投稿時間:2023-07-17 12:14:32 RSSフィード2023-07-17 12:00 分まとめ(17件)

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IT 気になる、記になる… ソニーの新型ワイヤレスイヤホン「WF-1000XM5」、チップやバッテリーに関する新たな情報 https://taisy0.com/2023/07/17/174187.html thewalkmanblog 2023-07-17 02:18:35
IT InfoQ Java News Roundup: Micronaut 4.0, Payara Platform, Spring Web Flow 3.0, JetBrains AI Assistant https://www.infoq.com/news/2023/07/java-news-roundup-jul10-2023/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global Java News Roundup Micronaut Payara Platform Spring Web Flow JetBrains AI AssistantThis week s Java roundup for July th features news from JDK JDK Spring Web Flow Micronaut Payara Platform point and milestone releases of Spring projects Open Liberty Helidon Hibernate Reactive Tomcat Micrometer Metrics and Tracing Piranha Project Reactor JHipster JHipster Lite Yupiik Fusion Maven and Gradle and AI Assistant in JetBrains IDEs By Michael Redlich 2023-07-17 02:30:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita sinθ^3+cosθ^3=cos4θ 「2021筑波大学前期【2】」をMathematicaとWolframAlphaとsympyでやってみたい。 https://qiita.com/mrrclb48z/items/a08fff1043b9bcc495a4 mathematica 2023-07-17 11:52:26
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pythonでのランダムオーバーサンプリング(Random Over Sampling)とその実装 https://qiita.com/F8LUUI5kOxLvrmuIAIPwFsUWSKNdgW5N/items/99af44e253201b5b2dc2 randomoversampling 2023-07-17 11:31:14
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS、Githubと比較して理解するブロックチェーン https://qiita.com/TakanoriVega/items/329ff4b5d8b51ea33caf github 2023-07-17 11:51:12
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS】CloudFormationでS3バケット削除時にカスタムリソースを使ってオブジェクトも一緒に削除する https://qiita.com/hiyanger/items/5b00cb5ebc7128b178c0 cloudformation 2023-07-17 11:11:46
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita MOD Dwarfを無料で使ってみよう(1) https://qiita.com/Inqb8tr_jp/items/ee3a30838e90c3ee9589 httpsww 2023-07-17 11:42:44
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS、Githubと比較して理解するブロックチェーン https://qiita.com/TakanoriVega/items/329ff4b5d8b51ea33caf github 2023-07-17 11:51:12
技術ブログ Developers.IO รถ AGV หน้าตาเป็นยังไงกันนะ? เพิ่งได้เคยเห็นของจริงในงาน Manufacturing Expo 2023! https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/what-does-an-agv-car-look-like-i-just-saw-the-real-thing-in-the-event-me2023/ รถAGV หน้าตาเป็นยังไงกันนะ เพิ่งได้เคยเห็นของจริงในงานManufacturing Expo เมื่อวันที่ มิถุนายนที่ผ่านมาแนนได้มีโอกาสไปร่วมงาน Manufacturing Expo มาค่ะในบล็อกนี้จะมาแชร์บ 2023-07-17 02:29:06
海外TECH DEV Community What is the Future of a Web Developer? https://dev.to/blackhorse0101/what-is-the-future-of-a-web-developer-nc8 What is the Future of a Web Developer Whether you re a web developer designer or someone who is just curious about the most recent technological developments this blog will undoubtedly offer helpful insights on the future of web development Voice searchThe way we engage with websites and online services is about to change as voice search becomes a big trend in web development More and more individuals are embracing voice search as a practical and effective way to get information online as voice recognition technology develops This indicates that in order to improve user experience voice search functionality will become a crucial feature for web developers to include in websites and applications Natural language processing user intent and tailored content must all be prioritized when creating voice search friendly websites Site designers will need to make sure that voice assistants can simply navigate and grasp the layout of their websites With voice search s continuing expansion web development will surely integrate voice based technology more in the future to give users quicker and more easy access to information Motion UIAn emerging concept in web development called “Motion UI has the potential to revolutionize how we create websites Motion UI offers a method for building aesthetically pleasing websites that grab consumers attention as they demand more interactive and engaging digital experiences Web designers can build animations transitions and other dynamic effects with Motion UI that give websites more dimension and involvement By reducing page load times and boosting engagement this method of web development can enhance website performance in addition to improving the user experience Motion UI is set to become a crucial component of web development as the trend toward more dynamic and interactive websites continues giving web designers the resources they need to build aesthetically pleasing and