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AWS AWS Big Data Blog Creating dashboards quickly on Microsoft Power BI using Amazon Athena https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/creating-dashboards-quickly-on-microsoft-power-bi-using-amazon-athena/ Creating dashboards quickly on Microsoft Power BI using Amazon AthenaAmazon Athena nbsp is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in a nbsp data lake nbsp using standard SQL One of the key elements of Athena is that you only pay for the queries you run This is an attractive feature because there is no hardware to set up manage or maintain You can query Athena … 2021-07-21 17:03:33
AWS AWS Equifax: Achieving Cost Savings and Reliability with EKS, Graviton2, and Aurora Global https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRxvZBIa-gI Equifax Achieving Cost Savings and Reliability with EKS Graviton and Aurora GlobalEquifax architecture for consumer credit monitoring and management Equifax leverages Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service EKS with a blend of on demand and spot EC instances and Graviton to achieve significant cost savings A global build pipeline leverages Docker BuildX and ECR to streamline their CI CD to a multi region highly reliable architecture enabled by node termination handlers event driven configuration and Aurora Global Check out more resources for architecting in the AWS​​​cloud ​ AWS 2021-07-21 17:13:23
AWS AWS Back to Basics: Managing Your Web Application’s Session https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGeQItfvNCM Back to Basics Managing Your Web Application s SessionWeb sessions allow websites to have short term memory about a user s activity One example of the usefulness of these sessions are ecommerce shopping carts Items in a shopping cart remain in a session accumulated until the moment of payment at checkout This episode of Back to Basics covers the most common architectural patterns for web session management sticky sessions and distributed session management Gonzalo reviews the architectural designs and discusses advantages and disadvantages of this architectural building block Additional Resources Check out more resources for architecting in the AWS cloud AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing 2021-07-21 17:11:51
AWS AWS - Webinar Channel Reduce Your Storage Costs Using Amazon S3 Storage Lens - AWS Online Tech Talks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8qOBLM6ITY Reduce Your Storage Costs Using Amazon S Storage Lens AWS Online Tech TalksIf you have an increasing number of Amazon S buckets spread across tens or even hundreds of accounts you might be in search of a tool that makes it easier to manage your storage footprint and improve cost efficiencies S Storage Lens is an analytics feature built in to the S console to help you gain organization wide visibility into your object storage usage and to identify cost savings opportunities In this AWS Tech Talk we will show how you can start using S Storage Lens to identify typical cost savings opportunities and how to take action to implement changes to realize those cost savings Learning Objectives Hear an overview on S Storage Lens and how it can help manage your storage footprint Identify typical cost savings opportunities Learn how to take action to implement changes to realize cost savings To learn more about the services featured in this talk please visit 2021-07-21 17:11:57
Google Official Google Blog Why Shakira says there’s no limit to what girls can do http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/blogspot/MKuf/~3/JlAoXnVrnio/ Why Shakira says there s no limit to what girls can doWhen you hear Shakira s name or when her catchy lyrics inevitably get stuck in your head you may think of her as an international pop sensation Latin American icon or stunning performer But there s a fourth characteristic to add to that list philanthropist and advocate for education Shakira has been a champion of this work for over years dating back to the creation of her charitable organization Fundacion Pies Descalzos which expands access to education in Colombia and Latin America And now she s bringing her passion for philanthropy to the Google org Impact Challenge for Women and Girls Shakira joins other incredible women as expert panelists who will help us determine which organizations will receive a grant to continue their work supporting economic empowerment for women and girls We grabbed the mic to ask Shakira a few questions about why this cause is so important to her Put on your favorite Shakira hit and read on  Your amazing philanthropic work has focused on education for kids What is the biggest barrier that young girls face in getting a quality education Girls are too often vulnerable to gender based violence relied upon to care for others in the household or lack access to basic facilities like running water or proper bathrooms that would allow them to attend school during