Engadget Japanese |
日本初のSD 8 Gen 1搭載スマホはモトローラから。「edge 30 pro」4月下旬に国内発売 |
edgepro |
2022-03-24 04:15:54 |
ロボスタ |
三菱総研DCSの小中学校向け「ロボットプログラミング入門」無償出張授業 開催希望校を募集開始 |
2022-03-24 04:28:39 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] OnePlusの共同創業者の新興企業Nothing、今夏発売予定のスマートフォンを発表 |
android |
2022-03-24 13:49:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] ディズニー、メルカリと転売対策で連携 注意喚起や出品取り下げ措置も |
itmedia |
2022-03-24 13:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 一度は乗ってみたいリッターバイク 2位は「ホンダ CB1300」、1位は? |
itmedia |
2022-03-24 13:37:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 定額制の住み替えサービス「TsugiTsugi」、全国173施設に拡大 13泊プランは11万円 |
itmedia |
2022-03-24 13:34:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 東芝総会が2分割計画を否決 非上場化検討の議案も |
itmedia |
2022-03-24 13:26:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 大阪府にグランピング施設「かいづか いぶきヴィレッジ」オープン 農×福×食×宿を掲げる |
fukuro |
2022-03-24 13:25:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] NFT総合マーケットプレイス「LINE NFT」、4月13日提供開始 吉本興業など17コンテンツと連携 |
itmedia |
2022-03-24 13:22:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] VAIO、直販ストアで「ace.」とコラボしたビジネスリュックを販売開始 数量限定 |
dpvaio |
2022-03-24 13:03:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
陸上から水上へ自動運航! 埼玉工業大学、水陸両用船の無人運転・運航技術の開発に成功 |
公益財団法人 |
2022-03-24 04:00:43 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS EC2で本番環境構築 |
環境rubyrailsNginxpuma参考URLECで本番環境を構築する手順はこちらの記事を参考にさせてもらったので省略させていただきます。 |
2022-03-24 13:12:39 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
MacのターミナルやGUIからAWSのデータベースに接続する方法 |
MySQLとそれ以外、各種DBの一般的なポート番号は以下ですので必要に応じて変えてください。 |
2022-03-24 13:06:37 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Github のプライベートリポジトリから Python の独自パッケージをインストールしてみた |
awscodeartifact |
2022-03-24 04:45:35 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Hello TITLE: Maiar Launchpad Project Name : Itheum Token Name: Itheum |
itheum |
2022-03-24 04:31:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Be DevOps Expert Roadmap 2022 |
How to Be DevOps Expert Roadmap In the last few weeks I met some folks in my mentoring sessions who are new to DevOps or in the mid of their career who were interested in knowing what to learn in DevOps skills are high in demand and there is constant learning required to keep yourself in sync with market demand This post is to share the notes that can help you Let s see some guidance based on my experience and understanding DevOps Roadmap Be fundamentally strong in the networking technologiesUnderstand the concepts such as HTTP QUIC or HTTP Layer and Layer protocols mTLS Proxies DNS BGP how load balancing works IP Tables the working of Internet IP addresses and schemes and lastly the Network design I found Julia Evans s blog very useful and my go to place when I need to understand stuff in a simple way She has covered a wide variety of topics in her blog posts and zines Master the operating system fundamentals particularly LinuxAs most of the systems VMs Containers etc run Linux it is important to know from top to bottom Learn scheduling systemd interface init system cgroups and namespaces performance tuning and mastering the command line utilities ーawk sed jq yq curl ssh openssl etc Learn performance troubleshooting from Brendan s blog CI CDIf you are still into Jenkins it is fine But the world has moved to cloud native pipelines Conceptually not much has changed in this space but you can look into Github Actions Tekton etc How to do releases better Understand various deployment strategies such as blue green and canary Containerisation and VirtualisationApart from the popular Docker runtime try containerd podman etc and knowing How to containerise applications how to implement container security how to run and orchestrate VMs in Kubernetes see KubeVirt project Container OrchestrationKubernetes is now a de facto standard for running containers There is a lot of content on the Internet to learn Kubernetes Focus on configuration best practices application design security and scheduling Setting up a cluster is getting trivial now but the day operational stuff such as setting up monitoring logging CI CD how to scale the cluster cost optimization and security are some questions people might be expecting from you Observability at ScaleMost of the engineers are aware of the Prometheus Grafana stack or similar Trend suggest that many organisations are consolidating