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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [大学生向け]学生実験をDXしよう!Pythonでのデータ整理テク https://qiita.com/Mya-Mya/items/37eb90a5417902e810cc 難解な 2023-07-17 21:47:51
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita アンケートを分析して、会社を良くしよう! https://qiita.com/ka201504/items/3e384dd33eaafd4dcb0a 重回帰分析 2023-07-17 21:14:42
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita TodoAppを作成してNest.jsのキャッチアップをしてみた https://qiita.com/ryosuke-horie/items/600fa649002fa3738853 dbpostgres 2023-07-17 21:45:38
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RubyでAtCoder ABC293(A, B, C)を解いてみた https://qiita.com/shoya15/items/f9b1b5decac9dd080618 atcoder 2023-07-17 21:53:50
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita VercelにFirebaseのサービスアカウントJsonファイルをアップロードできない問題対応 https://qiita.com/sey323/items/bc5886527fd491faa37a fireb 2023-07-17 21:07:06
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Create Vertical Presentations in Google Slides https://www.makeuseof.com/create-vertical-presentations-google-slides/ orientation 2023-07-17 12:15:19
海外TECH MakeUseOf 8 Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress to Build Your Photography Website https://www.makeuseof.com/reasons-use-wordpress-build-photography-website/ website 2023-07-17 12:01:19
海外TECH DEV Community ASP.NET Core in .NET 8 continues to Reveal New Features! Too many features released? https://dev.to/bytehide/aspnet-core-in-net-8-continues-to-reveal-new-features-too-many-features-released-4cgm ASP NET Core in  NET continues to Reveal New Features Too many features released Are you ready for the latest enhancements and improvements in ASP NET Core Microsoft is gearing up to release Preview which will introduce several exciting features that will make your development experience even smoother In this article we ll take a look at some of the upcoming features that you can expect in ASP NET Core Preview From sleeker syntax to enhanced functionality these additions will empower developers to build better web applications with ease So let s dive in and explore what s in store in the latest preview release of ASP NET Core Better Debugging ExperienceAre you tired of wasting time navigating through nested properties while debugging your ASP NET Core application Well say goodbye to those frustrating moments These attributes allow you to quickly access important data from types like HttpContext HttpRequest HttpResponse and ClaimsPrincipal in the Visual Studio debugger No more manual digging through nested properties now you can easily visualize the key data you need without any hassle Let s dive deeper into this feature and see how it can make your debugging process a breeze And of course as always Microsoft offers us some sample images so we can see the differences between the versions of ASP NET Core and As you can see the debugging experience in NET is much cleaner and more intuitive With the help of debug customization attributes you can easily access important data and understand the state of objects during your debugging sessions Not only does this enhancement save you time but it also reduces the cognitive load when analyzing complex types So next time you re debugging an ASP NET Core application embrace the power of debug customization attributes and enjoy a smoother debugging experience IHttpSysRequestTimingFeatureGet ready to dive into the exciting world of server request timing with the introduction of the IHttpSysRequestTimingFeature in ASP NET Core preview of NET With IHttpSysRequestTimingFeature we will have a higher level of detail in the timestamp data In previous versions it was common to use IHttpSysRequestInfoFeature but with this improvement we will be able to have a more comfortable access to this data This means more precise control over tracking and analyzing how your server is handling incoming requests Let s take a look at an example of how you can leverage this feature in your code Retrieve IHttpSysRequestTimingFeature from the HttpContextvar timingFeature context Features Get lt IHttpSysRequestTimingFeature gt Use the timing information to measure request processing timevar start timingFeature StartTimestamp Perform request processing var end timingFeature EndTimestamp var duration end start Output the request processing timeConsole WriteLine Request processing time duration TotalMilliseconds ms With the IHttpSysRequestTimingFeature you can now gain valuable insights into the duration it takes for requests to be processed by your server This can help you optimize your application s performance identify any bottlenecks and ensure a seamless user experience So why wait Dive into the world of request timing and take your server performance to new heights Let s delve into the features of the IHttpSysRequestTimingFeature interface namespace Microsoft AspNetCore Server HttpSys public interface IHttpSysRequestTimingFeature ReadOnlySpan lt long gt Timestamps get bool TryGetTimestamp HttpSysRequestTimingType timestampType out long timestamp bool TryGetElapsedTime