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海外TECH MakeUseOf Is Virtual Reality Bad for Your Eyes? https://www.makeuseof.com/virtual-reality-bad-your-eyes/ reality 2022-03-27 18:30:13
海外TECH DEV Community Import DB in Drupal 8 https://dev.to/vadimfilimonov/import-db-in-drupal-8-5fo4 Import DB in Drupal DrushIn the folder where the file with the database is located use the command drush sql drop drush sql cli lt dump sql phpMyAdminGo to phpMyAdmin Select the database from the list Click on the Import tab Click Select File and download the archive with the database Click the Forward button Docker containerIf you work on a local area this method is preferable Especially if you have a large database In the terminal we write docker psThe import of the database in the container docker is as follows docker exec i CONTAINER ID mysql uUSERNAME pPASSWORD DATABASE NAME lt dump sqlIn my case the values are as follows CONTAINER ID dafddfdeUSERNAME drupalPASSWORD drupalDATABASE NAME drupalConsequently in order to import the database I will write the following docker exec i dafddfde mysql udrupal pdrupal drupal lt dump sqlDon t forget to put u before the login and p before the password 2022-03-27 18:34:50
海外TECH DEV Community i am our genius on this searching to end this bad ass worthy taking my stress away. hashtag ready https://dev.to/beaulieu_marla/i-am-our-genius-on-this-searching-to-end-this-bad-ass-worthy-taking-my-stress-away-hashtag-ready-318a i am our genius on this searching to end this bad ass worthy taking my stress away hashtag readywhen you think of an organism you should start too think with picturing it in your own mind Find something ecstatic with no one at all biting on your lip yup you need to find out what secrets i withhold 2022-03-27 18:33:25
海外TECH DEV Community Flutter Layout ve UI Widget'ları https://dev.to/gulsenkeskin/flutter-layout-ve-ui-widgetlari-4n2c Flutter Layout ve UI Widget x larıStack widgetStack widget widget larıüst üste yerleştirmek veya yığmak için kullanılır Yukarıdaki resimde Güneş bulutlar ve içerik birbirinin üzerine yığılmışfarklıwidget lardır Bir stack in tüm çocuklarıya konumlanmıştır ya da varsayılan olarak konumlanmamıştır Stack widget alt widget larınısol üst köşelerine göre hizalar ve bunlarıbirbiri ardına yan yana yerleştirir Alignment özelliği ile bir stack e hangi yöne hizalanacağınısöyleyebilirsiniz Örneğin hizalamayıhorizontal yatay olarak ayarlarsanız stack bir row gibi davranacaktır Bir çocuk açıkça konumlandırılmadığısürece stack bir column gibi çalışır ve çocuklarıdikey olarak yerleştirir Bir widget ıkonumlandırmak için onu Positioned widget ına sararsınız positioned widget şu özelliklere sahiptir top left right bottom width and height Bunların hiçbirini ayarlamanız gerekmez ancak en fazla iki horizontal properties yatay özellik left right and width ve iki vertical properties dikey özellik top bottom and height ayarlayabilirsiniz Bu özellikler Flutter a widget ın nereye boyanacağınısöyler Çocuklar RenderStack algoritmasıtarafından boyanır •Konumlandırılmamıştüm çocuklarıbir row veya column un yapacağışekilde düzenler Bu stack e son boyutunu söyler Konumlandırılmamışçocuk yoksa stack mümkün olduğunca büyük olmaya çalışır •top left vb özelliklerini kullanarak konumlandırılmıştüm alt öğelerini children stack in render box ına göre düzenler Konumlandırılmışözellikler positioned properties Flutter a stack in alt öğelerini paralel kenarına göre nereye yerleştireceğini söyler Örneğin top positioned widget ıstack box ının üst kenarından piksel içe yerleştirir Stack Widget larıbirbirinin üzerine veya açık bir şekilde birbiriyle ilişkili olarak yerleştirmek istiyorsanız kullanabileceğiniz bir widget tır Table widgetAdından da anlaşılacağıüzere tablo oluşturmak için kullanılır Table gördüğümüz diğer layout widget larından daha katıdır çünkütabloların teoride tek bir amacıvardır verileri okunabilir bir şekilde görüntülemek Tablolar widget öğelerini sütunlar ve satırlar halinde sıralar ve tablodaki her hücre satırdaki diğer tüm hücrelerle aynıyüksekliğe ve sütunundaki her pencere öğesiyle aynıgenişliğe sahiptir Flutter tablolarıönceden belirgin column width leri gerektirir ve hiçbir tablo hücresi boşolamaz Bu kurallar göz önüne alındığında diğer multi child widget lara benzer şekilde kodda bir tablo uygularız Table columnWidths Map lt int TableColumnWidth gt border