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IT InfoQ Article: DevOps and Cloud InfoQ Trends Report – July 2023 https://www.infoq.com/articles/cloud-devops-trends-2023/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global Article DevOps and Cloud InfoQ Trends Report July InfoQ editorial staff and friends of InfoQ are discussing the current trends in the domain of cloud and DevOps as part of the process of creating our annual trends report These reports provide InfoQ readers with a high level overview of the topics to pay attention to and help the editorial team focus on innovative technologies By Steef Jan Wiggers Daniel Bryant Matt Campbell Helen Beal Abby Bangser 2023-07-17 11:32:00
IT InfoQ Podcast: InfoQ Cloud and DevOps Trends 2023 https://www.infoq.com/podcasts/cloud-devops-trends-2023/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global Podcast InfoQ Cloud and DevOps Trends In this episode of the podcast members of the InfoQ editorial staff and friends of InfoQ will be discussing the current trends in the domain of cloud and DevOps as part of the process of creating our annual trends report By Abby Bangser Helen Beal Matt Campbell Steef Jan Wiggers 2023-07-17 11:30:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita windows10のgoogle chrome 114でseleniumを使う準備 https://qiita.com/kanerin1004/items/76352adf50f9a06f9a89 googlechrome 2023-07-17 20:59:32
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python 仮想環境(venv)作成・削除 https://qiita.com/hrmc/items/264857074b0c26dfeeaf windowspytho 2023-07-17 20:11:42
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Event Busを作ってみよう TODO編 https://qiita.com/shiganai/items/eead04364b27c75dc709 eventbus 2023-07-17 20:05:30
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Multiple Select】の multipleWidth をautoにする方法 https://qiita.com/k10dayo/items/236ce773f91e049977c3 multi 2023-07-17 20:49:47
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita npmライブラリを使うだけの開発者から、作れる側となるための第1歩 https://qiita.com/eno49conan/items/5dd57e2a9a59689697dd npminstallxxxxxjavascript 2023-07-17 20:24:29
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Docker開発環境構築 - React(TypeScript) https://qiita.com/Naoki1015/items/6426b3d70d3ba3841a34 nodevvnpmv 2023-07-17 20:19:27
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【GitHub Actions】Git管理外のファイルを扱った時のエラー https://qiita.com/tech-white/items/c9ae49af687c60a9d20c githubactions 2023-07-17 20:08:00
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Docker開発環境構築 - React(TypeScript) https://qiita.com/Naoki1015/items/6426b3d70d3ba3841a34 nodevvnpmv 2023-07-17 20:19:27
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 組織でGPTのプロンプト活用するのにお役立ちなツール書いたで!! https://qiita.com/ykato/items/856e58514be26d55a64e 課題 2023-07-17 20:17:14
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【GitHub Actions】Git管理外のファイルを扱った時のエラー https://qiita.com/tech-white/items/c9ae49af687c60a9d20c githubactions 2023-07-17 20:08:00
海外TECH DEV Community 🍽️ Enhanicing a Restaurant with Microservices Architecture! 🍽️ https://dev.to/safvan_8/enhanicing-a-restaurant-with-microservices-architecture-2df9 ️Enhanicing a Restaurant with Microservices Architecture ️Imagine you re running a busy restaurant with different departments each offering its own special dishes ️Now let s see how Microservices Architecture can totally transform the way your restaurant works Service Registry Restaurant Reservation System Just like a reservation system at the restaurant s front desk the Service Registry keeps track of all the specialized staff members microservices available in your restaurant Each staff member has a unique role like a chef bartender waiter and dessert expert When a new staff member joins or changes their expertise you update the reservation system ensuring smooth coordination and excellent service ‍Micro Services Specialized Staff Think of each specialized staff member in your restaurant as a microservice The chef expertly prepares mouthwatering dishes the bartender crafts delightful cocktails the waiter ensures impeccable service and the dessert expert creates delectable sweets Each staff member focuses on their own area of expertise just like microservices handle specific tasks in your restaurant API Gateway Restaurant Host Hostess The API Gateway acts as the restaurant s host hostess and main service counter at the entrance Customers clients walk in place their orders at the main service counter and the host hostess API Gateway greets them arranges their seating and guides each customer to the right specialized staff member microservice based on their preferences and needs The Magic of Microservices With Microservices Architecture in place your restaurant flourishes with efficiency scalability and seamless teamwork Speedy Service amp Smooth Operations Specialized staff members microservices work independently reducing wait times and providing faster service to customers Efficient Use of Resources Each microservice focuses on its specific job optimizing resource usage and ensuring top quality in every