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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ChatGPTをNFTプロジェクトの分析に使う方法〜Dune × ChatGPT〜 https://qiita.com/Rekt-Order/items/06d1bbf0a523907e5f7e chatgpt 2023-07-17 18:54:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita DockerとVScodeでPython環境構築 https://qiita.com/KiYuRo/items/c016eaf5066c6cedaa11 docker 2023-07-17 18:38:57
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Boolean型カラムをpresence: trueで設定したらfalseで保存出来なかった https://qiita.com/yuta_t/items/975a6c13d7a52fefb7e5 tableusersdottbooleanhoge 2023-07-17 18:44:22
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Terraform CloudからAWSを管理する https://qiita.com/urushibata/items/550f5e6f7ec305bef4ab terraformcloud 2023-07-17 18:54:32
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita DockerからSDK経由でAWSのS3にアクセスする時に出会ったエラーの正体は、、、 https://qiita.com/sachiko-kame/items/efd1232c8014e180f466 sclientnewsclient 2023-07-17 18:53:00
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS CloudFormationを使用したVPC環境作成 https://qiita.com/duelist2020jp/items/111b18950ba82de6e338 awscloudformation 2023-07-17 18:33:42
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita DockerからSDK経由でAWSのS3にアクセスする時に出会ったエラーの正体は、、、 https://qiita.com/sachiko-kame/items/efd1232c8014e180f466 sclientnewsclient 2023-07-17 18:53:00
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita DockerとVScodeでPython環境構築 https://qiita.com/KiYuRo/items/c016eaf5066c6cedaa11 docker 2023-07-17 18:38:57
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Gormの使い方について https://qiita.com/kins/items/e22d499a902f3b7eaf72 gogetu 2023-07-17 18:37:35
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Boolean型カラムをpresence: trueで設定したらfalseで保存出来なかった https://qiita.com/yuta_t/items/975a6c13d7a52fefb7e5 tableusersdottbooleanhoge 2023-07-17 18:44:22
技術ブログ Developers.IO 「AWSとGitHubを用いたパターン別CI/CD構成解説」というテーマのビデオセッションで話しました #devio2023 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/devio2023-video-10-aws-github-cicd/ developersio 2023-07-17 09:00:30
海外TECH DEV Community 8 Best Practices for React.js Component Design https://dev.to/blossom/8-best-practices-for-reactjs-component-design-4jn5 Best Practices for React js Component DesignReact is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces and one of the reasons it gained so much popularity is its Component Based Architecture React encourages building UI in reusable components allowing developers to build complex user interfaces more efficiently Since we would be dealing with components in react it is essential to follow best practices for component design In this article we ll explore best practices that will help you write cleaner more maintainable and reusable React components consistent formatting There are several ways to create a functional component in a react application some of them include arrow functions functions declarations and function expression All of these are valid ways to create a component but it is important to stick with way of declaring a component in your application Inconsistent component functions can make your code difficult to read Follow a design pattern and stick to it Following an already established design pattern in your react application keeps your components organised easy to read test and make changes Two of already established practices include a Container Presentational Pattern Following this approach ensures a strict separation of concern between the business logic and user interface Where the container components manages data and state while presentational components focus on rendering the UI easier to test b Flux Pattern Flux pattern was introduced by the facebook team to introduce a unidirectional data flow in your react application this is commonly enforced using state management libraries like redux Single Responsibility Principle Each component in your app should have a single responsibility focusing on one specific functionality Following this principle makes the component more reusable and less prone to bugs For example in most cases a Button component should handle ONLY rendering and user interactions Prop Types and Default Props Defining prop types and default values ensures component reliability PropTypes validate the expected types of props catching potential bugs early Default props provide fallback values if a prop is not explicitly passed avoiding unexpected behaviour Do not use typescript in your project This is totally fine you can still achieve this using the propTypes library npm install save prop typesimport PropTypes from prop types Button propTypes name PropTypes string isRequired age PropTypes number function Button props const name age props return lt div className App gt lt h gt Hello name lt h gt lt h gt I am age lt h gt lt div gt export default Button Destructuring Props Take advantage of the object destructing to access props This can reduce verbosity in the code and enhance readability It also improves the clarity of component interfaces and makes it easier to identify which props are used An example of this can be seen in the Button component code shared above const name age props Prop and state It is crucial to understand the difference between your props and your state Props are static data passed around within components They are immutable and do not change