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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AtCoder Beginner Contest 245 A~D 4完記事 https://qiita.com/kani_kani_kani/items/8452a1b2172a5b165cde AtCoderBeginnerContestAD完記事アルゴリズムの学習改善のための自身の備忘録及び学習の一環として記事を書くことにしました読んでくれた方で何かありましたら気兼ねなくコメントしてくださいお待ちしておりますAGoodmorning問題文概要高橋君はA時B分青木君はC時D分に起きました早起きしたのはどちらでしょう制約と入力制約leqAleqleqBleqleqCleqleqDleq入力は全て整数である入力入力は以下の形式で標準入力から与えられる。 2022-03-28 00:20:42
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita TODOリストで学ぶ配列の操作をforを使わずに操作する方法 https://qiita.com/ka25012/items/4f9bb65f8bc60e2856b2 TODOリストで学ぶ配列の操作をforを使わずに操作する方法配列の操作でfor文使わなくなったなーと思ったので代わりに使っているものとどのように使っているかをTODOリストを例にまとめてみます。 2022-03-28 00:04:52
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS CDKで作る CI/CDパイプライン https://qiita.com/s1m0n281/items/776bd22075b087a40659 環境ファイル名devdevauthjsstgstgauthjsprdprdauthjs今回はいずれの環境もベーシック認証の内容は同じものとし、いずれのユーザー名とパスワードを以下のようにします。 2022-03-28 00:55:13
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSにIaC環境をTerraformを使って構築してみた(基礎) https://qiita.com/Engineer-at-Sauna/items/29f7c5569d578424c5a2 パイプラインでのロール使用許可チェック有↓次のページへソース「AWSCodeCommit」を選択リポジトリ名自身でCodeCommitで作成したリポジトリ名ブランチ名「main」を選択検出オプションを変更する「AmazonCloudWatchEvents推奨」を選択出力アーティファクト形式「CodePipelineのデフォルト」を選択↓次のページへプロバイダーを構築する「AWSCodeBuild」を選択リージョンアジアパシフィック東京プロジェクト名自身で作成したCodeBuildプロジェクト名を選択ビルドタイプ「単一ビルド」を選択↓次のページへデプロイプロバイダを選択せずに「導入段階をスキップ」を選択↓次のページへ内容を見ておかしなところがないか確認して「パイプラインを作成する」をクリック補足CodePipelineでCodeCommit及びCodeBuildを指定してパイプラインを作成することで、CodeCommitのソース変化のイベントを探知してCodeBuildのプロジェクトを実行するEventBridgeの設定を勝手に行ってくれます。 2022-03-28 00:36:00
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【EC2/Amazon Linux2】RailsアプリケーションのログをCloudWatchLogsに転送 https://qiita.com/yokku21/items/c0fd1d370b833914f658 ECでのRailsアプリケーションの構築EC上でRailsアプリケーションを構築していない場合、下記URLを参考に作成してください。 2022-03-28 00:03:06
技術ブログ Developers.IO EC2のリザーブドインスタンスが適用できているか確認してみる https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/reserved-instances-report/ 項目 2022-03-27 15:02:38
海外TECH MakeUseOf 8 Ways to Fix Skype Audio Not Working on Windows https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-skype-audio-not-working-fix/ windows 2022-03-27 15:15:13
海外TECH DEV Community How to create a dApp with React & Solidity on Ethereum Blockchain https://dev.to/xamhans/how-to-create-a-dapp-with-react-solidity-on-ethereum-blockchain-1gg0 How to create a dApp with React amp Solidity on Ethereum BlockchainIn this tutorial I will show you how you can build a fullstack dApp that will run on Ethereum and many Layer platforms Polygon Celo We will start with the backend part were we will write an Smart Contract with help of Hardhat and Solidity Afterwards we build a frontend with React and Ethers js to interact with our smart contract We will also use IPFS with the help of the Pinatata API What is a dApp dApp stands for decentralised App In a classic way an app would run on a single server maybe the backend is on another server In a decentralised world the the frontend part will be served on IPFS where a node in a distributed network is servering the files and the backend will be running on a Smart Contract or Program on a node in a decentralised network You must be that tall to rideI know everyone is hyped about web and this is nice really But Web is an extension to web so please make sure that you know the basics of web development before you continue with this tutorial Tools we are usingNow that we know what a dApp is in general here are the tools we are going to use to build one Frontend part React Ether js for communicating with the smart contract Backend part Solidity writing the smart contract Hardhat enviornment for easily write test and deploy solidity code Starter TemplateI will use this starter template for this tutorial you can get it here The finished project can be found here What we will build We are going build an voting app Users can upload and vote for images Smart Contract for the backendLets see what needs to be done from the backend part to achieve this dApp goal We need a way to create a canidadate a candidate is simply a user that has uploadedan image Get all candidates with their imagesIncrease the votes from one candidate if a user likes the image fromthat specific candidateHead over to backend contracts ExmapleContract sol delete the boilerplate example code in there and rename the file and contract to VoteManager Defining the struct for our candidates We are going to use a struct is like a class but without any implementation logic for defining the properties of a candidate struct Candidate uint id uint totalVote string name string imageHash address candidateAddress totalVote keeps track of the current canddiates votesimageHash will store the IPFS Hash for the imagecandidateAddress is the public key address of the candidate Lets start with some logic create a candidatemapping address gt Candidate private candidates mapping uint gt address private accounts function