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IT 気になる、記になる… Twitter、DMのメッセージ内容をキーワードで検索可能に https://taisy0.com/2022/03/24/155101.html twitter 2022-03-24 08:41:54
TECH Engadget Japanese クアルコムとTrimble、AndroidのGPS誤差が1m単位に高精度化する技術を導入へ https://japanese.engadget.com/trimble-rtx-makes-android-gps-more-accurate-085025605.html android 2022-03-24 08:50:25
TECH Engadget Japanese ドコモが「オープンRAN」の現状を解説。外販では楽天がリード(石野純也) https://japanese.engadget.com/rakuten-mobile-083042392.html 無線設備 2022-03-24 08:30:42
ROBOT ロボスタ 【速報】ソフトバンクが量子でも破られない次世代暗号技術「PQC」を米Sandbox AQと共同実験へ「なぜ量子技術は現在の暗号を解けるのか」から解説 https://robotstart.info/2022/03/24/sb-sandbox-pqc.html 2022-03-24 08:26:03
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] JALが値上げ 国内線の普通席は8%アップ 新型コロナや燃料高で https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2203/24/news161.html itmedia 2022-03-24 17:52:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] みずほ・グーグルが戦略的提携 気になる“アノ問題” https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2203/24/news159.html itmedia 2022-03-24 17:49:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] au PAY、ゆうちょ銀行やイオン銀行などでチャージ可能に https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2203/24/news147.html aupay 2022-03-24 17:14:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) 伊藤忠ら、飲食店のAI需要予測から自動発注までを検証。対象食材の9割が適正量での発注に成功 https://techable.jp/archives/175671 伊藤忠商事株式会社 2022-03-24 08:00:55
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders アシスト、高速データ変換をうたうETLツール「Precisely Connect」に新版9.13 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/22887 開発会社は、米Precisely旧Syncsort、日本法人はプリサイスリー・ソフトウェア。 2022-03-24 17:44:00
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders デージーネット、OCRを備えた全文検索システムをOSSで構築するサービス | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/22886 デージーネット、OCRを備えた全文検索システムをOSSで構築するサービスITLeadersデージーネットは年月日、OCR光学文字認識機能付きの全文検索システムをオープンソースソフトウェアOSSを使って構築するSIサービスを同年月日に提供開始すると発表した。 2022-03-24 17:07:00
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RubyとPHPの比較(条件分岐、配列、ハッシュ) https://qiita.com/Hashimoto-Noriaki/items/449c00327e99574e430a Rubyのシンボル︎Ruby連想配列の書き方でシンボルという文字列をにして簡単に書けるようにしたものです。 2022-03-24 17:06:33
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AmazonSESのログをS3へ出力する https://qiita.com/nanaco/items/af54ba6352c9824a3cda 手順今回はKinesisとSを使ってSESのログ収集できるようにします。 2022-03-24 17:13:44
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita docker registry https://qiita.com/kataege/items/6b3c8bba781f1eb3aac5 2022-03-24 17:07:54
技術ブログ Developers.IO Google Forms APIでフォームの回答を取得する https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/get-form-response-via-google-forms-api/ googleformsapi 2022-03-24 08:10:15
海外TECH DEV Community Cheatsheet: Getting started with Software Localization https://dev.to/localazy/cheatsheet-getting-started-with-software-localization-335j Cheatsheet Getting started with Software Localization Quick tips for successful software localization Take localization into account in the early stages of development Introducing multilingual support once you are rolling requires extra work on your part and makes you more likely to forget something important Think about localization throughout your product as a whole e g don t allow the backend to send untranslated messages Make sure you handle string interpolation correctly from the very beginning For example don t concatenate but use placeholders instead Manage strings with various plural forms properly etc Use plurals the right way e g don t use plural zero for an empty check The previous two points will help you prevent the most common problems when you start implementing more exotic languages such as RTL languages or those without plurals Double check that you handle date formats etc correctly as well Unfortunately this is something that we can t do for you it s a matter of proper implementation within your code Learn How to prepare your project for in and ln in our guide Localizable file formats When possible stick with JSON and do your best to avoid formats like PO XLIFF etc Those formats are meant to be used mainly by professional translators and agencies and are usually handled with specialized proprietary software Yes Localazy supports these formats but also completely overshadows the main reasons for their existence in the first place For example JSON is an excellent file format for software localization One of the benefits of using JSON is that it allows you to add comments that your contributors can use to find additional context and translate your product accurately On top of that Localazy accepts JSON as input and can return the good old JSON More on that here Define context for translators tell them when and how the string is used in your product etc This considerably increases the quality of translations You can e g use a Translation Glossary or attach Screenshots to your translation project to improve the quality of translation Generally there are not many problems regarding file formats because Localazy supports the majority of common file formats See the list here Why should you use Localazy Software localization is not even remotely only about translations Software evolves in time strings come and go or undergo changes Localazy is perfectly prepared for this It s not about translation management only either You have to manage the people involved and their permissions as well Read more here Localazy gives you and your contributors the tools needed to increase the translation quality and removes many emergent nuisances Localazy provides a translation glossary machine translation suggestions and shared translations identifies similar phrases already used in your project to ensure consistency allows you to add comments and see translations in other languages for additional context Read more about Localazy from a translator s perspective Localazy will ensure you translate plurals correctly depending on the language Read more Our advanced technology such as InTM and ShareTM allows you to share translations among projects yours only or all on the platform Why should you have to translate two identical strings twice You won t get lost thanks to the unique review process which lets you perform meticulous QA Read more about our Unique review process and self managed translations Localazy automatically detects changes in the source language and informs translators about new texts that require translation We generate meta files with language lists and their English and localized names Thus you can quickly implement a language switcher that is fully integrated with Localazy You can also use additional services professional translations machine translation post editing global CDN and many more Read more Translating software the old way back and forth e mailing of text files between you and your translators is annoying and exhaustive You can afford to get lazy with Localazy and manage all of your translations separated from your code hassle free Localazy offers plans suitable for individuals and teams of any size And you can start for free before you commit ️How to get started Localazy is ready for tight integration with your software project but can be used by anyone for quick translation of localizable files First steps Create a free account or sign up via your Google or GitHub account No credit card is required Create your first project The next step is populating your empty project with content to translate Select from the ever growing list of integrations Localazy supports and import your strings ️There are three ways of doing this depending on your case manual import Localazy CLI integration or setting up an SDK After successful integration add new languages to start the localization journey Find more steps and learn more in our Getting Started guide Recommended steps for developers Download our CLI command line interface which is available for all operating systems Create a config file which defines what files are meant to be uploaded and where to download translated files Run localazy upload to import your files to Localazy You can invoke this command on each change or use GitLab CI CD GitHub Actions or our Bitrise Step to automate the process entirely During the build process of your software invoke localazy download to fetch the newest version of translated files Of course you can automate this too For Android and iOS we provide special SDKs which make the localization process even easier The best thing about Localazy is that you can configure the integration only once Localazy will handle everything for you once you set it up ️ConclusionIs there anything you would add to the list Do you have any questions regarding Localazy Let us know in the comments You can also find more information about Localazy on our blog and in the documentation 2022-03-24 08:38:25
