IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Microsoft、「Surface Studio 2」向けに2022年3月度のファームウェアアップデートをリリース |
microsoft |
2022-03-28 10:36:34 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Microsoft、「Surface Laptop 4 (AMD)」向けに2022年3月度のファームウェアアップデートをリリース |
surfacelaptop |
2022-03-28 10:34:11 |
Engadget Japanese |
肺活量を効率よく鍛える。手のひらサイズのスマート呼吸筋トレーナー「エアロフィット・プロ」 |
2022-03-28 10:35:10 |
Engadget Japanese |
石垣島のe-SHAREで電動キックボードを借りたら最高に気持ちいいツーリングができた(中山智) |
eshare |
2022-03-28 10:00:08 |
ロボスタ |
閉校する小学校「アリガトウ」を夜空に浮かべる NTTドコモが「光の思い出ドローンショー」を開催 小川町立東小川小学校 |
2022-03-28 10:01:17 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SeleniumとEdgeDriverを使ってMicrosoft Edgeのダウンロードフォルダを指定する(with Python) |
SeleniumとEdgeDriverを使ってMicrosoftEdgeのダウンロードフォルダを指定するwithPythonはじめにPythonとseleniumを使ってMicrosoftEdgeのダウンロードフォルダを指定する準備pipinstallseleniumpipinstallmsedgeseleniumtools※ただし、msedgeseleniumtoolsは非推奨になっているっぽいが、よくわからないので妥協してmsedgeseleniumtoolsを使う、※seleniumに統合されたのでそっちを使えとのこと。 |
2022-03-28 19:52:34 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
テトレーションカオスと戯れる 2 - 高速化編 |
静的な実行形式にコンパイルできるように、一部のpythonの関数を書き換えるコンパイルするコンパイルした関数をpythonのプログラムにインポートして実行するcythonによる高速化パート関数の書き換え今回は、makeimagedataとcheckdivergeのつの関数をcython化します。 |
2022-03-28 19:32:48 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
HDF5のAttribute(属性)の作成・読み取り by Python (h5py) |
HDFのAttribute属性の作成・読み取りbyPythonhpy前置きHDFのAttributeを読み取りたいと思って検索したが、日本語の文献はCやfortranによる扱いばかりを説明したものばかりだった。 |
2022-03-28 19:11:09 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS環境構築メモ⑧】Route53でAレコードのエイリアスを作成する |
【AWS環境構築メモ⑧】RouteでAレコードのエイリアスを作成するはじめにHTTPS通信するための最後のタスクとして、RouteでELBのDNSレコードAレコードのエイリアスを作成します。 |
2022-03-28 19:58:28 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSユーザのためのAzure入門②(権限関連) |
今回は「リソースグループ」に「閲覧者権限のAzureロール」と作成した「AzureADユーザ」を紐づけます。 |
2022-03-28 19:04:00 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSユーザのためのAzure入門②(権限関連) |
今回は「リソースグループ」に「閲覧者権限のAzureロール」と作成した「AzureADユーザ」を紐づけます。 |
2022-03-28 19:04:00 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
【4/14(木)】リモートワーク時代の情報共有・社内コミュニケーション活性化 成功の秘訣 |
情報共有 |
2022-03-28 10:30:35 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The 6 Best Ways to Limit Screen Time Without Using a Screen |
screen |
2022-03-28 10:45:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Scrape all Naver Video Results using pagination in Python |
Scrape all Naver Video Results using pagination in PythonWhat will be scrapedPrerequisitesFull CodeLinksOutroWhat will be scrapedTitle link thumbnail origin views date published channel from all results Note Naver Search does not provide more than video search results for the best search result quality 네이버검색은최상의검색결과품질을위해건이상의동영상검색결과를제공하지않습니다 this is what you ll see when you hit the bottom of the search results However results were scraped during multiple tests Possibly it s because Naver is constantly changing Testing CSS selector with SelectorGadget Chrome extension Testing CSS selector in the console PrerequisitesBasic knowledge scraping with CSS selectorsCSS selectors declare which part of the markup a style applies to thus allowing to extract data from matching tags and attributes If you haven t scraped with CSS selectors there s a dedicated blog post of mine about how to use CSS selectors when web scraping that covers what it is pros and cons and why they re matter from a web scraping perspective Separate virtual environmentIf you didn t work with a virtual environment before have a look at the dedicated Python virtual environments tutorial using Virtualenv and Poetry blog post of mine to get familiar In short it s a thing that creates an independent set of installed libraries including different Python versions that can coexist with each other at the same system thus preventing libraries or Python version conflicts Note this is not a strict requirement for this blog post Install libraries pip install requests parsel playwrightFull CodeThis section is split into two parts MethodUsed librariesparse data without browser automationrequests and parsel which is a bs analog that supports Xpath parse data with browser automationplaywright which is a modern selenium analog Scrape all Naver Video Results without Browser Automationimport requests jsonfrom parsel import Selectorparams start page number display videos to display Hard limit query minecraft search query where video Naver videos search engine sort rel sorted as you would see in the browser video more required to receive a JSON data headers user agent Mozilla Windows NT Win x AppleWebKit KHTML like Gecko Chrome Safari video results html requests get params params headers headers timeout json data json loads html text replace replace html data json data aData while params start lt int json data maxCount for result in html data selector Selector result for video in selector css video bx title video css text xpath normalize space get strip link video css info title attr href get thumbnail video css thumb area img attr src get channel video css channel text get origin video css origin text get video duration video css time text get views video css desc group desc nth child text get date published video css desc group desc nth child text get video results append title title link link thumbnail thumbnail channel channel origin origin video duration video duration views views date published date published params start html requests get params params headers headers timeout html data json loads html text replace replace aData print json dumps video results indent ensure ascii False Create URL parameters and request headers passing parameters in urlsparams start page number display videos to display Hard limit query minecraft search query where video Naver videos search engine sort rel sorted as you would see in the browser video more unknown but required to receive a JSON data custom headersheaders user agent Mozilla Windows NT Win x AppleWebKit KHTML like Gecko Chrome Safari Create temporary list to store parsed data video results Pass headers URL params and make a request to get JSON data html requests get params params headers headers timeout removes replaces unnecessary parts from parsed JSON json data json loads html text replace replace html data json data aData CodeExplanationtimeout to stop waiting for a response after sec Returned JSON data from json data Actual HTML returned from html data more precisely from json data aData saved and opened in the browser Create a while loop to extract all available video results while params start lt int json data maxCount for result in html data selector Selector result for video in selector css video bx title video css text xpath normalize space get strip link video css info title attr href get thumbnail video css thumb area img attr src get channel video css channel text get origin video css origin text get video duration video css time text get views video css desc group desc nth child text get date published video css desc group desc nth child text get video results append title title link link thumbnail thumbnail channel channel origin origin video duration video duration views views date published date published params start update previous page to a new page html requests get params params headers headers timeout html data json loads html text replace replace aData CodeExplanationwhile params start lt int json data maxCount iterate until hits results which is a hard limit of maxCount xpath normalize space to get blank text nodes since parsel translates every CSS query to XPath and