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IT 気になる、記になる… Appleの整備済み商品情報 2022/8/8 https://taisy0.com/2022/08/08/159925.html apple 2022-08-08 13:34:15
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【E資格対策】画像データ拡張 https://qiita.com/YH_BK/items/1048f20c7c230043c468 参考書籍 2022-08-08 22:44:58
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【JS / TS】スプレッド構文は、オブジェクトや配列を展開するだけじゃない https://qiita.com/daishiman/items/42ba60a223cadbd98104 配列 2022-08-08 22:05:48
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ubuntuにcomposerをインストール https://qiita.com/niceland/items/262ace8d8f4b9399d523 libapachemodphpphpgdphp 2022-08-08 22:50:35
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Docker desktop is startingが終わらない https://qiita.com/ryomoucmei/items/f89406d675532c78497e dockerdesktopisstarting 2022-08-08 22:14:56
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Git】pushもできない初心者が、エラー「fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories」を乗り越えた話。 https://qiita.com/fuku122/items/86290a76bd8fbf020af7 ngtomergeunrelatedhisto 2022-08-08 22:26:00
海外TECH DEV Community 6 Big mistakes most beginner software engineers make 🙁 - I wish I knew this when I started programming 😢 https://dev.to/turinumugisha_s/6-big-mistakes-most-beginner-software-engineers-make-i-wish-i-knew-this-when-i-started-programming-5h98 Big mistakes most beginner software engineers make I wish I knew this when I started programming Every master was once a beginner And every pro began as an amateur quote by Robin SharmaAs Robin sharma quoted none is a master that was not a beginner What only differenciate a beginner from a master is the experience gained through all the journey Getting started into programming can be thought as something simple as well as you have your PC and access to all the materials needed to get started but the more time you spend into it the more your eyes get opened and realize all the stupid things you ve done and the time you ve wasted When i started programming I did big mistakes that I wish I had got someone to alert me about them before I got started I ve also seen alot of beginners that I tutored trying to do the same all the times I lost alot of money and time that I don t wish anyone else to loose In this tutorial I will be sharing you these mistakes and how you can avoid them if you are just getting started or have started already but have the same bad habits Trying to learn alot of things at onceWhen I was getting started I had what we call FOMO Fear Of Missing Out and its something I see in alot of young developers these days where they want to be up to date to each latest trend in Software Engineering By the time You could find me learning more than languages at once and even jumping to more advance concepts and framworks before I knew the fundamentalsAt the end of it all I knew it was just a wastage of time because how this industry is set none hires you because you just know alittle of many trending technologies No Companies need someone who master a certain language and is probably the best at it Please please don t rush Focus on one language and start from fundamental concepts not just rushing to advanced ones or frameworks This will not only make you a master at that language but also make it simple for you when you try to learn something else Jumping into code too quick Coding without planningThis is the most common mistake of programmers that they write code without thinking and planning As a beginner engineer you have so much excitement to code and nothing else If you are the kind that jumping to code is the first idea or solution that comes to your mind when you get a problem to solve you will end up wasting a lot of your time Resist the temptation to code and think about alternate ways to challenge your own assumptions first Yes some of this comes with experience but it s good to build the habit early on It applies to both small applications and large applications You require to think and plan in advance before coding and this is a rule The correct process to write quality code is Research Plan Write Validate Modify Googling issueI categorize googling issue into two things The first issue that s much common to absolute beginners is not knowing to search for what they need They waste their time in solving a problem when they can google it and find a solution to a problem Google helps you to understand that what