IT |
InfoQ |
Road to Quarkus 3: Improved Dev UI, Steps Towards Diataxis Documentation and Performance Bumps |
Road to Quarkus Improved Dev UI Steps Towards Diataxis Documentation and Performance BumpsOur previous conversation with the Quarkus team focused on the technical changes to deliver on their mission More than speed and cloud nativeness Developer Experience DX and the focus on productivity were also an important part of each of the previous major releases To find out whether version will follow this tradition InfoQ continued the conversation with Andersen By Olimpiu Pop |
2023-03-14 05:05:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ロッテ「チョコパイ」リニューアル 反映した“チョコパイ好き”の声 |
itmedia |
2023-03-14 14:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「dTV」が「Lemino」に NTTドコモ、オリジナル作品を拡充 |
itmedia |
2023-03-14 14:32:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「スイカバー」、ガムになる ロッテが発売、チョコの種も再現 |
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2023-03-14 14:31:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 「エラー出たけどよく分かんないし無視しよ」 ChatGPT・Bingが新人プログラマーを教育するなら? |
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2023-03-14 14:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Microsoft、「責任あるAIオフィス」解散か──Platformer報道 |
itmedianewsmicrosoft |
2023-03-14 14:07:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
臨場感あるサウンドを楽しもう!サンワサプライのPCスピーカー「400-SP104」発売 |
販売価格 |
2023-03-14 05:00:08 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Blender/Python】変更を加えたアドオンをBlenderを再起動せず再読み込みする |
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2023-03-14 14:57:30 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
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JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Angularにてフォーム(バリデーション)にdebounceをつける方法。 |
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2023-03-14 14:22:57 |
Ruby |
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RailsアプリケーションのRubyのバージョンを3.1にあげたらYAMLの読込に失敗しました。 |
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Glueジョブごとの使用リソース量や料金を調査するためにDPU Hoursを取得する |
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2023-03-14 14:22:22 |
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AWSによるパッチ適用の自動化と、ジョブ実行の実装方法を考えてみた |
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Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
RailsアプリケーションのRubyのバージョンを3.1にあげたらYAMLの読込に失敗しました。 |
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2023-03-14 14:31:55 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
How do I solve an API Gateway REST API endpoint “Missing Authentication Token” error? |
How do I solve an API Gateway REST API endpoint “Missing Authentication Token error problem When I try to use an Amazon API Gateway REST API I receive a Missing Authentication Token error |
2023-03-14 05:44:57 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[後編] AWS CDKで API Gateway + Lambda 構成のREST APIを構築して Auth0 + Lambda Authorizerの認可機能を導入してみた |
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2023-03-14 05:23:35 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Big O: A Beginner's Guide: |
Big O A Beginner x s Guide What is Big O Big O is a way to measure the efficiency of an algorithm It is a way to describe the performance or complexity of an algorithm It is a way to compare the efficiency of different algorithms In Simple terms Big O is a way to measure how fast an algorithm is or As your input grows how fast does the runtime of your algorithm grow The Big O notation is expressed using a mathematical formula that uses the letter O and a function of n which represents the input size The notation represents the rate of growth of an algorithm s runtime in terms of the input size How To Calculate Big O The Simplest trick to know the Big O of a function is to look for the loops in the function If there is a loop then the Big O is O n If there are two loops then the Big O is O n If there are three loops then the Big O is O n And so on n is the number of items in the loop For example consider the following functions in C Python and Java Example C int sum int n int total for int i i lt n i total i return total Python def sum n total for i in range n total i return total Java public int sum int n int total for int i i lt n i total i return total This code has a loop that iterates n times so the Big O notation for this code is O n Some Common Big O s Notations O Constant Time No LoopsExamples of O C Codeint print first element int lst printf d lst Python Codedef print first element lst print lst Java Codepublic void print first element int lst System out println lst O n Linear Time LoopExamples of O n C Codeint sum int n int total for int i i lt n i total i return total Python Codedef sum n total for i in range n total i return total Java Codepublic int sum int n int total for int i i lt n i total i return total O n Quadratic Time LoopsExamples of O n C Codeint sum of pairs int n int total for int i i lt n i for int j j lt n j total i j return total Python Codedef sum of pairs n total for i in range n for j in range n total i j return total Java Codepublic int sum of pairs int n int total for int i i lt n i for int j j lt n j total i j return total O log n Logarithmic Time Usually searching algorithms have log n if they are sorted Binary Search Examples of O log n C Codeint binary search int lst int target int low int high lst length while low lt high int mid low high int guess lst mid if guess target return mid if guess gt target high mid else low mid return Python Codedef binary search lst target low high len lst while low lt high mid low high guess lst mid if guess target return mid if guess gt target high mid else low mid return Java Codepublic int binary search int lst int target int low int high lst length while low lt high int mid low high int guess lst mid if guess target return mid if guess gt target high mid else low mid return O n log n Log Linear Time Usually sorting operationsExamples of O n log n C Codevoid merge sort int lst if lst length lt return int mid lst length int left new int mid int right new int lst length mid for int i i lt mid i left i lst i for int i mid i lt lst length i right i mid lst i merge sort left merge sort right merge left right lst Python