State is used to manage dynamic data within a component It represents the internal state of a component allowing it to handle and respond to user interactions events or changes in the component s own logic Styling Styling is an important aspect of React component design The most important thing here is to pick a styling of choice and remain consistent with it across components in the library Some of the most popular styling choices include Use CSS in JS libraries CSS in JS libraries like styled components can make it easier to style your components and create reusable styles Use CSS modules CSS modules allow you to create component level styles that don t clash with styles from other components Use utility first CSS framework like tailwind cssUse UI libraries such as material ui ant design chakra etc Create reusable styles When creating custom styles with css sass etc It is important to prioritise reusable styles that can be used across your application This can help you create a consistent visual style and make your components more maintainable Testing Testing is perhaps one of the most severely underrated aspects when it comes to building react components Here are some best practices to consider Use libraries like Jest and cypress to write unit tests for your components Test props and state Test that your components handle props and state correctly This can help you catch bugs that might not be apparent in the UI Test end to end user interactions Test that your components handle user interactions correctly This can help you ensure that your components are user friendly and responsive Conclusion By following these best practices for React component design you ll be able to create cleaner more maintainable and reusable components Each practice reinforces important principles such as single responsibility reusability prop validation and performance optimisation Incorporating these practices into your React projects will contribute to better code quality improved developer experience and ultimately more robust applications Remember mastering these best practices requires practice and continuous learning Stay up to date with the evolving React ecosystem and always strive for code that is efficient readable and easy to maintain Happy coding ️ 2023-07-17 09:26:00
海外TECH DEV Community A Small Little Trick to prevent useEffect https://dev.to/shivamjjha/a-small-little-trick-to-prevent-useeffect-ij9 A Small Little Trick to prevent useEffect ProblemI came across a peculiar problem once For the sake of this article let s go with this contrived example I have a component MyDumbComponent tsx and it receives an id with initial state value and uses that state to fetch some data That state can also be manipulated inside same component import useEffect useState from react import todos from data todos json type Unpacked lt T gt T extends infer U U Texport default function MyDumbComponent initialId initialId number const id setId useState initialId const todoData setTodoData useState lt Unpacked lt typeof todos gt null gt null useEffect gt const allTodos todos const selectedTodo allTodos find todo gt todo id id null setTodoData selectedTodo id return lt gt lt div gt lt code gt lt pre gt JSON stringify todoData null lt pre gt lt code gt lt div gt lt small gt Child id id lt small gt lt br gt lt br gt lt button onClick gt setId prev gt prev gt lt button gt lt button onClick gt id gt amp amp setId prev gt prev gt lt button gt lt gt When I clicked on and button it would change the id and will fetch a new todo detail and show it to user See Code example demoThis worked perfectly fine and as expected The issue came when I wanted to update the id props in parent My dumb common sense would say it should also re render But to my suprise it didn t Here I updated the state import useState from react import App css import MyDumbComponent from components MyDumbComponent function App const count setCount useState return lt div gt lt p gt Parent state variable count lt p gt lt button onClick gt setCount c gt c gt Increment parent state lt button gt lt br gt lt br gt lt br gt lt MyDumbComponent initialId count gt lt div gt export default AppHere it can be seen React does not reload child component if the prop is used as an initial value for state even when the prop gets changedAt first it can be unintuitive The reason is that React updates a component when it s state changes or it s props changes If React just throw away and child and re make a new one everytime one of it s props gets changed it would also have to create new DOM nodes create new ones and set those These can be expensive specially if the props change frequently or has a large number of such changing props All of that is expensive and slow So React will re use the component that was there since it s the same type and at the same position in the tree Using useEffect as a state updaterI am guilty of using a second effect in this scenarioIt would like Hmm so we need to do something based on when the prop is changed what gets fired when the prop changed useEffect with that prop in dependency So I would add this effect after the st one imo the first useEffect should be relaced with react query or some other data fetching lib too But none the less this is how that would go useEffect gt Changing children s state