投稿時間:2021-07-22 23:32:51 RSSフィード2021-07-22 23:00 分まとめ(34件)

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AWS AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog Scheduling satellite contact using AWS Ground Station and Python SDK https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/publicsector/scheduling-satellite-contact-using-aws-ground-station-python-sdk/ Scheduling satellite contact using AWS Ground Station and Python SDKA new interactive AWS CLI tool expands the functionality of AWS Ground Station You now have an easy way to schedule AWS Ground Station satellite contacts directly from your terminal Learn more about how to use the CLI tool with scheduling viewing and canceling contacts to your satellite 2021-07-22 13:52:11
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 複数GPUで学習するときのDP(Data Parallel)とDDP(Distributed Data Parallel)の違い https://qiita.com/fam_taro/items/df6061b589c3ccf86089 DistributeddataparalleltrainingusingPytorchonAWSTelesensDataParallelーPyTorchDistributedDataParallelーPyTorchQDPとDDPどっち使えばよいのADDP使えDDPの方が速いしPyTorchのドキュメントでもDDPが推奨されてるから結論学習時のDPとDDPの違い複数GPUがある想定で、GPUとそれ以外のGPUを他GPUとしますGPU間通信データの送信が起きる場所を太字で表します雑に言うとDPの場合回のパラメータ更新に対しGPUを起点としたGPU間通信データ送信回数がDDPより多いですそのためDPの方が遅くなりやすいDDPの速くなりやすいです項目DPDDPDataloaderGPUのみ所有各GPUで所有この時点でDatasetを分割済batchの分割minibatch作成GPUで行われるなしDataloader作成の時点で分割されているminibatchのGPU間共有GPUから他GPUに送られるなしDataloader作成の時点で分割されているモデルパラメータの共有GPUでパラメータを更新する度他GPUに送られる初回のみ行われるforwardpass計算各GPUで行われる各GPUで行われるloss計算他GPUからGPUにoutputsを送信してGPUで行われる各GPUで行われる勾配計算GPUから他GPUにlossを送信して各GPUで計算する各GPUで行われるモデルパラメータ更新他GPUからGPUに勾配値を送信してGPUでパラメータ更新される各GPU間で勾配を送信して集計後勾配値を得るSingleGPUでの学習時の挙動についてここではDPとDDPの違いを説明するために、通常のSingleGPUでの学習の要点を記載します。 2021-07-22 22:08:45
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita TypescriptでOptional chainingを使用した箇所がJestのCoverageに反映されない場合 https://qiita.com/joe-king-sh/items/cd4ae4f5f51f8d8bf84a 2021-07-22 22:41:28
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Objective-CでのCoreDataの作成手順について https://teratail.com/questions/350804?rss=all ObjectiveCでのCoreDataの作成手順についてObjectiveCのCoreData作成のため、ある記事を参考にさせていただき、記載されていた手順通りに進めておりましたが、画像の「②nbspAnnbspNSManagedObjectを選択し、Nextをおす。 2021-07-22 22:43:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) "Jupyterlab Code Formatter"の使い方 https://teratail.com/questions/350803?rss=all quotJupyterlabCodeFormatterquotの使い方WindowsquotANACONDANAVIGATORquotからquotJupyterLabnbspquotを起動して、quotJupyterlabnbspCodenbspFormatterquotを使いたく、下記の手順で環境構築をしました。 2021-07-22 22:30:14
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) スプライトの項目が表示されません https://teratail.com/questions/350802?rss=all スプライトの項目が表示されません実現したいことノベルゲームのページ送りのアイコン下記画像の赤枠のようなものを作成したいです。 2021-07-22 22:27:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) C# Win32APIで、エクスプローラからほかアプリへのドラッグアンドドロップを検知したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/350801?rss=all 前提・実現したいこと表題の通り、エクスプローラから他のアプリへファイルがドラッグされたのを検知したいです。 2021-07-22 22:13:17
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) コンボボックスで選ばれたものを正常に出力したい https://teratail.com/questions/350800?rss=all コンボボックスで選ばれたものを正常に出力したい複数のコンボボックスから来た信号を選別し、表示させるコードを書いたのですが、ラベルを使ってパネルに書き込む方は正常なのですがコンソール出力の方だけなぜがそれぞれ文づつ出力されてしまいます。 2021-07-22 22:11:43
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ワードプレスで記事一覧がスマホ版のみ表示されません。 https://teratail.com/questions/350799?rss=all 移行前のローカル環境ではきちんと表示されていました。 2021-07-22 22:01:21
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSユーザの作り方 https://qiita.com/watyanabe164/items/11e13949bc957daa0d32 AWSユーザの作り方はじめにAWSのアカウントを作る機会があったこともあって簡単な手順を残すやり方TOP画面からIAMをクリックして左ペインの「ユーザ」クリックユーザーを追加クリックユーザ登録画面で必要事項を入力。 2021-07-22 22:46:44
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Cloud9でRails6の開発環境構築(rails sするまで) https://qiita.com/nosniklim/items/58154b3ba6ab9a26230c geminstallrailsvRailsからwebpackerが標準になったことにより、Railsアプリの開発環境にyarnのインストールが必要になっているので、以下の記事を参考にNodejswebpackeryarnを順にインストールしていきます。 2021-07-22 22:49:28
海外TECH DEV Community How to Integrate Video Conferencing API To Your Platform https://dev.to/sagarkava/how-to-integrate-video-conferencing-to-your-platform-1djm How to Integrate Video Conferencing API To Your PlatformIntegrate and Embed high quality live Video conferencing API amp SDK to your website and easy integration in just minutes Make Conversations more engaging by integrating Click video platform on your web What are video conferencing API Video conferencing API Application Programmer s Interface is basically like a middle man between a client s web browser and some back end service that you build or use An API service can read and write information to a database for exampleIf you are using a website that uses some kind of video conferencing your web browser is getting your inputs like your microphone camera or a stream of your desktop which can be sent through such an API to a video conferencing service So What s the Purpose of Video conferencing API for Your Business Collaboration