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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
Google カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 野鳥観察に安い双眼鏡YF30-8をレビューしたら神双眼鏡だった https://www.kagua.biz/ikuji/dokoiko/20210721e.html 野鳥観察 2021-07-21 14:59:16
Google カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 石神井公園で2000mmズームで小学生と野鳥観察してきた画像25枚 https://www.kagua.biz/ikuji/dokoiko/20210721d.html 野鳥観察 2021-07-21 14:59:09
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 残プロ 第-49回 ~PythonでWAVファイル再生~ https://qiita.com/R1nY1x1/items/e6c5d894a5c80c420a76 2021-07-21 23:50:27
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSでAIサービスを使ってみる〜⑥Rekognition編その2〜 https://qiita.com/AInosukey/items/23dcd210ebb502ece948 こちらを実行するとコレクションが削除されます。 2021-07-21 23:11:24
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Javascriptでバッチを作って実行する(Node.js) https://qiita.com/aioa/items/5a49d6b71bdd27bd8a5f 最近だとasdfを使って構築する記事をよく見ますnpmNodejsのライブラリのパッケージ管理ツールnpminstallパッケージ名とかで、カレントディレクトリにnodemodulesというディレクトリができて、その中にインストールパッケージが格納されるインストールしたライブラリは、requireモジュール名で、簡単に使用することが可能です環境構築Nodejsを入れるQiitaに環境構築の記事はたくさんあるので、適当に探してまねてください。 2021-07-21 23:47:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) DMM商品情報APIを使って商品情報を取得・出力したいが、取得・出力できない情報がある https://teratail.com/questions/350687?rss=all DMM商品情報APIを使って商品情報を取得・出力したいが、取得・出力できない情報がある前提・実現したいことDMMのAPIを使ってアダルト動画の商品情報を出力させたいです。 2021-07-21 23:59:42
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Rails carriwave destroyの変え方 https://teratail.com/questions/350686?rss=all Railscarriwavedestroyの変え方親モデルからcarriewaveでアップロードした画像を全て削除したいのですが出来ずに困っています。 2021-07-21 23:32:36
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Visual basic 数字を指定、終了させる方法 https://teratail.com/questions/350685?rss=all ですが、一回目にが入力されたら「以外の数字を入れてください」と文字が表示され即刻終了する形でプログラムを作りたいのですが、どのように言語を使えばよいですかここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 2021-07-21 23:27:05
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) nbdevup, nbdevdn の意味 https://teratail.com/questions/350684?rss=all close 2021-07-21 23:13:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 新規登録画面で背景動画を入れたいです https://teratail.com/questions/350683?rss=all formwithの中にvideotagを定義することは不可能なのでしょうか他に新規登録画面で背景動画の埋め込み方を知っている方教えていただけると嬉しいです。 2021-07-21 23:11:09
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSの用語集 https://qiita.com/fukuharataka/items/ece3aff8ded37b0c9466 ネットワークInternetGatewayNatGatewayVPC開発者用ツールAWSCodeCommitプライベートGitリポジトリをホストする、安全で高度にスケーラブルなマネージド型のソース管理サービス要はGitHubのソースコード管理する部分みたいなものAWSCodeBuildソースコードをコンパイルし、テストを実行し、デプロイ可能なソフトウェアパッケージを作成できる完全マネージド型のビルドサービスソースコードのビルド、テスト用のサービスAWSCodeDeployさまざまなコンピューティングサービスへのソフトウェアのデプロイを自動化する、フルマネージド型のサービスデプロイする用のサービスAWSCodePipeline完全マネージド型の継続的デリバリーサービスで、素早く確実性のあるアプリケーションとインフラストラクチャのアップデートのための、パイプラインのリリースを自動化継続的デリバリーインテグレーションCICDをサポートするサービス。 2021-07-21 23:34:07
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSでAIサービスを使ってみる〜⑥Rekognition編その2〜 https://qiita.com/AInosukey/items/23dcd210ebb502ece948 こちらを実行するとコレクションが削除されます。 2021-07-21 23:11:24
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 使わないコンテナとディレクトリを削除する方法 https://qiita.com/keddm/items/f8212b7bbb0e88c2c71f 2021-07-21 23:26:35
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Interfaceを満たしているかcompile時に確認 https://qiita.com/junk616/items/821e179be3cccd792175 Interfaceを満たしているかcompile時に確認Overviewライブラリのコードを読んでいたところ、varSetterCmdnilこんなコードがあったので、effectivegoをもとに、なんの意味があるのか確認。 2021-07-21 23:35:49
技術ブログ Developers.IO [Material-UI] ループ処理で生成したボタンのうちどれがクリックされたのかをハンドラー側で分かるようにする https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/handler-to-know-which-button-was-clicked-generated-by-loop-in-material-ui/ materialui 2021-07-21 14:26:42
海外TECH Ars Technica Netflix bleeds subscribers in US and Canada with no sign of recovery https://arstechnica.com/?p=1781890 customer 2021-07-21 14:03:30
海外TECH DEV Community Elementor Benefits | Elementor, WordPress Page Builder Review 2021 https://dev.to/clovissocial/elementor-benefits-elementor-review-2021-hn5 Elementor Benefits Elementor WordPress Page Builder Review Disclaimer This post contains affiliate links If you click one of the links to purchase I will get a commission These commissions will help me a long way to sustain my blog and for me to keep serving you with interesting articlesNot sure if Elementor is good enough In this elementor review you will be learning about all the elementor benefits pros and cons of elementor and why you should or not use it Here is everything you need to know about the elementor page builder plugin for WordPress Table of contents What is Elementor Features And BenefitsElementor PricingHow to use the elementor pluginRound up about elementor page builder What is Elementor Elementor is a Drag and Drop Page Builder for WordPress This means a couple of things…Elementor lets you create original looking posts and pages that are unique compared with the standard post page templates that come with your WordPress theme It doesn t require any HTML CSS PHP Javascript coding skills Everything can be done in a handy user interface It works on the front end of your website meaning it shows you the outcome of your website right away in a WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get manner You can use it to create any page layout you could ever think of One of the most important factors is that it works with all WordPress themes So you can keep your current design and still get the best out of elementor By summing everything