whenever our prop initialId changes setId initialId initialId Here it can be seen this appraoch of using an useEffect tongue twister right to update the vale of state initialized with some prop worksBut this solution can be better The useEffect updated the value of state in nd render Also it is a good rule of thumb to prevent using useEffect as long as one can I have noticed this increases readability and prevent some bugs with not very cared use of useEffect This advice has helped me remembering this useEffect should only be used when an external service something outside the React paradigm like custom listeners need to be integrated with React So useEffect can be thought of as useSyncronise Solution using Keys to reload a React ComponentSo what is the way Keys to the rescue If a component has a key and it changes React skips comparion and makes new fresh componentSo you can consider Keys as an identity or source of truth if you will for a component Hence if the Key changes the component must be reloaded from scratch This is the same reason you need keys while rendering a list so that React can differentiate you list items when if their position order changes within that list So in our case we can just pass the key to child component and it will be recreated from scratch import useState from react import App css import MyDumbComponent from components MyDumbComponent function App const count setCount useState return lt div gt lt p gt Parent state variable count lt p gt lt button onClick gt setCount c gt c gt Increment parent state lt button gt lt br gt lt br gt lt br gt lt MyDumbComponent key count initialId count gt lt div gt export default AppConveniently I found that the new React docs has an article on resetting state with Keys Further Read Why does React needs KeysUnderstanding useEffectSynchronizing with EffectsYou Might Not Need an EffectReact s useEffect are reactive with isolated updates 2023-07-17 09:16:47
海外TECH DEV Community 13 CSS Tricks that will give you an adrenaline rush🤯 https://dev.to/smitterhane/13-css-tricks-that-will-give-you-an-adrenaline-rush-5908 CSS Tricks that will give you an adrenaline rushCSS is gaining powers with recent web evolution And it is very clever with tricks that were long existing or that have emerged Perhaps tricks shared here will school you with CSS tricks from the depths you were yet to explore Let s dive in Draw a triangle using borderIt can be an overkill to load images in cases where you need simple triangles e g when adding an arrow pointer to a tooltip Using only CSS you can create a triangle using borders It is quite an old trick Ideally on an element with zero width and height you set borders on it All border colors are transparent except the one that will form an arrow To create an arrow pointing upwards for example the bottom border is colored while the left and right are transparent No need to include the top border The border width determines size of the arrow upwards arrow width height border left px solid transparent border right px solid transparent border bottom px solid crimson This creates an arrow pointing upwards like shown below You can see this codepen that visualizes the concept should it be tricky to create a mental picture Interchange background of an elementz index property arranges how an element is stacked onto other positioned elements At times you may set a z index property on a child element to be lower and it ends up hiding behind the background of its parent To prevent this you can cause a new stacking context on the parent element to prevent child elements from going behind it One way way to create a stacking context is to use isolation isolate css style declaration We can use this stacking context technique to create hover effect that interchanges a button s background For example button join now cursor pointer border none outline none padding px px position relative background color dbea isolation isolate If ommitted child pseudo element will be stacked behind button join now before content position absolute background color b top left right bottom transition left ms ease out z index button join now hover before left The code above interchanges the background of the button when hovered The background changes without interfering with the text on the foreground as seen in the gif below Center an elementProbably you already know how to center an element using display flex and display grid Yet another unpopular way to center an element on the x axis is to use text align CSS property This property works out of the box when centering text To also center other elements in the DOM a child element needs to have a display of inline It could be inline block or any other inline div parent text align center div child display inline block Pill shape buttonYou can make buttons that are pill shaped by setting the border radius of a button to be a very high value Certainly the border radius should be higher than the height of the button button btn border radius px value higher than height of the button padding px px background color fdd border none color black font size px result Height of the button may increase with design changes Hence you will often find it convenient to set border radius with a very high value so that your css keeps working regardless if the button