registerCandidate string calldata name string calldata imageHash external require msg sender address Sender address must be valid candidatesIds increment uint candidateId candidatesIds current address address address msg sender Candidate memory newCandidate Candidate candidateId name imageHash address candidates address newCandidate accounts candidateId msg sender emit candidateCreated address name registerCandidate is an external function this means that this function can only be called from outside the contract You could also mark it as public but this would be gas inefficient The function takes two parameters the name and the image from the candidate ipfs hash These two parameters are from memory type calldata calldata is a non modifiable non persistent area where functionarguments are storedWe use require msg sender address to check if the caller of the function really exists Require acts like an early out where the condition inside thebrackets is checked If the condition is false the error message is returned In the next two following lines we make use of openzeppelin counter to manage our ID s With candidatesIds increment we increase the value by and get the current value with candidatesIds current In order to use the address of the caller we need to parse it before usage this is simply achieved with address msg sender OpenZeppelin Contracts helps you minimize risk by using battle tested libraries of smart contracts for Ethereum and other blockchains learn more here We now can create a new Candidate by passing all neccessary parametersmemory newCandidate Candidate candidateId name imageHash address Look out here to the memory keyword before newCandidate In Solidity you have to explitcity set the storage type if you want to create new objects Storage from type memory will live as long as the function is executed if you need permantent storage use storage type candidates address newCandidate Here we create a new key gt value assignment in the candidates mapping The key is the address of the caller the candidate and the value is the newly created candidate object We use this mapping to organize our candidates this mapping is permanently stored on the blockchain because its a state variable State Variables Variables whose values are permanently stored in a contract storage Local Variables Variables whose values are present till function is executing accounts candidateId msg sender Same game but with candidateId as key and the caller address as a value You might ask why the heck we need this mapping but just be patient it will all make sense soon Now lets implement the vote functionfunction vote address forCandidate external candidates forCandidate totalVote emit Voted forCandidate msg sender candidates forCandidate totalVote The vote function is super simple We pass in the address of the candidate who will recieve the vote candidates forCandidate totalVote In candidates mapping we use the address as our key to get the candidate object and increase the totalVote by one After that we will emit an event emit Voted forCandidate candidates forCandidate totalVote that event will act as an response It contains informations that we will use on the frontend to update the UI The last function get all candidatesfunction fetchCandidates external view returns Candidate memory uint itemCount candidatesIds current Candidate memory candidatesArray new Candidate itemCount for uint i i lt itemCount i uint currentId i Candidate memory currentCandidate candidates accounts currentId candidatesArray i currentCandidate return candidatesArray Maybe you see this code and ask heee why we not just return the mapping Well I also thought this googled it and it turned out we cant Therefore we will need a helper array to store our candidates We get the current id just a simple number with candidatesIds current okay know we know the maximum for our iteration and we store it in a variable called itemCount we also use this variable in order to create our helper array candidatesArray Here we will make use of our helper mapping accounts accounts x x candidates x x Otherwise we would have no chance to iterate over the candidates because we dont know the keys addresses of the candidates to iterate over We could used ID as the key for the candidates mapping but then the vote function would more complicated Wow there were many woulds in the previous section Take a short break we will continue with the deployment of the smart contract Compile amp Deploy the VoteManager sol Spin up local testnet First we need to spin up our local ethereum blockchain With the template starter you can simply use npm run testnet or with npx hardhat node Compile contract Before we deploy the contract we need to compile it first Open a new terminal and writenpm run compile or npx hardhat compileThis will also create the ABI The ABI is essential for other programs like our frontend in order to communicate with the contract It defines what