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TECH Engadget Japanese 「スター・ウォーズ」コラボのガジェット&家電8選。スマートウォッチやヘッドセット、電気圧力鍋、ロボット掃除機も! https://japanese.engadget.com/star-wars-selection-011032345.html 電気圧力鍋 2021-07-22 01:10:32
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] Clubhouse、招待制ようやく終了 新ロゴも披露 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2107/22/news032.html clubhouse 2021-07-22 10:22:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pywin32 全セルのフォントを変更したい https://teratail.com/questions/350718?rss=all pywin全セルのフォントを変更したいpywinでエクセルシートの全セルを選択して、フォントをaposMeiryonbspUIaposに設定したいのですが、うまくいきません。 2021-07-22 10:56:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) SQLインジェクション発生の理由と仕組み https://teratail.com/questions/350717?rss=all SQLインジェクション発生の理由と仕組み質問宜しくお願いします。 2021-07-22 10:56:21
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) selfとselfしないプロパティー(インスタンス変数?)の違い https://teratail.com/questions/350716?rss=all selfとselfしないプロパティーインスタンス変数の違いPython初学者の大学生です。 2021-07-22 10:25:18
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pd.merge メソッドで、文字列がうまく出力されない https://teratail.com/questions/350715?rss=all pdmergeメソッドで、文字列がうまく出力されない二つのコードを、pdmergenbspメソッドで結合したのですが、うまくいきません。 2021-07-22 10:23:30
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) for文で一回ごとにplt.plotしたい https://teratail.com/questions/350714?rss=all for文で一回ごとにpltplotしたい前提・実現したいことfornbsp文にて都度都度、プロットを表示させたいのですが、、dfpdreadexcelregressionvectorsxlsxindexcolaforiinaxdfilocipeaksfindpeaksxprominencepltplotpeaksxpeaksobpltplotxpltlegendprominenceこのようにdfの行目行目までに対してfindpeaksに格納したピークを代入し、プロット表示を書くと、最後に行分まとめて図示されます。 2021-07-22 10:04:24
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ubuntu 20.04 LTS https://qiita.com/sanajima/items/296ac883c6206782a195 docker 2021-07-22 10:55:41
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CloudMapper Docker https://qiita.com/sanajima/items/783354ec6ef3e0479175 参考サイトの方本当にありがとうございました。 2021-07-22 10:42:36
Linux CentOSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Cisco機器のsyslogをCentOS上のSyslogサーバーへ送る https://qiita.com/hnakatogawa/items/8d505dabe7da956c12f5 Cisco機器のsyslogをCentOS上のSyslogサーバーへ送るCiscoCatalystのsyslogをAlibabaCloud上のECSCentOSに構築したSyslogサーバへ送る設定です。 2021-07-22 10:32:08
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Nuxt TypeScript(Composition API)、Django REST Framework で開発したアプリを、Azure Static Web Apps、Heroku にリリースする https://qiita.com/JQinglong/items/e35294f7a260c5a26ae8 DjangoRESTAPIのHerokuへのリリース先にsettings対応最初は、settingspyにDB接続情報を書いて、ソース管理対象外としていますが、ローカルとリリース環境での切り替えを可能にする形で変更し、環境変数を読み込む形にしたsettingspyをソース管理に含めます。 2021-07-22 10:00:22
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【自分用】Git+GitHub+SSH構築(Mac) コピペ用 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ https://qiita.com/yumetanichihiro/items/ecca426a9f688b69cd40 rsacdsshpbcopyltgitlabpub 2021-07-22 10:30:06
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita デプロイしたアプリケーションがiPhoneやiPadで表示した時のみ画面がクラッシュする原因 https://qiita.com/nari3922/items/dad1e131534935e38fbc 不可解なことこの画面のクラッシュはiPhoneとiPadにてそれぞれChromeとSafariで確認された。 2021-07-22 10:51:01
海外TECH DEV Community All JS String Methods In One Post! https://dev.to/ayabouchiha/all-js-string-methods-in-one-post-4h23 All JS String Methods In One Post Hello everybody I m Aya Bouchiha on this beautiful day we re going to discuss all string methods in Javascript Firstly we need to know that all All methods do not change the original string they return a new one concat concat this method links together two strings or more const firstName Aya const lastName Bouchiha methods to concatenate two stringsconsole log firstName concat lastName Aya Bouchihaconsole log firstName lastName Aya Bouchihaconsole log firstName lastName Aya Bouchiha match match used to searches a string for a match against a regular expression and returns the matches as an Array const quote If you don t know where you are going any road will get you there console log quote match you g you you you matchAll matchAll returns an iterator of all results matching a string against a regular expression including capturing groups more details const conversation Hi I m Aya Bouchiha nHello I m John Doe nice to meet you const matchedArrays conversation matchAll I m s lt firstName gt a zA Z s lt lastName gt a zA Z gi console log matchedArrays for let matchedArray of matchedArrays const firstName lastName matchedArray groups console log firstName lastName Output I m Aya Bouchiha Aya Bouchiha index input Hi I m Aya Bouchiha nHello I m John Doe nice to meet you groups Object null prototype firstName Aya lastName Bouchiha Aya BouchihaJohn Doe split split separator convert a string to an array by splitting it into substrings const allLetters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz console log allLetters split console log allLetters split const emails developer aya b gmail com johndoes gmail com simon dev gmail com console log emails split Output abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z developer aya b gmail com johndoes gmail com simon dev gmail com replace replace searchString newValue is a method that returns a new string with some or all matches of a pattern replaced by a replacement The pattern can be a string or a RegExp and the replacement can be a string or a function to be called for each match If a pattern is a string only the first occurrence will be