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AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS初心者こそ #AWSGameDay に参加しよう! https://qiita.com/beajourneyman/items/3034a0059c6e23d3d069 awsdevdaytokyo 2023-07-16 23:58:33
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails, Sidekiq, RedisをDockerでセットアップし、指定した時間にジョブを実行する https://qiita.com/junpei314/items/86aa6039a224470ea016 docker 2023-07-16 23:06:13
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita BicepとAzure DevOpsを使ったAzure Static Web AppsへのReactのサンプルアプリのデプロイ https://qiita.com/y__saito/items/298826ae0f476eeb3c61 armazureresourcemanager 2023-07-16 23:25:08
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Railsアプリケーションの環境変数を確認する方法 https://qiita.com/shuntaron/items/51a52d98c3db576d4ef1 irbmaingtenvrailsen 2023-07-16 23:47:47
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【rails】ストロングパラメータでmergeメソッドを使う https://qiita.com/easternchicken/items/cfb14a6edc57c72e0cf0 merge 2023-07-16 23:38:02
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails, Sidekiq, RedisをDockerでセットアップし、指定した時間にジョブを実行する https://qiita.com/junpei314/items/86aa6039a224470ea016 docker 2023-07-16 23:06:13
海外TECH MakeUseOf TikTok Clear Mode: How to Watch Videos Without Buttons Blocking Your Screen https://www.makeuseof.com/tiktok-clear-mode-watch-videos-without-buttons/ clear 2023-07-16 14:45:19
海外TECH MakeUseOf 6 Free Websites That Generate Incredible Backgrounds for Your Websites https://www.makeuseof.com/websites-backgrounds-generate-free/ online 2023-07-16 14:30:19
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Fix Error Code 0x80d03801 in Microsoft Store on Windows PC https://www.makeuseof.com/fix-error-code-0x80d03801-microsoft-store-windows/ microsoft 2023-07-16 14:15:20
海外TECH MakeUseOf Are Viruses Still a Threat to Cybersecurity? https://www.makeuseof.com/are-viruses-still-a-threat/ antivirus 2023-07-16 14:01:20
海外TECH DEV Community Real DOM, Virtual DOM, Shadow DOM, What's the Difference? https://dev.to/lyndsiwilliams/real-dom-virtual-dom-shadow-dom-whats-the-difference-32ni Real DOM Virtual DOM Shadow DOM What x s the Difference Real DOMs and virtual DOMs and shadow DOMs oh my Let s take a dive to see how they all work together to create a clean performant Document Object Model The DOM Document Object Model is exactly as it states The HTML tree of a website is represented by an object called document In this object there is a model of the HTML tree s elements conveniently accessible by object dot notation document head will return the lt head gt lt head gt section of the tree document body will return the lt body gt lt body gt section of the tree and so on You can also use this dot notation to manipulate the DOM For example document body style background red will change the body s background color to red You can see more about the DOM API in Mozilla s web docs This DOM is referred to as the page s real DOM The real DOM by itself is only able to update the entire DOM simultaneously every time there is a change to the DOM This makes it very slow and expensive to make updates to the page That s where the virtual DOM comes to save the day The virtual DOM is a virtual representation of the real DOM This virtual DOM is kept in memory and synced with the real DOM React compiles the real DOM into Javascript which is the first step in creating more performant updates The virtual DOM then makes a copy of itself let s call it virtual DOM When an update is made on the page it is first applied to virtual DOM React then compares virtual DOM to the original virtual DOM an exact copy of the real DOM React uses this comparison to quickly detect where the real DOM needs to be updated and updates only those elements instead of the entire DOM This is where the magic happens it is much quicker and less expensive to update only what needs to be updated If you want to see the virtual DOM in action you can see a visual representation with the Paint flashing feature in Google Chrome s inspect tool Check that box and then play with the page any DOM changes will be highlighted with a green box Last but not least we have the elusive shadow DOM This allows hidden DOM trees to be attached to elements in the regular DOM tree Custom elements can be created with the Web API these are controlled solely by the shadow DOM It s important to remember that the real DOM and the shadow DOM are completely different realms Changes made to elements in the real DOM will not apply to elements in the shadow DOM and vice versa If you re sleuthing through HTML elements in the inspect tool and don t see something listed when you re looking right at it on the page it s probably in the shadow DOM The best example is video players Visually on the page you can see the internal UI the play button skip button share button etc but you don t see it in the real DOM It s being controlled by the shadow DOM Elusive as it may be you can actually reveal the shadow DOM if you need it In Google Chrome s inspect tool Go to the settings select Preferences and go to the Elements section Select Show user agent shadow DOM to show any shadow DOMs alongside the real DOM in the Elements tab of the inspect tool That s all three Hopefully this blog has brought you a better understanding of the differences among the real DOM the virtual DOM and the shadow DOM Let me know what you think in the comments 2023-07-16 14:40:20