because XPath s text ignores blank text nodes and gets first text element text or attr href parsel own CSS pseudo elements support which extracts text or attributes accordingly params start to increment to next page results Output pythonprint json dumps video results indent ensure ascii False json title Minecraft How to build a Survival Castle Tower house link thumbnail type ac channel 소피Sopypie origin Youtube video duration views date published 일전 title 조금혼란스러울수있는마인크래프트 Minecraft ASMR Tower link thumbnail type ac channel 세빈XEBIN origin Youtube video duration views date published Scrape all Naver Video Results with Browser Automation pythonfrom playwright sync api import sync playwrightimport jsonwith sync playwright as p browser p chromium launch headless False page browser new page page goto query minecraft video results not reached end Truewhile not reached end page evaluate let scrollingElement document scrollingElement document body scrollingElement scrollTop scrollingElement scrollHeight if page locator video max display is visible not reached end Falsefor index video in enumerate page query selector all video bx start title video query selector text inner text link video query selector info title get attribute href thumbnail video query selector thumb area img get attribute src channel None if video query selector channel is None else video query selector channel inner text origin video query selector origin inner text video duration video query selector time inner text views video query selector desc group desc nth child inner text date published None if video query selector desc group desc nth child is None else video query selector desc group desc nth child inner text video results append position index title title link link thumbnail thumbnail channel channel origin origin video duration video duration views views date published date published print json dumps video results indent ensure ascii False browser close Lunch a Chromium browser and make a request python also supports asyncwith sync playwright as p launches Chromium opens a new page and makes a request browser p chromium launch headless False or firefox webkit page browser new page page goto query minecraft Create temporary list to store extracted data pythonvideo results Create a while loop and check for exception to stop scrolling pythonnot reached end Truewhile not reached end scroll to the bottom of the page page evaluate let scrollingElement document scrollingElement document body scrollingElement scrollTop scrollingElement scrollHeight break out of the while loop when hit the bottom of the video results looks for text at the bottom of the results Naver Search does not provide more than video search results if page locator video max display is visible not reached end False CodeExplanationpage evaluate to run JavaScript expressions You can also use playwright keyboard keys and shortcuts to do the same thingIterate over scrolled results and append to temporary list pythonfor index video in enumerate page query selector all video bx start title video query selector text inner text link video query selector info title get attribute href thumbnail video query selector thumb area img get attribute src return None if no result is displayed from Naver is None used because query selector returns a NoneType None object page query selectorchannel None if video query selector channel is None else video query selector channel inner text origin video query selector origin inner text video duration video query selector time inner text views video query selector desc group desc nth child inner text date published None if video query selector desc group desc nth child is None else video query selector desc group desc nth child inner text video results append position index title title link link thumbnail thumbnail channel channel origin origin video duration video duration views views date published date published CodeExplanationenumerate to get index position of each videoquery selector all to return a list of matches Default query selector to return a single match Default NoneClose browser instance after data has been extracted pythonbrowser close Output json position title Minecraft How to build a Survival Castle Tower house link thumbnail type ac channel 소피Sopypie origin Youtube video duration views 재생수 date published 시간전 position title Titanic Minecraft V 타이타닉 마인크래프트 V link thumbnail type ac channel 나이아Naia origin Youtube video duration views 재생수 date published LinksCode in the online IDEOutroThis blog post is for information purpose only Use the received information for useful purposes for example if you know how to help improve Naver s service If you have anything to share any questions suggestions or something that isn t working correctly reach out via Twitter at dimitryzub or serp api Yours Dmitriy and the rest of SerpApi Team Join us on Reddit Twitter YouTubeAdd a Feature Requestor a Bug |
2022-03-28 10:36:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
20 Reasons Why Sex Dolls Are Replacing Real Girls |
Reasons Why Sex Dolls Are Replacing Real GirlsEven if you are in a committed life long distance relationship then having a premium quality sex doll can easily work wonders for your mental and physical health Selecting the premium materials while buying Fantasy Sex Dolls for men can bring a major transformation to your life especially if you are suffering from depression loneliness death of a partner struggling with divorce etc Thus instead of being unhappy about your situation you can take charge of your life Therefore you can enjoy a variety of games and innovative solutions to spice up your bed What makes the best sex dolls indispensable Sex dolls are one of the most popular and expensive forms of toys available to express sexual liberty and explore personal fantasies Also these companions are readily available minus work or personal obligations to help you to cope with the low phases of your life Choosing personal companions can be a good idea to enjoy your vacations You do not have to wait for your partner to specify her schedule Similarly you do not have to undertake social obligations and spend huge sums of money to please her These are also available for use round the clock without any medical or social limitations You do not have to worry about pleasing them and can instead focus on fulfilling your desires This allows you to enjoy unlimited fun and find new ways to get comfortable with your doll Other reasons that the dolls are replacing human partners Fighting the pandemic blues Pandemic has redefined human relationships and thus meeting a nude girl on tinder and enjoying with her can be risky Public events are shutting down which means that you have a lower number of girls to pick and enjoy with If you already have a partner taking her to new places to enjoy a fun time has become tough Companionship with dolls is the sole way to ensure that you have a partner who is safe from the pandemic You do not need to follow social distancing norms to meet and enjoy with her Thus can be a major benefit for commuter couples These dolls are designed to help you to relieve the pandemic blues These are more comforting and relaxing By choosing these dolls you can retain your privacy You do not have to worry about going home to an angry partner With these dolls there are no fights and problems You do not have to worry about issues like divorce problems and cheating Dolls do not provoke you or bring a financial burden on you Best for commitment phobics You do not need to commit yourself eternally to the person Similarly you do not have to cut short your enjoyment to deal with her pregnancy Thus there will be no lawsuits child custody and support battles to worry about This can be an ideal choice for those having long distance partners You do not need to break the bank to pay for dates outings jewels and shopping Thus you have more me time These beauties are also designed to be used in different positions These are life like and a great investment for your sexual satisfaction and |
