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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita heapを使ったダイクストラ法の計算量について考える https://qiita.com/gotlin/items/3eedf21a039a50aa341d 通り 2022-08-08 20:47:20
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Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 「パーフェクトRuby on Rails【増補改訂版】」第一章 https://qiita.com/takodoexword22/items/c64e59552ef9a012f52e 設定より規約 2022-08-08 20:28:45
技術ブログ Developers.IO Amazon Redshift Serverless 本番環境に向けた「設定をカスタマイズ」による環境構築手順 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/20220805-amazon-redshift-serverless-prd/ amazonredshiftserverless 2022-08-08 11:34:08
技術ブログ Developers.IO ทดลองใช้ Scale up และ Scale down ตามเวลาที่กำหนดโดยใช้ฟังก์ชัน Auto Scaling ใน Elastic Beanstalk https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/how-to-scale-up-and-down-scheduled-in-elastic-beanstalk/ ทดลองใช้Scale up และScale down ตามเวลาที่กำหนดโดยใช้ฟังก์ชันAuto Scaling ในElastic Beanstalkครั้งนี้ผมจะมาแนะนำทดลองใช้Scale up และScale down ตามเวลาที่กำหนดโดยใช้ฟังก์ชันAuto Scaling ในElastic Bea 2022-08-08 11:03:26
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海外TECH Ars Technica Rumors, delays, and early testing suggest Intel’s Arc GPUs are on shaky ground https://arstechnica.com/?p=1871511 cancellation 2022-08-08 11:00:56
海外TECH DEV Community Raft (not)almighty: how to make it more robust https://dev.to/tarantool/raft-notalmighty-how-to-make-it-more-robust-3a11 Raft not almighty how to make it more robustEverybody loves Raft There is a common opinion that the presence of this algorithm in a distributed system implies that this system will be just fine Namely As long as most nodes in the cluster are live and connected to each other the cluster will be writable with pauses for leader election If the leader is functional and connected to the majority the cluster will be writable at all times If the leader goes down a new leader will be chosen “quickly ーwhatever that means In fact simply following the Raft specification or its version from the Diego Ongaro s PhD thesis is not enough to achieve everything listed above Even etcd got burned on this once leading to the Cloudflare outage in My name is Sergey Petrenko and I have been working on replication in Tarantool for years now Today I want to tell you about the weak spots of the Raft algorithm and ways to overcome them This article is a free paraphrase of my and Boris Stepanenko s speech at Hydra If you are not familiar with Raft I suggest you read my article on it Let me start a little bit from afar Suppose you have a system with Raft and want to use it in production We ve all heard ーand more than once ーthat Raft guarantees no more than one leader in each term and it can survive the loss of just under half of the nodes in the cluster without losing performance That is if the leader is live it will be able to process entries and if there is no leader a new one will be chosen It would seem that apart from these guarantees we don t need anything else for a prolonged operation of the system Is this really the case We re about to find out First let s take a closer look at the claim that the cluster will remain operational as long as most of the servers are live and connected to each other The misunderstanding of this claim is what eventually resulted in the Cloudflare outage Pre VoteLet s begin with an example We ll look at how a Raft cluster will behave in the case of partial loss of connectivity Suppose our cluster consists of three nodes A B and C A is the leader B and C are its replicas it s the nd term What does the loss of the connection between A and C result in Without a single heartbeat from the leader for election timeout server C decides that the leader is missing and starts the election in term Server B is the only one to whom server C can send a RequestVote Once server B receives a request with a larger term it will increase its own term as well However it won t necessarily vote for C as B might have more recent data if the leader has written something since the connection between A and C was lost In response to the next message from the leader which is still server A server B will report that the term has increased forcing server A to resign The cluster is left without a leader so the election starts Until the leader is chosen the cluster is not writable If there happen to be no new entries since the connection was lost then server B will vote for server C as soon as it receives its RequestVote And if that happens we re caught in an infinite loop Server C can t see the leader When election timeout expires server C starts the new election The increase of the term reaches server A through server B Server B votes for server C so server A resigns A and C change places and the whole thing repeats from step but in the new term A client connected to such a cluster with a blinking leader will most likely not be able to write anything at all As soon as the acting leader is elected and the client tries to perform a write operation the leader already resigns without even knowing where it should forward the write request as it does not see the new leader directly All of this will keep on happening until by some miracle at least one entry can be made or until the connection between A and C is restored This is exactly what happened in Cloudflare with etcd And the external system quite reasonably decided that if it cannot write anything to the etcd cluster it means that most of the nodes in it have failed and emergency measures are to be applied Just minutes of etcd being unavailable for writing led to an accident lasting more than hours You might feel like some of Raft s warranties had been violated here Actually no At every moment the leader is connected to the majority including itself and the leader itself does not fail And yet our expectations are shattered The cluster is not operational But the thing is Raft never promised operability in such a situation The promise it made was that “a leader will be chosen if most of the nodes are functional and connected to each other There s no mention of the leader being permanent at all And the guarantee that a leader