IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Amazon、Kindleストアで「まとめ買い10%ポイント還元フェア」を開催中 ー 必要な冊数はユーザーごとに異なる仕組み |
amazon |
2023-03-14 09:47:09 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] モバイルSuica、発行数2000万件を突破 |
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2023-03-14 18:38:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 今日、3月14日は円周率の日 |
円周率の日 |
2023-03-14 18:17:00 |
IT |
SNSマーケティングの情報ならソーシャルメディアラボ【Gaiax】 |
【2023年版】若者が今使ってるSNS!Z世代向けSNSまとめ12選 |
流行り廃り |
2023-03-14 09:54:09 |
IT |
SNSマーケティングの情報ならソーシャルメディアラボ【Gaiax】 |
【Instagram広告運用】Instagram広告の種類・出稿方法・特徴を徹底解説! |
instagram |
2023-03-14 09:50:08 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
カワサキ、制御システム「KTRC」を搭載したNinja 650を4月発売。気になる価格は? |
ninja |
2023-03-14 09:00:24 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
WSL2上でJupyter Notebookを起動したら警告文が大量に出るようになったので対応策 |
jupternotebook |
2023-03-14 18:27:55 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ユーザのプロフィールページ作成⑤ |
defeditifcurrentuser |
2023-03-14 18:41:15 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ユーザのプロフィールページ作成④ |
currentuserbuildprofil |
2023-03-14 18:07:41 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS利用料が閾値を超過したらサイトをクローズする |
閾値 |
2023-03-14 18:21:58 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ユーザのプロフィールページ作成⑤ |
defeditifcurrentuser |
2023-03-14 18:41:15 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ユーザのプロフィールページ作成④ |
currentuserbuildprofil |
2023-03-14 18:07:41 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
mercari.go #21 を開催しました #mercarigo |
hellip |
2023-03-14 10:00:55 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Let's discuss Generics in TypeScript |
Let x s discuss Generics in TypeScriptThis article will discuss Generics their syntax their importance and use cases PrerequisitesTo succesfully follow and understand what will be explained you need to have the following installed NodeJSTypeScriptYour IDE of choice Now what are Generics Generics are a way to define reusable functions classes and interfaces that can work with a variety of types instead of a single type Generics basically enable us to keep them generic by making them work according to the passed type s Take the following function that returns whatever is passed function returnArg arg string string return arg let a returnArg Cat console log a Cat We can see that it will not be possible to pass a number to this function and that is because of the explicit annotation that specifies that it will only accept a string If we wanted it to work with numbers one thing we can do is define another function that accepts a number function returnArg arg number number return arg let b returnArg console log b This will work fine but it results in code repetition which is time consuming and isn t intuitive An alternative is to set the type of the argument to any function returnArg arg any any return arg let a returnArg name Cindy Using any will have the same effect as generics However it will cause our program to lose the information about what type was passed and what type will be returned This means that it is not type safe and defeats the purpose of type checking That s where generics come in With this approach we can make the above function work with data of any type without rewriting it Let s create a generic version of the returnArg function function returnArg lt T gt arg T T return arg let a returnArg let b returnArg a a let c returnArg cat mouse cat mouse let d returnArg name Tolu age name Tolu age The above function uses what is called a type variable which is a special kind of variable that works on types only and not values It is usually captured within angle brackets Whatever data type is supplied at the time of the function call is captured in the type variable T to be used later This allows our function to work on a variety of types while maintaining type safety and preventing code repetition As we can see in the variables above returnArg will accept any data type that is passed into it without losing any vital information about what type is passed Using Generics with multiple parameters of different typesIf there are multiple parameters in a function you can represent each of them within a type variable list like this function returnArg lt A B C gt arg A arg B arg C arg A arg B arg C return arg arg arg const a returnArg Tolu true console log a arg arg Tolu arg true The type variables A B and C are generic types for whatever arguments will be passed Generic interfacesNot only functions can be generic Interfaces and classes can too Here s how a generic interface is written interface A a lt T gt b lt U gt c lt V gt To write a generic interface we can pass generic types to an interface definition just like functions It s members will reference the passed types as seen above If for example we want to represent a person with a generic object we can create a generic interface for it like this interface Person lt A B C D gt name lt A gt age lt B gt likesToEat lt C gt callName lt D gt const person Person lt string number boolean gt void gt name Tolu age likesToEat true callName function alert this name At the point of use of the interface we are to supply the specific types that we want the type variables to represent as shown in the person variable declaration Generic classesclass Pair lt T U gt first T second U constructor first T second U this first first this second second In this example we ve defined a Pair class that can hold two values of any type The type variables T and U in the class declaration indicate that the class is generic and that the types of the first and second values will be determined when the class is used The Pair class has two properties first which holds the first value and second which holds the second value We can create instances of the Pair class with any type of data like this const booleanAndString new Pair lt boolean string gt true Alice const objectAndNumber new Pair lt greeting string number gt greeting hello In the first line we create an instance of Pair with a boolean and a string In the second line we create another instance of Pair with a number and an object that has a greeting property This goes to show the flexibility that generics afford us ConclusionGenerics are an important feature of TypeScript that allow us to write functions interfaces and classes that can work with any data type This creates flexible reusable concise and type safe code which contributes to high quality applications that are easier to maintain It is worth it to learn about generics and how to put them to effective use within your applications I hope that you have gotten some value from this article Kindly leave any questions or additional information in the comment section Thanks for reading |
