Engadget Japanese |
Studio Display内蔵のA13チップがもたらすメリットは?海外テックメディアが掘り下げ |
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2022-03-15 04:30:27 |
Engadget Japanese |
第5世代iPad Airの性能が11インチiPad Pro(2021)と同等とするベンチマーク結果が登場 |
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2022-03-15 04:00:18 |
IT |
@IT System Designフォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
米国防総省、ソフトウェア調達で「OSS」を第一優先とする指針を発表 |
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2022-03-15 13:30:00 |
ロボスタ |
ドローンの風船割りスポーツ『ドローンファイト春選手権 2022』開催 国内外全27会場にて予選を実施 |
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2022-03-15 04:29:00 |
IT |
@IT 全フォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
米国防総省、ソフトウェア調達で「OSS」を第一優先とする指針を発表 |
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2022-03-15 13:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 携帯電話の「対応バンド」が新たな“縛り”に? 総務省の会合で議論へ |
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2022-03-15 13:17:00 |
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[ITmedia PC USER] GIGABYTE、4K液晶搭載クリエイター向けノート「AERO 17」に第12世代Core搭載の新モデル |
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2022-03-15 13:05:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
気象データの実績値と予報値の比較をしてみました |
※参照そこで、KCCSAPIサービスの「過去気象予報データダウンロード機能」で提供している気象庁発表「メソ数値予報モデル」データの最新の予報値は実績値として近似値にならないのか、というのを検証してみました。 |
2022-03-15 13:35:01 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[備忘録]コーディングテスト対策で調べたもの一覧 |
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2022-03-15 13:00:30 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby で 数独 の5 |
inputoutputNumoUIntshape今回のロジック例えば、下中央ブロックについてみますと、全体の行と列にがあることから、行列もしくは行列のいずれかにが入ることが分かります。 |
2022-03-15 13:46:49 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
rails db:migrateしたのにDBに反映されなかった時の話② |
railsdbmigrateしたのにDBに反映されなかった時の話②はじめに月プログラミングスクールで学習しています。 |
2022-03-15 13:04:22 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【備忘録】Ubuntu18.04でx11vncを使う |
2022-03-15 13:46:48 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Application Gateway でクライアント証明書認証を行う (自己証明書、失効手順) |
WAFの場合はApplicationGatewayの方で拒否でき、かつ管理も容易となりますが、何らかの理由でWAFが利用できない場合は、この手順でも要件を満たせる可能性はあるかと思います。 |
2022-03-15 13:37:55 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
rails db:migrateしたのにDBに反映されなかった時の話② |
railsdbmigrateしたのにDBに反映されなかった時の話②はじめに月プログラミングスクールで学習しています。 |
2022-03-15 13:04:22 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Auth0 を使って外部サービスのアクセストークンを払い出す |
algolia |
2022-03-15 04:17:52 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Prometheus: As Simple As Possible |
Prometheus As Simple As PossibleDistributed systems help an organisation absorb countless benefits but at the cost of complexity With the rise of the adoption of container orchestrators like Kubernetes a need for monitoring and alerting systems came One such system is Prometheus which is famous for being “the Kubernetes monitoring solution This post will explore Prometheus in a beginner way without any intricate details that generally scare a novice Let s Start What is Prometheus SoundCloud first developed Prometheus in after determining that their existing monitoring tools were insufficient for their needs However the first release of Prometheus v would not be available to the public until but now it s fully open sourced and a CNCF graduate project Prometheus is a time series database based Monitoring and Alerting tool Prometheus gathers data from apps and systems and allows you to visualise it and set up alerts We will go deeper with this in a minute but why do we need monitoring again The Stroy Behind Prometeus and CloudLong before you start reading this blog there used to stay giant creatures called Monoliths They were slow and had complexity It was hard to understand them and harder to diagnose problems But then we had an evolution and micro creatures was a better option They had a lot of benefits and had less complexity with them But managing one creature is more demanding than managing hundreds or thousands You re correct So we need someone to orchestrate the herd and someone to look over or monitor the flock The orchestrator is Kubernetes and Prometheus manages the monitoring Suppose your micro creatures had one telephone in their camp Prometheus helps you look for how many hours they re talking whether they can connect to the telephone service and how many times they can t call someone All without going to every individual s tent and enquiring Your micro creatures are microservices in a container or Virtual Machine that performs a job Prometheus ArchitectureThe Prometheus Server consists of components Time series database TSDB All of the metrics get stores in a time series database which is optimised for time stamped data that needs measuring changes over time and also help query efficiently So simply it holds every generated metric for you to reference later The architecture of Prometheus and its components Source Prometheus Data Retrieval WorkerIt collects by pulling scraping metrics from external sources and stores