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AWS AWS Big Data Blog Federated access to Amazon Redshift clusters in AWS China Regions with Active Directory Federation Services https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/federated-access-to-amazon-redshift-clusters-in-aws-china-regions-with-active-directory-federation-services/ Federated access to Amazon Redshift clusters in AWS China Regions with Active Directory Federation ServicesMany customers nbsp already manage user identities through nbsp identity providers IdPs for single sign on access With an IdP such as nbsp Active Directory Federation Services AD FS you can set up federated access to Amazon Redshift clusters as a mechanism to control permissions for the database objects by business groups This provides a seamless user experience and centralizes the governance … 2022-03-23 18:11:10
海外TECH MakeUseOf What are Remote Patient Monitoring Devices and Do You Need One? https://www.makeuseof.com/remote-patient-monitoring-devices-do-you-need-one/ What are Remote Patient Monitoring Devices and Do You Need One Can remote patient monitoring improve your healthcare Here s how wearable technology can make telehealth more convenient and how you might benefit 2022-03-23 18:30:13
海外TECH MakeUseOf Can You Run Visual Basic 6 Apps on Windows 11? https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-11-visual-basic-6-apps/ basic 2022-03-23 18:15:14
海外TECH DEV Community Interested in learning more about Commercial Open Source? There’s a Forem for that. https://dev.to/devteam/interested-in-learning-more-about-commercial-open-source-theres-a-forem-for-that-500d Interested in learning more about Commercial Open Source There s a Forem for that DEV is an instance of Forem open source community software that we distribute to anyone who wants to build a similar space We run Forems like CodeNewbie and Forem dev ourselves and others use it for spaces like Wasm Builders and MetaPunk forem forem For empowering community Forem is also the name of our company We distribute our code for free and we charge our early partners for hosting Forem as our core longterm business model We consider this a strong value add way to model a company There are brand new commercial open source companies starting all the time with public companies like Elastic MongoDB GitLab etc blazing the trail If you are interested in going deeper into the world of commercial open source or perhaps starting your own company that operates in this fashion I want to highlight a space to explore further COSS Community A Forem Devoted to Commerical Open Source COSS Community is operated by OSS Capital which is one of the early backers of Forem The main pulse of content right now is a weekly newsletter ーbut anyone is now welcome to take part as a reader or author If you really want to keep up with this world COSS Community is the way Explore top posts so far on COSS CommunityOne last thing You ll notice Sign up with Forem as an option alongside GitHub and email This is a service we now offer to most seamlessly navigate the ecosystem and manage your identity We want you to be able to bring your full self without having to bring your full data so making this distributed ecosystem as straightforward as possible in the long run is really important Create a Forem account and connect it with your DEV account via your settings Happy coding 2022-03-23 18:46:38
海外TECH DEV Community Build and deploy a Web3.0 website using Unstoppable Domains https://dev.to/shittu_olumide_/build-and-deploy-a-web30-website-using-unstoppable-domains-1obk Build and deploy a Web website using Unstoppable Domains IntroductionYeah it s now news that Web is one of the buzzwords on the internet lately Some technologists have coined the name Web to describe a new sort of internet service based on decentralized blockchains the shared ledger systems used by cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether The Web Foundation s president and founder Gavin Wood coined the moniker Web in saying that it will be the next generation of the internet At the time Wood had just launched Ethereum a cryptocurrency that is second only to bitcoin in terms of market valuation and popularity Web advocates envision decentralized social networks play to earn video games that reward players with crypto tokens and NFT platforms that let users buy and trade portions of digital culture According to the more optimistic Web will transform the internet as we know it upending traditional gatekeepers and ushering in a new middleman free digital economy In this article we will be looking into how you can easily build and deploy a Web website which is part of the aims of Web to build open and connected websites Thanks to recent advancements in the industry you may now develop and publish your own Web website on the internet We ll look at how you can use Unstoppable Domains to create and design your own Web crypto website Getting startedThe data in web is saved on a public blockchain rather than being held by a single entity One may purchase an NFT domain Decentralized domain and then use IPFS InterPlanetary File System Protocol to develop publish and host their website It s a peer to peer file sharing and storage network As said earlier we will be using Unstoppable Domain to achieve our goal because they are the best and they also provide most services free supports most browsers lots of applications integrated opensea chainlink coinbase wallet blockchain com trust wallet etc No renewal fee and lots more Buy and NFT domain To begin building and deploying your website you must first obtain an NFT domain You simply need to pay a one time price and you get to pick from a wide range of domains such as zil crypto coin wallet bitcoin x nft dao Visit unstoppabledomains com to purchase yours Sign up with your email address or a Google account whatever is most convenient for you Go to Domain Search and search for the domain you would love to own Select the domain with the extension you love Add it to cart Proceed to checkoutYou can use a credit card PayPal cryptocurrency or the Crypto com app to make your payment Minting the domainNote UnstoppableDomains now allows you to mint a domain on the Polygon network for free with no charges or gas fees Go back to Domains gt My Domains You should see the domain you bought here click on the Free mint button beside it A pop up will be displayed containing the whole minting process click Continue After you ve verified your email you may start minting It will just take a few minutes to mint You can track the process if you want to Let s build the websiteGo to Domains gt My Domain and click Manage Click on Website on the sidebar by your left If you don t have any experience in coding you should click on the Create Website button in order to build your website with a template If you have the code to your website you should click on the Upload website file button Select the page type based on your preference Select a template of your choice that best describes what you want your website to look like Customize the picture columns text links and buttons to your preference Once you re done click Publish to IPFS Finally confirm that you own the domain by authorizing the transaction In roughly  minutes your website will be uploaded and published on IPFS You will get an IPFS hash for your website and a link to your website Uploading your website files This section is for you if you have your web files and you don t want to make use of the internet Follow the steps below Go to Domains gt My Domain and click Manage Click on Website on the sidebar by your left Click on the Upload website file button Upload the HTML CSS and other files and ensure it is not more than MB After the files have been successfully uploaded click on Launch Website Your website will be up and ready in a few minutes ConclusionIf you came this far with the tutorial I want to say kudos to you We really discussed a lot but in simple and easy to follow steps We talked about Web how to get your NFT domain how to build your website and launch it on the decentralized domain using templates and uploading of web files We discussed unstoppable domains and the benefits that come from using their services Thanks for reading feel free to drop your comments below Follow me on Twitter and Hashnode 2022-03-23 18:38:51