2023-03-14 09:40:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Using Docker for Rails development |
Using Docker for Rails developmentRecently I got assigned to an old project and while luckily it had instructions on how to set it up locally in the Read me the number of steps was damn too high So instead of wasting half a day executing them I wasted days automating them future devs will thank me…maybe I wanted to get as close as possible to a one command local env setup To simplify the process as you have guessed from the title of the article I decided to set up docker and docker compose I started with an example config from awesome compose Level just get the app to run on dockerFROM ruby WORKDIR myappCOPY Gemfile myapp GemfileCOPY Gemfile lock myapp Gemfile lockRUN bundle installCOPY myappCOPY config database yml example myapp config database ymlCMD bundle exec rails s p b I won t enter into details too much the main concept is first copy just the gemfiles and install gems this is done to take advantage of the caching mechanism in building images to speed up rebuilding copy the rest of the app codecreate a config file for the database based on a template the details will be passed through ENV variables Since this time the goal is local developments assets compilation is not an issue we want to optimize Next the maestro orchestrating the local env docker composeservices db image postgres volumes tmp db var lib postgresql data environment POSTGRES PASSWORD password web build command bash c rm f tmp pids server pid amp amp bundle exec rails s p b ports environment POSTGRES HOST db REDIS URL redis redis REDIS HOST redis depends on db redis redis image redis alpine command redis serverMost of it is thanks to the help of awesome composeWhat we want to achieve here Run our app alongside a postgres database and a redis serverHave the postgres database data persistUse env variables to pass the component names for routingAs a warning note avoid mapping any port that s not necessary So no mapping of for postgres db While it s not an issue for local dev if you use a similar config on a production server it could open you to some brute force attacks The odd thing you may have noticed that we have both a REDIS URL and a REDIS HOST env It s because the default redis cache use requires the url param to have the protocol redis at the beginning but our app also uses redis store for session store which requires just the host without the protocol Chances are you don t use redis store and can safely remove the unnecessary env Level add some dev quality of life configsSo this config was enough for me to get rolling and work on the project and contribute but it s not the most comfortable thing due to a couple of issues Any change to the code required turning off the docker compose instances rebuilding and turning the infrastructure on again and that adds up I can t use binding pry do debugSo to be able to cut on the restarts necessary and auto update code we will use volumes web build volumes myappAdding a volume will mirror the current dir to the app dir in the image will automatically mirror any change we make to the code While this won t help with changes to config files it will handle most changes in real time Assuming we run on typical dev env configs To enable access to binding pry you need to add the following to the web service web build volumes myapp tty true for binding pry stdin open true for binding pryBut adding this won t allow us to just access the debug console from the console used to run docker compose we will need to find the id of the web process and connect to it docker ps docker attach cdeab Level add some reusability and sidekiqOne last thing missing now in my case was the possibility to also run sidekiq It was not necessary in the beginning but once the development went on we needed to work on some async tasks to handle long data import processes x my app amp my app build volumes myapp environment POSTGRES HOST db REDIS URL redis redis REDIS HOST redis depends on db redis tty true for binding pry stdin open true for binding pryservices db image postgres volumes tmp db var lib postgresql data environment POSTGRES PASSWORD password web lt lt my app command bash c rm f tmp pids server pid amp amp bundle exec rails s p b ports sidekiq lt lt my app command sidekiq L log sidekiq log C config sidekiq dev yml P tmp pids sidekiq pid redis image redis alpine command redis serverSo as you can see before starting to define services we created a block that will contain all the common configs between the rails app and the sidekiq process containers The only differences are the command and the ports since sidekiq doesn t need any open and we can t have containers trying to occupy the same port anyway And with this addition I d consider the docker config done for this project While it still requires more than one command to setup initially with the database creation migration seeding it s a step requiring additional scripting on top of docker compose Maybe for another article The commands toolboxAs a parting note i d like to list the docker command i found myself using most often docker compose up build start the appdocker compose down stop it if running in the backgrounddocker compose ps check the status of currently running imagesdocker compose run web bash run commandsdocker images show list of built imagesdocker image prune delete unused images since they can take up a lot of hard drivedocker ps docker kill if docker compose not doing the jobTip you may consider creating an alias for docker compose to avoid typing it every time |
2023-03-14 09:32:27 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Apple Watch Ultra is $70 off right now |
