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IT 気になる、記になる… Belkin、ワイヤレスイヤホンやモバイルバッテリー5製品を最大30%オフで販売するセールをスタート https://taisy0.com/2022/08/08/159894.html belkin 2022-08-07 15:16:54
ROBOT ロボスタ 大規模森林火災の脅威を描く海外ドラマ『FIRES オーストラリアの黒い夏』配信開始!大迫力の爆炎シーン撮影の新技術「ドリームスクリーン」とは https://robotstart.info/2022/08/08/fires-starchannel.html 大規模森林火災の脅威を描く海外ドラマ『FIRESオーストラリアの黒い夏』配信開始大迫力の爆炎シーン撮影の新技術「ドリームスクリーン」とはシェアツイートはてブ「スターチャンネルEX」で本日月日月より、話題の海外ドラマ『FIRESオーストラリアの黒い夏』が全話独占配信される。 2022-08-07 15:00:53
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita クラス変数とインスタンス変数 https://qiita.com/4vent/items/a72dcd46953cc0612961 class 2022-08-08 00:30:55
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amazon Fargateでアプリケーションを動かす https://qiita.com/ykdevs/items/db62319de78a503c1f71 amazonecs 2022-08-08 00:52:44
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS CLIを使ってみたい https://qiita.com/gazami_shougun/items/b6089bbfffe3c993c887 awscli 2022-08-08 00:03:30
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amazon Fargateでアプリケーションを動かす https://qiita.com/ykdevs/items/db62319de78a503c1f71 amazonecs 2022-08-08 00:52:44
技術ブログ Developers.IO AWS Step FunctionsからAmazon Kinesis Data FirehoseにJSONデータをPutする(AWS CDK) https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/putting-json-data-from-aws-step-functions-to-amazon-kinesis-data-firehose-aws-cdk/ awsstepfunction 2022-08-07 15:29:19
海外TECH DEV Community The Miracle Morning: 6 Morning Habits to be Successful https://dev.to/sadiqur_rahman/the-miracle-morning-6-morning-habits-for-you-to-be-successful-25k7 The Miracle Morning Morning Habits to be SuccessfulPhoto by Sergei A on UnsplashI was listening to a podcast by Hal Elrod He explained killer habits that would transform a person Once I was applying a few of those rules in my daily life and I know for sure that it works perfectly SAVERSS Silence Meditation Tefekkür Set the mindset for the goals of the day As you are being silent you can use a timer too Don t read don t listen to anything just sit and think Find a balanced posture between relaxation and alertness These ten minutes will transform your day to be more effective and more productive not just another busy day A Affirmation Be affirmative about the things that you are willing to achieve Think of the things that you are committed to doing You could be committed to running every day or to becoming a millionaire or saving or entering a big company Remind yourself what you are committed to While being affirmative think about these four points What are you committed to Why is it deeply meaningful to you What activities are you committed to doing that will lead to success When specifically are you committed to doing those activities This will raise awareness and make you a real doer V Visualize Visualize yourself doing the activities with great motivation Imagine yourself wearing shoes and going outside And imagine yourself running with great motivation Imagine yourself doing all the hard work and finally being rewarded with achievements All the great athletes visualize themselves working hard and achieving their goals E Exercise Exercise in the morning even if it is for sixty seconds Even if you go to the gym in the evening a very short period of exercise will energize you and give you a great start to the day There are many apps that let you exercise from home One example would be Seven minutes Exercise R Read All of us are in some conditions Some want to be happy some want to be wealthy and some want to be a better person And there are hundreds of books on each topic If you read five pages a day that will accumulate to pages a month If you persist in this habit this will eventually transform you into a better version of yourself S Scribing Writing It is a way to raise awareness and harness positive energy in you It will take only minutes in the morning You can write on an app or on a paper Write three new things that you are grateful forThree important things that you need to do to achieve your biggest goalWrite them every day and you will discover that you have so many reasons to be happy You have achieved so many things in your life and your next goal is just yet another goal You would be more confident as you realize that Be happy with where you are and what you are doing Just know that you will reach your goal at the right moment So don t get stressed or sad Just enjoy your day and know that gradually you are reaching your goals 2022-08-07 15:20:00
海外TECH DEV Community Bluetooth Controlled Robot https://dev.to/ndrohith/bluetooth-controlled-robot-14a5 Bluetooth Controlled RobotIn this blog I will show you how to build a bluetooth controlled robot with HC bluetooth module and an Arduino microcontroller You can use any bluetooth mobile app available in playstore to connect you mobile to bluetooth module Components requiredArduino UNOHC Gear MotorsIC LD Arduino UNOArduino is an opensource electronics platform based on easy to use hardware and software Arduino boards are able to read inputs light on a sensor a finger on a button or a twitter message and turn it into an output activating a motor turning on a LED publishing something online To do so use the Arduino programming language based on wiring and the Arduino Software IDE based on processing HC Bluetooth