aspect Flexibility amp Creativity Your restaurant can easily adapt to changing trends and customer demands New dishes cocktails and services can be added or modified without any hassle Freedom for Teams amp Better Collaboration Just like each staff member excels in their role your development teams can work independently on microservices This autonomy boosts innovation and fosters excellent teamwork resulting in outstanding outcomes So the next time your customers enjoy a delightful dining experience at your restaurant they ll know that you ve embraced Microservices Architecture to create an amazing feast Microservices SoftwareArchitecture RestaurantAnalogy Efficiency Scalability Innovation Teamwork TechnologyTrends CustomerExperience DevelopmentParadigm 2023-07-17 11:50:22
海外TECH DEV Community A message from an Impostor https://dev.to/this-is-learning/a-message-from-an-impostor-231 A message from an ImpostorImpostor syndrome is quite popular in the tech industry People around you seem to be super experts while you feel like you don t know anything and someone will eventually find out I ve been there I m there right now In particular in the recent year since I also started writing articles and publishing videos colleagues and friends keep asking me questions on things I speak about mostly git and GitHub features That s ok I like to help whenever I can Also most of the time I know the answer and when I don t it s easy to say Cool I don t know that but I ll be happy to figure it out together but this still feels weird I don t really feel like I m an expert but when I get asked questions in the fields I m supposed to know I feel some pressure as if I must know the answer or if I m a fraud An Impostor A few days ago I found out about Professional Impostor and the Impostor Manifesto an idea from Kyle Simpson getify The goal is to rethink the term impostor as a positive one to define someone who keeps learning and improving There are no experts we re just at various different stages of figuring this out You can find all the details on impostor ly along with the talk minutes where Kyle presented it the slides a definition of Professional Impostor and the Impostor Manifesto Let me share it here As empirical leaning pragmatists we rely more on what we can observe and do than on the orthodox doctrines of the discipline We re not afraid to lean into doing and learn from that doing so we can do better the next time We are quick to admit I don t know yet We don t wait to get involved until we ve gathered expertise or garnered accolades We re passionately curious always asking How and Why We cycle between doing and learning and back again We honor what s come before but we eagerly look for opportunities to do it better the next time We respect all our peers as valued equals with infinite capacity and we seek to inspire and build off their enthusiasm to expand our own We spread this inclusive and proactive I MPOSTOR message inviting everyone we encounter to collaborate in that better future I really LOVED this manifesto in particular the fourth point We don t wait to get involved until we ve gathered expertise or garnered accolades I feel I m not doing this at all I m often scared of jumping into something new just because I feel like I don t know enough about it hence I never start I highly recommend you to listen carefully to the talk it s really inspiring and it s a great way to rethink the impostor syndrome However if you don t have minutes available now you better find them at some point you can listen to me talking about the manifesto for minutes in the video below Thanks for reading this article I hope you found it interesting I recently launched my Discord server to talk about Open Source and Web Development feel free to join Do you like my content You might consider subscribing to my YouTube channel It means a lot to me ️You can find it here Feel free to follow me to get notified when new articles are out Leonardo MontiniFollow I talk about Open Source GitHub and Web Development I also run a YouTube channel called DevLeonardo see you there 2023-07-17 11:47:23
海外TECH DEV Community CSS: The Good Parts https://dev.to/builderio/css-the-good-parts-5eoo CSS The Good PartsBack in the day CSS was like a fresh breath just letting you style a page in a simple chill way It was about setting rules and letting the browser do its thing You could change up the margins fonts and sizes but that was just scratching the surface you know The real gem was that cascade thing letting styles inherit and override others making for some dynamic cool pages Fast forward to today CSS is like a Swiss army knife for web design It s got the power to animate transform and adapt layouts with flexbox and grid making it all responsive and cool From basic styles to complex animations CSS has evolved into a whole new level of cool It s not just about simple styling anymore it s about bringing your whole web game to life Let s dive into how CSS got to where it is today or scroll down to the last section to look into