Border defaultColumnWidth TableColumnWidth defaultVerticalAlignment TableCellVerticalAlignment children List lt TableRow gt Table widget ile çalışırken dikkat etmeniz gerekenler columnWidths kullanmak zorunda değilsiniz ama defaultColumnWidth parametresi null olamaz defaultColumnWidth default bir argumana sahiptir FlexColumnWidth yani hiçbir şey iletmeniz gerekmez Ama null olamaz defaulColumnWidth null bir hata verir Ancak defaultColumnWidth in varsayılan bir bağımsız değişkeni olduğundan her sütunun aynıboyutta olmasınıve tablonun mümkün olduğunca fazla genişlikte olmasınıistiyorsanız bunu yok sayabilirsiniz Column width lerini bir map i columnWidths e ileterek tanımlarsınız Map key olarak column un index değerini dan başlayarak ve column un ne kadar yer kaplamasınıistediğiniz değeri alır Border isteğe bağlıdır TableCellVerticalAlignment yalnızca row larınızın children larıTableCells ise çalışır Aşağıdaki kod bazısatırların boyutlarınıtanımlar sütunun genişliği için bir tanım olmadığına dikkat edin Table columnWidths FixedColumnWidth FixedColumnWidth FixedColumnWidth defaultVerticalAlignment TableCellVerticalAlignment middle children lt TableRow gt TableRow Bir table row normal bir row dan daha basittir İki önemli yapılandırmasıvardır Bir tablodaki her row un eşit sayıda çocuğu olmalıdır Çocukların alt widget ağaçlarında TableCell i kullanabilirsiniz ancak kullanmak zorunda değilsiniz TableCell widget ağacında onun üzerinde bir yerde ancestor bir TableRow a sahip olduğu sürece TableRow un doğrudan bir çocuğu olmak zorunda değildir Dart ın List generate constructor ından widget lar oluşturmaTablonun child özelliğine bir liste iletmek yerine widget larıdöndüren fonksiyonları constructor larıve class larıkullanabiliriz Table columnWidths FixedColumnWidth FixedColumnWidth FixedColumnWidth defaultVerticalAlignment TableCellVerticalAlignment middle children List generate int index ForecastDay day forecast days index Weather dailyWeather forecast days index hourlyWeather final weatherIcon getWeatherIcon dailyWeather return TableRow children TableRow TableBu List generate constructor fonksiyonu derleme zamanında yürütülür List generate i bir döngüolarak düşünebilirsiniz İşlevsel olarak şöyle bir şey yazmakla aynıdır List lt Widget gt myList for int i i lt i myList add TableRow Tıpkıfor döngüsügibi örnek koddaki List generate constructor ı verdiğiniz kodu yedi kez çalıştıracaktır Yine de her döngüyinelemesindeki index in aslında arasında olacağınıunutmamak önemlidir List generate bir Dart özelliğidir ve Flutter a özgüdeğildir Yine de bir row column table veya list için birkaçwidget oluşturmanız gerektiğinde Flutter da oldukça kullanışlıdır List generate i kullanmasaydık şuna benzeyen daha ayrıntılıbir kod yazmamız gerekirdi Table children TableRow children TableCell TableCell TableCell TableCell TableRow children TableCell TableCell TableCell TableCell etc more times TableCell Text Icon ve Padding in tümükullanılır children List generate int index ForecastDay day forecast days index Weather dailyWeather forecast days index hourlyWeather final weatherIcon getWeatherIcon dailyWeather return TableRow children TableCell child const Padding padding const EdgeInsets all child ColorTransitionText text DateUtils weekdays dailyWeather dateTime weekday style textStyle animation textColorTween animate controller TableCell child ColorTransitionIcon icon weatherIcon animation textColorTween animate controller size TableCell child ColorTransitionText text temperature day max toString style textStyle animation textColorTween animate controller TableCell child ColorTransitionText text temperature day min toString style textStyle animation textColorTween animate controller VerticalDirection up Sütunun default akışınıtersine çevirmek için kullanılır TabBar widgetSekmeler Tabs mobil uygulamalarda yaygın olarak kullanılan bir UI öğesidir Flutter Material library sekmelerle çalışmayıoldukça kolaylaştıran yerleşik sekme widget larısağlar Devamısonra Resource Flutter in Action chapter 2022-03-27 18:16:33