The video conferencing API and offer several benefits where two main bonuses are significant Faster Software Delivery Time to market Value The robust APIs help businesses in creating video conference platforms with tools and infrastructure that are easy and quick to implement on cross platforms Saves Quite a Lot of Resources With different features enabled APIs and SDKs developers or experts can integrate any specific chat functionality on any platform with less time consumption Embed video conferencing in your application and web in just minutes Following our announcement on launching the pre built in the previous blog we are excited to deliver the manual for the same This blog will get the readers up and running with the pre built in no time How to embed video callsconferencing pre builtEmbedding a video conferencing to your application becomes easy with Videosdk live With our Pre built you can add video conferencing on your website and application with just a few lines of code and nothing could be simpler than this You can share URLs to the participants for the video calls and accommodate more than people over the same call We provide you with a free set up to experience how to use our prebuilt so you can make the best of it We also offer you minutes free every month Prebuilt SDK enables the opportunity to integrate real time communication SDK without writing explicit code It supports all modern javascript frameworks such as React JS Vue and Angular including Vanilla JS To get started follow the stepsFor better understanding we have divided the prebuilt setup into few steps Each step describes the code snippet that one needs to use while constructing integrating the SDK The prebuilt has codes that sometimes become difficult for a fresher or an inexperienced developer In that case one can take the help of a developer to configure the setup In aid you can always reach us we provide customer support for our clients Video calls with Videosdk live offer users amazing features with quality as our prior most concern minutes free each monthParticipant capacity up to End to end encrypted callsHIPAA Compliance in enterprise modeHD and Full HD Video callsAudio support of kHz to kHz Spatial AudioIntelligence Active Speaker SwitchReal time messagingCloud recordingWhiteboard and poll supportLet s begin with the prebuilt setup Read all the steps carefully before installing one in your application Step Generate access token in Node JSAccess token generation server side code An access token is required to authenticate with Videosdk and make any API calls You can generate one with the API key and secret mentioned in your developer portal at the Videosdk console const express require express const jwt require jsonwebtoken const cors require cors const request require request const app express const port app use cors app use express json app use express urlencoded extended true app get get token req res gt const API KEY process env ZUJONOW API KEY const SECRET KEY process env ZUJONOW SECRET KEY const options expiresIn m algorithm HS const payload apikey API KEY permissions allow join allow mod ask join Trigger permission const token jwt sign payload SECRET KEY options res json token app listen port gt console log Example app listening at http localhost port DocumentationThe available permissions are allow join A participant will be permitted entry without request ask join A participant will not be permitted entry without request allow mod Allow participant to enable disable other participant s mic webcamThe generated token must be sent in the Authorization header for all API calls and it should also be used with the ZujoSDK config token method After the initial step of access token generation one reaches the next or the first step creating or joining the meeting Step Create or join the meetingGet a meeting ID for a new meeting or validate an existing meeting ID to join a meeting Below mentioned are two code snippets where one is for a new meeting and the other one is for an existing meeting for joining Create a new meeting IDapp post create meeting req res gt const token req body token const ZUJONOW API ENDPOINT ZUJONOW API ENDPOINT api meetings const options method POST headers Authorization token fetch ZUJONOW API ENDPOINT options then response gt response json then result gt res json result result will contain meetingId catch error gt throw error ORValidate existing meeting ID for joiningapp get validate meeting token req res gt const token req params token const ZUJONOW API ENDPOINT ZUJONOW API ENDPOINT api meetings const options method POST headers Authorization token fetch ZUJONOW API ENDPOINT options then response gt response json then result gt res json result result will contain meetingId catch error gt throw error DocumentationThese two code snippets are the initial ones taking you further to the next part of the prebuilt where you