海外TECH DEV Community Practicing & Performing https://dev.to/tgdraugr/practicing-performing-4hmn Practicing amp Performing Key TakeawaysPracticing is key to achieve better performance Musicians acrobats sportsmen etc spend much of their time practicing and little time performing Software professionals should follow the example The focus should be on continuously getting better instead of trying to achieve perfection Find yourself a time schedule where you can apply relevant techniques Reflect on the process on the discovering and on the feedback you are getting Do it again over and over Have you ever wonder about what makes great professionals well great Is it a matter of being naturally gifted or something else Imagine you are at a concert watching your favorite band and you are astonished by their mastery of the instruments and their music of course How did they manage to achieve such ability and make such great music Now if you extrapolate the same thinking process towards acrobats sportsmen doctors sculptors architects etc you will end up asking the same question The answer may be in the difference between practicing and performing Practice makes better not perfectYou may have heard of the hour rule popularized by Malcom Gladwell in his book Outliers it takes hours of intensive practice to achieve mastery of complex skills and materials This statement has been debunked several times see Hours May Not Make a Master After All because there are a lot of factors that influence the mastery process not only practice But one thing seems to be reasonable to claim see Over Practicing Makes Perfect continuous practice makes it better Perfection is quite subjective idea So that seems to be a good enough reason to strive to be better instead of perfect simply because there is a previous state to compare to Since your current state of better may be perfect to someone else constant practice leads to eventual perfection The art of performingWhen you practice something whatever it is you do it for a reason Maybe you want to be great at playing football or guitar or piano or picking up an heavy weight or typing really fast or writing awesome and correct code efficiently In our daily job we spend our time performing code I am ignoring all the meetings Remember watching your favorite band A band performs one to three hours but practices so much more Just think what would happen if they came on stage without previous practicing Their performance would be a practice session and maybe not exactly what you were expecting and paid for Hence seems reasonable to assert that high performance is a result of consistent practice Better performersHow do we practice correctly to improve performance Well allow me to use an analogy of my own I do CrossFit and it is an activity that has taught me a lot about this topic Every week we do a benchmark Workout of the Day WOD to evaluate how we are performing Given a WOD like Grace we do not start by doing the exercise immediately because that would be dangerous and lead to severe lesions We start with a lighter weight practicing each small part of the movement to achieve a good technique most of these are practiced daily and afterwards link each of those parts together With time we are ready to start the WOD and measure the results If you have done better than last time you know that you are improving Thus to better perform we must practice and measure continuously even if it means that the measurement is qualitative e g do you feel you are a better problem solver than yesterday Find yourself a time schedule without interruptions without stress where you are dedicated to solving specific challenges and focusing on the techniques involved e g design refactoring code reading approval testing etc The end goal is to reflect on the path taken on the feedback you are getting and the discovering you are making When the time comes to perform you will do it better than ever before Não percam o próximo post porque eu também não 2022-03-23 18:38:04
海外TECH DEV Community Inline Assembly Language. What is that? https://dev.to/aserputoff/inline-assembly-language-what-is-that-f9c Inline Assembly Language What is that An inline assembler is a part of some compilers that permits low level code written in assembly language to be embedded within a program among code that otherwise has compiled from a higher level language such as C The embedding of assembly language code is usually done for one of these reasons Optimization Pass to processor specific instructions Pass to certain calling conventions not yet supported by the compiler System calls and interrupts High level languages rarely have a direct facility to make arbitrary system calls so assembly code is used To emit special directives for the linker or assembler such as changing sectioning macros or making symbol aliases Examples Demonstrates two kinds of inline assembly syntax offered by the GCC compiler This program will only work correctly on the x platform under Linux include lt stdio h gt extern int func void the definition of func is written in assembly language asm globl func n t type func function n t func n t cfi startproc n t movl eax n t ret n t cfi endproc int main void int n func gcc s extended inline assembly asm leal r n n printf d n n fflush stdout flush is intentional standard inline assembly in C asm movq rax n t the exit syscall number on Linux movq rdi n t this program returns syscall Output Inline assembler poses a direct concern for the compiler as it confuses the breakdown of what is done to individually variable a crucial piece of register allocation It represents the performance might fall The inline assembler also complicates future porting and maintenance of a program Alternative structures are often provided to simplify the job for both the compiler and the programmer Most compilers offer intrinsic functions for special instructions and C function wrappers for arbitrary system calls are available on every Unix platform Usually intrinsics guides to built in functions i e most common library functions that the compiler can will cause inline rather than calling a fundamental function in the library For instance a call like memset array could compile for an x as something like mov ecx xor eax eax mov edi offset FLAT array rep stosbIntrinsics like this are purely an optimization Needing intrinsics would most likely be when the compiler helps intrinsics that allow you to develop code that the compiler can t or usually won t generate directly For an obvious example quite a few compilers for x have MMX Intrinsics that let you use functions that are just direct representations of MMX instructions Are there Intrinsics or inline assembly with JavaScript Honestly I searched a lot about this question and found only this information I will leave this blog post as a work in progress for now If you have comments please share them Thank you I appreciate any help with this research Resources Conclusion️Computer Architecture Blog Post Link LinksFollow me on GitHub Follow me on Twitter p s This post was made for my Software Portability and Optimization class 2022-03-23 18:29:42