up we can say that Elementor is a WordPress page builder plugin that enables you to create beautiful website designs and layouts through a simple drag and drop way By summing everything up we can say that Elementor is a WordPress page builder plugin that enables you to create beautiful website designs and layouts through a simple drag and drop way Let s have a deep dive into some of the most interesting features elementor comes with Elementor Benefits And FeaturesElementor comes equipped with more than widgets to help you build amazing websites Some of these widgets include Image Text Image Galleries Counters Testimonials… just to name a few As I mentioned earlier elementor is a drag and drop WordPress page builder that allows you to edit your website and see the results in real time The live preview features mean you don t have to wonder what your page is going to look like because every change you want to see is in front of you in real time Apart from that Elementor gives you access to display settings This is where you can change the backgrounds margins and padding values default colours fonts and so on Elementor comes with a full revision history meaning you can revert back to any change regarding you mistakenly mess things up With Elementor you can also choose to do a preview on various device types and screen sizes Mobile Tablet and Desktop by navigating to the bottom left of the elementor page builder on your screen Elementor PricingThis amazing page builder plugin is also available for free but of course the free version doesn t give you all the options as compared to the paid version With the free version you still have options like Image carousel Google Map API counter animations etc…Now about the pro version it does have very interesting features that give it more power and it s advisable for you to have a copy of it from their official site plus additional content elements modules plus additional page templates Theme Builder the module where you can change the headers and footers of your current theme WooCommerce Builder the module that allows you do rebuild your WooCommerce product pages Popup Builder a module where you can build pop ups and have them integrated with either an opt in form or some special offer discount Visual Form Builder comes with integrations with popular marketing tools You can create Global Widgets and then reuse them throughout the site Add custom CSS to any Elementor block Deploy Elementor elements in sidebars and widgets Here s the current pricing of Elementor Pro How To Use ElementorIn this section I will be showing you how to use elementor after you have purchased installed and activated the plugin on your website Once installed go to your WordPress dashboard and hover your mouse on Pages you will see Add New After you click on Add New you will see another screen where you will need to put your page title and a button at the top where you can choose to edit the page with elementor When you click on the edit with elementor a new screen will appear where you can now choose default built in elementor templatesyou will click on the icon in the middle to add a default template from the elementor library Once you click on it you will see a variety of in built elementor templatesAs you can see on the screenshot multiple templates which you can choose from We decided to choose the third template as you can choose from the screenshot You can choose any that looks appealing to you and customize it When you choose the template of your liking click import to import it to your newly created page Elementor Review ConclusionThe question one may ask is…Is elementor better than the other page builder Well it depends on the way you view it But it s definitely one of the best out there for sure Still there s one thing that puts Elementor significantly ahead of the others That thing is the price While there s a Pro version of Elementor available you honestly get more than of the plugin s awesomeness for free Other Page Builders like Beaver and Divi don t give you that This makes Elementor the best first option for anyone looking for a page builder plugin Pros Of ElementorIt s free And most new websites won t need to upgrade to Pro It has an exceptional range of features and is easy to use Again the range of features that are available for free is more than impressive I feel I should include that on the list twice It allows you to build custom page layouts and designs that may not be available in your current theme and doesn t require any HTML CSS or PHP skills Features such as inline text editing and real time previews give you a true what you see is what you get editing interface The ability to adjust your desktop tablet and mobile views separately There are very detailed settings for all of the alignments margins and padding values Literally nothing is outside your control Cons Of Elementor Adding custom styling to links doesn t always go as planned You may be stuck with Elementor s default typography and color settings which may not be what you want If something is misaligned on the page it s often hard to locate the exact margin value that s the culprit For example you may have a primary block a column inside it and then a content element inside that Each of them has its own margin settings ConclusionIf you need an excellent free drag and drop page builder Elementor is definitely your Go To destination You can click here to go to elementor s official websiteNB You can visit my blog positivevibesmedia for many more interesting and related articles Additional ResourcesNB You want your website to rank top on all search engines get the best Plugin for SEO RankMathYou can get premium and professional templates for WordPress to standout from other webite designs from TemplatelyYou can get Chaty a chat widget plugin for WordPress on your website Also visit Premio a store for many interesting WordPress plugins that might be helpful for your website and blog 2021-07-21 14:43:24