replaced more detailsconst email john doe gmail com console log email replace gmail com john doeconsole log email replace a z a z g john doe replaceAll replaceAll searchString newValue is a method that returns a new string with all matches of a pattern replaced by a replacement The pattern can be a string or a RegExp and the replacement can be a string or a function to be called for each match more details const slug html tags that almost nobody knows html tags that almost nobody knowsconsole log slug replaceAll html tags that almost nobody knowsconsole log slug replaceAll g search search valueToSearch returns the position index of a specific value in a string if the specific value does not exist in the string it returns const quote A dream does not become reality through magic it takes sweat determination and hard work console log quote search magic console log quote search life g trim trim delete whitespaces amp tabs from the start amp the end of a stringconst inputValue Aya Bouchiha t console log inputValue trim Aya Bouchiha includes includes value this method checks if a giving value exists in a string if the value exists It returns true otherwise It returns falseconst address Morocco Rabat console log address includes Morocco trueconsole log address includes morocco falseconsole log address includes tanger false toLowerCase toLowerCase this method returns a given string with lowercase letters const name AYa BoUCHIha console log name toLowerCase aya bouchiha toUpperCase toUpperCase returns a given string with uppercase letters const name AYa BoUCHIha console log name toUpperCase AYA BOUCHIHA toLocaleUpperCase toLocaleUpperCase returns a given string with uppercase letters according to locale specific case mappings It s the same thing with toLocaleUpperCase but this one returns the string with uppercase letters const turkishSentence iskender kebap ISKENDER KEBAPconsole log turkishSentence toUpperCase en us İSKENDER KEBAPconsole log turkishSentence toLocaleUpperCase tr repeat repeat n returns a string repeated n times const firstName aya console log firstName repeat ayaayaaya slice slice startIndex endIndex str length is a string method that extract a specific part of a string It is simillar to substring difference between slice and substring const fullName Aya Bouchiha console log fullName slice Aya Bouchihaconsole log fullName slice Ayaconsole log fullName slice fullName length Bouchiha substr substr startIndex length string length returns a specific part of a string starting at the specified index and extending for a given number of characters afterwards console log fullName substr Ayaconsole log fullName substr Bouchiha chartAt chartAt index this method returns the character at a giving index in a string Note lt index lt string lengthconst product laptop console log product charAt lconsole log product charAt tconsole log product charAt charCodeAt charCodeAt index method returns an integer between and representing the UTF code unit at the given index const product laptop console log the character code of product charAt is is product charCodeAt the character code of p is is startsWith startsWith valueToSearch startingIndex returns true if a string starts with a giving value otherwise It returns false const phoneNumber console log phoneNumber startsWith trueconsole log phoneNumber startsWith trueconsole log phoneNumber startsWith false endsWith endsWith valueToSearch length string length returns true if a string ends with a giving value otherwise It returns false const address tanger Morocco console log address endsWith Morocco trueconsole log address endsWith Canada falseconst gmail developer aya b gmail com const isGmail gmail endsWith gmail gmail length console log isGmail true fromCharCode fromCharCode n n converts a unicode number to a character console log String fromCharCode pconsole log String fromCharCode ij indexOf indexOf value start returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified value in a string If the value is not found It returns const quote very day may not be good but there s something good in every day console log quote indexOf good console log quote indexOf good lastIndexOf lastIndexOf value start returns the position of the last occurrence of a specified value in a string It searches the string from the end to the beginning but returns the index s from the beginning starting at position If the value is not found It returns const quote very day may not be good but there s something good in every day console log quote lastIndexOf good console log quote lastIndexOf good localeCompare localeCompare stringToCompare locales returns or if the string comes before after or is equal in sort order more detailsconst word feel const word flee returns because word comes before wordconsole log word localeCompare word valueOf valueOf returns the primitive value of a string const fName new String Aya const lName Bouchiha console log fName String Aya console log fName valueOf Ayaconsole log lName valueOf Bouchiha toString toString returns a string representing the specified object const moroccanCity new String tanger console log moroccanCity String tanger console log moroccanCity toString tanger Summaryconcat links together two strings or more match searchs a string for a match against a regular expression and returns the matches as an Array matchAll