海外TECH DEV Community Top 10 in-demand freelance skills for 2022 https://dev.to/join_hyve/top-10-in-demand-freelance-skills-for-2022-41lo Top in demand freelance skills for You can find the article here Freelance work can provide you with the flexibility and independence to pursue your own projects without any upfront costs or commitments Considering how competitive and ever changing the freelancing industry is it s important to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the most in demand skills Let s take a look at the most in demand freelance skills for Blockchain and crypto programming As more and more businesses adopt blockchain technology the need for skilled blockchain programmers will increase In a nutshell blockchain technology is a distributed database that allows for secure tamper proof transactions This makes it perfect for applications such as cryptocurrency supply chain management and data governance As a result demand for blockchain developers is skyrocketing and will only continue to grow in the years ahead Video marketing skills If you re looking to add video marketing skills to your skillset there are a few things you can do First start by watching some tutorials on how to create videos There are tons of great resources online that can teach you the basics Once you have a basic understanding of how to create videos start creating content You can create videos about your business products or services or even just informational videos about topics related to your industry Graphic design Nowadays graphic design is one of the top five most in demand freelance jobs So if you re looking for a lucrative freelancing career graphic design is the skill to focus on Also sourcing the work from freelancers allows businesses to get newer types of designs to suit their requirements since everyone has a unique style With the right skills and experience you can build a successful freelance business that caters to a wide range of clients AI development AI development is becoming increasingly important as businesses strive to stay competitive in a digital age As AI becomes more sophisticated businesses need employees who can create and maintain these systems As AI becomes more sophisticated businesses need employees who can create and maintain these systems This is why AI development is one of the most sought after skills in freelancing today So if you want to make yourself marketable as a freelancer in the coming years learning how to develop AI algorithms and applications is going to be essential Data analysis Freelance data analysts can take large volumes of data and summarize it into actionable insights for their clients This is a very valuable skill as more and more businesses are moving to digital platforms where they can track data on everything from website visits to customer purchases As a data analyst you can help your clients make sense of all this data and understand what it means for their business Web design If you can design websites that are user friendly and effective then you will be able to find a lot of freelance work in no time It s a skill that will help you stand out in a competitive job market and increase your chances of finding various work opportunities So if you re looking to start freelancing in the near future it s a good idea to start learning about web design There are plenty of online courses and tutorials available so there s no excuse not to get started And who knows you might just end up becoming one of the most in demand freelancers in NFT art NFTs are so popular because they offer a wide range of use cases They can be used for digital collectibles gaming identity verification and more Additionally as the global cryptocurrency market continues to grow the demand for NFTs is also increasing Even mainstream freelancing platforms now abound in tasks related to NFTs with some having their own dedicated section for NFTs where services listed earlier and many more can be provided Social media marketing When it comes to freelancing social media marketing is one of the most in demand skills This shouldn t come as a surprise as businesses are increasingly turning to social media to reach customers The demand for social media marketers is high and their skills will be critical as businesses turn to Instagram reels or Twitter tweets to reach customers If you want an extra tip you can offer your own service such as website design or SEO work along with copywriting for a competitive edge over other freelancers Mobile app development Mobile apps have become an essential part of our lives We use them to communicate with friends get work done and entertain ourselves Also mobile app development is a versatile skill that can be used for a variety of projects If you have some coding experience you can pick up the basics of mobile app development in just a few weeks Then if you can develop mobile apps that are user friendly and effective then you will be able to find a lot of freelance work in no time These skills are sure to be in high demand and will prepare you for the jobs of the future Explore new freelancing opportunities on HYVEHYVE is the perfect freelancing platform to explore work opportunities and connect directly with prospective employers or companies and showcase your skillset Create your freelancer profile on HYVE upload your work portfolio and have access to various freelance gigs or freelance jobs In addition HYVE has numerous unique features and subfeatures making it the perfect and most lucrative option for you to start out your freelancing career Besides the chance to quickly find clients the main motivation for any freelancer to register on HYVE is getting paid on time for the job The task or job will be registered on chain with the amount agreed upon between parties will be stored in an escrow on the blockchain Want to learn more about HYVE Follow us on Twitter ️Join our Telegram Group Join our Announcement Channel Join our Discord Follow us on Instagram Visit our Website 2022-03-24 08:37:56
海外TECH DEV Community What's a new thing you've started using recently? https://dev.to/olamicreas/whats-a-new-thing-youve-started-using-recently-4n7e language 2022-03-24 08:36:41
海外TECH DEV Community Virtual Offices: Making Virtual Presence a Reality https://dev.to/styleworkcity/virtual-offices-making-virtual-presence-a-reality-48pj Virtual Offices Making Virtual Presence a RealityIt is simple to come up with a business idea and go on an entrepreneurial venture in these changing times of new startups and online firms A market is a small place now thanks to technology and communication is not an issue It s very feasible that you re running a hundred dollar business from your living room couch with your laptop as your sole employee In that situation the business is humming along nicely but a professional mailing address is missing A company address is necessary to establish a professional identity and to include it on all official papers and correspondences in order to sound and appear more professional and official To deal with this you ll need a virtual business address where you can receive all of your formal paperwork while also giving your company a more professional appearance A virtual office in definition is a service that offers a business owner all of the benefits of a real office ーan address and phone number communication and administrative services and access to meeting rooms without the need for physical office space Virtual offices are becoming increasingly popular not only among startups but also among established multinationals and corporations Because of the epidemic and soaring leasing costs virtual workplaces are expected to become the standard in the near future How to Get a Virtual Mailing Address Getting a virtual office address is just a two step process with us Stylework offers an impanel network of providers with over locations to choose from Step Let us know your requirements and we will help you with the best in city options for your new office addressStep Once you have chosen your location the services and a periodic package you are all set to be the virtual presence Pay the fee and get one step closer to your own virtual office space Step Submit the needed documents with the provider and a GST number and virtual office address will be issued on your Company s behalf and you have a professional identity established to know more about documents needed call us today or visit www stylework cityOur Virtual Office Space solution service assists businesses of all kinds in lowering their overhead expenditures which is one of the most significant expenses any business faces In today s fast paced and competitive corporate environment those savings might be the difference between success and failure Stylework virtual office solutions can help you take your business to the next level regardless of where you are in the world whether you re an entrepreneur a digital nomad a startup or a business v 2022-03-24 08:34:57
海外TECH DEV Community Accessing locked file on linux\ Ubuntu https://dev.to/olamicreas/accessing-locked-file-on-linux-ubuntu-1nnl chmod 2022-03-24 08:31:47