海外TECH DEV Community Automating Prowler for Compliance Checking in AWS https://dev.to/aws-builders/automating-prowler-for-compliance-checking-in-aws-3oef Automating Prowler for Compliance Checking in AWSWhether you are looking to improve your AWS security posture or checking compliance against cybersecurity frameworks Prowler is an amazing open source tool developed by Toni de la Fuente Toni has created a tool to check over security controls in AWS ranging from ensuring S buckers are not publicly accessible to encryption everywhere Toni s Github portal provides extensive documentation on how to use the tool but I wanted to share a CloudFormation template that I created to automate the deployment in AWS to run compliance checks and then decommission the stack and remove all resources Launching EC Instance for ProwlerFirst we will want launch an EC instance and run a bash script to download the necessary software install and configure Prowler ProwlerInstance Type AWS EC Instance Properties ImageId Ref ImageId InstanceType Ref InstanceType SubnetId Ref SubnetId SecurityGroupIds Ref InstanceSecurityGroup KeyName Ref KeyName IamInstanceProfile Ref ProwlerInstanceProfile Tags Key Name Value Prowler BlockDeviceMappings DeviceName dev xvda Ebs VolumeSize Encrypted true Run bash to install and configure Prowler UserData Fn Base Sub bin bash xe sudo yum update y sudo yum remove y awscli cd home ec user curl o home ec user awscliv zip unzip home ec user awscliv zip sudo home ec user aws install sudo yum install y python jq git sudo pip install detect secrets git clone home ec user prowler chown R ec user ec user home ec user prowler Create an instance profileCreate an instance profile tied to a role with necessary permissions to run the audit ProwlerInstanceProfile Type AWS IAM InstanceProfile Properties InstanceProfileName prowler ec instance profile Path Roles Ref ProwlerEcInstanceRole Provide access to run ProwlerNext we will want to generate a role that has view only and security audit permission that is required by Prowler to run compliance checks ProwlerEcInstanceRole Type AWS IAM Role Properties RoleName prowler ec instance role AssumeRolePolicyDocument Version Statement Effect Allow Principal Service ec amazonaws com Action sts AssumeRole ManagedPolicyArns arn aws iam aws policy SecurityAudit arn aws iam aws policy job function ViewOnlyAccess Path Security GroupWe ll want to create a security group to only allow SSH access into the EC instance InstanceSecurityGroup Type AWS EC SecurityGroup Properties GroupDescription Allow ssh from specific host GroupName ProwlerSecurityGroup VpcId Ref VpcId SecurityGroupIngress IpProtocol tcp FromPort ToPort CidrIp Ref CidrIp ParametersLastly to improve automation we will pass parameters into the CloudFormation template If you launch the template via the console some of these settings will be selected via a dropdown For launching via the command line interface pass the parameters through a JSON file ImageId Default is AWS Linux ami edfcccInstanceType Default is t microVpcId VPC to launch EC instance intoSubnetId Subnet for EC instanceKeyName Keypair to useCidrIp CIDR range for SSH x x x x xParameters ImageId Type String Description AMI Linux Default ami edfccc InstanceType Type String Description Instance type to be used t micro default Default t micro VpcId Type AWS EC VPC Id Description VPC to be used SubnetId Type AWS EC Subnet Id Description Subnet to be used KeyName Type AWS EC KeyPair KeyName Description Keyname CidrIp Type String Description CidrIp to be used to connect from x x x x xMetadata AWS CloudFormation Interface ParameterGroups Label default Network Configuration Parameters ImageId InstanceType VpcId SubnetId KeyName CidrIp Final YAML ScriptAfter putting all this together The final YAML scripts looks like the following The code is also available at Github AWSTemplateFormatVersion Description Create EC instanace with Prowler pre configured and tied to roles to run Template Parameters ImageId Default is AWS Linux ami edfccc InstanceType Default is t micro VpcId VPC to launch in SubnetId Subnet to connect KeyName Keypair to use CidrIp CIDR range for SSH x x x x xResources Create Prowler Instance Parameters for ImageId InstanceType SubnetId SecurityGroupIds and KeyName ProwlerInstance Type AWS EC Instance Properties ImageId Ref ImageId InstanceType Ref InstanceType SubnetId Ref SubnetId SecurityGroupIds Ref InstanceSecurityGroup KeyName Ref KeyName IamInstanceProfile Ref ProwlerInstanceProfile Tags Key Name Value Prowler BlockDeviceMappings DeviceName dev xvda Ebs VolumeSize Encrypted true Run bash to install and configure Prowler UserData Fn Base Sub bin bash xe sudo yum update y sudo yum