海外TECH DEV Community There Are No Bad Questions In Accessibility https://dev.to/steady5063/there-are-no-bad-questions-in-accessibility-o9p There Are No Bad Questions In AccessibilityYou ever been developing content and out the blue your project manager says Okay time to make our content accessible You were given no time to take in what that even means or what you have to do to make your content accessible Learning digital accessibility for developers in both web and native mobile can seem like such a daunting task when they first dive into it Trust me I know I have been there and done that as a web developer and it can be difficult I tried myself to dive in and figure out how to make my content accessible by following ARIA patterns and looking up examples However when it went for re test the issues still were not fixed So frustrating Looking back I made one critical mistake early on that I want all developers to now know Ask questions to folks in the accessibility field because there are no bad questions when it comes to accessibility Don t Be AfraidI am like any other developer I feel the need to self learn I love to learn and push the limits of the knowledge that I have However accessibility in web and mobile can be a difficult thing to fully grasp as you first start learning So many developers are afraid to ask questions to accessibility experts for fear of having a bad or silly question I am writing this simply to tell you that this is false Accessibility experts whether its a direct conversation online forums or social media LOVE to answer even the most basic of questions Folks who have dedicated themselves to the practice of digital accessibility want any and all developers to become accessibility champions and build their accessibility knowledgebase So questions as simple as How do I turn on a screen reader or I made this component what do I need to make it accessible are awesome Ask them Where To Find Ay ExpertsThere are multiple ways to find accessibility experts in the digital space it just takes a little digging Find your companies centralized ay teamSearch Accessibiltiy or Ay on twitter and follow advocates Search accessibility engineer or Ay hashtag on LinkedInPost in online forums such as StackOverFlowUsing one of these methods will get you in touch with someone in the accessibility space Even if it isn t the right one someone in our field can point you to the right person to ask In SummaryThere are no bad questions in accessibility Ask them I write this now being on the other side of things and working strictly as an accessibility engineer I am seeing developers who are new to accessibility not want to ask me questions and making the same mistake I made early on It can seem daunting with how much knowledge accessibility experts have Hell I still am in awe by how much others know compared to myself Do not let that scare you into thinking you cannot ask the questions you need answered All accessibility advocates want the same thing A world where all digital content is accessible for everyone to use That all starts with you as the developer reaching out and asking the questions you need answered 2022-03-23 18:26:11
海外TECH DEV Community Improving website performance by loading fonts the smart way https://dev.to/idarek/improving-website-performance-by-loading-fonts-the-smart-way-2454 Improving website performance by loading fonts the smart wayMy site is using a system font stack mostly because I would like to have the lightest website possible If I want to be listed in the kb club every kB added to the website matters My featured images heavily optimised still account for large LCP Largest Contentful Paint and adding custom fonts can increase the overall weight of the website way above kB I am happy with my site but on others I need to use specified fonts to get the right visual experience across all user devices In that case I need to load additional fonts to accomplish that The fonts not only add weight to the website but also can have a negative impact on CLS Cumulative Layout Shift if loaded incorrectly As CLS is part of essential Core Web Vitals its poor score can drop down a website significantly in Google Search results Ironically Google on their Google Fonts website provides information code on how to implement the desired font in our website The problem is that their solution will have a negative impact on your website Not only they are loaded from an external source but the speed of loading of your website and external fonts can also vary and cause CLS A widely recommended method is to self host your fonts even these from Google This in most cases may improve an impact on CLS however not always There are plenty of factors on how these fonts are delivered If our hosting is poor and we are not using CDN Content Delivery Network then we can see worse results than loading fonts directly as Google advised Self hosting fonts are the right approach but it requires a couple of tweaks before it will work well for us in matters of web performance Let s start with how to load them correctly Self Hosted fontsYour website will require a font in WOFF format The Web Open Font Format This is the format that is practically used by all browsers currently on the market A hint There are two versions of WOFF formats WOFF and WOFF The difference between them is the compression algorithm WOFF files are smaller hence will load quicker It is recommended to use WOFF by default but also have WOFF files available as a backup for older browsers If you fancy Google Fonts then you will be happy to head to google webfonts helper to find your desired font and download required files along with the code showing you how to implement them on your website This website is a real gold nugget We will use files provided by them but will not use their code at least not in full Additionally we will do some tweaks to work better for us Let s start with the most popular serif font ‌Merriweather By default we will select charsets latin default and styles as it suits us In third point we will get our css code to copy Before we copy it we will customize folder prefix as it suite us in my example its just fonts merriweather regular latin font face font family Merriweather font style normal font weight src url fonts merriweather v latin regular eot IE Compat Modes src local url fonts merriweather v latin regular eot iefix format embedded opentype IE IE url fonts merriweather v latin regular woff format woff Super Modern Browsers url fonts merriweather v latin regular woff format woff Modern Browsers url fonts merriweather v latin regular ttf format truetype Safari Android iOS url fonts merriweather v latin regular svg Merriweather format svg Legacy iOS The last point will allow us to download the required files Once downloaded and unpacked we will have the following fonts merriweather v latin regular eot fonts merriweather v latin regular svg fonts merriweather v latin regular ttf fonts merriweather v latin regular woff fonts merriweather v latin regular woff The TweaksBefore we will go a little further lets see whats the important difference between this code and one provided from Google Fonts for the same font lt style gt import url wght amp display swap lt style gt When you put Google Fonts code into your style css it will import the following showing only latin part latin font face font family Merriweather font style normal font weight font display swap src url format woff unicode range U FF U U U BB BC U C U DA U DC U F U U AC U U U U U U FEFF U FFFD Google is importing all other charsets that you may not necessarily need If you will use this code before your font will load and swap the style on your website font display swap the text will be presented with the locally available font can be split second Depending on your internet speed the time between displaying local alternative font Merriweather is not available by default in any operating system and Merriweather will likely cause a move on your website This move will account for CLS and have a negative impact on your website What code from google webfonts helper did to reduce this impact is to tell the browser that there are no local fonts available at all so the