海外TECH DEV Community 10 great open source for CMS & web https://dev.to/hanakhelifa/10-great-open-source-for-cms-web-139l great open source for CMS amp webSome of my favorite open source tools for web I wrote a guide on open source tools here also StrapiNode js Headless CMS to build customizable APIsBuilderDrag and drop page builder and CMSPlasmicThe headless page builder for singe page frameworksDirectusOpen Data Platform for instantly turning any SQL database into an API and beautiful no code appWebinyEnterprise serverless CMSHoppscotchAPI development ecosystem to help create requests faster saving precious time on developmentKeycloakUser authentication and session management frameworkAppwriteBackend server with REST APIs to manage core backend needsSupabaseThe alternative to Firebase to create a backend in two minutesNextcloudSelf hosted collaboration solution 2022-03-24 08:30:51
海外TECH DEV Community Unwrapping Reacts Core; access JSX.IntrinsicElement props globally (no imports required) https://dev.to/asross311/unwrapping-reacts-core-access-jsxintrinsicelement-props-globally-no-imports-required-ckm Unwrapping Reacts Core access JSX IntrinsicElement props globally no imports required How it StartedWhile working with forms in a current Next Headless WordPress build I found myself wanting to access for example the props of an lt input gt or a lt button gt or an lt a gt and so on and so forth using as little effort as possible This resulted in many trial and error attempts at piecing together an intuitive comprehensive globally consumable solution intellisense from the current working versions use with lt main gt pictured below That said and as one might expect there were a number of partial solutions preceding the current singular one size fits all solution Defining an ObjectiveThe ideal solution in my mind was two fold global re usability project agnostic adhere to native React namespace type definition usage piece something together that even the most cowabunga of js only developers could get behind without compromising on type safety at any time Phase One Generics lt If your aim involves tackling bigger picture project wide type related goals then generics are likely already an integral part of your arsenal However if you haven t worked with generics before then you re in luck The remainder of this post deals with types that heavily rely on generic properties You could say it s a typeof acquired taste one that grows on you from the moment your first generic expression clicks Generics a brief PrimerIf you re already familiar with using generics feel free to skip ahead to the next section If not let s dive right in A Simple Generic Starter Unwrapping a Promise disambiguation see line of node modules typescript lib lib es d ts for info on Promise vs PromiseLikeexport type UnwrapPromise lt T gt T extends PromiseLike lt infer U gt Promise lt infer U gt U T You might be asking yourself something along the lines of When the hell exactly is this type useful How is it useful Why is it useful In What contexts is it most useful which are great questions to consider Scrutiny is a beautiful thing To address these hypothetical questions which you may or may not be asking yourself the UnwrapPromise lt T gt type is exceedingly useful when it comes to inferring the return type of an async function a promise Think of seeding files that return data with a whole lot going on in the context of types often manifesting as a single line async function in practice Sounds like a royal pain in the ass to statically type out right Right It absolutely would be but it can be tackled in a couple lines of clean generic laced code let s approach this using our simple generic from above as the cornerstone code snippets from another recent project linked here amp within this paragraph above export async function seed lt T extends import prisma client PrismaClient gt prisma T line lots of data mimicry unfolds below line the main event const seedUser async gt return await prisma user create data schema prisma models types seeded here include sessions true accounts true profile true entries true count true comments true return seedUser line let s unwrap this sizeable beast similar to the type we defined previouslytype UnwrapPromise lt T gt T extends Promise lt infer U gt U T use built in ReturnType lt T gt inside of UnwrapPromise lt T gt type SeedInferred UnwrapPromise lt ReturnType lt typeof seed gt gt enhance precision by extending Record lt keyof U infer U gt type SeedPropsInferred lt U gt UnwrapPromise lt typeof seed extends Record lt keyof U infer U gt Record lt keyof U U gt UnwrapPromise lt typeof seed gt gt Two of the three generics that we just defined are integral parts of the main function below The latter function calls on the lengthy seed function when a yarn seed script is executed in the terminal This prompts the seed function to trigger generating quasi random data for a new user which is ultimately persisted by MongoDB Atlas for the particular repo in question At any rate let s see how the return type of seed is inferred in mainasync function main const prisma await import server Context prisma try await prisma default connect then gt console log seeding db connection opened const s SeedPropsInferred lt props typeof prisma gt async Promise lt SeedInferred gt gt await seed prisma default then data gt console log JSON stringify seeding success created data role with id data id and email data email null return data return await s prisma default catch err console error err process exitCode finally return await prisma default disconnect then gt console log seeding db connection closed main The following snippet is arguably the most important to grapple with in the context of understanding type inference const s SeedPropsInferred lt props typeof prisma gt async Promise lt SeedInferred gt gt await seed prisma default then data gt console log JSON stringify seeding success created data role with id data id and email data email null return data return await s prisma default Why Well we know that the seed function takes prisma PrismaClient as a prop so it s only its return type s that would otherwise be a mystery That and it would be reasonable to assume that the success value returned by the main instantiating function mirrors that of the value returned by the seed function it does With the above logic in place intellisense doesn t miss a beat and perfectly infers the shape s of the returned data Nice Now back to React JSX for the remainder of the article → Phase Two Unwrapping a single JSX IntrinsicElementFirst let s find the type definition for an lt input gt JSX IntrinsicElement declare global namespace JSX some interesting generic usage happening here interface IntrinsicElements other elements input React DetailedHTMLProps lt React InputHTMLAttributes lt HTMLInputElement gt HTMLInputElement gt more elements declare global namespace JSX was intentionally included in the above typedefinition as it s important to think about where types are coming from where they could go and how we could use generics to achieve various desired outcomes The first method I used when approaching this task was a localized cut n dry mimicry mapping approach export type UnwrapInputProps lt T extends keyof DetailedHTMLProps lt InputHTMLAttributes lt HTMLInputElement gt HTMLInputElement gt gt P in T DetailedHTMLProps lt InputHTMLAttributes lt HTMLInputElement gt HTMLInputElement gt P In the above UnwrapInputProps type definition T is extending the keyof an exact replica of the inner workings of the official input JSX IntrinsicElement typedef we looked up at the start of this phase UnwrapInputProps lt T gt is used for scaffolding custom input components in practice as follows export const InjectNameInput props UnwrapInputProps lt className type name autoComplete id required value onChange placeholder gt gt lt input props gt Upon examining the intellisense it quickly becomes clear that this is hardly an optimized or ideal approach as far as widespread adoption is concerned Why It necessitates the manual entering of each desired prop type which can be annoying to remember and tedious to maintain especially with multiple devs in a single codebase Let s see how InjectNameInput is actually consumed lt InjectNameInput className cn gform formIdRef current gfield nameinput router query slug as string placeholder includes Given Name visible min w full placeholder includes Surname visible min w full type text name key id input formIdRef current id key placeholder placeholder autoComplete AUTOCOMPLETE ATTRIBUTES key value nameValues key onChange handleChange gt Next our final phase phase tres While there are other interesting intermediates on the way to the current working solution heightened drowsiness and a desire to return to the code editor before sleep creeps in warrants getting to the point If you d like for me to update this post