the future … CSS selectors the evolving conduits of styleA CSS selector is like a precise instruction in a game of tag It s a rule that identifies which HTML elements to style Whether you re pointing to a lt div gt class or id selectors are the messenger of your style declarations ensuring the correct elements get tagged I want you to journey back with me to the early days of CSS To an era when web design was fresh raw and in many ways restrictive Remember the old HTML tags like font and center We used them because we had to not because we wanted to And then like a superhero in a s comic book CSS arrived and with it came the power of selectors The original CSS selectors were as basic as the HTML they styled h color blue It was simple effective but very limited This was like trying to paint the Sistine Chapel with crayons To add more flexibility CSS introduced new selectors like child gt adjacent sibling and attribute selectors attr value These allowed for more targeted styling Child Selector div gt p color red Adjacent Sibling Selector h p margin top px Attribute Selector input type text width px These selectors let us express more complex relationships between elements and made our stylesheets more efficient and organized It was a step forward but we still needed more Enter CSS It expanded the CSS selector repertoire with more powerful tools such as the general sibling combinator the not pseudo class and a host of attribute selectors General Sibling Combinator h p font size em not Pseudo class div not highlighted opacity Attribute Selectors a href google background url images google icon png no repeat We were no longer just styling elements we were engaging with them probing their attributes their relationships with each other We began crafting sophisticated designs that responded to the content s structure and meaning CSS has brought us pseudo classes like nth child nth of type checked and before and after pseudo elements Our crayons have become a full artist s palette and the canvas of the web is richer for it nth child Selector li nth child odd background lightgray checked Pseudo class input type checkbox checked border color green before and after Pseudo elements blockquote before content ❝ font size em blockquote after content ❞ font size em Another selector worth mentioning is the is pseudo class It allows you to group multiple selectors in one statement reducing repetition in your code and enhancing readability For a deeper dive check out “Simpler CSS Selectors With is by Steve Last mention the where selector which is similar to is However the key difference is that where always has specificity Selectors have given us the tools to express our creative vision in code They continue to evolve driving the web forward into ever more exciting frontiers of design The cascade ーleveraging specificity and inheritanceThe cascade is a defining feature of CSS and when harnessed properly can make your stylesheets more efficient and easier to maintain It refers to the process of combining different stylesheets and resolving conflicts between different CSS rules that apply to the same element The concept of specificity plays a crucial role here An ID selector has higher specificity than a class selector which has higher specificity than a type selector header color blue This will apply because ID selectors have the highest specificity container header color red This won t apply to the element with id header header color green This won t apply to the element with id header Knowing to work with the cascade and not against it will save you a ton of problems Using tools such as a specificity calculator can help go a long way Flexibility with media queriesOne of the key strengths of CSS is its built in responsiveness through media queries Media queries help you to apply different styles for different devices or screen widths media only screen and max width px body background color lightblue In this example the background color of the body changes to light blue when the screen width is px or less This makes CSS a major player in creating responsive designs Let s take a spin down memory lane and see how media queries in CSS have been keeping things fresh Our main man Håkon Wium Lie lays down the first idea of media queries It s the start of something big CSS steps up to the plate and gives us the first taste of media queries CSS comes on the scene leveling up media queries with some dope new features Media queries hit the big time They become a recommended standard by the WC Right now Media queries are running things in all the major browsers and have become a key tool in the game of responsive web design Power of animations and transitionsWith CSS animations and transitions have become an integral part of the modern web creating a dynamic user experience You can animate changes to CSS properties over time control the speed of transitions and create keyframe based animations button transition background color s ease button hover background color blue In this snippet when you hover