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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita abstract(抽象化) で継承時のメソッドの入れ忘れを無くそう! https://qiita.com/4vent/items/21e4bb851c15b25e4970 abreturncclasscalcdefcal 2022-08-08 01:14:14
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS Thinkbox Deadlineを軽率にインストールして検証したかった https://qiita.com/KINO_REALA/items/74379bfd0476cdcd772c awsthinkboxdeadline 2022-08-08 01:03:39
海外TECH DEV Community An Introduction to Conditional Types in TypeScript https://dev.to/smpnjn/an-introduction-to-conditional-types-in-typescript-26pj An Introduction to Conditional Types in TypeScriptConditional types in TypeScript give us the ability to define certain types based on logic just like we do in other aspects of our code They are a useful tool in defining types in TypeScript They take a familiar format in that we write them like condition ifConditionTrue ifConditionFalse which is a format already used everywhere in TypeScript and Javascript Let s look at how they work How Conditional Types work in TypeScriptLet s look at a simplistic example to understand how this works Here a value could be the user s date of birth DOB or age If it s a date of birth then the type should be string but if it s an age it should be a number We ll define three types Dob Age and UserAgeInformation type Dob string type Age number type UserAgeInformation lt T gt T extends number number string So as mentioned Dob will be a string like and Age should be a number like When we defined UserAgeInformation we wrote it like this type UserAgeInformation lt T gt T extends number number string Where T is an argument for UserAgeInformation We can pass any type in here Then we say if T extends number then the type is number Otherwise it s string What we re essentially saying here is if T is of type number then UserAgeInformation should be a number We can then pass Age into userAgeInformation if we want it to be a number and Dob in if we want it to be a string type Dob string type Age number type UserAgeInformation lt T gt T extends number number string let userAge UserAgeInformation lt Age gt let userDob UserAgeInformation lt Dob gt Combining Conditional Types with keyofWe can take this a step further by checking if T extends an object For example let s say we run a business which has two types of customers Horses and Users Although a User has an address a Horse typically only has a location For each we have different address formats as shown below type User age number name string address string type Horse age number name string type UserAddress addressLine string city string country string type HorseAddress location farm savanna field other In the future we may also have other types of customers so we can check generically if T has the property address If it does use the UserAddress Otherwise use the HorseAddress as the final type type AddressComponents lt T gt T extends address string UserAddress HorseAddresslet userAddress AddressComponents lt User gt addressLine Fake Street city Boston country USA let horseAddress AddressComponents lt Horse gt location farm When we say T extends address string we check if T has the property address on it If it does we ll use UserAddress Otherwise we can default to HorseAddress Using T in conditional returnsWe can even use T itself in the conditional returns In this example since T is defined as User when we call it UserType lt User gt myUser is of type User and requires the fields defined in that type age name address type User age number name string address string type Horse age number name string type UserType lt T gt T extends address string T Horselet myUser UserType lt User gt age name John Doe address Fake Street Union Types when using T in type outputsIf we were to pass a union type in here each will be tested separately For example let s say we did the following type UserType lt T gt T extends address string T stringlet myUser UserType lt User Horse gt age name John Doe address Fake Street myUser above actually becomes of type User string That s because although User passes the conditional check Horse does not so it returns string If we modify T in some way like make it an array All T values will be modified individually For example take the following example type User age number name string address string type Horse age number name string type UserType lt T gt T extends name string T never will return the type arguement T as T if T contains the property name of type string let myUser UserType lt User Horse gt name John name Horse becomes User Horse since both User and Horse have the property nameHere we ve simplified User and Horse to only have the required property name In our conditional type both types contain the property name As such both return true and the type returned is T Since both return true myUser has a type of User Horse so we can simply provide an array of objects containing the name property This behaviour is usually fine but you might want to instead return an array of either User or Horse in some circumstances In that case where we want to avoid the distributing of types like this we can add brackets around T and name string type User age number name string address string type Horse age number name string type UserType lt T gt T extends name string T never here we avoid distributing the types since T and name string are in bracketslet myUser UserType lt User Horse gt name John name Horse that means the type is slightly different now it is User Horse By using the square brackets our type has now been converted to User Horse rather than User Horse This can be useful in some specific circumstances and is a complexity about conditional types which is good to remember Inferring types with conditional typesWe can also use the infer keyword when using conditional types Suppose we have two types one for an array of numbers and another for an array of strings In this simple case infer will infer what the types of each item in the array is and return the correct type type StringArray string type NumberArray number type MixedArray number string type ArrayType lt T gt T extends Array lt infer Item gt Item never let myItem ArrayType lt NumberArray gt since the items in NumberArray are of type number the type of myItem is number let myItem ArrayType lt StringArray gt string since the items in StringArray are of type string the type of myItem is string let myItem ArrayType lt MixedArray gt string since the items in MixedArray can be string or number the type of myItem is string number Here we define a new argument in our conditional type called Item which is the items within the Array which T extends Notably this only works if the type we pass in is an array since we are using Array lt infer Item gt In cases where T is an array then ArrayType returns the type of its items If T is not an array then ArrayType will be of type never ConclusionConditional types in TypeScript can seem confusing at first but it s basically just another way to simplify how we write types in some specific circumstances It s useful to know how it works should you ever see it in a repository or project somewhere or for simplifying your own codebase I hope you ve enjoyed this guide If you did you might also enjoy the article I wrote on the Record utility type 2022-08-07 16:42:18