you think is a problem is not really a problem and stop fixing it So Google it first Being creative sometimes doesn t mean everything you are doing is correct The second issue is using search the bad way this is that you search for something because you are stuck and need some help But the moment you find a post that gives you the solution you just copy paste it and move on without understanding how they solved it and why you could not You solved your immediate problem but you didn t fix the root cause This is very dangerous because it leads you to become the kind of engineer that solves problems in a very hacky and patched up manner without understanding the actual inner workings of your own solution Please use that keyboard wisely Don t be the stackoverflow dev It s okay to look for solutions online but when you find one make sure to fully understand how it works and to fill gaps in your own knowledge that led you to being stuck in the first place Preferring quantity to qualityAmbiguous code is waste and it cannot re create While programming or coding focus should be kept on the quality of the code By quality I mean code should be readable and clean Don t repeat yourself and Don t feal eargered to clear ambiguous code because you think it took you a long time to write If you don t focus one code quality and just code you can t stand out for sure Being to working doesn t mean its optimized Optimize your code again and again till they reach the best standard Just picking a solution because it s probably the firstThis point is connected to the fourth one While you might think your first searched solution is all inviting and true good solutions are found after evaluating all possible solutions you find Coders should be able to find multiple solutions to a problem If you are unable to do so that means you do not understand the problem As a programmer you need to find a solution that is simple enough to read understand and maintain Instead of rushing towards implementation think about the potential failures of the solutions and try to find the solutions of a problem in the simplest way Not reading others codeThis is so common it s not even for absolute beginners only I ve seen great devs who can code up quick effective solutions on their own but completely crumble when they have to contribute to any project that is not their own The reason is they are just not used to reading other people s code Reading other people s code understanding it quickly and being able to debug through it is a skill on it s own So start building this early because you will be doing a lot of this in your job and reading others code can sometimes be more challenging than writing your own The end goal as you progress through your career is to not only be able to read a codebase that multiple devs have worked on but understand the big picture quickly and identify areas where you can improve A great way to build this skill early on is to go to open source projects read the code there and try to understand what is going on Even better if you can identify some improvements and put in a pull request to do so I just want to keep this article short Let me conclude ConclusionYou might be worried that you are making alot of mistakes after reading this article But don t panic It s just a part of the journey The only bad thing you can do is persisting on not correcting what you ve seen as a mistake Stop worrying about best practices and focus on what you can do best Invest enough time in research and find good practices that suit well for programming Do not go looking for best practices on the basis of what others found Best practices come from own research and practices Rely on self searched steps for quality coding Every content is different from others and every good practice does not necessarily apply to all Done Boom We are done its your turn now to share us what you think about the article and any mistake that you might have done that you think others should avoid Stay tunned Bye 2022-08-08 13:16:02