HttpSysRequestTimingType startingTimestampType HttpSysRequestTimingType endingTimestampType out TimeSpan elapsed The Timestamps property grants developers access to a plethora of HTTP sys timing timestamps These timestamps are acquired using the QueryPerformanceCounter function and you can determine the frequency of the timestamps using the QueryPerformanceFrequency function To retrieve the timestamp for a specific timing type the TryGetTimestamp method comes to the rescue Additionally the TryGetElapsedTime method allows you to calculate the elapsed time between two specified timings Now you may be thinking “What s in it for me as a developer Well let s take a look at the benefits you can enjoy with IHttpSysRequestTimingFeature Better insight Improved view of the different stages of application processing You can gain a more in depth understanding of how your application works internally which can prove invaluable in optimizing its performance Powerful diagnostics With precise timestamp data at your disposal you can leverage powerful performance diagnostics capabilities By identifying bottlenecks and optimizing your application accordingly you can ensure it runs at its best Greater control The improved access to HTTP sys request timing data gives you more control over your application You can closely monitor and optimize request processing times at various stages resulting in improved performance and efficiency If we closely monitor request processing times and identifying areas for improvement you can optimize resource allocation and deliver lightning fast and highly efficient applications So embrace the power of IHttpSysRequestTimingFeature and unleash the full potential of your ASP NET Core applications SNI Hostname in ITlsHandshakeFeatureHave you ever needed to host multiple virtual hosts in your ASP NET Core application Well in such situations it s essential to ensure that the correct security certificate is presented during the TLS handshake process In the latest preview of NET ASP NET Core brings a fantastic enhancement by exposing the SNI hostname through the ITlsHandshakeFeature interface You may ask yourself what is the use of this Well dear dev with this SNI extension you will be able to have easy access to a client s specific host name Now let me show you how you can leverage this feature to enhance your application s security Check out the code snippet below Here s a sample code snippet that showcases this feature lt summary gt Gets the host name from the server name SNI extension of the client hello if present See lt see href section gt RFC lt see gt lt summary gt Accessing SNI hostname using ITlsHandshakeFeaturestring HostName gt null By capturing the SNI hostname you unlock a range of possibilities for your application Let s take a look at some of the benefits and use cases Diagnostics The exposed SNI hostname allows you to gather additional insights during debugging sessions enabling you to better understand the connections made to your application Rate limiting With the SNI hostname information you can implement rate limiting strategies specific to each virtual host or domain providing granular control over your application s resources Routing Leveraging the SNI hostname you can route incoming requests to the appropriate handlers or controllers based on the virtual host or domain ensuring seamless request processing Billing If your application charges based on different virtual hosts or domains the SNI hostname can be used to track usage and generate accurate billing records Being able to analyze and troubleshoot TLS connections with the exposed SNI hostname significantly improves your debugging capabilities So embrace the power of the SNI hostname in the ITlsHandshakeFeature and take your ASP NET Core applications to the next level of TLS connection analysis and troubleshooting a Servers amp Middleware IExceptionHandlerException handling is an essential aspect of building robust ASP NET Core applications And with the introduction of the IExceptionHandler interface in ASP NET Core preview of NET handling exceptions has become even more powerful The IExceptionHandler interface allows developers to catch and handle exceptions that occur during request processing By implementing this interface developers can define a callback that will be invoked when an exception is encountered This callback can then be used to handle known exceptions and display appropriate error pages to the user This approach to exception handling helps to keep the implementation details hidden and provides a more user friendly experience Instead of exposing technical details of the exception developers can present custom error messages or redirect users to specific error pages To register an IExceptionHandler you can simply use the IServiceCollection AddExceptionHandler lt T gt method This method allows you to add multiple exception handlers which will be executed in the order they are registered It s worth noting that if an exception handler successfully handles a request it can return a boolean