Engadget Japanese |
毎日のパートナーとして最適な小型・高出力モバイルバッテリー「SMARTCOBY 65W2C1A/20W2C」 |
毎日のパートナーとして最適な小型・高出力モバイルバッテリー「SMARTCOBYWCAWC」CIOの大人気モバイルバッテリーSMARTCOBYシリーズに新作がつ同時に登場CIOが得意とする小型化、高出力化に秀でたバッテリーに、更に同時充電やパススルー、残量機能など多機能性をプラス。 |
2022-03-15 02:40:56 |
Engadget Japanese |
Twitter、スワイプによるタイムライン切替機能を取り下げ |
twitter |
2022-03-15 02:30:42 |
Engadget Japanese |
macOS Monterey 12.3配信開始。iPad連携のユニバーサルコントロールがついに実装 |
利用可能 |
2022-03-15 02:00:16 |
ロボスタ |
【速報】家族型ロボット『LOVOT』のGROOVE X、4月に全株式を前澤ファンドへ 林要氏は社長を継続 |
【速報】家族型ロボット『LOVOT』のGROOVEX、月に全株式を前澤ファンドへ林要氏は社長を継続シェアツイートはてブロボットベンチャーのGROOVEXは、株式会社前澤ファンドが年月日時点で、GROOVEXの株式の過半数を取得したことを発表した。 |
2022-03-15 02:28:17 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 青山商事がお悩み相談「“AI”よしこママ」をアップデート 進化した内容は? |
itmedia |
2022-03-15 11:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 育休を取ると「昇給させない」会社 他の理由の休業なら昇給できるのに……違法ではないのか? |
itmedia |
2022-03-15 11:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] ABEMA、ワールドカップ全64試合を無料生中継 日本初 「アベマとしては過去最大の投資」 |
abema |
2022-03-15 11:19:00 |
Google |
Google Developer Japan Blog |
初心者向け検索コースが日本語でもご視聴いただけるようになりました |
本ビデオシリーズの日本語版では、英語版の初心者向け検索コースを日本語のナレーションとキャプションを使用してローカライズしています。 |
2022-03-15 12:00:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ローカルPCからリモートPCへファイルを送る方法 |
ローカルPCからリモートPCへファイルを送る方法本記事概要本記事では、ローカルPCのMacからリモートPCのLinuxへ、ローカルPCでZIPに圧縮したファイルを、データ転送の通信を暗号化して転送し、その後解凍する方法について記載しています。 |
2022-03-15 11:33:58 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python - Conda仮想環境の構築方法 |
condainstallnenvnamepkgname仮想環境内でのpythonの実行Anacondapromptの表示がenvnameとなっていれば、当該仮想環境の内側にいますので、この状態でrootと同じようにpythonが実行可能です。 |
2022-03-15 11:15:12 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python 複数のEventを扱いたいとき悩んだ時に見るコード例 (30秒で読めます) |
Python複数のEventを扱いたいとき悩んだ時に見るコード例秒で読めますつのタスクを別のスレッドで実行し、各スレッドでキューに値を入れてEventをセットする。 |
2022-03-15 11:09:23 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
外部のJSファイルを読み込む方法 |
以下、indexjs→呼び出すファイルimportjs→呼び出されるファイルとします。 |
2022-03-15 11:05:40 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CloudFront => Rails で直結する場合は X-Forwarded-Proto ではなく X-Forwarded-SSL ヘッダを付けると良い |
CloudFrontgtRailsで直結する場合はXForwardedProtoではなくXForwardedSSLヘッダを付けると良いRailsAWSで雑にhttpsを立てたいと思いCloudFronthttpsgtECRailsアプリhttpという構成でアプリを作ると、GET以外のリクエストを投げるとこんなエラーが出るHTTPOriginheaderdidntmatchrequestbaseurlApplicationControllerで適当にリクエストヘッダーを出力してあーでもないこーでもないとこねくり回してみたのだが・・・classApplicationControllerltActionControllerBasebeforeactionenvlogprivatedefenvlogrequestheaderssortrejectkktosincludeeachkvloggerinfokvendend自前でリバースプロキシをする時は、XForwardProtoにhttpsを設定するのが定石だが、CloudFrontで動かしてみるとどうもXForwardProtoだけがうまく設定されない例えばヘッダー名Hoge値Piyoみたいな設定は動くけど、XForwardProtoだけが消去されるCloudFrontにはCloudFrontForwardedProtoという独自ヘッダーがあるらしく、ビヘイビア側の設定で、CloudfrontForwardedProtoを飛ばすように設定すると、そこにはhttpsが入ってくる。 |
2022-03-15 11:38:59 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Elastic BeanstalkにSwagger UIをBitbucket Pipelinesでデプロイする |
ついでにドキュメントを更新したらBitbucketPipelinesでデプロイまでやってくれるようにしました。 |
2022-03-15 11:03:10 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure App Service チュートリアル |
AppServiceWebアプリケーションの実行環境を提供WebAppsWindowsサーバでいうIISのようなもの。 |
2022-03-15 11:44:08 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
git リポジトリにアクティブな変更が多いため、 git 機能の一部のみが有効になります。のMACでの対処法 |
ファインダーに戻ると、左の「お気に入り」バーにあなたの名前が表示されているはずです。 |
2022-03-15 11:55:15 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CloudFront => Rails で直結する場合は X-Forwarded-Proto ではなく X-Forwarded-SSL ヘッダを付けると良い |
CloudFrontgtRailsで直結する場合はXForwardedProtoではなくXForwardedSSLヘッダを付けると良いRailsAWSで雑にhttpsを立てたいと思いCloudFronthttpsgtECRailsアプリhttpという構成でアプリを作ると、GET以外のリクエストを投げるとこんなエラーが出るHTTPOriginheaderdidntmatchrequestbaseurlApplicationControllerで適当にリクエストヘッダーを出力してあーでもないこーでもないとこねくり回してみたのだが・・・classApplicationControllerltActionControllerBasebeforeactionenvlogprivatedefenvlogrequestheaderssortrejectkktosincludeeachkvloggerinfokvendend自前でリバースプロキシをする時は、XForwardProtoにhttpsを設定するのが定石だが、CloudFrontで動かしてみるとどうもXForwardProtoだけがうまく設定されない例えばヘッダー名Hoge値Piyoみたいな設定は動くけど、XForwardProtoだけが消去されるCloudFrontにはCloudFrontForwardedProtoという独自ヘッダーがあるらしく、ビヘイビア側の設定で、CloudfrontForwardedProtoを飛ばすように設定すると、そこにはhttpsが入ってくる。 |