functions can be called with the corresponding parameters Deploy contractFirst go the deploy script backend scripts deploy ts and make sure ethers getContractFactory is grabbing the right contract Finally deploy the votemanager contract to the local testnet withnpm run deploy or npx hardhat run network localhost scripts deploy tsCopy the address of the deployed contract we will need it afterwards Connect MetaMask to the local testnetIf you have spinned up the local testnet you will see an output like this copy one of these private keys and head over toMetaMask gt Click on Profile Pictrue gt Import AccountPaste the private key to the input field and make sure that you have set up the local network Setup the frontendHead over to the frontend App tsx and create these state variablesconst contract setContract useState const selectedImage setSelectedImage useState const candidates setCandidates useState lt gt const candidateFormData setCandidateFormData useState name imageHash const contractAddress xfdaBBbeddcCCAbBd Paste the copied address to the contractAddress variable Now copy this useEffect and paste it below the variables section useEffect gt setContract getContract contractAddress In this useEffect we assign our contract with the help of the helper function getContract and pass in the address of the contract The helper functions return the contract lets see how its done import Contract ethers from ethers import VoteManagerContract from backend artifacts contracts VoteManager sol VoteManager json export default function getContract contractAddress string Contract const provider new ethers providers WebProvider window as any ethereum const signer provider getSigner const contract new ethers Contract contractAddress VoteManagerContract abi signer return contract First we need to create an Ethereum Provider A provider is an abstraction for connection to a blockchain in this case for Ethereum MetaMask injects a global API into websites withwindow ethereum This API allows websites to request users Ethereum accounts read data from blockchains the user is connected to and so on Ethers js wrapping this API in its Provider API I know what you are thinking From the Provider we get the Signer and then we can create the Contract have a look at the picture above for the Ethers js Terminology In order to create the contract we need to pass in the ABI as second parameter The ABI is a JSON file defining our smart contract functionality and how it needs to be called meaning the parameters of each function Because the starter template is a monorepo we can easily import the VoteManager ABI from the artifacts contracts directory Thats it our contract abstraction is created and we return it to the App tsx where its used to call the contract Creating the candidateWe need a form with an input for the candidates name and a input for the candidates image I have used mui for the frontend part but feel free to rewrite to your needs lt Container maxWidth md sx marginY rem gt lt Box component form gt lt Stack direction row alignItems center spacing mb gt lt TextField id filled basic label Name variant filled name name value candidateFormData name onChange handleChange gt lt label htmlFor contained button file gt lt input type file accept image onChange e gt setSelectedImage e target files gt lt label gt lt Button variant contained component span onClick gt registerCandidate gt Register as Candidate lt Button gt lt Stack gt lt Box gt lt Container gt Nothing special in here lets head over register to the candidate logic where the magic will happenasync function registerCandidate get the name from formdata const name candidateFormData name getting the IPFS Image Hash from the Pinata API Service const ipfsImageHash await IPFSUploadHandler call the VoteManager registerCandidate Contract Function contract registerCandidate name ipfsImageHash response from the contract the candidateCreated Event contract on candidateCreated async function evt getAllCandidates First we get the name of the first input Second we call the Pinata IPFS API with our image to get the IPFS Image Hash of this picture Have a look at the GitHup Repository in the services folder to gain more insights about the the IPFSUploadHandler and the Pinata API function call If you need more infos about IPFS check my slides about IPFS Then we will use the contract variable that we have set in the useEffect with the helper function to call the registerCandidate function With on we subscribe to events that are triggered from the contract flashback emit candidateCreated address name contract on candidateCreated async function event getAllCandidates the first paramter is the name of the event the second the handler function If we recieve the event we will call the getAllCAndidates function to get all candidates including the newest that we have just created Get all candidatesasync function getAllCandidates const retrievedCandidates await contract fetchCandidates