value of true indicating that further processing should be halted Let s take a closer look at the IExceptionHandler interface public interface IExceptionHandler ValueTask lt bool gt TryHandleAsync HttpContext httpContext Exception exception CancellationToken cancellationToken The TryHandleAsync method in the IExceptionHandler interface takes three parameters HttpContext Exception and CancellationToken It returns a ValueTask lt bool gt indicating whether the exception handling was successful or not SignalR ImprovementsAre you tired of your SignalR clients experiencing downtime when they encounter temporary network disruptions Well with the new seamless reconnect feature introduced in ASP NET Core preview of NET those days are about to be behind you This exciting feature aims to minimize the perceived downtime for clients that face temporary network interruptions such as switching network connections or driving through tunnels But how does this seamless reconnect feature work its magic It accomplishes its goal by implementing a buffering mechanism on both the server and client sides This buffering mechanism allows them to temporarily store data and acknowledge messages sent by each party involved Furthermore it has the intelligence to recognize when a connection is restored and replay any messages that were sent during the downtime It s important to note that since this feature is still in development there is currently no configuration available Additionally the support for seamless reconnects is currently limited to NET clients using WebSockets Here you can see a Microsoft example var hubConnection new HubConnectionBuilder WithUrl lt hub url gt options gt options UseAcks true Build By setting the UseAcks option to true you re opting in to the seamless reconnect feature This allows your client to leverage the buffering capabilities and message replay functionality effectively minimizing the impact of temporary network disruptions on your application Although seamless reconnects are still in the early stages of development they have the potential to greatly enhance the user experience by reducing any interruptions caused by temporary network issues Say goodbye to frustrating downtime and embrace the seamless reconnect feature in SignalR New Blazor Web App project templateGet ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of building web user interfaces with Blazor components Its main benefits are that it will facilitate the creation of web apps in Blazor and will improve compatibility with user interfaces that are rendered This gives you the flexibility to choose the hosting model that best suits your specific requirements and preferences With the Blazor Web App template you ll have access to a host of innovative features that come bundled with NET Although not all features are available in this preview version you can start experimenting with the available ones and eagerly anticipate the upcoming additions Using the command dotnet new blazor o BlazorWebAppOr simply search it in the project templates Blazor Server interactivityAre you ready to take your Blazor Server applications to the next level of interactivity With the release of ASP NET Core Preview we now have a powerful new feature that allows us to enable interactivity for individual components using the Blazor Server rendering mode This means that we can create dynamic and interactive web applications using C on the server side To enable interactivity for a specific component all we need to do is use the AddServerComponents extension method provided by the Blazor Server services And to mark components for server side rendering we can use the new RenderModeServer attribute Let s see how this works in practice Suppose we want to create a Counter component that increments a value when a button is clicked We can start by creating a new page called Counter razor with the following code page counter lt h gt Counter lt h gt lt p gt Current count currentCount lt p gt lt button onclick IncrementCount gt Click me lt button gt code private int currentCount private void IncrementCount currentCount Next we need to update the navigation menu NavMenu razor to include a link to the Counter page By simply adding the following code snippet we enable users to navigate to the Counter page lt div class nav item px gt lt NavLink class nav link href counter gt lt span class oi oi plus aria hidden true gt lt span gt Counter lt NavLink gt lt div gt But wait there s more To enable interactivity for the Counter component using Blazor Server we need to make some updates in the Program cs file and the Counter razor file To add these services builder Services AddRazorComponents AddServerComponents And in the Counter razor file add RenderModeServer attribute RenderModeServer And there you have it Voilà Now when we navigate to the counter page the magic begins Brace yourself for an interactive experience like no other The onclick event joyfully dances into action artfully incrementing the count with a single bound Prepare to witness the true power of