投稿時間:2023-03-14 18:22:54 RSSフィード2023-03-14 18:00 分まとめ(29件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 亡き妻の歌声をAIで再現 「AIアートグランプリ」受賞 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2303/14/news163.html itmedia 2023-03-14 17:28:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) リアル情報を仮想空間に反映。メタバース「バーチャルキャスト」通信プロトコルOSCに対応 https://techable.jp/archives/199773 oscopensoundcontrol 2023-03-14 08:00:08
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders メディパル、倉庫内のピッキング作業をAIで効率化、作業者の総移動距離を最大22.6%削減 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/24574 メディパル、倉庫内のピッキング作業をAIで効率化、作業者の総移動距離を最大削減ITLeaders医薬品・化粧品・日用品の卸売業を営むメディパルホールディングス本社東京都中央区は年月日、物流センター倉庫のピッキング作業をAIで効率化したと発表した。 2023-03-14 17:28:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pythonの基礎を学び直す2 https://qiita.com/yudai39/items/d9b21f82fd2eb9cdafc3 関数 2023-03-14 17:45:52
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 社内プロキシ環境下でpythonをexeファイルにしたい https://qiita.com/ymgc3/items/265615ae2b8f14213fc5 pyinstaller 2023-03-14 17:32:25
海外TECH DEV Community # How to Create a Responsive Image Gallery using CSS Grid https://dev.to/iamsatyanchal/how-to-create-a-responsive-image-gallery-using-css-grid-1aki How to Create a Responsive Image Gallery using CSS GridHow to Create a Responsive Image Gallery using CSS GridIf you re a web developer you know that designing a responsive image gallery can be a challenge However with the advent of CSS Grid it has become easier and more efficient to create a responsive grid for images In this blog post we ll walk you through the steps on how to create a responsive image gallery using CSS Grid Step Set Up Your HTMLTo get started with creating a responsive image gallery you ll need to set up your HTML file Here s an example of what your HTML code should look like lt section class gallery gt lt img src image jpg alt Image gt lt img src image jpg alt Image gt lt img src image jpg alt Image gt lt img src image jpg alt Image gt lt img src image jpg alt Image gt lt img src image jpg alt Image gt lt section gt In this example we have an HTML section called gallery with six images inside Step Set Up Your CSSNow that your HTML is set up you ll need to write your CSS Here s what your CSS code should look like gallery display grid grid template columns repeat auto fit minmax px fr grid gap rem gallery img width height auto In this example we set our gallery section to display as a grid We then defined our grid template columns using the repeat and minmax functions The repeat function tells the grid to repeat a certain number of columns and the minmax function tells the grid to use a minimum and maximum width for each column In this case we ve told the grid to repeat as many columns as possible with a minimum width of px and a maximum width of fr which means it will take up the available space in the grid We ve also set a grid gap of rem to give some space between the images We ve also given our gallery images a width of and a height of auto This will ensure that the images always fill their respective grid cells while maintaining their aspect ratios Step Add Media QueriesTo make our image gallery truly responsive we need to add media queries Here s what our updated CSS code should look like gallery display grid grid template columns repeat auto fit minmax px fr grid gap rem gallery img width height auto media screen and min width px gallery grid template columns repeat fr In this example we ve added a media query that targets screens with a width of px or more In this query we change the grid template columns property to repeat three columns each taking up fr of the available space ConclusionCreating a responsive image gallery using CSS Grid is an efficient and effective way to display your images on your website By following these simple steps you can create a beautiful and responsive gallery that looks great on any device 2023-03-14 08:31:07
海外TECH DEV Community # A Beginner's Guide to Web Development https://dev.to/iamsatyanchal/-a-beginners-guide-to-web-development-2on6 A Beginner x s Guide to Web Development A Beginner s Guide to Web DevelopmentWeb development is the process of building websites and web applications It involves a variety of languages tools and frameworks In this blog post we ll provide a beginner s guide to web development HTMLHTML stands for HyperText Markup Language It is the foundation of web development and every website or application starts with HTML HTML code is used to define the structure and content of a web page It consists of tags that define each element on a page HTML is the latest version of HTML and brings new features like semantic elements audio and video support and more CSSCSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets It is used to style the HTML content of a web page CSS helps to create appealing layouts typography and colors Using CSS you can style elements like fonts colors margins and borders CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Materialize provide pre designed classes and components for easy styling JavaScriptJavaScript is a programming language that is used to add interactivity and responsiveness to a web page With JavaScript you can create animations validate forms and handle user events JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular make it easier to build complex applications jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that helps to manipulate HTML and CSS on a web page Backend DevelopmentBackend development refers to the server side of web development It involves building web servers APIs and databases Popular backend languages include Python Ruby and PHP Frameworks like Ruby on Rails Flask and Laravel help to make backend development easier Node js is another popular backend technology that allows developers to write server side code in JavaScript Frontend DevelopmentFrontend development involves creating the user interface that users interact with It involves building HTML CSS