoDB DAX can reduce the response times to microseconds DAX only supports the server side encryption DAX is not ideal for write intensive workloads ️Backups and MonitoringDynamoDB provides on demand backup capability as well as enable point in time recovery for your DynamoDB tables Backups includes the data indexes streams and provisioned capacity of RCU s and WCU s DynamoDB usage can be monitored using CloudWatch and CloudTrail |
2021-12-20 09:21:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Lessons Learnt Making my First Proper Website |
Lessons Learnt Making my First Proper WebsiteIt s not finished by a long way but my personal site is my first attempt at building something from scratch with no design brief or guidance to follow A total “blank canvas pretty intimidating stuff Once I got started and into the technical stuff I really enjoyed it the main issue now is that I think I could go on tweaking things forever…Here s my take aways if you are thinking of building your own site for the first time Just startHonestly just start I know everyone says this but really just start I was waiting until I had a good number of decent projects that I was happy with to showcase still not the case and was thinking about how I could wow people so much they d instantly want me to join their team Then I asked around about the best approach and the overwhelming consensus from like everyone was to just get on build something get it out there and improve later Looking back now this was very good advice Design is HardI ve never really designed anything before beyond a PowerPoint slide so I wasn t really sure how to go about this I knew that I wanted my site to feel friendly welcoming and not to take itself too seriously The two things I knew would help with this were the colours I chose and the fonts I chose colours first and just went for bold primary colours because well it seemed easy and obvious and it reminded me of Lego For fonts I knew I just wanted something clean and simple for the body and something quirky but readable for the headings so I just went to Google Fonts and chose something I didn t look elsewhere Regarding page layout and other design features I did or didn t add my overall approach reminds me of how I wrote CSS when I was rubbish at it basically try something and if it doesn t work try another thing until I can just about live with the result even if I m not sure why the change made things better I knew I just wanted a very simple structure focused on showing my work and writing and how to get in touch so the architecture of the site was quite simple Generally with the design side of things once things were “OK I just went with it rather than loose momentum and get lost down endless rabbit holes of details Have Some Content ReadyI kinda knew this day would come so I d actually been recording some of my experiences learning to code since I started way back in I don t think the articles will win any prizes but at least it gave me some content to work with I also have a stack of articles on things I ve made that I should incorporate another one for the todo list… I should also say that writing good content is hard It still feels strange to be sat here writing things that I feel are kind of obvious now But again just like the site design I just have to start I think that now that I actually have somewhere to put out what I have written it will make all this seem more real and force me to up my game Don t Stress About the StackI feel a bit pretentious even writing about a “stack but there we have it For me this was pretty simple I wanted the site to be fast secure and easy to update I only know one static site generator eleventy so I went with that So far this choice has proven to be pretty good and I m happy with it I d not tried Netlify before but wanted to as I d heard a lot of good things about them I have to say aside from the hype my experience with them has been excellent I am using their forms feature on the contact page and it was really simple to set up I also set up things so that the font files are cached which again they made super easy Build the ThingFinally we get to talk about actually building the site I d done other sites approaching a similar size and complexity before but not quite at this level That said although it took a while scaffolding out the site was actually OK as I was only focused on that side of things and as I d already dealt with the design and other details What actually got to me and still needs sorting is the long tail of things that need to be sorted in order for a site to be considered close to completion and have what I hope would be a polished feel to it I still have a long todo list of things that I d like to address on the repos s readme and I am sure I am missing many more On the design side of things this included addressing hover active selected states transitions on buttons and other elements styles that I missed when setting up the CSS for links quotes blockquotes On the development side testing in browsers and screen readers sorting font loading still not happy optimising images and performance That s just stuff I ve done The todo list goes on… Track Your Time I like to anyway Overall I spent a totally of around hours building the site This includes everything from npm install to the moment I m writing this I think the bulk of the site was complete in about hours Since then I ve been fiddling around down in the details Most of this has probably been trying to fix the FOUT that I m still not happy with Overall I ve already learnt a lot making this site and now I have something to work with I m super excited about trying to take things further and improve both its design and performance I want to try a CDN for images UPDATE tried this over the weekend service workers for fonts and add in some fun animations I guess a personal site is never really finished And that s just fine with me I m Dave I love building fast easy to use and accessible websites I m a frontend developer with a strong focus on accessible HTML modern CSS and vanilla JavaScript I m looking for my next opportunity as a frontend web developer starting in I d love to hear from you please do get in touch This post first appeared on dwhenson com |