text needs to be displayed once the font is loaded and available This is the part of the code that helps us to deal with unwanted CLS when using custom fonts on our website src local url fonts merriweather v latin regular woff By looking into Google Fonts code this small but really important hack doing a big difference in Core Web Vital especially CLS Sometimes I feel that Google is presenting their services that work opposite to what they preach Google Fonts Google Ads they simply killing your website CLS metric a Googles PageSpeed metric when used as provided by Google crazy The code from the other website is missing however something that Google is implementing in their codefont display swap The font display descriptor determines how a font face is displayed based on whether and when it is downloaded and ready to use developer mozilla orgDespite that we are telling that there are no local fonts available local in reality they are and when they need to be used they shall be swapped as soon as possible with a loaded font Let s add that to our code From both codes above there is missing one option that I discovered some time ago text rendering The text rendering CSS property provides information to the rendering engine about what to optimize for when rendering text developer mozilla orgFrom the couple options available I recommend optimizeLegibility The browser emphasizes legibility over rendering speed and geometric precision This enables kerning and optional ligatures Some fonts may look nice but can be hard to read when letters are blended Here is an example from css tricks com of how this will work Legibility means the quality of being clear enough to read This parameter provides clarity of the text making reading of custom fonts easier for us the actual users Our additional code will look as follow text rendering optimizeLegibility The Final CodeWe have added src local font display swap and text rendering optimizeLegibility Now it is time to do a cleanup Apart of WOFF and WOFF we don t need other fonts in our font folder so lets remove it Also WOFF is recommended for use in first place hence we will change places order with WOFF to be users first This is how this will look on the end merriweather regular latin font face font family Merriweather font style normal font weight font display swap src local url fonts merriweather v latin regular woff format woff url fonts merriweather v latin regular woff format woff text rendering optimizeLegibility This code we shall put as a first part into our style css so this will start loading before other elements start getting styling in the further part of this file We need to remember to load out style css from the lt head gt as quick as possible lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt link rel stylesheet type text css href style css media all gt If we follow all as mentioned above we shall see huge improvement when running our website through PageSpeed Insight especially CSL That s however depend how fast is our hosting and if we using CDN or not 2022-03-23 18:22:59
海外TECH DEV Community Nested object iteration using multiple for...in Loops. https://dev.to/ddrummer3993/nested-object-iteration-using-multiple-forin-loops-4k6l Nested object iteration using multiple for in Loops Nested object iteration was one of the biggest things I struggled to wrap my head around when it was introduced to me during my first month in Flatiron School It s not that it is an inherently difficult task or that its this incredibly complex task I just had the hardest time keeping up with where I was within the iteration In this explanation I will break it down into small chunks that will hopefully help to better understand where you are at within the iteration First things first there are several ways to access object data in JavaScript Use known keys to access the data manually objName keyName gt keyValue this is useful for user input objName keyName gt keyValue used when exact keyName is known Use built in functions attached to the Object class to access the data Object keys objName gt returns an array of all keys Object values objName gt returns an array of all values Object entries objName gt returns an array of property arrays Use a for in loop to iterate over all keys For this example we will be using multiple for in loops to dive down into our nested objects however for anyone learning about objects I HIGHLY recommend you look up the mdn on the first two examples listed above And with that I ll get right down to the best possible explanation I can give to a newcomer on nested object iteration Task Lets say we have a toy company split up into two teams that each have a their own individual production and sales departments const toyCompany redTeam production redProdManager Dan redWorkerOne Steve redWorkerTwo Larry sales redSalesManager Linda redSalesOne Tony redSalesTwo Matt blueTeam production blueProdManager Stacy blueworkerOne Kevin blueWorkerTwo Robbie sales blueSalesManager Todd blueSalesOne Jess blueSalesTwo Nick We ve been asked to write a function that finds the job title of an employee given their name as a string First for in Loop To do this we will begin by making our function findEmployee and adding our first for in loop We will also start by adding a console log in our function to see EXACTLY what our first loop is iterating through We ll then call the function in this case we ll be searching for an employee by the name Todd function findEmployee stringName for const team in toyCompany console log team findEmployee Todd Here is what our console log team produced LOG redTeam LOG blueTeamLets break this for in loop down a bit We can see form the LOG statements that our loop iterated through the first level of objects within the toyCompany variable the team names i e redTeam blueTeam The for loop is essentially saying for each key on the first level of toyCompany I will assign that key to its own variable via const team and then perform the code below defined within this loop In our case the code below is simple the console log team and that is exactly what the code does For redTeam the loop assigned that name to its own variable using const team and then proceeded to the following code where we then console log team The loop then went on to do the same thing for the next key in that level blueTeam Since there are only two keys the loop stopped after that Second for in Loop So we ve successfully made it through the first level but now how do we get to the next level of objects That s right another for in loop lets add a nested for in loop to our function and console log the results function findEmployee stringName for const team in toyCompany const teamObj toyCompany team for const department in teamObj console log department findEmployee Todd Here is what our console log department produced LOG production LOG sales LOG production LOG salesLet s break it down We ve determined that after our first for in loop we had successfully reached both redTeam and blueTeam Remember that everything that happens inside the curly brackets after the first for in loop happens to one key at a time So all the code will be performed for the redTeam and then all the code will be performed for the blueTeam The first thing we ve done is declared another variable const teamObj toyCompany team I know this may seem confusing but don t overcomplicate it All this variable is saying is whichever team key I am currently on in my first for in loop iteration I will assign all object data inside of that key to the variable of teamObj If you were to console log teamObj you would see production sales which is everything inside of either team object hence the name teamObj This means we have now reached the department level of the nested objects i e production sales Now that we can reference the department level of objects via the variable teamObj we are set up to iterate through them