2022-03-15 11:38:59 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
特定のパッケージだけ AWS CodeArtifact からインストールしたい – pip の場合 |
awscodeartifact |
2022-03-15 02:00:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Working alone is so exhausting so I created my own assistant |
Working alone is so exhausting so I created my own assistantWorking alone is great but I am so tired of dealing with all of these these shitty uninspiring repetitive tedious tasks I didn t realize how many emails I had to reply how many invoices I had to make on my own How many tasks do I have to manage and schedule I sometimes freaked out because I was too busy and sometimes I freaked out because I suddenly have too much free time after completing the previous project What I should do for all of this time Console log my life Something never breaks and stabilize me all the time no matter what happens Maybe I need to meditate at the temple or Maybe I need a manager Manage me For a sec I think about hiring somebody but I don t have money for that of course So here is the post about my attempt to create my personal assistant with discord and notion API and what I learned from this project If there is anything incorrect please let me know I d love to learn from you I learned NLPThe first thing in my head to create a chatbot is how a chatbot analyze the intention of my text People say the same thing in various forms of expressionHow are you How s it going What s up I can write the code like if text includes how are you for every expression but how inefficient would it be This is the time when NLP is useful Natural language processing NLP is the ability of a computer program to understand human language as it is spoken and written referred to as natural language It is a component of artificial intelligence AI NLP has existed for more than years and has roots in the field of linguistics from techtarget comWhile I still don t fully understand how NLP works my understanding is so far like this A developer submits a set of sentences future users might sendThere are three types of variables A user can assign for each text intension The most important part of the sentence Only one can be assigned for one sentence ex I need a new iPhone gt Request add wishlist Entities This is a smaller assembly piece basically a critical keyword to define the intention ex I need shopping gt need shopping Traits I ll ignore this part for now An NLP program analyzes what kind of entity composition is for specific intension Next time a user send complete new text a trained NLP will spit out what a user means Among multiple different services to provide NLP I chose to use wit ai service which is an open source service developed by Facebook Meta The useful thing about wit ai is chatting text I sent by discord also showed up on the wit ai training session so even if a bot failed to understand what I meant I can always go to wit and correct it The downside is documentation is not so clear so anyway it s alright I will take it I learned Discord jsIn the end I chose to create a discord bot over a Slack bot even tho I am not really a discord user Some servers I joined to get help usually has too many channels on the sidebar and too many discussion is going on It just intimates too much Like you entered in a club and see full of people dancing a Michael Jackson thriller perfectly but I don t know that damn dance Quick get out from that club Anyway during this project I could learn about discord js and at the same time a little bit more about discord itself The funny thing is I recently left all the servers to make the discord side bar cleaner and later realized that I could just group them into a single button wth I am so dumb I should rejoin them all over again npm install discord jsThe exciting thing about discord js is it gives so many options to interact with other users Can create buttons slash commands interact with emoji etc way more than just sending a message The most useful message type is Embed Message I set my coordinator as Tahani from the TV series The good place because I love her character on the show so much so jolly