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to watch the Olympics on iPhone, Mac, Apple TV https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/21/how-to-watch-the-olympics-on-iphone-mac-apple-tv?utm_medium=rss How to watch the Olympics on iPhone Mac Apple TVAs the delayed Olympic Games get underway in Tokyo international sports rights mean that there are surprisingly few ways to watch on iPhone Most coverage is via Peacock but the official app left has results and NBC News right includes updatesCompared to events like an Apple presentation that you can watch anywhere the Olympics are restricted Broadcast rights have been negotiated with TV companies across countries and online rebroadcasts are geo locked to their region Read more 2021-07-21 14:59:51
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Best deals for July 21 - Apple's iPhone cases, Kindles, networking, and more! https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/21/best-deals-for-july-21---apples-iphone-cases-kindles-networking-and-more?utm_medium=rss Best deals for July Apple x s iPhone cases Kindles networking and more Wednesday s best deals features a multitude of Apple s own iPhone cases discounts on Amazon s Echo Frames and more sales on networking devices for your home Best deals for July Shopping online for the best discounts and deals can be a difficult and annoying task Rather than sifting through miles of advertisements check out this list of sales we ve hand picked just for the AppleInsider audience Read more 2021-07-21 14:58:44
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple seeds first AirPods Pro firmware beta with FaceTime Spatial Audio https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/21/apple-seeds-first-airpods-pro-firmware-beta-with-facetime-spatial-audio?utm_medium=rss Apple seeds first AirPods Pro firmware beta with FaceTime Spatial AudioApple has seeded the first beta of its upcoming AirPods Pro firmware updates to members of the Apple Developer Program AirPods and AirPods Pro Developers can download the beta from the Apple Developer website under the More Downloads heading An iPhone running iOS a Mac with Xcode and fully charged AirPods Pro are required to download it Read more 2021-07-21 14:23:23
海外TECH Engadget The best student discounts we found for 2021 https://www.engadget.com/best-student-discounts-140038070.html?src=rss The best student discounts we found for They say your college years are the best of your life But they tend to leave out the part where you re scrounging every dollar for textbooks food and if you re lucky the occasional weekend outing with friends Money is tight when you re a student and that financial stress can be compounded by the reality of having to stay on top of your studies If there s a silver lining it s student discounts Many companies offer their products and services for less to those struggling through lectures writing research papers and studying for finals We ve compiled a list of the best student discounts you can get on useful services along with some things you ll enjoy in your down time Just keep in mind that most of these deals require you to prove your status as a student either by signing up with your edu email address or providing some form of student identification ShoppingAmazon Prime StudentIf you re not piggy backing off of your parents Amazon Prime account you can have the subscription for less while you re in school College students can get Prime Student for per month or per year and it includes the same perks as a standard Prime membership including free two day shipping free same day delivery in select areas and access to the entire Prime Video library Amazon also currently offers a six month free trial so you ll pay even less during your first year Buy Prime Student at Amazon yearBest BuyWhile it doesn t offer a specific student discount Best Buy has Student Deals that you can sign up to receive Aside from proving your student status the only requirement is for you to be a My Best Buy member and that program is free to sign up for We actually recommend that most people sign up for My Best Buy because some items especially during site wide sales will be even cheaper for members All student deals will appear in the Member Offers page in your account Sign up for Student Deals at Best BuyAppleApple offers some deals to students and educators This year in particular Apple is throwing in a free pair of AirPods when you buy select Macs or iPads for college You ll get AirPods with the regular wired charging case free or you can upgrade to AirPods with the wireless charging case for more Alternatively you can get the AirPods Pro for more Apple knows how popular AirPods are and it clearly wants to sweeten the deal for students who have been thinking about getting a new computer before heading off to college The AirPods promotion also includes Apple education pricing on Macs and iPads There isn t a flat