and expand on one or two additional intermediate solutions that build off of the previous approach and the pros cons therein please drop a comment letting me know below Phase Three The Utility of d ts filesFirst head to your tsconfig json file to ensure that the following flag is set declaration trueThe contents of my current tsconfig json as of compilerOptions module esnext target ES lib DOM DOM Iterable ESNext declaration true strict true pretty true noImplicitAny true strictNullChecks true noImplicitThis true alwaysStrict true skipDefaultLibCheck true moduleResolution Node sourceMap true strictBindCallApply true noStrictGenericChecks false strictFunctionTypes true noUnusedLocals false noUnusedParameters false jsx preserve downlevelIteration true noImplicitReturns true noFallthroughCasesInSwitch true inlineSources true experimentalDecorators true strictPropertyInitialization true baseUrl allowJs true sourceRoot src checkJs false skipLibCheck true forceConsistentCasingInFileNames true noEmit true esModuleInterop true resolveJsonModule true allowSyntheticDefaultImports true isolatedModules true incremental true paths apollo src apollo components src components graphql src graphql hooks src hooks lib src lib pages src pages styles src styles types src types utils src utils include next env d ts index d ts graphqls d ts src ts src d ts src graphqls d ts src graphql d ts src graphqls src graphql src tsx src js src gql exclude node modules Right on to the good stuff With the declaration flag set to true create a root index d ts file Please be sure to include the file at the bottom of your tsconfig json file within the include array too for TS to detect it index d ts Recursive Optional Mapping good gooddeclare type RecursiveOptional lt T gt P in keyof T RecursiveOptional lt T P gt Strip RecursiveOptional wrapper post recursion for alignment with core react typedefsdeclare type OmitRecursiveOptionalWrapper lt T gt T extends RecursiveOptional lt infer U gt U T strips the recursively conditional helper type for alignment with Reacts internal definitionsdeclare const ReactRecursiveUnwrapped jsxProps jsxProps Partial lt OmitRecursiveOptionalWrapper lt RecursiveOptional lt JSX IntrinsicElements gt gt gt gt jsxProps TypeDef to use Globallydeclare type ReactUnwrapped lt T extends keyof ReturnType lt typeof ReactRecursiveUnwrapped gt gt P in T ReturnType lt typeof ReactRecursiveUnwrapped gt P Let s break this down OmitRecursiveOptionalWrapper and RecursiveOptional are both helper types RecursiveOptional conditionally maps all the props in lt T P gt The P in keyof T notation indicates that every property mapped is made conditional by the operator If that were instead P in keyof T then every property mapped would be stripped of its conditional status and made required If your aim is to avoid manipulating the required vs conditional status for any given mapped property simply omit the question mark altogether P in keyof T OmitRecursiveOptionalWrapper is the yin to RecursiveOptional s yang in this context How Why The Omitting Wrapper strips the transformed conditionally mapped output type of the RecursiveOptional typedef which otherwise clashes with React s typedefs under the hood leading to errors The OmitRecursiveOptionalWrapper lt T gt type declaration may look familiar recall the config for the UnwrapPromise lt T gt type from Phase One declare type OmitRecursiveOptionalWrapper lt T gt T extends RecursiveOptional lt infer U gt U T Breakdown of what s happening in the Omit Wrapper above T extends any RecursiveOptional Wrapped property U and infers its typeif T does indeed extend or encounter such a configuration it only returns the inner property U which consequently eliminates the outer RecursiveOptional type in the processelse if it does not encounter a RecursiveOptional wrapped type it simply returns T The Bread n ButterIf you ve made it this far I extend my thanks may the force of generics be with you Now the good stuff let s examine the two remaining declarations in question The first ReactRecursiveUnwrapped is a const that returns a destructured spread jsxProps of type Partial lt JSX IntrinsicElements gt strips the recursively conditional helper type for alignment with Reacts internal definitionsdeclare const ReactRecursiveUnwrapped jsxProps jsxProps Partial lt OmitRecursiveOptionalWrapper lt RecursiveOptional lt JSX IntrinsicElements gt gt gt gt jsxProps Let s take a look at the intellisense for this typedef But wait there are more typedefs assigned to the type of jsxProps initially but also recall the yin yang dynamic of the two helper types OmitRecursiveOptionalWrapper wraps the RecursiveOptional wrapper to effectively cancel one another out after the internal JSX IntrinsicElements interface has already been recursively and conditionally mapped out by the RecursiveOptional wrapper Leaving us with a much friendlier typedef to work with Partial lt JSX IntrinsicElements gt Lastly let s examine the ReactUnwrapped lt T extends keyof ReturnType lt typeof ReactRecursiveUnwrapped gt gt type which we will use globally with imports requireddeclare type ReactUnwrapped lt T extends keyof ReturnType lt typeof ReactRecursiveUnwrapped gt gt P in T ReturnType lt typeof ReactRecursiveUnwrapped gt P The intellisense for T which extends keyof ReturnType lt typeof ReactRecursiveUnwrapped gt which is equivalent to keyof ReturnType lt Partial lt JSX IntrinsicElements gt gt is as follows T extends symbol object a abbr address area article aside audio b base bdi bdo big blockquote body br button canvas more view gt The ReturnType lt T gt for the declared const ReactRecursiveUnwrapped is equivalent to the definition of the JSX namespace residing IntrinsicElements interface a React DetailedHTMLProps lt React AnchorHTMLAttributes lt HTMLAnchorElement gt HTMLAnchorElement gt undefined more view React SVGProps lt gt undefined The only discernible difference The recursive optional mapping indicated by P in T within the ReactUnwrapped declaration results in each JSX IntrinsicElement having a conditionally undefined union type Type undefinedUltimately the globally utilized type has the following general shape type ReactUnwrapped lt T extends symbol object a abbr address area article aside audio b base bdi bdo big blockquote body br button canvas more view gt P in T a React DetailedHTMLProps lt React AnchorHTMLAttributes lt HTMLAnchorElement gt HTMLAnchorElement gt undefined more view React SVGProps lt gt undefined P undefined Since these types are declared in a root index d ts file they are automatically available for global consumption with zero imports required To recap these four declarations are of immediate utility for our purposes declare type RecursiveOptional lt T gt P in keyof T RecursiveOptional lt T P gt declare type OmitRecursiveOptionalWrapper lt T gt T extends RecursiveOptional lt infer U gt U T declare const ReactRecursiveUnwrapped jsxProps jsxProps Partial lt OmitRecursiveOptionalWrapper lt RecursiveOptional lt JSX IntrinsicElements gt gt gt gt jsxProps declare type ReactUnwrapped lt T extends keyof ReturnType lt typeof ReactRecursiveUnwrapped gt gt P in T ReturnType lt typeof ReactRecursiveUnwrapped gt P Consuming the ReactUnwrapped type in tsx filesVercel tends to use a top level Page component to wrap an apps Layout with This Page component is adapted from Vercel s new vercel examples ui package the codebase for which can be found hereNow let s inject a lt main gt JSX IntrinsicElement with all of its native props to effectively make them available for consumption anytime the Page component is used elsewhere in your codebase as follows export const Page FC lt ReactUnwrapped lt main gt gt children props gt lt main props main className cn w full max w xl mx auto py props main className gt children lt main gt Noteworthy mentionNotice how children aka ReactNode is passed into props provided by the outer React Functional Component type wrapper FC lt ReactUnwrapped lt main gt gt VFC or Void Functional Component has become increasingly popular over the past year being cited as better practice than FC as it doesn t automatically inject ReactNode children on each and every use But what about the children being passed in to this globally significant Page wrapper That s where ReactUnwrapped lt T gt comes in Coincidentally when using the ReactUnwrapped lt main gt type all of the lt main gt Intrinsic Elements props are injected including children The above Page component can be rewritten as follows export const Page VFC lt ReactUnwrapped lt main gt gt props gt lt main props main className cn w full max w xl mx auto py props main className gt props main children lt main gt Fantastic This works for and just about every other Intrinsic Element With the global ReactUnwrapped lt T gt helper you can repurpose its intrinsic children ReactNode prop to wherever is deemed most fitting Last but not least an example with an SVGExample of injecting and using a GitHub Icon import type VFC from react const GitHubIcon VFC lt ReactUnwrapped lt svg path gt gt svg path gt lt svg svg className svg className svg className h w xmlns fill svg fill svg fill none viewBox stroke svg stroke svg stroke currentColor gt lt path path d M C C C VC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C VC C C Z fill path fill path fill currentColor gt svg children svg children lt gt lt gt lt svg gt export default GitHubIcon Consumingexport const CustomDiv div ReactUnwrapped lt div gt gt lt div div gt lt GitHubIcon svg aria hidden true aria label GitHubIcon onChange e gt e preventDefault e currentTarget style cssText replace GitHubIcon Changing Text Underway path name GitHubIconPath onMouseOver e gt e preventDefault do things gt div children lt div gt That s all for now I ll check back in regularly to answer questions update and polish this post Thanks for reading along You can check out the github repo that the bulk of this code originates from herePS Twice a day 2022-03-24 08:30:33