via the next for in loop for const department in teamObj this loop is simply saying for each key on the first level of teamObj I will assign that key to its own variable via const department and then perform the code below defined within this loop When we console log department we see that each department i e production sales is logged twice This is because the first loop starts in the redTeam and the second loop console log s both production and sales The first loop then moves to the blueTeam and the second loop runs its code again console logging both production and sales Third and Final for in Loop Now we can dive down into our final loop to reach the last level of nested objects and find Todd Lets take a look at the code below function findEmployee employeeName for const team in toyCompany const teamObj toyCompany team for const department in teamObj const jobTitleObj teamObj department for const jobTitle in jobTitleObj if jobTitleObj jobTitle employeeName console log jobTitle Our result LOG blueSalesManagerIf you understand how the second loop worked the third is simply a repetition with a slight change of code at the end lets walk through it Our second for in loop has gotten us down to the department level of objects i e production sales The third loop will get us to the employees Again we declare a variable const jobTitleObj teamObj department which assigns a variable to the third level of objects that contains a job title key with a matching employee name variable A quick console log jobTitleObj would yield four LOG s each with an object containing three properties one for each job within the department Here s an example of the first of four LOG s LOG redProdManager Dan redWorkerOne Steve redWorkerTwo Larry Next we have our third for in loop that basically says for each key on the first level of jobTitleObj I will assign that key to its own variable via const jobTitle and then perform the code below defined within this loop Again this is nothing different than the second for in loop Now that we have access to the job title key via the jobTitle variable we use an if statement and square brackets to check each jobTitle key and see what the value is aka the employee name We do this by using the object name followed by square brackets with the key name inside objName keyName If we were to add console log jobTitleObj jobTitle after the third for in loop it would yield a list of LOG s with each employees name showing that we can access the name of each employee using bracket notation The if statement is basically saying If the employees name attached to the current key I am on jobTitleObj jobTitle is equal to the employeeName provided when the function was called then LOG that persons job title console log jobtitle and upon calling findEmployee Todd you will see the result as blueSalesManager which if we scroll up to our starting data we see is correct Conclusion I ll conclude this post by saying that I am very aware there are much more code efficient ways to go about accomplishing this task however for learning purposes as a beginner this method helps understand the basics of how things are working It proved to be a rather steep learning curve for myself and probably is for others I can imagine Hope this explanation helps Happy coding and happy learning 2022-03-23 18:22:49
海外TECH DEV Community Exceptions - A Bad Turn of Fate https://dev.to/ernestvonmoscow/exceptions-a-bad-turn-of-fate-k8b Exceptions A Bad Turn of Fate IntroductionYou ve all heard about exceptions They are the basis of error handling in most modern OOP languages examples being Java JS C But are they as friendly as they are presented to us let s find out in this article Origins of ExceptionsThe Idea of exceptions originated back in the s in early implementations of lisp most notably in Lisp where the ERRSET function was used for controlled execution of fallible code Later lisp versions built on top of this idea adding the TRY and CATCH primitives But at that point it had already caught on and other programming languages were starting to implement it as well Exceptions in Modern Programming LanguagesExceptions in Java C C etc are represented using default or custom exception classes which can be created and thrown by the programmer This allows for a very easy and cheap In terms of productivity error handling pattern but is it as good as people say it is Criticism of ExceptionsThere are lots of criticism for this error handling pattern but let s point out a few most significant ones NO OP exception handlers What i mean by this are exception handlers which are made solely for the purpose of mandatory exception checking An Example of this behaviour would be try code that might fail catch Exception e no code here Whilst they aren t too bad if you use them a couple of times here and there once the codebase becomes bigger they make the program harder to read It becomes more apparent after writing Java for some time Because Java forces you to handle every possible exception point and it becomes a liability Developing from the previous point it s hard to catch all exceptions without an IDE If you aren t using a full fledged IDE or if you re using something simple like VIM or Emacs your development time will increase as a result of compile or runtime crashes Binary size bloating A very simple point with little to no need in explanation Modern exception handling isn t native to our architectures So as a result it causes binaries to become bloated it is not a problem when for example you re writing a web server but can become a real issue when writing something as low level as an operating system or a driver But Is there a better way to do Errors The answer is Most likely One of the alternatives to exceptions are error values They re implemented in a very crude way in C usually by returning NULL from a function Some modern programming languages expand on this idea Most prominent examples would be Go and Zig GoGo is a statically typed compiled programming language designed at Google Among other design decisions The Go team decided to use error values instead of exceptions Prior to this Google banned the use of exceptions in their C Code The way you check for errors in Go is something like the following val err function that might fail if err nil print Unfortunately our production servers are burning the error handling part nil being the null value in GoAs you can see error handling in Go is really straightforward it fixes all of the above problems of exception handling It is easy to represent error values internally Fixes problem It is easy to omit handling the error Fixes problem A good example of this would be val function that might fail but itsfine no error check Go compiler and the Runtime does not complain even if the function returns an errorGo also introduces the defer keyword which puts the execution of a statement at the end of a scope It means if you open any resource and then you check for an error you don t need to close the resource in both branches thus making the code clearer example file err open file posix is cool if err nil print Logging to our super secret database return err defer close file posix is cool file file err open file posix is cool if err nil print Logging to our super secret database return err defer close file posix is cool file file err open file posix is cool if err nil print Logging to our super secret database return err defer close file posix is cool file resources are going to be properly cleaned up even if an error in one of the branches would occur ZigZig is an imperative general purpose statically typed compiled system programming language designed by Andrew Kelley Zig error values are very similar to that of Go But they differ in some slight ways Zig also introduces exhaustive switch statement for error sets and keywords like try and catch Not to be confused with try catch in C Java the try keyword checks if the given expression evaluates to an error and if it does returns the error from the function catch keyword is used for giving the code to be executed in case an error was evaluated from the given expression SummaryTo wrap things up let s answer the question in the article are exceptions as friendly as they are presented to us from this article we ve learnt that the answer is no and there are good reasons for that But we ve also given an alternative error handling method and showed how it solves shortcomings of exceptions Links References and further Reading 2022-03-23 18:22:02