海外TECH DEV Community How to start working on Git ??? https://dev.to/lord_jastannun/how-to-start-working-on-git--1mkn How to start working on Git So I finally started my developing career on a serious note and started to learn about how to use git and git hub Now i want to practice my newly learned skills in a slow baby steps Does anyone has any way to do so 2023-07-16 14:14:30
海外TECH DEV Community A Guide to User Interface (UI) Design — Principles and Best Practices https://dev.to/miratam/a-guide-to-user-interface-ui-design-principles-and-best-practices-5ehi A Guide to User Interface UI Design ーPrinciples and Best PracticesEvery point at which a user interacts with a system is included in the user interface UI of a website or application Positive user experiences and engagement are largely dependent on an effective UI design An overview of important UI design principles and best practices will be given in this guide when developing intuitive and user friendly interfaces Core Principles of UI DesignWhen approaching a UI design keep these fundamental principles in mind ClarityThe purpose and function of each element should be immediately apparent to users Use clear labels icons and intuitive visual hierarchies ConsistencyMaintain consistent design patterns interfaces terminology and interactions across the system This builds familiarity for users SimplicityAvoid unnecessary complexity Simplify layouts navigate flows options and language Less is often more FamiliarityLeverage interface patterns and interactions that users are accustomed to from common conventions and experiences ResponsivenessEnsure a fluid and flexible interface optimized for any device or screen size Load times should also be fast AccessibilityAccommodate diverse abilities through features like color contrast screen reader compatibility and keyboard shortcuts Best Practices for UI DesignWhen designing a user interface consider these best practices Follow Established ConventionsUse recognizable user interfaces for common components like buttons menus and search The user s cognitive load is lessened by this Promote ScannabilityBy using concise text thoughtful whitespace and obvious hierarchies like headlines and subheads you can encourage quick scanning of the content Guide the User JourneyUse navigation prompts and visual cues to anticipate important tasks and lead users down logical paths to completion Prioritize Key InformationDraw attention to crucial information while staying away from excessive clutter Utilize design elements such as typography positioning contrast and spacing Provide Effective FeedbackBy using messages notifications previews transitions and loading indicators give users immediate feedback on their actions Optimize Forms and Inputsreduce the amount of data input needed When possible choose dropdowns radio buttons and checkboxes over free text Make sensible defaults Test Extensively with UsersTo see how actual users interact with prototypes and designs conduct usability studies Take feedback frequently and early Designers can create intuitive user interfaces that engage users and bring designs to life by adhering to these principles and best practices while keeping the end user experience firmly in focus Effective interface design requires extensive user testing When done correctly UI design is a challenging but incredibly rewarding discipline 2023-07-16 14:12:38
海外TECH DEV Community Jokeday Funday Part #2 https://dev.to/soumyadeepdey/jokeday-funday-part-2-58l6 Jokeday Funday Part Jokeday Funday Part More Programming Jokes to Keep the Laughter RollingJoke The Debugger s DilemmaWhy do programmers prefer to work in the dark Because the light can sometimes make their bugs more difficult to spot Joke The Coffee BreakWhy do programmers prefer to drink coffee Because it helps them Java nate their code Joke The Code PoetWhat did the developer say to their code when it refused to compile Don t be so codependent Joke The Conditional ComedyWhy did the developer go broke Because they lost their conditional statement in a if else loop Joke The Keyboard ConundrumWhy was the keyboard not happy Because it had too many keys but no one could find its escape Joke The Programming PirateWhat s a pirate s favorite programming language R Joke The Tech Support TwistWhy did the tech support person go fishing Because they wanted to catch some bytes Joke The Recursive RiddleWhy do programmers always get Christmas and Halloween confused Because Oct Dec but recursion knows no bounds Joke The CSS PartygoerWhy did the style sheet never make it to the party Because it was stuck in a selector Joke The Algorithm s CrushWhy did the algorithm go on a date with the database Because they had great chemistry and could always find common interests Bonus Joke The Author s SpecialWhy did Soumyadeep become a programmer Because he wanted to turn his coding skills into a superpower and debug the world 2023-07-16 14:12:02