moduleThe HC is a popular wireless module that can add two way full duplex functionality to your projects You can use this module to communicate between two microcontrollers such as Arduino or to communicate with any Bluetooth enabled device such as a phone or laptop Many Android applications are already available making this process much easier Gear MotorsIt is a DC motor with a gear box for decreasing the speed and increasing the torque and power This type of motors is commonly used for robotic applications IC LDIC LD is a dual H bridge motor driver integrated circuit that can drive current of up to mA with voltage range of to volts In that Bluetooth app tapping turns the motor off while pressing causes the motor to spin right Similar to this when tapping and the motors turns left the motor turn right and the motor spins left respectively Codeint motorPin int motorPin int motorPin int motorPin int state int flag void setup Serial begin pinMode OUTPUT pinMode OUTPUT pinMode OUTPUT pinMode OUTPUT void loop if Serial available gt state Serial read flag if state digitalWrite LOW digitalWrite LOW digitalWrite LOW digitalWrite LOW if flag Serial println MOTOR off flag else if state digitalWrite LOW digitalWrite HIGH if flag Serial println MOTOR right flag else if state digitalWrite HIGH digitalWrite LOW if flag Serial println MOTOR left flag else if state digitalWrite LOW digitalWrite HIGH if flag Serial println MOTOR right flag else if state digitalWrite HIGH digitalWrite LOW if flag Serial println MOTOR LEFT flag 2022-08-07 15:14:00
海外TECH DEV Community Everything you'll ever need to know about HTML Input Types https://dev.to/smpnjn/everything-youll-ever-need-to-know-about-html-input-types-38lb Everything you x ll ever need to know about HTML Input TypesPretty much every application we develop using HTML uses input somewhere but there s a bunch of input types you might not know about So let s take a look at everything you might not know about input types Common HTML Input TypesIn HTML we can give an input a specific type For example a simple text input where the user can type text into a box looks like this lt input type text gt The most common input types we use are hidden a form input that is hidden usually for storing values the user doesn t need to seetext a simple text input password an input where the text is starred out since it is a password submit a submit button for submitting the form button like a submit but it doesn t submit the form radio a button which can be selected from a range of list items checkbox a set of buttons which can be checked and unchecked As well as these basic types there is also search although not as commonly used it can be used for a search input field which shows a little cross when you type into it and we also have reset which creates a button which does not submit the form and says reset It will reset all other form elements These common input types are all over the place and they look like this Basic HTML Inputs with Type ValidationAs well as these simple types there are a few others which can be quite useful such as tel for a telephone number url validates that the input is a url email validates that the input is an email number validates that the input is a number range validates that the input is a range Note these input types do validate the input on the client side but it should not be used as a method to ensure that an input only contains that type For example email only accepts an email type but a user can easily change the frontend to submit something which is not an email So make sure you check on the backend too Date HTML Input TypesMost of us are familiar with type date but there are a bunch of date types for HTML inputs including date any date input month lets you select a single month week lets you select a single week time lets you select a specific time datetime local lets you select date time combination Each of these are shown below These are pretty useful although limited to the browser s implementation of the UI Other HTML Input TypesAs well as all of these we also have the following additional types file for uploading a file to the server image the strangest of all for graphical submit buttons file type for inputsThe file type for inputs creates a file upload interface lt input type file gt image type for inputsThis is probably the one you are least likely to use It lets you give an src and alt attribute to your input which is used as the submit button for your form ultimately making your input act like an image lt input type image alt Login src login button png gt ConclusionThat covers every HTML input type you can use today I hope you ve learned something new even if it s just the quirky type image input type If you want to learn more about web development you can follow me on twitter or check out fjolt 2022-08-07 15:14:00
