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AWS AWS Database Blog Client-side T-SQL assessment for SQL Server to Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL migration https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/client-side-t-sql-assessment-for-sql-server-to-babelfish-for-aurora-postgresql-migration/ Client side T SQL assessment for SQL Server to Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL migrationBabelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL is a capability for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Compatible Edition that adds an endpoint to PostgreSQL that understands the SQL Server wire protocol Tabular Data Stream TDS as well as commonly used T SQL statements from client applications written for Microsoft SQL Server Migrating from legacy SQL Server databases can be time consuming and resource intensive … 2023-03-13 19:55:39
AWS AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog Analyzing vehicle fleet location data from a data lake with AWS https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/publicsector/analyzing-vehicle-fleet-location-data-lake-aws/ Analyzing vehicle fleet location data from a data lake with AWSAt AWS many public sector customers operate fleets of vehicles e g emergency response public transportation that generate location data which is ultimately stored in a data lake These customers frequently ask how they can quickly visualize this data and extract insights that can help them optimize how they operate their vehicle fleets In this post learn how to use Amazon Athena and Amazon Location Service to perform ad hoc reverse geocoding on a notional dataset of vehicle location history and visualize the results on an Amazon QuickSight map 2023-03-13 19:38:31
AWS AWS Security Blog How to use Google Workspace as an external identity provider for AWS IAM Identity Center https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-use-g-suite-as-external-identity-provider-aws-sso/ How to use Google Workspace as an external identity provider for AWS IAM Identity CenterMarch We updated the post to reflect some name changes G Suite is now Google Workspace AWS Single Sign On is now AWS IAM Identity Center and associated changes to the user interface and workflow when setting up Google Workspace as an external identity provider for IAM Identity Center September This blog … 2023-03-13 19:59:44
AWS AWS Security Blog How to use Google Workspace as an external identity provider for AWS IAM Identity Center https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-use-g-suite-as-external-identity-provider-aws-sso/ How to use Google Workspace as an external identity provider for AWS IAM Identity CenterMarch We updated the post to reflect some name changes G Suite is now Google Workspace AWS Single Sign On is now AWS IAM Identity Center and associated changes to the user interface and workflow when setting up Google Workspace as an external identity provider for IAM Identity Center September This blog … 2023-03-13 19:59:44
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【個人開発 #3】初学者がrailsでTODOアプリを作ってみる~詳細設計~ https://qiita.com/void_takazu/items/4ebc4692569afb89d33a rails 2023-03-14 04:11:54
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【個人開発 #2】初学者がrailsでTODOアプリを作ってみる~再:基本設計、詳細設計~ https://qiita.com/void_takazu/items/a775fa768567787541b9 rails 2023-03-14 04:04:44
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【個人開発 #3】初学者がrailsでTODOアプリを作ってみる~詳細設計~ https://qiita.com/void_takazu/items/4ebc4692569afb89d33a rails 2023-03-14 04:11:54
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【個人開発 #2】初学者がrailsでTODOアプリを作ってみる~再:基本設計、詳細設計~ https://qiita.com/void_takazu/items/a775fa768567787541b9 rails 2023-03-14 04:04:44
海外TECH MakeUseOf Protect Your GitHub Account With 2FA https://www.makeuseof.com/github-2fa-set-up-protect/ github 2023-03-13 19:30:17
海外TECH MakeUseOf Potentiometers vs. Rotary Encoders and How to Use Them With Arduino https://www.makeuseof.com/potentiometers-rotary-encoders-arduino/ Potentiometers vs Rotary Encoders and How to Use Them With ArduinoPotentiometers and rotary encoders looks almost identical at first glance but they work in different ways Discover how to use both with an Arduino 2023-03-13 19:30:16
海外TECH MakeUseOf 7 Awesome Tesla Security Features https://www.makeuseof.com/tesla-security-features/ safety 2023-03-13 19:30:16
海外TECH MakeUseOf 5 Ways to Find Hidden Cameras Using Your Mobile Phone https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/use-smartphone-detect-hidden-surveillance-cameras/ phone 2023-03-13 19:15:15
海外TECH DEV Community How to Use ESLint to Boost Your Programming Skills https://dev.to/kazemm_dev/how-to-use-eslint-to-boost-your-programming-skills-3ced How to Use ESLint to Boost Your Programming SkillsIn this article I want to talk about a cool tool called code linter It s basically like a spell checker but for code Its main purpose is to catch any bad coding practices and help make sure that the code looks consistent and easy to read If you re working on a project with other people a code linter can be super helpful to make sure everyone s code looks the same This makes it easier for all of you to understand what each other s code is doing and work together more efficiently And if you re working on a big project having consistent code syntax is a real game changer It makes it way easier for anyone to read and understand the code no matter what part of the project they re working on So in short a code linter helps minimize bad coding practices and makes sure