2022-03-28 10:36:10 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
SQL Select Query |
SQL Select QuerySign up to my newsletter SELECT QuerySELECT FROM studentsThis command is used to query all the data in the Students table by typing all the columns in that table instead of we get them all SELECTid name surname quiz midterm final class noFROM studentsWe need to specify the column names with commas after the SELECT statement FROM indicates where indicates all data SELECT indicates what to do with the obtained data SELECT is used to select data from that table If we write the column names specified in the table instead of it returns only the information in that column In our example there are id name surname quiz midterm final class no columns in the Students table A total of data has been entered in this table The first line shows the record with id and name surname Baransel Arslan If we want to bring all the information in the name column in the Students table Continue this post on my blog SQL Select Query |
2022-03-28 10:30:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to automatically pay for all of your end-users’ gas fees… without crypto. |
How to automatically pay for all of your end users gas fees…without crypto Generate wallets from which your app s users can send any token and pay the gas fees automatically from your Tatum plan What if we told you that you could automatically pay for the ALL of the gas fees for transactions from every user wallet in your app with your paid Tatum plan Because that s exactly what our new Gas Pump Express feature does You simply create user wallets within your app as Gas Pump Express wallets and when users send any kind of token from them Tatum handles the gas fees and deducts them from your plan This means you ll never have to worry about the logistics of paying for your users gas fees again So let s dive into this in a bit more detail What are gas fees Whenever anyone sends tokens cryptocurrencies NFTs etc on the blockchain they have to pay transaction fees called “gas fees If you are building a blockchain app you ll want to cover your users gas fees to provide the best possible UX It would be hugely inconvenient for everyday users to have to calculate gas fees and make sure they have enough crypto to pay them for every transaction they want to make For example if a user has CELO in their wallet and they want to send CELO to purchase something they d have to pay a very minuscule gas fee for example CELO to send it And that would mean they could only really send CELO which would make your app seem annoying and inconvenient to many end users Paying for end users gas fees is difficultSo you ll definitely want to pay the CELO gas fee to allow your user to send their CELO This may seem simple enough you can just send the CELO to their wallet address then they can send their transaction But wait…it s actually not so simple In reality you have to pay MORE gas fees to send that CELO to the end user s wallet Not to mention if your app has hundreds thousands or millions of end users sending gas fees to all of their wallets for every transaction is an absolute nightmare Tiny amounts of crypto will inevitably get leftover in their accounts and the extra gas fees you have to pay will add up to significant overhead expenses Now you can automatically pay gas fees without using cryptoIn Tatum we ve created a feature called Gas Pump Express that allows you to create wallets for your users and automatically pay for their gas fees from your paid Tatum plan Here s how it works Sign up for a paid Tatum plan in our dashboard Create wallets for your app s users with simple API endpoint curl location request POST header Content Type application json header x api key fbf ceb cb cdad data raw owner xdbacabfebbdcff xdbacabfebbdcff xdbacabfebbdcff xdbacabfebbdcff batchCount chain CELO feesCovered true The response to this call will return a transaction ID txId You can now use this ID to get the addresses of all the user wallets you have just created Assign the user addresses to your app s end users They can now send and receive any token ERC ERC ERC or equivalent to their wallets Whenever any user wants to send any token or combinations of tokens from their wallet the gas fees to pay for the transaction will automatically be deducted as credits from your paid Tatum plan And that s it Now you ll never have to worry about figuring out how to pay for all of your app s users gas fees again no matter how much you scale Gas Pump Express is the simplest and most efficient way of creating custodial blockchain apps and it s only available in Tatum If you d like to give it a try for yourself sign up for a free Tatum API key in the dashboard and head on over to our documentation to find out more about what you can do with Tatum If you need any help or have any questions please hop onto our Discord and one of our developers will get back to you asap Happy coding We re hiring |
2022-03-28 10:28:32 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Why Fundamental Matters? |
Why Fundamental Matters DisclaimerLike previous articles this is just based on my experiences and some of my friend s stories Maybe you have a different story but at least this story can be a reference for you IntroductionThe story began when I was graduated in June and struggled a lot on finding a job I skipped the fundamental one and learn the frontend frameworks like React Vue and Angular It is kinda hard to pass the user interview session which uses the live coding interview method because they usually ask the basic question and solve it fast without using any framework or tool just with plain Javascript at that time But it doesn t bother me too much because I got my first job as a frontend engineer at my previous workplace a software house company in September At that time I use Ionic and Angular as the main tech stack I rarely code custom CSS for about a year because the built in UI from Ionic is so fascinating and it s more than enough to deliver the required app to the client The new problem appears when I didn t want to extend my contract there because I want to search for another opportunity to grow Then I experienced the same problem as what I ve done in Mostly I failed on user interview sessions that implement the live coding test After struggling a lot by the grace of God finally I can get my current job in December onboard on January Luckily the entrance test is a take home test so I can maximize my ability The user interview session did well and I ve decided to choose this place as my next career journey Then another problem appears For the first three months I ve been given some tasks related to styling things I have no problem when coding the code for integration purposes like fetching data or data manipulation But styling related task actually is my greatest weakness Like I ve told you in my previous article titled “I Remake My Personal Site using Tailwind CSS