海外TECH DEV Community How to Code From Anywhere https://dev.to/codefromanywhere42/how-to-code-from-anywhere-1lj6 How to Code From Anywhere How to code from anywhereIn this post I will summarize all that is needed to start coding from anywhere The Code From Anywhere movement aims to make it as cheap and easy as possible for developers from anywhere around the world to start coding from anywhere and gain freedom It might surprise you but you don t need an expensive laptop and a good internet connection to learn how to code This is what you REALLY need A Computing DeviceWith a computing device I mean any smartphone computer or laptop that is able to make enough FLOPS floating point operations per second to install the Linux Operating System Any phone like a Motorola with at least GB of RAM will be more than sufficient Of course a laptop is easier but not everybody has the financials to afford one In case you start with a phone make sure to also get a keyboard with mouse that are able to connect either through the USB C port or through bluetooth Besides that it can be useful to have a portable screen that can be connected this mostly is done through USB C as bluetooth doesn t transfer so much data ElectricityThere are almost a billion people million without electricity in the world which means about of the global population There are much more where electricity is expensive or unstable To learn how to Code From Anywhere you need to move to an area where there is electricity available at least enough to charge your computing device If the electricity is not stable it is usually better to have a computing device that has a battery so you can always work In most areas around the world powercuts are common If powercuts that last longer than a few hours are common in your area it may be a good idea to get a powerbank that is able to charage your computing device multiple times so you can go without power for a couple of days Most phones can be charged with very cheap power banks so this is probably the best option for most people but if you can afford it it can be great to have a laptop powerbank that can charage your laptop This can be a live saver if your town runs out of power Internet ConnectionIf you have our material you don t need to have a stable internet connection but it s good to have it at least once or twice a week in order to connect with other programmers to look up specific niche information and libraries and to download certain assets You don t need a fast internet connection and it doesn t need to be stable If you want to also be able to make calls and or videocalls with potential clietns around the world a stable internet connection of at least Mbit is recommended If this is hard to obtain in your area you could consider traveling to an area where it s easier to obtain or you could just try to live with the amount of internet that you have Our software tools and study materialsThe most important is that you get hold of our software tools and study materials They are specifically targeted to people like you that don t have all the financials to buy expensive stuff and be online all the time Code from anywhere provides a bundle in multiple sizes MB minimum GB maximum that can be downloaded or transfered over any flashdrive If you get the minimum bundle in case you have a very slow internet connection you can already learn everything about full stack typescript If you get the bigger bundle it will also include an audio and video course some programs and much more A strong will and purposeThere is always a reason to start coding It might be because you want to provide for your family or it might be because you wish to travel the world and be free But you need to make sure you focus on your purpose and motivation and decidce to commit to achieving this If you quit after two weeks you have wasted your time This is not a sprint but a marathon 2022-08-07 16:20:01
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple is recording the iPhone 14 & Apple Watch Series 8 event now https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/08/07/apple-starts-work-on-iphone-14-apple-watch-series-8-event-video?utm_medium=rss Apple is recording the iPhone amp Apple Watch Series event nowApple has started work on its pre recorded video for its fall product launch events with the expected iPhone launch in September set for the first half of the month and be accompanied by the Apple Watch Series Apple events have since the start of the COVID pandemic been a virtual affair that used pre recorded videos instead of a live audience For September it seems that Apple will be continuing with that presentation style for yet another iPhone launch According to Mark Gurman s Power On newsletter for Bloomberg a source claimed Apple has started to record segments for its September event It is also expected that the presentation will take place in early September Read more 2022-08-07 16:21:36
海外科学 NYT > Science Some Women Turn to Self-Managed Abortion as Access Recedes https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/07/health/abortion-self-managed-medication.html health 2022-08-07 16:43:41
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 渋野が2位で最終組スタート 全英女子ゴルフ最終日 https://t.co/40jAcwfQzS https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1556311646301487104 女子ゴルフ 2022-08-07 16:09:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Liz Truss not ruling out emergency payments, says Penny Mordaunt https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-62453813?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA comments 2022-08-07 16:28:25
ニュース BBC News - Home Infected blood scandal victims in line to get £100,000 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-62458081?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA downing 2022-08-07 16:26:41
ニュース BBC News - Home Commonwealth Games: England's women beat Australia to win historic first hockey gold https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/commonwealth-games/62457842?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Commonwealth Games England x s women beat Australia to win historic first hockey goldEngland women s hockey team win Commonwealth Games gold for the first time with a victory over four time champions Australia 2022-08-07 16:03:32
ニュース BBC News - Home Commonwealth Games: England beat Australia 2-1 to win gold in women's hockey final https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/commonwealth-games/62458993?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Commonwealth Games England beat Australia to win gold in women x s hockey finalWatch highlights as England s women win the nation s first ever Commonwealth Games hockey gold with a victory against Australia 2022-08-07 16:18:29
ニュース BBC News - Home Leicester City 2-2 Brentford: Battling Bees come from 2-0 behind to earn point https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/62366385?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Leicester City Brentford Battling Bees come from behind to earn pointBrentford produce a terrific fightback from behind to secure a point against Leicester in a thriller at the King Power Stadium 2022-08-07 16:09:20
北海道 北海道新聞 幕別や白糠などで震度2 津波の心配なし https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/715326/ 十勝管内 2022-08-08 01:20:00



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