Embed message returns the beautifully formatted information You can directly add the field like this embed addFields name Count value Count or you can create the dictionary and loop for each keysObject keys style forEach k gt newEmbed addFields name k value style k toString The useful reference for discord bot gt Discord JS Guide I learned Notion APII love notionHQ Actually I am obsessed with it I ve been using it since it was not the mainstream Recently I heard it acquired automate io Alight NotionHQ Let s go Bigger and bigger But there were a few moments when I was considering leaving Notion it s because Notion doesn t have a recurring task option Like I wrote in the intro repeating and repeating and repeating tasks is already so boring and I have to create the checkbox of it every time Oh shit I don t want that I left the Notion and came back again over and over like a troubled teenager arguing with a parent A year ago Notion released notion API This is the final guys I am going to build an automation system for you and going to be with you happily ever after everr npm install notionhq clientNotion API is great but unfortunately there are a few limits for v right now Editing a block is not available yet Basically if you want to tick the checkbox block you should delete the current checkbox item and append a duplicated block again It s not impossible but kinda annoying Duplicating a single block is not such a bad case but how about if you want to midify a whole page Sadly you still need to delete a whole page and duplicate it If the page has a children element the problem gets more annoying Get children to block only return the top level items on the hierarchy var children await NOTION blocks children list block id block id so for example if there s a notion block like thisThe code output will be only block A block B So even if you duplicate this children s item and copy block Aa block Ab block Ba block Bb won t be duplicated If you want all the children under parent should keep there s no other way than keep asking children if block A hasChildren children push await NOTION blocks children list block id block A id So guess how annoying to get all the children and duplicate onto the new page Some block type is not supported Just think non native notion blocks such as embed tweet or embed Figma are not supported which is totally fine but butttt code blocks are also not supported so I felt kinda sad Not the end of the world I just wish to run a script by the Notion But you can still use other blocks to do it like text block or callout block or quote block Just not pretty that s all var scripts blocks filter block gt Object keys block callout await eval scripts Every lunch time recipe inspiration function runs haha I learned about CronOne of the must have features for the coordinator bot was sending scheduled messages so I can do the task on time To do so I got to know Cron npm i cronA CRON expression is a string comprising five or six fields separated by white space that represents a set of times normally as a schedule to execute some routine from wikipedia Another regular expression all over again horror But actually the breakdown of cron time is pretty simple min hour date month week Instead of writing the js code to create cron time I wrote notion built in formula so even if I update the schedule by notion the clon time value is also can be updated at the same time min empty prop Unit if minute prop Date minute prop Date format minute prop Edited format minute prop Date if prop Unit minute format if empty prop Recurring prop Recurring if prop Unit hour or prop Unit minute if empty prop Date if empty prop Date format minute prop Edited format minute prop Date format minute prop Date Such a ugly code for now but so far it seems working as wish full code is on my repo While I can create a new scheduled event by Notion I wish to create the new reminder by chat as well Luckily Wit ai has built in entities called duration and datetime such a lifesaver So now I get break time reminder every hour I learned PuppeteerI started to feel more greedy and needy Hey bot