engaging websites that keep visitors coming back for more API first approachThe development of Application Programming Interfaces APIs is the primary goal of the API first strategy a new trend in web development Instead of constructing web apps first and then creating APIs to support them developers use this strategy to create APIs first then build web applications on top of them This method has a number of advantages including shorter development cycles more adaptability and enhanced scalability Developers can make their web applications more flexible and more adaptable to shifting business needs by first building APIs Additionally using this strategy enables developers to concentrate on producing strong well designed APIs that can be accessed by a variety of platforms and apps The future of web development is expected to be API first which will give businesses the tools they need to design more adaptable scalable web apps that can be readily integrated with other services and platforms Artificial Intelligence AI A new trend in web design artificial intelligence AI has the potential to completely change how we create and use websites Web developers may now design more intelligent individualized and engaging web experiences thanks to the increasing prevalence of AI powered web development technologies Many tasks including content generation customer care and user experience improvement can be automated by AI AI can also be utilized to enhance data analytics and website security As AI technology develops we can anticipate seeing more websites and applications employ AI to improve user experiences boost productivity and cut costs This trend is probably going to persist as companies try to use AI technologies to acquire a competitive edge in the digital world Future web development will undoubtedly incorporate AI giving programmers the resources they need to create more sophisticated and cutting edge web experiences Quantum ComputingA brand new technology called quantum computing has the potential to drastically change the web development industry Quantum computers handle vast quantities of data at a significantly faster pace thanks to the usage of quantum bits qubits which are used instead of traditional binary bits This technology has the ability to significantly accelerate web development by making it possible for developers to assess data and test algorithms more quickly In addition to improving encryption quantum computing may also result in more advanced cybersecurity techniques hence enhancing website security Although the technology is still in its infancy quantum computing is expected to play an increasingly important role in web development over the coming years Since that businesses are relying more and more on web based services quantum computing may have a significant impact on speed efficiency and security Although there are still many challenges to be overcome before quantum computing is widely adopted it has the potential to completely transform how we design and use websites Progressive Web Apps PWA The future of web development is being fast ushered in by Progressive Web Applications PWA PWAs are essentially web applications that provide a user experience similar to that of native applications while still having the advantage of being accessed through a web browser This strategy combines the finest features of both worlds by giving customers mobile apps convenience and use without requiring them to download them from an app store PWAs are also made to function flawlessly across a variety of hardware and software including wearables mobile devices and desktop computers PWAs provide a method to develop interactive immersive and responsive web apps that can be accessed from any device anywhere in response to the steadily increasing need for mobile first web experiences As a result PWA is swiftly emerging as the preferred option for businesses wishing to develop cutting edge web applications that provide the best user experience BlockchainFuture web development will likely be significantly impacted by blockchain technology Blockchain is a distributed decentralized ledger technology that eliminates the need for middlemen like banks or payment processors and enables secure open transactions Several businesses including finance healthcare and supply chain management stand to benefit from this technology Blockchain technology can be applied to web development to provide decentralized applications dApps that are more secure open and resistant to attacks than conventional online applications The development of smart contracts which are self executing contracts that can automate corporate procedures and eliminate the need for middlemen is another feature of blockchain technology As blockchain technology develops it is anticipated to become a core component of web development enabling programmers to build more secure decentralized applications that provide higher degrees of security privacy and transparency 2023-07-17 02:25:50