海外TECH DEV Community [PT-BR] Functional Interfaces, a fundação para a programação funcional com Java https://dev.to/dearrudam/pt-br-functional-interfaces-a-fundacao-para-a-programacao-funcional-com-java-3c0e PT BR Functional Interfaces a fundação para a programação funcional com JavaNo último post vimos como implementar o pattern EAM Execute Around Method no Java através das Lambdas Expressions e vimos também que esse pattern utiliza um dos pilares da programação funcional chamado Higher order functions para prover a sua solução Éatravés dos objetos de função podemos aplicar o pilar Higher order functions no Java pois podemos Passar objetos de função como argumentos nos métodos Criar objetos de função dentro dos métodos e Retornar objetos de função de métodos Para escrever códigos que interajam com qualquer objeto isso inclui os objetos de função precisamos conhecer o seu tipo o seu contrato Comumente utilizamos interfaces para definir esse contrato que éonde definimos os métodos que podemos chamar das instâncias baseadas nas classes que implementam esse tal contrato O mesmo acontece quando queremos interagir com uma váriavel precisamos conhecer qual éo seu tipo Inevitavelmente ao escrever nossos métodos precisamos definir em suas assinaturas os tipos dos argumentos que ele suporta e se caso retornem algum objeto precisamos também declarar qual éseu tipo O mesmo se aplica a métodos que recebem ou devolvam objetos de função isto é seránecessário declarar seu tipo a sua interface Objetos de função que são criados através de lambda expressions ou method references sim vamos ver isso no futuro devem implementar interfaces especiais as interfaces funcionais Functional Interfaces As interfaces funcionais são interfaces que tem um único método abstrato para ser implementado e que podem ou não ter vários métodos estáticos ou default methods que estão implementados na própria interface Interfaces bem conhecidas Runnable Callable Comparable entre outras que combinam com essa essa definição são também tratadas como interfaces funcionais Vocêpode ficar atentado a criar suas interfaces funcionais mas uma boa prática éutilizar as interfaces funcionais padrão fornecidas pelo pacote java util function uma vez que alguma atenda sua necessidade As interfaces funcionais são a fundação para a utilização das Lambdas Expressions e Method References Conhecendo as interfaces funcionais mais utilizadas A biblioteca padrão do Java tem aproximadamente interfaces funcionais no pacote java util function para facilitar a vida do desenvolvedor Abaixo podemos conferir uma lista com seis interfaces básicas que frequentemente iremos encontrar e por esse motivo éimportante ficarmos familiarizados com elas Consumer lt T gt Supplier lt T gt Predicate lt T gt Function lt T R gt UnaryOperator lt T gt BinaryOperator lt T gt TL DRHátambém três variantes para cada uma dessas seis interfaces funcionais básicas que operam com os seguintes tipos primitivos int long e double Essas são as Primitive Specializations As Primitive Specializations foram adicionadas para remover a necessidade de se lidar com autoboxing e unboxing de tipos primitivos e assim melhorar a performance da aplicação Esses tipos não são parametrizados exceto as variantes Function lt T R gt que devem ser parametrizadas Por exemplo LongFunction lt int gt que recebe um long e retorna um int A interface Function lt T R gt tem nove variantes complementares que são utilizadas quando o tipo de retorno éprimitivo Jápara funções que recebem o mesmo tipo como argumento e retorno a interface UnaryOperator lt T gt entra na cena Para encontrar interfaces variantes complementares de Function lt T R gt para retornos que resultem em primitivos basta procurar interfaces onde o nome segue o padrão lt Src gt To lt Result gt Function por exemplo LongToIntFunction Háseis variantes para essa condição Agora para encontrar as interfaces variantes complementares de Function lt T R gt para parâmetros do tipo primitivo porém o retorno uma referência para um objeto basta procurar as interfaces onde o nome segue o padrão lt Src gt ToObjFunction por exemplo LongToObjFunction Hátrês variantes para esse tipo de interface Hátambém variações especiais para Predicate lt T gt Function lt T R gt e Consumer lt T gt onde ambas aceitam dois argumentos BiPredicate lt T U gt BiFunction lt T U gt e BiConsumer lt T U gt BiFunction lt T U gt também tem variantes que retornam os três tipos primitivos relevantes ToIntBiFunction lt T U gt ToLongBiFunction lt T U gt e ToDoubleBiFunction lt T U gt Jáa interface BiConsumer lt T U gt tem variações que recebem dois argumentos uma referência de objeto e um tipo primitivo ObjDoubleConsumer lt T gt ObjLongConsumer lt T gt e ObjIntConsumer lt T gt somando no total nove versões de