I was too dependent on tools library or framework In this case I was too dependent on styling tools like Chakra UI I can make the styling using Chakra UI but when I have to deal with another tool that is not my preference I struggled much That time I even struggled to make a simple layout for several hours using custom CSS and Tailwind CSS LOL This is why I realized the fundamentals should be not skipped before you jump into tools like Chakra UI Bootstrap or other tools After about months of struggling with the basic things here is my reason why you should start or even restart with the fundamentals before going further Why Fundamental Matters Imagine Struggling At A Job Which Not Use Your Preferred FrameworkThis is what has happened to me actually So in short I skipped the fundamental of Javascript and CSS and directly jump into React Next js and Chakra UI When I got my first job as a frontend engineer I got a project which use Ionic and Angular as the main tech stack For the first three months I struggled with Ionic and Angular syntax But luckily I didn t struggle much when doing some styling because Ionic has provided a nice base UI so I usually just do some minor styling like changing color or just the font family About one year later I quit that job and found a new opportunity While finding a job again I back to my old bad habit directly learning React and Chakra UI without learning the fundamentals and successfully created my own personal site Shortly I finally can get my current job as a frontend engineer at the new company Luckily I code using React and Next js in my current workplace so I didn t struggle much for the logic things But for styling purposes I have to use Tailwind CSS As a UI Component user who switches to utility class tool that s very “horror for me because I have to understand CSS basics when I made some styling During the probation period I struggled a lot with these styling related things I even need several hours just to make a simple layout for the website Luckily along with the time I also learn Tailwind CSS in my free time and can cope with it You can read my article here which contains my experience when learning Tailwind CSS Okay do you realize something here You can directly jump into the framework or library without learning the fundamentals That s not a big problem until you got a job which not use your preferred framework You will struggle a lot to adapt to it because there s no core concept or solid understanding of it Soon or Later You Cannot Rely on Tools AnymoreWhen I m still a frontend engineer at my previous company I was too dependent on third party tools almost for every single task like making a timer and even displaying the formatted date I was ever given a task by my former manager to display the map on the mobile app At that time the only thing that existed in my mind is I have to find a suitable third party that can be used for that case Several days later finally I found the Angular Google Maps library and luckily can solve the problem for a while But the new problem appears when the client asks for some customization That s the first thing that has made me sick for several days just to customize the layout of the displayed map It s easy to initialize and integrate but again third party tools are usually hard to customize The second case is when I got my current job I discussed with the UI UX team about the new website project that will be developed The manager proposes the tools that can be used for the styling purpose But in the end we decided to use Tailwind CSS a utility class styling framework because we need a customizable tool and if the tool cannot be customized we have to make our own tool to solve the problem My manager also said the same thing in my probation review statement Strengthen your fundamental understanding of CSS One day you can t rely on tools anymore How To Cope or Deal With It How to deal with it What if I m already like you skipped the fundamentals and rely on tools Don t worry there s still hope here LOL I even still struggle with this thing But here are some tips from me I even still doing these even I m a full time employee now and it s very helpful for me Re learn Again From ScratchIf you have free time outside your main job please spare time just to learn the basics again You can learn from any sites like Freecodecamp or Hackerrank to push yourself re learn the basics through the coding challenges If you re a frontend engineer and want to sharpen your understanding of flexbox you can try Flexbox Froggy Game It s a free web based game that can help you to learn about flexbox through its gameplay In my case it s hard to find a suitable time for learning again from scratch because I ve struggled in finding a job and need it quickly when I was a job seeker And now still hard to find it because I m a full time frontend engineer in my current workplace But it doesn t mean I can t learn the basics In my free time I usually follow Kevin Powel on Twitter and watch some of his videos on Youtube to sharpen my concept and understanding of basic CSS If finding suitable free time to learn is hard for you at least push yourself to learn the basic concept by reading the official docs like MDN or watching some youtube videos that explain more about the basics Learn a Tools or Framework That Push You To Understand The Basics While Using ItFor me this tip is very useful When I have not much time to re learn the basic I choose a tool or framework that force me to understand the basics while using it Like I ve said before in my previous article here I found it when I m using Tailwind CSS Even I m not using the CSS syntaxes directly but I can learn and understand the basic CSS concepts through Tailwind syntaxes To produce good and effective “styling codes I have to understand basic concepts like flex grid margin padding and other CSS concepts This also works when I code in React Even React is a Javascript library but it contains Javascript syntax which made the developer must face and sharpen the basics first before going through I have even re learn basic Javascript syntax so I can produce clean and effective code in React Luckily my current workplace also uses React and Tailwind CSS as the main tech stack so I can use my work time to work on the task and learn new things through it ClosingLearn the basics first before jumping into the framework or tools It will make your path smooth You can easily solve any problems that you ll face because you understand the concept not only the tools that be used Soon or later you cannot rely on tools anymore I ve experienced it before when I was developing Map Feature for KAI Access and it was very exhausting for me just to find the suitable tools that actually have deprecated You ll also struggle a lot to find a new job because nowadays most companies implement live code interviews or “agnostic test cases for the programmer candidate I even failed so many technical interviews before due to a lack of basic skills But don t worry keep learning Don t fear missing out FOMO I know so many frameworks and tools out there You can read my article about Frontend Fatigue for more details hope it helps you to determine the suitable tools for you But anyway again learn the basics first I know this method will make you seem like a slow learner It s better to be a slow learner with solid understanding than you force yourself to learn everything and be burnout and exhausted Learning is a marathon not a sprint Thank you for reading my article hope it helps Let me know if there s something that you want to discuss in the comment section below |