海外TECH Engadget Apple could be developing a smart display https://www.engadget.com/apple-smart-home-devices-report-155130684.html?src=rss Apple could be developing a smart displayApple could significantly expand its smart home product line within the next two years according to Bloomberg s Mark Gurman In his latest Power On newsletter Gurman reports the company has “at least four new smart home devices in its labs Included in that list is the new HomePod model Gurman first wrote about back in June in addition to a refreshed HomePod mini The former will reportedly look and sound like the original model Apple discontinued the HomePod in without announcing a direct replacement The two other devices represent entirely new products for the company According to Gurman one is a kitchen accessory that combines an iPad with a speaker Meanwhile the other reportedly brings together the functionality of an Apple TV camera and HomePod into a living room device He says Apple could release one of those two products by the end of next year or early but warns that “not all will see the light of the day nbsp A kitchen device would see Apple competing more closely with Amazon and Google The two are most closely associated with the smart display category thanks to releases like the Nest Hub and Echo Show It would be interesting to see what Apple thinks it can bring to the field since most smart displays don t feel essential 2022-08-07 15:51:30
海外TECH Engadget Hitting the Books: How much that insurance monitoring discount might really be costing you https://www.engadget.com/hitting-the-books-how-to-stay-smart-in-a-smart-world-gerd-gigerenzer-mit-press-153055703.html?src=rss Hitting the Books How much that insurance monitoring discount might really be costing youMachine learning systems have for years now been besting their human counterparts at everything from Go and Jeopardy to drug discovery and cancer detection With all the advances that the field has made it s not unheard of for people to be wary of robots replacing them in tomorrow s workforce These concerns are misplaced argues Gerd Gigerenzer argues in his new book How to Stay Smart in a Smart World if for no other reason than uncertainty itself AIs are phenomenally capable machines but only if given sufficient data to act on Introduce the acutely fickle precariousness of human nature into their algorithms and watch their predictive accuracy plummet ーotherwise we d never have need to swipe left In the excerpt below Gigerenzer discusses the hidden privacy costs of sharing your vehicle s telematics with the insurance company MIT PressExcerpted from How to Stay Smart in a Smart Worldby Gerd Gigerenzer Published by MIT Press Copyright by Gerd Gigerenzer All rights reserved When Your Car Reports You to the PoliceIf self driving cars are not going to happen one alternative appears to betraining humans to use AI as a support system but to stay alert and retain control if it fails ーwhich is called augmented intelligence It amounts to partial automation that is to sophisticated versions of Level or Yet augmented intelligence entails more than just adding useful features to your car and may well lead us into a different future where AI is used to both support and surveil us That possible future is driven more by insurance companies and police than by car manufacturers Its seeds are in telematics Young drivers are reckless overconfident and an insurance risk according to the stereotype Some indeed are but many are not Nevertheless insurers often treat them as one group and charge a high premium Telematics insurance can change this by offering better rates for safe drivers The idea is to calculate the premium from a person s actual driving behavior instead of from that of the average driver To do so a black box that connects to the insurer is installed in the car using a smartphone is possible and cheaper but less reliable The black box records the driver s behavior and calculates a safety score Figure shows the scoring system of one of the first telematics insurers It observes four features and assigns them different weights MIT PressRapid acceleration or harsh braking is assigned the greatest weight followed by driving over the speed limit Each driver starts with a monthly budget of points for each of the four features An “event results in points being subtracted such as points for the first rapid acceleration or for driving over the speed limit At the end of the month the remaining points are weighted as shown and summed up to a total safety score Although telematics is often called black box insurance the algorithm is not at all a black box like most love algorithms It is explained in detail on the insurer s web site and everyone can understand and verify the resulting score Personalized tariffs are advertised as promoting fairness They do so by taking individual driving style into account But they also create new sources of discrimination when driving at night and in cities is punished Hospital staff for instance may have little choice to avoid working at night and in cities Thus some of the features are under the driver s control but not all Interestingly one feature that is under the driver s control is absent in virtually all personalized tariffs texting while driving And the black box that allows fairness also enables surveillance Consider a possible future Why should the black box send a record of speeding only to the insurer A copy to the police would be extremely handy and save them much effort It would make all speed traps obsolete If you speed the car prints out the ticket on time or more conveniently deducts the fine automatically from your online