grows Easily add beautiful loading indicator to your websiteAs it is with developers it is often a boring task to divert your focus to creating a beautiful loading indicator for your website This focus is better utilized building other important parts of a project that deserve attention As you are reading odds are high you also find this an annoying hurdle That is why i took the time to take away this hurdle away from you and prepare nicely done loading indicators packaged in a library so you can plug n play from your dream project It is a whole collection and you just need to pick the one that pulls the spark on you Just see the simple usage of this library with the source available on Github Don t forget to leave a star Easy dark or light modeYou only require a few lines of CSS to enable a dark light mode on your website You just need to let browsers know that your website can display correctly in system dark light mode html color scheme light dark Note color scheme property can be set on any DOM element other than html Then set variables that control background color and text color through your website making it even more bullet proof by checking for browser support html bg color ffffff txt color supports background color Canvas and color CanvasText root bg color Canvas txt color CanvasText Note If you don t set background color on an element it will inherit the browser defined system color for the dark light theme matched These system colors can be different between different browsers Setting background color explicitly can be useful in combination with prefers color scheme to give a different shade of color different from the default that the browser sets Below is the dark light mode in action User s preference is simulated between dark and light mode Website reactive to system dark light mode Truncate overflowing text with an ellipsis This trick has been around for a while to aesthetically trim long text But you may still have missed it All you need is the following CSS p intro width px overflow hidden text overflow ellipsis white space nowrap Just implement these rules Explicit width so bounds for clipping will ever be reached Browser wraps below long text that do not fit within an element s width So you need to prevent that white space nowrap Content that overflows should be clipped overflow hidden Pad a string with an ellipsis when text is about to be clipped text overflow ellipsis Result looks like this Truncate long text to a number of linesThis is slightly different from the trick above This time text is clipped limiting content to a number of lines p intro width px display webkit box webkit box orient vertical webkit line clamp Truncate when no of lines exceed overflow hidden Output looks like this Stop overworking yourself writing top right bottom leftWhen working with positioned elements you often write code like this some element position absolute top left right bottom This can be simplified using an inset propety some element position absolute inset Or if you have different values for top right bottom and left you can set them respectively in the order like inset px px px px This shorthand works the same way as margin Serve optimized imagesTry throttling to a slow internet in the browser Dev tools and visit a website made up of HD images like unsplash That s how to experience the pain of your website visitors trying to enjoy your high HD content from geographical areas with slow internet But you can provide a rescue especially with the image set CSS trick You can give options to a browser to let it decide the most appropriate image that suits a user s device For instance banner background image url elephant png background image webkit image set url elephant webp type image webp x url elephantHD webp type image webp x url elephant png type image png x url elephantHD png type image png x The code above will set the background image of an element If webkit image set is supported then background image will be an optimized image i e an image of supported MIME type and that better suits the resolution power of the user s device For example Since a higher quality image is directly proportional to a larger size a user who has a high resolution device but in a poor network will prompt the browser to decide on serving a supported image with lower resolution Ii is logical not to make a user wait for the HD image to load Note An image that the browser decides as the best fit is what is downloaded CountersYou don t have to get stuck on how the browser renders a numbered list You can implement your own design utilizing counters Here s how ul margin font family sans serif Define amp Initialize Counter counter reset list ul li list style none ul li before padding px margin px px px display inline block background skyblue border radius font weight font size rem Increment counter by counter increment list Show incremented count padded with content counter list Output looks like this This works for any other DOM element apart from lt ul gt and lt ol gt Form validation visual cuesWith only CSS you can display helping visual cues to users regarding the validity of input entered in the forms We can use valid and invalid CSS pseudo classes on form elements to apply appropriate styles when their contents validate successfully or not Consider the