over a button its background color transitions to blue over a half second period Embracing the magic of CSS variables custom properties The CSS Working Group had been aware of the need for CSS variables since its inception in By the late s developers had created various workarounds like custom PHP scripts and preprocessors like Less and Sass to compensate for this deficiency Recognizing that a built in solution would streamline the process the group released the first draft of the CSS variables module in Renamed as CSS custom properties for cascading variables it gained widespread browser support by Gone are the days of static CSS where updating values was a manual time consuming chore Now we ve got CSS variables in our toolkit letting us store and reuse specific values throughout our stylesheets These variables ensure consistency and make updates a breeze Here s a taste of CSS variables in action root brand color a body background color var brand color On hovering over the body the brand color changes body hover brand color a Hover over the body and voila Your site s look gets a complete makeover Now that s CSS variables for you Layouts throughout the agesCSS layouts have gone through a lot of changes over the years Developers used to create layouts with tables and floats which were hard to maintain and not very responsive Later the introduction of media queries flexbox and grid revolutionized the way developers create layouts making them more responsive and easier to maintain Let s dig in Transition from table based layouts to CSSStepping into the early s the era of table based layouts was starting to fade Remember those times When we used table tr and td to arrange everything on the page even the layout Ah those were some days lt table gt lt tr gt lt td gt Header lt td gt lt tr gt lt tr gt lt td gt Main Content lt td gt lt td gt Sidebar lt td gt lt tr gt lt tr gt lt td gt Footer lt td gt lt tr gt lt table gt It was a time when we bent HTML to our will using it for something it wasn t meant for the layout But hey we made it work right But let s be real it was a pain Code was hard to maintain accessibility was compromised and responsiveness was a far off dream We needed a change and CSS was that change The age of float and the clearfix hackAhh the age of floats I can almost see the nostalgic smiles and frustrated grimaces on your faces dear readers You see before flexbox came and made our lives a lot easier we were stuck in Floatsville Invented as a simple method for wrapping text around images think newspaper layouts floats became an unexpected tool for creating entire web layouts column float left width And just like that we had a two column layout Easy enough right But the problems arose when we tried to add more elements below our floated ones Suddenly our footers were on a trip of their own snuggling up next to content higher up in the DOM Oh the chaos This was due to a peculiar trait of floated elements They are partially removed from the normal document flow meaning elements that follow them in the markup would behave as if the floated element wasn t there To fix this we had to resort to what we now fondly or not so fondly refer to as the clearfix hack This hack forces the container to expand to contain the floats by creating a new block formatting context Here s the famous clearfix hack that s saved many a layout group after content display table clear both By adding an after pseudo element to the container giving it display table and clear both we effectively cleared the float Suddenly our footers were back where they belonged and all was right in the world Despite its quirks and unexpected behaviors mastering floats was a rite of passage for every web developer It taught us the importance of understanding the CSS box model the document flow and the weird and wonderful ways CSS could behave It was a challenging sometimes hair pulling experience but it was a crucial stepping stone on the path to the CSS we know and love today New age layouts with flexbox and gridThe biggest two major game changers that have improved web dev immensely are flexbox These bad boys totally flipped the script on layout design First up flexbox Introduced in CSS flexbox was a straight up revolution for alignment direction order and size of our boxes No more float and positioning headaches y all flexbox made it simple to create flexible responsive layouts with less code and more control Here s a lil code sample to show you how it s done container display flex justify content space between item flex In this example we ve got a container set to display flex which lets its children know they re playing in a flex context justify content space between is keeping our items nicely spaced out Then we hit the items with flex to make em all equal width filling up the full space of the container Clean and simple Then we got grid the next big leap Grid layout introduced around took CSS layouts to a whole new level letting us define both columns and rows at the same time CSS grid lets us create complex