need to install the prebuilt in the web application Step Install prebuilt SDK in your Web appOne can install the prebuilt in your application by using either the script or the npm package manager Please use the installation method suitable for your project Setting up prebuilt SDK using The easiest way to get started is by just adding our prebuilt script to your website lt script src gt lt script gt ORSetting up prebuilt SDK using NPM package managerAnother way is by installing videosdk live js prebuilt in your appnpm install videosdk live js prebuilt OR yarn add videosdk live js prebuiltHeading towards the final stepsStep Add script into your applicationInitialize VideoSDKMeeting on the page where you want to start the meetingconst videoMeeting new VideoSDKMeeting const videoMeetingSpecs micEnabled true webcamEnabled true name NAME OF PARTICIPANT meetingId MEETING ID redirectOnLeave REDIRECT ON LEAVE chatEnabled true screenShareEnabled true pollEnabled true whiteBoardEnabled true participantCanToggleSelfWebcam true participantCanToggleSelfMic true raiseHandEnabled true token YOUR TOKEN containerId null videoMeeting init videoMeetingSpecs Just copy the script and paste it into your application on the page where you want the meeting to take place Hold on There is one final step Step Run the ApplicationOnce call init and run the application you will be able to see the meeting screen Run the application with the prebuilt Here is the video call API on your application That s it You made it Send the invite code to the participants or just open the same page in multiple tabs to join the meeting and appreciate yourself investing time on worthwhile goals Connect with us We are happy to serve you Find our documentation here DocumentationQuickstart for Prebuilt JS videosdk live Documentationvideosdk live tutorials will help you to deep dive into details of all the SDK and API We tried to include example of all the possible programming langaguges Get minutes free every month 2021-07-22 13:24:23
海外TECH DEV Community NATO Condemns Cyberattack, Pegasus Cyber Espionage Tool, Steam’s New Console, & more on DevNews! https://dev.to/devteam/nato-condemns-cyberattack-pegasus-cyber-espionage-tool-steam-s-new-console-more-on-devnews-kjb NATO Condemns Cyberattack Pegasus Cyber Espionage Tool Steam s New Console amp more on DevNews Season of the DevNews podcast is here S E Pegasus Cyber Espionage Tool Steam s New Console Gunshot Detecting Tech and NATO Condemns a Cyberattack DevNews   Your browser does not support the audio element x initializing × Hosts saronyitbarek amp joshpuetz Guest Marcus Carey Enterprise Architect ReliaQuest You can follow DevNews to get episode notifications and listen right in your feed ーor subscribe on your platform of choice Plus if you leave us a review we ll send you a free pack of thank you stickers Details here Quick Listening LinksApple PodcastsSpotifyGoogleStitcherListen NotesTuneInRSS FeedDEV Pods website Acknowledgements levisharpe for producing amp mixing the showOur season five sponsor Scout APM ️We hope you enjoy the season premiere of DevNews 2021-07-22 13:23:44
海外TECH DEV Community 5 High-Paying Tech Jobs That Don't Require Coding https://dev.to/estheragbaje/5-high-paying-tech-jobs-that-don-t-require-coding-5eao High Paying Tech Jobs That Don x t Require CodingDo you feel discouraged from pursuing a career in tech because you don t know how to code Quite frankly learning to code is hard and not for everyone While programming jobs are common there are also high paying tech jobs that DON T require you to code If you re considering a no code tech career this post is for you keep reading The skills needed for some of these roles range from writing to design user research people management etc In this article we ll deep dive into what these roles and highlight Their average annual salary The role and job descriptionsA key success metricUseful resources for newbiesRecommendations for getting a jobLet s do this   User Interface Designer Average Annual Salary Role amp DescriptionUser Interface UI Design is one of the fastest growing career in the tech space UI designers play an essential role when building any digital product Lots of companies out there are looking to build their next digital solution and are in need of UI designers User Interface UI Designers are responsible for creating the visual elements for web applications and websites The primary role of a UI designer is to design all the screens users see and interact with They leverage various visual elements such as icons colors buttons typography layout etc Here are typical job descriptions of UI designers Execute all visual designs from concept to final hand off to the engineering team Create prototypes for new product ideas Present and defend designs and key milestone deliverables to peers and executive level stakeholders Success MetricA major success metric