海外TECH DEV Community Masonry Layout with CSS https://dev.to/sigveh/masonry-layout-with-css-13jf Masonry Layout with CSSOne time I was exploring different kinds of layouts for HTML content I found out about the masonry grid I first saw it on Pinterest and it looked so cool and fluid like a game of Tetris for images I started researching how it could be done it couldn t be that difficult right CSS was powerful enough to make this work right Well not quite What is masonry Masonry layout is a type of grid layout where the items are placed out in the inline direction When they wrap to the next line the items will automatically fill in any gaps left by the first row of items This is in stark contrast to how CSS grids work today where the second row of items does not bleed into the first Todays CSS grid solution doesn t have the ability to dynamically place items in the spaces left by the previous row at least not without some amount of JavaScript involved in the process Thus I present to you the solution to all of the aforementioned problems CSS columns A solutionCSS columns have been around for a good while now And while the property has mostly been used for typography and textual content it can just as well be used for laying out images or cards in masonry ish way masonry columns grid display grid grid template columns repeat fr There are some caveats to this method however Using grid the items are placed in the inline direction With columns however the items are placed in the block direction It looks like a masonry layout but it doesn t quite function like one Remember masonry layouts are still supposed to be laid out in the inline direction from left to right ConclusionAs you can see we can already get quite close to masonry layouts with pure CSS and if you just like the look of the Tetris ish nature of the masonry layout you can most likely just use CSS columns and be as happy as ever But if you are dependant on the inline flow of a real masonry layout you are just going to have to get some JavaScript involved for now There are however plans in motion to get masonry layouts natively supported in CSS The spec is only supported in Firefox at the moment but we can only hope the other browsers jump on the masonry train soon enough 2023-07-16 14:01:26
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple has a unique working arrangement with the Vision Pro team https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/07/16/apple-has-a-unique-working-arrangement-with-the-vision-pro-team?utm_medium=rss Apple has a unique working arrangement with the Vision Pro teamApple is handling the team working on the Apple Vision Pro very differently to the rest of its business with a dedicated division working on it rather than relying on the work of multiple separate departments Apple Vision ProApple s development of products often uses a diverse range of employees across all of its departments working together on new hardware and features While this is true of the iPhone iPad and other products it s handling the Apple Vision Pro very differently Read more 2023-07-16 14:14:01
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Jamstik Studio Review: more than just a midi instrument https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/07/16/jamstik-studio-review-more-than-just-a-midi-instrument?utm_medium=rss Jamstik Studio Review more than just a midi instrumentRock out with Jamstik Studio a beginner friendly electric guitar that doubles as a midi controller for all your favorite music creation programs Jamstik StudioCreating music has never been more accessible Thanks to the prevalence of digital audio workstations ーor DAWs ーeven newbies can get in on the action Read more 2023-07-16 14:07:20
海外TECH Engadget Hitting the Books: How NASA helped JFK build his 'Nation of Immigrants' https://www.engadget.com/hitting-the-books-how-nasa-helped-jfk-build-his-nation-of-immigrants-143027063.html?src=rss Hitting the Books How NASA helped JFK build his x Nation of Immigrants x The Apollo moon landing was a seminal event in American history one etched deeply into our nation s collective psyche The event ushered in an era of unbridled possibilities ーthe stars were finally coming into reach ーand its effects were felt across the culture from art and fashion to politics and culture In After Apollo Cultural Legacies of the Race to the Moon a multidisciplinary collection of historians researchers and academics explore the myriad ways that putting a man on the moon impacted the American Experience University of Florida PressExcerpted from “Scientists Without Borders Immigrants in NASA and the Apollo Program by Rosanna Perotti from After Apollo Cultural Legacies of the Race to the Moon edited by J Bret Bennington and Rodney F Hill Gainesville University of Florida Press Reprinted with permission of the University of Florida Press Space Travel and the Immigrant ExperienceFrom NASA s very beginnings immigrant engineers scientists and technicians lent their talent labor and technical skills to the space program But space travel itself always represented more than a scientific endeavor