two dimensional layouts that were a real pain to pull off before Here s a taste container display grid grid template columns repeat fr grid gap px item grid column span In this piece container is our grid container We define three equal width columns with grid template columns repeat fr and set a px gap between them with grid gap px Then for our items we use grid column span to make an item span two columns Now that s power You can become a real CSS grid wizard if you look into the grid template areas property Remember the struggle of centering elements both vertically and horizontally The combination of different properties such as margin position top left and transform was enough to make anyone s head spin container position relative element position absolute top left transform translate Fast forward to today and flexbox makes centering a piece of cake container display flex justify content center align items center In the past creating complex layouts often meant resorting to floating elements which could be finicky and difficult to manage Here s a simplified example of a two column layout using floats container after content display table clear both column float left width Today with CSS Grid you can create complex layouts with minimal code and without the headaches container display grid grid template columns fr fr Here s a more robust and complex layout example A peek into the near futureThere are several upcoming features and improvements in CSS that are already stirring up excitement in the web design and development community You can find a detailed list in “What s new in CSS and UI one of the latest posts by the Chrome team Below are some features I m excited about Container queriesNot supported in Firefox amp Safari yetThe ability to style a child and control layouts within layouts You can change elements based on their available space as can be seen below You can play with the above example code in this Codepen Due to the container query the style is dynamic Changing the size of the viewport triggers a change for each individual element according to the space they have The syntax is a bit similar to media queries except you just define the styles you want in case the container size meets a condition This is how it looks like in practice Create a containment context post container type inline size size amp normal are valid values as well Default heading styles for the card title card h font size em If the container is larger than px container min width px card h font size em Style queriesNot supported in Firefox amp Safari yetQuery the style values of a parent container lt li class card container style sunny true gt lt div class weather card gt lt div class day gt Saturday lt div gt lt div class date gt February lt span gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div class temps gt lt div class high gt High lt span gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div class low gt Low lt span gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class features gt Clear skies sun lt div gt lt div gt lt li gt lt style gt card container container name weather In case the custom propery sunny true change the child container style sunny true weather card background linear gradient deg yellow orange weather card after content url lt data uri for demo brevity gt background gold lt style gt has pseudo classNot supported in Firefox yet A way to style an element based on its descendants Basically you can apply styles according to its children which means it can act as the elusive parent selector However you can style the children within the parent as well lt article gt lt h gt Hello lt h gt lt h gt World lt h gt lt article gt lt style gt style parent according to children article has h background lightgray style child by parent content article has h h color yellow style sibling by adjacent element h has h color hotpink lt style gt text wrap balanceCurrently only supported in ChromiumThis new value like its name will allow balancing your text so you don t have to use JS for this anymore Adding this to a text block will really make your designers happy NestingNot supported in Firefox yetFinally like SASS and Less nest and co locate the styles related to your selector parent color blue child color red Furthermore you can also nest media queries and container queries card display flex gap rem media width gt px display grid Alternatively the first example could be written as such parent color blue amp child color red For more info I suggest checking out this post by Adam Argyle SubgridSupported in Firefox and Safari and under a flag in ChromeThe missing piece to grid apply grid layouts to a grid item s children resulting in more consistent and maintainable layouts It is used by adding either grid template rows or grid template columns properties with the subgrid value lt div class grid gt lt div class item gt lt div class subitem gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt style gt some styles removed for brevity grid display grid grid template