their Kubernetes clusters and observability both from the performance and cost perspective this helps Learn the advanced configuration and architectures of Prometheus and how to scale them Look into technologies like Thanos Cortex VictoriaMetrics Datadog and Loki Continuous profiling tools such as Parca periscope hypertrace and distributed tracing with open telemetry Service meshes such as Istio are a popular ingredients in cloud native recipes Platform team as a Product teamThe function of Platform team is becoming more like a centralised product team that are focussing on their internal platform customers such as Developers and testers The goal is to improve the ways of working and bring some order to the teams Try to improvise on the problems the Developer and QA team faces You are the enabler for other teams instead of taking all the work in a central team coach the dev team to take up typical DevOps responsibilities That way you can scale and don t burn yourself too much SecurityIn many small organisations security was a second class citizen Product features were given more priority But due to growing sophisticated attacks and various strict compliance requirements companies are adapting to shift left security strategies End to end encryption strong RBAC IAM policies governance and auditing implementation of benchmarks such as NIST CIS ISO are common Container security Policy as code Cloud Governance and Supply chain security are hot topics which Programming language is need for DevOpsDevOps or SRE role is now taking the cross cutting concerns of the Developers and creating tooling that can help in improving their productivity while enforcing the standards A good quality software engineering practice and skill are required to craft the high quality platform components I can t give enough stress to this The good organizations are looking for good programming experience in Platform engineers It is important in site reliability engineering as well where you need to be fluent in programming able to read understand and debug the code written by others and if necessary fix it Python and Golang are the most popular ones My suggestion is Golang due to features like strong concurrency strict type checking adoption in various orgs tool chain and as many major projects are built using Golang it makes sense to learn that over Python A few simple things you can try Write a CLI in your programming language Learn to write a REST API and interact with databasesParallelism and Concurrency Infrastructure as CodeTerraform is a standard in the projects Once you understand the concept it is easy to adapt to any other tooling as most of them are based on DSL CloudMost of the cloud works in the same way So if you know one cloud well you can easily work with other cloud providers Focus on how you can design applications using cloud native components in a highly available resilient secured and cost effective way Technical WritingYou might be wondering why I am talking about technical writing when discussing DevOps A lot of folks don t give enough attention to this but it is super important in how you communicate and work with other teams The future of work is remote and emails slack teams chats are the primary channels to talk and convey ideas to others On a regular basis you might be creating documents such as runbooks postmortems RFCs architectural decision records and software design docs to name a few A clear easy to understand document does wonders It can help you save your and the reader s time and improve overall productivity Suggest you read this article Site Reliability EngineeringThe boundary between DevOps and SRE is getting thin In some organisations the same person might be performing both roles Understand the concepts behind SLI SLO and Error budgets and SRE practices Each organisation does it differently so I don t recommend copy paste someone else s culture into your team Refer to the Google SRE culture ConclusionPersonally I am excited about following in this year This is not a definitive list as it keeps changing with time Service Mesh ーIstio Cilium Sidecarless mesh Tetrate and Solo s Gloo mesh offering How to improve Developer Productivity It is a mix of culture automation and tools SRE Platforms ーhoneycomb Last DevPortals ーagain linked with the motive of improving productivity and bridging knowledge gap Observability ーtechnologies such as open telemetry hypertrace Thanos VictoriaMetrics Vector Security ーsupply chain security code signing tightening cloud security Golang ーimproving the current skills Serverless computing and Event driven architecturesWeb ーunderstanding the landscape related to DevOps and Infrastructure Be curious and keep learning Continuous bite size learning is easy which you can do along with your full time job If you still have any questions feel free to book some time with me at braincuber com I am more than happy to help |