海外TECH DEV Community Micro-Filosofia: A arte da fragmentação https://dev.to/ocodista/o-poder-da-micro-filosofia-2i6i Micro Filosofia A arte da fragmentaçãoEstou convencido de que o melhor jeito de se desenvolver um programa de computador éaplicando a micro filosofia Neste artigo falarei rapidamente sobre GNUTailwindCSSRefatoraçãoTrunk Based DevelopmentCódigo Limpo e Programador PragmáticoE demonstrarei como essa abordagem estápresente em cada uma dessas entidades A micro filosofia éum método divide grandes desafios em micro tarefas facilitando a resolução de problemas Devagar a gente chega onde a gente quer chegar ExaltaSamba GNUNão sou especialista na história do Unix GNU e Linux Mas o que entendo éque Unix era um Sistema Operacional escrito em CLançado em Funcionava em diversos processadores e arquiteturasAlgo raro na épocaEra de uma empresa privada e vendido comercialmente GNU éum projeto movimento de código livre Foi iniciado em Seu objetivo inicial era construir um Sistema OperacionalCompletamente livreCom código aberto Possuía diversos miniprogramas que realizavam variadas funções de um sistema operacionalEstava quase pronto em faltava sóo kernel módulo principal para combiná los Linux na verdade éuma abreviação para GNU Linux Em Linus Torvalds criou um kernel que utilizava todos os subprogramas do GNUCom isso criou a primeira distribuição do sistema operacional GNU Linux De forma bem abreviada agora vocêentende o que éo GNU Beleza o que isso tem a ver com micro Bem Vamos lá O GNU Linux éa personificação da filosofia do Software Livre que defende o desenvolvimento colaborativo e de código aberto seus princípios são CopyleftO contrário de copyright direito autoral Garante que toda e qualquer alteração feita no software seja livre de direitos autorais TransparênciaTodo o código e documentação são abertos e disponíveis para todos ColaboraçãoAcredita no poder colaborativo de desenvolvedores unidos por um objetivo em comum Simplicidade Os pacotes GNU são exemplos de micro programas que resolvem um único problema O GNU encoraja e defende a micro filosofia O movimento enxergou o sistema operacional como uma coleção de pequenos programas que fazem apenas coisa mas a fazem muito bem Alguns dos programas que fazem parte do pacote GNU são ls cat cp mv rm wcBash Terminal padrão de quase todas as distros GNU Linux Nano Editor de texto presente em todas as distros GNU Linux Uma das melhores coisas de se utilizar Linux ou algum sistema operacional unix based Oi Mac OS époder criar combinações de programas para executar alguma tarefa Isso épossível através do comando pipe por exemplo caso vocêqueira gerar um rank de palavras mais utilizadas pode usar cat file txt tr n sort uniq c sort nr head Não existe um programa específico que faça isso mas épossível realizar essa tarefa ao combinar os comandos cat tr sort uniq e head TailwindCSSO TailwindCSS revolucionou a forma como eu uso CSS Ele éum framework de CSS que se auto denomina utility first Diferente de outros frameworks CSS como Bootstrap MaterialUI e ChakraUI o TailwindCSS não possui nenhum componente completo Ele nada mais édo que um conjunto de micro classes de CSS onde cada classe aplica apenas uma estilização Apesar de parecer contraditório trabalhar com classes minúsculas desenvolvedores proporciona muita flexibilidade poder e estimula a criatividade Essas classes são atalhos para funções que jáforam redigidas incontáveis vezes em milhões de sites na web além de apresentarem classes dinâmicas como p e m e aceitarem parâmetros fixos ex h px Assim como o GNU o Tailwind também acredita no poder da filosofia micro para a resolução de problemas RefatoraçãoRecentemente tenho lido o livro Refatoração do Martin Fowler Nele são abordadas algumas estratégias e técnicas para melhorar código Segundo o autor refatoração éuma técnica controlada para melhorar o design de um código existente Éuma forma disciplinada de limpar código que minimiza as chances de introduzir bugs O processo de refatoração segundo Martin Fowler envolve Fazer mudanças pequenas que não alteram o comportamento do código Dar