them in the TSBD Web UIIt provides a simple web interface UI for configuring and querying the database to help you visualise your queries We receive centralised management and configuration using the server that can track when we show new data from each unique target How does Prometheus work Querying and ScrapingPrometheus scrapes metrics from our apps and services regularly via HTTP endpoints from the target systems that have the client library installed So in order to collect metrics you don t need to install custom software or configure anything on your physical servers nor do you need to do so on your container images This pull based approach use by Prometheus is better than the traditional push based approach because You can run your monitoring on your laptop when developing changes You can more easily tell if a target is down You can manually go to a target and inspect its health with a web browser ーPrometheus ーFAQ Service discoveryPrometheus was built from the bottom up to function in dynamic environments like Kubernetes and requires very minimal configuration when first installed As a result it undertakes automatic discovery of operating services in order to make a “best guess as to what it should be monitoring Prometheus Exporters Source Devconnected Snapshots and QueryingNow as your data is scraped what s next We want to store the metrics Prometheus stores a database record with each scraped metric s snapshot of the data You can use PromQL queries and the Prometheus web UI or other tools like Grafana to explore how metric data evolves over time by querying and analysing metric data snapshots Also you can label your metrics to manage the metrics Now you don t have to worry about searching the metrics name manually after changes because you can search them by labels How cool is that Different Type of MetricsMetrics is the specific set of data from an endpoint It consists of TYPE and HELP Attributes which are described below HELPFor a token like HELP it is expected that another token would follow which is the metric name The docstring for the metric name consists of all of the tokens that are left over HELP lines should be composed of a metric name at a time TYPEThere are two more tokens required if the token is TYPE The first identifier is the metric name and the second identifier is a qualifier specifying what kind of metric it is for example a counter gauge histogram summary or type unknown A single TYPE line is allowed for each metric name Metric names should have their TYPE lines which specify the metric s unit of measurement positioned first before any metric samples are given If a metric name does not have a TYPE line the type is left as untyped Metrics Type CounterIt simply counts the metrics We ll count these by things like the number of errors or the number of requests This type is recommended unless your metric value can fluctuate and go down GaugeIt is ideal for metrics that fluctuate like CPU utilisation HistogramA histogram is used to measure information by counting information in specific observed buckets Additionally it presents a complete account of the total amount of all observed values so it is one of the most challenging types of metrics to read SummaryFor every observation a summary takes a sample usually things like request durations and response sizes It likewise gives you the total number of observations and a list of all observed values but it is capable of generating a customisable number of quantiles across a sliding time window You can only utilise four sorts of metrics Counter Gauge Summary and Histogram therefore choose the best one for the purpose Fail ProofsWhen “pulling metrics is not possible for example short lived jobs that will not live long enough to be scraped Prometheus provides a Pushgateway that allows applications to still push metric data if necessary Essentially we get the best of both worlds AlertingYou can use PromQL the querying language used by prometheus to retrieve metrics via the database and use Prometheus Web UI API clients and Grafana to visualise Setting up external alerting services like pagerduty and email is even possible via Alertmanager Final ThoughtsPrometheus is popular and everyone in the CNCF landscape knows this The features help it become one of the most promising monitoring systems and beat the likes of Amazon CloudWatch ApplicationInsights NewRelic which are push based platforms But Prometheus itself states that the pull based factor shouldn t be the major point when considering a monitoring system Also even if Prometheus serves as Kubernetes best friend it s capable of more If you want to get started with prometheus no other place is better than the First Steps with Prometheus documentation |
2022-03-15 04:34:31 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
小さい数について-小さい数を表現する数詞等- |
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Women's World Cup: Perry & Gardner star as clinical Australia beat Windies |
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