will be chosen is not actually breached In the example above it is determined approximately once per election timeout It turns out that in practice Raft s guarantees are not sufficient But that s only half the trouble Let s go back to term and assume that in our cluster of nodes A B and C node C has lost all communication with the others Server A is the leader it s still connected to server B and can process write requests So far so good Server C as in the example above will start a new election every election timeout Of course server Сcan t win any of them It just won t get a majority of votes However its term will grow infinitely and at the moment of restoring connectivity server A will again resign as soon as it sees the larger term The cluster went read only again for at least one round of elections for no apparent reason Raft s solutionThe problem of such “disruptive servers is actually brought up by the author of Raft Diego Ongaro in his dissertation He does however mention them in relation to configuration changes The solution proposed by him is a new stage of the election called Pre Vote The idea is that each server sends out a mock vote request to everyone prior to an election which is called PreVote This request contains the same fields a normal RequestVote does and the voter responds to it using the same rules as for RequestVote The only difference is that the voter does not raise the term upon receiving this request and also answers negatively or simply ignores the request if it still sees the leader in the current term A candidate raises the term and starts a real election only after receiving confirmation that the majority of voters are ready to vote for it Let s check if PreVote really would have saved Cloudflare from that incident Consider the same situation where C lost connection with the leader but not with the other replica Although C can send to B a PreVote request B will respond to it negatively since it still sees the leader C will not be able to get a majority ー answers to its PreVote In the case of complete loss and subsequent restoration of connectivity PreVote will also help Indeed server C will not be able to get any response to the PreVote request and therefore will not start the election The only disadvantage of this solution for us is the violation of backward compatibility Raft has been operating in Tarantool for some time now and there is no PreVote request in the protocol It can of course be added but the old servers wouldn t know how to handle new requests We would have to introduce new logic on the sender side if the server is old we don t send it a PreVote request and by default assume it responded positively We don t like such redundancy and aim to get rid of the existing extra code for supporting old versions A solution that extends one of the existing requests would suit us better Older servers simply ignore new fields in an existing request which means no additional logic is needed So that s the way we chose Our solution“In Tarantool the server knows enough not to start an election when it s not necessary we thought and we did Pre Vote our way We made all the replicas tell the others whether they see the current leader or not Having gathered information about who sees a leader and who does not you can decide whether to start an election If anyone sees a leader or if there is no connection to the majority the election wouldn t be initiated The strength of our solution is in its backward compatibility We didn t need to introduce a new request and handle sending it to the old servers in a special way if there are servers with different versions of Tarantool in the cluster The downside is that we do not compare the leader s logs and the voters logs which means we start the election even if the voters logs contain more recent data That s not necessarily a bad thing as long as someone sees a leader there won t be an election And when everyone stops seeing it the election will start anyway Whether it ends in one or several rounds is not so important thanks to another one of our modifications Split Vote detection Now let s talk about it Split Vote detectionI don t have a Cloudflare s or other famous company s scary case for you this time but hopefully it will be interesting all the same As you probably know not every election round ends with a leader emerging For example if several nodes in a cluster at the same time notice the leader missing they will start the election independently before they receive RequestVote requests from each other The votes of the remaining replicas might get divided among several candidates in such a way that no single candidate will win a majority We ll call this situation a split vote Raft handles this by randomizing the election timeout On each server and in each round a new random value is chosen slightly different from the configured one This increases the chances that only one candidate will have time to start the next election and the others will receive a RequestVote from it before their own election timeout expires If Raft hadn t implemented this the election might never have ended all servers would have restarted in sync casting their vote for themselves But there s still room for optimization every extra round of elections is an election timeout of read only cluster downtime Our solutionIn fact rounds that ended up with a draw are a waste of time If a leader had been elected it would probably have happened at the beginning of the round approximately within the packet exchange time for the most distant servers The election timeout is much longer than this according to Raft In addition unlike the canonical Raft implementation in Tarantool the server sends information about the vote not only to the candidate for whom it voted but to all cluster members This means that each of the servers can keep track of how many votes each candidate received Upon seeing that none of the candidates can win in the current round anymore the server speeds up the start of a new round An average of election timeout elapses from the moment a draw is detected to the start of a new round It happens because we choose a random delay