pequenos passos para cometer menos erros Rodar builds e testes a cada nova mudança sóatualizar se estiver funcionando Ao fazer isso vocêgarante que o código estásempre funcional e aos poucos vai melhorando O livro conta também com técnicas de melhoria de código Grandes refatorações são feitas aproveitando do poder da micro filosofia aplicada àmelhoria de código Segundo o Martin éo jeito mais rápido de resolver um problema ou de melhorar um projeto éresolver pequenos micro problemas sequenciais que combinados resolvem um problema gigante Trunk Based DevelopmentÉuma estratégia de versionamento de projetos focada em manter branches de curta duração e Sempre mergear para mainMergear com frequência idealmente x por dia Utilizar Feature Flags para esconder features que não estiverem prontasIsso ajuda a evitar Conflitos de merges complicadosCorrida por commitAs explicações para essas suposições podem ser encontradas nesse artigo SENSACIONAL do Martin Fowler Aqui o conceito micro aparece ao defender que micro alterações devem ser mergeadas ao projeto principal o mais rápido e frequente possível Com isso fica mais fácil de Analisar PRResolver conflito de mergeManter todas as branches atualizadasSe vocêfor capaz de manter uma estratégia com branches de curta duração Código Limpo e Programador PragmáticoDois ótimos livros sobre desenvolvimento de sistemas codificados e carreira como programador Ambos defendem Funções pequenasCom nomes descritivosCódigo legível EntendívelAutoexplicativoSem comentáriosPolítica de Boa Vizinhança Deixar o código melhor do que encontrouRefatoração contínuaNão ter medo de alterar o código para melhor nunca Refatorar para melhorar a leitura compreensão ou manutençãoTestes UnitáriosPonto comum nos livrosFacilita a manutenção maior segurança para mudar Facilita o entendimento das regras de negócioForça a criação de funções pequenas e desacopladas Micro FilosofiaEstápresente em cada uma dessas entidades da programação Consiste em quebrar grandes problemas etapas ou funcionalidades em micro tarefas Todos os autores afirmar que a verdadeira velocidade no desenvolvimento de Software sóépossível com passos pequenos iterativos testáveis e manuteníveis Eu particularmente concordo tenho aplicado muitos dos conceitos que comentei no post e acredito que émuito mais fácil e seguro aplicar a microfilosofia no rotina do desenvolvimento de software 2023-07-17 02:08:24
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles North Korean nuclear test ‘would not come as a surprise’ to U.S. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/07/17/asia-pacific/jake-sullivan-north-korea-nuclear-test/ North Korean nuclear test would not come as a surprise to U S The remarks by U S national security adviser Jake Sullivan come just days after Pyongyang held a successful test of its most powerful long range missile 2023-07-17 11:28:40
ニュース BBC News - Home Extreme heat intensifies across south-west US https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-66218321?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA brutal 2023-07-17 02:19:19
ニュース BBC News - Home Terror attack survivors condemn compensation body https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66218928?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA report 2023-07-17 02:09:37
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 米メガバンク、切り札はカードローン - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/326248 切り札 2023-07-17 11:03:00
海外TECH reddit Shohei Ohtani hits home run #34 on the season to bring the Angels within one in the bottom of the 9th! https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/151p9w3/shohei_ohtani_hits_home_run_34_on_the_season_to/ Shohei Ohtani hits home run on the season to bring the Angels within one in the bottom of the th submitted by u Blazingbee to r baseball link comments 2023-07-17 02:35:07
海外TECH reddit Reasonable Salary for Tokyo https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/151okl2/reasonable_salary_for_tokyo/ Reasonable Salary for TokyoHey all Do you think it s reasonable to live on a monthly salary of in Tokyo From my research it looks possible but not comfortable Rent seems to be about for an apartment keen to have my own place How much roughly are taxes in Tokyo and do we know roughly what residents tax would be Context No bonuses or rent allowance salary only Workplace is mins west of Tokyo station near Musashi City submitted by u hakujitsu to r japanlife link comments 2023-07-17 02:01:39



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