dois argumentos das interfaces básicas Temos também a interface BooleanSupplier uma variante de Supplier lt T gt que retorna um boolean Resumo das seis interfaces funcionais básicasA maioria das interfaces funcionais padrões existe somente para fornecer suporte para os tipos primitivos então Não ceda àtentação de usar as interfaces funcionais básicas com os tipos primitivos ao invés de utilizar as interfaces funcionais primitivas jáexistentes na biblioteca padrão As consequências advindas da utilização do empacotamento dos tipos primitivos podem ser perigosíssimas para operações em massa Segue um resumo de cada uma das seis interfaces funcionais básicas Consumer lt T gt Essa interface representa uma operação que vai aceitar um input do tipo T e não retornaránada void método abstratoacceptdefault method s andThenUso comumComo parâmetro em métodos forEachPrimitive SpecializationsIntConsumer LongConsumer DoubleConsumer ️Voltar para a lista das interfaces funcionais mais utilizadas Supplier lt T gt Essa interface representa um objeto fábrica que espera retornar dado objeto do tipo T método abstratogetdefault method s Uso comumUtilizado para criar Streams infinitos preguiçosos lazy do tipo T e também utilizado como parâmetro para o método orElseGet da classe OptionalPrimitive SpecializationsIntSupplier LongSupplier DoubleSupplier ️Voltar para a lista das interfaces funcionais mais utilizadas Predicate lt T gt Essa interface define um objeto de função muito utilizado para checar se o argumento do tipo T satisfaz ou não alguma condição returnando true ou false método abstratotestdefault method s and negate e orUso comumComo parâmetro para métodos da classe Stream como filter e anyMatchPrimitive SpecializationsIntSupplier LongSupplier DoubleSupplier ️Voltar para a lista das interfaces funcionais mais utilizadas Function lt T R gt Essa interface representa uma operação de transformação que seu intuito éaceitar um input do tipo T e retornar o uma instância do tipo R método abstratoapplydefault method s andThen composeUso comumComo parâmetro ao método map da classe StreamPrimitive SpecializationsIntFunction LongFunction DoubleFunction IntToDoubleFunction DoubleToIntFunction ️Voltar para a lista das interfaces funcionais mais utilizadas UnaryOperator lt T gt Essa interface representa uma operação que aceita um input do tipo T e retornar o uma instância do mesmo tipo T Essa interface éuma especialização da interface Function lt T gt isto é ela estende a interface Function lt T gt método abstratoapplydefault method s andThen composeUso comumQuando hánecessidade de transformação enriquecimento de uma data instância do tipo T ou a substituição por outra instância do mesmo tipo TPrimitive SpecializationsIntUnaryOperator LongUnaryOperator DoubleUnaryOperator ️Voltar para a lista das interfaces funcionais mais utilizadas BinaryOperator lt T gt Essa interface representa uma operação de transformação que seu intuito éaceitar dois inputs do tipo T e retornar o uma instância do tipo R Essa interface estende a interface BiFunction lt T U R gt método abstratoapplydefault method s andThen composeUso comumComo parâmetro aos métodos com o nome reduce da classe StreamPrimitive SpecializationsIntBinaryOperator LongBinaryOperator DoubleBinaryOperator ️Voltar para a lista das interfaces funcionais mais utilizadas Émuita informação para assimilar porém a maior parte das interfaces funcionais jáforam escritas e estão disponíveis na biblioteca padrão do Java e seus nomes foram estruturados para que não seja difícil encontrá las quando precisarmos delas Criando a sua interface funcionalCaso nenhuma dessas interfaces padrões mencionadas anteriomente satisfaça o que deseja fazer como por exemplo a necessidade de criar um predicado que suporte três argumentos ou a necessidade de ter uma interface funcional que lance exceções checadas veja aqui um artigo meu que fala um pouco desses tipos de exceções então a criação de uma interface funcional customizada seránecessária Outro fato também a se considerar éque terámomentos que devemos escrever nossa própria interface funcional mesmo quando alguma outra interface padrão éestruturamente idêntico Quando ela a sua possível interface funcional apresentar requisitos fortes na qual seu nome seja relevante para o domínio do negócio que ela se propõe a resolver talvez seja uma boa sua escrita Uma forma de ter certeza da necessidade de