remove y awscli cd home ec user curl o home ec user awscliv zip unzip home ec user awscliv zip sudo home ec user aws install sudo yum install y python jq git sudo pip install detect secrets git clone home ec user prowler chown R ec user ec user home ec user prowler ProwlerInstanceProfile Type AWS IAM InstanceProfile Properties InstanceProfileName prowler ec instance profile Path Roles Ref ProwlerEcInstanceRole Create Security Group InstanceSecurityGroup Type AWS EC SecurityGroup Properties GroupDescription Allow ssh from specific host GroupName ProwlerSecurityGroup VpcId Ref VpcId SecurityGroupIngress IpProtocol tcp FromPort ToPort CidrIp Ref CidrIp Create EC Instance Role to run security checks and attach to instance ProwlerEcInstanceRole Type AWS IAM Role Properties RoleName prowler ec instance role AssumeRolePolicyDocument Version Statement Effect Allow Principal Service ec amazonaws com Action sts AssumeRole ManagedPolicyArns arn aws iam aws policy SecurityAudit arn aws iam aws policy job function ViewOnlyAccess Path Parameters for cloudformation template with some defaultsParameters ImageId Type String Description AMI Linux Default ami edfccc InstanceType Type String Description Instance type to be used t micro default Default t micro VpcId Type AWS EC VPC Id Description VPC to be used SubnetId Type AWS EC Subnet Id Description Subnet to be used KeyName Type AWS EC KeyPair KeyName Description Keyname CidrIp Type String Description CidrIp to be used to connect from x x x x xMetadata AWS CloudFormation Interface ParameterGroups Label default Network Configuration Parameters ImageId InstanceType VpcId SubnetId KeyName CidrIpConditions Running ProwlerAfter launching the CloudFormation template simply sign into the EC instance and change into the home ec user prowler directory To start I recommend running Prowler with the HTML output file option This provides a dynamic HTML file that you can review all the findings prowler M htmlYou can run direct output to multiple formats at once such as csv and json prowler M csv json html Decommissioning the resourcesAfter you run Prowler copy the output files to another system or S for review and record keeping Go back into CloudFormation and delete the stack to remove all the resources that were generated Next stepsProwler is also supported by AWS Security Hub so you can send your findings directly to Security Hub There s also a workshop available to build security dashboards in Quicksight from Prowler data Details for this integration can be found at Building Prowler into a QuickSight powered AWS Security Dashboard 2022-03-27 18:15:23
海外TECH DEV Community Preparing for new opportunities as a Senior Developer. https://dev.to/cottonstartiet/preparing-for-new-opportunities-as-a-senior-developer-kb1 Preparing for new opportunities as a Senior Developer I recently joined Amazon after spending about years at Microsoft with a total experience of years While I was preparing for interviews and going through interview process I had a lot of learnings because I was appearing for interviews after a long time Also there are more than enough resources for junior developers but for senior developers I see a void As a result I thought I should share my experiences and what I learnt along the way while preparing for a job change in the last few months The interview process faced by senior developers is a bit different from what profiles like SD might have to face In addition to the interview itself you have to take care of your current work as well as family and a lot of people depend on you both at work and at home This is NOT about how to prepare for a FAANG interview or how to crack DSA No youtube video coming after this This post might be relevant for you if You have years of experienceAre planning to switch jobs but are confused about what how to prepare Have been in coding tech and still want to be an IC role Are wondering how to prepare for interviews while taking care of family and work You have not done DSA for some time or are not into coding of the time First of all there is no lack of openings and opportunities for senior developers Obviously in my case having worked at Microsoft meant that getting interview calls was the easy part There is a huge demand for senior developers across product based companies both large and small Below is what I learnt after appearing