海外TECH DEV Community Introducing Codewranglrz 🤠 https://dev.to/codewranglrz/introducing-codewranglrz-3kf1 Introducing Codewranglrz We at CodeCast are thrilled to announce our new exploratory project Codewranglrz Anyone in the development world right now is very aware of how large the buzz around web is It s seemingly impossible to log onto social media without seeing talks of cryptocurrency blockchains or NFTs As a team we are extremely passionate about anyone being able to learn development We strive to stay updated with what people are interested in learning and quickly realized that this space has a lot of information Wrapping your brain around web is no small undertaking As we dove into learning we decided we needed to directly insert ourselves into the NFT world We believe strongly in “learning by doing so we decided that s exactly what we were going to do Thus Codewranglrz came to be As a team we began learning different aspects of creating an NFT collection From generating unique ideas to writing Solidity contracts to building a community we ve tried to tackle it all While Codewranglrz is a result of our own learning experience it also aims to sit in the web space as a way for everyone else to learn We began by creating CodeBadges an NFT collection of virtual laptop stickers After releasing this trial collection we quickly discovered how giant this space actually is and how easy it is to get lost in the void This collection served as a ticket into the web world but ultimately provided us with a lot of information on what not to do While the sticker collection remains close to our heart as our first venture we decided to move to a different collection to expand our abilities and test our newfound knowledge This brings us to our brand new collection of ghost NFTs which we adorably named Boos The goal of this collection was to make our NFTs more valuable to our community by finally doing something with what we ve been learning Through this collection we will be revealing its connection to educational material while we continue learning everything we can It also doesn t hurt that they re adorable to look at In the upcoming days we ll be releasing information about the collection that includes our decision to work on the polygon blockchainhow we added utility to our tokens that work for our CodeCast audiencetutorials and learning material surrounding webinformation about the official launch of our Boos collection‍We have lots of exciting announcements coming up so be sure to follow CodeCast and Codewranglrz on social media to stay updated 2022-03-23 18:11:47
海外TECH DEV Community Escape Sequence Characters in JavaScript https://dev.to/hardikmirg/escape-sequence-characters-in-javascript-4l8k Escape Sequence Characters in JavaScript Escape Sequence CharactersEscape Sequence Characters as the name suggests is used to escape a particular sequence or to display special characters They can also be used withing strings Single quote Double Quoted Backslash b backspace f form feed n newline r carriage return t horizontal tabulator v vertical tabulatorHope you learned something useful today Peace Out ️ 2022-03-23 18:05:04
海外TECH DEV Community Day-49 Training At Ryaz https://dev.to/mahin651/day-49-training-at-ryaz-26of Day Training At RyazDate Day WednesdayToday I started at about am as I was done with both user part and cources part soothe thing left was to do that host would create the course so firstly I started with this so I saw the source but it was not explained well so i decided to have a meet with my mentor so i had a call with the mentor so he basically explained me that we have i e host would pass the parameters like name price category etc of the course created and in end the api which would hit post would pass the host id with the course created by the host so we would be able to identify that the list of cources that we are available is created with the host with the specific id so now thing is that student need to buy course so this is done by passing id of student to the course so I passed the student id in the course so this way my day ended up and I basically completed all basics of crud app that were initiated now the working is to improve the placements of files and refining them 2022-03-23 18:02:14
海外TECH DEV Community Kubernetes: Statistics in Your Console https://dev.to/otomato_io/kubernetes-statistics-in-your-console-4182 Kubernetes Statistics in Your ConsoleAs intended by the author this article is the first in a series about the community developed tools we work with at Otomato Fortunately the world of open source does not let us get bored Even in the world of containers you re still going to have to deal with CPU and memory resources In the daily work of a DevOps engineer with a Kubernetes cluster it is often in demand to quickly and with minimal effort obtain statistical information about the resources consumed And of course no one of ops would want to feel himself like RENA s captain or Ever Given s one In general resource consumption should be closely monitored Gurus will say that monitoring systems such as Prometheus Grafana should be used for these purposes younger gurus will say don t show off and open the Lens application But come on guys what if we just want to display what we need on the screen with one console command Fast short and clear But something more sophisticated than kubectl top pod s output in the same time Well thanks to developers community there is a tool Now I will tell you how to do it and with what tool A few words about extensibilityAs you may know the Kubernetes command line tool kubectl allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters The Kubernetes CLI special interest group added a built in plugin system to kubectl that allows anyone to add new sub commands to extend the basic command set it offers This does not require editing kubectl s source code or recompiling it Any executable file in your PATH that starts with kubectl can be called with the kubectl command To try this out let s write a very basic plugin called kubectl hello usr bin env bashecho Congrats USER you just used a kubectl plugin Make this script executable and add it to your PATH chmod x kubectl helloln s PWD kubectl hello usr local bin kubectl helloThat s it You can now use this plugin with kubectl kubectl helloWell that s pretty much how it works Let s go further Krew all plugins in one boxInstalling plugins manually and keeping track of them can be tedious Thankfully kubectl has a plugin manager The community driven plugin manager for kubectl is called krew For Linux follow these instructions to set it up on your computer This will install the kubectl krew binary Notice that krew is itself a kubectl plugin The open source community keeps a list of plugins you can install in the official krew index repository Use krew to download the index kubectl krew updateYou can view the list of available plugins with the search sub command kubectl krew searchInstalling a plugin is easy with the install sub command To try it out install the whoami plugin kubectl krew install whoamiIf you installed a plugin a while ago you may want to upgrade to a newer version which could include new features or bug fixes Use the upgrade sub command to upgrade one or all installed plugins You can upgrade a