following HTML page structure lt Regex in pattern attribute means input can accept firstName Lastname whitespace sepearated names gt lt And invalidates any other symbols like gt lt input type text pattern a zA Z s placeholder Enter full name required gt lt span gt lt span gt lt span gt will be used to show validation results And the CSS below styles an input regarding its validation result input span position relative input span before position absolute right px bottom input not placeholder shown invalid border px solid red input not placeholder shown invalid span before content color red input not placeholder shown valid span before content ✓ color green So we have achieved interactivity without consulting any javascript A full codepen implementing this technique is shown below Select text with one clickThis trick is inclined towards improving copy and paste experience for website users Using user select all you can enable easy text selection with one click All text node below that element is selected On the other hand you can disable text selection with user select none Alternative way to disable text selection is placing text inside content property of before or after CSS pseudo element Thanks for reading See you in the next article Follow me here on Dev to be notified SmitterFollow A full stack developer A Linux fanatic Obsessed with Tech Also connect with me on twitter 2023-07-17 09:13:07
海外TECH DEV Community Important subjects for placement preparation with free materials https://dev.to/avinash201199/important-subjects-for-placement-preparation-with-free-materials-o2f Important subjects for placement preparation with free materialsImportant subjects for placement preparation with free materials Data Structures and Algorithms This is one of the most important subjects for CSE placements Make sure you have a solid understanding of fundamental data structures like arrays linked lists stacks queues trees graphs and their associated algorithms Practice solving problems and implement algorithms in a programming language of your choice Algorithms DSA with Java DSA with C DSA with C DSA with Python DSA with JavaScript Object Oriented Programming OOP Familiarize yourself with OOP concepts such as classes objects inheritance polymorphism and encapsulation Get hands on experience in programming languages like Java C or Python and practice implementing OOP principles in your code Python java C JavaScript Database Management Systems DBMS Learn about the basics of DBMS including relational databases SQL queries normalization and indexing Understanding concepts like joins transactions and database design will be beneficial for interviews DBMS SQL Operating Systems Gain knowledge about operating system concepts such as processes threads scheduling algorithms memory management and file systems Understand the working principles of popular operating systems like Windows and Linux Operating Systems Computer Networks Study the fundamentals of computer networks including protocols TCP IP HTTP FTP network layers OSI model network devices and basic network troubleshooting techniques Computer Networks Software Engineering Learn about the software development life cycle SDLC software testing software requirements and project management Familiarize yourself with methodologies like Agile and Waterfall Software Engineering Web Technologies Understand web development concepts including HTML CSS JavaScript and server side scripting languages like PHP or Python Learn about web frameworks and libraries like React Angular or Node js JavaScript HTML CSS PHP React Node js or System Design Develop an understanding of how to design scalable and efficient systems Learn about concepts like load balancing caching database replication and distributed systems System Design In addition to these subjects it s important to stay updated with the latest trends in the industry Keep yourself informed about emerging technologies like artificial intelligence machine learning cloud computing and cybersecurity It s also recommended to practice coding and problem solving regularly by participating in coding competitions solving coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank and working on projects to showcase your skills AI ML Cloud computing Cyber Security Problem Solving Techniques Remember to practice good communication and interview skills as well Prepare for technical and behavioral interviews practice solving coding problems on a whiteboard or in a virtual coding environment and be ready to explain your projects and internship experiences Connect with me on Linkedin for more updates 2023-07-17 09:07:48
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Samsung's Studio Display rival finally coming in August https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/07/17/samsungs-studio-display-rival-finally-coming-in-august?utm_medium=rss Samsung x s Studio Display rival finally coming in AugustSamsung has announced US shipping for its ViewFinity S K monitor aimed at being a rival to the more costly Apple Studio Display Samsung ViewFinity SThe Samsung ViewFinity S K has already been released in South Korea but US buyers have been waiting for it since the display was previewed at CES in Now Samsung has officially announced a US date ーalthough it is only saying August nothing more specific Read more 2023-07-17 09:43:49