2022-03-28 10:28:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Add a Blazor In-Place Editor to a Blazor WebAssembly App |
How to Add a Blazor In Place Editor to a Blazor WebAssembly AppA quick overview on how to create and configure the Syncfusion Blazor In Place Editor in a Blazor WebAssembly app using Visual Studio The Blazor In Place Editor component is used to edit values in place and update them in the server In this video you will learn how to add a simple In Place Editor component to a Blazor WebAssembly app and integrate other components like the DatePicker TextBox and Dropdown List Finally I ll show you how to change the mode Product Overview Explore our tutorial videos Download this example from GitHub |
2022-03-28 10:27:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Develop an AR-Based Health Check App |
How to Develop an AR Based Health Check AppNow that spring has arrived it s time to get out and stretch your legs As programmers many of us are used to being seated for hours and hours at time which can lead to back pain and aches We re all aware that building the workout plan and keeping track of health indicators round the clock can have enormous benefits for body mind and soul Fortunately AR Engine makes that remarkably easy It comes with face tracking capabilities and will soon support body tracking as well Thanks to core AR algorithms AR Engine is able to monitor heart rate respiratory rate facial health status and heart rate waveform signals in real time during your workouts You can also use it to build an app for example to track the real time workout status perform real time health check for patients or to monitor real time health indicators of vulnerable users like the elderly or the disabled With AR Engine you can make your health or fitness app more engaging and visually immersive than you might have believed possible Advantages and Device Model RestrictionsMonitors core health indicators like heart rate respiratory rate facial health status and heart rate waveform signals in real time Enables devices to better understand their users Thanks to technologies like Simultaneous Localization and Mapping SLAM and D reconstruction AR Engine renders images to build D human faces on mobile phones resulting in seamless virtual physical cohesion Supports all of the device models listed in Software and Hardware Requirements of AR Engine Features Demo IntroductionA simple demo is available to give you a grasp of how to integrate AR Engine and use its human body and face tracking capabilities ENABLE HEALTH DEVICE indicates whether to enable health check HealthParameter health check parameter including heart rate respiratory rate age and gender probability based on facial features and heart rate waveform signals FaceDetectMode face detection mode including health rate checking respiratory rate checking real time health checking and all of the three above EffectThe following details how you can run the demo using the source code Key Steps Add the Huawei Maven repository to the project level build gradle file buildscript repositories maven url dependencies Add the AppGallery Connect plugin configuration classpath com huawei agconnect agcp allprojects repositories maven url Add dependencies on the SDK to the app level build gradle file implementation com huawei hms arenginesdk Declare system permissions in the AndroidManifest xml file lt uses permission android name android permission CAMERA gt Check whether AR Engine has been installed on the current device If yes the app can run properly If not the app automatically redirects the user to AppGallery to install AR Engine boolean isInstallArEngineApk AREnginesApk isAREngineApkReady this if isInstallArEngineApk amp amp isRemindInstall Toast makeText this Please agree to install Toast LENGTH LONG show finish if isInstallArEngineApk startActivity new Intent this ConnectAppMarketActivity class isRemindInstall true return AREnginesApk isAREngineApkReady this Key Code Call ARFaceTrackingConfig and create an ARSession object Then set the human face detection mode configure AR parameters for motion tracking and enable motion tracking mArSession new ARSession this mArFaceTrackingConfig new ARFaceTrackingConfig mArSession mArFaceTrackingConfig setEnableItem ARConfigBase ENABLE HEALTH DEVICE mArFaceTrackingConfig setFaceDetectMode ARConfigBase FaceDetectMode HEALTH ENABLE DEFAULT getEnumValue Call FaceHealthServiceListener to add your app and pass the health check status and progress Call handleProcessProgressEvent to obtain the health check progress mArSession addServiceListener new FaceHealthServiceListener Override public void handleEvent EventObject eventObject if eventObject instanceof FaceHealthCheckStateEvent return final FaceHealthCheckState faceHealthCheckState FaceHealthCheckStateEvent eventObject getFaceHealthCheckState runOnUiThread new Runnable Override public void run mHealthCheckStatusTextView setText faceHealthCheckState toString Override public void handleProcessProgressEvent final int progress mHealthRenderManager setHealthCheckProgress progress runOnUiThread new Runnable Override public void run setProgressTips progress private void setProgressTips int progress String progressTips processing if progress gt MAX PROGRESS progressTips finish mProgressTips setText progressTips mHealthProgressBar setProgress progress Update data in real time and display the health check result mActivity runOnUiThread new Runnable Override public void run mHealthParamTable removeAllViews TableRow heatRateTableRow initTableRow ARFace HealthParameter PARAMETER HEART RATE toString healthParams getOrDefault ARFace HealthParameter PARAMETER HEART RATE f toString mHealthParamTable addView heatRateTableRow TableRow breathRateTableRow initTableRow ARFace HealthParameter PARAMETER BREATH RATE toString healthParams getOrDefault ARFace HealthParameter PARAMETER BREATH RATE f toString mHealthParamTable addView breathRateTableRow ReferencesAR Engine official websiteAR Engine Development GuideReddit to join developer discussionsGitHub to download the sample codeStack Overflow to solve integration problems |
2022-03-28 10:23:52 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A Simple Guide to Heaps, Stacks, References and Values in Javascript |