海外TECH DEV Community Laravel 9 Auth Login and Registration with Username or Email https://dev.to/codeanddeploy/laravel-9-auth-login-and-registration-with-username-or-email-2g3k Laravel Auth Login and Registration with Username or EmailOriginally posted visit and download the sample code In this post I will share how to implement Laravel custom auth login and registration with username or email We know that Laravel Framework is one of the best PHP Frameworks because of these advanced features and development tools that help make your development fast that s why many PHP Developers use it and recommend it Laravel additionally helps web developers to simplify their development process with clean and reusable code As I said above that I will share how to create a simple and clean authentication for your Laravel app with username or email We know that authentication is one of the most important to implement before coding your application to control your users to access sensitive data I will give you easy steps for you to understand clearly Step Create Laravel AppI assume that you have already set up your composer on your system Run the following coding to install the new Laravel app However you can skip this step if you have the Laravel app installed already composer create project prefer dist laravel laravel login and registrationNext navigate the login and registration folder with the following command cd login and registration Step Setup Database CredentialsNext create your database you can use the command to create a database or in PHPMyAdmin Then once created navigate the env file and update your database credentials DB CONNECTION mysqlDB HOST DB PORT DB DATABASE your db nameDB USERNAME your db usernameDB PASSWORD your db passwordThe Laravel default comes with a User model and migration files But before running the migrate command we need to update your user table migration which can be found here gt project folder database migrations create users table php and add the username field then update the name field to nullable so that in registration we require the email username and password See the updated migration code below Schema create users function Blueprint table table gt id table gt string name gt nullable table gt string email gt unique table gt string username gt unique table gt timestamp email verified at gt nullable table gt string password table gt rememberToken table gt timestamps Once updated our migrations are now ready to migrate just run to your terminal the following command php artisan migrate Step Setup ModelNext we need to modify our App Models User php model and add the username as fillable See the updated code in the following The attributes that are mass assignable var array protected fillable name email username password Then next we will add this method setPasswordAttribute so that for every user registered the password will always be encrypted This is called Laravel mutators to know more about it just visit their documentation here Always encrypt the password when it is updated param value return string public function setPasswordAttribute value this gt attributes password bcrypt value Don t worry to see the complete code of this User php model just download the full source code of this tutorial below Step Setup Registration ControllerTo set up the registration controller just use your terminal and run the following command php artisan make controller RegisterControllerNow you already generated our RegistrerController which you can found it here gt App Http Controllers RegisterController php now open it and see the following code below lt phpnamespace App Http Controllers use App Models User use Illuminate Http Request use App Http Requests RegisterRequest class RegisterController extends Controller Display register page return Illuminate Http Response public function show return view auth register Handle account registration request param RegisterRequest request return Illuminate Http Response public function register RegisterRequest request user User create request gt validated auth gt login user return redirect gt with success Account successfully registered Step Setup Registration RequestWe need to separate our request validation for our registration process So that our code is clean in our controller and not bloated So we will create our RegisterRequest just follow the following command below php artisan make request RegisterRequestNow you have already created the RegisterRequest which you can find it here gt App Http Requests RegisterRequest php then next we will add our validation rules Just see the following code below lt phpnamespace App Http Requests use Illuminate Foundation Http FormRequest class RegisterRequest extends FormRequest Determine if the user is authorized to make this request return bool public function authorize return true Get the validation rules that apply to the request return array public function rules return email gt required email rfc dns unique users email username gt required unique users username password gt required min password confirmation gt required same password Now you have a registration validation already Step Setup Login ControllerTo set up the login controller just use your terminal and run the following command php artisan make controller LoginControllerNow you already generated our LoginController which you can found it here gt App Http Controllers LoginController php now open it and see the following code below lt phpnamespace App Http Controllers use Illuminate Http Request use App Http Requests LoginRequest use Illuminate Support Facades Auth class LoginController extends Controller Display login page return Renderable public function show return view auth login Handle account login request param LoginRequest request return Illuminate Http Response public function login LoginRequest request credentials request gt getCredentials if Auth validate credentials return redirect gt to login gt withErrors trans auth failed endif user Auth getProvider gt retrieveByCredentials credentials Auth login user return this gt authenticated request user Handle response after user authenticated param Request request param Auth user return Illuminate Http Response protected function authenticated Request request user return redirect gt intended Step Setup Login RequestNext we will create our LoginRequest just follow the following command below php artisan make request LoginRequestNow you have already created the LoginRequest which you can find it here gt App Http Requests LoginRequest php then next we will add our validation rules Just see the following code below lt phpnamespace App Http Requests use Illuminate Foundation Http FormRequest use Illuminate Contracts Validation Factory as ValidationFactory class LoginRequest extends FormRequest Determine if the user is authorized to make this request return bool public function authorize return true Get the validation rules that apply to the request return array public function rules return username gt required password gt required Get the needed authorization credentials from the request return array throws Illuminate Contracts Container BindingResolutionException public function getCredentials The form field for providing username or password have name of username however in order to support logging users in with both username and email we have to check if user has entered one or another username this gt get username if this gt isEmail username return email gt username password gt this gt get password return this gt only username password Validate if provided parameter is valid email param param return bool throws Illuminate Contracts Container BindingResolutionException private function isEmail param factory this gt container gt make ValidationFactory class return factory gt make username gt param username gt email gt fails As you can see above our LoginRequest php we have our additional