Human spaceflight was one of the “great dreams of the s as space historian Valerie Neal reminds us and as a “big idea spaceflight relied heavily on American cultural narratives The Apollo program conjured the image of pioneering the frontier in the sーexploration and discovery were indispensable to America s history and continuing redefinition and Americans welcomed the frontier as a metaphor for space exploration Neal The shuttle program echoed the narrative of Americans “going to work As the Apollo missions were replaced by the space shuttle NASA supporters and commentators depicted the shuttle crews with imagery associated with blue collar labor “astronaut repairmen made service calls in a vehicle often called a space truck Both of these narratives ー“pioneering the frontier and “getting the job done ーare closely associated with a third narrative that was becoming deeply ingrained in American national identity in the s the myth of the United States as a nation of immigrants and of the immigrant as the backbone of America s egalitarian democracy This American immigrant myth was not born in the nineteenth or even in the early twentieth century when immigration was peaking and Congress struggled to impose limitations and quotas The myth reached wide acceptance only in the early s It is no coincidence that John F Kennedy presented the immigrant myth most succinctly in his pamphlet A Nation of Immigrants in as Kennedy was preparing to ask Congress to overhaul the nation s immigration laws At the same time his administration was pressing furiously to put a man on the Moon by the end of the decade a central goal of the New Frontier Interestingly Kennedy s space proposals were a far more important policy priority for the administration than immigration reform the latter was not accomplished until as we shall see later But his articulation of the “nation of immigrants narrative provided powerful imagery in support of the space program he championed from the start of his administration Kennedy s articulation of the complex immigration myth featured not just a welcoming America but an idealized immigrant united with others by little other than a common love of freedom Ours was “a nation of people with the fresh memory of old traditions who dared to explore new frontiers people eager to build lives for themselves in a spacious society that did not restrict their freedom of choice and action Citing Tocqueville Kennedy noted that immigrants very poverty made them more inclined toward egalitarian democracy No arena of American life was untouched by the influence of immigrants and immigrants themselves were paragons of self reliance ingenuity entrepreneurship and pioneer spirit “It was the future and not the past to which he was compelled to address himself Kennedy wrote describing the motivations of the nineteenth century immigrant Except for the Negro slave he could go anywhere and do anything his talents permitted A sprawling continent lay before him and he had only to weld it together by canals by railroads and by roads This has been the foundation of American inventiveness and ingenuity of the multiplicity of new enterprises and of the success in achieving the highest standard of living anywhere in the world The space program was the next frontier in the natural progression toward excellence It evoked not only the immigrant s capacity for adventure and discovery but also his practicality and capacity to work hard and tame his surroundings From the time of the English settlers who “fought a rugged land in the words of Kennedy immigrants had to overcome adversity to earn their fortunes and shape their environment They had worked as artisans provided cheap labor for American farms factories mills and mines and climbed the economic ladder to provide succeeding generations with educational opportunities They had moved forward to get the job done Launched under the motto “Going to Work in Space the space shuttle was a vehicle that could deliver satellites and repair them in orbit carry commercial payloads and support a research laboratory Astronauts would carry out their work all but rolling up their sleeves as builders and repair technicians wielding robotic arms and power hand tools Businesses could use the shuttle as a workhorse to launch satellites or develop manufacturing capabilities All of this economic productivity in space could be expected to resonate with a nation whose increasingly diverse immigrant workforce was transitioning to a new economy American society was reflected not only symbolically but practically in NASA s missions They produced results that appeared almost impossibly ambitious NASA represented excellence the best work in the world Space travel also mirrored some of the risks and hardships of the immigrant experience As the American public began questioning the nation s investment in space travel through the s advocates harked back to this part of the immigrant narrative In the aftermath of the Challenger tragedy the Report of the Advisory Committee on the Future of the US Space Program reminded Americans that acceptance and resilience in the face of failure were a part of America s pioneer and immigrant legacies In a very real sense the space program is analogous to the exploration and settlement of the new world In this view risk and sacrifice are seen to be constant features of the American experience There is a national heritage of risk taking handed down from early explorers immigrants settlers and adventurers It is this element of our national character that is the wellspring of the U S space program This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-07-16 14:30:27