within election timeout to restart the election We did it for exactly the same purpose Raft did to avoid a new draw Thus at best we save approximately election timeout on each round with a draw This improvement is quite noticeable electing the leader within two rounds in the original Raft means spending about election timeout some fraction of election timeout time for that With our implementation however two such rounds would take just a fraction of an election timeout Which is faster than it takes for the original Raft to realize that a draw has occurred In the worst case scenario when a draw happens or more times in a row we process this even more rapidly Every draw round is practically costless for us Moreover we do not increase the probability of a second draw in any way the random delay for restarting the election in this case is generated within the same limits as in the usual situation CheckQuorumRaft ensures that there cannot be two leaders in one term However nothing is said about the possibility of two leaders existing at one point in time in the old term and in the new one We would sure like to avoid that kind of situation The reason is that clients connected to the old leader may not be aware that there is a new one They would simply have no reason to look for the new leader until the old one actually resigned The old leader will still be writable and synchronous transactions will be rolled back after not gaining ACKs from most replicas For us the presence of two leaders at one point in time can be critical since Tarantool supports not only synchronous but also asynchronous replication Each leader is writable and if you write asynchronous transactions on the old leader the client may miss that the leader has changed at all This will result in some clients reaching out to the new leader and some to the old one And we re going to get a split brain To avoid this the old leader must resign and go read only as soon as there is a chance of it being displaced The situation with two leaders existing is possible only when the old one has lost communication with most of the servers in the cluster Indeed since you have to get a majority to win an election the only way the old leader will not know about the election is if it has no connection to the majority If it was connected to at least one server that voted for a new leader it would immediately resign And there can be no situation where the old leader is connected to a majority among which no one voted and at the same time the new leader is connected to a voted majority So we want to make sure that the leader resigns as soon as it loses connection to the majority of the cluster If the current leader s connectivity is lost it s quite likely that the majority has already chosen a different one There is another reason why CheckQuorum is necessary without it the PreVote alone can cause the cluster to be locked the current leader cannot write anything and none of the replicas can start an election Let s look at an example suppose we had a cluster of five servers where D was the leader What happened next was an extraordinary chain of events first server E crashed then for some reason the connection between A and D broke and finally for some other reason the connection between C and D broke As a result although server D remains the leader it can not commit synchronous transactions as it can not gain three confirmations Server B does not start the election since it still sees the leader ーD And servers A and C won t start the election because server B has told them that the leader is live CheckQuorum helps to save this situation by making a leader which loses connection with the majority resign and allow one of the replicas to take its place It remains to be decided at what point the leader should resign For the blocked cluster example it doesn t really matter The main point here is that the leader will resign eventually allowing its replicas to start the election If only synchronized replication is involved everything will be fine The speed of resigning is not critical either The old leader will not be able to confirm any of the synchronous transactions that came after the connection broke anyway If asynchronous transactions are involved you have to do several things to ensure consistency The bare minimum is that the old leader must resign strictly before the replicas can elect a new leader This is necessary to ensure that the cluster does not have two writable nodes at the same time We will call this mode the strict CheckQuorum But that is not enough We cannot guarantee that no asynchronous transaction will be written after a connection failure In any case it will take some time however short before a loss of connection is detected This means that the old leader might write a transaction that won t be on the new one When the connection is finally restored the transaction will reach the other nodes and the consistency of everything the new leader wrote may be compromised Hence our ultimate goal The ultimate goal after restoring connectivity the new leader and all its replicas must not apply the transactions logged by the previous leader We will cover this in more detail in the next chapter but for now let s talk about how to achieve the necessary minimum Both the leader and the replicas monitor the state of the connection via heartbeats If no heartbeats were received from the server within replication timeout the connection is considered broken A replica s heartbeat is a response to the master s heartbeat and is sent only after receiving the heartbeat from the master As you can see after the last heartbeat exchange the leader restarts the connectivity timer later than the replica does In the worst case the last heartbeat from the replica will reach the leader exactly as the timeout expires The leader does not know at what point the replica sent its heartbeat and its timeout might have already elapsed by then If the replica in addition manages to hold a quick election the old leader would resign too late So in the very worst case the leader will notice the connection failure twice as late as the replica So in order to guarantee the resignation