The Apple Watch Ultra is off right nowWith its durable design and high end features the Apple Watch Ultra is is one of the best wearables for sports and outdoors enthusiasts ーbut at it s not cheap If you ve been waiting for a deal it s now on sale at Amazon for just with an instant rebate or percent off matching the best deal we ve seen to date nbsp The Apple Watch Ultra is truly built for outdoor activity It offers refined navigation and compass based features like the ability to set waypoints and ability to retrace your steps if you get lost For scuba enthusiasts and others there s a depth gauge and dive computer too As such it s the ideal wearable for hikers and divers Other features are geared toward endurance athletes like the accurate route tracking and pace calculations that make use of a dual frequency GPS And Apple still includes the health features found in other Watch models too like sleep tracking temperature sensing and electrocardiogram readings along with messaging audio playback and Apple Pay It offers a stellar hours of battery life as well and up to hours in low power mode On the downside the Apple Watch Ultra has a chunky though rugged case that you may not find comfortable to wear to bed Moreover the positioning of the action button is a little awkward because it s right where many people will go to steady the Apple Watch Ultra with one finger while they press the digital crown or side button Still it garnered an excellent score of in our review That sum is still a lot but Amazon has some other deals too If you need a solid smartwatch that s only missing a few features the Watch SE is still on sale at an all time low price of Plus Apple s mainstream Watch Series continues to have a nice percent discount letting you pick one up for nbsp Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter and subscribe to the Engadget Deals newsletter for the latest tech deals and buying advice This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-03-14 09:55:45 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
日看協、所定労働時間の短縮措置義務化を要望-介護との両立支援、離職防止に期待 |
介護休業法 |
2023-03-14 18:55:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japanese fans earn share of spotlight at World Baseball Classic |
baseball |
2023-03-14 18:46:36 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Czech pitcher who struck out Shohei Ohtani cherishes memories, souvenirs |
Czech pitcher who struck out Shohei Ohtani cherishes memories souvenirsThe year old got the Samurai Japan star to ground out in the first inning and struck him out in the third ーprobably becoming the |
2023-03-14 18:24:33 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Pensions to get boost as tax-free limit to rise |
government |
2023-03-14 09:43:48 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
UK job vacancies fall for eighth time in a row |
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2023-03-14 09:30:39 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Budget 2023: What could be in it and when will it happen? |
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2023-03-14 09:53:32 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Six Nations 2023: Wales duo Liam Williams and Scott Baldwin miss France match |
Six Nations Wales duo Liam Williams and Scott Baldwin miss France matchWales duo Liam Williams and Scott Baldwin have been ruled out of the final Six Nations trip to face France in Paris on Saturday |
2023-03-14 09:39:04 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
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大阪府茨木市 |
2023-03-14 09:13:53 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
CCI、GROVEと提携 若年層に人気のクリエイターを起用したYouTubeの広告配信が可能に |
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2023-03-14 18:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
NTTデータ、「モバイルレジ」が全1788地方公共団体に対応。クレカ・口座決済で納税が可能に |
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2023-03-14 18:30:00 |
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週刊アスキー |
PC『ガンダムトライヴ』で「THE TRIBE BATTLE~逆襲のシャア~」が開催 |
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2023-03-14 18:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ヤフー、Yahoo! JAPAN IDの認証にパスワードレス認証規格「パスキー」を導入 |
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2023-03-14 18:15:00 |
IT |
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メタ、Facebook、InstagramのNFT機能を縮小 |
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2023-03-14 18:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
大日本印刷・双日・ダイヘン、ワイヤレス充電機能を搭載したEVの実用化に向けて業務提携 |
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2023-03-14 18:10:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
アマゾン、美容室向け電子雑誌販売 増加する店舗に狙い…ドコモと共同で |
減少傾向 |
2023-03-14 09:17:33 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
Rejected after interview for Japanese skill. Lost on how to improve, looking for advice. |
Rejected after interview for Japanese skill Lost on how to improve looking for advice Long story short I have been living in Japan for almost four years now I just passed the jlpt N last year and I also started a translating interpreting job as well I ve been looking for jobs mainly because I m not satisfied with my job location and am trying to work in a bigger city Since I started this interpreting job I had the sinking feeling that my Japanese was just not good at all I thought it was maybe imposter syndrome or that I was being hard on myself Especially since no one has ever criticized my Japanese but they ve also never directly praised it either Cut to today I recieved word that I failed my interview due to my spoken Japanese not matching what is on my CV jlpt N and a mismatch with work culture still trying to find out what this means I really want to get better at my Japanese and while I m sure it is passively getting better just through my job I feel it is not nearly enough especially when it comes to keigo Since no one criticizes or corrects my Japanese there is really no way for me to find out exactly what I m doing wrong I ve been thinking about using PTO to take a business level course or something if a short program like that even exists But I don t have that much PTO and my job for sure would not pay for something like that for me Up until N it was clear what I needed to do to improve But after passing I m genuinely lost How can I improve Has anyone ever been in this kind of situation submitted by u uniquecommonusername to r japanlife link comments |
2023-03-14 09:12:40 |