account Your relationship to your beloved car may change There is a slippery slope between fairness and total surveillance Would you be in favor of a new generation of cars that send traffic violations directly to the police In a survey I conducted one third of the adults said yes more so among those over sixty and less among those younger than thirty The technology for this future already exists as most new cars come with a black box installed The data it collects do not belong to the car owner and can be used in court against the driver In Georgia the police obtained black box data without a warrant after a deadly accident and the driver was found guilty of reckless driving and speeding While the motives for surveillance vary digital technology supports all of them One need not even buy telematics insurance Modern cars have built in internet connections and ーwithout it being made transparent inthe owner s manual ーmost send their car manufacturer all the data they can collect every couple of minutes including where the driver currently is whether harsh braking occurred how often the position of the driver seat was changed which gas or battery charging stations were visited and how many CDs and DVDs were inserted Moreover as soon as you plug in your smartphone the car may copy your personal information including contacts addresses emails text messages and even photos Car manufacturers are remarkably silent about this activity and when asked with whom they share this data they typically do not reply That information helps to find out many other things of interest such as how often drivers visited McDonald s how healthily they live and whom they occasionally visit at night Connected cars can support justice and improve safety but also spy on you Telematics insurance embodies the double face of digital technology surveillance in exchange for convenience 2022-08-07 15:30:55
海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment France whale: Hopes fading for lost mammal stuck in River Seine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-62453347?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA paris 2022-08-07 15:22:16
金融 ◇◇ 保険デイリーニュース ◇◇(損保担当者必携!) 保険デイリーニュース(08/08) http://www.yanaharu.com/ins/?p=4997 三井住友海上 2022-08-07 15:29:40
ニュース BBC News - Home Horniman Museum to return 72 artefacts to Nigeria https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-62456366?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA force 2022-08-07 15:18:20
ニュース BBC News - Home France whale: Hopes fading for lost mammal stuck in River Seine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-62453347?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA paris 2022-08-07 15:22:16
ニュース BBC News - Home Commonwealth Games: England's women beat Australia to win historic first hockey gold https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/commonwealth-games/62457842?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Commonwealth Games England x s women beat Australia to win historic first hockey goldEngland women s hockey team win Commonwealth Games gold for the first time with a victory over four time champions Australia 2022-08-07 15:49:10
ニュース BBC News - Home Manchester United 1-2 Brighton: Erik ten Hag suffers defeat in first Premier League game https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/62366387?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Manchester United Brighton Erik ten Hag suffers defeat in first Premier League gameErik ten Hag endures a nightmare first Premier League game in charge of Manchester United as they lose at home to Brighton 2022-08-07 15:18:30
ニュース BBC News - Home Leicester City 2-2 Brentford: Battling Bees come from 2-0 behind to earn point https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/62366385?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Leicester City Brentford Battling Bees come from behind to earn pointBrentford produce a terrific fightback from behind to secure a point against Leicester in a thriller at the King Power Stadium 2022-08-07 15:36:11
北海道 北海道新聞 小樽市長選 大差で勝利の迫氏「人口減抑制へ成果出す」 2期目へ意欲 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715323/ 任期満了 2022-08-08 00:31:19
北海道 北海道新聞 小樽市長選、迫俊哉氏が再選 投票率は過去最低39・94% https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715295/ 任期満了 2022-08-08 00:30:48
北海道 北海道新聞 北海道内8日から大雨 警報級の恐れも 竜巻などにも注意 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715310/ 北海道内 2022-08-08 00:04:24
海外TECH reddit Chapter 362 Official Release - Links and Discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/comments/wihuzu/chapter_362_official_release_links_and_discussion/ Chapter Official Release Links and DiscussionChapter Links Viz Available in the United States Canada the United Kingdom Ireland New Zealand Australia South Africa the Philippines Singapore and India MANGA Plus Available in every country outside of China Japan and South Korea All things Chapter related must be kept inside this thread for the next hours Previous chapter discussion threads Discord will be officially released on August th at AM PDT ALSO IT S HIMIKO S BIRTHDAY PLUS CHAOS submitted by u Za wardo to r BokuNoHeroAcademia link comments 2022-08-07 15:07:28



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