percentage rate across all products the discounts are device dependent For example right now students can get a new MacBook Air M starting at which is less than the normal starting price Amazon s matching this price too The inch MacBook Pro also starts off cheaper and the new iPad Pros start at or cheaper than normal These are decent savings if you must have a brand new Apple product but those with tighter budgets should also consider Apple s refurbishment program Shop Apple s back to school promosSamsungSamsung offers up to percent off most of its products to students and educators The Galaxy manufacturer also has some decent offers like a quot speed and storage quot bundle that includes two Samsung drives for under We d recommend stretching that percent discount as much as possible by using it on big ticket items like a Samsung laptop or a Galaxy smartphone if you need one Otherwise Samsung has solid accessories like the Galaxy SmartTag and the Galaxy Watch Active Shop Samsung s back to school promosMicrosoftMicrosoft also provides students and educators with up to percent off its gadgets including the already affordable Surface Go and the Surface Headphones And Microsoft s online store doesn t only sell Surface devices ーyou can also find Windows PCs from Lenovo HP Acer and others there at discounted prices Shop Microsoft s back to school promosStreamingSpotifySpotify Premium s student plan gives you a lot for only per month Besides access to millions of songs it also includes Hulu s ad supported plan and Showtime s ad free service You d spend roughly per month if you paid for all three separately at their full prices making this student offer one of the best you can get Buy Spotify Premium Student monthPandoraPandora also offers students its Premium membership for per month Pandora s offering doesn t include any additional services but you do get an ad free experience personalized music unlimited skips and unlimited offline play Buy Pandora Premium Student monthApple MusicApple also slashes percent off its Apple Music subscription for students bringing it down to per month The offer is available for up to months so you can enjoy the rate for the entirety of your college experience What s more the company bundles Apple TV in this student offer so you can watch Apple originals like The Morning Show and See Buy Apple Music Student membership monthTidalTidal provides student discounts on both of its streaming services Premium and Hi Fi Premium drops to per month down from while Hi Fi costs per month down from This year the company is offering a three month free trial of either of its services to any new user through the end of August Tidal is still often overshadowed by Spotify and Apple Music but these discounts are a good way to give it a try without spending too much money Buy Tidal Student starting at monthHuluCollege students can sign up for Hulu s ad supported plan for only per month That s less than the normal price and a great deal considering all of the content that Hulu has to offer think The Handmaid s Tale Grey s Anatomy Rick amp Morty and more Sure you have to deal with commercials but it s a small price to pay to binge watch shows like Brooklyn Nine Nine which can provide a much needed laugh when you re drowning in coursework Buy Hulu ad supported monthYouTubeIf you re already spending a lot of time watching YouTube you may have a better experience with YouTube Premium The Student plan knocks nearly percent off the price so you ll pay per month for ad free video viewing background play video downloads and access to YouTube Premium Music The latter is YouTube s attempt at a Spotify Apple Music competitor but it has a long way to go before it can really hold a candle to those services However if you listen to most of your music via YouTube already Premium could be your one stop shop for music and video streaming Buy YouTube Premium Student monthHeadspaceBeing a student is stressful even in the best of times but now it s even more difficult to concentrate and find peace Headspace is just one of many meditation and mindfulness apps available that can help with that but it stands apart with a great student discount for the entire year or less than a normal annual membership In addition to a large library of meditation lessons and routines to follow Headspace recently added SleepCasts a collection of soothing voices reading bedtime stories to help you fall asleep as well as “mindful workout routines Buy Headspace Student plan yearToolsAdobe Creative CloudYou re probably using Adobe products if you re studying anything to do with digital art or design Adobe CC is the industry standard in this space but the entire suite of programs is quite expensive at per month Thankfully Adobe has education pricing for students that drops the entire creative suite to per month for the first year That includes the big programs like Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC along with Lightroom CC Premiere Pro CC Adobe XD and more After your first year the monthly cost increases to per month While not ideal it s still more affordable for students than it is for industry professionals If you re not tied to Adobe programs you can also consider Affinity Photo Designer and Publisher apps from Serif each for the Mac or Windows versions which compete with Photoshop Illustrator and InDesign Buy Adobe CC monthAbleton LiveWhether or not you re studying music production students can get