const tempArray retrievedCandidates forEach candidate gt tempArray push id candidate id name candidate name totalVote candidate totalVote imageHash candidate imageHash candidateAddress candidate candidateAddress setCandidates tempArray Pretty straight forwards we call the fetchCandidates function from the contract the response looks like this Wee see that we get the properties double I have no clue why If you know why please let me know We create a temporary array iterate over the response and fill the temporary Array with the candidates objects Finally we set assign the candidates state variable with the tempArray Let s show the candidates with their images therefore paste this below the register candidate part candidates length gt amp amp lt Container sx bgcolor FFF gt lt Box sx flexGrow paddingY rem paddingX rem gt lt Grid container spacing xs md columns xs sm md gt candidates map candidate index gt lt Grid item sm key index gt lt Card gt lt CardMedia component img image candidate imageHash alt candidate image gt lt CardContent gt lt Typography gutterBottom component div gt Total votes candidate totalVote as BigNumber toNumber lt Typography gt lt Typography variant body color text secondary gt candidate name lt Typography gt lt Typography variant body color text secondary gt candidate candidateAddress lt Typography gt lt CardContent gt lt CardActions disableSpacing sx paddingTop gt lt IconButton aria label like picture sx bgcolor info contrastText color info main onClick gt vote candidate candidateAddress gt lt FavoriteIcon gt lt IconButton gt lt CardActions gt lt Card gt lt Grid gt lt Grid gt lt Box gt We are almost done Whats missing is vote functionality function vote address string if address throw Error no address defined contract vote address contract on Voted function event getAllCandidates This one is simple In our iteration over the candidates we have the like button onClick gt vote candidate candidateAddress gt So we pass in the address of the candidate to this function and then we check if the address is not null Afterwars we call the vote function of contract with the candidates address If the vote is done we will listen to the Voted event and then for the sake of simplicity we fetch all the Candidates again to show the updates value s This way is cleaner to register the event handlers because it happensonly if the contract is changing instead of every function calluseEffect gt if contract contract on Voted async function getAllCandidates contract on candidateCreated async function getAllCandidates contract Congratulation your first dApp is ready You did it do you feel the power We covered a lot of topics in this tutorial You now know the memory types calldata memory and storage of soliditywhat openzeppelin is and how to import their contractsuse require as an early out criterium to be code and gas efficienthow to store images on IPFS with the help of Pinata service that you can send events from your smart contract as a kind ofresponse to your frontend that the ABI defines your smart contract and that you can useethers js to interact with the ethereum blockchain Thanks for readingIf you like this kind of content or have any questions I am not an expert let s connect on twitter or linkedin PSI have a little exercise for you Candidates can vote unlimited for their own images this is not fair Can you expand the functionality so that a candidate can only vote once 2022-03-27 15:31:13
海外TECH DEV Community Swoole: o PHP concorrente https://dev.to/kaetaen/swoole-o-php-concorrente-10o4 Swoole o PHP concorrente Para sempre émuito tempo O tempo não pára Mario QuintanaEu comecei a programar em JavaScript no servidor Node js bem antes de PHP logo o conceito de assincronismo jáestava naturalizado no meu jeito de fazer as coisas pois o JavaScript jáéassíncrono por natureza Quando comecei a programar em PHP a primeira coisa fora do básico que eu vi foi o funcionamento do php curl e gostei do quanto ele era procedural PHP foi pensado como uma linguagem procedural e posteriormente foi implementa uma solução de orientação a objetos àlinguagem No mundo real nem sempre podemos esperar que uma operação seja realizada para partir para a próxima muitas vezes necessitamos que as coisas ocorram ao mesmo tempo que pelo menos pareça que ocorram dessa forma Jáexistem técnicas conhecidas para resolver esse problema nesse artigos usaremos corrotinas uma oposição ao pthread do PHP As corrotinas são parecidas com as threads e seu comportamento porém consomem menos recursos A solução que temos para esse problema éo OpenSwoole que segundo a documentação do mesmo ele foi pensando para construir serviços de alto desempenho escaláveis TCP UDP Unix Socket HTTP WebSocket com PHP por meio de corrotinas Instalação do SwooleA primeira coisa a ser feita éinstalar a extensão do Swoole na nossa máquina Eu recomendo fortemente o uso do PECL se vocênão usa amigo instale agora na sua máquina Vamos usar a