for this role is to ensure user interactions are intuitive delightful and efficient Useful UI Design Resources Learn UI DesignIntroduction to UI DesignHow to Become a UI Designer  User Experience Designer Average Annual Salary Role amp DescriptionUnlike UI design User Experience UX design is not focused primarily on visuals It centers on improving the quality of interaction between a user and the product UX designers carry out detailed user research to ensure a user gets an optimal experience when using the digital product Here are typical job descriptions of UX designers Carry out user researchConsult with clients to understand their goals and explaining research resultsConduct usability testingCreate wireframes storyboards sitemaps and screen flows Success MetricCustomer satisfaction is a great way to measure the quality of the user experience provided by your product Useful UX Design Resources Learn UX DesignLearn about UX DesignHow to be a UX DesignerLearn UI UX Design  Product Manager Average Annual Salary Role amp DescriptionCompanies stay relevant by creating products that delight users The core vision of a product manager is to launch features that make users remain happy and satisfied with the product They define the product vision understand the business and customer requirements and work closely with Engineers and Designers to fulfill this vision Common job descriptions of Product Managers include Understand and represent user needs Monitor the market and develop competitive analyses Define a vision for a product Prioritize product features and capabilities Success MetricA good way to measure success as a Product Manager is using the customer retention rate of your product Useful Product Management Resources Udacity Product Management CourseProduct SchoolCracking the PM Interview Technical Writer Average Annual Salary If you love to break complex ideas into easy to understand and straightforward content then Technical Writing is an excellent role for you Technical Writers are responsible for creating documentation instruction manuals and educational materials They ensure technical jargon is communicated in simple terms to their audience Their audience could range from customers developers managers or even technicians Common job descriptions of Technical writers include Work with internal teams to obtain an in depth understanding of the product and the documentation requirements Produce high quality documentation that meets applicable standards and is appropriate for its intended audience Create tutorials to help end users use a variety of applications Success MetricYou are a successful Technical Writer if you produce content that s easy to understand engaging and logically categorized to draw reader interest Useful Technical Writing Resources How to learn Technical WritingGoogle Technical Writing CoursesTechnical Writing ChannelHow to Become a Technical Writer  Search Engine Optimization Specialist Average Annual Salary Role amp DescriptionA Search Engine Optimization SEO Specialist analyzes evaluates and performs changes to websites to optimize search engines They carry out keyword research to improve website rankings on major search engines such as Google Yahoo and Bing Common job descriptions of SEO specialists include Reviewing and analyzing client sites for areas that the SEO can be improved and optimizedPreparing detailed digital marketing strategy reportsIdentifying powerful keywords to drive the most valuable traffic Success MetricYou understand SEO strategies and can improve a website s ranking on search engines like Google Useful SEO Resources SEO Course for Beginners Steps to Become an SEO ExpertBecome an SEO ExpertHow to Become an SEO Expert  RecommendationsHave a Strong Online Portfolio Most employers will ask for a portfolio If you re going for a UI UX role you can start by creating mock projects for yourself or re creating your favorite app or website As time goes on you gain more skills and could even take on freelance clients Behance and Dribbble are great places to get inspired and also host your online portfolio Have a properly designed Resume I recommend taking extra care to format your resume correctly fonts colors spacing etc In most cases I ve found out that a column resume layout helps to present all your information excellently Create Update your LinkedIn Profile LinkedIn is a great place to find jobs and connect with other professionals If you don t already have a LinkedIn profile you should create a LinkedIn profile before applying to your next role Ensure you fill all the sections correctly highlighting your best projects Have a blog This is especially useful if you re looking to become a Technical Writer Potential employers will ask you about articles you ve written in the past You can host your blog on Medium Hashnode or dev to   Whichever career you choose to pursue go all out to be an expert in it Never stop learning and working on personal projects Build your confidence and apply for that next tech role you ve got this 2021-07-22 13:19:11