percent off Ableton Live Standard or Suite for as long as they are enrolled full time That brings Live Standard down to and Suite down to ーgreat discounts on some of the best music software available right now Buy Ableton Live starting at Microsoft Many students have to use Microsoft tools on a regular basis If your college or university doesn t provide you with an account you can still get Microsoft for free by taking advantage of the company s student and educator discount This gives you access to Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote and even Microsoft Teams free of charge which is a great deal considering an annual subscription costs Get Microsoft UlyssesSpending all day and night writing papers is even more frustrating when you don t have all your writing organized in one place Ulysses is a popular writing app for mac iOS that can be used for note taking as well as thesis writing with features like auto save and auto backup word count writing goals markup plain text support and DropBox integration Normally Ulysses costs per year but students can get it for only every six months or per year There isn t a direct alternative for Windows users but you do have options including Scrivener a one time student price of IA Writer a one time price and FocusWriter free and open source Buy Ulysses yearEvernoteEvernote can be an indispensable tool if you like to keep all of your thoughts in one place ーeverything from class notes to web clippings to to do lists Students can get half off one year of Evernote Premium which brings the price down to per month or for the year Premium is the way to go if you re investing in Evernote because it syncs your notes across unlimited devices gives you offline access lets you annotate PDFs and search saved documents Buy Evernote Premium year monthSquarespace Student planWhether you re itching to get a jump start on your portfolio or just want an online space for to show off your work Squarespace is a good option as it gives students a percent discount on any of its annual plans The most affordable option will cost for the year which is half the normal yearly price of Squarespace is one of many website builders out there but it s particularly popular with creative professionals Its customizable templates make it easy to build a website and make it look exactly how you want it Plus you can upgrade down the line to add things like website analytics custom JavaScript and CSS and e commerce Buy Squarespace starting at yearNewsIt s always been important to keep up with the news but it s never been more important than it is now Yes it s daunting sometimes and we don t expect or encourage you to inhale every breaking news headline as it s published However it s crucial to know what s going on in the country and the world as a whole Here are some reputable news organizations that offer student discounts on their monthly or annual subscription plans The Atlantic Starts at per year for digital only access The New York Times every four weeks for a base subscription The Washington Post every four weeks for digital only access The Wall Street Journal Starting at per month for the Student Digital Pack 2021-07-21 14:45:19
海外TECH Engadget A single typo locked Chromebook users out of their laptops https://www.engadget.com/google-chromebook-chrome-os-login-issue-typo-142357563.html?src=rss A single typo locked Chromebook users out of their laptopsGoogle is apparently learning a hard lesson about the importance of accurate writing Android Police reports that Google has pulled a briefly available Chrome OS update that broke logins for Chromebook users apparently due to a simple typo The company appears to have added a second quot amp quot to a line of code preventing the OS from decrypting login info and effectively locking updated users out of their systems The issue not only prevented some users from signing in but started bootloops where the system keeps restarting At least one system required a recovery USB stick to return to a working state While Chrome OS thrives on cloud syncing some people still lost important files Google has pinpointed the problem and should deliver a fixed update today July st Still it s not clear how such a conspicuous flaw slipped through the testing process If nothing else it s a reminder about the importance of backups ーit only takes one buggy update to create chaos whether you re using a Chromebook or any other device 2021-07-21 14:23:57
海外TECH Engadget The Sad Wolverine meme will be immortalized as an action figure https://www.engadget.com/sad-wolverine-meme-mondo-action-figure-141041585.html?src=rss The Sad Wolverine meme will be immortalized as an action figureThe Sad Wolverine meme in which a fully costumed Logan from the s X Men The Animated Series lays nbsp in bed staring longingly at a photo of his beloved Jean Grey and that interloper Scott Summers is becoming an action figure from Mondo It s about time Few memes can truly capture the same sense of emo thirst Typically the framed photo is replaced with an image that makes Wolverine s yearning seem all the more hilarious Who among us hasn t laid in bed staring at Instagram with the same sense of pining for a gadget vacation spot person Mondo Just be prepared to clear out some shelf space as this Sad Wolverine figure will be scale And while you could take it out of its box and add a variety of other accessories like an unmasked Logan head or the face of his former best friend Morph why would you Mondo will open pre orders for the figure on July rd as a Comic Con exclusive and it ll run you Here s hoping that Mondo follows up with another meme figure Sad Wolverine seeing Scott and Jean kiss nbsp Mondo 2021-07-21 14:10:41