menstruation The irony is that investing in girls education has one of the best returns on investment that a society could ask for and it creates real economic impact If every girl completed years of education their lifetime earnings could increase by trillion to trillion It s not only about lifting girls up ーlifting them up will do the same for entire communities  Related ArticleA conversation between two changemakers uplifting womenA Q amp A between two expert panelists from the Google org Impact Challenge for Women and GirlsRead ArticleWhy did you get involved with the Google org Impact Challenge for Women and Girls I think there s no limit to what girls can achieve and companies like Google can lead the way for girls ー particularly in fields where there is still a noticeable disparity such as STEM disciplines  When you envision a more equitable world for women and girls what do you see I want to see a world where girls have the same amount of choices and opportunities at their disposal as boys I want to see more women leaders and policies made for women by women that acknowledge both the needs of women and their unique perspectives and ways of contributing to society at large  What s one message that you would give to every woman around the world Don t take no for an answer If there was a playlist for empowerment for women and girls what song would you put on it Beyonce “Run the World Girls 2021-07-21 17:25:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 文字列型をリスト型に変換 https://qiita.com/Yuki-max/items/5cdf19aa385ebfed68c8 文字列型をリスト型に変換DBのテーブルにリスト型を格納したかったのだができずリスト型ではなく文字列型になってしまった、、、それを無理くり文字列型からリスト型に変換しようとコードを書いた時、少し時間がかかってしまったので次同じことがならないようメモしておく。 2021-07-22 02:30:33
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Python]Google Calendar APIのQuickstartのサンプルコードを、分解して解説してみる https://qiita.com/taikis/items/0c2fd6053a41d71821d3 有効でない認証情報だった場合ifnotcredsornotcredsvalidcredsがまだNone以前通信したことがない、もしくはcredsvalidが無効期限切れ等の場合この条件に入ります。 2021-07-22 02:07:25
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScriptで比較的安全にeval()する https://qiita.com/Michinosuke/items/dff568e7ac7bb98ed8c7 eval的なやつevalが一番有名だと思うけど、実は他にも同じようなことができる方法があります。 2021-07-22 02:15:38
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Vue.jsでToDoリストのTask追加機能を作りたい https://teratail.com/questions/350698?rss=all 2021-07-22 02:28:16
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【firestore】トランザクションとイベント処理の組み合わせがうまくできない https://teratail.com/questions/350697?rss=all 【firestore】トランザクションとイベント処理の組み合わせがうまくできないお世話になります。 2021-07-22 02:12:01
海外TECH DEV Community tmux select-layout https://dev.to/waylonwalker/tmux-select-layout-2m3m tmux select layoutWhen you get many splits going in tmux sometimes its time for a new layout There are four layout strategies that I use main vertical main horizontal even vertical even horizontal Almost always I am useing the main ones withmod plus a or mod plus shift a keybindings Select Layouts ーbind n M a select layout main verticalbind n M A select layout main horizontal bind n M E select layout even verticalbind n M V select layout even horizontalBe sure to check out the full youtube playlist and subscribe if you like it How I navigate tmux in Waylon Walker・May ・ min read bash linux productivity Also check out this long form post for more about how I use tmux 2021-07-21 17:48:24
海外TECH DEV Community I created 8 free dashboard templates built with Tailwind for React, Next, Vue and Nuxt. https://dev.to/enochndika/i-created-8-free-dashboard-templates-built-with-tailwind-for-react-next-vue-and-nuxt-3d69 I created free dashboard templates built with Tailwind for React Next Vue and Nuxt BackgroundBy creating several dashboards for my professional use I ended up with several dashboard templates So I decided to make it open source because it would motivate me to create even more dashboards At the beginning I wanted to make them only for React but with time I was motivated to make them for Next js Vue js and Nuxt to reach more developers PresentationI made a total of dashboards and each dashboard has templates React templateNext js templateVue templateNuxt js template Featuresi took advantage of Tailwind s flexibility to create free premium dashboard templates Support of the active route styled by default Fully customizable and without external dependencies No vendor lock in you can export it and integrate it in your project Sidenav aligned left or right according to your preferences on mobile A detailled documentation No vendor lock inSalvia kit is created to solve a problem I often encountered when using dashboards owned by third party developers or companies that is vendor lock in These dashboards often contained many configurations with several scripts which still did not allow to export them and integrate them easily into an existing project Therefore it was always necessary to use the repository provided by the owner of the dashboard This is what motivated me to create dashboards that can be easily integrated into existing projects with simple readable code and documentation designed for developers ContributionsAs English is not my native language I can make some grammatical mistakes while writing all the repositories You can fix that by contributing to improve content If You d like to add a new dashboard please check out the Contribution Guide AcknowledgementsThanks to Vercel for sponsoring this project by allowing it to be deployed for free for the entire Salvia kit Team 2021-07-21 17:48:17