single plugin withkubectl krew upgrade whoamiOr upgrade all installed plugins withkubectl krew upgradecommands respectively Ok but what about our resources and statistics The reader is right Let s go back to the question in the title So we got a tool let s sharpen and use it now This plugin we re interested in and can be installed with our krew is kube capacity It is a simple CLI written by Rob Scott from Google that provides an overview of the resource requests limits and utilization in a Kubernetes cluster It attempts to combine the best parts of the output from kubectl top and kubectl describe into an easy to use CLI focused on cluster resources As a result it can save you a lot of commands to figure out how a node is being used and which pods might be using more resources than they should be The installation process is easy kubectl krew install resource capacity Use casesThe simple resource capacity command with kubectl would return the CPU requests and limits and memory requests and limits of each Node available in the cluster You can use the sort cpu limit flag to sort by the CPU limit There are more sorts available we will see next kubectl resource capacity sort cpu limitNODE CPU REQUESTS CPU LIMITS MEMORY REQUESTS MEMORY LIMITS m m Mi Mi ip ec internal m m Mi Mi ip ec internal m m Mi Mi By default this would not return the Utilization data for each node If you need to see utilization report for each node you need to use util flag kubectl resource capacity sort cpu limit utilNODE CPU REQUESTS CPU LIMITS CPU UTIL MEMORY REQUESTS MEMORY LIMITS MEMORY UTIL m m m Mi Mi Mi ip ec internal m m m Mi Mi Mi ip ec internal m m m Mi Mi Mi What if we need a more customized report As we have seen above kubectl resource capacity plugin supports sort by fields The sort flag supports the following values cpu util cpu request cpu limit mem util mem request mem limit name If no flag applied by default it is sorted in ascending order by the name Moreover adding pods flag to your command will dump you all the similar stats including running pods The sorting order will be preserved We can even further break it down to finer detail such as containers in each pods by adding containers flag The whole command will look like this kubectl resource capacity sort cpu util util pods containers Is there any way to summarize values for namespaces It is a very good question To get the CPU and memory usage of the namespace with kube capacity plugin use the following command kubectl resource capacity n kube system p corkubectl resource capacity n kube system pods containers What if I would like to get YAML output for using it in automation frameworks The described kube capacity plugin is configured to give output as a table by default but the output can be customized into other formats too The supported output formats are also YAML and JSON You can define the output by using the flag o or output Fast and robust clusters to you 2022-03-23 18:01:51
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Sophisticated Gimmick malware found, custom-made for macOS https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/03/23/sophisticated-gimmick-malware-found-custom-made-for-macos?utm_medium=rss Sophisticated Gimmick malware found custom made for macOSSecurity researchers have discovered a new custom macOS malware dubbed Gimmick which they believe was created by a Chinese espionage group to carry out attacks in Asia MacBook AirThe macOS malware variant was discovered by incident responders at security firm Volexity in the memory of a MacBook Pro running a version of macOS Big Sur According to the team the machine was compromised in a cyber espionage attack Read more 2022-03-23 18:38:09
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Deal alert: add AppleCare to any Mac Studio for only $1 https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/03/23/deal-alert-add-applecare-to-any-mac-studio-for-only-1?utm_medium=rss Deal alert add AppleCare to any Mac Studio for only Apple s new Mac Studio is a hit and AppleInsider readers can tack on AppleCare to any configuration for only savings with our exclusive coupon code Add AppleCare to any Mac Studio for just at AdoramaDemand for Apple s new desktop is high but that hasn t stopped retailers from offering fantastic Mac Studio deals at launch Read more 2022-03-23 18:40:34
海外TECH Engadget 'EA Sports PGA Tour' is delayed by a year https://www.engadget.com/ea-sports-pga-tour-delayed-2023-183016847.html?src=rss x EA Sports PGA Tour x is delayed by a yearGolf fans will have to wait another full year to play EA s next PGA Tour game with the publisher announcing a delay this week When it first revealed it was returning to golf games last March EA said its plan was to release EA Sports PGA Tour sometime in the spring of The company has now set a spring launch window EA did not share a reason for the delay nor did it say what platforms the “next gen revival would be available on when it finally does launch Experience the next generation of championship golf ️Coming Spring ️pic twitter com UNdgFoGiLーEA SPORTS PGA TOUR EASPORTSPGATOUR March What it did do is reiterate that the title will feature all four major tournaments the Masters the US Open the Britsh Open and the PGA Championship and run on its proprietary Frostbite engine from Dice Speaking of Dice the delay is significantly longer than the one EA gave the Swedish studio to work on Battlefield ahead of its rocky launch Months after release BF is still missing key features including in game voice chat support and Dice only recently added a proper scoreboard to the game nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp 2022-03-23 18:30:16
海外TECH Engadget Toyota and Aurora test robotaxis in Texas https://www.engadget.com/toyota-aurora-robotaxi-texas-test-181751763.html?src=rss Toyota and Aurora test robotaxis in TexasToyota and Aurora are bringing their robotaxi partnership to Texas roads TechCrunchreports the two companies are launching an autonomous ride hailing test in the Dallas Fort Worth area using modified Sienna hybrid minivans The project will focus on highways and other high speed roads and is already dealing with challenges like high speed merges construction and vehicles stopped on shoulders The test is small and the vans aren t truly driverless Each vehicle will have both a behind the wheel supervisor as well as a monitor in a passenger seat The Siennas will drive autonomously up to MPH however and Aurora said it would both grow the fleet and expand testing into more urbanized areas over the months ahead Aurora chose Texas both due to an abundance of major trucking routes to help with its cargo carrying plans and the power to develop and test high priority trips for its Aurora Connect robotaxi platform such as rides to the airport The company s trucks are already ferrying goods for Uber Freight in Texas There s plenty of pressure for Toyota and Aurora to succeed with the test Aurora bought Uber s self driving unit in December to help speed up its ride hailing plans and it ultimately hopes to plug Connect into Uber and other hailing services The sooner experiments like this bear fruit the sooner Toyota Aurora and Uber can compete with rivals like Cruise and Waymo both of which are already offering limited rides to the public 2022-03-23 18:17:51
海外TECH Engadget A quick drive in Nissan’s Ariya EV https://www.engadget.com/nissan-ariya-suv-ev-video-180702732.html?src=rss A quick drive in Nissan s Ariya EVFor years the Nissan Leaf was the best selling EV in the world ーthen the Model appeared on the scene Still Nissan has lots of EV experience and it s transferring all that knowledge into the Nissan Ariya SUV With a starting price of around the electric vehicle is expected to land in US showrooms this fall Ahead of that we had a chance to drive the latest Nissan EV on a track in Spain The automaker set up various portions of the track to recreate different driving conditions The result isn t as good as a real world drive but we did get a good feeling of how the vehicle drives and got a chance to check out its very nice interior Watch the video above for the full story 2022-03-23 18:07:02