海外TECH Engadget 'Aliens: Fireteam Elite' is an arcade shooter for the online era https://www.engadget.com/aliens-fireteam-elite-preview-video-140044958.html?src=rss x Aliens Fireteam Elite x is an arcade shooter for the online eraThere s a moment in the Aliens film when Bill Paxton s character William Hudson turns to his crewmates and says quot Man it s a shooting gallery down there quot After playing though the preview of Aliens Fireteam Elite I can say it feels like the developers really took this line to heart Like really Aliens Fireteam Elite nbsp is an online co op third person survival shooter from Cold Iron Studios and it s been in development for the past six years Cold Iron was actually bought and sold four times starting in bringing its mysterious Alien based game along for the ride In the end Cold Iron has cut a deal with th Century Studios to self publish Aliens Fireteam Elite and it s due to hit Steam PlayStation PS Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles on August th priced at th Century StudiosI had the chance to play a preview build of Fireteam Elite that included access to two of the four campaigns and four of the five character classes gunner technician demolisher and doc the final class is recon Each campaign consists of three missions filled with AI powered Xenomorph hordes with three difficulty levels unlocked from the start Every mission requires three players and empty team slots are filled by bots named Alpha and Beta which honestly end up functioning more like mobile turrets than actual teammates So after playing hours of the preview with friends and bots alike here s my conclusion Aliens Fireteam Elite is a generic survival shooter with old school arcade DNA Fireteam Elite feels like an online updated version of light gun games like Area or House of the Dead complete with repetitive environments and sloppy hit boxes The game is competent but not dynamic To put it simply ーman it s just a shooting gallery down there To be fair that s what survival shooters are all about Enter a new area prepare your defenses kill the swarm rinse and repeat The thing is Fireteam Elite deploys this formula in such a rigid structure that missions quickly become predictable no matter how many bugs show up What s more the generic sci fi environments blend together after a few playthroughs and tricks like falling ceiling panels and sudden bursts of steam lose their effectiveness well before the first mission is over Fireteam Elite fails to build tension With such a transparent gameplay structure any feeling of pressure or horror has to come from the xenomorphs themselves and frankly they re often not smart enough to make this happen The swarms rarely feel unmanageable and the specialized xenomorphs like spitters or jumpers routinely behave in non threatening ways This unpredictability ends up being more adorable than scary Plus I have to note that my game crashed three times in about seven hours of play That s not to say the AI is trash altogether Cold Iron says it s already resolved some of the movement issues the xenomorphs were experiencing in the preview build and it really is impressive to see dozens of inky black aliens bounding down the hallway each on its own path but out for blood and the game is built around these moments The xenos stumble around corners like dogs on a tile floor and details like this add much needed personality to the waves th Century StudiosThe game s most exciting moments come at the end of each mission during the final swarm These are long standoffs with waves of xenomorphs including spitters prowlers bursters and giants that hunt down a single crew member at a time I ve found the technician and doc to be particularly useful in these moments ーthe technician has a turret that recharges after it s been destroyed and shock grenades to keep the xenomorphs at bay while the doc has an incredibly handy healing circle This is where the most strategizing takes place even if it is mostly just turret talk There are chests containing consumable weapons health and on demand ammo refills at each final battle meaning your whole team will start off well equipped and they re free to spray and pray This is good considering the reticles on most of the weapons are generous and crowd control is the name of the game not accuracy nbsp th Century StudiosThere are a few bright spots in Aliens Fireteam Elite The soundtrack is a James Horner inspired orchestral situation and it s a constant reminder of the game s cinematic s roots it does a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to setting the mood Plus the game s RPG elements ーincluding character loadout and weapon customization and challenge cards ーadd a necessary layer of depth to otherwise straightforward missions I wasn t expecting Fireteam Elite to be as narrative driven as the films or as moody as Alien Isolation but I had hoped for something like Left Dead meets Dead Space and this ain t that Instead Aliens Fireteam Elite feels like a theme park ride in video game form The monsters aren t really threatening but the crowds certainly are And of course it s more fun with friends 2021-07-21 14:00:44
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