distribuição GNU Linux Ubuntu como referência Caso não possua o PECL instalado sudo apt get install php pear php devEm seguida vamos instalar o Swoole sudo sudo pecl install openswoole Para finalizar iremos habilitar a extensão do Swoole adicionando essa linha ao nosso php iniextension openswoole so Mão na massaApós instalar e habilitar o swoole uma série de classes e helpers ficam disponíveis para que possamos utiliza lo em nossas aplicações Nesse exemplo usaremos o go A função go nos permite encapsular uma função dentro de uma corrotina Teremos funções encapsuladas por duas corrotinas uma lista uma série de heróis de animes e a outra lista os vilões TNosso objetivo éque essa listagem ocorra paralelamente Esse exemplo nos permitiráum vislumbre do funcionamento do Swoole O código abaixo lt php Lista os heróisgo static function heros Kurosaki Ichigo Uzumaki Naruto Kamado Tanjiro foreach heros as hero echo Hero hero PHP EOL Lista os vilõesgo static function villains Sosuke Aizen Otsutsuki Kaguya Muzan Kibutsuji foreach villains as villain echo Villain villain PHP EOL Exibe o seguinte resultado Hero Kurosaki IchigoHero Uzumaki NarutoHero Kamado TanjiroVillain Sosuke AizenVillain Otsutsuki KaguyaVillain Muzan Kibutsuji Mas vocênão disse que era paralelo Sim mas vocênão acha que éum código simples e rápido de mais para se perceber isso Pois de fato é Então vamos adicionar uma pausa no processo de listagem para vermos o Swoole agir A única mudança que faremos no código anterior éadicionar o sleep depois de cada echo lt php Lista os heróisgo static function heros Kurosaki Ichigo Uzumaki Naruto Kamado Tanjiro foreach heros as hero echo Hero hero PHP EOL sleep Lista os vilõesgo static function villains Sosuke Aizen Otsutsuki Kaguya Muzan Kibutsuji foreach villains as villain echo Villain villain PHP EOL sleep E novamente temos a saida Hero Kurosaki IchigoHero Uzumaki NarutoHero Kamado TanjiroVillain Sosuke AizenVillain Otsutsuki KaguyaVillain Muzan KibutsujiNão mudou nada A única coisa diferente neesse segundo código foi a espera de segundo para cada elemento ser impresso Ainda não sentimos a sensação de que de fato as duas funções estão sendo executadas ao mesmo tempo A culpa disso éda função sleep A função sleep ébloqueante isso faz com que nosso código seja procedural para resolvermos isso executaremos uma função auxiliar do Swoole que faz com que as funções bloqueates do PHP se comportem como não bloqueantes lt php Método auxiliar que torna o código não bloqueante bloqueanteSwoole Runtime enableCoroutine Lista os heróisgo static function heros Kurosaki Ichigo Uzumaki Naruto Kamado Tanjiro foreach heros as hero echo Hero hero PHP EOL sleep Lista os vilõesgo static function villains Sosuke Aizen Otsutsuki Kaguya Muzan Kibutsuji foreach villains as villain echo Villain villain PHP EOL sleep Com isso finalmente temos nosso código sendo executado de modo alternado Hero Kurosaki IchigoVillain Sosuke AizenHero Uzumaki NarutoVillain Otsutsuki KaguyaVillain Muzan KibutsujiHero Kamado TanjiroÉisso pessoal atéa próxima 2022-03-27 15:22:35
海外TECH DEV Community Why Are Developer Recruiters On My LinkedIn DM? https://dev.to/techmaniacc/why-are-developer-recruiters-on-my-linkedin-dm-5b1 Why Are Developer Recruiters On My LinkedIn DM I have been on LinkedIn for four consecutive years As a developer I can say I have secured many opportunities to work abroad unfortunately most of them demand a degree and yet I am still in school For most of the interviews I attended I didn t apply or DM those recruiters the opposite happened This year alone I have gotten five messages from recruiters asking me to send my CVs The first one was from South Africa another from my country Kenya the rest from the US maybe Silicon Valley But for sure I declined most of them because they wanted an individual who could work full time So what is the secret I am not sure of the reason but at least I can share what I have been doing Optimize Your Profile Last year I visited a sample of blogs to get much information about optimizing your LinkedIn profile I followed simple steps and boom my profile s organic traffic increased The SEO works wonders When you write a good caption with the perfect role it s easy for recruiters to find you Sometimes they will just such for “python Django developers If your profile is well optimized you are ranked among the first people The recruiter can send you a connection or note about the job Keywords are the way to go Be specific with your role I don t believe if I write a “full stack developer the recruiter might be easy to know what they need Add something like “Full stack developer React Python Django Nodejs At least if the recruiter is looking for a Django developer he might be able to note you easily The profile picture and cover photo must be presentable Ensure your people can see your face easily on your profile pic You might put an image with your role or sample code on the cover photo Make