interactivity To kickstart your journey with an interactive Counter component in a new Blazor Web App you can use the following command dotnet new blazor use server o BlazorWebAppWhile the support for interactive WebAssembly is not fully implemented yet rest assured that future updates will bring improvements and enhancements in managing the lifecycle of circuits Generic Attributes ImprovementsWith the introduction of support for generic attributes you can now enjoy a simplified syntax when annotating elements in your code In previous versions of ASP NET Core certain attributes required the use of typeof T to specify the desired type However with the support for generic attributes you can now directly use the corresponding generic attribute and pass the type as a generic argument Let s take a look at an example using the ProducesResponseType attribute ApiController Route api controller public class TodosController Controller HttpGet ProducesResponseType lt Todo gt StatusCodes StatusOK public Todo Get gt new Todo Write a sample DateTime Now false In the above code snippet the ProducesResponseType lt T gt attribute is used to specify the response type of the Get action eliminating the need for typeof Todo Now the support extends to other attributes as well This means you can take advantage of a cleaner and more expressive syntax when using attributes like Produces lt T gt MiddlewareFilter lt T gt ModelBinder lt T gt ModelMetadataType lt T gt ServiceFilter lt T gt and TypeFilter lt T gt in your code Overall the support for generic attributes in ASP NET Core Preview simplifies your code and improves readability by providing a cleaner syntax for annotating elements with attribute based functionality So why not make your code shine with cleaner and more concise annotations using generic attributes in ASP NET Core Simplifying Code with AsParameters amp Automatic Metadata Generation AOT Are you ready to level up your ASP NET Core development In ASP NET Core Preview exciting features have been introduced to simplify your code and streamline your development process These enhancements build upon the previous introduction of compile time code generation for minimal APIs in NET Preview with a specific focus on supporting Native AOT scenarios But what does this mean for you Well AsParameters attribute have the ability to enhance the way parameters are bound in your APIs By simply decorating parameters with this attribute you will witness the magic unfold as the generated code accurately binds the parameters according to their specified attributes The automatic metadata generation feature makes it much easier to work with JSON payloads The endpoint metadata is automatically inferred allowing you to easily indicate the input and output types for your API endpoints Let s take a closer look with a Microsoft example var app WebApplication Create app MapPost todos AsParameters CreateTodoArgs payload gt if payload TodoToCreate is not null return payload TodoToCreate return new Todo New todo DateTime Now false app Run record CreateTodoArgs int ProjectId Todo TodoToCreate record Todo int Id string Name DateTime CreatedAt bool IsCompleted Here we can see that the AsParameters attribute is applied to the CreateTodoArgs parameter It streamlines and enhances efficiency by minimizing the need for manual configuration As a result your code becomes cleaner and more concise allowing you to focus on developing the core functionalities of your application So get ready to experience the benefits of the AsParameters attribute and automatic metadata generation in your ASP NET Core applications Say goodbye to manual configuration and embrace a more streamlined and efficient development workflow Your code will thank you From the support for generic attributes to the improvements in compile time generated minimal APIs these updates aim to streamline your workflow and make building web applications more efficient Microsoft s dedication to improving ASP NET Core shines through in these enhancements offering developers more flexibility and power So get ready to level up your ASP NET Core skills with the upcoming Preview release Stay tuned for more exciting updates on the horizon as ASP NET Core continues to evolve and empower developers worldwide 2023-07-17 12:09:34
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News New iMac rumors: Apple Silicon M3, largest model ever, and more https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/07/17/new-imac-rumors-apple-silicon-m3-largest-model-ever-and-more?utm_medium=rss New iMac rumors Apple Silicon M largest model ever and moreApple s iMac has a number of changes coming soon including a shift to the M Apple Silicon chip and maybe the biggest model ever Here are all the rumors about what Apple is said to be planning for the venerable iMac The rear of the inch iMac The inch iMac is the outlier in Apple s Mac lineup in that it is the only one that s stuck in the M generation of Apple Silicon It s a product that hasn t had any significant updates since its introduction in May Read more 2023-07-17 12:37:28