海外TECH Engadget Microsoft and Sony agree to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation https://www.engadget.com/microsoft-and-sony-agree-to-keep-call-of-duty-on-playstation-142246583.html?src=rss Microsoft and Sony agree to keep Call of Duty on PlayStationFollowing a bitter months long feud over the company s proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard Microsoft and Sony have signed a deal to keep the Call of Duty franchise on PlayStation consoles quot We are pleased to announce that Microsoft and PlayStation have signed a binding agreement to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation following the acquisition of Activision Blizzard quot Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer tweeted Sunday morning quot We are pleased to announce that Microsoft and PlayStation have signed a binding agreement to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation following the acquisition of Activision Blizzard quot nbsp We are pleased to announce that Microsoft and PlayStation have signed a binding agreement to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation following the acquisition of Activision Blizzard We look forward to a future where players globally have more choice to play their favorite games ーPhil Spencer XboxP July The announcement comes after Microsoft on Friday defeated a last ditch effort by the US Federal Trade Commission to scuttle the company s billion purchase of Activision Blizzard The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals declined to grant the regulator an emergency stay of a ruling that allows the deal to proceed in the US The United Kingdom s Markets and Competition Authority CMA is the last remaining regulator of note opposed to the purchase but the watchdog and Microsoft recently agreed to put their legal battle over the deal on hold nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Spencer did not disclose the terms of Microsoft s deal with Sony including most notably the length of the agreement At the end of last year Microsoft offered Sony a year deal to keep Call of Duty on current and future PlayStation consoles an olive branch the Japanese electronics giant shot down In an effort to secure approval from regulators including the FTC and CMA Microsoft went on to sign an agreement with Nintendo to bring the series to the company s future consoles It also came to terms with cloud gaming providers like NVIDIA nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Before today Jim Ryan the president and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment made clear he was strongly opposed to Microsoft s Activision bid “I don t want a new Call of Duty deal I just want to block your merger Ryan told Activision CEO Bobby Kotick “I told him Bobby Kotick that I thought the transaction was anti competitive I hoped that the regulators would do their job and block it Ryan later said during his testimony at the FTC v Microsoft hearing But with the purchase all but set to move forward Sony likely had no choice but to come to terms with its rival nbsp nbsp nbsp This is a developing story Please check back for updates This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-07-16 14:22:46
ニュース BBC News - Home 'French icon' actress Jane Birkin dies aged 76 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-66216417?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA paris 2023-07-16 14:13:16
ニュース BBC News - Home Brighton hotel blaze: Firefighters continue to tackle blaze https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-66214919?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA buildings 2023-07-16 14:30:47
ニュース BBC News - Home Investigation into former Tory MP David Warburton closed https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-66215351?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA misconduct 2023-07-16 14:34:19
ニュース BBC News - Home Tour de France 2023: Fan causes crash on stage 15 while taking selfie https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cycling/66216893?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Tour de France Fan causes crash on stage while taking selfieA spectator taking a selfie causes an early crash in the peloton with about riders coming off their bikes on stage of the Tour de France 2023-07-16 14:51:49
ニュース BBC News - Home Jane Birkin: Artist and style icon's life in pictures https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66216663?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA beautiful 2023-07-16 14:07:53



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