it fun life is an art Let me not forget about the URL By default the LinkedIn URL has some numbers with your name However you can go to settings and edit the URL to contain your name alone Engage With Other DevelopersYes it would be best if you were active In the same way you were obsessed with Facebook don t lag engage with LinkedIn Congratulate people on their new roles Talk to other developers and see what they have built Connect with more people in your niche Post regularly for people to know you better For example let s say you are a UI UX designer When you develop something kindly take a screenshot and post it Ask for feedback This can earn you a job may be from one of your connections Don t underestimate the power of posting Add “OPEN TO WORK To Your Profile This setting is always on LinkedIn when you want to edit your profile By doing that recruiters or HR will be aware that you are not occupied and they can send you multiple vacancies related to your job Update Your Profile RegularlyI don t mean you change your role every month No But there are certifications you might get along the way or learn a new skill Remember to tell your people that you have achieved that and you can tackle the problems related to what you have earned Those extra certifications give you an edge over other developers Experience Is The keyTo the newbies please don t wait to get the first job so that you can put it on LinkedIn There are freelancing sites like Upwork Fiverr people per hour when you can secure small gigs with your HTML CSS and JS skills Immediately you get a gig update it on your LinkedIn profile about your work on Upwork This has served me when a job demands years of experience There was a time when a recruiter asked me why I wanted a junior role and I had three years of experience It s a technic remember a lot of things you will learn on the job Related SkillsNature your skills Shape your skills When we talk about skills we don t mean you learn everything But doing one thing at a time might help you For example you can learn python the go deep into some frameworks e g Django Then look for Django jobs If you are keen on qualification some demand a Django developer to possess some docker Nginx and AWS Learn those related skills and put them on LinkedIn Write Content BlogsI don t write LinkedIn content but I have connected it with my blog When I post an article even my LinkedIn community might be able to read it That is why I added “Technical Writer to my title I have secured more opportunities on daily dev because of compelling content You don t need to be an expert to do this but write anything related to technology Even if it s HTML tags or little experience we need that Follow up On OpportunityIf you are not getting any opportunity go direct and DM some recruiters or HR Make friendship with them Ask them what they are looking for in a developer Share your projects with them Your time will come 2022-03-27 15:17:53
海外TECH DEV Community Weekly Digest 12/2022 https://dev.to/marcobiedermann/weekly-digest-122022-4cdo Weekly Digest Welcome to my Weekly Digest of this year This weekly digest contains a lot of interesting and inspiring articles videos tweets podcasts and designs I consumed during this week Interesting articles to read Remixing React RouterRemix picked up where React Router v left off and now almost everything great about Remix is coming back to React Router Remixing React Router Announcing CodeSandbox ProjectsWe re super excited to announce CodeSandbox Projects a rewrite of CodeSandbox from the ground up Announcing CodeSandbox Projects CodeSandbox Blog How to use undocumented web APIsJulia Evans explains how to use undocumented web APIs and how to explore them How to use undocumented web APIs Some great videos I watched this week very promising Open Source Projects you haven t heard ofLet s explore game changing open source libraries that can make your code faster prettier and cheaper A hand picked list of the coolest dev tools and projects on GitHub in by Fireship Binary Search Algorithm in SecondsBinary Search is an algorithm that can find the index of an element in a sorted array data structure You ve likely used Binary Search it in everyday life without even realizing it by Fireship Chrome What s New in DevToolsView and edit supports at rules rename and customize recording s selector and more by Google Chrome Developers dribbble shots BATHOEK Hero Sectionby Fauzan Ardhiansyah Artificial Intelligence Landing Pageby UI UX Kits Kalm Meditation and Sleep Mobile App by Faris Setiawan Ask Question Mobile UIby Kawsar Ahmed Tweets LetsDefend letsdefendio Linux Log parsing cheat sheet PM Mar Firebase firebase Introducing the brand new Firebase blog New domainNew look Built with astrodotbuild and hosted on FirebaseTake a look for yourself →goo gle Firebase Blog PM Mar Amit amit t HTML TipYou can 