method called getCredentials this function will support the username email login as you can see we have username checking above if email or not Step Setup Logout ControllerTo set up the logout controller just use your terminal and run the following command php artisan make controller LogoutControllerNow you already generated our LogoutController which you can found it here gt App Http Controllers LogoutController php now open it and see the following code below lt phpnamespace App Http Controllers use Illuminate Http Request use Illuminate Support Facades Auth use Illuminate Support Facades Session class LogoutController extends Controller Log out account user return Illuminate Routing Redirector public function perform Session flush Auth logout return redirect login Step Setup Home ControllerTo set up the logout controller just use your terminal and run the following command php artisan make controller HomeControllerNow you already generated our HomeController which you can found it here gt App Http Controllers HomeController php now open it and see the following code below lt phpnamespace App Http Controllers use Illuminate Http Request class HomeController extends Controller public function index return view home index Step Setup RoutesNext we will set up our routes which we can find here routes web php since we have already set up our controllers and validators lt phpuse Illuminate Support Facades Route Web Routes Here is where you can register web routes for your application These routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which contains the web middleware group Now create something great Route group namespace gt App Http Controllers function Home Routes Route get HomeController index gt name home index Route group middleware gt guest function Register Routes Route get register RegisterController show gt name register show Route post register RegisterController register gt name register perform Login Routes Route get login LoginController show gt name login show Route post login LoginController login gt name login perform Route group middleware gt auth function Logout Routes Route get logout LogoutController perform gt name logout perform As you can see above in this line Route group middleware gt auth function we protected the logout route that can be access only if user authenticated If you have other routes that need to protect just add on this route group Step Setup Our ViewNext we will set up our views using Bootstrap with a simple theme layout To know more about bootstrap documentation just visit here You need to create a layouts folder inside resources views then create a file resources views layouts auth master blade php see the following code below lt doctype html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset utf gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt meta name description content gt lt meta name author content Mark Otto Jacob Thornton and Bootstrap contributors gt lt meta name generator content Hugo gt lt title gt Signin Template ·Bootstrap v lt title gt lt Bootstrap core CSS gt lt link href url assets bootstrap css bootstrap min css rel stylesheet gt lt link href url assets css signin css rel stylesheet gt lt style gt bd placeholder img font size rem text anchor middle webkit user select none moz user select none user select none media min width px bd placeholder img lg font size rem lt style gt lt Custom styles for this template gt lt link href signin css rel stylesheet gt lt head gt lt body class text center gt lt main class form signin gt yield content lt main gt lt body gt lt html gt Next create a file resources views layouts app master blade php see the following code below lt doctype html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset utf gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt meta name description content gt lt meta name author content Mark Otto Jacob Thornton and Bootstrap contributors gt lt meta name generator content Hugo gt lt title gt Fixed top navbar example ·Bootstrap v lt title gt lt Bootstrap core CSS gt lt link href url assets bootstrap css bootstrap min css rel stylesheet gt lt style gt bd placeholder img font size rem text anchor middle webkit user select none moz user select none user select none media min width px bd placeholder img lg font size rem lt style gt lt Custom styles for this template gt lt link href url assets css app css rel stylesheet gt lt head gt lt body gt include layouts partials navbar lt main class container gt yield content lt main gt lt script src url assets bootstrap js bootstrap bundle min js gt lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt Next create a new folder inside resources views layouts called partials folder then create a file resources views layouts partials navbar blade php see the following code below lt header class p bg dark text white gt lt div class container gt lt div class d flex flex wrap align items center justify content center justify content lg start gt lt a href class d flex align items center mb mb lg text white text decoration none gt lt svg class bi me width height role img aria label Bootstrap gt lt use xlink href bootstrap gt lt svg gt lt a gt lt ul class nav col col lg auto me lg auto mb justify content center mb md gt lt li gt lt a href class nav link px text secondary gt Home lt a gt lt li gt lt li gt lt a href class nav link px text white gt Features lt a gt lt li gt lt li gt lt a href class nav link px text white gt Pricing lt a gt lt li gt lt li gt lt a href class nav link px text white gt FAQs lt a gt lt li gt lt li gt lt a href class nav link px text white gt About lt a gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt form class col col lg auto mb mb lg me lg gt lt input type search class form control form control dark placeholder Search aria label Search gt lt form gt auth auth gt user gt name lt div class text end gt lt a href route logout perform class btn btn outline light me gt Logout lt a gt lt div gt endauth guest lt div class text end gt lt a href route login perform class btn btn outline light me gt Login lt a gt lt a href route register perform class btn btn warning gt Sign up lt a gt lt div gt endguest lt div gt lt div gt lt header gt Then next create a file resources views layouts partials messages blade php see the following code below if isset errors amp amp count errors gt lt div class alert alert warning role alert gt lt ul class list unstyled mb gt foreach errors gt all as error lt li gt error lt li gt endforeach lt ul gt lt div gt endif if Session get success false lt php data Session get success gt if is array data foreach data as msg lt div class alert alert warning role alert gt lt i class fa fa check gt lt i gt msg lt div gt endforeach else lt div class alert alert warning role alert gt lt i class fa fa check gt lt i gt data lt div gt endif endifThen next create our auth folder inside resources views then create a file resources views auth register blade php see the following code below extends layouts auth master section content lt form method post action route register perform gt lt input type hidden name token value csrf token gt lt img class mb src url images bootstrap logo svg alt width height gt lt h class h mb fw normal gt Register lt h gt lt div class form group form floating mb gt lt input type email class form control name email value old email placeholder name example com required required autofocus gt lt label for floatingEmail gt Email address lt label gt if errors gt has email lt span class text danger text left gt errors gt first email lt span gt endif lt div gt lt div class form group form floating mb gt lt input type text class form control name username value old username placeholder Username required required autofocus gt lt label for floatingName gt Username lt label gt if errors gt has username lt span class text danger text left gt errors gt first username lt span gt endif lt div gt lt div class form group form floating mb gt lt input type password class form control name password value old password placeholder Password required required gt lt label for floatingPassword gt Password lt label gt if errors gt has password lt span class text danger text left gt errors gt first password lt span gt endif lt div gt lt div class form group form floating mb gt lt input type password class form control name password confirmation value old password confirmation placeholder Confirm Password required required gt lt label for floatingConfirmPassword gt Confirm Password lt label gt if errors gt has password confirmation lt span class text danger text left gt errors gt first password confirmation lt span gt endif lt div gt lt button class w btn btn lg btn primary type submit gt Register lt button gt include auth partials copy lt form gt endsectionThen create a partials folder inside auth folder Then create a file resources views auth partials copy blade php see the following code below lt p class mt mb