for a number of interviews with various companies and successfully converting a few of those into offers Getting Interview CallsThis one is easy if you are working in any good company One thing I have always done is to respond to all the talent acquisition professionals who reach out to me I always respond with a message saying I am not looking for a change right now but let s stay connected and I will reach out to you if things change Now was the time I reached out to a lot of people and most of them responded with opportunities or connected me to others who were hiring Be nice to people even if you don t need them Opportunities and Career DirectionAt years of experience you need to decide in which direction you want to take your career You need to decide and pick companies and interviews accordingly You can continue to be a senior engineer and be a hands on developer You can be an architect and have a broader impact across teams You can be an Engineering Manager It s your career You need to have clarity on what you want to do in future Time Management Along with work and familyInterview preparation is time consuming Usually senior developers are not very hands on with DSA type of questions Same was the case with me As a result I had to spend about months preparing for interviews Last interview that I had appeared for was more than years ago and a lot has changed since then Managing your work along with preparation will require you to optimise and prioritise work related things as much as possible You will need to draw a line and give up the urge to pick up office work after a certain time It also helps if you can keep a fixed and dedicated time for interview preparation Time management becomes difficult if you have kids or extended family living with you but it s extremely important to give time to them as well Make sure you give them the time they deserve Also along the way there will be interviews where you will do bad and feel things are not working out Your family will help you recover and get back on track There will be days when you will feel the pressure and your family will be your biggest support Interview Process DSA Code Design System Design Hiring Manager Behaviour Rounds DSAThere is no running away from this one Every company that I interacted with had at least rounds for DSA Good news is that other than the occasional difficult question all the questions you will get will be of a medium difficulty In most cases they just want to check if you can analyse a problem write code and articulate the solution As all interviews are virtual most of the time you will be expected to write full working code Depending on the complexity you might get or questions during an hour long interview Using an online IDE is not easy so make sure that you practice a few times before interviews I struggled with array initialisation syntax a few times especially D arrays At a minimum make sure that you are able to understand and do the leetcode “Top Interview Questions There are about questions and if you successfully done these on your own you will do well in most interviews Practice Be Hands on Watching youtube videos is not going to help you in interviews Code DesignHaving OOP background helps here The questions are still related to things like chess game design bank account management etc Key here is to make sensible design choices follow SOLID be open to criticism and feedback and be firm about design choices you think are right SOLID extendable and testable code is critical System DesignMost system design questions that I faced were related to doing data processing and distributed systems Some rounds were about doing transactional actions in a microservices architecture Luckily I had been working on large scale data processing for last few years so this was not very difficult No one asks to design twitter facebook feed or Uber now Those questions do not check your design skills At senior levels you need to have a much deeper level knowledge Initially I spent some time watching videos on youtube Unfortunately most of the popular system design videos the people post are either wrong or just half baked In most cases people are explaining knowledge collected from various blogs without going deep into system design concepts Handling failures and designing a system that can be scaled and extended is the key here Hiring