of a leader strictly before the majority of nodes starts new election the timeout on the leader needs to be half as much as the one on the replicas That s what we are going to do Split Brain detectionTarantool allows you to configure a quorum This is handy in a lot of cases for example you can urgently unblock a cluster in which most of the nodes have failed But it is also dangerous with a quorum lower than N there may be two unconnected leaders Either in the same term or in different ones Both leaders can independently confirm synchronous transactions and write asynchronous ones If you restore connectivity after two leaders have been working in the cluster for some time the changes of one will overwrite the changes of the other To prevent this you need to detect transactions from a competing leader in the replication stream and without applying them terminate the connection to the node that sent them PROMOTE entryThe marker of a new leader emergence is the PROMOTE entry It contains the term in which the leader was elected the ID of that leader the ID of the previous leader and the last LSN the previous leader received This information is sufficient to construct a linear history of leadership from the very first term to the end When the cluster is operating correctly each incoming PROMOTE is matched with information known to the node The term should be the largest of all PROMOTEs so far the ID of the previous leader must match the ID in the previous PROMOTE and the LSN of the previous leader ーwith the LSN of the last confirmed transaction of the previous leader If at least one of the conditions is not met then a split brain has occurred We also need to detect cases where the old leader kept confirming transactions after the new leader appeared in the cluster In fact any transaction coming from a node that did not send the last PROMOTE is an indicator of a split brain This last example also solves our problem with strict CheckQuorum now any transaction both synchronous and asynchronous coming from the old leader results in breaking the connection with it and would not be applied thereby preserving data consistency on the new leader and its replicas And so the old leader cannot influence the state of the new leader and its replicas Lessons learnedThe canonical version of the Raft algorithm does not provide full cluster operability in case of partial loss of connectivity To deal with this the following two improvements are used PreVote and CheckQuorum Our variation of the canonical implementation allowed faster elections with draw detection although at the same it required additional modifications to ensure consistency strict CheckQuorum and Split Brain detection You can download Tarantool on the official website and get help in our Telegram chat 2022-08-08 11:51:40
海外TECH DEV Community Computer Networking https://dev.to/vaishnavi_2211/computer-networking-1f74 Computer NetworkingComputer networking refers to interconnected computing devices that can exchange data and share resources with each other These networked devices use a system of rules called communications protocols to transmit information over physical or wireless technologies Computer Network ComponentsComputer networks components comprise both physical parts as well as the software required for installing computer networks both at organizations and at home The hardware components are the server client peer transmission medium and connecting devices types of computer networks Depending on the organization s size and requirements there are three common types of enterprise private networks Local area network LAN It is a group of computers and peripheral devices that share a common communications line or wireless link to a server within a distinct geographic area Wide area networks WAN It is a geographically distributed private telecommunications network that interconnects multiple local area networks LANs Prsonal area network PAN A PAN is most commonly used for one individual and to connect just a handful of devices such as a computer smart phone and printer Metropolitan area network MAN Larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN a MAN incorporates elements of both types of networks Ownership and management can be handled by a single person but it s more likely done by a larger company or organization What is Network ProtocolsA network protocol is an established set of rules that determine how data is transmitted between different devices in the same network Network protocols are the reason you can easily communicate with people all over the world and thus play a critical role in modern digital communications Types of network protocol Transmission Control Protocol TCP TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol a communications standard that enables application programs and computing devices to exchange messages over a network Internet Protocol IP Internet Protocol IP is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the internet User Datagram Protocol UDP What is UDP protocol used for User Datagram Protocol UDP refers to a protocol used for communication throughout the internet Post office Protocol POP POP is designed for receiving incoming E mails Simple mail transport Protocol SMTP SMTP is designed to send and distribute outgoing E Mail File Transfer Protocol FTP FTP allows users to transfer files from one machine to another Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HTTP Through the HTTP protocol resources are exchanged between client devices and servers over the internet Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure HTTPS is a protocol that secures communication and data transfer between a user s web browser and a website What is network topology The arrangement of nodes and links is called network topology They can be configured in different ways to get different outcomes Some types of network topologies are Bus topologyEach node is linked to one other node only Data transmission over the network connections occurs in one direction Ring topologyEach node is linked to two other nodes forming a ring Data can flow bi directionally However single node failure can bring