text muted gt amp copy date Y lt p gt Then last create a home folder inside the resources views folder then create a file resources views home index blade php see the following code below extends layouts app master section content lt div class bg light p rounded gt auth lt h gt Dashboard lt h gt lt p class lead gt Only authenticated users can access this section lt p gt lt a class btn btn lg btn primary href role button gt View more tutorials here amp raquo lt a gt endauth guest lt h gt Homepage lt h gt lt p class lead gt Your viewing the home page Please login to view the restricted data lt p gt endguest lt div gt endsectionNow our views are already set up Next we need to download bootstrap and save it inside the public assets directory This is the bootstrap files example in this tutorial public assets bootstrap css bootstrap min csspublic assets bootstrap js bootstrap bundle min jsOr download the source code of this tutorial below Now our Laravel authentication with username or email login is ready but we have another small customization the redirect default after login Which we can found in App Providers RouteServiceProvider php then change the original code below The path to the home route for your application This is used by Laravel authentication to redirect users after login var string public const HOME home to this code The path to the home route for your application This is used by Laravel authentication to redirect users after login var string public const HOME But take note it s up to you to change it I just give you an idea of how to modify it that is suitable to your need If you need to redirect after login to dashboard or admin then it s up to you to change it Step Run The Development ServerFinally we have already done the process of our Laravel authentication Let s run a command to your terminal to run your server and test if our code is working php artisan serveAnd add the following URL to your web browser http You will see the homepage if not yet authenticated as shown below As you can see now you already see the Logout menu above Now you have a custom Laravel registration and login with username email that can apply to your app I hope this simple tutorial may help you NOTE Don t forget to import the classes uses in a specific class or controller when copying my code above I hope this tutorial can help you Kindly visit here if you want to download this code Happy coding 2022-03-24 08:28:40
海外TECH DEV Community RPA – a provider of jobs in the future https://dev.to/fastpatha/rpa-a-provider-of-jobs-in-the-future-360b RPA a provider of jobs in the futureRPA vendors published many success stories that show Robotic process automation can increase employee productivity and free them up for higher value work What is the work involved Some of that work falls within the employees roles and responsibilities An accountant can automate income processing to focus on improving cash flow A customer service representative can now spend more time with customers and build solid and profitable relationships even after automated repetitive grunt work However there are many other job opportunities There are many RPA related job openings on Monster Glassdoor and LinkedIn These job categories are relatively new and companies have difficulty filling them offering highly competitive salaries Technology is not the only requirement These new RPA opportunities do not only apply to technologists Businesses urgently require business analysts and others who can analyze business processes and help re imagine them Specialists in systems ethics how people will interact with machines and other areas will be needed by businesses They will also need generalists who can liaison between IT and business Many RPA jobs will require both soft and hard skills Training and education are essential This is why any formal RPA initiative must include an employee retraining component These are the hottest RPA jobs Here is a list of the most popular RPA jobs and the skills required to do them •RPA developers An RPA developer is a person who works with RPA business analysts to create code that automates workflow processes While this job is constantly changing RPA developers who are successful will understand traditional programming languages and be proficient in RPA platforms such as Automation Everywhere They may be responsible for bug fixes or testing depending on the company s size This role is cross functional as developers need to ensure that RPA investments generate business value While RPA tools are primarily visual and low code to create applications and integrate RPA developers must also be familiar with programming control flows exception handling and data structures •RPA architects As with any programmable solution you deploy at scale you will require a skilled software architect to increase RPA usage within your organization In smaller teams where one person may have multiple responsibilities an RPA developer often assumes the role of an RPA architecture RPA architects work at a higher level than RPA developers and create the designs and plans for the integrations and workflows that will be coded RPA architects must be able to make workflow diagrams and document the process strategically before it can be automated They must also judge when a company is pushing RPA technology too far and when a more traditional solution might be better •RPA analyst Like good software architects make great RPA architects business analysts can also be trained to become good RPA analysts These workers usually sit between technologists business users and define the requirements for automating the processes It can be challenging to distinguish between RPA analysts and developers Developers are responsible for understanding business processes while analysts overview RPA tools Analysts must create application prototypes or at a minimum Visio diagrams or presentation slides that show workflows Analysts can also be responsible in smaller groups for the proper use of templates tools best practices and quality assurance QA measures for all enterprise RPA projects •RPA advocate They are responsible for spreading the word about RPA success stories and training new teams to support businesses as they scale from pilots and proofs of concept to enterprise wide initiatives This role can be filled from any position IT business units or the executive suite As automation grows it will become a full time job and a rewarding career path •RPA QA tester Testing should be an ongoing and essential part of RPA deployments Testing should be integrated into the bot development process This will allow you to catch issues before they become problems in production Testing doesn t only apply to bots but to the entire ecosystem that surrounds an automated process This includes legacy systems as well as human interactions with bots Bots can only function properly if they are free from errors •The role of the botmaster is As bots develop particularly when they are integrated with intelligent AI and automated automation capabilities humans will be needed to monitor and verify that their rules and algorithms remain valid in a constantly changing business environment This is crucial since the botmaster doesn t let go of the prize Are the bots still adding value to the business This will require a mix of software and hard skills and the ability to seamlessly collaborate between the technical and business teams and the executive suite RPA opportunities do not only exist for technical professionals RPA jobs are ideal for Excel superusers business analysts and others who work as cross functional liaisons between technology and business groups The field is full of opportunities Look for higher value jobs You will be happy you did 2022-03-24 08:27:46
海外TECH DEV Community [Deepgram x DEV Hackathon Submission Post Placeholder Title] https://dev.to/jojoe217/deepgram-x-dev-hackathon-submission-post-placeholder-title-4cja Deepgram x DEV Hackathon Submission Post Placeholder Title ー Overview of My Submission Submission Category Link to Code on GitHub Additional Resources Infoー My Deepgram Use Case Dive into Details Conclusionー 2022-03-24 08:25:46