金融 金融庁ホームページ 金融審議会「ディスクロージャーワーキング・グループ」(第6回) 議事録について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/singi/singi_kinyu/disclose_wg/gijiroku/20220218.html 金融審議会 2022-03-23 19:30:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 金融審議会「ディスクロージャーワーキング・グループ」(第7回) 議事次第について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/singi/singi_kinyu/disclose_wg/siryou/20220324.html 金融審議会 2022-03-23 19:30:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Spring Statement: Rishi Sunak seeks to combat cost of living squeeze https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60848315?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA times 2022-03-23 18:31:29
ニュース BBC News - Home Ex-US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright dies https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60855139?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA secretary 2022-03-23 18:48:50
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: UK marks second anniversary of first national lockdown https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60847932?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA lockdowna 2022-03-23 18:09:11
ニュース BBC News - Home Spring Statement: Key points at a glance https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60849054?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA statement 2022-03-23 18:31:51
ニュース BBC News - Home People face biggest drop in living standards in 66 years https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60846951?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA meaning 2022-03-23 18:21:18
ニュース BBC News - Home Goldman Sachs boss David Solomon set to DJ Lollapalooza https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60854153?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA chicago 2022-03-23 18:23:51
ニュース BBC News - Home Ukrainian orphans flying towards Scotland after delay https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-60850379?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA dnipro 2022-03-23 18:54:10
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 コロナ禍で「陰謀論にハマる人」が増えている、納得の理由とは - ニュース3面鏡 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/297010 秘密結社 2022-03-24 03:55:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 分譲マンションより割安?「テラスハウス」のお買い得度を検証 - ビッグデータで解明!「物件選び」の新常識 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/299875 分譲マンション 2022-03-24 03:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 逆イールドは景気後退の予兆説、今回は当たらず? - WSJ PickUp https://diamond.jp/articles/-/299745 wsjpickup 2022-03-24 03:45:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 金相場の高値はいつまで続くか、金利上昇でも高止まりする理由 - マーケットフォーカス https://diamond.jp/articles/-/299874 史上最高値 2022-03-24 03:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 ウクライナ軍「奇襲と散兵」 ロシア補給線狙う - WSJ PickUp https://diamond.jp/articles/-/299871 wsjpickup 2022-03-24 03:35:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 仕事の効率アップ?脳が活性化する食べ物「ブレインフード」8選 - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/298515 仕事の効率アップ脳が活性化する食べ物「ブレインフード」選NewsampampAnalysis健康的な食生活は、脳の働きを活性化するのに効果的です。 2022-03-24 03:30:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 中国旅客機の墜落、ボーイング機の復活に暗雲 - WSJ PickUp https://diamond.jp/articles/-/299872 wsjpickup 2022-03-24 03:25:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 電機の業界研究、起死回生の「追い風」を味方につける企業とは【再編マップ付き】 - 親と子のための業界・企業研究 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/299800 企業研究 2022-03-24 03:15:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 日本でもついに始まったジョブ型雇用、その実態は? - 2040年「仕事とキャリア」年表 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/299280 日本企業 2022-03-24 03:10:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 制作のプロフェッショナルが教えてくれた、「研修動画」に絶対欠かせないもの - HRオンライン https://diamond.jp/articles/-/299376 制作のプロフェッショナルが教えてくれた、「研修動画」に絶対欠かせないものHRオンラインコロナ禍で、オンラインによる研修やセミナーが増え続けている。 2022-03-24 03:05:00
GCP Cloud Blog Celebrating our tech and startup customers https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/inside-google-cloud/celebrating-tech-and-startup-customers/ Celebrating our tech and startup customersOur tech and startup customers are disrupting industries driving innovation and changing how people do things We re proud of their success and want to showcase what they re up to You ll hear about their new products their businesses reaching new milestones and their ability to get things done faster and easier using Google Cloud s app development data analytics and AI ML services Helios has kicked off in a big wayThe audio tone analysis platform Comprehend Elite that they provide to Wall Street quantitative hedge funds now covers all US equities and is fully available here It s entirely powered by Google Cloud Dapper Labs uses Google Cloud for performance reliability and decentralizationIn case you missed it before the holidays Dapper Labs is working with Google Cloud as its hyperscale cloud partner to ensure performance reliability and decentralization for the next wave of mainstream users on Flow without needing to compromise on decentralization or sustainability  Find out more Geotab s Intelligent Transportation Systems Geotab ITS is built on Google Cloud Geotab uses GKE BigQuery Dataflow and Cloud Composer to build an innovative solution combining analytics and access to massive data volumes so municipalities can make better transportation planning decisions The sheer volume of information that it handles along with a need for highly scalable and flexible tools to manage store and analyze that data led Geotab to invest in Google Cloud technology  Read more Mux CEO shares advice for getting started with videoMux CEO Jon Dahl sat down with Google Cloud Director Nirav Sheth to share best practices and strategies for getting started with video along with insights and advice from his learnings as a startup founder Listen to what he has to say Google Cloud is proud to support Unstoppable Women of WebUnstoppable Women of Web UWOW is an action oriented community made of industry leaders supporting education amp opportunities for girls women and minorities in this burgeoning industry  This International Women s Day March th you can catch live interviews with Tech and Web leaders from all over the world covering topics such as how to build communities how to learn more about Web developing technology on the blockchain how to talk about complex ideas with kids and more How you can engage hour Twitter Spaces YouTube LIVE Learn more about the movementPuppet CTO increases development speedHear Puppet CTO Deepak Giridharagopal discuss how they managed to build Puppet s first Saas product Relay fast while also ensuring they would be able to remain agile if growth was to happen quickly Watch video Vimeo builds a fully responsive video platform on Google CloudThe video platform Vimeo leverages managed database services from Google Cloud to serve up billions of views around the world each day Read how it uses Cloud Spanner to deliver a consistent and reliable experience to its users no matter where they are  Find out more  Nylas improved price performance by You don t have to choose between price performance and x compatibility Hear from David Ting SVP of Engineering and CISO at nylas to learn how Google s x based Tau VMs delivered better price performance than competing Arm based VMs Watch now Optimizely partners with Google Cloud on experimentation solutions Build the next big thing with Optimizely Experimentation on Google Cloud driving innovation and next gen experimentation for enterprise companies and marketers Check it out 2022-03-23 20:00:00



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