Manager RoundThis one can make or break your hiring decision My observation is that most managers want to hire you after the technical rounds It s really easy to mess this round if you are arrogant rigid and do not learn from your mistakes in previous interviews In most cases you will get questions related to how you solved some technical or organisational challenge or you will need to show examples of how you innovated and solved a problem how you helped your team helped your juniors and how you mentor them Sometimes questions related to project planning and stakeholder management can also be asked Also for senior engineers it s important to have examples of how you influenced your team or had an impact across teams Spend some time thinking about examples and instances for each of these If you have not done it think about what you could have done differently in your current job Learn from previous interviews and be ready with examples for questions where you struggled in other interviews Behaviour RoundsVery few companies have these rounds but the ones that have it treat it as a critical part of the hiring process As a result you need to prepare well for these interviews Conflict management is a big part of these interviews Be prepared and have examples ready It s ok to say that you made a mistake as long as you can also tell what you learned from it HR DiscussionsIf you have made it this far there is a good chance that you have been hired and the only part left is salary negotiation Be wise don t be influenced by what others are getting in the market You need to know what amount will make you happy ask for it and stick to it Pro Tips You can decide the time and sequence of companies that you are interviewing with Ask for extra time if you have a company that you want to target Appear for as many interviews as possible before the target company Most TA recruiters will try to help you in getting hired Collaborate with them and talk to them In a lot of cases then will provide you tips for next rounds specially related to what type of questions can be asked they might tell you about who the interviewer is and what does he look for in candidates All this helps in being mentally prepared for the interview Most interviewers know how to interview senior developers but sometimes you will find interviewers who will treat you like a junior developer They might ask illogical DSA questions and will look for the exact code and solution that they have in mind It s ok ignore and move on see if you can somehow sail through to the next round No matter how much you prepare you will get rejected A LOT Especially in the initial few interviews Sometimes in the first round or the online screening itself This will demotivate you make you feel like an imposter and will make you doubt yourself That s ok it happened to me as well and probably happens to everyone Take a break recharge and move to the next interview Time management becomes super critical Try and have fixed times for interview preparation Also try and find dead time like early morning evening tea time etc when you are not working on office related stuff Your family should know that you are appearing for interviews some days it will be stressful and you will need support in managing stuff at home Family support is crucial in handling rejections and when you are demotivated or feeling down If you have any question or tips that you would like to share please feel free to connect and drop me a message or comment Best of luck 2022-03-27 18:13:35
海外TECH DEV Community Terminal komandalari | Part 4 https://dev.to/rashid0ff/terminal-komandalari-part-4-3c55 Terminal komandalari Part aliasBu komanda orqali konsolda tez tez foydalanadigan komandalar uchun yangi nickname taxallus beradi alias datedir mkdir date d m Y ushbu komanda orqali bugungi sana nomi bilan papka yaratadigan uzun komandaga qisqa nom beradi Endilikdadatedirdeyish orqali bugungi sana nomi bilan papka yaratsa bo ladi alias komandasi bitta terminal session uchun ishlaydi holos 2022-03-27 18:12:50
海外TECH DEV Community What domain names are you holding on to? https://dev.to/ben/what-domain-names-are-you-holding-on-to-8gk whether 2022-03-27 18:03:27