海外TECH DEV Community Setting up Radius AuthX for Password-less user onboarding. https://dev.to/iamtunde/setting-up-radius-authx-for-password-less-user-onboarding-53d1 Setting up Radius AuthX for Password less user onboarding Hello friends Today how will show to setup a password less authentication without having to build an authentication feature into your application with Radius AuthX AuthX is an O auth provider developed by Radius Africa It is a service that allows engineers onboard users without having to setup the entire onboarding suite which includes Authentication and KYC Getting StartedTo get started we will need the following A Radius AuthX account you can sign up here Creating an AuthX appOnce an account is created and activated on Radius what to do next is to create an AuthX app an AuthX app is basically designing an authentication form customizable to meet the requirements of our app s user onboarding process To do this you will have to login to our dashboard After supplying your login details hit the login button and your will be presented to your dashboard On the dashboard by the side menu you will locate the AuthX section click on it to view start creating apps On the AuthX page you will see a list of already created apps you can also find the Add New button clicking on will present you a page with forms to start designing Provide the necessary data for the form such as Name Description Company Name and Color theme for app personalization The verification section of the form is where you specify a unique identifier for your app on boarding you can choose between Usernames or Email address For passwords you can configure the validation strength of user input upon sign up Alternatively you can activate social sign on with Gmail or Facebook by toggling the options Also you can create additional fields of your choice depending on the onboarding requirement of your application In the Development section you are to provide an hosted URL AuthX will then make requests to the URL and also redirect to the URL supplied in the Redirect URL field upon user authentication success and or failures NOTE The URL to supply in the above fields must be live hosted valid URLs you can setup a netlify or heroku app URLs if you don t have a domain for your app yet However if your application is an SPA Single Page Application There is no need to provide a redirect URL you only need to let AuthX know by toggling the SPA option For extra security and user data protection you can also setup a FA for either signup or login scenarios hit the save button to finish your customization AuthX will then generate necessary credentials for your form integration as well as a javascript embeddable code for you to copy and paste in your application Copy and save these keys in a safe place Once you have your configuration saved an option for you to get embeddable code will be available click on it to see your code You also get a preview of the form before you integrate the customized form on your app There you have it you have just AuthXed like a Pro You can explore more on AuthX by going through the API documentation here Important to NoteAdditional Fields on forms can not be edited URL supplied must be a live hosted URL You can not re use the same URL in a different AuthX app 2022-03-24 08:10:03
海外TECH DEV Community react: sync data of useState between parent and child component https://dev.to/vatheara/react-sync-data-of-usestate-between-parent-and-child-component-h9e react sync data of useState between parent and child componentparent const Parent gt const text setText useState const input value gt setText value return lt View style styles contianer gt lt Child input input gt lt Text style padding fontSize gt text lt Text gt lt View gt child const Child params gt const storage setValue useLocalStorage const text setText useState const handleOnChange text gt setText text params input text return lt View style styles seacrbar gt lt FontAwesomeIcon style styles searchIcon icon faSearch gt lt TextInput style styles input placeholderTextColor f placeholder Search Coin Pairs onChangeText handleOnChange gt lt View gt 2022-03-24 08:09:56
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 薬剤師国試、合格者9,607人・合格率68.02%-厚労省、新卒合格率は85.24% https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20220324172525 厚生労働省 2022-03-24 17:45:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 抗がん剤エンハーツ薬価引き下げ、費用対効果評価-中医協、有用性加算5%部分が7割以下に https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20220324171248 中央社会保険医療協議会 2022-03-24 17:25:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「銀行法施行規則等の一部を改正する内閣府令(案)」等に対する意見募集の結果等について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/sonota/20220324/20220324.html 内閣府令 2022-03-24 10:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「金融分野における個人情報保護に関するガイドライン」及び「金融分野における個人情報保護に関するガイドラインの安全管理措置等についての実務指針」の一部改正(案)に対する意見募集手続の結果等について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/sonota/20220324-2/20220324-2.html 個人情報保護 2022-03-24 10:00:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles U.S. makes contingency plans in case Russia uses its most powerful weapons https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/03/24/world/russia-us-ukraine-weapons/ U S makes contingency plans in case Russia uses its most powerful weaponsThe immediate concern is what Putin may do next ーdriven by a desire to rescue a failing military effort or reestablish his credentials as 2022-03-24 17:18:56
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海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Will China’s ‘common prosperity’ survive Putin’s war? https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2022/03/24/commentary/world-commentary/china-russia-economic-concerns/ Will China s common prosperity survive Putin s war Russia s war on Ukraine has driven up energy commodity and food prices which will cause inflation to accelerate and hit Chinese exports as global demand 2022-03-24 17:42:30
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ニュース BBC News - Home Covid boosters: Who is being vaccinated? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55045639?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA booster 2022-03-24 08:06:35
ニュース BBC News - Home Refugees in Wales: 'I say thank you to God because I come here' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-60820974?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA wales 2022-03-24 08:19:33
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 岩手銀行(8345)、「増配」を発表して、配当利回り 4.12%にアップ!「創立90周年記念配当」も実施する 2022年3月期は前期比20円増の「1株あたり80円」に! - 配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース! https://diamond.jp/articles/-/300088 岩手銀行、「増配」を発表して、配当利回りにアップ「創立周年記念配当」も実施する年月期は前期比円増の「株あたり円」に配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース岩手銀行が、配当予想の修正増配と記念配当の実施を発表し、配当利回りがに岩手銀行は、年月期の期末配当で「株あたり円」の創立周年記念配当を実施し、加えて普通配当を「円」増配して、配当予想を前回予想比で「円」の増配、前期比でも「円」の増配となる「株あたり円」に修正すると発表した。 2022-03-24 17:20:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 増加中! アニメで学んだ日本語を使う米国人 - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/300107 米国人 2022-03-24 17:18:00
GCP Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ ラスト ワンマイルの車両管理ソリューションのご紹介: e コマースでの注文から配達まで、車両のパフォーマンスを最大化 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/products/maps-platform/introducing-last-mile-fleet-solution-maximize-what-your-fleet-can-do-start-finish/ 改善されたルート設定とアプリ内ナビゲーションでドライバーの日々の仕事をサポートすることにより、ストレス軽減と配送パフォーマンスの向上につながります。 2022-03-24 09:00:00
北海道 北海道新聞 道内2月の百貨店売上高13・7%減 コロナ、大雪で来店客数減少 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/660671/ 北海道新聞 2022-03-24 17:35:00
北海道 北海道新聞 日テレが差別表現で謝罪 女性への不適切発言も https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/660670/ 不適切発言 2022-03-24 17:31:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ロシア学術界にも停戦求める声 侵攻「正当性全くない」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/660668/ 軍事侵攻 2022-03-24 17:29:00
北海道 北海道新聞 <Fノート>2軍も「新庄野球」 内野手が外野守備、満塁で「ヒットエンドラン」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/660667/ 日本ハム 2022-03-24 17:26:00
北海道 北海道新聞 開幕投手に北山「若手のやる気一層そそる」 日ハムOB岩本勉さん一問一答 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/660662/ 一問一答 2022-03-24 17:20:02
北海道 北海道新聞 小説家の筒井康隆さんら5人表彰 21年度日本芸術院賞 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/660661/ 日本芸術院 2022-03-24 17:15:00
北海道 北海道新聞 渋野、米国での挑戦開始へ 女子ゴルフ、最終調整 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/660660/ 女子ゴルフ 2022-03-24 17:15:00
北海道 北海道新聞 北朝鮮が新型ICBM発射 渡島半島の西約150キロに落下 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/660595/ 渡島半島 2022-03-24 17:14:53
IT 週刊アスキー 『初音ミク いっしょに!ジグソーパズル』が本日3月24日よりNintendo Switchで配信開始! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/087/4087175/ nintendo 2022-03-24 17:45:00
IT 週刊アスキー 最新の自転車の試乗や横浜の街を走るイベントに参加しよう! 横浜赤レンガ倉庫にて5月14日・15日「ヨコハマサイクルスタイル2022」開催 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/087/4087167/ 横浜赤レンガ倉庫 2022-03-24 17:40:00
IT 週刊アスキー 新しいレネゲードと基地が追加!DMM GAMESがターン制バトルRPG「スターレネゲード」の無料アップデート実施 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/087/4087172/ dmmgames 2022-03-24 17:20:00
IT 週刊アスキー 『白き鋼鉄のX 2』に『蒼き雷霆 ガンヴォルト 鎖環』の主人公“きりん”が参戦! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/087/4087169/ 発売予定 2022-03-24 17:10:00
マーケティング AdverTimes KINTO、ライブ配信でサブスク訴求 17LIVEで今夏実施 https://www.advertimes.com/20220324/article379776/ kinto 2022-03-24 08:25:25
GCP Cloud Blog JA ラスト ワンマイルの車両管理ソリューションのご紹介: e コマースでの注文から配達まで、車両のパフォーマンスを最大化 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/products/maps-platform/introducing-last-mile-fleet-solution-maximize-what-your-fleet-can-do-start-finish/ 改善されたルート設定とアプリ内ナビゲーションでドライバーの日々の仕事をサポートすることにより、ストレス軽減と配送パフォーマンスの向上につながります。 2022-03-24 09:00:00



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