海外TECH Engadget Samsung's ViewFinity S9 5K display will cost $1,599 when it arrives in August https://www.engadget.com/samsungs-viewfinity-s9-5k-display-will-cost-1599-when-it-arrives-in-august-093926336.html?src=rss Samsung x s ViewFinity S K display will cost when it arrives in AugustSamsung s ViewFinity S K monitor is coming to the United States ーfinally giving Mac and PC users alike a chance to pick it up for The tech giant announced its first K monitor at CES in January and launched it this June in South Korea nbsp Samsung designed the inch ViewFinity S K monitor for creatives with HDR support a matte display to reduce glares and Eye Saver Mode for long days tolling away The company s first K monitor also has a x resolution percent DCI P and pixels per inch Plus you can calibrate the ViewFinity S K monitor through the SmartThings app in either Basic mode which adjusts gamma settings and white balance or Professional mode which controls luminance and color temperature or space It includes a K camera and is compatible with either a PC or Mac nbsp Interestingly the ViewFinity S K monitor costs exactly the same as its competitor the inch Apple Studio Display ーwhich first came out in early At the time we gave the Studio Display an rating due to features such as a so so webcam Hz refresh rate and single zone backlighting The ViewFinity S K has the same refresh rate but offers a few better features than Apple s Studio Display or at least includes them without any extra cost Apple is charging another to adjust your monitor s height and angle and a whopping if you also want a nano texture glass display Plus the S K has a K webcam versus Apple s MP option All in all unless you re an Apple or nothing shopper Samsung s ViewFinity S K might be a better choice for the price Check it out for yourself in stores this August nbsp This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-07-17 09:39:26
Java Java Code Geeks Retool Developer Day https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2023/07/retool-developer-day.html Retool Developer DayDiscover how Retool s newest products can help you accelerate your development process while also delivering secure business applications that will delight your customers You ll hear from product leaders at Proga Digital and Co Create about how they were able to quickly deliver new features to their customers while saving valuable engineering time Then follow along as 2023-07-17 09:20:13
金融 ニュース - 保険市場TIMES あいおいニッセイ同和損保ら、電動キックボードの安全・安心な走行環境の構築に向け連携開始 https://www.hokende.com/news/blog/entry/2023/07/17/190000 2023-07-17 19:00:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Yuma Tongu’s rise helps Buffaloes move on from Masataka Yoshida https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2023/07/17/baseball/japanese-baseball/tongu-absorb-yoshida-loss/ yoshida 2023-07-17 18:36:33
ニュース BBC News - Home Bibby Stockholm: Migrant barge bound for Dorset leaves Falmouth harbour https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-65919498?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA dorset 2023-07-17 09:14:49
ニュース BBC News - Home Why the 90s and noughties are having such a moment https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-66199129?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA years 2023-07-17 09:08:59
ニュース BBC News - Home Watch: How hot will it get in southern Europe heatwave? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66222174?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA italy 2023-07-17 09:13:30
ニュース BBC News - Home Australia baffled as unidentified mystery object washes up on beach https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-66220494?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA authorities 2023-07-17 09:41:39
ニュース BBC News - Home Supermarkets urged to back petrol price sharing scheme https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66214934?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA competition 2023-07-17 09:24:58
ニュース BBC News - Home The Ashes: James Anderson replaces Ollie Robinson for England in fourth Test https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/66221681?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA ollie 2023-07-17 09:01:10
ニュース BBC News - Home Lionel Messi: Inter Miami & David Beckham unveil World Cup-winning Argentina forward to MLS https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/66221888?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Lionel Messi Inter Miami amp David Beckham unveil World Cup winning Argentina forward to MLSInter Miami and David Beckham unveil Lionel Messi as their new signing after thunderstorms delay the presentation 2023-07-17 09:37:49
ニュース BBC News - Home Women's World Cup 2023: Australia criticise gender pay disparity and question bargaining rights https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/66219752?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Women x s World Cup Australia criticise gender pay disparity and question bargaining rightsAustralia s women s team criticise the gender disparity in World Cup prize money and some nations not having collective bargaining rights 2023-07-17 09:14:32



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