2021-12-20 09:12:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Using invisible text for better localization |
Using invisible text for better localizationSome time ago I ve came across an article about inserting secret text into regular messages using invisible zero width unicode characters Now during my work on localization SDKs I ve found quite interesting use case for it BackgroundAt Tolgee we are offering localization SDKs which enable you to insert your translated keys into web application One of our main selling points is that we offer in context localization out of box In context localization means that when you are in development mode you can click on any translation and change the translation directly in the app To make this work our SDKs need to somehow mark where the translations are We might just search the DOM for occurrences of translations in given language however that won t cover more advanced cases when we for example need to support variables in translations Then the easiest way is to wrap each translation with span element and give it some special attribute so then we can find it Easy peasy no Well there is a catch what if user needs to translate texts where you can t use HTML e g element attributes Or what if the extra span element is not acceptable Why is context important When you translate the app it s important that you see where exactly is the translation located as pure translation from one language to another can be incorrect in many cases So we offer in context translation directly in the App and we want this feature to work everywhere Text based solutionOur original solution was in these cases insert string with our special syntax instead of the translation itself Then we would observe whole page with MutationObserver and when we encounter this encoded text we find parent element and store the information about the translation and replace this message with our translation As we found out this approach works quite well mainly because observer is triggered before changes are rendered to the page so this whole replacement is invisible to the user However we still run into problems sometimes We usually want to run observer only on body so if you update e g page title so then you can see text which is completely broken Also when you use it in cases when you need to measure the width of an element right after you change it this will cause you problems because the element is containing different text so the measurements will be different We offer the user an option to turn wrapping off but he needs to do that explicitly and then the in context localization doesn t work Not ideal The idea of invisible marksI think you can already see how invisible marks might be useful to us I ll get to how it works but for now let s just imagine we have ability to insert invisible information to any text and then retrieve it We can now insert secrets into every translation Same as with regular text we can still observe the DOM for changes and when we find this watermark we know which translation it s containing and in context can work anywhere This also opens a way for rd party libraries for formatting because these invisible characters act like regular part of the text it shouldn t be affected by regular text transformations in theory Here even if the translation doesn t get picked up by MutationObserver the translation will still be readable and it won t influence anything visually How do we make text invisible The mechanism of invisible text is described in the mentioned article So basically I ve picked two zero width unicode characters ZERO WIDTH NON JOINER ZWN and ZERO WIDTH JOINER ZWJ which are normally used for joining separating multiple characters together We can stack of them together and we have a byte ZWN and ZWJ We can literally take JavaScript string convert it to bytes and turn it into an invisible message This way we can even have unicode string inside an unicode string One caveat is that ZWJ causes two characters acting as one so it might have effect on text surrounding it In our use case when we use multiple ZWN and ZWJ are used in succession only the last one is interpreted so my solution is to use one extra ZWN at the end of each byte so it s always last and that should eliminate all side effects The fact that each secret byte is characters long is making long texts extremely memory inefficient So I ve chose to assign each translation a number and then encode it as unicode character This way I take advantage of utf characters which can be bytes long so I have effective space about million combinations which is more than enough for one page and I ll use relatively small amount of invisible characters in most cases or for one key Can I try this We ve just shipped Tolgee version where it is as an optional setting so you can try it yourself We ll see if we find any issues with this approach and if not we ll probably make it default way for wrapping translations in Tolgee ConclusionWe hope that this approach could allow us to use third party in libraries e g inext as an alternatives to our SDKs while keeping in context feature working PS Check Tolgee io and give us github starsOriginal article was published on our blog |
2021-12-20 09:09:35 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Day 96/100 Data Types |