海外TECH DEV Community How to easily add particles, confetti or fireworks effects to a Solid.js application https://dev.to/matteobruni/how-to-easily-add-particles-confetti-or-fireworks-effects-to-a-solid-js-application-32l2 How to easily add particles confetti or fireworks effects to a Solid js application Solid js Particles solid particles Official tsParticles Solid js component I just want code sampleHere the working sample without any additional text if someone wants just to see it working and experiment with the codeNow let s see how to achieve this Installationnpm install solid particles solid jsoryarn add solid particles solid js How to use CodeExamples Remote urlimport Particles from solid particles function App return lt div class App gt lt Particles id tsparticles options background color fullScreen enable true gt lt div gt Options objectimport Particles from solid particles class App extends Component constructor props super props this particlesInit this particlesInit bind this this particlesLoaded this particlesLoaded bind this particlesInit main console log main you can initialize the tsParticles instance main here adding custom shapes or presets particlesLoaded container console log container render return lt Particles id tsparticles init this particlesInit loaded this particlesLoaded options background color value da fpsLimit interactivity detectsOn canvas events onClick enable true mode push onHover enable true mode repulse resize true modes bubble distance duration opacity size push quantity repulse distance duration particles color value ffffff links color ffffff distance enable true opacity width collisions enable true move direction none enable true outMode bounce random false speed straight false number density enable true value area value opacity value shape type circle size random true value detectRetina true gt PropsPropTypeDefinitionwidthstringThe width of the canvas heightstringThe height of the canvas optionsobjectThe options of the particles instance urlstringThe remote options url called using an AJAX requeststyleobjectThe style of the canvas element classNamestringThe class name of the canvas wrapper canvasClassNamestringthe class name of the canvas containerobjectThe instance of the particles containerinitfunctionThis function is called after the tsParticles instance initialization the instance is the parameter and you can load custom presets or shapes hereloadedfunctionThis function is called when particles are correctly loaded in canvas the current container is the parameter and you can customize it hereFind your parameters configuration here DemosYou can see the official sample created using CodeSandbox hereThe demo website is hereThere s also a CodePen collection actively maintained and updated here 2021-07-21 17:43:52
海外TECH DEV Community Announcement: CodeNewbie to feature short videos from the community at CodeLand https://dev.to/devteam/announcement-codenewbie-to-feature-short-videos-from-the-community-at-codeland-4mod Announcement CodeNewbie to feature short videos from the community at CodeLandWhile the CodeLand CFP might officially be closed as of yesterday there s an exciting new way to participate in CodeLand this year In addition to featuring keynotes talks and workshops our friends over at CodeNewbie Community just announced a new community generated video track to be featured at the conference called CodeLand Recess Quick details From now through August th community members can submit second minute videos across four categoriesA handful of videos will be selected to be featured throughout the day at CodeLand This TikTok style community track will be a great chance for the audience to see your perspective on learning to code and being a software developer today Take a look at this post on CodeNewbie Community for all the details on CodeLand Recess This is going to be fun 2021-07-21 17:27:27