and JavaScript code Frontend frameworks like React Angular and Vue js make it easy to create complex user interfaces You can also use CSS libraries like Bootstrap and Materialize to create responsive layouts and styles Web Development ToolsWeb development tools are software programs used to build websites and applications Examples include Visual Studio Code Sublime Text Atom and Notepad Version control tools like Git and Github help to manage project files and collaborate with other developers Web development tools can improve productivity and help to create high quality websites ConclusionIn this blog post we ve explored the basics of web development HTML CSS and JavaScript are the fundamental languages of web development Backend development involves building web servers APIs and databases Frontend development involves creating user interfaces Web development tools help to improve productivity and create high quality websites 2023-03-14 08:16:17
医療系 医療介護 CBnews アルコール代謝しにくい人、飲酒で難治性胃がんリスク-遺伝子情報で解析、国がんなど https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20230314173908 国立がん研究センター 2023-03-14 17:50:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 吸入薬の色が違うと患者に言われ前回の誤交付判明-医療機能評価機構が事例公表 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20230314165649 取り違え 2023-03-14 17:05:00
金融 JPX マーケットニュース [東証]監理銘柄(確認中)の指定解除:(株)ベクター https://www.jpx.co.jp/news/1023/20230314-11.html 監理銘柄 2023-03-14 17:15:00
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 ASEANの貿易統計(3月号)~1月の輸出は旧正月の影響で減少幅拡大 https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=74190?site=nli 輸出を品目別にみると、輸出全体の約割を占める電話・部品が前年同月比増前月同減となり、小幅ながらカ月ぶりの増加に転じたが、電気製品・同部品は同減前月同減と一段と減少した図表。 2023-03-14 17:08:42
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 JR東日本がベア5957円、組合要求上回る 29年ぶり水準 https://t.co/ITaxw3tgPS https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1635555342024314880 要求 2023-03-14 08:15:55
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 英オックスフォード大学発新興、量子計算機で日本に参入 https://t.co/r3R70bhtpG https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1635552561989300224 量子計算機 2023-03-14 08:04:52
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Upper House committee votes to expel GaaSyy from Japan’s parliament https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/03/14/national/politics-diplomacy/gaasyy-upper-house-committee-expel/ Upper House committee votes to expel GaaSyy from Japan s parliamentThe decision made unanimously among ruling and opposition lawmakers will almost certainly be finalized during an Upper House plenary session on Wednesday 2023-03-14 17:36:16
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Low alcohol tolerance increases chance of hard-to-cure stomach cancer in East Asians https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/03/14/national/science-health/low-alcohol-tolerance-stomach-cancer/ Low alcohol tolerance increases chance of hard to cure stomach cancer in East AsiansA Japanese study has found that certain genomic abnormalities specifically related to alcohol consumption are linked to the onset of “diffuse type stomach cancer 2023-03-14 17:32:54
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Heartbeat may shape our perception of time, study shows https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/03/14/world/science-health-world/heartbeat-time-perception-study/ organ 2023-03-14 17:01:45
ニュース BBC News - Home Budget to boost lifetime allowance for pension savings https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-64949083?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA means 2023-03-14 08:46:19
ニュース BBC News - Home Police drop most complaints of officer violence against women, figures show https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64915126?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA action 2023-03-14 08:23:06
ニュース BBC News - Home Aukus deal: US, UK and Australia agree on nuclear submarine project https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-64945819?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA ensure 2023-03-14 08:21:20
ニュース BBC News - Home UK job vacancies fall for eighth time in a row https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-64939336?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA number 2023-03-14 08:33:02
ニュース Newsweek インフレをチャンスにできる人と、貧乏になる人...それぞれ共通するパターンがあった https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/business/2023/03/post-101084.php 2023-03-14 17:47:00
ニュース Newsweek 「意図的な歪曲」にブチ切れ、大手テレビ局の取材を拒否するデサンティス https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2023/03/post-101098.php NBCのアンカー、アンドレア・ミッチェルがハリス副大統領へのインタビューで「デサンティスがフロリダ州の子供たちに奴隷制とその影響について教えるべきでないと語った」と発言したことだ。 2023-03-14 17:40:40
ニュース Newsweek 民家の庭に猛毒ヘビの卵が110個...写真にネット驚愕...獲物が豊富、繁殖に最適だった https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2023/03/110-12.php 民家の庭に猛毒ヘビの卵が個写真にネット驚愕獲物が豊富、繁殖に最適だったオーストラリア・シドニーを拠点に活動する動物保護団体のワイルド・コンサベーションは月日、とある民家の庭でヘビの卵個を発見したとフェイスブックに投稿。 2023-03-14 17:40:00
マーケティング MarkeZine 【明日13時締切】アクティブ率2倍以上の結果も!身になるアプリ活用の成功事例を徹底解説 http://markezine.jp/article/detail/41661 成功事例 2023-03-14 17:30:00
IT 週刊アスキー Google Pixelシリーズがアップデート Googleアシスタントが電話の保留中に待機する機能や高速な夜景撮影機能を利用可能に https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/128/4128574/ google 2023-03-14 17:50:00
IT 週刊アスキー 『白猫GOLF』で「カルマ(CV:吉野 裕行さん)」の新ウェア「ウィン・アナライザー」が登場! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/128/4128578/ 吉野裕行 2023-03-14 17:50:00
IT 週刊アスキー 一足早い北海道の春グルメを満喫! ビールにあう惣菜からイチゴスイーツが集う京王百貨店「春の大北海道展」 3月29日から https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/128/4128513/ 京王百貨店 2023-03-14 17:30:00
IT 週刊アスキー EPONAS、仏「アルラン」のシェーブルレザーを使ったApple Watch用2重巻ドゥーブルレザーバンドを発売 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/128/4128563/ applewatch 2023-03-14 17:30:00
IT 週刊アスキー “桜”がテーマのスイーツ・弁当を期間限定販売! そごう横浜店、地下2階食品売場で4月上旬頃まで https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/128/4128535/ 期間限定 2023-03-14 17:20:00



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