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Rumor: iPhone 15 may use longer-lasting stacked batteries https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/07/17/rumor-iphone-15-may-use-longer-lasting-stacked-batteries?utm_medium=rss Rumor iPhone may use longer lasting stacked batteriesThe iPhone is rumored to use a stacked battery that could result in lower heat and a better overall battery life Renders of the iPhone ProBattery technology advances often result in devices having more power available to use among other improvements According to one leaker it seems the iPhone will benefit from one major technological change Read more 2023-07-17 12:49:25
海外TECH Engadget Virgin Galactic's first private passenger spaceflight will launch as soon as August 10th https://www.engadget.com/virgin-galactics-first-private-passenger-spaceflight-will-launch-as-soon-as-august-10th-151531488.html?src=rss Virgin Galactic x s first private passenger spaceflight will launch as soon as August thNow that Virgin Galactic has flown its first commercial spaceflight it s ready to take civilians aboard The company now expects to launch its first private passenger flight Galactic as soon as August th You can watch a live stream on the company website Virgin is carrying three passengers although only one is a paying customer Jon Goodwin an year old Olympian from the Munich games is an early ticket buyer The other two won seats in a fundraising draw for Space for Humanity ーKeisha Schahaff and her daughter Anastasia Mayers are both the first Caribbeans to fly to space as well as the first mother daughter duo Virgin s chief instructor Beth Moses will join the trio The inaugural commercial flight Galactic flew in late June However all three passengers were Italian government workers two from the Air Force and one research council member conducting microgravity studies While it s not clear what s civilian crew will do they can be tourists this time around The firm has been ramping up its operations in recent months after numerous delays from previous years While Galactic is just Virgin s seventh spaceflight of any kind it s the third in The company says it s establishing a quot regular cadence quot of flights and you can expect them to become relatively routine if this voyage goes as planned The improved frequency is important for the company s finances Virgin has operated at a loss for years and lost over million in The business won t recoup those losses any time soon even at per ticket but paying customers are key to softening the blow and making a case for space tourism Blue Origin and SpaceX have already flown civilians into space and at altitudes higher than the plus miles Virgin flies However they haven t established regular launch schedules for tourists SpaceX s lunar trips won t happen until the company can finish testing Starship and Blue Origin is waiting to resume flights following a rocket failure in In that regard Virgin may be the closest to achieving its tourism goals ーso long as maintains the pace it s setting this summer Update AM ET Virgin has released the crew roster for the flight We ve updated the story accordingly This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-07-17 12:49:53
Cisco Cisco Blog 5 Reasons Cisco Solutions Are Perfect for Small and Medium Businesses https://feedpress.me/link/23532/16243436/5-reasons-cisco-solutions-are-perfect-for-small-and-medium-businesses Reasons Cisco Solutions Are Perfect for Small and Medium BusinessesOver the last decade there have been a lot of advancements in business technology solutions However there is still a lot of hesitation from smaller and medium sized businesses to adopt some of this technology And look we get it adopting new technology can seem like a highly complex undertaking when you factor in setup IT 2023-07-17 12:38:09
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Linear Regression https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5364790/Linear-Regression Linear RegressionThis post will be another short Machine Learning lesson or a set of materials to be more precise Particularly it will be about Linear Regression which is a method of supervised machine learning when there is a training set 2023-07-17 12:08:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Post Office criticised for holes in compensation schemes https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66221054?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA payments 2023-07-17 12:05:04
ニュース BBC News - Home Ros Atkins on... the latest Crimea bridge attack https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66222181?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA crimea 2023-07-17 12:44:04
ニュース BBC News - Home Wimbledon 2023: Carlos Alcaraz beating Novak Djokovic has peak BBC audience of 11.3m https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/66221984?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA alcaraz 2023-07-17 12:14:33



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