海外TECH DEV Community tsParticles 1.32.0 - More plugins, lighter and more particles, confetti and fireworks effect for your website https://dev.to/matteobruni/tsparticles-1-32-0-more-plugins-lighter-and-more-particles-confetti-and-fireworks-effect-for-your-website-3fmk tsParticles More plugins lighter and more particles confetti and fireworks effect for your website tsParticles changelog Breaking ChangesRemoved some old unused alias typesRemoved the infection plugin from the library it s an external plugin nowRemoved light interaction from the core library it s an external plugin now Bug FixesImproved particles links closes Fixed out of canvas out mode New FeaturesImproved roll back color now darken and enlighten can be set both and one of them will be picked randomly for each particle and will work also for animated colorsAdded particles orbits external plugin closes Added particle repulse external plugin closes ️️tsParticles and K stars on GitHub Matteo Bruni・Jul ・ min read showdev javascript html webdev matteobruni tsparticles tsParticles Easily create highly customizable particles animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website Ready to use components available for React Vue js x and x Angular Svelte jQuery Preact Inferno tsParticles TypeScript ParticlesA lightweight TypeScript library for creating particles Dependency free browser ready and compatible with React Vue Angular Svelte jQuery Preact Inferno Do you want to use it on your website This library is available on the two most popular CDNs and it s easy and ready to use if you were using particles js it s even easier You ll find the instructions below with all the links you need and don t be scared by TypeScript it s just the source language The output files are just JavaScript CDNs and npm have all the sources you need in Javascript a bundle browser ready tsparticles min js and all files splitted for import syntax If you are still interested some lines below there are some instructions for migrating from the old particles js library Library installationHosting CDNPlease use this hosts or your own to… View on GitHub 2021-07-21 17:09:25
海外TECH DEV Community Get Data using Dynamic Routes in React https://dev.to/franciscomendes10866/get-data-using-dynamic-react-routes-1ac3 Get Data using Dynamic Routes in ReactOne of the most common needs we all have is consuming data in the frontend dynamically and one of the solutions is the use of parameters in our routes If you already have some experience with the backend whether it is creating an Api or consuming an Api through the frontend we are constantly doing something like this api v posts Which actually corresponds to this api v posts idAnd by using the react router dom s useParams hook we have access to the route parameters of our applications So the idea of today s example is to have a list of posts on the main page and when we click on one of them we go to a dynamic page that will only show the post that was selected Let s codeFirst we have to install the following dependencies npm i react router dom axiosThen in our App jsx we will define all our routes src App jsximport React from react import BrowserRouter as Router Switch Route from react router dom import Home from pages Home import Post from pages Post const App gt return lt Router gt lt Switch gt lt Route exact path component Home gt lt Route path post id component Post gt lt Switch gt lt Router gt export default App In the previous code in the post route we added a parameter called id that will later be used to fetch the post in question And now we have to create each of our pages src pages Home jsximport React from react const Home gt return lt h gt Home lt h gt export default Home First let s deal with the state of our component for that we ll use the useState hook And we already have in mind that we are going to have a list of posts so the state will be an array src pages Home jsximport React useState from react const Home gt const posts setPosts useState return lt h gt Home lt h gt export default Home Now we have to fetch the data as soon as the component is rendered for that we will use useEffect and we will consume the jsonplaceholder Api using axios src pages Home jsximport React useEffect useState from react import axios from axios const Home gt const posts setPosts useState useEffect gt const fetch async gt try const data await axios get setPosts data catch err console error err fetch return lt h gt Home lt h gt export default Home Now we can list our posts in the template but first we have to import the Link component from the react router dom Like this src pages Home jsximport React useEffect useState from react import Link from react router dom import axios from axios const Home gt const posts setPosts useState useEffect gt const fetch async gt try const data await axios get setPosts data catch err console error err fetch return lt gt posts map el gt lt article key el id gt lt Link gt lt h gt el title lt h gt lt Link gt lt p gt el body lt p gt lt article gt lt gt export default Home Now in order to dynamically pass the id of the element that is clicked we have to do it like this src pages Home jsximport React useEffect useState from react import Link from react router dom import axios from axios const Home gt Hidden for simplicity return lt gt posts map el gt lt article key el id gt lt Link to post el id gt lt h gt el title lt h gt lt Link gt lt p gt el body lt p gt lt article gt lt gt export default Home And you should get a result similar to this Now we can start working on the Post jsx page src pages Post jsximport React from react const Post gt