the code looks consistent and easy to read And that s a great thing ESLint is one of the most popular linters in the JavaScript community It can help you catch bugs and enforce coding standards which will make your code more readable and maintainable I m going to start off with a simple project using this command npm init yThen add a simple JavaScript code like var example varaible World let another variable nothing function print value const outputResults hello value console log outputResults print example varaible If you run node script js it works but there are a number of problems that might prevent code like this from your team Semicolons are inconsistent Some lines have them others don t Quotations are inconsistent Some code uses single others double Some variable defined but never usedSome of variables defined in snake case and other defined as camelCaseIt is actually pretty easy to fix these issues on your own but it becomes more challenging when you work as a team That s why integrating Eslint with your projects is a good idea It reduces concerns about code quality and makes everything run more smoothly InstallationNow let s add Eslint to our project with the following command npm install eslint save devNow you need to initialize Eslint with creating a eslintrc file in your root directory of project You can have it by running the following command which will take you through a little questionnaire in your terminal about your requirement npx eslint initAnd this is eslintrc file env browser true es true extends eslint recommended overrides parserOptions ecmaVersion latest rules The env section is like telling ESLint which environment your code will be running in If you re writing code for the browser you can set this to browser if its Nodejs use node extends is a cool feature that allows you to use a pre made list of rules ESLint comes with a list of recommended rules that you can use In parserOptions you can specify which version of JavaScript your code is using For example if you set it to ESLint will give you an error if you use syntax like const or let instead of var But if you set it to you can use const and let without any problems The rules section is where you can manually set rules for your project You can choose whether you want ESLint to show a warning or throw an error if it finds a problem Now if you look the scripts js file in your editor it shows problems clearly as bellow My VSC uses Error Lens extensions that highlight errorsYou can also run following command to see all issue in script js file npx eslint script jsWell Let s add some rules env browser true es true extends eslint recommended overrides parserOptions ecmaVersion latest sourceType module rules quotes error double semi error always no console off indent error I added rules to enforce double quotes semicolons removing no console rule and two levels of indentation more rules are here Note that each rule can have one of these values off or turn the rule off warn or turn the rule on as a warning doesn t affect exit code error or turn the rule on as an error exit code will be Linting Your ProjectWith this configuration our script js file has following issues It s clear that this tool gave us the info we needed to fix our code It not only tells us about the issues but it also fixes some of the more basic syntax problems like quotes and semicolons Run the command npx eslint script js fixHere is the results The problems with obvious solutions have been fixed but sometimes it s challenging especially when you extends your configuration with other rules Extending ConfigurationsLet s take a look at another famous configuration you may need on your projects The first one is Airbnb which is based on the set of linting rules used by Airbnb software developers To implement these guidelines for your code you can easily install it by running the following command npm install eslint config airbnb save devand add it into your eslintrc file and inside extends section env browser true es true extends eslint recommended airbnb overrides parserOptions ecmaVersion latest sourceType module rules quotes error double semi error always no console off indent error Now if I do this with our example code the result could be like As you see new rules and guides added and works perfectly and give us excellent tips Using ESLint with PrettierBy now you ve probably noticed that linters have two kinds of rules Formatting rules max len no mixed spaces and tabs keyword spacing comma style … Code quality rules no unused vars no extra bind no implicit globals prefer promise reject errors …Previously in following article I talk about the power of Prettier and its formatting rules that reprint the entire program from scratch in a consistent way Transform Your Codebase with Prettier A Guide with Husky Integration Kazem M・Mar ・ min read javascript husky prettier But if you want to use Eslint alongside Prettier most formatting rules of Eslint are unnecessary ーeven worse they might conflict with Prettier Here s how to turn off rules that conflict with Prettier or aren t necessary Install following packages in your projects npm install prettier eslint config prettier eslint plugin prettier save dev Inside the eslintrc add the following code extends eslint recommended plugin prettier recommended Add your optional prettier configuration inside prettierrc file printWidth sem true singleQuote false tabWidth In the following I add prettier to our sample code as you can see the error is actually from prettier Using ESLint with ReactIf you are working with React you can