criar uma interface funcional sob medida seria quando ela assume uma ou mais das seguintes características Ela estáassociada a um contrato forte Ela seráusada com frequência e poderia se beneficiar de um nome descritivo Ela se beneficiaria de métodos padrões customizados Uma vez que decidimos em criar nossas próprias interfaces funcionais elas precisarão seguir alguns critérios para serem consideradas interfaces funcionais válidas Os critérios são Tem que ter apenas um método abstrato Pode ou não conter vários métodos estáticos Pode ou não conter vários métodos default Outro detalhe opcional porém muito útil éanotar essas interfaces com a anotação FuncionalInterface Além de deixar explícito o propósito para qual a interface foi criada também instrui o compilador a reforçar a checagem para verificar se a interface realmente se qualifica como uma interface funcional Interfaces funcionais a fundação para permitir a programação funcional com JavaAs interfaces funcionais são sem dúvida uma peça fundamental para que possamos utilizar o estilo funcional em nossos códigos Java Elas promovem o reuso de código e abrem a oportunidade de aplicarmos Higher order functions passando de lápara cáobjetos de função definidos por Lambda Expressions ou por Method References Esses detalhes tendem a auxiliar a criação de códigos concisos menos propenso àerros facilitando o entendimento manutenção e evolução E éisso galera Espero que tenha gostado do texto Se gostou e achou relevante esse conteúdo compartilhe com seus amigos Críticas e sugestões serão sempre bem vindos Atéa próxima Referências Package java util function Livro Core Java Interview Questions You ll Most Likely Be Asked by Vibrant Publishers The Java Tutorials Autoboxing and unboxing Livro Effective Java Joshua Bloch  Livro Functional Programming in Java Harnessing the Power of Java Lambda Expression by Venkat Subramaniam 2022-08-08 13:04:18
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple radically cuts down on acquiring firms for technology and talent https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/08/08/apple-radically-cuts-down-on-acquiring-firms-for-technology-and-talent?utm_medium=rss Apple radically cuts down on acquiring firms for technology and talentApple bought seven times more firms in than it now has across both and so far according to new regulatory filings Apple only rarely makes high cost high profile acquisitions like its one of Beats Nonetheless it has been steadily and regularly buying up firms until now Apple avoids revealing any details of acquisitions except when required by law According to Bloomberg one such requirement has led to regulatory filings that reveal Apple spent million on acquisitions in its fiscal year So far in fiscal it has spent million Read more 2022-08-08 13:15:05
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Daily deals August 8: $180 AirPods Pro, $225 Elgato Stream Deck XL, Eve smart home discounts, more https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/08/08/daily-deals-august-8-180-airpods-pro-225-elgato-stream-deck-xl-eve-smart-home-discounts-more?utm_medium=rss Daily deals August AirPods Pro Elgato Stream Deck XL Eve smart home discounts moreMonday s best deals include an assortment of Apple Watch Series models Beats Flex a Belkin Apple Watch charger and much more Best deals for August Every day AppleInsider searches online retailers to find offers and discounts on items including Apple hardware upgrades smart TVs and accessories We compile the best deals we find into our daily collection which can help our readers save money Read more 2022-08-08 13:09:39
海外TECH Engadget Nintendo will dedicate a 30-minute Direct stream to 'Splatoon 3' https://www.engadget.com/splatoon-3-direct-date-nintendo-switch-135043319.html?src=rss Nintendo will dedicate a minute Direct stream to x Splatoon x Splatoon nbsp will arrive nbsp on September th and Nintendo is setting the table with a dedicated Direct showcase The stream will get underway at AM ET on August th and will contain around minutes of updates It s likely to be a deep dive into one of Nintendo s tentpole Switch releases for this year You ll be able to watch the presentation on Nintendo s YouTube channel Nintendo often holds dedicated Direct events for its core games in the lead up to their release It s a smart way for the company to get more eyes on those titles and give folks who are undecided whether to buy them some more insight Meanwhile Nintendo will release a Splatoon themed Switch OLED later this month with a Pro Controller and carrying case featuring designs from the game arriving on September th Tune in on August at a m PT for a livestreamed Splatoon Direct presentation Join us in the Splatlands for roughly minutes of updates pic twitter com iFfaUVvMーNintendo of America NintendoAmerica August 2022-08-08 13:50:43