Day Data TypesSeven fundamental data types Number Any number including numbers with decimals String Any grouping of characters on your keyboard letters numbers spaces symbols etc surrounded by single quotes or double quotes Though we prefer single quotes Some people like to think of string as a fancy word for text Boolean This data type only has two possible valuesーeither true or false without quotes It s helpful to think of booleans as on and off switches or as the answers to a “yes or “no question Null This data type represents the intentional absence of a value and is represented by the keyword null without quotes Undefined This data type is denoted by the keyword undefined without quotes It also represents the absence of a value though it has a different use than null Symbol A newer featureto the language symbols are unique identifiers useful in more complexcoding No need to worry about these for now Object Collections of related data Code Snippetsvar prices prices prices prices for var index index lt prices length index if index prices index else if index prices index else if index prices index console log prices SummaryYesterday was the nd Surprise Drill in Technical line Luckily the electricity came back later the day and same time got extensions to pay the bills I m so coward that I could not afford to pay the bills on time now I must submit my small useful blog on the same posting time |
2021-12-20 09:05:09 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Ford’s Extended Range F-150 Lightning has a massive 131 kWh battery pack |
Ford s Extended Range F Lightning has a massive kWh battery packIn a livestream last week Ford quietly revealed the battery capacities available on its Ford F Lightning electric pickup Auto Evolution reported To start with the Standard Range model with a projected miles of range will come with a kWh battery pack Meanwhile the optional Extended Range version miles targeted will have a massive kWh battery nbsp The Standard Range package will be the main offering on the first three of four versions the fleet oriented Lightning Pro the XLT and the Lariat The Extended Range is optional for the XLT and Lariat and standard on the top end Platinum model Ford said that the quot F Lighting Pro model will be available with the standard range battery to retail customers quot but it previously said that it would be available with the Extended Range option for fleet buyers nbsp Ford also revealed that the power fold mirrors would only be available on the Lariat and Platinum models and that the Tough Bed spray in bed liner is not standard but an available option on all trims Other options we already knew about include a high powered kW Pro Power system for the first two trims it s standard on Lariat and Platinum and inch touchscreen with Sync A available on the upper trim levels Ford has yet to reveal exact retail prices but it previously said that the Standard Range Lightning Pro will start at before any tax incentives for commercial buyers while the Extended Range model again only for fleet buyers will start at Retail prices are expected to start at and top out at for the Platinum model That s a fair bit higher than the base price for an F ICE version but then again most folks pay considerably more than that on average nbsp Given the large battery sizes Ford s prices actually seem surprisingly reasonable By comparison Hyundai s Kona Electric has a much smaller kWh battery and starts at We should know the exact F Lightning prices soon as Ford said in the livestream that order banks would open in January Currently it has pre orders in hand and recently cut off further reservations nbsp |
2021-12-20 09:23:29 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
診療報酬全体で0.94%引き下げへ、政府方針-薬価マイナス1.35%、本体プラス0.43% |
医療行為 |
2021-12-20 18:30:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
公開価格の設定プロセスのあり方等に関するワーキング・グループ |
設定 |
2021-12-20 10:41:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
外国投信の運用成績一覧表 |
運用 |
2021-12-20 10:30:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: No guarantees over Christmas lockdown, says Dominic Raab |
covid |
2021-12-20 09:54:15 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: No 10 says garden photo shows work meeting |
members |
2021-12-20 09:20:29 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tortured to death: Myanmar mass killings revealed |
killings |
2021-12-20 09:13:23 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The Ashes: Australia beat England in second Test despite Jos Buttler resistance |
The Ashes Australia beat England in second Test despite Jos Buttler resistanceAustralia complete a run victory over England in the final session of the second Ashes Test to take a lead in the series |
2021-12-20 09:53:20 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Pubs and restaurants call for urgent help |
omicron |
2021-12-20 09:20:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Leftist Gabriel Boric to become Chile's youngest ever president |
boric |
2021-12-20 09:14:03 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Peng Shuai: Chinese tennis star denies making assault claim as concerns persist |
assault |
2021-12-20 09:49:53 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The Ashes: Jos Buttler stands on his own stumps after long resistance |
adelaide |
2021-12-20 09:46:37 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The Ashes: Chris Woakes bowled as Richardson breaks dogged England partnership |
The Ashes Chris Woakes bowled as Richardson breaks dogged England partnershipChris Woakes is out for bowled by Jhye Richardson after digging in alongside Jos Buttler attempting to save the second Test in Adelaide |
2021-12-20 09:08:08 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Omicron: When can I have a booster jab and how do I book one? |
omicron |
2021-12-20 09:49:12 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Omicron: What Covid tests do I need to travel abroad? |
covid |
2021-12-20 09:40:40 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
LED照明開発「D-PROX」が破産 D-LIGHT関連、負債176億円 - 不景気.com |
dlight |
2021-12-20 09:33:37 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
シンシアがタイのコンタクトレンズ販売子会社を閉鎖、解散へ - 不景気.com |
閉鎖 |
2021-12-20 09:17:13 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
歳出最大の補正予算が成立 35・9兆円、コロナ対応 |
補正予算 |
2021-12-20 18:08:10 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
法人向け帳票を電子化 道銀、来年4月から |
北海道銀行 |
2021-12-20 18:05:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
スマホアプリ『ユージェネ』で12月25日、新キャラ「ノラン・アトラII世」が#ライブデビュー決定! |
決定 |
2021-12-20 18:50:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『三國志 覇道』初心者限定の新規サーバーをオープン!歓迎キャンペーンでUR・SSR武将がもらえる |
限定 |
2021-12-20 18:40:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
銘酒セットをオンライン販売 本県など9地域参加 iBank、27日まで |
ibank |
2021-12-20 10:00:13 |