down the entire network Star topologyA central server node is linked to multiple client network devices This topology performs better as data doesn t have to go through each node It is also more reliable Mesh topologyEvery node is connected to many other nodes In a full mesh topology every node is connected to every other node in the network What is a port A port is a virtual point where network connections start and end Ports are software based and managed by a computer s operating system Each port is associated with a specific process or service There are different types of ports available Serial port Parallel port USB port PS port VGA port Modem port FireWire Port Sockets Infrared Port Game Port Digital Video Interface DVI Port Ethernet Port What is OSI model OSI stands for Open System Interconnection is a reference model that describes how information from a software application in one computer moves through a physical medium to the software application in another computer OSI consists of seven layer each layer performs a particular network function 2022-08-08 11:11:08
海外TECH DEV Community 5 JavaScript Console Methods That will Improve your Debugging Skills🚀 https://dev.to/waleedhcoder/5-javascript-console-methods-that-will-improve-your-debugging-skills-5clj JavaScript Console Methods That will Improve your Debugging SkillsThe console is a JavaScript object that grants developers access to a browsers debugging console Shortcuts to open the console in browsersCtrl Shift I windows Command Option K Mac In this post I ve curated console methods that you can use to improve your debugging skillsconsole error This method works just like the console log method It Useful in testing of code By default the error message will be highlighted with red color console error methodconsole log This is an error OutputConsole error Outputconsole dir methodThis is another method that is also almost like console log except it shows the content in JSON format console dir methodconsole log document body Output showing difference between console log and console dir Output for the dir methodconsole table methodThis method is used to generate a table inside a console The input must be an array or an object which will be shown as a table It is really a handy method to use if you are fetching data from an API You can visually see how data is receivedOutputOutput for the table methodconsole group amp console groupEnd group and groupEnd methods of the console object allows us to group contents in a separate block and indented ➩ group is used to begin a new group it accepts a label as well as the group name by default the group is opened on the console use groupCollapsed to close the group be default➩ groupEnd closes off the current group It takes same label as the group OutputOutput for the group methodconsole time amp console timeEnd These methods are used to determine the amount of time used for a block of code to execute Just like the group method this also takes a label which must be same OutputOutput for the time methodconsole clear this method as the name is its used to clear the console Output for the clear methodYou know other methods of the console object which is really useful in debugging tell us in the comment sectionFollow me for more dev tips 2022-08-08 11:04:13
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Congress running out of time on its Big Tech antitrust bill https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/08/08/congress-running-out-of-time-on-its-big-tech-antitrust-bill?utm_medium=rss Congress running out of time on its Big Tech antitrust billThe bipartisan antitrust bill that aims to prevent Big Tech firms favoring their own services faces a setback as Congress heads for its August recess without a vote US Capitol Credit Alejandro BarbaThere have already been doubts over whether there is sufficient support to pass the American Choice and Innovation Act in to law Senate Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer said in July that the bill remained high priority but did not then have the votes needed Read more 2022-08-08 11:40:09
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Malaysian bank scrambles to undo early Apple Pay launch https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/08/08/malaysian-bank-scrambles-to-undo-early-apple-pay-launch?utm_medium=rss Malaysian bank scrambles to undo early Apple Pay launchA bank in Malaysia mistakenly announced Apple Pay had launched via its website marketing it has been quick to pull from the public s view Introducing support of Apple Pay is a big bonus for banks and financial institutions with the payments platform continuing its slow spread around the world However in the case of one bank in Malaysia someone was too trigger happy over its marketing AmBank published pages to its website detailing its support for Apple Pay over the weekend The pages were briefly visible before being taken down with the portal hidden from view as of Monday morning Read more 2022-08-08 11:31:00
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple-1 'prototype' history questioned as auction continues https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/08/08/apple-1-prototype-history-questioned-as-auction-continues?utm_medium=rss Apple x prototype x history questioned as auction continuesDoubts have been raised about the history of a supposed Apple prototype owned by Steve Jobs that is up for auction with Steve Wozniak and others suggesting claims about the board may not be completely correct An original prototype Apple computer claimed to have been owned by Steve Jobs is currently under auction a specimen that is anticipated to hit when bidding ends However a report checking the board s history indicates that not all of the claims may be true The auction listing claims the board was handed over to its current anonymous owner in the early s The board which is missing components and has visible cracks was also said to be the prototype used to demonstrate the computer to Paul Terrell the owner of The Byte Shop which agreed to buy units Read more 2022-08-08 11:37:20
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