A Simple Guide to Heaps Stacks References and Values in JavascriptA common concept in software engineering in general is the idea of reference versus value Javascript has an interesting way of storing variables objects and functions and misunderstanding this can lead to confusion further down the road It s important developers to know how these concepts work since it is fundamental to Javascript In this article we ll cover a how Javascript manages values and references which will pay dividends when working on complicated applications and websites Memory Storage in JavascriptTo understand what we mean when we say Javascript stores values and reference we need to understand where Javascript stores them There are two places Javascript stores this data The stack which is a scratch space for the current Javascript thread Since Javascript is usually only single threaded there is usually one stack The stack is also limited in size which is why numbers in Javascript can only be so big The heap which is a dynamic memory store at an application level Accessing and retrieving data from the heap is a little more complicated but the data store is dynamic meaning it will expand if it needs to and not limited When something is stored in the stack it is stored by value When something is stored in the heap it is stored by reference Stack StorageJavascript stores regular primitive types like number string boolean null undefined and bigint in the stack As you define variables in your code they are added to the top of the stack let myVar let myName Johnny let someOtherVar false let check null Stack This means if we redefine a variable in Javascript it becomes an entirely new value For example let myNumber let newNumber myNumber newNumber Returns console log myNumber newNumber Stack Since Javascript creates a new value for anything stored in the stack even though we referred to newNumber being the same as myNumber they do not refer to the same thing These two variables become independent of each other and as such altering one will not alter the other Heap StorageIf you are defining something which is not a primitive type and is instead an object it is stored in the heap In Javascript functions and arrays also fall into the object category Instead of being easily accessible in the stack heap definitions need to be defined with a little bit more thought Everything stored in the heap is instead given a reference ExampleLet s say we define both an object and a function in Javascript let myObject name Hello let myFunction function return Hello World As shown below a new reference is made for each myObject and myFunction with references and respectively That reference is the place in memory where they are stored Heap StorageThe main difference with heap storage when compared to the stack is that if we reference an object again the reference remains the same That means if we try to create a new version of myObject it will instead keep the same reference let myObject name Hello let newObject myObject newObject name Goodbye Returns name Goodbye name Goodbye console log myObject newObject When we change one both change which is the opposite of when we stored data in the stack Heap Storage Equivalence in Value and ReferencesSince Javascript stores the definition of objects as a reference it can be a little confusing For values we can easily compare if two things are equal let a let b Returns trueconsole log a b We can easily compare these two because they are both values For references though it s a different story Comparing two objects compares them by reference Even if their value is the same they are not equal as their references are different let a name Hello let b name Hello Returns falseconsole log a b ConclusionReferences and values have real implications for your code especially when making comparisons understanding the difference is critical Not only that but the stack is much less expensive performance wise than the heap and it s very easy to make too many stack entries if you aren t aware of how it works If you know how Javascript handles heap and stack storage you can start to optimize your application s performance to work best within these rules I hope you ve enjoyed this quick guide on how references and values work in Javascript If you want more Javascript content it can be found here |
2022-03-28 10:23:37 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Under the Hood: Render Unified Cloud |
Under the Hood Render Unified CloudPart of my responsibilities as a Network Programmer early in my career included supporting an enterprise implementation of Novell NetWare It was the mid s and Novell had a dominant hold on the network operating system market I decided it would be in my best interest to become a Certified Novell Engineer CNE A few months and several intense examinations later I obtained my very own version of this certificate The most demanding examination in the series focused on networking concepts and the OSI model which provides seven layers for computer systems to use when communicating over a network That particular exam instilled a curiosity inside of me that has remained top of mind over years later The CNE certification experience trained me to look “under the hood when considering new technologies solutions and frameworks After having a very positive experience Using Render and Go for the first time I felt that I needed to dive deeper to understand the design for a service that promises Zero DevOps What Is Render Render offers a unified cloud designed for software engineers looking to deploy rapidly The platform lives in an ecosystem which scales nicely Imagine being able to get the benefits of AWS GCP and Azure with the ease of use found with solutions like Heroku This foundational design is promoted in tandem with the Zero DevOps promise making every deployment as simple as what is displayed below In this three step model the developer selects the service type first then specifies some basic information for the initial deployment Pressing the Deploy button starts the process for the service run on the Render platform That third step is what happens in the future Basically when you push changes to the specified branch main in the example above the code will automatically deploy onto Render without any further action Since this premise sounds amazing the CNE exam passing side of me needs to know what Render looks like “under the hood Architecture and DesignIn talking with the engineering team at Render I learned that they provide hosting services from multiple cloud providers All the services use Cloudflare for DDoS protection and CDN Render has purposely focused on creating cloud provider agnostic solutions to avoid being tied to any set of providers or services This means that a year from now the technologies behind the scenes could change without having an impact on existing Render customers Inside the Render unified cloud the engineering team leverages containers PostgreSQL Kubernetes Go JavaScript Git Redis and Let s Encrypt for their internal design To support Git based push merge deployments connectors exist between Render and GitHub GitLab For the Render Dashboard user interface the Render engineering team uses React and GraphQL to allow customers to configure and maintain their services running on the platform Where Render Provides ValueWhen I started looking at Render I honestly wasn t excited about what appeared to be yet another platform competing in this space But as I started to dive deeper into the Render ecosystem I saw a platform that is far more versatile and scalable To clarify if I were to review the last five major projects I have worked on as a part of the CleanSlate Technology Group engineering team all of them exceeded the most feasible implementation with the Heroku service This is because Heroku seems to be a great fit for smaller to midsize applications where scalability and flexibility over time are not concerns This concept is often referred to as the “graduation problem meaning a service often has to be graduated to a more versatile option as it matures or gains momentum For large size applications Heroku can present the following challenges Horizontal scaling needs can have a non linear impact on your budgetImplementation of marketplace type add ons can result in higher than expected charges as usage growsSolution architecture evolution may require options that do not exist on the platform resulting in “round peg in a square hole designsBy contrast Render provides a solution that eliminates the graduation problemーregardless of the size of the projectーby providing flexible