2022-03-24 04:19:33 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
gitlab ci/cd scp and sftp problem |
gitlab ci cd scp and sftp problemเมือวานทั้งวันนั่งมึนกับปัญหาว่าทำไมสั่งscript ในgitlab cicd ให้scp ของขึ้นserver ไม่ได้ๆทั้งๆที่ssh ได้ปกติสรุปคือ profile มีecho greeting message ทำให้scp sftp พังจ้าแก้ได้ด้วยการเอาgreeting message ออกไปซะจบ |
2022-03-24 04:17:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Connect Docker Containers |
Connect Docker Containers ProblemI needed multiple docker containers to communicate with each other through network calls SolutionUsing BRIDGE amp OVERLAY network modes Connect Containers in Same Docker HostBridge Network Mode allows containers connected to the same bridge network to communicate while providing isolation from containers which are not connected to that bridge network A default bridge called bridge is always created between all the containers in the host Connect Containers in Different Docker HostOverlays Network Mode this network sits on top of the host specific networks allowing containers connected to it to communicate securely when encryption is enabled For each container you want to add to the network add the following in docker compose file networks local network name and at the end of the file add the followingnetworks local network name driver bridgeFinally docker compose looks like thislocal redis image redis ports volumes redis data data networks locallocal mongo image mongo command mongod smallfiles ports volumes mongo data data db networks localnetworks local driver bridgeAnd this is how you make network calls to call other docker containers container name container port mongo url mongodb local mongo analytics redis host local redis Side NoteWhat are Container Port amp Host Port A Container port is the port to be used within a container when using BRIDGE or USER networking mode A Host port specifies a port on the host machine to bind to In a docker compose file it looks like this local application image ports hostPort containerPort Inside docker code you can call like this app url http local application Outside docker from browser you can call like thishttp localhost ReferencesNetworking TypesDocker Compose Ports |
2022-03-24 04:11:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
100 días de código: 89, he terminado mi primer proyecto freelance |
días de código he terminado mi primer proyecto freelance¡Hey hey hey Hola a todos espero que tengan una excelente tarde ayer comencémuy entusiasmado con mi primer proyecto freelance y al comenzar hice un análisis de tiempo estimado que me dio como resultado que terminaría el proyecto en días y medio de trabajo de horas de la siguiente forma Planificación horasDiseño horasDesarrollo horasPruebas y despliegue horasEntregaY aunque he terminado el proyecto en menos del tiempo estimado alrededor de horas creo que ha sido una estimación bastante acertada ya que el diseño de la pagina fue pedido para ser similar al de otra y con ello ahorre bastante tiempo en la etapa de diseño Ahora me concentrare en aprender un poco mas sobre backend con el proyecto que deje en espera para aprender Nextjs y aplicar a algunas entrevistas para desarrollador frontend Espero que tengan mucho éxito en sus proyectos y ¡animo con todo compadres Hasta la próxima Foto cover de Nubelson Fernandes en Unsplash |
2022-03-24 04:07:46 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Python : Exécution conditionnelle et boucles |