return lt h gt Single Post lt h gt export default Post Let s start again by working on the component s state and in this case we know that it will have to be an object as it will only be a post src pages Post jsximport React useState from react const Post gt const post SetPost useState return lt h gt Single Post lt h gt export default Post Then we ll import the useParams hook from the react router dom and get the id src pages Post jsximport React useState from react import useParams from react router dom const Post gt const id useParams const post SetPost useState return lt h gt Single Post lt h gt export default Post Now we can use the useEffect hook to fetch the post data as soon as the component is rendered But this time we re going to pass the id that we got dynamically to get that specific post src pages Post jsximport React useEffect useState from react import useParams from react router dom const Post gt const id useParams const post SetPost useState useEffect gt const fetch async gt try const data await axios get id SetPost data catch err console error err fetch return lt h gt Single Post lt h gt export default Post Now we can start working on our component template src pages Post jsximport React useEffect useState from react import useParams from react router dom const Post gt const id useParams const post SetPost useState useEffect gt const fetch async gt try const data await axios get id SetPost data catch err console error err fetch return lt article gt lt h gt post title lt h gt lt p gt post body lt p gt lt br gt lt button gt Go back lt button gt lt article gt export default Post Last but not least let s use the useHistory hook to push the user to the main page src pages Post jsximport React useEffect useState from react import useParams useHistory from react router dom const Post gt const id useParams const push useHistory const post SetPost useState useEffect gt const fetch async gt try const data await axios get id SetPost data catch err console error err fetch return lt article gt lt h gt post title lt h gt lt p gt post body lt p gt lt br gt lt button onClick gt push gt Go back lt button gt lt article gt export default Post The final result of the application should look like the following ConclusionAs always I hope it was clear and that this article has helped you Have a great day 🪗 2021-07-21 17:08:12
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Steve Jobs application going up for auction as both physical item and NFT https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/21/steve-jobs-application-going-up-for-auction-as-both-physical-item-and-nft?utm_medium=rss Steve Jobs application going up for auction as both physical item and NFTA job application filled out by late Apple cofounder Steve Jobs is again headed to the auction block this time both as a physical item and as a non fungible token NFT Credit AppleThe rare piece of Apple memorabilia has been put up for auction in the past both in and most recently earlier in This time around however a London entrepreneur is taking bids for an NFT version of the application for the first time Read more 2021-07-21 17:33:18
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News iPadOS 14.7 now available with bug fixes, Apple Card family, and more https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/21/ipados-147-releases-to-the-public-with-bug-fixes-and-security-updates?utm_medium=rss iPadOS now available with bug fixes Apple Card family and moreAfter a short delay iPadOS has been released to the public with security updates and bug fixes iPadOS released to the publicWith beta season underway for the fall releases of Apple s operating systems iPadOS doesn t contain any user facing changes Updates this late in the release cycle focus on performance enhancements and bug fixes in the operating system Read more 2021-07-21 17:32:02
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple releases macOS Big Sur 11.5 with bug fixes and security updates https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/21/apple-releases-macos-big-sur-115-with-bug-fixes-and-security-updates?utm_medium=rss Apple releases macOS Big Sur with bug fixes and security updatesAs Apple s attention turns to the forthcoming macOS Monterey it has issued the macOS Big Sur update that s chiefly a bug fix and security release Apple releases macOS Big Sur Following the usual many rounds of developer and public beta releases Apple has now issued macOS Big Sur It s now the current version and is what will be shipped on new Macs Read more 2021-07-21 17:26:35
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to use Apple Notes tags in macOS Monterey, iOS 15 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/21/how-to-use-apple-notes-tags-in-macos-monterey-ios-15?utm_medium=rss How to use Apple Notes tags in macOS Monterey iOS You always could use tags in Apple Notes but now it s as if the app pays attention and is going to be so much useful in iOS and macOS Monterey that tagging will become a habit Keeping to a few tags is usefulEven before Apple Notes transformed from its origins as a Comic Sans kind of joke and into the powerful app it is now you could use tags And people did Read more 2021-07-21 17:40:52