you can give weather and different time zone time my today s tasks and project due date now how about recommendation for today s meal M M MFirst I found the biggest recipe API called Spoonacular API but the food pictures look kinda not really inspiring So instead of food API I decided to fetch the information directly from my favourite cooking site I heard the Puppeteer is good for web scraping I always wanted to try but this is my first time trying Puppeteer npm i puppeteerPuppeteer is such an amazing package but there were a few confusing parts though When I tried to get element by document querySelector this returned undefined or null object I was panicked and I thought Puppeteer failed to find the element but it s there when I specifically ask textContent or src href await page evaluate gt return document querySelectorAll selector map sel gt sel textContent As I understand is what Puppeteer gives me is not an HTML element but something else is there anybody explain a bit easy for me i am helpless lol Anyway now I get a recommendation for a recipe yay I learned HerokuBecause my bot will be deactivated when I don t run bot js I needed Heroku to serve it on the cloud While I am hosting my sites on Netlify I am still not familiar with the hosting service I misunderstood Heroku and Netlify as the same kind of service but this time I learned they are not Like this whole post is such lack of professional knowledge this is my short understanding about Netlify and Heroku so farNetlify is more for the front end and Heroku is more for the back endNetlify is always active but Heroku fall asleep zzzNetlify is site hosting online but Heroku is run the script on LinuxNetlify start charging by build time Heroku charging with something called Dyno hours Dyno is a container that runs the command in Linux The busier the app will be the more dyno is required to be purchased Because I am a free user I have a single dyno Free user has free dyno hours It means that even if my app runs consistently without resting for the whole month it wouldn t get over hours Free is always good It makes me feel cosy ConcludingWhile I want to improve more and add more features my Tahani bot works quite wonderfully right now Great to have a companion sad to say that lol I tried a lot of new things this time I learned so much however I also feel like I didn t spend enough time to learn about each of them more precisely Maybe that s what I m going to do with next dev toBesides having a customised virtual assistant for my daily routine the knowledge I earned was so valuable There are so much potential to improve my interactive character project even further Quite excited about that ️This projectThank you for reading this messy post I am not a trained developer I a visual artist but I am very excited to share thoughts and get to know more about creating something cool Please comment on anything if you want to correct my post and educate me It would be awesome to learn from all of you |
2022-03-15 02:18:47 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Germany leads EU spending push, going big with F-35 buy |
Germany leads EU spending push going big with F buyBerlin says it will purchase of the million plus warplanes and Eurofighter jets equipped for electronic warfare as part of its response to |
2022-03-15 11:35:58 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
筑邦銀行が取立不能のおそれ、ウェルビス悠愛の民事再生で - 不景気.com |
地方銀行 |
2022-03-15 02:59:26 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
富山銀行が取立不能のおそれ、「イセ食品」の会社更生法で - 不景気.com |
会社更生法 |
2022-03-15 02:51:28 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
県民割拡大後にGoTo再開 国交相「ステップ踏み全国で」 |
国土交通相 |
2022-03-15 11:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ロ軍、首都まで15キロで停滞 米分析、ミサイル900発 |
国防総省 |
2022-03-15 11:03:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
モス、人気の「クリームチーズテリヤキ」復活! |
期間限定 |
2022-03-15 11:50:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
マンダム、セールス・マーケティング部を新設(22年4月1日付) |
機能 |
2022-03-15 02:53:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
Are Taxes Really This Expensive in Japan? |
2022-03-15 02:03:57 |