海外TECH DEV Community tmux rotate-window https://dev.to/waylonwalker/tmux-rotate-window-45km tmux rotate windowRotate window is the main way that I navigated tmux before I learnedselect pane It allows you to change your focused pane or rotate theposition of the panes easily Default keybindingsbind key C o rotate windowbind key o select pane t My keybindings look just a bit different than the default ones I do not likeneeding to hit prefix for every command especially for repeated commands Iset a similar keybinding to the default one that uses mod instead of prefix bind n M o select pane t bind n M O rotate windowBe sure to check out the full youtube playlist and subscribe if you like it How I navigate tmux in Waylon Walker・May ・ min read bash linux productivity Also check out this long form post for more about how I use tmux 2021-07-22 13:03:28
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News OWC announces Envoy Pro SX Thunderbolt portable SSD https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/22/owc-announces-envoy-pro-sx-thunderbolt-portable-ssd?utm_medium=rss OWC announces Envoy Pro SX Thunderbolt portable SSDOWC s new Envoy Pro SX external Thunderbolt SSD combines speed and durability making it a versatile drive that can handle whatever you throw at it The Envoy Pro SX is compact and smaller than most smartphones In addition it only weighs half a pound so it won t weigh you down while you re on the go Not only is it portable it s also durable The OWC Envoy Pro SX is dustproof drop proof up to four feet and waterproof capable of surviving a dunk into three feet of water for up to minutes An aluminum housing helps keep it cool and prevents damage when tossed in your tech bag Read more 2021-07-22 13:56:54
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Aqara releases HomeKit-compatible TVOC air quality monitor https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/22/aqara-releases-homekit-compatible-tvoc-air-quality-monitor?utm_medium=rss Aqara releases HomeKit compatible TVOC air quality monitorSmart home accessory purveyor Aqara is out with its latest HomeKit compatible accessory on Thursday a TVOC air quality monitor with a built in display This new monitor has three internal sensors to measure temperature humidity and in air volatile organic compounds VOCs for air quality All of which are exposed to HomeKit and viewable in the Home app as well as usable in triggers and automation routines Information can be viewed on the device s dot matrix E ink display that has a very high contrast ratio and is able to extend the battery life to roughly a year It connects via Zigbee so an Aqara hub will be necessary for it to work Read more 2021-07-22 13:38:20
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Satechi releases trio of new high-wattage GaN chargers https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/22/satechi-releases-trio-of-new-high-wattage-gan-chargers?utm_medium=rss Satechi releases trio of new high wattage GaN chargersOn Thursday Apple accessory brand Satechi launched three new high wattage GaN chargers to keep all of your gear topped off Satechi s new USB C GaN chargersThe new Gallium Nitride chargers include a W three port charger a W USB C PD charger and a W three port charger for a variety of different use cases Read more 2021-07-22 13:05:32
海外TECH Engadget Facebook spent $23.4 million on Mark Zuckerberg's personal security https://www.engadget.com/facebook-protect-mark-zuckerberg-130242571.html?src=rss Facebook spent million on Mark Zuckerberg x s personal securityThe cost to protect high profile tech execs is spiralling even as lockdowns have grounded travel to a halt A new analysis of the security expenses racked up by Silicon Valley giants shows they collectively spent million to safeguard their top brass last year Of that figure million alone was spent on Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg s personal security up from million in according to the report by Protocol nbsp The company attributed the increase to new COVID protocols and additional protection during the election Included in the figure was a pre tax allowance of million and an additional million for the Facebook founder s personal security As a result Zuckerberg far eclipsed others on the list including the world s richest person Jeff Bezos who paid million in personal security costs Signalling just how cautious Facebook is the company s COO Sheryl Sandberg was in second place with security worth million in The results reflect the growing stature of the tech elite who have grown more recognizable alongside the ballooning market caps of their companies which provide globally popular services Fame has inevitably brought with it unwarranted attention