configure ESLint to work with JSX syntax Here s an example of a eslintrc file for React env browser true es true extends eslint recommended plugin react recommended plugins react overrides parserOptions ecmaVersion latest sourceType module rules quotes error double semi error always no console off Using ESLint with VueAnd If you are working with Vue you can configure ESLint to work with Vue templates Here s an example of a eslintrc file for Vue env browser true es true extends eslint recommended plugin vue recommended plugins vue overrides parserOptions ecmaVersion latest sourceType module rules quotes error double semi error always no console off Using ESLint with TypescriptFor Typescripts there are another lints like tslint which is deprecated in also Eslint is a JavaScript linter and doesn t support Typescripts internally but I strongly recommend that using it Sure here is the steps that you need to configure Eslint with Typescripts In our project I add typescript configuration with following command tsc initThe command added tsconfig json into root directory of the project if you didn t install typescript just add it by npm i g typescript Now I can change script js file into script ts Next all the thing you need here is plugin and parser which enable Eslint to support Typescript language npm i typescript typescript eslint parser typescript eslint eslint plugin save devSo you are ready to configure Eslint like this env browser true es true extends eslint recommended plugin typescript eslint recommended plugin prettier recommended overrides parser typescript eslint parser parserOptions ecmaVersion latest sourceType module plugins typescript eslint rules no console off camelcase warn I also added prettier in configurations and here is the result Spectacular we ve configured Eslint with Typescript and prettier ConclusionESLint is a powerful tool that can help you catch bugs and enforce coding standards in your JavaScript React Vue and TypeScript projects By using ESLint you can improve the quality and maintainability of your code If you are new to programming it may take some time to get used to using ESLint but the effort is well worth it in the long run I am attaching the tutorial code here for your reference Happy coding 2023-03-13 19:20:02
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to use ChatGPT on Mac https://appleinsider.com/inside/macos/tips/how-to-use-chatgpt-on-mac?utm_medium=rss How to use ChatGPT on MacChatGPT is a chatbot from OpenAI that has recently taken the world by storm and there s a new app that lets you access it on a Mac Here s how to get started ChatGPT can live on a MacOpenAI launched ChatGPT in November built on the company s GPT machine learning models Companies such as Microsoft have integrated it while others ーincluding Google ーfear it Read more 2023-03-13 19:47:35
海外科学 NYT > Science Black Widows Are Losing to Brown Widows in the Fight for Your Attic and Garage https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/13/science/brown-widows-black-widows.html Black Widows Are Losing to Brown Widows in the Fight for Your Attic and GarageThe arachnids which likely migrated to the United States from South Africa seem to be attacking black widow spiders in some parts of the country 2023-03-13 19:57:46
海外科学 NYT > Science Killer Candy Striper Spiders Prowl Before the Sun Rises https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/11/science/candy-striper-spiders.html Killer Candy Striper Spiders Prowl Before the Sun RisesA study of candy striped spiders feasting on sleeping insects suggests there are many surprising arachnid behaviors still waiting to be discovered 2023-03-13 19:21:14
ニュース BBC News - Home Gary Lineker to return to Match of the Day as BBC's Tim Davie denies climbdown https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64936917?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA media 2023-03-13 19:51:49
ニュース BBC News - Home Swansea: Man dies after gas explosion in Morriston https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-64941189?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA explosion 2023-03-13 19:45:13
ニュース BBC News - Home Gary Glitter: Paedophile former pop star recalled to prison https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64946392?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA glitter 2023-03-13 19:38:51
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ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 4月から植田・日銀新総裁が就任、政府・日銀の「アコード」は見直されるべきか - 政策・マーケットラボ https://diamond.jp/articles/-/319276 月から植田・日銀新総裁が就任、政府・日銀の「アコード」は見直されるべきか政策・マーケットラボ年以上にわたって日銀総裁を務めた黒田東彦日銀総裁が退任し、月から植田和男氏が新しい日銀総裁に就任する。 2023-03-14 04:45:00
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ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「新築戸建の工事トラブル」どう避ける?現場で確認すべき“6つのポイント” - 不動産の新教科書 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/319211 「新築戸建の工事トラブル」どう避ける現場で確認すべき“つのポイント不動産の新教科書施主として家づくりのプランを練り、ハウスメーカーや工務店との契約も結んだ。 2023-03-14 04:20:00
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ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 池上彰・増田ユリヤが見た「EU離脱後の英国」移民消失で混迷、国家分裂の危機? - ニュースな本 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/318253 世界情勢 2023-03-14 04:10:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 転職を成功させる人は何が違う?あなたの市場価値を高める3つの行動 - ニュースな本 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/319073 転職を成功させる人は何が違うあなたの市場価値を高めるつの行動ニュースな本『転職の思考法』『天才を殺す凡人』などのベストセラー作家であり、ワンキャリアの取締役を務め、各メディアに「職業人生の設計」「組織戦略」の専門家として登場する北野唯我氏。 2023-03-14 04:05:00
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