returns an iterator of all results matching a string against a regular expression including capturing groups split convert a string to an array by spliting it into substrings replace replaceAll return a new string with some or all matches of a pattern replaced by a replacement search returns the position of a specific value in a stringtrim delete whitespaces amp tabs from the start amp the end of a stringincludes checks if a giving value exists in a stringtoLowerCase returns a given string with lowercase letters toUpperCase returns a given string with uppercase letters toLocaleLowerCase returns a given string with lowercase letters according to locale specific case mappings toLocaleUpperCase returns a given string with uppercase letters according to locale specific case mappings repeat repeat a string n timesslice substr substring extract a specific part of a stringchartAt returns the character at a giving index in a string charCodeAt returns an integer between and representing the UTF code unit at the given index startsWith returns true if a string starts with a giving value otherwise It returns false endsWith returns true if a string ends with a giving value otherwise It returns false fromCharCode converts a unicode number to a character indexOf returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified value in a string toString returns a string representing the specified object lastIndexOf eturns the position of the last occurrence of a specified value in a string localeCompare returns or if the string comes before after or is equal in sort order valueOf returns the primitive value of a string to contact me gmail developer aya b gmail comtelegram AyaBouchiha References www wschools com www developer mozilla orgHave an amazing day 2021-07-22 01:12:39
海外TECH DEV Community Creating a editable dynamic JSON table in React part 2 https://dev.to/sajrashid/creating-a-editable-dynamic-json-table-in-react-part-2-2em8 Creating a editable dynamic JSON table in React part Part This articles is part of a series part is here processNB We re using craco to help with our builds as we can use Tailwind to locally test our table Clone this branch git clone b boilerplate Install node modules Yarn Run the app using Yarn start You should see the homepage Have a look around it s a modified boiler plate template built from create react app Folder structure has been setup src npm component react dj table is where the table will live a Tests folder that replicates the same folder structure and some mock data Setting up the reducerManaging state using the useState hook is fine for small components for a component with complex state we need to utilise the useReducer hook ️info Did you know under the covers useState actually calls useReducer in the src npm component react dj table reducers foldercreate a tablereducer js amp actions js fileadd the following code to actions jsexport const ACTIONS TESTSTATE teststate and to tablereducer jsimport ACTIONS from actions export const TableReducer state action gt switch action type case ACTIONS TESTSTATE state testValue return state default return state So far we have set up the reducer with a single ACTION that increments a value and save that value to state pretty straight forward in the react dj table folder create a file called table js Here we need to set up initial state and the reducers dispatch function add the following code to table jsimport React useReducer from react import TableReducer from react dj table reducers tablereducer const Table props gt const initialState testValue const state dispatch useReducer TableReducer initialState export default Tabletake a moment to digest the above code self explanatory so far hopefully ready it s time to call the reducer via dispatchdispatch type ACTIONS TESTSTATE We need to call the reducer and supply the Action name from the actions file we don t need to use defined actions amp they don t need to be called action either It s just a conventions amp preferences thing ️Tip It does help while learning as you ll get less typo s Update our table js fileimport React useReducer from react import ACTIONS from react dj table reducers actions import TableReducer from react dj table reducers tablereducer const Table props gt const initialState testValue const state dispatch useReducer TableReducer initialState const buttonClick gt dispatch type ACTIONS TESTSTATE return lt div gt lt button onClick buttonClick gt Increment lt button gt state testValue lt div gt export default TableWe have a added a button with a click funtion that calls the reducers dispatch functions passing in an action Add the table ok it s not really a table but we can pretend for testing purposes to the src pages home js pageimport React from react import Table from npm component react dj table table const Home props gt return lt div className flex justify center w full h full mt gt lt Table gt lt div gt export default Home Go to your page click the increment button Awesome we have a working reducer In the next part we re going to add some data build our rows and cells and perhaps add a sort then maybe accelerate the pace the completed code is in part branch the repo here Demo site ️️️talk to you in part bye for now 2021-07-22 01:12:19