海外TECH DEV Community Outreachy ended and here is my experience in Apache Airflow Open Source https://dev.to/edithpuclla/outreachy-ended-and-here-is-my-experience-in-apache-airflow-open-source-3cch Outreachy ended and here is my experience in Apache Airflow Open SourceThe three months of the Outreachy internship ended they were fast and I learned a lot of things in this period I ve never programmed in Python like I did in Outreachy My mentor Jarek Potiuk guide me write my first lines of code for Apache Airflow I am very grateful for his patience This is basically what encompasses my learning in the technical and soft skills side Apache Airflow is an open source workflow management platform for data engineering pipelines by creating workflows as directed acyclic graphs DAGs of tasks written in Python It is considered one of the most robust platforms used by data engineers Apache Airflow has a very complete and complex local development environment written mainly in Bash it s called Breeze However most project contributors are proficient in Python so the local development environment is not good for maintenance and debugging Our goal is to Convert Airflow Local Development environment Breeze from Bash based to Python based and also make it possible for Windows users to run the Breeze environment My mentors detailed each task in the backlog using GitHub Projects Each task was described using problems Show Out to my mentors Jarek Potiuk Elad Kalif Nasser Kaze for giving me as much detail to get started To start working on a feature we create a separate branch we always “rebase to place our changes at the end of the latest updates that were in the original repository git remote add apache git github com apache airflow git git fetch apache git fetch all This will print the HASH of the base commit which you should use to rebase your feature from git merge base my branch apache main git rebase HASH onto apache main git push force with leaseOne of the biggest challenges for me was understanding and knowing how to resolve conflicts with Git and rebasing was one of the techniques that worked quite well for me by Ryan HodsonI analyzed the bash script code and asked for feedback from my mentor on how to approach it Before I can rewrite it in Python there are things that can definitely be done differently because of the flexibility of Python is what we discussed Before pushing we use pre commits where the minimum standards for an acceptable commit are defined pre commit installpre commit versionpre commit uninstallAfter finishing the implementation we can create a Pull Request if it is not ready we can set it as a DRAFT to indicate that it is Work in Progress and that it is not yet ready for review By Luke HefsonOnce our Pull Request is created integration tests flow in GitHub Actions is executed this validates many things depending on the content that is modified Example If the change is related to documentation validation is quite simple and awaits the approval of our mentor without running tests If the core of the product is changed it runs all the necessary tests with different versions of python Once the jobs that test our changes finish successfully our Pr is approved Among the Python libraries I used in this period are PsutilLibrary to retrieve information on running processes and system utilization CPU memory disks network sensors in Python Python ClickClick is a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way with as little code as necessary Python Subprocessmodule allows you to spawn new processes connect to their input output error pipes and obtain their return codes Data ClassData classes are just regular classes that are geared towards storing state rather than containing a lot of logic Some of the things I am exploring now are these Docker Kubernetes Helm Chart GHCR ioAmong the soft skills that I improved and learned in the internship were these 2022-03-27 18:00:50
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to watch the 94th Academy Awards on your Apple devices https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/03/27/how-to-watch-the-94th-academy-awards-on-your-apple-devices?utm_medium=rss How to watch the th Academy Awards on your Apple devicesThe Oscars are the biggest media awards of the year and this time Apple TV films stand a chance of winning some major prizes Here s how to watch the th Academy Awards from the comfort of your sofa via Rodnae PexelsThe Academy Awards on Sunday will be a high stakes event for Apple as a pair of its films are up for awards Both CODA and The Tragedy of Macbeth are up for three with the former up for the big prize of Best Picture Read more 2022-03-27 18:40:47