Python Exécution conditionnelle et bouclesLe cours accéléréPython est gratuit et sera publiéici sur dev to Je publierai un nouvel article tous les deux jours environ Pour ne rien manquer vous pouvez me suivre sur twitter Suivez EricLeCodeur Exécution conditionnelleDans cette section nous verrons comment exécuter un bloc de code seulement si une expression est vraie Pour ce faire vous devez utiliser l instruction « if »en respectant la syntaxe suivante if expression bloc de code àexécuter si expression est vraiVoici un exempleif x print x est La première ligne représente la condition Les deux petits points àla fin de la première ligne indique le début du bloc de code conditionel En python La vérification de l égalitéentre deux valeurs doit être faite avec deux caractères égaux “ La deuxième ligne représente le code àexécuter si la condition est vraie Ànoter que la deuxième ligne commence par espaces blanches En Python ces espaces sont nécessaires afin d indiquer que cette ligne fait partie du bloc de code Il est donc possible d inclure plus d une ligne àexécuterif x print x est print fait partie du bloc if print Ne fait pas partie du bloc if Seules les lignes avec espaces blancs font partie du bloc du “if L opérateur Not “ Parfois il peut être pratique d exécuter un bloc de code seulement si l expression n est pas égale àune certaine valeur if x print x n est pas Multiples expressions avec l opérateur “and et “or Il est possible de faire la vérification de plusieurs expressionsVoici deux exemples if x or x print x est égale à ou if x gt and x lt print x est compris entre et L instruction “else Vous venez d apprendre comment exécuter du code si une expression est vraie Sachez qu il est également possible d exécuter du code si l expression est fausse Voici un exemple if x print x est else print x pas égale à Selon le résultat de l expression Python va exécuter un des deux blocs de code L instruction “elif Il peut arriver que vous ailliez plusieurs expressions àvérifier et que chaque expression doit avoir son propre bloc de code if x print x est elif x print x est else print x pas égale à ni à Expression sans opérateursVoici un exemple valide messsage if message print message else print Sorry no message Ici le code “if message ne contiens pas d opérateur de comparaison L expression sera donc convertie en valeur True False Boolean Dans le dernier exemple étant donnéque la variable “message est vide sa valeur Boolean sera “False Résultat le code print Sorry no message sera exécutéVoici un autre exempleshipping fee if shipping fee print f Shipping fees shipping fee else print Free shipping Dans cet exemple shipping fee sera convertie en “True car Python convertie tous les nombres qui ne sont pas égaux à en “True Si vous vous demandez quelle sera la valeur en Boolean d une expression vous pouvez utiliser la fonction bool expression text num print bool text num TrueDans cet exemple la variable est de type texte et Python convertira en “True toutes les variables textes qui ne sont pas vides Il est possible d associédirectement une valeur Boolean True False àune variable et ensuite de l utiliser dans notre code is active Trueif is active print User active else print User inactive Exécution conditionnelle avec syntaxe abrégéeIl existe une syntax abrégée qui permet d exécuter du code conditionnel avec une seule ligne de code price print C est chers if price gt else print Pas chers Le même principe peut s appliquer pour faire une assignation conditionnelleactive color default color if default color else blue Itérations Exécuter un bloc de code àplusieurs reprisesParfois vous aurez besoin d écrire plusieurs lignes de code qui peuvent sembler répétitives Par exemple écrire une petite application qui affiche les nombres àprint print print print print print print print print print Bien que ce code fonctionne il est clair que ce n est pas du tout efficace car pour chaque ligne de code seulement le nombre change Une meilleure solution serait de faire une boucle avec l instruction “for L instruction “for permet de faire une boucle sur une séquence Il est possible de créer une séquence avec la fonction range Par exemple la fonction range va créer la séquence suivante Ànoter que les séquences commencent toujours par la position zéroUne fois la séquence créée l instruction “for permet de faire une boucle et d exécuter du code pour chaque valeur Voici un exemple for i in range print i Avec ce code on obtient le même résultat que notre premier exemple mais beaucoup plus rapide àécrire et àmaintenir Voici un autre exemple avec une séquence un peu plus complexefor i in range print i La fonction range permet de spécifier trois paramètres départ fin et step La valeur de départ et le step sont optionnels