海外TECH DEV Community Why React Needs Keys, Why It Matters https://dev.to/levinhphuc91/why-react-needs-keys-why-it-matters-26lp Why React Needs Keys Why It MattersEveryone uses React library all know that whenever we use a map to render we need to pass the key Otherwise React will yell at us like this Oh nooo we need to pass the key now and most of the time we will pass like this list map l idx gt     return         lt div key idx gt             lt span gt l lt span gt         lt div gt     Problem solved no more warning But Life is not a dreamLet jump into an example of why Like is not a dream Our manager gives us a task to create a dynamic Form with multiple Input fields the user is able to enter their information and allow us to add or delete Input SoWe already know how to render the map in React library We already know how to use useState in React Hook with an array We also know method push splice on array Easy one lah Without the beat we set up our applicationexport default function App const list setList useState const handleDelete idx gt     list splice idx     setList list const handleAdd gt list push Information list length     setList list const handleChange idx l gt     list idx l     setList list return     lt div className App gt         list map l idx gt             return                 lt div key idx gt                     FancyComponent l handleChange idx                     lt button onClick gt handleDelete idx gt Delete lt button gt                 lt div gt                             lt button onClick gt handleAdd gt Add lt button gt     lt div gt     const FancyComponent l handleChange idx gt     const onChange e gt         e preventDefault         handleChange idx e currentTarget value            return lt input defaultValue l onChange e gt onChange e gt Here is PlaygroundDone Feel super awesome it works like charm We pass to our manager our manager like A few moment later our manager comes back again We thought he would asking for the beer to appreciate but he said he found a bug The deletion didn t work as expected After he modified Information to Information deleted this input but the application deleted Information Information We like whattt how it could be possible it just only lines of codes After put the console log everywhere googling StackOverflow We found the problem is the index we passed before is changed it makes ReactJS confused and render incorrect And if we don t use idx anymore use content instead Problem solved lt div className App gt     list map l idx gt         return             lt div key l gt                 FancyComponent l handleChange idx                 lt button onClick gt handleDelete idx gt Delete lt button gt             lt div gt                     lt button onClick gt handleAdd gt Add lt button gt lt div lt PS Still has an issue waiting for anyone to figure it out So now you might wonder that it is React s bug No it is not React s bug Let s deep dive into itIf you noticed that when we change the value of the input it works perfectly but deleting didn t work well because changing and moving state it is very different When moving React needs to know what key of component is which we passed as an index of the array and deleting is changing the index hence it makes ReactJS confused So why React don t make the by itself Dan s explanation React can t make up a good key itself Only you know how your data is structured and whether two circles in two renders are “the same circle conceptually even if all of its data changed or not Usually you d use an ID generated during data creation Such as from a databaseReact can t make up a good key itself Only you know how your data is structured and whether two circles in two renders are “the same circle conceptually even if all of its data changed or not Usually you d use an ID generated during data creation Such as from a databaseIt is true as an example we go through above that it is a business requirement as library React doesn t know what the key should be which only us developers created those components What happens if you pass a random key every time Well you re telling React that circles are never the same between renders So if you have some state inside of them it will be lost after every re render React will destroy and recreate every circle because you told it to We will lose the beauty of ReactJS isn t it I believe no one wants to re render every single time unless you have special requirements You might wonder why this topic pops up now the concept of Keys has been there for a long time ReactJS core team has started to built in deep support Animation so Keys will play a big role there and in the future Bonus ReactJS Core will update documentation about keys for more details You might have awake of ReactJS Alpha out and you also can follow ReactJS working group to follow what the changes and new APIs are React React Working Group Hope you enjoy the article The article is inspired by Dan Abramov 2021-07-22 01:04:57
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Web.Config Transformations made easy https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5308532/Web-Config-Transformations-made-easy Web Config Transformations made easyIn this article a share a little tool to solve both the problem of previewing an XML Transformation as well as running the transformation to use for local debugging 2021-07-22 01:59:00
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