海外TECH Engadget Netflix's 'The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf' trailer is, shockingly, full of monsters https://www.engadget.com/nightmare-of-the-wolf-trailer-voice-cast-172150913.html?src=rss Netflix x s x The Witcher Nightmare of the Wolf x trailer is shockingly full of monstersAfter sharing a short teaser earlier in the month Netflix has released a full trailer for Nightmare of the Wolf its upcoming animated Witcher movie and shared details on the voice cast Theo James known best for his leading role in the Divergent series voices protagonist Vesemir years before the Witcher became the mentor of Geralt of Rivia nbsp James also voiced the character in season one of The Witcher “Vesemir grew up as a servant on a nobleman s estate working long days for too little coin Netflix writes of the charming monster hunter “He yearns to break free of his social standing and to explore the Continent to find his destiny On his adventure he ll meet a sorceress named Tetra who we see throughout the trailer If Tetra s voice sounds familiar it s because she s voiced by Dota Dragon s Blood actor Lara Pulver Rounding out the main cast are Mary McDonnell as Lady Zerbst a Kaedweni noblewoman and Graham McTavish as Deglan a Witcher from the Skellige Isles Notably McTavish will play Redanian spymaster Dijkstra in season two of The Witcher The Witcher Nightmare of the Wolf debuts on Netflix on August th It will give fans of the fantasy franchise something to watch before season two of The Witcher starts streaming on December th 2021-07-21 17:21:50
海外TECH Engadget Clubhouse's audio chat rooms are now open to everyone https://www.engadget.com/clubhouse-beta-open-to-everyone-audio-chat-170029064.html?src=rss Clubhouse x s audio chat rooms are now open to everyoneFolks who want to check out Clubhouse no longer need to join a waitlist Sixteen months after it debuted the audio discussion app is moving out of beta It s now open to everyone Clubhouse says users can share links with others and invite them to join The company claims there are half a million audio chat rooms on the app each day and that million people have signed up since the Android app arrived in May Clubhouse added a direct message system last week and it says the community has already sent million messages Meanwhile on average users are spending over an hour a day on Clubhouse While many Clubhouse users certainly seem to be hooked on the app it s facing stern competition from elsewhere The likes of Twitter Facebook Instagram Discord and Spotify have all moved into audio chat rooms in recent months Opening up the app to everyone is an important step for Clubhouse as it looks to keep growing nbsp Clubhouse plans to keep things fresh by rolling out big updates every week or two The app also revealed a new logo nbsp 2021-07-21 17:00:29
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles NodeJS await is only valid in async function https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5308531/NodeJS-await-is-only-valid-in-async-function method 2021-07-21 17:40:00
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Azure Cosmos DB With EF Core on Blazor Server https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5308539/Azure-Cosmos-DB-With-EF-Core-on-Blazor-Server Azure Cosmos DB With EF Core on Blazor ServerThis article walks you through my project Planetary Docs a repository that showcases a full application that supports Create Read Update and Delete operations CRUD using Blazor Server Entity Framework Core and Azure Cosmos DB 2021-07-21 17:09:00
海外科学 NYT > Science A Famous Blue Butterfly: Still Extinct but More Distinct https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/21/science/a-famous-blue-butterfly-still-extinct-but-more-distinct.html species 2021-07-21 17:25:52
海外科学 NYT > Science More Hospitals Impose Vaccine Mandates for Employees https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/21/health/covid-vaccine-hospitals.html cases 2021-07-21 17:23:17
ニュース BBC News - Home NHS workers in England offered 3% pay rise https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57922712 impact 2021-07-21 17:40:55
ニュース BBC News - Home Liverpool stripped of Unesco World Heritage status https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-57879475 unesco 2021-07-21 17:01:19
Azure Azure の更新情報 General availability: New West US 3 region added to Azure HDInsight https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/updates/new-west-us-3-and-jio-india-west-regions-added-to-azure-hdinsight/ customers 2021-07-21 17:21:49



投稿時間:2021-06-17 22:08:45 RSSフィード2021-06-17 22:00 分まとめ(2089件)

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投稿時間:2020-12-01 09:41:49 RSSフィード2020-12-01 09:00 分まとめ(69件)