海外TECH Engadget SNK is making its first new Fatal Fury game in 23 years https://www.engadget.com/new-fatal-fury-game-snk-132636123.html?src=rss SNK is making its first new Fatal Fury game in yearsMany classic fighting game series have a reasonably consistent stream of sequels but not Fatal Fury ーthe last title Garou Mark of the Wolves made its appearance on the Neo Geo in SNK is ready to make amends after years however The developer has confirmed work on a new Fatal Fury game The teaser trailer below reveals nothing about the gameplay plot platform support or release date but the company claimed the sequel would represent a quot new turning point quot in fighters ーdon t expect much humility then nbsp The franchise played an important role in SNK s history and by extension fighting games as a whole The first game s Fatal Fury King of Fighters made a splash at a time when Street Fighter II dominated the genre It was designed by the original Street Fighter s Takashi Nishiyama and focused more on story and special moves than SF s combos It showed that there was room for multiple games in the upper pantheon of fighting games and ultimately spawned the still active King of Fighters series The challenge of course is persuading gamers to revisit Fatal Fury The fighting game world has evolved considerably in the past two decades ranging from D series like Tekken through to many character extravaganzas like Super Smash Bros Ultimate It s a crowded arena and there s no certainty that nostalgia will give SNK an edge 2022-08-08 13:26:36
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Build NFT Collection Web3 Application with Hardhat and React Typescript https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5338801/Build-NFT-Collection-Web3-Application-with-Hardha contract 2022-08-08 13:36:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ NISA・ジュニアNISA口座の利用状況に関する調査結果(2021年12月末時点(確報値))を公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/policy/nisa/20220808.html 調査結果 2022-08-08 15:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ NISA・ジュニアNISA口座の 利用状況に関する調査結果(2022年3月末時点)を公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/policy/nisa/20220808-2.html 調査結果 2022-08-08 15:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Thornton Heath: Child killed as gas explosion destroys house https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-62462955?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA dizzy 2022-08-08 13:30:54
ニュース BBC News - Home Commonwealth Games: England's James Willstrop and Declan James win men's doubles squash gold https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/commonwealth-games/62463016?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Commonwealth Games England x s James Willstrop and Declan James win men x s doubles squash goldJames Willstrop and Declan James beat fellow England pair Daryl Selby and Adrian Waller in men s squash doubles final 2022-08-08 13:27:01
北海道 北海道新聞 大気不安定、道内各地で大雨 函館などで道路冠水相次ぐ 9日も激しい雨に警戒 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715706/ 激しい雨 2022-08-08 22:35:12
北海道 北海道新聞 物価高踏まえ、異例の大幅引き上げ 道内最低賃金920円に 労働者は歓迎、企業側は反発 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715699/ 引き上げ 2022-08-08 22:34:04
北海道 北海道新聞 「危機を理解していない」 乳価値上げ小幅で十勝管内の酪農家不満 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715707/ 十勝管内 2022-08-08 22:34:00
北海道 北海道新聞 道南出身2人の甲子園初戦へ恩師らエール 「思い出に残るプレーを」 札大谷の樹神瑠生選手、丸山雄大選手 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715702/ 全国高校野球選手権大会 2022-08-08 22:09:00
北海道 北海道新聞 かつて“道の中心”函館の行方は 市制100年 北洋漁業で発展、人口減に直面 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715698/ 北洋漁業 2022-08-08 22:08:00
北海道 北海道新聞 NY円、134円後半 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715703/ 外国為替市場 2022-08-08 22:06:00
仮想通貨 BITPRESS(ビットプレス) カイカエクスチェンジ、8/31まで「ポルカドット(DOT)取り扱い記念 取引キャンペーン」実施 https://bitpress.jp/count2/3_14_13328 取り扱い 2022-08-08 22:50:49



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