and affordable solutions at every tier of hardware and services Some additional benefits Render provides over their competitors Render gives every customer private networking between their services This is something that is often offered for enterprise customers who sign a contract and they are charged a hefty monthly fee for each private space As a deployed system of services gets more complex private networking becomes more important for both latency between services and also to reduce the risk of network traffic leaking data Render offers a persistent disk option While this breaks the factor factor net philosophy some services cannot function without an attached disk Render offers free static sites while competitors require a new app to serve a static site or use GitHub Pages or a similar rd party offering But Wait…There s MoreThe software engineers at Render also realized that customers are often looking for more than just client and API services such as JAM stack style for their applications Consider these features which are already available in the Render unified cloud Private Services Services that are not exposed publicly but are available via automatic discovery They can listen on any non HTTP port Example cache or database services Background Worker Similar to private services but without an exposed port Examples include message queue consumers and processors Cron Jobs Scheduled jobs which live in a Git based repository Blueprints Infrastructure as code allowing every aspect of your service infrastructure to be maintained inside a Git based repository These four items are truly game changers when comparing Render to their competition ConclusionI started looking “under the hood at technology solutions over years ago in order to gain confidence in a product solution or framework I will always remember the first time I completed this exercise with Spring Boot walking away with a high degree of satisfaction for the Java based micro framework by Pivotal Now by completing this same exercise with Render I feel that same level of confidenceーnot only for prototype level applications but for enterprise grade solutions as well This differs greatly from my prior experience where I have always maintained the understanding that I would eventually have to migrate once my “graduation problem became a reality Since I have been trying to live by the following mission statement which I feel can apply to any IT professional “Focus your time on delivering features functionality which extends the value of your intellectual property Leverage frameworks products and services for everything else J VesterI truly feel like Render adheres to my personal mission statement for two reasons First it lives up to the Zero DevOps promise by allowing feature and service teams to stay focused on producing solid solutions Second it removes the longer term burdens associated with the “graduation problem that you would face with every other competitor in this market If you are a software engineer curious about alternative options with your cloud service provider I highly recommend giving Render a try …which can you do at zero cost just by visiting the following URL Have a really great day |
2022-03-28 10:23:19 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Five ways in which Cloud Computing has Transformed Business |
Five ways in which Cloud Computing has Transformed BusinessCloud computing has transformed our lives in unimaginable ways With countless cloud based services making our lives easier businesses deserve credit for embracing the technology and using it to create revolutionary new services and products that we can no longer live without By using technology to its full effect businesses have also managed to change the ways in which they operate Let us take a look at how cloud technology has remodeled the way in which management and businesses operate Flexible WorkplacesSince the cloud allows companies to move most of their operations out of their premises and on to the cloud managements have been able to give employees the benefit of working from outside the office as well This single move has allowed employees to enjoy a better work life balance while also empowering them to contribute to the company irrespective of where they are In a few more decades using AR VR and cloud technology virtual offices could become the norm Lower OverheadsBy adopting cloud technology organizations have been able to save heavily on infrastructure costs Apart from storing zettabytes of data the cloud also has hosting and other integration capabilities which allows companies to reduce their hardware dependencies and costs freeing up significant funds which can now be used for scaling their businesses Improved ProductivitySince the cloud acts as a centralized repository for a company s data the efficiency of the workforce has drastically improved A few years ago if data had to be transferred from one resource in the purchasing department to another resource in the sales department it wouldn t be possible to make the transfer remotely and instantly The employees would have to be physically present at their systems which would have the data stored on them locally By using the cloud numerous such situations can be dealt with easily and instantly By enabling quick data sharing employees of a company can serve their clients better and faster Efficient OperationsBefore the advent of cloud technology companies would create individual files for every feedback and iteration loop making processes cluttered time consuming and inefficient Nowadays cloud service providers provide tools which allow anyone with the right access to edit and modify content on files in realtime The most popular examples of this are Google docs sheets and slides Improved Data SecurityThe reputation of an organization can be broken if its data security is breached ーin recent times there have been several instances where large corporations have lost millions of dollars in revenue after security breaches Therefore cloud security solutions have become more popular and efficient to keep pace with the technology s overall development Akku from CloudNow Technologies is one such high end cloud security solution which protects every entry point to your network using sophisticated yet easy to use features Is your organization on board the cloud computing train At CloudNow Technologies we have a wide range of cloud advisory services to give you the competitive edge you need to succeed Cloud now technologies ranked as top cloud consulting services in usa For all your cloud computing needs get in touch with us now |
2022-03-28 10:22:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
React, Vue and Svelte: Comparing State Management tools |
React Vue and Svelte Comparing State Management tools State management for ReactReduxRecoil VuePiniaVueX maintenance mode SvelteSvelte has his own store you should rely on itSvelte Context API in ReactuseContext SvelteContext API |
2022-03-28 10:14:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
React, Vue and Svelte: Comparing Data Rendering |