Si non spécifiée la valeur de départ sera et le step sera Boucle un nombre indéterminéIl est possible que vous ne savez pas d avance quel sera le nombre d itérations àeffectuer C est pourquoi il existe en Python un autre type de boucle l instruction “while L instruction “while permet d exécuter du code tant que l expression est TrueVoici un exemple key while key key input Enter your selection Quit Dans cet exemple le bloc de code sera exécutétant et aussi longtemps que la valeur de key ne sera pas “ La fonction “break et “continue Il est possible de terminer une boucle immédiatement et sans que la condition soit respectée en utilisant la fonction “break key while key key input Enter your selection Quit if key print Secret door breakDans cet exemple la fonction “break va terminer la boucle “while sans exécuter aucun autre code quelle contient Il est également possible de sauter l itération en cours avec la fonction “continue x while x lt x if x continue print x Dans cet exemple le nombre ne sera jamais imprimé La fonction “continue renvoie l exécution du code àla prochaine itération sans exécuter le code restant du bloc Boucle dans une StringIl est possible de faire une boucle sur tous les caractères d une String Voici un exemple keycode abcdef for letter in keycode print letter a b c d e f ConclusionC est tout pour aujourd hui je publierai un nouvel article tous les deux jours environ Pour être sûr de ne rien rater vous pouvez me suivre sur twitter Suivre EricLeCodeur |
2022-03-24 04:07:36 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The story of DevOps |
The story of DevOpsMany DevOps techniques for streamlining the process of software development and deployment have their roots on the agile approach to development of software development as well as lean software development However DevOps originated from a variety of groups that were founded to coordinate the efforts of developers and their operational team counterparts In the beginning of we saw the necessity of maintaining the availability of popular websites like Google as well as Flickr against the ravages of massive traffic This was the reason for the introduction for software reliability engineers SREs operations who work closely together with the developers in order to make sure the websites would be running when the code was released into production in Flickr engineers John Allspaw and Paul Hammond presented their own DevOps like approach at an event Their talk was entitled Deploys per day Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr In the same the year Patrick Debois organized the first DevOps Day in Belgium The hashtag DevOps was added and gained momentum with each DevOps Days were organized around the globe In the following years open source and industrial instruments and frameworks have been created and proposed to help further the objectives of DevOps If you are interested in knowing more about DevOps then consider taking DevOps Engineer Course NetApp and DevOpsNetApp assists in promoting better business results through DevOps Operations teams create an automated infrastructure that requires less engineering while developers can create in secure and predictable environments with less effort Thanks to NetApp r technology it is possible to provide the features and services your business requires to boost the efficiency of your developers both in on premise as well as cloud based environments NetApp lets developers testers QA and operations teams to use Infrastructure resources such in the form of persistent volumes in code all using the same tools that are part of the DevOps pipeline The examples are NetApp storage APIs as well as IAC integrations with tools like Puppet Ansible Docker Kubernetes and OpenShift However NetApp does more than make it easier for developers to use storage in code NetApp technology allows organizations to securely supply the resources required to development and testing staff Testers and developers can speed up the process of coding and testing by auto provisioning time saving fast storage options like snapshots or copies With these options backups of live production files or code sets may be created with code in just a few minutes or seconds to speed development and QA workflows Find out more about why NetApp is designed to be used in DevOps The reason NetApp was created to be used DevOpsNetApp commitment to community extends to the Public The developer community promotes collaboration offers ideas and techniques as well as debates thoughts on the latest DevOps techniques and protocols |