nbsp Facebook which has been accused of everything from polarizing public discourse to enabling the spread of vaccine misinformation has a right to be defensive The company has previously noted in SEC filings that Zuckerberg is quot synonymous quot with the quot negative sentiment quot around it In April Facebook noted that its yearly assessments “identified specific threats to Mr Zuckerberg quot Other tech leaders have also borne the brunt of their notoriety In it was revealed that Bezos phone had been hacked via WhatsApp two years prior potentially by Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman The security expenses list includes individuals in total In third place is Google s Sundar Pichai million in protection costs followed by Lyft co founder and president John Zimmer million Oracle s Larry Ellison million Snap s Evan Spiegel million Bezos Salesforce boss Marc Benioff million Uber s Dara Khosrowshahi Lyft CEO Logan Green and Apple s Tim Cook 2021-07-22 13:02:42
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Construction and Design-Time Support of the RadioGroup User Control https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1204564/Construction-and-Design-Time-Support-of-the-RadioG Construction and Design Time Support of the RadioGroup User ControlHow to create an NET user control combining several radio buttons with a border and a caption and provide it with handy support of Visual Studio at design time 2021-07-22 13:38:00
海外科学 NYT > Science El misterio de una extinción halla un aliado en un caracol con una computadora a cuestas https://www.nytimes.com/es/2021/07/18/espanol/caracol-extincion.html El misterio de una extinción halla un aliado en un caracol con una computadora a cuestasUna improbable colaboración ha resuelto un antiguo misterio sobre la supervivencia de los caracoles en las Islas de la Sociedad en la Polinesia Francesa 2021-07-22 13:45:55
海外TECH WIRED An Explosive Spyware Report Shows the Limits of iOS Security https://www.wired.com/story/nso-group-hacks-ios-android-observability defenses 2021-07-22 13:17:19
ニュース BBC News - Home Croydon tram crash: Passengers accidentally killed, jury finds https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-57721493 november 2021-07-22 13:13:55
ニュース BBC News - Home Tommy Robinson loses High Court libel case https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-57930901 refugee 2021-07-22 13:31:48
ニュース BBC News - Home Post Office scandal: Postmasters to get up to £100,000 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-57928397 office 2021-07-22 13:51:36
ニュース BBC News - Home UK has no idea of EU fishing catch in its waters, says Labour https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-57922251 labourthe 2021-07-22 13:32:48
ニュース BBC News - Home Joe Biden says he's self-conscious as president https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-57924435 biden 2021-07-22 13:48:36
ニュース BBC News - Home Tokyo 2020 men's football: Richarlison inspires Brazil, Spain held by Egypt, Wood makes history for NZ https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/olympics/57926170 Tokyo men x s football Richarlison inspires Brazil Spain held by Egypt Wood makes history for NZRicharlison s first half hat trick inspires Brazil to a win over Germany despite a second half wobble as Spain are held by Egypt 2021-07-22 13:42:58
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 夏からはじめるガーデニングのコツ・植物の育て方|初心者でも簡単にできる https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/07/238767gardening.html 連休 2021-07-22 22:05:00
サブカルネタ ラーブロ 中華そば 深緑@高坂(埼玉県) 「黒出汁、ほか」 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/rablo/~3/bYgyXNen3o4/single_feed.php 中華そば 2021-07-22 14:31:13
サブカルネタ ラーブロ ラーメンショップ椿 新さくら通り店/ネギチャーシューメン (940円) http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/rablo/~3/zKVY2NAITJA/8a563e51f5d9445bc87d5393ac35369b 2021-07-22 14:05:26
北海道 北海道新聞 日本政府の軍艦島説明「不十分」 ユネスコ、朝鮮出身者の戦時徴用 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/570171/ 世界遺産委員会 2021-07-22 22:04:28
北海道 北海道新聞 ジョコビッチ「準備できている」 悲願の五輪金メダルへ決意 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/570176/ 東京都江東区 2021-07-22 22:13:00
海外TECH reddit "Everything I do is in the service of life, not death. That's why I'm here with you." #Aloy Savior From Another World Nora Huntress Cryo Nora Fortis Travelers, let's welcome Aloy – "Savior From Another World!" #GenshinImpact https://t.co/6D00O9NfkM https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/opdcjz/everything_i_do_is_in_the_service_of_life_not/ quot Everything I do is in the service of life not death That x s why I x m here with you quot Aloy Savior From Another World Nora Huntress Cryo Nora Fortis Travelers let x s welcome Aloy quot Savior From Another World quot GenshinImpact submitted by u all leek to r Genshin Impact link comments 2021-07-22 13:00:56



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