columns repeat fr grid template rows repeat minmax px auto item display grid grid column grid row grid template columns subgrid grid template rows subgrid background color ffda subitem grid column grid row background color rgb green lt style gt This would result as so Scoped CSSStill in working draftSpecify the boundaries for which specific styles apply essentially creating native name spacing in CSS scope card only affects a title that is within a card title font weight bold Scroll driven animationsStill experimental Control the playback of an animation based on the scroll position of a scroll container Again reduces the JavaScript complexity to create parallax scrolling reading indicators and more Cascade layers layer Now widely supported define layers that dictate the order of precedence in case of multiple cascade layers You can basically order your style sheets by importance layer base a font weight color red ignored link color blue ignored layer typography a color green styles all links layer utilities pink color hotpink styles all pink s View transitionsNot supported in Firefox and SafariAllows changing the DOM in a single step while creating an animated transition between the two states No more need for SPAs Single Page Apps to get this done There is a need for a bit of JavaScript function spaNavigate data Fallback for browsers that don t support this API if document startViewTransition updateTheDOMSomehow data return With a transition document startViewTransition gt updateTheDOMSomehow data And then CSS takes over keyframes slide from right from opacity transform translateX px keyframes slide to left to opacity transform translateX px view transition old root animation ms both slide to left ease view transition new root animation ms both slide from right ease ConclusionThe future of CSS holds great potential for simplifying complex tasks improving performance and enabling developers to create immersive experiences As CSS evolves we may witness the emergence of advanced features that blur the line between CSS and JavaScript offering native solutions for tasks currently reliant on JS libraries Additionally more comprehensive CSS frameworks could arise leveraging these new capabilities Staying informed about the latest CSS developments is crucial given its ongoing importance in web design and development Keeping an eye on updates from the CSS Working Group following industry leaders and exploring new features in browser previews will help you stay up to date Embrace the exciting possibilities ahead continue learning and actively contribute to shaping the future of the web Visually build with your componentsBuilder io is a headless CMS that lets you drag and drop with your components right within your existing site Try it out Learn more Dynamically render your componentsexport function MyPage json return lt BuilderComponent content json gt registerComponents MyHero MyProducts Read the full post on the Builder io blog 2023-07-17 11:06:56
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to control HomeKit with Stream Deck https://appleinsider.com/inside/homekit/tips/how-to-control-homekit-with-stream-deck?utm_medium=rss How to control HomeKit with Stream DeckWhile you can control your entire HomeKit setup from an El Gato Stream Deck the solution is far from obvious Here s what you need to do Egg chicken chicken egg While HomeKit remained less successful than say Amazon s Alexa ecosystem third party firms might only develop for Apple s home app as an afterthought Hopefully this will change as Apple and others keep moving forward with the Matter system that means they ll all work together But in the meantime neither Elgato s Stream Deck nor the third party plugins it supports can control HomeKit Read more 2023-07-17 11:59:07
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple TV+ tech problems disrupt Lionel Messi's MLS debut https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/07/17/apple-tv-tech-problems-disrupt-lionel-messis-mls-debut?utm_medium=rss Apple TV tech problems disrupt Lionel Messi x s MLS debutA live stream on Apple TV formally revealing soccer legend Lionel Messi had joined Major League Soccer s Inter Miami team was struck by audio problems ーand the Internet is mad about it Lionel Messi Inter Miami CF On Sunday night Apple TV hosted a live stream of an event at DRV PNK Stadium in Fort Lauderdale Florida The event was an official reveal that Lionel Messi a legendary soccer player from Argentina was joining the MLS team Read more 2023-07-17 11:08:31