2022-03-24 04:06:07 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Getting Started with the Blazor Range Selector Component |
Getting Started with the Blazor Range Selector ComponentThis video will get you started with the Syncfusion Range Selector component in a Blazor WebAssembly application You will learn about basic functionalities data binding setting a range series type and tooltip customizing grid and tick lines You will also see how to render a lightweight range selector without a chart Product Overview Download an example from GitHub Refer to the following documentation to learn about the Blazor Range Selector component Check out this online example of the Blazor Range Selector component |
2022-03-24 04:03:22 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
In Asia, Covid-19 Rules Fall Away, With a Big Caveat |
In Asia Covid Rules Fall Away With a Big CaveatDaily life in the region was once regulated by a snarl of virus restrictions That is changing fast ーexcept in mainland China which is still rolling out lockdowns |
2022-03-24 04:40:30 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
救急搬送困難事案、減少傾向も「未だ高いレベル」-厚労省がコロナアドバイザリーボードの分析公表 |
厚生労働省 |
2022-03-24 13:35:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
調剤薬局の対面業務はより大切、人事制度を導入-愛知県あま市・藤井薬局の藤井新社長 |
愛知県あま市 |
2022-03-24 13:05:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
中古不動産の購入にあたり確認すべき築年月について~その建物は1981年以前の建築か、2009年以前の建築か |
年月日以降に建築確認申請が申請された建物であれば新基準、それより前に申請されている場合は旧基準による。 |
2022-03-24 13:56:38 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
イランのお正月 |
目次ーイランの新年は春分に始まるー年末の過ごし方年末大掃除お正月飾り新年に訪れる人々をもてなす準備年末に現れるキャラクター大晦日には魚を食べるー春分の瞬間の迎え方ー新年の過ごし方ーノールーズの終わりイランの新年は春分の瞬間に始まる。 |
2022-03-24 13:05:37 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
コンビニが「刺さる広告」 ファミマ、動画アプリに配信 |
広告 |
2022-03-24 04:26:41 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
AIアナが読むニュース 昼の4本 |
Detail Nothing |
2022-03-24 04:05:47 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
米エネルギー省、シェニエール・エナジーにLNG輸出を承認、欧州への供給加速を急ぐ |
輸出 |
2022-03-24 04:30:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
東莞市、防疫措置強化の影響受ける企業向けに支援策を発表 |
防疫 |
2022-03-24 04:20:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
インドで日本産リンゴの輸入解禁 |
輸入 |
2022-03-24 04:15:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
米英政府、「大西洋貿易の未来に関する対話」を初開催 |
貿易 |
2022-03-24 04:10:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Western leaders unite a month into Russian war |
ukraine |
2022-03-24 04:31:13 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Prince William shares 'profound sorrow' over slavery in Jamaica speech |
history |
2022-03-24 04:01:18 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ashleigh Barty: Retiring tennis champion says 'wait and see' on her plans |
retirement |
2022-03-24 04:02:05 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
議員任期延長は「必須」 自民主張、緊急事態対応 |
憲法審査会 |
2022-03-24 13:33:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
カーリング女子、日本が大勝 5勝3敗、世界選手権 |
世界選手権 |
2022-03-24 13:30:15 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ワクチン4回目接種の議論開始 12~17歳も3回目無料に |
厚生労働省 |
2022-03-24 13:30:48 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
レッズ秋山は4打数1安打 ブルワーズ戦 |
打数 |
2022-03-24 13:20:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
JR常磐線が全線再開 地震被害、8日ぶり |
最大震度 |
2022-03-24 13:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
モデルナ、5歳以下にも効果 感染4割抑制、使用申請へ |
申請 |
2022-03-24 13:07:28 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
【耳から学ぶ】検索機能「ユニバーサル検索」の基礎知識/ママのよく見る広告はSNSが70.4% |
知識 |
2022-03-24 13:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
観光情報の新たな発信拠点に! 「小田急旅行センター 新宿西口」3月24日にグランドオープン |
小田急線 |
2022-03-24 13:45:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
GPS搭載の子供向けスマートウォッチ「OAXIS myFirst Fone R1」、ビックカメラやヨドバシカメラ等で展示開始 |
global |
2022-03-24 13:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
新クラス「ソーサレス」が登場!オンラインRPG『LOST ARK』3月のアップデートを実施 |
lostark |
2022-03-24 13:20:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 29, Part 1 (Thread #164) |
r WorldNews Live Thread Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day Part Thread submitted by u WorldNewsMods to r worldnews link comments |
2022-03-24 04:03:11 |