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗸𝗲𝘆𝗯𝗼𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗰𝘂𝘁𝘀𝘁𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘀by using the accesskey attribute Note To access the link using the keyboard you will have to press For windows →alt accesskeyFor mac →option accesskeyHave a look here PM Mar Steve Ruiz steveruizok TIL in code you can alt click on a fold caret to fold everything but that block AM Mar Andrew Schmelyun aschmelyun So here s why I bought a receipt printer Every time one of my GitHub repos gets a new issue I now get a physical ticket printed out on my desk 🪄 AM Mar Jecelyn Yeen jecfish JavaScript devs are you annoyed by the variable re declaration error when trying out code in the Console ChromeDevTools made it easier for u No more page reload needed during code experiment Happy devs productive devs Read more developer chrome com blog new in de… AM Mar Picked Pens Day and Night SVG Animationby Aysenur Turk Light Dark Toggle With Morphing Iconby Jon Kantner Podcasts worth listening Syntax Our Stacks ExplainedIn this episode of Syntax Wes and Scott talk through the tech stack they use to manage their course websites CodePen Radio Sarah Fossheim Chris got to talk to Sarah Fossheim this week One of the impressive things that Sarah does is near photograph quality recreations of iconic old technology in HTML amp CSS Thank you for reading talk to you next week and stay safe 2022-03-27 15:17:29
海外TECH Engadget Russia's invasion of Ukraine has destroyed a historic computer museum https://www.engadget.com/club-8-bit-ukraine-destruction-154109115.html?src=rss Russia x s invasion of Ukraine has destroyed a historic computer museumEarlier this week Club bit one of Ukraine s largest privately owned computer museums was destroyed during the siege of Mariupol Kotaku spotted news of the event after its owner Dmitry Cherepanov took to Facebook to share the fate of Club bit It has been reported that the Mariupol Computer Museum in Ukraine a privately owned collection of over items of retro computing consoles and technology from the s to the early s a collection nearly years in the making has been destroyed by a bomb pic twitter com xKiyYjthーLord Arse Lord Arse March “That s it the Mariupol computer museum is no longer there he said on March st “All that is left from the collection that I have been collecting for years are just fragments of memories on the FB page website and radio station of the museum Club bit s collection included more than pieces of computer history with items dating from as far back as the s Gizmodo nbsp visited the museum in describing it at the time as “one of the largest and coolest collections of Soviet era computers to be found anywhere in the world It took Cherepanov more than a decade to collect and restore many of the PCs on display at Club bit What makes the museum s destruction even more poignant is that it documented a shared history between the Ukrainian and Russian people Thankfully Cherepanov is alive but like many residents of Mariupol he has lost his home If you want to support Cherepanov he has opened a PayPal account accepting donations to help him and other Ukrainians affected by Russia s invasion of Ukraine Since the start of the war nearly million people have been displaced by the conflict making it the fastest growing refugee crisis since the second world war 2022-03-27 15:41:09
金融 ◇◇ 保険デイリーニュース ◇◇(損保担当者必携!) 保険デイリーニュース(03/28) http://www.yanaharu.com/ins/?p=4871 切迫流産 2022-03-27 15:46:33
ニュース BBC News - Home Shanghai Covid: China announces largest city-wide lockdown https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-60893070?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA lockdown 2022-03-27 15:21:57
ニュース BBC News - Home England in West Indies: Joe Root's side slump to 10-wicket defeat in Grenada https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/60893972?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA England in West Indies Joe Root x s side slump to wicket defeat in GrenadaEngland slump to a chastening wicket defeat early on the fourth day of the third Test to lose their series against West Indies 2022-03-27 15:50:08
北海道 北海道新聞 海底耕運、活性粘土散布、餌止め 道外の赤潮対策、道内でも可能性 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/661844/ 道東 2022-03-28 00:32:23
北海道 北海道新聞 ワリエワ、ロシア国内大会に出場 地元観客に「恋しかった」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/661898/ 北京冬季五輪 2022-03-28 00:28:00
北海道 北海道新聞 対ロシア「一致した行動を」 日アフリカ会合で林外相 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/661897/ ticad 2022-03-28 00:14:00
北海道 北海道新聞 宮城、福島で震度3 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/661896/ 最大震度 2022-03-28 00:12:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ◇北見市議選開票結果 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/661895/ 開票結果 2022-03-28 00:07:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ◇日高管内日高町議選開票結果 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/661893/ 開票結果 2022-03-28 00:06:00



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