海外TECH Engadget The Morning After: Russia bans Apple devices for state officials https://www.engadget.com/the-morning-after-russia-bans-apple-devices-for-state-officials-111540456.html?src=rss The Morning After Russia bans Apple devices for state officialsRussian authorities are banning government employees from using Apple devices for official state use according to the Financial Times As of Monday the country s trade ministry will prohibit the use of iPhones for all “work purposes Other agencies including Russia s telecommunications and mass media ministry either have similar mandates already in place or plan to enforce some soon The Financial Times reports the ban covers all Apple products no not Yuri s AirPods too Well officials will apparently be able to continue using those for personal use The ban comes after Russia s Federal Security Service FSB claimed at the start of June it had uncovered a “spying operation by US intelligence agencies involving Apple devices The FSB said thousands of iPhones including those in use by the country s diplomatic missions in NATO countries had been “infected with monitoring software The FSB claimed ーwithout showing evidence ーthat Apple had worked closely with US signal intelligence to provide agents “with a wide range of control tools The company denies this The move comes when Russia is also trying to reduce its dependence on foreign made tech Mat SmithThe biggest stories you might have missedMicrosoft and Sony agree to keep Call of Duty on PlayStationBluesky allowed people to include the n word in their usernamesLarry Hryb Xbox s Major Nelson is leaving Microsoft ​​The NES at Seven ways it changed the gaming world forever To celebrate Nintendo s first home console s anniversary we ve taken a closer look at some of the major ways it s shaped gaming since That includes innovations at the time like the d pad the idea of gaming franchises and game characters and mascots that have stood the test of time Continue reading iOS preview FaceTime everywherePlus a better messaging experience EngadgetAhead of its full launch later this year there s plenty to test out in the latest iOS beta Its new StandBy feature might not be a smart display killer but it s possibly a free alternative Other highlights include a revitalized FaceTime experience a streamlined Messages app and a long overdue solution for sharing contact details Continue reading Elon Musk says Twitter s ad revenue has dropped by percent quot We re still negative cash flow quot To the shock of none Elon Musk tweeted the company was suffering an approximate percent drop in advertising revenue and heavy debt burden According to an estimate research firm Sensor Tower shared with Bloomberg advertising spending fell by percent to million during a two month period earlier this year The admission comes in the same week Twitter s ad revenue sharing program began paying out some creators including a handful of controversial far right influencers On Friday Musk also claimed the social network could see “all time high device user seconds usage sometime this week Continue reading Apple s first M Macs could arrive in OctoberThere may be new iMac and MacBook Air models Writing in his latest newsletter Bloomberg s Mark Gurman reports there “should be another launch after the company s annual iPhone event in September with a new slate of Macs likely the focus of whatever Apple has planned “October is too early for new high end MacBook Pros or desktops so the first beneficiaries of the new M chip should be the next iMac inch MacBook Air and inch MacBook Pro he notes In the past Apple has typically announced new iPad models alongside its latest Macs but it sounds like that won t be the case this time “I wouldn t expect any major upgrades until the M iPad Pros with OLED screens arrive next year Gurman writes Continue reading Assassin s Creed haptic shirt will give you exclusive sensations never felt before Don t want to feel like I m being stabbed though thanks UbisoftUbisoft has teamed up with OWO to release an Assassin s Creed Mirage edition haptic feedback shirt You ll apparently be able to feel parkour impacts and quot exclusive sensations never felt before quot ーyes really You might want to close the door while you re playing from the sound of it OWO s shirt includes haptic points on your chest stomach lower back and arms The trick is an algorithm that adjusts nine wave parameters to simulate interactions ranging from the wind to a dagger Details of pricing and release date are TBC but it will work with PS PS Xbox One Xbox Series X S and PC The game comes out October th and the OWO shirt will include a game code OWO s Founder Edition shirt sold for a heady € Continue reading This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-07-17 11:15:40
ニュース BBC News - Home Bibby Stockholm: Migrant barge bound for Dorset leaves Falmouth harbour https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-65919498?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA dorset 2023-07-17 11:41:05
ニュース BBC News - Home Post Office criticised for holes in compensation schemes https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66221054?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA payments 2023-07-17 11:34:36
ニュース BBC News - Home Iran's morality police to resume headscarf patrols https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-66218318?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA dress 2023-07-17 11:35:12



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