React Vue and Svelte Comparing Data Rendering Data rendering in As you can see every framework has his own method to loop through data React will use map method Vue has the v for method and Svelte goes full mustache syntax with each each approach Check it out ReactLinkimport useState from react const jobs setJobs useState id title Frontend Developer id title Backend Developer id title Fullstack Developer lt ul gt jobs map job gt lt li gt job title lt li gt lt ul gt VueLinkimport ref from vue reactive could be used instead of ref const jobs ref id title Frontend Developer id title Backend Developer id title Fullstack Developer lt template gt lt ul gt lt li v for job in jobs key job id gt job title lt li gt lt ul gt lt template gt SvelteLinkconst jobs id title Frontend Developer id title Backend Developer id title Fullstack Developer lt ul gt each jobs as id title i lt li id id gt title lt li gt each lt ul gt |
2022-03-28 10:12:08 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple rumored to be cutting iPhone SE orders following weak demand |
Apple rumored to be cutting iPhone SE orders following weak demandAnalyst Ming Chi Kuo says that Apple s latest iPhone SE is selling less than expected and other sources say orders are being scaled back as a result Starlight iPhone SEWith the exception of adding G support the iPhone SE has been seen as a minor update Now it appears that its similarity to the previous model plus perhaps the global situation with coronavirus lockdowns and Ukraine war is causing demand to be less than Apple expected Read more |
2022-03-28 10:28:35 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple TV+ original film 'CODA' wins Best Picture at the 2022 Oscars |
Apple TV original film x CODA x wins Best Picture at the OscarsApple has scored at the Oscars for its original film CODA which won Best Picture ーmaking Apple TV the first streaming service to be honored with the award Apple TV CODA During Sunday s th Academy Awards Apple TV was represented by a pair of films that were nominated for a total of six awards with CODA alongside The Tragedy of Macbeth for three categories apiece Read more |
2022-03-28 10:26:10 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Samsung's $700 Smart Monitor M8 is now available to pre-order |
Samsung x s Smart Monitor M is now available to pre orderSamsung s latest Smart Monitor which we first got a look at during CES is now available to pre order The Smart Monitor M has support for streaming services including Netflix Amazon Prime Video Disney and Apple TV as well as cloud gaming platforms You won t necessarily need to connect to external speakers since two built in W speakers and a tweeter will deliver channel audio The display comes with a magnetic detachable SlimFit Cam that you can use for video calls The full HD webcam has face tracking and auto zoom functions so it can follow you as you move around and automatically focus on your face There s a far field microphone as well which will come in handy if you want to bark instructions at Alexa or Bixby from across the room What s more the M has an integrated SmartThings hub which will allow you to control compatible smart home devices You can connect wirelessly to a Windows PC or Mac and mirror your smartphone screen to the display as well There s also the option to browse the web edit documents and work on projects without connecting to a computer in part thanks to built in Microsoft support SamsungThe M is mm thick which Samsung says is around a quarter of the depth of previous displays The inch display has a UHD resolution of x and HDR compatibility It has an aspect ratio of and a contrast ratio of There s support for billion colors which covers percent of the sRGB spectrum The refresh rate tops out at Hz which may not cut it for some folks while the response time is ms On the connectivity front the display has a one micro HDMI port and two USB C ports along with WiFi AirPlay and Bluetooth support It comes with a height adjustable stand for which you won t have to pay an extra The Smart Monitor M starts at for the white model The spring green sunset pink and daylight blue models will cost you a little extra at |
2022-03-28 10:40:39 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
地方財政白書で公立病院の入院外来患者減など説明-総務省が22年版公表、精神科病院医業収支比率も |
公営企業 |
2022-03-28 19:10:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Analysts investigate possibility of North Korean missile test ‘deception’ |
Analysts investigate possibility of North Korean missile test deception Reports suggest North Korea s biggest missile test ever may not have been what it seemed raising new questions over the secretive country s banned weapons program |
2022-03-28 19:01:46 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Will Smith hits Chris Rock on Oscars stage |
actor |
2022-03-28 10:31:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
How the feel-good film Coda caused an Oscars upset |
family |
2022-03-28 10:18:45 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
P&O Ferries sackings: Ferry operators face minimum wage law change |
notice |
2022-03-28 10:28:39 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Schools White Paper includes higher maths and English targets |
poorer |
2022-03-28 10:21:56 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sainsbury's urged to up pay to match cost of living |
ensure |
2022-03-28 10:51:08 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Taxpayer no longer majority NatWest shareholder |
natwest |
2022-03-28 10:26:42 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
コーア商事ホールディングス、記念株主優待を実施! 「プライム市場」への移行を記念して、4月末に200株 以上の株主に「QUOカード(1000円分)」を贈呈へ! - 株主優待【新設・変更・廃止】最新ニュース |
2022-03-28 19:36:00 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
三代目 しゅう@昭島市<限定・トマトラーメン> |
踏み切り |
2022-03-28 11:05:32 |
京都 |
烏丸経済新聞 |
「まん防」明けの京都の繁華街 店の変化に戸惑いも |
京都市内 |
2022-03-28 19:06:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Google Maps Platform と を使用し、CARTO プラットフォームで高度なデータの可視化を実現する方法 |
GoogleMapsPlatformとdeckglで作成した高度なデータの可視化のためのデータソースと、CARTOプラットフォームがどのようにこの可視化の作業を行うかについてご紹介します。 |
2022-03-28 11:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
大槌町、消防計画10年作成せず 津波後移転の現庁舎で |
東日本大震災 |
2022-03-28 19:19:23 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
古川法相、来月1日にも派遣 ポーランドへ首相特使 |
岸田文雄 |
2022-03-28 19:17:52 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
円安は物価高助長、家計に打撃 一時125円台、6年7カ月ぶり |
外国為替市場 |
2022-03-28 19:32:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
硫黄島玉砕77年 帰郷待ち続ける戦没者 |
東京都心 |
2022-03-28 19:27:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
代表戦無料視聴へ法整備を サッカー協会の田嶋会長 |
日本サッカー協会 |
2022-03-28 19:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
上海で都市封鎖、市民生活が混乱 駅閑散、買いだめで邦人にも影響 |
買いだめ |
2022-03-28 19:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
鳥貴族、350円に値上げ 均一価格、来月28日から |
鳥貴族 |
2022-03-28 19:11:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
市和歌山0―17大阪桐蔭 大阪桐蔭が6本塁打 |
大阪桐蔭 |
2022-03-28 19:11:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
盛り土、全国1000カ所で不備 総点検、自治体是正へ |
自治体 |
2022-03-28 19:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
J1神戸の永井SD就任に理解 野々村チェアマン |
野々村芳和 |
2022-03-28 19:06:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
日テレ、配慮に欠ける発言と陳謝 生放送バラエティー番組巡り |
定例記者会見 |
2022-03-28 19:02:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
あの超人気武器が登場&復刻!『DQウォーク』で「ドラゴンキラーふくびき」「魔力の真髄復刻ふくびき」が開催 |
位置情報 |
2022-03-28 19:50:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
全国30人の勇者とマッチング!『DQウォーク』でギガモンスター「ギガントドラゴン」が登場 |
位置情報 |
2022-03-28 19:20:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
因航班被取消,留学生在瑞士机场唱国歌 |因航班被取消留学生在瑞士机场唱国歌/
untorchinairllinkcomments |
2022-03-28 10:18:32 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Google Maps Platform と を使用し、CARTO プラットフォームで高度なデータの可視化を実現する方法 |
GoogleMapsPlatformとdeckglで作成した高度なデータの可視化のためのデータソースと、CARTOプラットフォームがどのようにこの可視化の作業を行うかについてご紹介します。 |
2022-03-28 11:00:00 |