海外TECH Engadget Apple may release its next iPad Pro this fall https://www.engadget.com/apple-ipad-pro-m2-report-180138829.html?src=rss Apple may release its next iPad Pro this fallBloomberg reporter Mark Gurman expects Apple will release its next generation iPad Pro sometime this fall In his latest Power On newsletter Gurman says he anticipates the new tablet will feature MagSafe inductive charging and Apple s long rumored but as yet unannounced M chip corroborating a previous report from toMac As of the company s most recent hardware event the iPad Air and iPad Pro both feature M chips Apple last updated the iPad Pro in to add G and Thunderbolt connectivity and its first generation Apple Silicon system on a chip The iPad Pro has more or less featured the same design since when the company refreshed the tablet to give its now iconic edge to edge display Since then Apple has filtered out that design to most of its other tablets including the iPad mini and the aforementioned iPad Air Details on the M remain sparse but as of last April it had reportedly gone into production Most reports suggest the M will feature the same eight core CPU layout as its predecessor while being faster and more efficient thanks to TSMC s new nanometer fabrication process 2022-03-27 18:01:38
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 30年に海底を「見える」化 ベンチャー・研究者が集結 https://t.co/TEeaZhBoA5 https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1508154553623285760 研究者 2022-03-27 18:50:40
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 純利益首位企業、過半で交代 世界17業種中11業種 https://t.co/yB514fUxVs https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1508153322091708419 首位 2022-03-27 18:45:46
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 ウクライナ停戦対話、トルコで開催か 分断工作に警戒 https://t.co/YWqQp552am https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1508149533376622596 分断工作 2022-03-27 18:30:43
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ニュース BBC News - Home Verstappen wins in Saudi Arabia after late Leclerc overtake https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/60895402?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA arabian 2022-03-27 18:35:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Huddersfield escape Cup scare at Barrow - highlights & report https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-league/60850429?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA barrow 2022-03-27 18:19:04
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海外TECH reddit 2022 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix - Post Race Discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/tppwp7/2022_saudi_arabian_grand_prix_post_race_discussion/ Saudi Arabian Grand Prix Post Race DiscussionROUND Saudi Arabia FORMULA STC SAUDI ARABIAN GRAND PRIX Fri Mar Sun Mar Jeddah Session UTC Free Practice Fri Free Practice Fri Free Practice Sat Qualifying Sat Race Sun Click here for start times in your area Jeddah Corniche Circuit Length km mi Distance laps km mi Lap record Lewis Hamilton Mercedes pole Lewis Hamilton Mercedes fastest lap Lewis Hamilton Mercedes winner Lewis Hamilton Mercedes Race results Pos No Driver Team Laps Time Retired Fastest Lap Points Max Verstappen Red Bull Racing RBPT Charles Leclerc Ferrari s Carlos Sainz Ferrari s Sergio Perez Red Bull Racing RBPT s George Russell Mercedes s Esteban Ocon Alpine Renault s Lando Norris McLaren Mercedes s Pierre Gasly AlphaTauri RBPT s Kevin Magnussen Haas Ferrari s Lewis Hamilton Mercedes s Zhou Guanyu Alfa Romeo Ferrari s Nico Hulkenberg Aston Martin Aramco Mercedes s Lance Stroll Aston Martin Aramco Mercedes lap Alexander Albon Williams Mercedes DNF NC Valtteri Bottas Alfa Romeo Ferrari DNF NC Fernando Alonso Alpine Renault DNF NC Daniel Ricciardo McLaren Mercedes DNF NC Nicholas Latifi Williams Mercedes DNS NC Yuki Tsunoda AlphaTauri RBPT DNF Useful links F com Race Wiki Race Jeddah Corniche Circuit Streaming amp Downloads For information on downloads please visit r MotorSportsReplays Please do not post information about downloads in this thread Thank you submitted by u F Bot to r formula link comments 2022-03-27 18:28:01



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