Codedef merge sort lst if len lst lt return mid len lst left lst mid right lst mid merge sort left merge sort right merge left right lst Java Codepublic void merge sort int lst if lst length lt return int mid lst length int left new int mid int right new int lst length mid for int i i lt mid i left i lst i for int i mid i lt lst length i right i mid lst i merge sort left merge sort right merge left right lst O n Exponential Time Usually recursive algorithms that solves a problem of size NExamples of O n C Codeint fibonacci int n if n return else if n return else return fibonacci n fibonacci n Python Codedef fibonacci n if n return elif n return else return fibonacci n fibonacci n Java Codepublic int fibonacci int n if n return else if n return else return fibonacci n fibonacci n O n Factorial Time Usually recursive algorithms that solves a problem of size NExamples of O n C Codeint permutation int lst int k if k return else return k permutation lst k Python Codedef permutation lst k if k return else return k permutation lst k Java Codepublic int permutation int lst int k if k return else return k permutation lst k Big O Graph You can see in the graph that the time complexity of the algorithm increases as the input size increases except for O and O log n which are constant and logarithmic time complexity respectively The Big O Cheat Sheet Time Complexity Note The Big O Cheat Sheet is a summary of the most common time complexities of algorithms It is not a complete list of all the time complexities of all the algorithms Big O of Common Data Structures Access Search Insertion Deletion Advanced Cheat Sheet Calculating Time Complexity Note The following are the steps to calculate the time complexity of an algorithm Dropping the Constants Drop the constants in the time complexity For example O n is the same as O n Dropping the Non Dominants Drop the non dominants in the time complexity For example O n n is the same as O n For example the time complexity of the following algorithm is O n C Codeint sum O for int i i lt n i O n for int j j lt n j O n sum O Python Codesum O for i in range n O n for j in range n O n sum O Java Codeint sum O for int i i lt n i O n for int j j lt n j O n sum O Calculating Time Complexity O O n O n O O n O n ConclusionIn this article we have learned about the Big O Notation and how to calculate the time complexity of an algorithm We have also learned about the Big O Cheat Sheet and the Big O of common data structures My Github |
2023-03-14 05:21:03 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Court rules that Uber and Lyft can keep treating drivers as contractors in California |
Court rules that Uber and Lyft can keep treating drivers as contractors in CaliforniaUber and Lyft don t have to worry about reclassifying its workers in California for now An appeals court has just ruled that gig workers such as rideshare drivers can continue to be classified as independent contractors under Proposition nbsp If you ll recall California passed Assembly Bill AB in September that legally obligates companies to treat their gig workers as full time employees That means providing them with all the appropriate benefits and protections such as paying for their unemployment and health insurance As a response Uber Lyft Instacart and DoorDash poured over million into campaigning for the Prop ballot measure which would allow them to treat app based workers as independent contractors It ended up passing by a wide margin in the state In a group of critics that included the Service Employees International Union and the SEIU California State Council filed a lawsuit in to overturn the proposition The judge in charge of the case sided with them and called Prop unconstitutional He said back then that the proposition illegally limits the power of a future legislature to define app based drivers as workers subject to workers compensation law nbsp The three appeals court judges have now overturned that ruling though according to The New York Times one of them wanted to throw out Prop entirely for the same reason the lower court judge gave when he handed down his decision While the appeals court upheld the policy in the end it ordered that a clause that makes it hard for workers in the state to unionize be severed from the rest of the proposition That particular clause required a seven eighths majority vote from the California legislature to be able to amend workers rights to collective bargaining nbsp David Huerta the president of the Service Employees International Union in California told The Times in a statement Every California voter should be concerned about corporations growing influence in our democracy and their ability to spend millions of dollars to deceive voters and buy themselves laws The group is now expected to appeal this ruling and to take their fight to the Supreme Court which could take months to decide whether to hear the case nbsp This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-03-14 05:40:40 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
人口2人の離島介護サービス、本土への移動負担軽減-宮崎県が計画素案公表、保健・医療との連携も |
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2023-03-14 14:05:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Aukus deal: US, UK and Australia agree on nuclear submarine project |
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2023-03-14 05:32:09 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Silicon Valley Bank: Global bank stocks slump despite Biden reassurances |
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2023-03-14 05:43:38 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The Papers: 'Pressure on BBC bosses' and 'SVB tremors spread' |
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2023-03-14 05:25:22 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【社説】銀行救済めぐるバイデン氏の大ぼら - WSJ発 |
銀行 |
2023-03-14 14:11:00 |
ビジネス |
プレジデントオンライン |
「怒る」という感情はなんの役にも立たない…元阪神の鳥谷敬が試合中に感情を一切表に出さなかったワケ - 他人からの「覇気がない」という批判は無視していい |
阪神タイガース |
2023-03-14 15:00:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『スパロボ』の公式番組「生スパロボチャンネル[アプリ版]」が3月20日21時に配信決定! |
配信決定 |
2023-03-14 14:40:00 |
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週刊アスキー |
食べれば全回復!?『DQウォーク』リアルおみやげ第六弾「すらいむべほまずんだ餅」発売決定 |
位置情報 |
2023-03-14 14:35:00 |